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To analyze in greater detail the fate and behavior of toxic organotin compounds in the environment, total tin (Sn) concentrations were determined for sediments of the Arakawa River, the Sumida River, and Tokyo Bay by using a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer (GFAAS). Sn concentrations in 2000 were compared with those of 1984 (8 years before the regulation on tributyltin-based antifouling paint) as well as with other heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn). The Sn concentrations ranged from 1.04 to 4.43 mg kg?1 for sediments sampled in 2000. Although the average concentration of Sn in the sediments was low compared with that of 1984, the concentration tended to increase at several sites in 2000. Moreover, the Sn concentration showed significant correlations with the Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations. These results suggest that a significant proportion of the overall Sn content in these sediments was probably introduced from the sources other than antifouling paint. The metals extracted from air-dried sediments with 0.1 m HCl showed that the mobility and bioavailability of Sn was low compared with those of other heavy metals.  相似文献   

乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物重金属含量分布及污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物中Cu等7种重金属为研究对象,在野外实地调查取样及重金属含量测定基础上,以中国海洋沉积物质量(GB18668-2002)一类标准值为评价标准,利用单因子指数评价法、内梅罗综合污染指数评价法和沉积物质量基准(sediment quality guideline,SQG),对单项重金属污染程度、多种重金属综合污染效应及重金属潜在生物毒性风险进行了评价。结果表明,乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物重金属含量分布差别明显,所有采样点表层沉积物均受到Cu污染,局部受到严重Hg污染;大部分养殖区表层沉积物重金属污染达到轻度等级;所有养殖区均可发生由Cu偶尔引起的不利生物毒性效应,个别养殖区可发生由Hg频繁引发的不利生物毒性效应。乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物重金属主要来源于沿岸电镀企业废水排放及农药化肥造成的农业面源污染。开展Cu、Hg污染治理修复是实现乐清湾养殖环境安全的迫切需求。  相似文献   

Since three decades ago it has been established by numerous investigators4,7,9) that the general Process of formation of clay minerals is different between the marine and terrestrial conditions, and that the clays of the marine origin are, in general, of illitic type, whereas those of the terrestrial are of kaolin group. In previous communications,1,2) it was reported that clay fractions of the soil and mud from the Ariake Sea are characterized by the abundance of minerals of illite-montmorin series (montmorin refers to montmorillonite group after Jackson and Sherman8), being different from most terrestrial soils in Kyushu. The matter seems to be of some importance because the Presence of montmorin, even in a relatively small quantity, is likely to exercise a considerable, influence on the behaviour and properties of the clay and the fertility of the soil. The soils of the reclaimed land of the Sea are not only productive, Whether they are clayey or sandy, but also they have been approved to be powerful improving materials for the degraded paddy soils, so-called “Akiochi” soils by several field experiments.  相似文献   

Our earlier studies have shown that the compounds diphenyltin dichloride (DPhT) and triphenyltin chloride (TPhT) in the presence of UVC radiation enhanced the degree of phosphatidylcholine liposome membrane oxidation (J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53, 76-83). The prooxidative behavior of the compounds has now been confirmed with the electron paramagnetic resonance method, which proved the possibility that the studied compounds can exist in free radical forms. The present work investigates the possibility of the protective action of quercetin on phosphatidylcholine liposome membranes exposed to the prooxidative action of DPhT and TPhT induced by UV radiation (lambda = 253.7 nm). The concentrations of quercetin and its equimolar mixtures with DPhT and TPhT were determined (and compared with well-known antioxidants as standards-trolox and butylated hydroxytoluene, also in the presence of phenyltins) as those that induce 50% inhibition in oxidation of liposomes radiated with UV. They are 5.1 +/- 0.10, 2.9 +/- 0.12, and 1.9 +/- 0.08 microM (differences between the values are statistically significant), constituting the following sequence of antioxidative activity: quercetin:TPhT > quercetin:DPhT > quercetin. This relation is confirmed by the results on the antiradical ability of quercetin and its mixtures with DPhT and TPhT toward the free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-pricrylhydrazil. Similar sequences obtained in both studies suggest a possible mechanism of the antiradical action of the mixtures as free radical scavengers. We suggested that (i) quercetin's ability, documented by spectrophotometric, infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy, (1)H NMR, and molecular modeling methods, to form complexes with phenyltins indicates a possible way of protection against the peroxidation caused by the free radical forms of phenyltins and (ii) the differentiation in the action of the quercetin/TPhT and quercetin/DPhT associates (statisticaly significant) may result from a different localization in the liposome membrane, which is indicated by the results of the fluorimetric studies.  相似文献   

The work investigates the possibility of the protective action of kaempferol on phosphatidylcholine liposome membranes exposed to the pro-oxidative action of diphenyltin dichloride (DPhT) and triphenyltin chloride (TPhT) induced by UV radiation (lambda = 253.7 nm). The concentrations of kaempferol and its equimolar mixtures with DPhT and TPhT were determined so that they induce 50% inhibition in oxidation of liposomes irradiated with UV. They are 11.6, 10.0, and 4.5 microM/L, which constitute the following sequence of antioxidative activity: kaempferol/triphenyltin > kaempferol/diphenyltin > kaempferol. This relationship is confirmed by the results on the antiradical ability of kaempferol and its mixtures with DPhT and TPhT toward the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl. Similar sequences obtained in both studies suggest a possible mechanism of the antiradical action of the mixtures as free radical scavengers. Kaempferol's ability, then documented, to form complexes with phenyltins indicates (a) a possible way to liquidate the peroxidation caused by the free radical forms of phenyltins and (b) the stabilizing role of chelating in the antioxidative action of the kaempferol/phenyltins. The differentiation in the action of the compounds studied may, among others, result from different localizations in the liposome membrane, which is indicated by the results of the fluorometric studies.  相似文献   



The importance of the bioaccessible fractions of particle-bound contaminants is a key feature for the assessment of their likely risks to the aquatic environment. The present study investigated the extractability and potential toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in river sediments. This study combined chemical with bioanalytical tools to establish a more in-depth insight into the relationship between the extractability of sediment contaminants, the chemodynamic properties of each extraction approach, and resulting toxicity.

Materials and methods

Sediment samples were treated with different extraction methods, namely Soxhlet extraction with acetone (SOX), membrane dialysis extraction (MDE) with n-hexane, ultrasonic extraction with acetone (USE), and extraction with (2-hydroxpropyl)-??-cyclodextrin (HBCD). The extracts were analyzed for PAHs using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and tested using the neutral red retention assay and the ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction assay with the permanent fish cell line RTL-W1.

Results and discussion

The SOX and MDE approaches were comparable in their extraction power regarding PAHs and their cytotoxicity. However, the EROD activity differed between SOX and MDE, possibly due to retardation effects of the polyethylene membrane used in MDE. Thus, macromolecular components of the sediment were not extracted and therefore did not contribute to toxicity. HBCD extraction provided 3.4?% of the total PAH content in the sediments and might be an appropriate approach to predict the bioaccessible fraction. USE showed an extraction power between the HBCD approach and the MDE as well as SOX and MDE method. Hence, USE is neither appropriate for exhaustive extraction nor for biomimetic extraction.


MDE and SOX have been approved for the exhaustive extraction of PAHs from sediments for a worst case assessment of effect potentials. The influence of the low-density polyethylene membrane and the experimental conditions on the diffusion of compounds with broad physical?Cchemical properties, and the establishment of models such as quantitative-structure relationships for the prediction of diffusion behavior of a broad range of compounds require further assessment. HBCD was confirmed as a method providing a certain, putatively bioaccessible, fraction. Mechanistic research is required regarding desorption and uptake kinetics of particularly bound compounds with different physical?Cchemical properties in the solid phase?Cwater?CHBCD system to get more insight in the underlying partitioning processes.  相似文献   

神府─东胜煤田自1987-1993年开发以来,河道露天采煤、矿区建设排弃的大量土石碴堆积于河道或岸坡,导致河床淤积严重,输沙量骤增.乌兰木伦河下游50km净淤积1310.5×104m3,平均年增加187.2×104m3,输沙量比采矿前增加70%,平均年增加735×104t.文中对河道淤积的泥沙来源和采矿排弃物流失量进行了深入分析,并提出该流域治理的建议与对策.  相似文献   

不同植龄啤酒花根际土壤中有机化合物的初步分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新慧  张恩和 《土壤学报》2009,46(2):368-371
植物根际区是土壤中物理、化学、生物学作用极其活跃的特殊微生态系统,在生物与环境的共同作用下,根际土壤中产生很多有机化合物,它们来源于植物体根系分泌、地上部淋溶、植物残茬及土壤生物的分解等[1],这些化合物中很多是化感物质,直接或间接地影响着植物的生长发育。化感作用(A llelopathy),即相生相克作用,是指一种植物或微生物(供体)向环境释放化学物质而影响其他有机体包括植物、微生物和动物(受体)的生长和发育的化学生态学现象,包括促进和抑制两方面作用[1~5]。当受体和供体同属于一种植物时产生抑制作用的现象,称为植物的自毒作用。大多数植物均存在自毒作用,而且研究发现自毒作用经常是作物产生连作  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  Elevated levels of heavy metals in the aquatic and soil systems can be caused by the weathering of mineralized rocks. This enrichment is often considerably enlarged by historical and current mining and smelting activities. In Poland, the most contaminated river systems are those in the Silesia region. The metalliferous ore mining and smelting industries have been the main sources of heavy metal pollutions over the last 100–170 years. The previous and present studies have shown very high concentrations of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Mala Panew River, the most polluted tributary of the Oder River. The main objective of this work was to study temporary changes of selected metal (Zn, Pb, and Cd) concentrations in upper layer of bottom sediments at the measuring point near the outlet of the Mala Panew River into the Oder River, and to determine the vertical distribution of the metals in the sediment cores from the most polluted middle part of this river. The mobility of the metals and their potential bioavailability were assessed based on metal partitioning in the sediments and metal concentrations in pore waters. The presented data were compared with metal concentrations in aquatic sediments from similar historical mining and smelting sites in Poland and other countries. Methods  The upper layer of bottom sediment samples from the same Mala Panew River measuring point were collected six times in the period 1997–2005, while five sediment cores were collected once from the middle course of Mala Panew River in 2006. Abiotic parameters such as pH and Eh have been determined in situ. Metal contents were determined in the <20 and <63 μm size fractions of sediments after digestion in a microwave oven with aqua regia or concentrated nitric acid. Metal mobility was assessed in the selected sediment cores by the chemical forms of metals (sequential extraction method) and their concentrations in pore waters were investigated. Results  The concentrations of Cd, Pb, and Zn in the upper layer of sediments varied, depending on both the season and the year of sampling. Their mean concentrations (from six samplings) are [mg/kg]: Zn 1,846, Pb 229 and Cd 73. The metal concentrations in the sediment cores varied with the depth in the range of [mg/kg]: 0.18–559 for Cd, 26.2–3,309 for Pb and 126–11,153 for Zn, although the highest accumulations generally could be observed in the deeper layers. The most mobile metal fractions, i.e., exchangeable, carbonate and easily reducible fractions, are typical of Zn and Cd. Cadmium was found to be the most mobile metal and its relative contribution ranges from 84 to 96%, while in the case of Zn it ranged from 45 to 94%. Lead is mainly associated with the moderately reducible fraction (30–60%). Relative contributions of metal chemical forms slightly vary with the depth in the sediment profile. The results obtained for the pore water samples show very high concentrations of the metals studied, especially in the case of Cd (31–960 μg/dm3) and Zn (300–4,400 μg/dm3). Discussion  Accumulation of Cd, Pb, and Zn in the upper layer of the bottom sediments and in the sediment core samples from the Mala Panew River is very high, considerably exceeding the local geochemical background. High contributions of mobile Cd and Zn and the toxicity of cadmium can cause environmental risk. Our measurements also suggest that mobile metals can migrate into groundwater, whereas the groundwater itself can leach some chemicals from river sediments, because of a relatively high water table in the study area, especially during rainfall periods. Comparison of the results obtained with the literature data from the last decade shows that the concentrations of Cd and Zn in the sediments from the Mala Panew River are the highest among other submersed sediments in Poland and other regions (e.g., the Mulde River, Germany). Conclusions  The Mala Panew River is one of the most polluted rivers when compared with similar historical mining and smelting areas in Poland and elsewhere. The sediments studied are strongly polluted with the metals analyzed. In the upper layer of the bottom sediments there has been no reduction of Zn and Cd amounts over the last decade, which could suggests a long-term migration and a secondary contamination. Considerably higher accumulations of metals in overbank sediment cores and in the deeper core section could result from strong contamination in previous decades and translocation of Cd and Zn (secondary pollutants). The relatively high concentrations of the two metals in pore waters support these findings. Cadmium is crucial in the environmental risk assessment because of its high mobility and toxicity. These data are important for water/sediment management in the transboundary Oder River catchment, situated in Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. Recommendations and perspectives  It is important to assess mobility phase and pore water in the contaminated historical aquatic sediments. Such studies may help explain the changes, which take place in the sediment layers as well as at the water–sediment interface. Obtained results should be used for the risk assessment of the historical contaminated sediments at the local river-basin scale. The treatment of contaminated sediments, e.g., dragging activity, should be considered as very important in management strategies in order to avoid remobilization of metals.  相似文献   

The microbial methylation of Hg was studied in water and sediments from the Upper Wisconsin River by quantifying the methylation of radioactive Hg(II) (203Hg[NO3]2). Methylation activity was near detection limits in the water, highest in surface sediments (0 to 4 cm), and decreased with increasing sediment depth. Methylation had a temperature optimum of 35 °C. Organically enriched sediments exhibited higher methylation activity than less eutrophic sediments. Methylation activity in sediments was stimulated by the addition of peptone but not by glucose or starch. Oxygenation of sediments inhibited methylation activity. A summertime peak in methylation activity, observed in water, floc, and sediments, was related to factors other than temperature. More than 98% of the added 203Hg(II) was bound to sediments within 4 hr of inoculation, while more than 3% was methylated during a 10-day incubation. As much as 7% of the added 203Hg(II) was methylated in other experiments, suggesting that bound Hg is available for methylation. These data suggest that organic-rich surficial sediments in the Upper Wisconsin River have the potential to produce significant amounts of toxic methylmercury during late summer months.  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀使水土资源流失,河道泥沙淤积,严重制约着区域生态、社会、经济的发展。伊朗地处干旱、半干旱气候带,土壤侵蚀严重,河流泥沙问题突出,已成为影响该国经济社会发展的主要环境问题之一。通过介绍伊朗土壤侵蚀和泥沙淤积的基本情况,并对该国有关土壤侵蚀及河流泥沙方面的研究和治理成果进行总结,提出未来研究的趋势和相关建议,以期为伊朗和我国的水土保持及泥沙治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Denitrification and nitrate reduction to ammonium in Taihu Lake and Yellow Sea inter-tidal marine sediments were studied.The sediment samples were made slurry containing 150g dry matter per liter.Various of glucose-C to nitrate-N.Acetylene inhibition technique was applied to measure denitrification in the slurres,All samples were incubated anaerobically under argon atmosphere,Data showed that Taihu Lake sediment produced more N2O than marine sediment,Denitrification potential was higher in Taihu Lake sediment than in marine one,Glucose added increase denitrification activity but not the denitrification potential of the sediments.Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium seemed to occur in marine sediment,but not in freshwater one.When the marine sediment was treated with 25mmol L^-1 glucose,its denitrification potentail,as indicated by maximum N2O production by acetylene blockage,was lower than that treated with no or 2.5mmol L^-1 glucose.Acetylene was suspected to have inhibitory effect on dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium.  相似文献   

Reactions of phosphorus with sediments in fresh and marine waters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. The interactions of P with soils and sediments are examined in the context of transport processes from land, through rivers to estuaries and coastal waters. In soil erosion, selective size fractionation and preferential sorption to finer solids is crucial in the transport of P to water courses. Problems in quantifying the sorption affinity and equilibrium phosphate concentration (EPC) of mixtures of different soils and sediments are identified. Riverine transport of P by suspended solids is usually very important and examples of the changes in the amount and composition of particulate P (PP) concentration during storm events are discussed. Increased P content of solids during the first autumn storms, probably reflect the resuspension of accumulated stream bed-deposits. The fate of P in estuaries and their importance as possible long-term sinks of P are discussed. The relatively high concentrations of dissolved P associated with riverine inputs are to some extent buffered by the relatively high concentrations of suspended sediments resulting from tidal flows. Phosphorus may be released during transport to the sea due to decreases in the EPC, increases in salinity and release from bottom sediments as a result of low oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

Clay minerals are important in evaluating the maturity of suspended sediments, weathering intensity and source area. However, there are processes that can change the mineral assemblage such as river transportation, deposition, remobilization and tributary inputs. In terms of water discharge and sediment yield, the Amazon is one of the largest rivers in the world. Most of the suspended sediments come from the Andes, crossing the lowlands before reaching the ocean. This study measures the spatial distribution of clay mineral assemblages over the entire Amazon basin. The results obtained show the main features of the Amazon River main stem and larger tributaries from their sources to their confluence. Clay mineral composition highlights the evolution of the Madeira and Marañón–Solimões River, which start in the Andes with high illite + chlorite content. Downstream, smectite contents increase. Moreover, all shield tributaries show high kaolinite content. The lower Amazon River is characterized by relative high smectite content, different from the Andean sources. The clay mineral results show that suspended sediments of the Amazon River have three main sources: 1) the Andes mountains; 2) the Amazon shields and 3) the Piedmont basins, especially the Pastaza alluvial megafan and the Fitzcarrald Arch basin. Lateral bank erosion plays also a significant role, by the introduction of more mature sediments into the river, enriched in smectite.  相似文献   

国主要江河流域土壤侵蚀量测算   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 为了对我国土壤侵蚀进行评估,需要测算多年平均侵蚀量。在前人研究的基础上,收集主要江河泥沙测验资料和水土保持研究资料,采用河流泥沙输移比法和水土保持法,测算出我国黄河、长江等9大江河流域多年平均侵蚀量为53.10亿t,并与相关资料进行对比;讨论流域分区的泥沙输移比差异。结果表明:侵蚀总量以长江流域最大,黄河流域次之,淮河、珠江、辽河、松花江流域依次居后,闽江和钱塘江流域最少。  相似文献   

Background  River and lake sediments constitute complex and difficult analytical samples. On the other hand, sediments play a fundamental role in the distribution of toxic compounds in aquatic systems and in the evaluation of the current state and the course of changes taking place in the environment. Among elements present in the environment in trace concentrations, but having well-elaborated toxic properties, one of most dangerous is arsenic. The element occurs in the environment in several chemical forms, predominant are inorganic forms of As(V) and As(III), and methylated forms such as monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA). Objectives  Reported herein are experiments, which were undertaken with the aim of examining the dynamics of arsenic sorption in sediments and its dependence on speciation of the element and the pH in the environment. Simultaneously, influence of organic matter content and chemical composition of the sediments on As sorption, were investigated. Methods  Sediment samples (upper 10 cm layer) were collected from three sites located in the vicinity of Cracow:
•  Rudawa river — 37 km long river, flowing mainly through the suburban area;
•  Vistula river — heavily contaminated, main Polish river;
•  Dobczyce reservoir — artificial reservoir on Raba river, total capacity of 125,000,000 m3, supplying about 60% of drinking water to the city of Cracow.
Using XRD and IR methods, mineral composition of sediments was analysed. Concentrations of iron, manganese, aluminium and arsenic as well as organic matter content in solid samples were analysed. Sorption experiment  100 g of dry sediment sample was placed in a 400 ml volume glass beaker. 300 ml of arsenic containing solution was poured into the beaker. Every 30 min (total experiment time span equalled 7 to 7.5 hours), 0.5 ml of the suspension’ (the beaker content was constantly mixed) was collected and centrifuged, and the concentration of arsenic was determined in the supernatant. In the series of experiments, solution contained about 0.05 μg/ml of arsenic in organic (DMAA) and inorganic forms, at different pH values — 3, 5, 7 and 9. Results and Discussion  Examined sediments of Vistula river and Dobczyce Lake were characterised by relatively high concentrations of arsenic, iron, manganese and aluminium.Rudawa river. At pH 3, the concentration of inorganic As in solution decreased from an initial value of 0.049 μg/ml to 0.012 μg/ml in 7.5 hours time. The same decreasing tendency was found at pH 5 (initial value 0.046 μg/ml, after 7.5 hours - 0.015 μg/ml). Less distinct sorption effects were noted at pH 7 and 9. Vistula river. At all pH values, a very significant decrease of inorganic As concentration up to 80% of the initial value, as well as a short time of achieving an equilibrium state (1 – 2.5 hours), was found. Dobczyce lake. Inorganic As was distinctly accumulated in sediments at pH 3 (decrease of As concentration in solution from 0.052 to 0.007 μg/ml after 7.5 hours of the experiment) and at pH 5. At pH 7, about 40% of As was accumulated in sediments (solution As concentration decrease from 0.050 to 0.030). Only 20% of As adsorbed on sediments at pH 9.Very weak accumulation of organic form of As (DMAA) was found in all examined sediments at pH 3 and 5. At higher pH values no sorption was registered. Conclusions  The following facts were established:
•  inorganic form of arsenic was effectively accumulated in all analysed sediments;
•  inorganic As sorption in sediments strongly depended on pH — for sediments of Rudawa river and Dobczyce lake, the highest sorption was found at pH 3, and a decrease of accumulated As was noted with an increase of pH (at pH 9, the lowest amount of As was immobilised in sediments); in the case of Vistula river sediments, a reverse tendency was found;
•  organic form of arsenic (DMAA) was accumulated only at pH 3 in all sediments and less significantly at pH 5 (Vistula river sediments); no sorption of that form of As was found in the other sediment samples;
•  state of equilibrium (no change in inorganic As concentration in liquid medium) was achieved in 1 hour for Vistula river sediments, after about 2 hours for Rudawa river and after about 4 hours for Dobczyce lake sediments.
Recommendations  The presented method of analysis of As sorption in sediments and results visualization (based on a newly defined coefficient) provides a useful tool for the characterization of sorptive properties of sediments and may be used for other compounds as well. Crucial, functional information — how much of a given element may be accumulated in sediments at a certain pH — is obtained without digestion of the sediment sample, in an experiment taking less than one day.  相似文献   

广东合水水库淤积物直接利用对蔬菜种植效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用网室盆栽试验,以当地大田土壤为对照,种植辣椒、生菜和油麦菜,探讨广东合水水库淤积物直接农业利用对蔬菜生长、营养元素吸收及品质的影响。结果表明,水库淤积物种植的辣椒、生菜和油麦菜的每盆产量分别为111.25、110.04和115.84g,但均显著低于当地大田土壤种植蔬菜的产量;水库淤积物种植的辣椒果实、生菜和油麦菜植株含水率在78%~82%之间,相对低于当地大田土壤种植的蔬菜含水量;从蔬菜营养元素吸收及品质情况来看,水库淤积物种植的蔬菜氮素吸收量、维生素C含量与大田土壤种植之间差异不明显,而磷、钾、钙和镁元素的吸收量不同程度的低于大田土壤种植,硝酸盐和可溶性糖含量在水库淤积物种植条件下的累积量相对高于大田土壤种植。综合考虑蔬菜产量、养分吸收量和品质情况,合水水库淤积物作为土壤种植蔬菜进行农业资源化利用具有一定的可行性,但要达到当地大田土壤种植条件下的蔬菜产量和更好的蔬菜品质,需要对淤积物进行一定程度的改良后再行利用。  相似文献   

Ponds are widely distributed in rice-based agricultural watersheds, particularly in southern China, and may play an important role in nitrate (     ) removal. However, the denitrification rate of pond sediment, measured using the acetylene (C2H2) inhibition technique, indicated that the amount of nitrogen removed by denitrification accounted for <1% of the total nitrogen applied. The present study was undertaken to determine the effects of sediment depth and temperature on denitrification of pond sediment using the C2H2 inhibition technique. The highest denitrification potential was found in the upper 5 cm of sediment, but this only accounted for approximately 34% of the total denitrification of the upper 0–30 cm of sediment, suggesting that sediment denitrification potential would be underestimated if only the upper 5 cm of sediment was measured. The denitrification potential was low and showed a weak response over a temperature range of 6–18°C, whereas denitrification increased significantly from 18 to 30°C, indicating that denitrification may play an important role in the removal of     in warm seasons. A comparison of the     disappearance and C2H2 inhibition methods showed that they were significantly ( P  < 0.01) and positively correlated. However, the C2H2 inhibition method gave only approximately 25% of the values determined by the     disappearance method.  相似文献   

河套灌区沟渠表层沉积物对磷的吸附   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了解北方干旱灌区沟渠沉积物在磷的迁移转化中的作用,该文以河套灌区解放闸灌域总干渠、黄济干渠、总排干和二排干为研究对象,分别在上、中、下3个位点采集上覆水和沉积物,测定水样溶解性磷和总磷含量,对沉积物磷的形态进行分析,选择部分沉积物进行吸附动力学试验和等温吸附试验。结果表明,总干渠、黄济干渠和总排干、二排干水体磷含量相近,沉积物各形态的磷含量一般为钙结合态磷>残渣磷>闭蓄态磷>铝结合态磷>弱结合态磷>铁结合态磷,弱结合态磷、铁结合态磷和铝结合态磷高活性磷含量低且显著正相关。研究表明,沟渠对河套灌区磷输出有削减作用,且沟渠沉积物磷释放风险高,总排干、二排干沉积物较总干渠、黄济干渠沉积物磷吸附容量大。  相似文献   

Four techniques, Soxhlet extraction (SOX), ultrasonic extraction (USE), fluidized-bed extraction (FBE) and accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) with different solvents (methanol, hexane/acetone and acetonitrile) were used for the extraction of DDT analogues in sediments. Results revealed that the four extraction techniques had high recoveries (〉 86.0%) with low standard deviations (〈 12.0%) for most of DDT analogues, meaning that they could all successfully extract DDT analogues in sediments. Accelerated solvent extraction using methanol and hexane/acetone (1:1), fluidized-bed extraction using hexane/acetone (1:1) and the ultrasonic extraction using hexane/acetone (1:1) were comparable or better than Soxhlet extraction using hexane/acetone (1:1). Considering solvent- and time-consumption, level of automation, and environmental risk, accelerated solvent extraction with hexane/acetone (1:1) was better than the other extraction techniques.  相似文献   

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