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Effects of NaCl on the seed germination and growth of Elaeagnus macrophylla seedlings and multiplication of Frankia Ema1 strain isolated from the root nodules of E. macrophylla were examined. The germination rate of seeds was not reduced by N aCI at 50 mM, but was reduced with further increase of the concentration, and germination did not occur at 200 mM NaCl. Root nodules were formed in the seedlings treated with 100 mM NaCl. The fresh and dry weight of the seedlings slightly decreased by the increase of the concentration of NaCl and the rate of decrease was 10–20% at NaCl concentrations higher than 100 mM. However, Na+ concentrations in the shoot increased up to 300 mM by treatment with N aCI at a concentration above 50 mM for 30 d and in some plants the lower leaves fell. The growth of free-living Frankia was markedly suppressed and the hyphae became thick and short in the solution at 100 mM NaCl. This trend was more obvious at 200 mM NaCl. Na+ concentration in the cells in the medium with 200 mM NaCl was lower than 20 mM and the cells underwent multiplication again when they were transferred to the medium which did not contain N aCl. These results indicate that the salt tolerance of E. macrophylla seedlings was not very high and the threshold for NaCl ranged between 50 and 100 mM, whereas Frankia Ema1 strain was able to survive in a much higher salt environment.  相似文献   


A method which uses the pressure head to predict unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is presented to calculate the soil water flux in a field. Hydraulic conductivities in the primary drying and wetting processes were measured with core samples in the laboratory and the hysteresis between the hydraulic conductivity and pressure head was taken into account. Hydraulic gradients were measured every hour with tensiometers installed in the field. This method was applied to analyze the water movement at 94-cm depth in Hydric Hapludands. Downward or upward flow of water by summing soil water fluxes was examined using the water balance method. Amounts of downward flow determined by our method after heavy rain in a wet soil were slightly larger in the soybean plot but smaller in the bare plot than those obtained by the water balance method due to non-uniform infiltration. Water balance equation which used values of upward flow across a 94-cm depth estimated reasonably well the evapotranspiration from the soybean plot and the evaporation from the bare plot during a dry period. Effect of initial soil water conditions on downward flux by rainfall was well monitored by our method.  相似文献   

The influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) inoculation on nodulation and growth of flooded Casuarina equisetifolia J.R. and G. First was investigated. Casuarina seedlings were grown in sterile soil inoculated with Glomus clarum Nicolson and Schenick and flooding was imposed for 8 weeks. Mycorrhizal Casuarina seedlings adapted to flooding better than non-inoculated seedlings. This was achieved partly by the greater development of adventitious roots and hypertrophied lenticels which increased oxygen availability, and therefore VAM infection in the upper soil zone. The VAM infection led to the suppression of the accumulation of toxic products of anaerobic respiration, such as ethanol. Mycorrhizal inoculation also prevented the total suppression of nodulation in the flooded plants. Nodulation was observed only in the upper soil zone, and its occurrence made dinitrogen fixation possible. The results suggest that mycorrhizal infection is essential for nodulation of Casuarina in flooded soils and is therefore related to the relatively higher dinitrogen accumulation in Casuarina under anoxic conditions. Received: 12 December 1996  相似文献   

滨海沙地木麻黄人工林细根的生产、分解及周转研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在福建省惠安县赤湖林场用根钻法和分解袋法对18年生木麻黄人工林细根生物量、分解及周转进行了研究.结果表明,18年生木麻黄活细根生物量平均为6.693 t · hm-2,死细根平均为2.292 t · hm-2,细根生物量具有明显的季节动态,活细根和死细根生物量年变化均为双峰型,活细根生物量峰值出现在1月和7月,死细根出现在3月和7月.用试验期间不同时间数据拟合得到木麻黄细根分解回归方程:x/x0=1.06e-0.0014t.应用模拟方程计算出木麻黄分解1年的干重损失率理论值(35.96%)与实测值(38.19%)较为接近.木麻黄细根半分解时间为537 d,95%分解时间为2 181 d.结合木麻黄人工林在不同季节的细根生物现存量,18年林龄木麻黄细根年死亡量分别为1.825 t · hm-2,年生长量为3.173 t · hm-2,年周转0.474次.  相似文献   

沙质海岸木麻黄+湿地松林不同混交模式综合效益评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了筛选综合效益最佳的木麻黄+湿地松混交林模式,应用层次分析法,以蓄积量、生物量、风降率、风害率、土壤有机质质量分数和土壤速效养分质量分数为指标,对沙质海岸8年生的5种木麻黄+湿地松混交林模式(木麻黄与湿地松2:4带状混交、3:3带状混交、1:3行带混交、1:2行带混交及1:1行间混交)的生长效益、防护效益和地力维护效益状况分别进行研究,在此基础上对以上5种木麻黄+湿地松混交林模式综合效益进行评价。结果表明:5种木麻黄+湿地松混交林模式综合效益大小顺序为木麻黄与湿地松3:3带状混交模式〉2:4带状混交模式〉1:2行带混交模式〉1:1行间混交模式〉1:3行带混交模式。  相似文献   

Seventy Frankia spp. strains (nodulating N2-fixing actinomycetes) were isolated from root nodules of Casuarina equisetifolia from different localities of Tamil Nadu state, India. From these, four strains (UMCe12, UMCe23, UMCe35, and UMce55) were selected. Their potential use as biological control agents for Rhizoctonia solani root rot disease of C. equisetifolia seedlings and their relative efficiency in nodule production were investigated. Between the two inoculum broadcast systems tested, seed-coating with Frankia spp. cell suspension was superior to the soil application of cells as sand-vermiculite-basal ammonium propionate inoculum. UMCe12 was the promising strain, offering the highest level of disease protection (81.1%) and nodule production (88.1%) in the R. solani-infested soil, followed by UMCe23 (60.3 and 65.5% of disease protection and nodule production, respectively), UMCe55 (53.5 and 58.2%), and UMCe35 (45.4 and 44.5%). Further, a significant positive correlation was observed between the dose of Frankia spp. and efficiency in both disease control and nodule production.  相似文献   

Comparison of the effects of temperature on the growth in culture (increase in protein) of Frankia showed that three strains isolated from Casuarina were more tolerant of high temperature (45°C) than a strain from Alnus rubra. Optimal temperatures for growth of the Casuarina strains were in the range 25–30°C. Growth of the Alnus strain was good at 25°C but poor at 37°C. High temperatures (35–40°C) during storage for 7 months of these Frankia strains in sand, inoculated initially with liquid culture or with Frankia incorporated into alginate beads and permitted to dry, resulted in substantial loss of infectivity for the host plant species. Loss in infectivity was greater with an Alnus Frankia strain than strains from Casuarina cunninghamiana, C. equisetifolia and C. junghuniana. Three Frankia strains from C. equisetifolia were incorporated into a sand/perlite mixture with three different moisture regimes (field moisture capacity – wet: watered and maintained at field capacity; watered to field capacity but then allowed to dry – moderately wet; or watered to half field capacity and then permitted to dry – dry) and then stored for 12 weeks at 25°C and 35°C. Assessment by the most probable number (MPN) technique of the infectivity of the sand mixture for nodulation of C. equisetifolia showed significant interactions between Frankia strain, temperature and soil moisture content. The infectivity of Frankia strains ORS020607 and UGL020602q was not affected by incubation in wet sand at 25°C but fell by more than half after 12 weeks in moderate and dry conditions. Changes in infectivity were similar when incubation was at 35°C. By contrast, the infectivity of UGL020603q fell substantially under all moisture conditions and at both temperatures. The data show the importance of screening for tolerance of both temperature and moisture content when selecting strains for preparation of inoculum for use in hot climates. Received: 25 January 1996  相似文献   

 The contribution of N from Casuarina equisetifolia (casuarina) residues to maize with inorganic N (ammonium sulphate) supplementation was studied in a pot experiment using 15N labelling techniques. A single rate of N application of 100 mg N kg–1 soil was applied as N-ammonium sulphate in combination with casuarina residues in the proportions 100 : 0; 75 : 25; 50 : 50; 25 : 75 and 0 : 100, respectively. The directly 15N-labelled casuarina residue and indirect labelling (unlabelled casuarina + 15N soil) were compared to estimate the proportion and amount of N derived from the residue and fertilizer. The application of ammonium sulphate at a high rate significantly affected shoot dry matter (P<0.05) and likewise reduced the contribution of soil-derived N compared to residues. Total recoveries by maize of residue N and applied fertilizer N averaged 11% and 24%, respectively. Residue and fertilizer use efficiencies were not influenced by the addition of different rates of fertilizer or residue. The estimation of the contribution of N from different sources showed that direct measurement of the 15N-labelled organic source was more reliable. Received: 10 September 1997  相似文献   

以3份优良小白菜品种为供试材料,研究了培养基中不同NaCl浓度对种子萌发和茎端组织存活及生长的影响;不同平阳霉素浓度及时间的处理对种子萌发和茎端组织存活及生长的影响。结果表明:供试种子的萌发率和茎端组织的存活率随培养基中NaCl浓度的上升急剧下降,平阳霉素处理对茎端组织存活率的抑制明显大于对种子萌发率的影响,平阳霉素处理后存活的种子和茎端组织经NaCl胁迫筛选,筛选出耐NaCl胁迫力明显提高的存活苗,存活苗经无性繁殖,可以保持较高的耐NaCl能力。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of exchangeable Na on the growth and absorption of metal elements in barley, rye, and maize. The plants were cultivated in soils whose exchangeable sodium percentages (ESP) were 6.6 (saline soil: Saline), 17.4 (saline-sodic soil: Sodic 1), and 39.6 (sodic soil: Sodic 2), which were prepared from Tottori sand dune soil (Control). The dry weight (DW) and concentrations of metal elements Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Cu) in shoots were analyzed. The shoot DW was smaller with higher ESP, but in barley the difference between all the treatments was no longer observed with time. In Sodic soils, the growth of barley was vigorous, whereas rye growth was poor, and maize plants died by 5 weeks after planting. The Na concentration in shoots of all the species was higher with higher ESP. The K concentration in shoots was low at the early growth stage, but in barley it was higher in the Saline and both Sodic soils than in the Control at the subsequent stages. The concentrations of Ca and Mg in shoots of barley and maize in the Saline and both Sodic soils were higher than those in the Control, but in rye the concentrations were lowest in Sodic 2. The concentrations of Mn, Zn, and Cu in barley shoots in the Saline and bothSodic soils tended to be higher than those in the Control, whereas in rye they were lower than in the Control in both Sodic soils. Barley showed a higher ability to absorb low available microelements than rye and maize. These results indicate that barley is tolerant to sodicity as well as salinity, maize is tolerant to salinity, but is very sensitive to sodicity, and rye is moderately sensitive to both stresses. We suggest that the tolerance of grain crops to ESP involves a tolerance to a high Na concentration in shoots, the ability to keep suitable concentrations of essential cations in the presence of a high concentration of Na in shoots and the ability to absorb low available microelements.  相似文献   

Litterfall, decomposition, and N release in 5-year-old and 8-year-old plantations of Casuarina equisetifolia (Forst.) in the dry tropical region of the Vindhyan plateau were studied during 1989–1990. Maximum litterfall occurred in May. The total litterfall ranged from 7.2 to 9.9t ha-1 year-1 in the 5-year-old stand and from 11.3 to 12.7t ha-1 year-1 in the 8-year-old stand over the 2-year period. Photosynthetic branchlets contributed 87–95% to the total litter. The relative decomposition rates of litter components of the ash-free mass were highest in the rainy months (4.7 to 9.9mg g-1 day-1) followed by winter (2.8 to 3.6 mg g-1 day-1) and lowest in the summer months (1.7 to 3.0 mg g-1 day-1). Similar patterns were observed for N release. The annual decay constant was highest for cone litter and lowest for photosynthetic branchlets. During decomposition, the photosynthetic branchlets showed N immobilization in November and April, the twig litter in March, and the roots in January and February. N release per unit area (g m-2) was maximum from the photosynthetic branchlets (5.3–6.3) followed by cones (4.4) > roots (3.4) > twigs (2.6–3.2). The combination of the litter C:N ratio, moisture, and temperature with the relative decomposition rate in a multiple regression analysis explained 66–84% of the variability in mass loss and 58–66% of the variability in N release.  相似文献   

This study is aimed to examine if cotyledon node zone may play a role in salt and/or alkali tolerance. Seedlings of halophyte plant Kochia sieversiana and glycophyte plant Lycopersicon esculintum Mill were treated with salt and alkali respectively, xylem sap was collected from above or below cotyledon node zone, and components and contents of inorganic ions in the sap were examined. When compared with that collected from below cotyledon node zone, xylem sap collected from above cotyledon node zone in K. sieversiana contains less Na+ under both salt and alkali stresses, and less chloride (Cl–) under salt treatment. Both Na+ and Cl remain nearly the same in xylem sap collected from below and above cotyledon node zone in L. esculintum Mill. Cotyledon node zone in K. sieversiana selectively restricted ion transport under both salt and alkali stresses, which may represent a novel mechanism of salt and alkali resistance in halophyte plants.  相似文献   

Sixty-seven strains of Bradyrhizobium isolated from soybean plants growing on acid soils in West Java and Sumatra, Indonesia, were examined for the effect of the pH and aluminum concentration on their growth in nutrient media, compared with 61 strains of Bradyrhizobium from soils in Japan. The results in this study indicated that the indigenous population of Bradyrhizobium in the soils of Indonesia showed a large difference in acid- and Al-tolerance from that of Japan. Eighty-five and 48% of the isolates from Japanese soils and Indonesian soils, respectively, were unable to grow in YEM broth at pH below 4.5. The acid-tolerance was correlated with AI-tolerance of the isolates on YEM agar plates at pH 4.4. Seventy-five percent of the isolates that grew in YEM broth at pH 4.5 were also resistant to 400 µM Al on the YEM plates. Acetylene reduction assay of the root nodules revealed that 3 of the acid- and Al-tolerant isolates from Indonesian soils showed a significantly high nitrogen fixation activity.  相似文献   

大麦种质耐盐性鉴定及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了鉴定及评价大麦的耐盐性,进行了Na Cl胁迫下不同大麦品种种子萌发及生长试验,结果表明:随着Na Cl胁迫浓度的增加,大麦种子的相对发芽率呈下降趋势,盐害指数随Na Cl胁迫浓度的增加而增大;不同大麦品种间种子萌发存在一定的差异,苏农6472、盐99218、C2118、美97-1338、Numar和海盐大麦表现出较强的耐盐性。通过盐土(土壤含盐量4‰)和脱盐土的对比试验,发现大麦品种在盐土条件下的穗数、穗粒数明显低于脱盐土,而盐土条件下的千粒重高于脱盐土;各品种在盐土下的株高明显低于脱盐土。在盐土条件下,海盐大麦、沪01-2946和苏农6472分别获得4 344、4 311和4 282.5kg·hm-2的籽粒产量,是供试品种中耐盐性最强的品种。本研究不仅为大麦的盐育种提供了理论依据,也为盐渍化地区的麦种植鉴定出了耐盐品种。  相似文献   

为了对栽培9年后转AhDREB1基因毛白杨的耐盐性进行评价,并探究田间种植与组培继代2种不同生长条件对转基因毛白杨耐盐性的影响,以从大田种植9年的转AhDREB1基因杂种毛白杨[(Populus tomentosa×Populus bolleana)×P.tomentosa]中获得的株系(T46-F)和组培继代9年的2个转基因杂种毛白杨株系(T46、T12),以及非转基因杂种毛白杨株系(CK)为试材,通过对外源基因进行PCR检测,发现9年后AhDREB1基因仍然稳定整合在转基因植株中。通过不同浓度的Na Cl胁迫试验,对各株系的相对电导率进行分析,进一步选择测定0.6%浓度Na Cl处理水平下各株系的株高、地径生长量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量、脯氨酸含量和叶绿素相对含量,对不同转AhDREB1基因毛白杨株系的耐盐性进行分析和比较。结果表明,所有株系的相对电导率、MDA含量均随Na Cl浓度增加而增大,但高盐浓度下转基因株系T46-F、T46、T12的相对电导率、MDA含量均显著低于CK。无论是在非盐条件,还是0.6%Na Cl胁迫下,AhDREB1基因的导入均能显著提高毛白杨植株的SOD、POD活性,脯氨酸含量。其中0.6%浓度Na Cl胁迫下,T46-F、T46、T12的SOD活性分别是CK的2.51倍、3.20倍、2.55倍;POD活性分别是CK的1.23倍、1.63倍、1.10倍;脯氨酸含量分别是CK的1.51倍、1.69倍、1.62倍。此外,转AhDREB1基因毛白杨叶绿素含量下降显著低于CK,同时株高、地径生长量显著高于CK。组培继代9年的转基因株系的脯氨酸含量、株高生长量显著高于在大田种植9年的转基因毛白杨,而相对电导率显著低于大田种植转基因株系,说明组培继代培养更有利于保持转基因毛白杨的耐盐性。综上可知,转AhDREB1基因显著提高了毛白杨的抗氧化酶活性,调控渗透调节物质的积累,从而减轻细胞膜的氧化损伤,降低了相对电导率,提高了毛白杨的耐盐性,综合考虑各个指标,各株系耐盐性的大小顺序为T46T12T46-FCK。本研究为通过转AhDREB1基因提高植物耐盐性提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

 One hundred and sixty isolates of rhizobia were sampled from the root nodules of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivated in Tunisian soil samples originating from three geographically distinct fields. Plasmid profiling was used as a primary method to rapidly screen the isolates, and then 38 plasmid types were recorded among the 160 isolates. A sample representing the majority of plasmid types was chosen for further characterization by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of genomic DNA using chromosomal and symbiotic gene probes, and by their ability to nodulate a potential alternative host, Leucaena leucocephala. One third of the isolates showed a high similarity to Rhizobium gallicum isolated from common bean in France, another third showed the same characteristics as the R. etli-R. leguminosarum group, while the remaining isolates could not be related to any of the five species nodulating bean. When reexamined for nodulation, some of these isolates, showing similarities to R. tropici and Agrobacterium with respect to colony morphology and growth in different media, failed to nodulate their original host. The R. gallicum-like isolates, R. etli-like isolates, and R. leguminosarum-like isolates were recovered from regions where bean is frequently grown, while in fields which had not been cultivated with beans for at least the 10 previous years, solely unrecognized taxa of ineffective isolates were recovered. We detected variations in the symbiotic regions, but certain pSym RFLP patterns for nifH were conserved between Tunisian, French, and Austrian populations of bean rhizobia. Evaluation of symbiotic effectiveness showed that R. gallicum-like isolates and R. etli-like isolates were effective, whereas some R. leguminosarum-like isolates were ineffective. Furthermore, effective isolates were also found among the unrecognized taxa. Received: 10 March 1998  相似文献   

Forage production is reduced in saline environments in the pampean grasslands, so search for tolerant germplasm is needed. Seed from 56 naturalized populations of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorumLam.) was collected from grasslands of different agro-climatic districts of the Buenos Aires province (Argentina). These populations and three cultivars were screened for germination under saline conditions and to establish population affinities associated with the germination behaviour. A germination trial was conducted utilizing NaCl solutions with electrical conductivities of 0; 2 and 6 dSm-1. The interaction between entries and NaCl levels was not significant but there were differences among entries for all the characters analyzed. Only the mortality and the germination index were not affected by the increasing conductivity of the incubation media. The 'genetic determination grade' and relative performance of entries for the variables vigour, standard germination and dormancy also were calculated. Cluster analysis was performed and four groups were defined according to the germination behaviour of the accessions under the different NaCl levels. Using the germination traits analyzed, we detected variability in the naturalized populations of Italian ryegrass for salt tolerance.  相似文献   

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