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Due to continuous single nitrogen fertilization, we hypothesized a built-up deficiency of micronutrients in crops that would limit plant growth and crop quality. In 2-year field experiments using urea-N fertilized grain maize (Zea mays L.), hybrid KWS 2376 at 0, 120 and 240 kg N ha?1 crop uptake of Zn, Mn, Cu and Fe was studied at DC 32, DC 61 and in the grain harvested. Micronutrient contents at DC 32 stage – 1st node (aboveground phytomass) and DC 61 – flowering (ear leaf) were all at levels indicative of adequate micronutrient supply to the crop. At both sampling occasions the Fe:Zn and Fe:Mn ratios were adequate implying that Fe did not inhibit the uptake of Zn and Mn. The application of nitrogen increased the Fe content at the 1st sampling in both years; in the second year the same was also the case for the Zn content. Nitrogen nutrition increased the contents of Mn and Fe at the 2nd sampling only in year 2; in the other treatments no changes were observed in the micronutrient contents. Micronutrient correlations in the grain were discovered between Zn and Mn contents and between Fe and Mn contents. In the second year the highest N-rate significantly increased the Fe and Zn content of the grain compared with the lower rates of nitrogen fertilization. Grain yields were not affected by the rate of nitrogen and ranged between 13.65 and 14.34 t ha?1 (1st year) and between 13.68 and 14.18 t ha?1 (2nd year). Nitrogen fertilization did not reduce the content of micronutrients in the plant or grain of maize. It is evident that the continuous single use of N fertilization so far has not resulted in a micronutrient deficiency of the plants limiting the nutrient density of the grain or reducing its quality.  相似文献   


Field experiments were conducted during late Rabi (January to March) and Kharif (June to September) seasons of 2002, to study the influence of foliar spraying of nutrients on growth and yield of baby corn (Zea mays L.). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three nutrients (phosphorous [P], potassium [K] and boron [B]) each at three concentrations along with control (water spray) and absolute control (no spray). Di-ammonium phosphate, Muriate of Potash and Borax are the sources of P, K and B nutrients respectively. Results showed that spraying of P favorably influenced the growth parameters, yield attributes and green cob and fodder yields of baby corn. Application of P at 0.75% concentration at 25 and 45 days after sowing (DAS) gave significantly higher growth parameters with thicker cobs and corns, increasing the individual cob weight, which in turn increased the green cob yield of baby corn. Increased growth parameters resulted in increased green fodder yield. Application of B and K with different concentrations and P (0.25 and 0.50%) failed to influence the growth and yield of baby corn.  相似文献   


Isotherms and kinetic constants of nitrate uptake by excised root segments from the apical root zone of 6-d-old maize seedlings pretreated with nitrate were investigated using 15N-labelled nitrate. The isotherms were resolved into two systems namely a multiphasic saturable system at substrate concentrations lower than 2 mol m?-3 and a linear system at higher concentrations. The detailed analysis of the multiphasic saturable system suggested the existence of at least three phases, which followed the Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The I max and K m of each phase increase from the lower phase to the upper phase. The distance from the root tip and the presence of stele affected considerably the linear system but only slightly the saturable system.  相似文献   

The effect of a rhizosphere microflora on some morphological and physiological plant characteristics was studied with maize seedlings grown for five days in a mineral nutrient solution. In the presence of the microorganisms the root dry weight is lower than that of axenically grown plants due to a smaller diameter of the primary root. In addition, the root content of some vitamins and sugars is affected. Pure cultures of rhizosphere bacteria were isolated and their influence on morphological characteristics of the maize plant was classified. Whereas one culture retards the overall plant development, the remaining nine cultures exert a significant influence only on specific morphological parameters. These results are discussed as an indication of the participation of phytohormones in interactions between roots and bacteria.  相似文献   

Soil factors such as pH, calcium, carbonate, and bicarbonate precipitation products in calcareous soils reduce iron (Fe) availability to crops and limit grain Fe concentrations. In the present greenhouse study, we evaluated the potential of Fe fertilizer amendments combined with organic amendments, like biochar (BC) and poultry manure, in sulfur (S)-treated low pH calcareous soils (pHS1) to assess Fe biofortification of maize. Elemental sulfur (S) was used both for lowering soil pH and Fe solubilization. Soil pH was successfully lowered down from 7.8 to 6.5 by S application at the rate of 2.5 g kg?1 soil. Pot experiment results revealed that Fe fertilizer combined with BC and S (pHS1) significantly increased root and shoot dry weight, grain weight, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, and stomatal conductance by 69%, 86%, 28%, 74%, 57%, and 33%, respectively, relative to the control. Similarly, combined application of Fe + BC in S-amended (pHS1) soil increased starch (34%), protein (64%), and fat (1 fold) while antinutrient phytate and polyphenols were decreased up to 29% and 40%, respectively, over control. Regarding the maize nutrients profiles, application of Fe with BC gave the maximum increase of Fe and ferritin was increased 1.7 fold at pHS1. The results of this study showed that Fe fertilization with BC at pHS1 soil is beneficial for crop growth and Fe bioavailability.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of Zn absorption were studied in mycorrhizal (Glomus macrocarpum) and non-mycorrhizal roots of corn (Zea mays L.) at pH 6.0 at Zn concentrations of 75 mol to 1.07 mol m-3. Five concentration-dependent phases of Zn absorption were recognized; phase 0 (1.5–4.0 mmol m-3) was linear but the other four phases (4.0 mmol to 1.07 mol m-3) obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. At low concentrations (less than 4 mmol m-3), sigmoidal kinetics of Zn absorption were observed. The absorption of Zn by mycorrhizal maize was greater at low concentrations but decreased at higher levels. This appeared to be a result of a higher maximal uptake rate in phase 1 and lower K m values in the subsequent phases. Kinetic models yielding continuous isotherms could not account for the observed multiphasic pattern.Research paper no. 6820 through the Director, Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263 145, UP, India  相似文献   

It is well established that increasing soil bulk density (SBD) above some threshold value reduces plant root growth and thus may reduce water and nutrient acquisition. However, formation and elongation of maize seminal roots and first order lateral (FOL) roots in various soil layers under the influence of SBD has not been documented. Two studies were conducted on a loamy sand soil at SBD ranging from 1.25 g cm–3 to 1.66 g cm–3. Rhizotrons with a soil layer 7 mm thick were used and pre‐germinated plants were grown for 15 days. Over the range of SBD tested, the shoot growth was not influenced whereas total root length was reduced by 30 % with increasing SBD. Absolute growth rate of seminal roots was highest in the top soil layer and decreased with increasing distance from the surface. Increasing SBD amplified this effect by 20 % and 50 % for the top soil layer and lower soil layers, respectively. At the end of the experiment, total seminal roots attributed to approximately 15 % of the total plant root length. Increasing SBD reduced seminal root growth in the lowest soil layer only, whereas FOL root length decreased with SBD in all but the uppermost soil layer. For FOL, there was a positive interaction of SBD with distance from the soil surface. Both, increasing SBD and soil depth reduced root length by a reduction of number of FOL roots formed while the length of individual FOL roots was not influenced. Hence, increasing SBD may reduce spatial access to nutrients and water by (i) reducing seminal root development in deeper soil layers, aggravated by (ii) the reduction of the number of FOL roots that originate from these seminal roots.  相似文献   

Summary A high molecular weight (MW > 1000) soluble root exudate fraction (HS) was isolated from hydroponic axenic maize cultures in order to investigate its metal-binding properties. Measurements of the maximum binding ability (MBA) and the overall stability constants (log K) for cadmium-, copper-, lead- and zinc-HS associations were obtained from dialysis and ion-selective electrode titrations. All results showed the occurrence of organometallic bindings. Data fitted to linear Langmuir isotherms. The MBA, measured by dialysis titration, varied from 160 to 206 mEq/100 g HS according to the nature of the metal. log K values, following the series Pb > Cu > Cd 5 Zn, varied from 3.15 to 3.65. Due to these metal-binding properties, soluble root products could play a role in the transfer of metal into the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The use of organic materials as a source of nutrients on agricultural lands ameliorates soil physical properties as well as being an environmentally friendly way of disposing of their wastes. This study was conducted to determine effects of three organic materials (poultry litter, cattle manure, leonardite) on yield and nutrient uptake of silage maize. Poultry litter and cattle manure were applied based on phosphorus (P) or nitrogen (N) requirements of the crop whereas leonardite was applied only one dose (500 kg ha?1) and also combined with three inorganic fertilizer doses (100%, 75%, 50% of recommended inorganic fertilizer dose). According to the results, the highest green herbage yield and nutrient uptake values were observed in LEO-100 whereas N-based treatments significantly decreased yield and nutrient uptake of silage maize. The use of organic materials as a combination with inorganic fertilizer in silage maize cultivation is highly beneficial for sustainable forage production.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to compare the uptake and dry matter production potential of NH inf4 sup+ and NO inf3 sup- and to study the effect of Baythroid, a contact poison for several insect pests of agricultural crops, on growth and N uptake of maize (Zea mays L.). Nitrogen was applied as (15NH4)2SO4, K15NO3, or 15NH4NO3 and in one treatment Baythroid was combined with 15NH4NO3. Source of N had, in general, a nonsignificant effect on dry matter and N yield, but uptake of NO inf3 sup- was significantly higher than that of NH inf4 sup+ when both N sources were applied together. Substantial loss of N occurred from both the sources, with NH inf4 sup+ showing greater losses. Baythroid was found to have a significant positive effect on dry matter yield of both root and shoot; N yield also increased significantly. Uptake of N from both the applied and native sources increased significantly in the presence of Baythroid and a substantial added nitrogen interaction (ANI) was determined. The positive effect of Baythroid was attributed to: (1) a prolonged availability of NH inf4 sup+ due to inhibition of nitrification, (2) an increased availability of native soil N through enhanced mineralization, and (3) an enhanced root proliferation.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of metal micronutrients are common in some calcareous soils. Samples of aerial parts of maize and five common weeds and also soil beneath these plants were collected and analyzed to investigate the status and relationships of metal micronutrients in soil, crop, and common weeds of maize field trials at two sites. Results showed that Fe concentration in five studied weeds was higher than that of maize; the highest Fe concentration was found in Convolvolus arvensis and Echinochloa crus-galli (first site) and in Convolvolus arvensis tissues (second site). At both sites, the highest Mn concentration was observed in aboveground parts of Echinochloa crus-galli. The concentration of Mn (both sites) and Fe and Cu (second site) were remarkably higher in Echinochloa crus-galli tissues in comparison with maize. Also the concentrations of Fe (both sites) and Cu (second site) were considerably higher in Convolvolus arvensis tissues in comparison with maize. Available Fe was the highest in the soil beneath Convolvolus arvensis and Portulaca oleracea (first site) and beneath Convolvolus arvensis and Cenopodium album (second site). The high value of available Fe in the soil beneath Convolvolus arvensis may explain why Fe concentration was the highest in aerial parts of this weed species.  相似文献   

Third world maize (Zea mays L.) production is characterized by having extremely low yields, attributed in part to the poor planting methods employed. Maize planting in most third world countries involves placing 2–3 seeds per hill, with hills being roughly 30 cm apart. The variability in seeds per hill and distance between hills result in heterogeneous plant stands that are directly responsible for lower yields. Oklahoma State University (OSU) has developed a durable hand planter with a reciprocating internal drum that delivers single maize seeds per strike and that can also be used for mid-season application of urea fertilizer. The hand planter is 1.4 m in length, 5.8 cm in diameter, and weighs 1.9 kg when empty. The seed hopper has the capacity to hold 1 kg of seed and the tip has a sharp pointed shovel which can deliver seed to a planting depth of 5 cm in no-till and tilled soils. The current prototype has been comprehensively tested and evaluated to deliver at least 80% single seeds (singulation), with 0% misses and work well across varying seed sizes (2652–4344 seeds/kg) and different operators. Using the OSU hand planter, third world maize producers with average yields of 2.0 Mg ha?1 could increase yields by 20%.  相似文献   

【目的】利用土著丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AM真菌)与作物形成互惠互利的共生关系提高作物对土壤磷的利用效率是解决农业生产中磷供需矛盾的主要途径之一,本研究在大田玉米不同种植密度条件下,研究AM真菌对玉米根系的侵染及磷吸收作用,为揭示集约化玉米高效获取磷的机理提供理论依据。【方法】以大田作物玉米的两种种植密度(5104 plants/hm2和9104 plants/hm2)体系为研究对象,在田间原位埋设PVC管装置,通过测定菌丝生长室中的菌丝密度和有效磷耗竭来确定不同种植密度体系条件下AM真菌对玉米磷吸收的作用。【结果】相对于低密度种植群体,高密度群体显著降低了玉米拔节期土壤有效磷的耗竭量,同时增加了玉米地上部的磷含量,即磷吸收效率,增幅达20%; 在玉米拔节期,增加种植密度使根际的根外菌丝生物量(菌丝密度)降低了4%,而非根际土壤中的根外菌丝生物量(菌丝密度)增加了37%; 高密度玉米种植密度群体中AM真菌的根外菌丝对土壤有效磷耗竭的贡献增加了22%。【结论】集约化玉米生产中土著AM真菌依然帮助植株从土壤中吸收有效磷; 高密度体系下玉米对磷的吸收更加依赖于AM真菌。高密度种植增加AM真菌对玉米的侵染、 根外菌丝量和对土壤有效磷的吸收。  相似文献   

The effects of selenium (Se) cadmium (Cd) interactions on plant growth and metabolism are not fully clear. In the present study, we assessed whether Se could alleviate the toxic effects of Cd on growth and metabolism of maize. Seeds of maize variety FH-985 were sown in pots filled with sand treated with CdCl2 (0, 50 and 100 µM) and Se (0, 2 and 4 mg L?1) through Hoagland’s nutrient solution. Low Se (2 mg L?1) increased germination percentage and rate, while high Se (4 mg L?1) increased fresh and dry biomass under Cd stress. Interestingly, all Se concentrations were effective in alleviating the toxic effects of Cd on photosynthetic pigments, whereas higher Se mitigated the Cd-induced oxidative stress and increased flavonoids both in the shoots and roots while phenolics in the roots. The results demonstrated that root zone Se altered tissue-specific primary metabolism in maize. Furthermore, low Se mitigated the Cd-induced decrease in total proteins in the root. Overall, Se-mediated decrease in the oxidative stress in the shoots while increase of secondary metabolites in the roots helped the plants to grow faster at early growth stage and caused increase in the biomass under different Cd regimes.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess if Brassinolide (BR) could ameliorate stress caused by waterlogging on maize. Two BR levels (with and without), two maize varieties [Ikom White (IKW) and Obatanpa-98 (Oba-98)] and three growth stages [control (WLo), seedling stage (WL1), and tasseling stage (WL2)] were studied under waterlogging lasting 10 days. Maize growth and development were significantly (p?≤?.05) reduced by waterlogging stress under WL1 than WL2. Waterlogging stress at WL1 adversely affected (p?≤?.05) the protein and relative water contents. The nitrogen (N) content among the plant partitions (leaves, stems, and grains) were reduced (p?≤?.05) at both silking and harvest. The beneficial effect of BR was more pronounced in Oba-98 with higher protein contents, dry matter yield, N-uptake and harvest index than IKW. Oba-98 was also better yielding than IKW. Thus, in a waterlogged soil, treatment of maize plants with BR at WL1 could induce some tolerance.  相似文献   

Many leaf characteristics vary with position along the culm in maize (Zea mays L.) due to the existence of vegetative phase change and heteroblasty. The objective of this work was to determine if differences in cell wall composition exist among developmental phases and between Cg1, a developmental mutant, and wild-type maize. In one experiment, the middle third of fully elongated leaf blades from lower and upper regions of the shoot was harvested (midribs removed) and analyzed for several cell wall components. Averaged over five inbreds (De811, Ia5125, Mo17, P39, and Wh8584), lower leaf blades had higher levels of xylose and lower levels of total uronosyls, glucose, arabinose, and galactose (P < 0.05) than did upper leaf blades. With the exception of glucose, upper and lower leaves of Cg1 plants varied in the same manner as their near-isogenic siblings, except cell walls of Cg1 plants were more "juvenile" than cell walls of wild-type siblings at the same leaf stage. These data support the hypothesis that Cg1 delays but does not eliminate the transition from juvenile-vegetative to adult-vegetative phase. In a second experiment, juvenile (leaves 3 and 5), transition (leaf 7), and adult (leaves 9 and 11) leaves from inbreds B73 and De811 were harvested and analyzed as in the first experiment. As leaf number rose, total cell wall content of sample dry matter, total neutral sugars, glucose, xylose, and ester-linked monomers of p-coumaric acid and total ferulates including ferulate dimers increased linearly while total uronosyls acids, arabinose, and galactose declined linearly (P < 0.05). Glucose and xylose are major cell wall components released from cellulose and xylans after acid hydrolysis. Pectin, a minor component of grass cell walls, is composed of galacturonosyls, arabinose, and galactose. Secondary cell wall deposition increased between leaves 3 and 11 in a heteroblastic series, due to either increased cell wall content concomitant with decreased cell lumen size, changes in proportion of cell types (i.e., sclerenchyma), or a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

供氮水平对雄性不育玉米物质生产和氮代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在池栽条件下,比较了不同供氮水平下玉米细胞质雄性不育系(CMS)及其同型可育系碳氮代谢的差异。结果表明,两种供氮水平下,CMS玉米子粒产量和收获指数均高于其同型可育系(P0.05),生物产量差异不显著(P0.05),根量较多,根/冠比高于其可育系(P0.05)。CMS玉米保绿性好,净同化率高,果穗叶光合速率生育后期优势明显。果穗叶硝酸还原酶(NRase)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)和谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)活性均具有较高活性,两种供氮水平下都表现出相对优势;其叶片、茎秆和根中氮百分含量和氮积累量都表现出花后0—20 d较高,生育后期较低的特点。CMS玉米的氮素转运多,贡献率和氮利用效率高,且不施氮水平下优势更为明显。说明雄性不育植株光合碳生产和果穗叶氮代谢能力强,促进了植株对氮素的转运和利用,有利于子粒灌浆充实和产量提高。  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Zea mays&nbsp;ssp.&nbsp;parviglumis&nbsp;is the progenitor of maize and assume to have tolerance against various biotic and abiotic stresses. It...  相似文献   

Summary Variability in maize zein protein band mobilities in sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was characterized to classify 27 maize accessions (OTUs) collected from Bendel State, Nigeria. The classification of the OTUs was achieved using two numerical procedures: average linkage cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Five clusters were delineated by the cluster analysis whereas the PCA complemented the cluster analysis by separating the OTUs with yellow kernels into one group and OTUs with early maturity into another. OTUs from the same geographical contiguity commonly grouped together. However some regional overlappings of the OTUs occurred. Results of the PCA revealed that zein bands that stained less intensely more strongly separated the OTUs into various clusters than did those that stained more intensely.  相似文献   

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