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Giovanna Cucci Giovanni Lacolla Gianraffaele Caranfa 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2018,64(1):13-24
The aim of this research was to investigate the spatial distribution of roots and cracks in two clay soils cropped with sunflower under different inter-row spacing in order to identify the optimal management. A latin square experimental design was applied to compare bare soil and soil cropped with sunflower, with three plant densities, obtained by keeping constant the number of plants on the row (3 plants m?1) and varying the row spacing (0.4, 0.6, 0.8 m). The presence of the crop and the different distance between rows influenced soil moisture content as well as the root spatial distribution and thus the structural features of cracks. Increasingly lower values of moisture were found in both soils as the distance between rows decreased; an opposite trend was observed for both root density and crack size. The volume of cracks in the soil grown with sunflower at 0.4 m row spacing was 201.4 m3 ha?1, thus 8 times higher than the value on the bare soil and 2.5 times higher compared to the one grown at 0.8 m between rows. Optimal results in terms of root density, soil moisture and crack size were obtained with an inter-row spacing of 0.6 m. 相似文献
High nitrogen (N) input to rivers requires measures for the reduction of diffuse N pollution. Beside the groundwater, artificial subsurface drainage systems are the main pathways of diffuse N input into rivers. Nevertheless, the N discharge via subsurface drainage systems is one of the main missing links for modeling, especially because of the lack of data bases of subsurface drainage areas. We introduce a method to calculate the normally unknown proportions of drained areas in arable lands improving the existing method by Behrendt et al. (2000). The method is applied for the catchment of Middle Mulde river (area: 2,700 km2) in Saxony/Germany. The data records of the mesoscale soil mapping are allocated to the subsurface‐drainage areas digitalized in representative areas using ARC/INFO GIS. In this way, it is possible to establish a differentiated record of the proportion of subsurface‐drainage area of each regional site type. The results were extrapolated to the entire area by transferring the proportions of subsurface‐drainage areas to areas where no information on drainage areas was available. The approach is well‐suited for future model approaches on a regional scale. By creating and integrating new data sets derived from modern GIS operations, the approach reduces the uncertainty of modeling N and water fluxes. 相似文献
Optimizing row spacing in wheat cultivars differing in tillering and stature for higher productivity
M. Hussain M.B. Khan Z. Mehmood A.B. Zia K. Jabran 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(11):1457-1470
Five wheat cultivars differing in tillering capacity and stature, Sahar-2006 (SH-06) (tall and low tillering), Faisalabad-2008 (FSD-08) (tall and low tillering), Lassani-2008 (LS-08) (medium stature and low tillering), Abdulstar-2002 (AS-02) (medium stature and high tillering) and Triple dwarf-1 (TD-1) (dwarf and low tillering), were planted in 10-, 20- and 30-cm spaced rows in a two-year study with same plant density. Higher grain yield in 20-cm spaced rows during both years and 30-cm spaced rows during the first year of the study in tall and low tillering wheat cultivars was attributed to more productive tillers, grains per spike and 1000-grain weight. However, the higher number of productive tillers resulted in better grain yield of the dwarf and low tillering cultivar under narrow row spacing. Higher leaf area index and crop growth rate were observed in 20- and 30-cm spaced rows 90 days after sowing, thereafter a drastic decrease was observed in 30-cm spaced rows. In conclusion, for harvesting maximum wheat productivity, tall and low tillering cultivars should be planted in 20-cm spaced rows. Medium stature and low tillering cultivars may be planted in 20 or 30-cm spaced rows, whereas low tillering dwarf cultivars should be planted in 10-cm spaced rows. 相似文献
施氮量和行距对冬小麦产量及生理特性的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为探明不同栽培措施对小麦产量的调控差异,以强筋小麦济麦20和中筋小麦中麦8号为试验材料,采用三因素裂区设计,以施氮量为主区,设150、210、270 kg·hm-23个水平;以行距为裂区,设12、20cm 2个水平;以供试品种为小裂区,设济麦20和中麦8号2个水平,在高产栽培条件下研究不同施氮量和行距对冬小麦产量的影响及其生理基础。结果表明,济麦20和中麦8号,2种小麦籽粒产量均在270kg·hm-2施氮量水平下得到显著提高;在210 kg·hm-2或270 kg·hm-2施氮量条件下,20 cm行距更有利于2个小麦品种高产的形成。随着施氮量增加或行距增大,2个小麦品种旗叶SPAD值和净光合速率均在270 kg·hm-2施氮量和20 cm行距条件下保持较高值,可积累更多光合产物,为实现高产奠定基础。因此,本试验条件下,济麦20和中麦8号均在270 kg·hm-2施氮量、20cm行距组合下达到高产。本研究得到了小麦高产的最佳施氮量和行距组合,这对我国冬小麦高产栽培具有一定的指导意义。 相似文献
研究了加拿大南部冬小麦田在轮作、耕作和行距共同作用下的土壤温度动态。田间裂区试验主区为3个轮作(冬小麦连作、冬小麦/油菜轮作和冬小麦/夏休闲),副区包括两种耕作技术(免耕和常规耕作),小裂区包括两种种植行距(等行距和大小行)。结果表明,免耕处理下秸秆覆盖有效地降低了冬季土壤的冻结深度。在1993~1994年度,连作小麦免耕土壤的-5℃等温线要比常规耕作浅22cm。免耕秸秆覆盖的温度效应在冬小麦连作和冬小麦/油菜两种轮作上比在冬小麦/夏休闲上更为明显。在冬小麦连作和冬小麦/油菜轮作下,免耕土壤2.5cm的春季温度连续4个月显著低于常规耕作土壤。1994年4月8日,免耕和常规耕作农田2.5cm处的温差在冬小麦连作处理上达到4.1℃。对于冬小麦/夏休闲处理,由于秸秆覆盖量较少,耕作措施对土壤温度的影响不太明显。在1994年春季,大小行种植的土壤温度显著高于等行距种植的土壤温度。因此,免耕主要通过秸秆覆盖来改变土壤的温度状况。通过轮作、耕作和行距等措施,可以在一定程度上实现土壤温度的人为调节 相似文献
Anna Karina R. Schmidt 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science》2017,67(5):416-424
Seed crops of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) are usually established with a cover crop. Provided sufficient light, white clover may compensate for low plant density by stoloniferous growth. Our objectives were (1) to compare spring barley or spring wheat used as cover crops for white clover and (2) to find the optimal seeding rate/row distance for white clover. Seven field trials were conducted in Southeast Norway from 2000 to 2003. Barley was seeded at 360 and 240 seeds m?2 and wheat at 525 and 350 seeds m?2. White clover was seeded perpendicularly to the cover crop at 400 seeds m?2/13 cm row distance or 200 seeds m?2/26 cm. Results showed that light penetration in spring and early summer was better in wheat than in barley. On average for seven trials, this resulted in 11% higher seed yield after establishment in wheat than in barley. The 33% reduction in cover crop seeding rate had no effect on white clover seed yield for any of the cover crops. Reducing the seeding rate/doubling the row distance of white clover had no effect on seed yield but resulted in slightly earlier maturation of the seed crop. 相似文献
该文针对山西春旱缺水造成缺苗断垄,严重制约农业稳产高产的状况,将行走式节水播种和苗期灌溉等机械化技术引入田间试验。从1997年到1998年在山西原平市和襄汾县布点,进行了大面积的试验示范作业,按照统一的试验项目和方法,进行了大量的数据测定,对不适合当地条件的机具性能进行了改革和完善,对试验结果进行了对比分析,以及经济和社会效益分析。分析结果表明,节水播种和苗期灌溉的试验田比不施水的对照田平均增产11%~64%;投入产出比为1.47∶1;比人畜供水点播效率提高10~15倍;比管道节水灌溉平均每公顷节水900m3,对严重缺水干旱地区具有重要意义。 相似文献
株行距配置连作对黄土旱塬覆膜春玉米土壤水分和产量的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
探讨株行距配置调整后密度对旱地覆膜春玉米连作稳产和水分利用的影响,为旱地雨养区春玉米高产稳产栽培提供依据。试验于2014—2017年在黄土旱塬区甘肃省镇原县(35°30′N,107°39′E)进行,以紧凑型耐密高产春玉米品种\"先玉335\"为试验材料,设55,75 cm 2种等行距垄沟覆盖种植方式,6.0,7.5,9.0,10.5万株/hm~2 4个种植密度水平,采用裂区设计,连作定位观测。使用烘干法测定不同处理春玉米生育期0—200 cm土层土壤水分,研究黄土旱塬连作春玉米籽粒产量和土壤剖面水分变化。结果表明,在试验设计行距下,在干旱年份55,75 cm行距0—200 cm土层土壤剖面水分均有低湿区形成,2种行距40—200 cm土层最低含水率均出现在160 cm土层剖面,55 cm行距土壤含水量为8.9%,75 cm行距土壤含水量为8.7%,受降水及植株生育耗水的影响,20—120 cm土层土壤水分变化较为剧烈。不论降水年型如何,2种行距下0—200 cm土壤深层水分均未产生土壤干层,75 cm行距低湿区较55 cm行距随年份变化有不同程度扩大,但2种行距下7.5~10.5万株/hm~2相同密度耗水量没有显著差异。4年平均产量75 cm行距相同密度均高于55 cm行距,9.0万株/hm~2及以下种植密度处理稳产性较好,密度由低到高产量分别增加2.2%,5.8%,4.1%和3.0%,平均水分利用效率分别提升1.1%,5.9%,0.3%和-1.5%,不同行距相同密度产量和水分利用效率没有显著差异。研究表明,在黄土旱塬区55,75 cm行距配置7.5万株/hm~2种植密度连作具有稳定产量,并且不会导致土壤深层水分亏缺至产生土壤干层,是较为理想的连作稳产株行距配置种植模式。 相似文献
In order to identify the best management method for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] following barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), a field study was carried out at the Sari Agriculture College Station during two years. The experiment was conducted as a split–split plot design based on complete blocks with two methods of residue management (burning or non-burning of barley residue) as the main plot factor, three tillage methods (plow + disk, double disk and no-tillage) as sub-plot factor, and three within row plant spacings (4, 8 and 12 cm, with 50 cm row width) as sub-subplot factor. The experiment was performed in four replications and soybean cultivar Hill was used. The combined analysis of the data showed that the effect of tillage methods and spacing within rows on yield was significant at the 1% level of probability. No significant interaction among experimental factors was observed. Comparison of means (Duncan's multiple range test) indicated that yield means of plow + disk and double disk were significantly different (2371 and 2412 kg/ha, respectively) compared with no tillage (2115 kg/ha), but the difference between them was not significant. Yield means of 4 and 8 cm within row spacings (2452 and 2405 kg/ha, respectively) were significantly different compared to 12 cm spacing within the row (2041 kg/ha), but a significant difference between them was not observed. Results of this study showed that residue non-burning, plow + disk or double disk and 4 or 8 cm within-row-spacings are the best planting methods for soybean following barley. 相似文献
Lars Olav Brandsæter Kjell Mangerud Lars Andersson Trond Børresen Guro Brodal Bo Melander 《Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science》2020,70(4):318-332
ABSTRACTThere is a need both in organic farming and on farms using integrated pest management for non-chemical measures that control the perennial weed flora. The effect of mechanical weeding and fertilisation on perennial weeds, fungal diseases and soil structure were evaluated in two different experiments in spring cereals. Experiment I included six strategies. The first strategy was (1) without specific measures against perennial weeds. The other strategies encompassed one or two seasonal control measures; (2) rhizome/root cutting with minimal soil disturbance in autumn, (3) hoeing with 24?cm row spacing, (4) combined hoeing and disc harrowing in autumn, (5) ‘KvikUp’ harrowing in spring, and (6) ‘KvikUp’ harrowing in spring and autumn. Experiment II included factor (i) inter-row hoeing and (ii) fertilisation level. This experiment included the comparison between normal row spacing (12?cm) with weed harrowing versus double row spacing (=24?cm) in combination with inter-row hoeing and 4 fertilisation levels (50–200?kg N ha?1). In experiment I the strategies consisting of no or one direct weed control measure (1, 2, 3 and 5) clearly did not control the perennial weeds. The two seasonal control measures (4 and 6) gave a satisfactory weed control and highest crop yield. The combination of best weed control and no measured harmful effects on soil structure or increase of fungal diseases may explain the highest yields for these strategies. In Experiment II, hoeing and 24?cm spacing gave less perennial biomass compared to 12?cm spacing. Grain yields increased linearly with increasing nitrogen input. The study shows that both inter-row hoeing and weed harrows, are important elements in integrated pest management practice and organic farming. In addition, our results indicate that efficient mechanical weeding is possible without harmful effects in crop rotation consisting of various spring cereals as regards soil structure and plant health. 相似文献
探究是否可以将行距比例和种植密度集成于同一作物生产系统中来提高作物产量,增加水分利用效率。以玉米\"五谷568\"为研究材料,于2017—2018年进行大田试验,设7∶3(L_1,宽行56 cm∶窄行24 cm),6∶4 (L_2,宽行48 cm∶窄行32 cm),5∶5(L_3,等行距40 cm) 3个行距比例水平,82 500株/hm~2(D_1)、90 000株/hm~2(D_2)、97 500株/hm~2(D_3)、105 000株/hm~2(D_4)、112 500株/hm~2(D_5) 5个种植密度,探讨不同行距比例及密度处理对玉米的耗水特征、产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,L1行距比例可有效降低玉米耗水量,但会增加棵间蒸发,对E/ET影响不显著,其中2017年L_1较L_3能有效降低耗水量11.9%,2018年无显著差异;此外与传统行距比例相比,L_1行距比例具有增产优势,玉米增产5.2%~10.5%,提高水分利用效率6.5%~8.7%。密度间比较,D_3密度较传统密度D_1能有效降低耗水量、棵间蒸发量以及E/ET,对玉米增产及水分利用效率的提高有促进作用;其中D_3密度较传统密度D_1耗水量降低13.3%,2018年差异不显著;棵间蒸发量减小7.1%~7.2%;E/ET减小6.8%~19.2%;玉米增产7.5%~17.1%;水分利用效率提高23.9%~46.2%。2年L_1D_3较传统处理L_3D_1耗水量降低12.8%~30.6%;棵间蒸发量降低8.5%~10.4%;E/ET降低7.3%~7.5%;玉米产量增加7.7%~25.5%;水分利用效率提高36.0%~41.2%。因此,在河西绿洲灌区,7∶3(L_1,宽行56 cm∶窄行24 cm)行距比例结合97 500株/hm~2(D_3)种植密度可有效增加玉米产量,提高玉米水分利用效率。 相似文献
The change in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union from product to producer support, including requirements for ‘good agricultural and environmental conditions’ and ‘greening’, is excellent. However, these requirements are now defined in rather general terms. Questions can be raised about suitable indicators, and there is a recognized need for effective management recommendations to support farmers in achieving the required ‘good’ conditions. These recommendations are bound to be quite different for different soils in different countries. A study of Dutch clay soils was based on a storyline describing current problems and management options for improvement, which were quantified using a soil–water–crop simulation model. Indicators were defined for agricultural conditions and suggestions made for the use of the model in a predictive mode to help farmers improve their soil management. Environmental conditions were judged by current environmental guidelines for water and air. When modelling, implicit assumptions that soils are homogeneous were shown to be unrealistic for these clay soils, requiring development of innovative methods and procedures, presenting a challenge for soil research. 相似文献
适宜机械收获株行距对黄土旱塬春玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过黄土旱塬适宜机械化收获的不同株行距种植模式,研究不同株行距对春玉米产量和水分利用效率的影响,为该春玉米生产力提升提供理论依据。以紧凑型高产先玉335为供试品种,设置适宜机械化收获的55cm和75cm两种行距,通过株距调整设置6.0万株/hm~2,7.5万株/hm~2,9.0万株/hm~2,10.5万株/hm~2共4种栽培密度,于2014年和2015年连续2年定位试验,研究株行距对春玉米生长发育及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:与55cm行距相比,75cm行距在干旱条件下能够有效延缓叶片衰老,成熟期依然具有较高的SPAD值、叶面积和叶面积指数,持绿性良好,为光合产物提高给予了支撑。不同株行距种植模式WUE表现不同,吐丝期WUEF基本随密度增加而增大,2种行距下2014年和2015年均是9.0万株/hm~2,10.5万株/hm~2密度处理WUEF较高;收获期2014年55cm行距9.0万株/hm~2,10.5万株/hm~2密度处理WUEH较高,75cm行距7.5万株/hm~2,10.5万株/hm~2密度处理WUEH较高,2015年2种行距下均为6.0万株/hm~2,10.5万株/hm~2密度处理WUEH较高。产量水分利用效率WUEY,55cm行距变化无规律,75cm行距随密度增加而增大。55cm行距和75cm行距均可以作为黄土旱塬区春玉米机械化收获种植行距,综合土壤水分变化、叶面积指数、SPAD值、收获指数、产量及水分利用效率等,75cm行距7.5万株/hm~2种植密度可以作为紧凑型春玉米试验区域内最佳株行距设置。 相似文献
为了探讨不同行距配置对机插单季中稻和双季晚稻生长特性及产量的影响,以单季中稻丰两优香1号和徽两优898以及双季晚稻镇稻18和上农粳2号4个品种为材料,开展了等行距25、30 cm,宽窄行20 cm+30 cm、25 cm+30 cm、25 cm+35cm共5种机插水稻行距配置对比试验,分析了插秧后不同品种水稻农艺性状和产量,对不同品种机插水稻的株高、叶面积指数、茎蘖动态、干物质累积量、产量及其构成因素等方面进行比较。结果表明:1)在5种行距配置下,各生育期株高受品种遗传特性影响,不同行距配置间差异不显著,叶面积指数、茎蘖数和干物质累积量在不同行距配置间差异极显著(P0.01),但各品种机插水稻生长特性随行距配置变化趋势不同,单季中稻品种叶面积指数、分蘖稳定后的茎蘖数、分蘖成穗率、干物质累积量和生长率均在宽窄行25 cm+35 cm配置下最大,且随着行距配置的增大而增大,而双季晚稻品种各项生长指标则在宽窄行20 cm+30 cm配置下最大,且随行距配置增大而减小。2)在产量构成因素中,受行距配置影响较大的是有效穗数(变异系数1.93%~7.50%)、穗粒数(变异系数1.58%~6.08%)和结实率(变异系数0.86%~4.54%),较小的是千粒质量(变异系数0.81%~2.70%)和穗长(变异系数0.89%~2.82%)。3)单季中稻在宽窄行25 cm+35 cm配置下产量最高,双季晚稻则在宽窄行20 cm+30 cm配置下产量最高,各产量构成因素峰值基本与产量峰值接近。研究结果可为安徽省沿江江淮地区机插单季中稻和机插双季晚稻配套品种选用及栽植行距设置提供参考。 相似文献
为了比较不同行距插秧机的作业效果,以及机插秧不同株行距组合对水稻生长和产量的影响,在江苏靖江、张家港和黄海农场3地进行了连续2 a田间定位试验。每个试验点设置行株距分别为:30 cm×11 cm、25 cm×14 cm、25 cm×11 cm 3种株行距组合处理,3次重复。结果表明,在水稻漏插率方面,2012年30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最高,25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最低,2013年30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理仍最高,25 cm×14 cm(行距×株距)处理最低。窄行距大株距有利于降低水稻漏插率,但在伤秧率、倒秧率方面和每穴平均株数方面,3个品种的不同处理之间均无统一规律;分蘖稳定后各试验点茎蘖数均为30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最高,25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理最低,大株行距有利于促进水稻分蘖;产量方面各处理每公顷有效穗数30 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理,其他产量构成因素差异不显著,最终各处理实际产量表现为25 cm×11 cm(行距×株距)处理较好,故插秧机行株距为25 cm×11 cm较适合于江苏省水稻机械化种植。该研究可为江苏省水稻插秧机机具选型提供参考。 相似文献
间作系统中作物种间距离的变化直接影响着系统的生产力,因此,合理的种间配置是间作获得高产的前提。本研究总结归纳了2010年甘肃武威和2014年甘肃张掖的小麦/玉米、蚕豆/玉米间作系统玉米行距试验,旨在探明间作玉米在不同种植行距下对间作体系生产力的影响及玉米生长的差异。试验设置5个间作玉米的种植行距处理(D0:10 cm、D20:20 cm、D40:40 cm、D60:60cm、D80:80 cm),测定了作物产量、产量构成、生物量累积。结果表明:间作玉米行距变化对间作配对作物产量无显著影响,主要影响间作玉米产量;2010年,两间作体系间作玉米产量、体系混合产量、系统生产力(system productivity)均以D60最高,2014年均以D40最高;随玉米行距增大,系统生产力先增加后减小,拐点均出现在D60;玉米行距变化显著改变了玉米的穗粒数、百粒重、单株粒重;小麦/玉米体系,两年单株粒重峰值分别出现在D60(132 g·株~(-1))和D40(216 g·株~(-1));蚕豆/玉米体系均出现在D40,分别为158g·株~(-1)(2010年)和220 g·株~(-1)(2014年);不同行距处理下玉米共生期和单独生长期生长速率均存在差异,共生期各处理生长速率显著低于单独生长期,无论哪个时期,D40和D60处理的生长速率均占优。河西灌区小麦/玉米和蚕豆/玉米间作中玉米种植的最佳行距为40 cm和60 cm,此行距下间作系统可得到最大系统生产力。 相似文献
针对松嫩平原苏打草甸碱土改良这一难题,该文采用暗管改碱技术,同时在施用农家肥(猪粪34 m3/hm2)和改良剂(15 t/hm2)等配套措施条件下,研究了暗管不同埋管间距(5、10、20和40 m)对苏打草甸碱土表层的土壤渗透性、有机质含量以及碱化度(ESP)、钠离子吸附比(SAR)等理化性状的影响。结果表明:(1)与 CK (无暗管和无配套措施)相比,CK1(无暗管和有配套措施)的渗透性显著提高;与 CK1相比,L1(有配套措施,暗管间距5 m)、L2(有配套措施,暗管间距10 m)和 L3(有配套措施,暗管间距20 m)的渗透性显著提高,但 L4(有配套措施,暗管间距40 m)增加较小,不显著,且 L1渗透系数最高。(2)与 CK相比, CK1的有机质、速效钾含量和 CEC显著提高;与 CK1相比,L1、L2和 L3处理的有机质含量显著提高,而碱解氮、速效钾含量以及 CEC除 L1外,其余各处理的作用不显著。(3)密布暗管处理能降低土壤pH值、电导率(EC)、总碱度(TA)、ESP和SAR;且L1处理的效果最为显著,其pH值、EC、TA、ESP和SAR最低,分别为7.85、0.15 mS/cm、2.34 cmol/kg、39.47%和2.41。综上,在暗管埋深0.8 m,水稻种植和配套措施相同的条件下,间距5 m处理的改良效果最好,到第3年时土壤表层pH值已经降到8.0以下。这些成果基本解决了苏打草甸碱土改良的难题,为提高土地生产能力以及探讨暗管改碱技术在苏打盐碱土区应用的可行性提供了重要的理论依据和技术支持,促进了暗管改碱技术的发展和应用推广。 相似文献
在实验和对比分析的基础上,对行距5m和8m黄柳沙障基部处和远离基部2m处(对照样)结皮理化性质进行了研究。结果表明,沙障基部处土壤的pH值呈碱性,对照样土壤的pH值呈酸性。两种不同行距黄柳沙障之间的pH值无显著差异。行距5m和8m黄柳沙障基部处的有机质、全N和全P含量均大于对照样。而对于速效养分,行距5m和8m黄柳沙障基部处速效P含量都大于对照样,而行距5m和8m黄柳沙障对照样速效N含量则大于基部处,并且行距8m的黄柳沙障基部处和对照样速效N和速效P含量均大于行距5m的黄柳沙障。黄柳沙障下结皮的形成是以砂粒为骨架,以小于0.02mm的细小颗粒填塞土壤孔隙的一个物理过程。 相似文献
研究膜下滴灌番茄不同种植行距与灌水量对番茄生育及产量的影响,试验在大小行沟垄种植形式的基础上设置3种种植行距分别为L1(60cm)、L2(45cm)和L3(30cm);以蒸发皿累积蒸发量E为标准设置0.6E、0.8E、1.0E、1.2E共4个灌水水平,共12个处理。研究了不同种植行距与灌水量对番茄不同生育期生长生理指标及产量的影响,探讨了不同生长生理指标与产量间的关系。结果表明:低种植行距处理(L3),会造成植株徒长及过高的叶面积指数,抑制作物群体的光合生理活动,导致较低的产量和灌溉水利用效率。过低的灌水量(0.6E)会抑制番茄植株的光合生理活动,且随生育期的进行表现出明显的水分胁迫的累积作用。叶面积指数和净光合速率对产量的影响最为直接,提高作物的净光合速率是实现作物增产的重要途径;株高茎粗与叶面积指数间具有良好的回归关系(P=0.004 6),高茎粗低株高植株具有较为适宜的叶面积指数,有利于产量的形成。相较于产量最高的种植行距与灌水量组合L1-1.2E处理,L1-0.8E和L2-0.8E处理可在产量仅降低4.28%和9.00%的情况下提高灌溉水利用效率36.00%和29.29%。该结果为西北地区日光温室番茄科学种植与灌水提供依据。 相似文献