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Despite the publication of a number of papers dealing with the effect of drying on the soil labile P pool, less attention has been paid to the possible drying‐evoked changes in the more stable P pools. We applied Hedley's sequential fractionation procedure that aims at quantifying soil P reserves according to their decreasing plant availability to examine the effects of drying on soil P fractions in clayey soil samples of different cultivation history. To further investigate the contribution of organic matter disruption to the solubility of soil P, the P extracted in each fractionation step was divided into two size classes by filtering the suspension through a 0.2 μm membrane filter. There were no air‐drying‐induced changes in the total amount of P extracted in each fractionation step. However, air‐drying changed the distribution of water‐extractable P in size fractions; increase in the small‐sized P took place at the expense of large‐sized P. Air‐drying increased also small‐sized molybdate‐unreactive P (MUP) in the NaOH fraction giving evidence that drying‐induced alterations take place also in less labile P forms. The results revealed that air‐drying alters the extractability and distribution of P in various pools rather than the total amount of extracted P and that a large proportion of H2O‐ and NaOH‐extractable large‐sized MUP may remain undetected if only filtered samples are analyzed.  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, large areas of the Horqin sandy land were afforested to prevent desertification. Although the afforestation policy appears successful, many people now doubt whether it is suitable to plant trees with high density on the poor soils in semiarid regions. Little is known about the impacts of afforestation on the sandy soil properties, although the evaluation of these impacts is fundamental to judge the rationality of afforestation policy. Soil phosphorus (P) fractions, acid phosphomonoesterase activities, and other soil chemical properties were compared among five adjoining typical ecosystems on poor sandy soils in southeastern Horqin sandy land. The ecosystems studied are natural elm savanna, degraded grassland, Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) plantation, Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) plantation, and mixed plantation of Mongolian pine and poplar (Populus simonii). The results showed that organic P dominated soil P (47%-65%) was the principal source of available P. The degradation of elm savanna to grassland significantly reduced soil pH and resulted in an overall reduction in soil fertility, although slightly increased labile inorganic P. Grassland afforestation had no significant influence on soil pH, organic carbon, and total N but significantly reduced total P. Impacts of grassland afforestation on soil P fractions depended on tree species. Natural elm savanna had higher soil P conserving ability than artificial plantations. Therefore, with the aim of developing a sustainable ecosystem, we suggested that vegetations with low nutrient demand (particularly P) and efficient nutrient cycling would be more suitable for ecosystem restoration in the semiarid region.  相似文献   

In the sandy soils of northeast Thailand, root development is generally limited to the topsoil (0–20 cm depth) but a simple slotting intervention (20–40 cm) significantly increased the root frequency in the slotted material (Eslot) compared with the undisturbed subsoil (E horizon). The aim of this study was to investigate the consequences of slotting on the soil structure by analysing at different scales the pore characteristics of the original soil profile and of the soil material inside the slot. These characteristics were studied using bulk density measurements, image analysis of thin sections and mercury porosimetry. Our results showed that the total porosity of the E horizon and Eslot material was similar when measured in 100 cm3 cylinders, but that the pore size distribution had been changed by slotting. The unaltered E horizon contained mainly small pores characterized by a narrow distribution related to close packing of the sand grains, associated with some biological macropores probably with poor continuity as they did not contain roots despite their size. On average, pores were larger in the Eslot material, with a broader distribution resulting from looser packing of the sand grains but with fewer biological macropores. Although slotting reduced the number of biological pores, the looser packing appeared to be more favourable to root development than the presence of macropores in the E horizon. Finally, the comparison of the porosity in the different horizons with the porosity of the Eslot material, indicated the significance of the closeness of the sand packing on root development.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对红壤性水稻土磷素及水稻磷营养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】合理的土壤磷素管理对作物生产和环境保护具有重要意义。南方双季稻田土壤磷素特征及磷素吸收信息相对缺乏,本文利用江西省稻田土壤质量演变定位监测试验为平台,系统分析长期不同施肥措施下土壤全磷、磷活化系数及水稻磷素吸收量的变化特征和全磷与磷盈亏的响应关系等,为指导磷肥合理施用提供重要科学依据。【方法】从1984年开始在江西省南昌市进行长期定位试验,设置8个处理,分别为不施肥对照(CK),PK、NP、NK、NPK、70%化肥氮+30%有机肥氮(70F+30M)、50%化肥氮+50%有机肥氮(50F+50M)、30%化肥氮+70%有机肥氮(30F+70M)。早稻施用纯N、P2O5和K2O量分别为150、60和150 kg/hm^2,晚稻分别为180、60和150 kg/hm^2。早、晚稻施用的氮、磷、钾化肥均分别为尿素、过磷酸钙和氯化钾,有机肥分别为紫云英(N、P2O5、K2O含量分别为0.30%、0.08%、0.23%)和腐熟猪粪(N、P2O5、K2O含量分别为0.45%、0.19%、0.60%)。除30F+70M处理,其余处理均为等氮磷钾设计。于1984-2012年每年早、晚稻收获期采集秸秆和稻谷计产,并于晚稻收获后,测定土壤全磷和有效磷含量。分析土壤全磷、磷活化系数(PAC)及早、晚稻磷素吸收量随种植年限的变化规律,研究土壤全磷含量与磷累积盈亏的响应关系。【结果】经29年连续试验,NK处理土壤全磷含量以每年4.6 mg/kg的速度下降,而含磷化肥处理土壤全磷含量升高速率为3.3~19.4 mg/(kg·a)。有机无机配施处理(70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)升高速率平均为16.1 mg/(kg·a),是施NPK肥处理的4.89倍。施磷土壤全磷含量平均增至1.07 g/kg (2010-2012平均值),较初始值提高了1.18倍。不施磷肥处理土壤磷活化系数(PCA)由试验初始的4.24%下降至2.5%左右,施磷肥处理则均显著升高,其中有机无机配施处理平均升高至8.51%,平均年升高速率是施NPK处理的2.89倍。早、晚稻磷素吸收量,施磷肥(PK、NP和NPK)和化肥配施有机肥处理(70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)均显著高于CK,提高幅度分别为29.9%~124%和28.6%~103%,均衡施肥(NPK、70F+30M、50F+50M和30F+70M)磷素吸收量显著高于不均衡施肥(PK和NP)处理,前者平均分别较后两者提高了38.7%和32.9%。早、晚稻产量与磷素吸收量呈极显著线性正相关关系,每吸收磷(P) 1 kg,早稻和晚稻产量分别可提高115和106 kg/hm^2。不施肥(CK)条件下,土壤全磷变化与累积磷盈亏间无显著相关关系,施NK肥处理土壤中每亏缺磷100 kg/hm^2,土壤全磷含量降低6.0 mg/kg,施化学磷肥的3个处理,土壤中每盈余磷100 kg/hm^2,平均提高9.3 mg/kg,而3个有机–无机配施处理,土壤中每盈余磷100 kg/hm^2,平均增加63.3 mg/kg,是无机磷肥的6.78倍。【结论】无论是单施化学磷肥,还是有机无机配施均有效提高土壤全磷含量及磷活化系数,且在等磷量投入条件下,有机无机配施较单施化肥的效果更优。建议减少中国南部红壤性稻田土壤的总磷输入量和提高有机肥施用比例,以改善粮食生产和保护环境。  相似文献   

Irrigated rice is less prone generally to phosphorus (P) deficiency than rainfed rice because redox reactions release P upon soil flooding. It is not known whether that is also true in highly weathered soils of Madagascar where the combination of high soil Fe and low P input may impede significant release of P. Soils and flag leaf samples were collected in 2010 in 38 irrigated rice and 46 rainfed rice fields belonging to private farmers. A critical flag leaf P content was derived from a P‐dosed pot trial study with three soils, and the results suggested 2.4 g P/kg as the critical value. Average flag leaf P was significantly larger in irrigated than in rainfed rice (2.2 compared with 1.7 g P/kg), and flag leaf P was below the critical value in 76% of irrigated rice fields while this fraction was 100% in rainfed rice. Nitrogen and K deficiencies were less prevalent. Flag leaf P increased with increasing soil pH and soil pH explained partially differences in leaf P between irrigated and rainfed rice. Flag leaf P was unrelated to soil organic matter, but increased with oxalate‐extractable soil P (Po). Multiple regression analysis revealed greater leaf P at equal soil Po and equal pH in irrigated compared with rainfed rice. Grain yield estimates (1‐m2 squares) increased with flag leaf P but not with leaf N and K. In a regression model, about 42 % of the yield variance was explained with soil Po and a rice‐growing system. The survey suggests that P is the main limiting nutrient for rice, and that soil P bioavailability is larger for irrigated than for rainfed rice in weathered soils of Madagascar.  相似文献   

稻麦轮作周年氮磷运筹对作物产量和土壤养分含量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过稻麦轮作两周年四季作物的田间小区试验,研究了氮磷减量及磷肥运筹对水稻、小麦产量和第二周年稻麦收获后土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明:在习惯施肥的基础上减少氮肥用量10.8%和磷肥25.0%,对第一周年小麦、水稻产量和第二周年小麦产量没有显著影响,却显著降低了第二周年水稻产量;氮磷减量处理显著降低了第二周年水稻收获后土壤有效磷的含量,而对土壤pH值、有机质、碱解氮和速效钾含量没有显著影响;在氮磷减量条件下,小麦、水稻两季均施用磷肥与小麦一季集中施用磷肥进行比较,二者之间两周年四季作物产量没有显著差异。据此,建议稻麦轮作区实施"氮肥适当减量、磷肥隔年集中施用在小麦季"的氮磷施肥原则,可以达到降低肥料用量和劳动力投入,同时保证产量的目的。  相似文献   

不同磷水平下小麦蚕豆间作对根际有效磷及磷吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】探明不同磷水平下小麦–蚕豆间作对根际有效磷含量及作物磷吸收量的影响,提高磷肥利用率。【方法】2015—2016和2016—2017两季田间试验在云南农业大学试验基地耕作红壤上进行,供试小麦品种为云麦-52,蚕豆品种为玉溪大粒豆。设施P2O5 0 (P0)、45 (P45)和90 kg/hm^2 (P90)三个水平,和单作(M,包括小麦单作MW和蚕豆单作MF)和间作(I)两种种植模式。每季在小麦分蘖期、拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期和成熟期,蚕豆分枝期、开花期、结荚期、籽粒膨大期、收获期采取根际土样测定有效磷含量。在小麦蚕豆收获期测定单、间作小麦、蚕豆产量,并测定作物地上部磷含量。计算土地当量比(LER)来衡量间作优势,并用磷肥农学利用率来反映磷肥的吸收效率。【结果】与单作相比,在P0、P45、P90水平下,2016年间作种植显著提高了小麦籽粒产量12.5%、21.7%和17.3%,2017年间作蚕豆产量较单作分别降低了16.8%、11.7%和8.2%。三个磷水平下,小麦–蚕豆间作具有产量优势,土地当量比(LER)为0.95~1.18。与常规施磷水平(P90)下的单作相比,小麦–蚕豆间作条件下,磷肥减施1/2 (P45)并未降低小麦和蚕豆产量。间作种植对小麦根际有效磷含量无显著影响(除2016年成熟期外),但2017年,在蚕豆分枝期、开花期、结荚期,间作则分别降低蚕豆根际有效磷含量20.8%、44.5%和18%。与P90单作相比,间作P45处理几乎不会降低小麦、蚕豆根际有效磷含量。小麦、蚕豆磷吸收量主要受磷水平的调控,种植模式对小麦和蚕豆磷的吸收量及磷肥农学利用率均没有影响。【结论】在本试验条件下,小麦–蚕豆间作提高了小麦籽粒产量,降低了蚕豆产量;间作种植主要是改变了蚕豆生育前期根际有效磷含量,但对作物的磷吸收量没有影响。小麦–蚕豆间作具有减施磷肥、维持作物产量和根际土壤有效磷的潜力。  相似文献   


Two sets of field experiments under seedling transplanting and drill row seed planting methods were conducted side by side for two years during the main cropping seasons of 2017 and 2018 in Fogera Plain of northwest Ethiopia to study the effect of different sources, application methods and time of nitrogen fertilizer on growth and yield of rain-fed lowland rice. Three N sources of fertilizers (conventional Urea, Urea super-granule, and slow-release Urea) with six, one, and three application methods and times, respectively were laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replicates. These treatments and design were equally applied for two sets of experiments under both planting methods. Results revealed that soil-plant analysis development (SPAD) value, LAI, and biomass and grain yields of rain-fed lowland rice were highest with Urea supergranule N fertilizer sources followed by slow-release Urea and conventional Urea applications in both planting methods. Average grain yields of 3.7 and 3.8 tons ha?1 of rain-fed lowland rice were recorded with the application of Urea supergranule N source fertilizer under seedling transplanting and drill row seed planting methods, respectively. Hence, using Urea supergranule tablet is recommendable for getting better grain yield of rain-fed lowland rice without yield penalty in both planting methods.  相似文献   

长期施肥条件下旱作农田土壤水分剖面分布特征   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用黄土高原旱地长期定位施肥试验,通过比较不同施肥方式和施肥量对土壤剖面水分分布的影响,研究了施肥与土壤水分的关系,并对深层土壤水分消耗引起的水分生态效应进行了分析。试验期间,0300.cm土壤水分虽在雨季得到降水补充,但是播种期的土壤贮水量仍处于亏缺状态。结果表明,不同施肥方式和施肥量的试验处理中,100300.cm土层作物耗水剧烈,土壤水分含量均较低。与对照相比,单施磷肥对作物利用土壤水分没有显著影响;单施氮肥和氮磷配施均促进了作物对下层土壤水分的利用。在相同的施氮量下,施用磷肥加大了作物对深层土壤水分的利用,100300.cm土层的土壤含水率在磷肥用量达到45.kg/hm2后不再随施磷量的增加而降低;在同样的施磷条件下,作物对下层土壤水分的利用随施氮量的增加而增加,当施氮量增加到90.kg/hm2后,100300cm土层的土壤含水率达到一个稳定的值。在同样的氮磷用量情况下,施钾对土壤水分没有显著影响。  相似文献   

In most arid and semiarid soils, naturally occurring phosphorus(P) is a major yield-limiting plant nutrient. In this study, to investigate the effects of organic(OP) and inorganic P(IP) sources on P fractionation, a calcareous sandy loam alkaline soil was fertilized with OP and IP fertilizers at low(80 mg P kg~(-1) soil) and high(160 mg P kg~(-1) soil) application rates. Three combinations of OP and IP(i.e., 75% OP + 25% IP, 50% OP + 50% IP, and 25% OP + 75% IP) were applied at low and high application rates,respectively, followed by soil aging for 21 d. Soil samples were collected after 1, 2, 3, 7, and 21 d and subjected to sequential extraction to analyze soluble and exchangeable, Fe-and Al-bound, Ca-bound, and residual P fractions. The soluble and exchangeable P fraction significantly increased up to 24.3%, whereas the Ca-bound fraction decreased up to 40.7% in the soils receiving 75% OP + 25% IP and 50% OP + 50% IP, respectively, compared with the control(receiving no P fertilizer). However, the transformation of P fractions was influenced by aging time. Addition of P sources caused instant changes in different P fractions, which then tended to decline with aging time. Change in soil p H was the limiting factor in controlling P availability. At high application rate, the OP source significantly increased soil P availability compared with the IP source with soil aging. Depending on P fractionation, a proper combination of OP and IP fertilizers, as long-term slow and instant P-releasing sources for plant uptake, respectively, may be a sustainable strategy to meet crop P requirements in the arid and semiarid soils.  相似文献   

为阐明不同水氮管理模式对黑土稻作产量和土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征的影响。设置3种灌溉模式(常规淹灌、浅湿灌溉、控制灌溉)和4种氮肥梯度(0、85、110、135 kg/hm2),探究水稻产量、土壤碳氮磷含量、化学计量比及层化率对不同水氮管理模式的响应规律。结果表明:控制灌溉模式下,水稻通过形成足量大穗提高库容,小幅增加结实率,从而显著提高产量(p<0.05)。稻田土壤有机碳(SOC)、土壤总氮(STN)、土壤总磷 (STP) 含量随土层深度增加而降低,施氮处理可显著提升SOC、STN含量并降低STP含量(p<0.05)。常规淹灌模式增加SOC、STN含量,控制灌溉模式增加STP含量。土壤C/N随施氮量增加而降低,土壤C/P、N/P随施氮量增加而升高,施氮能提升不同土层平均C/N层化率,降低C/P、N/P层化率。相比常规淹灌,控制灌溉模式能提升不同土层SOC、STP含量层化率,在一定程度上说明控制灌溉配施适宜氮肥可以改善土壤质量,综合考虑CN2为最优水氮管理方式。  相似文献   

A study was carried out on contribution of iron phosphate to phosphorus nutrition of rice plant under waterlogged and moist conditions,respectively,by use of synthetic Fe^32 PO4.nH2O,tagging directly the iron phophate in calcareous paddy soils.Results showed that under waterlogged condition,similar to iron phosphate in acidic paddy soils.that in clacareous paddy soils was an important source of phosphorus to rice plant ,and the amount of phosphorus originated from it generally constituted 30-65% of the total phosphorus absorbed by rice plant.  相似文献   

A filed experiment with an early rice-late rice rotation was carried out on a paddy soil derived from red soil in the southern part of Zhejing Province to elucidate the effect of excess P application on some important characteristics of soil properies and its relation to nutrient status and grain yields of rice crops.The experimental results indicated that adequate fertilizer P(15 kg P hm^-2)could increase the content of soil available P at the tillering stage of early rice,the contents of N,P and K in the shoots of early rice at primary growth stages,and the grain yield of early rice by increasing valid ears per hectare and weight per thousand grains,which,was mainly related to the higher contents of reduced,non-reduced and total sugar in the shoot at the heading stage, And early rice supplied with excessive P could not yield more than that applied with adequate, P de to the reduction in the valid grain percentage and weight per thousead grains. In addition,one-time excess P supply at a rate as high as 90 kg P hm^-2 could not improve the soil P fertility in case the soil available P content was lower than the initial(3.74mg kg^-1 soil) after an early rice-late rice rotaion,and made a decline in the grain yield increased by per kilogram fertilzer P.Thus,one-time excess P supply should not be adopted for soils with a large P fixation capacity like the paddy soils derived from red soils.  相似文献   

Fertilization with nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) can improve plant growth in saline soils. This study was undertaken to determine wheat (Triticum aestivum L; cv Krichauff) response to the combined application of N and P fertilizers in the sandy loam under saline conditions. Salinity was induced using sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) salts to achieve four levels of electrical conductivity in the extract of the saturated soil paste (ECe), 2.2, 6.7, 9.2 and 11.8?dS?m?1, while maintaining a low sodium adsorption ratio (SAR; ≤1). Nitrogen was applied as Ca(NO3)2?·?4H2O at 50 (N50), 100 (N100) and 200 (N200)?mg?N?kg?1 soil. Phosphorus was applied at 0 (P0), 30 (P30) and 60 (P60)?mg?kg?1?soil in the form of KH2PO4. Results showed that increasing soil salinity had no effect on shoot N or P concentrations, but increased shoot Na+ and chlorine ion (Cl?) concentrations and reduced dry weights of shoot and root in all treatments of N and P. At each salinity and P level, increasing application of N reduced dry weight of shoot. At each salinity and N level P fertilization increased dry weights of shoot and root and shoot P concentration. Addition of greater than N50 contributed to the soil salinity limiting plant growth, but increasing P addition up to 60?mg?P?kg?1 soil reduced Cl? absorption and enhanced the plant salt tolerance and thus plant growth. The positive effect of the combined addition of N and P on wheat growth in the saline sandy loam is noticeable, but only to a certain level of soil salinity beyond which salinity effect is dominant.  相似文献   

Loss of yield caused by soil erosion on sandy soils in the UK   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract. Soil productivity, the intrinsic ability of land to yield useful products, can be affected by soil erosion. While much research has been carried out on the processes, there is as yet little information on the impact of soil erosion on in situ productivity of agricultural land in the British Isles. This paper reports the results of a de-surfacing experiment on deep sandy soils in East Anglia. Grain yields of fertilized barley planted immediately after de-surfacing were at least 15 and 45% less on 15 and 25 cm de-surfaced plots than on non-desurfaced soils. There was strong evidence pointing to an acceleration of soil erosion itself on the de-surfaced plots. Both the amount of water stored in the topsoil and water use by the crop decreased with increasing severity of simulated erosion. We observed a drop in organic matter and readily available nitrogen with erosion. Nitrogen mineralization and leaching losses were also affected by simulated soil erosion. The experiment showed that sudden severe erosion may induce substantial barley production losses on deep sandy soils. The size and effect of de-surfacing depends on a number of factors such as soil depth, subsoil type, precipitation and crop type.  相似文献   

Addition of organic matter (OM) to flooded soils stimulates reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals, thereby mobilizing associated phosphate (P). Hence, OM management has the potential to overcome P deficiency. This study assessed if OM applications increases soil or mineral fertilizer P availability to rice under anaerobic (flooded) condition and if that effect is different relative to that in aerobic (nonflooded) soils. Rice was grown in P‐deficient soil treated with combinations of addition of mineral P (0, 26 mg P/kg), OM (0, ~9 g OM/kg as rice straw + cattle manure) and water treatments (flooded vs nonflooded) in a factorial pot experiment. The OM was either freshly added just before flooding or incubated moist in soil for 6 months prior to flooding; blanket N and K was added in all treatments. Fresh addition of OM promoted reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals in flooded soils, whereas no such effect was found when OM had been incubated for 6 months before flooding. Yield and shoot P uptake largely increased with mineral P addition in all soils, whereas OM addition increased yield and P uptake only in flooded soils following fresh OM addition. The combination of mineral P and OM gave the largest yield and P uptake. Addition of OM just prior to soil flooding increased P uptake but was insufficient to overcome P deficiency in the absence of mineral P. Larger applications of OM are unlikely to be more successful in flooded soils due to side effects, such as Fe toxicity.  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment with two phosphorus (P) treatments, zero-P (0 mg P kg^-1) and plus-P (100 mg P kg^-1) as Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O, was conducted to study the chemical and biochemical properties in the rhizosphere of two rice genotypes (cv. Zhongbu 51 and Pembe) different in P uptake ability and their relationship with the depletion of soil P fractions. Plant P uptake, pH, phosphatase activity, and soil P fractions in the rhizosphere were measured. Both total dry weight and total P uptake of Pembe were significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher than those of Zhongbu 51 in the zero-P and plus-P treatments. Significant depletions of resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, and NaOH-Pi, where Pi stands for inorganic P and Po for organic P, were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe under both P treatments. Pembe showed a greater ability than Zhongbu 51 in depleting resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, NaOH-Pi, and NaOH- Po in the rhizosphere. HCl-Pi and residual-P were not depleted in the rhizosphere of both genotypes, regardless of P treatments despite significant acidification in the rhizosphere of Pembe under zero-P treatment. Higher acid phosphatase (AcPME) activity and alkaline phosphatase (AlPME) activity were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe compared to the corresponding controls without plant. AcPME activity was negatively (P 〈 0.01) correlated to NaHCO3-Po concentration in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe, suggesting that AcPME was associated with the mineralization of soil organic P.  相似文献   

吉林省黑土区是我国玉米生产的重要基地,农业集约化程度较高,农业面源污染风险较大。因此,掌握吉林省黑土区降雨与农田氮磷淋溶的关系,对区域生态农业可持续发展意义重大。本研究基于吉林省4个面源污染监测点,于2016-2019年春玉米季对降雨情况、淋溶量、淋溶液氮磷浓度及淋溶强度等进行了动态监测,系统分析了吉林省黑土区自然降雨与农田氮磷淋溶的关系。结果表明:1)吉林省黑土区降雨年际间和监测点间差异较大,年际间波动在424~554mm,春玉米全生育期平均降雨量为475mm;不同监测点降雨量大小依次为通化(593~785 mm)公主岭(512~699 mm)梨树(305~434 mm)农安(197~342 mm)。2)淋溶量和降雨强度呈极显著正相关关系,降雨强度每增加10 mm·(24h)-1,淋溶量增加1.81mm。全生育期(4-10月)降雨量与淋溶次数、淋溶概率分别呈极显著和显著正相关,降雨量每增加100mm,淋溶次数约增加3次,淋溶概率上升6%。当全生育期降雨量超过74mm时,淋溶概率增加,可能引起淋溶;而当全生育期降雨量达到217mm时,淋溶次数增加,可以发生淋溶。产生淋溶的降雨等级一般以中雨(10~24.9 mm)和大雨(25~49.9 mm)为主。3)淋溶量和淋溶液总氮浓度呈极显著正相关,与总磷浓度无明显相关关系。4)总氮淋溶强度与降雨强度呈极显著正相关,降雨强度每增加10 mm·(24h)-1,总氮淋溶强度增加0.73kg·hm~(-2),而总磷淋溶强度与降雨强度无明显相关性。由此可见,吉林省黑土区农田在春玉米雨养条件下以氮素淋溶为主,且与降雨密切相关,应因地制宜采取农艺措施在源头上阻控农业面源污染的发生,为农业生态可持续发展提供有效途径。  相似文献   

Plant growth experiments were conducted to reveal the mechanism by which organic matter (OM) and soil flooding enhance phosphorus (P) bioavailability for rice. It was postulated that reductive dissolution of iron‐(III) [Fe(III)] oxyhydroxides in soil releases occluded phosphate ions (PO4), i.e., PO4 that is not isotopically exchangeable in the original soil prior to flooding. Rice was grown in P‐deficient soil treated with factorial combinations of addition of mineral P (0, 50 mg P kg?1), OM (0, ≈ 20.5 g OM kg?1 as cattle manure +/– rice straw) and water treatments (flooded vs. non‐flooded). The OM was either freshly added just before flooding or incubated moist in soil for 6 months prior to flooding; nitrogen and potassium were added in all treatments. The soil exchangeable P was labeled with 33PO4 prior to flooding. The plant accessible P in soil, the so‐called L‐value, was determined from the 33P/31P ratio in the plants. The L‐values were inconsistently affected by flooding in contrast with the starting hypothesis. The OM and P addition to soil clearly increased the L‐value and, surprisingly, the increase due to OM application was larger than the total P addition to soil. An additional isotope exchange study in a soil extract (E‐value) at the end of the experiment showed that the E‐value increased less than the total P addition with OM. This suggests that plants preferentially take up unlabeled P from the OM in the rhizosphere compared to labeled labile inorganic P. The effects of soil flooding on P bioavailability is unlikely related to an increase of the quantity of bio‐accessible P in soil (L‐value) but is likely explained by differences in P mobility in soil.  相似文献   

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