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A few studies have shown that amine compounds (e.g., hydroxylamine) can be co‐metabolically introduced into the reaction pathway of denitrification. During this microbial process, the N atom of the amine species is bound to a N atom of nitrite. In case of hydroxylamine, this concomitant reaction ultimately results in the formation of hybrid N2O. Due to its co‐metabolic character the process has been termed co‐denitrification. Hybrid N2O production during co‐denitrification has been proven to occur in prokaryotic (e.g., Pseudomonas sp.) as well as eukaryotic (e.g., Fusarium sp.) species. Many of them are already well‐known as common denitrifiers. However, until now no clear evidence has been provided to show that N2O production by co‐denitrification really takes place in a soil. In the present study, a formation of hybrid N2O was revealed by an adapted 15N‐tracer model, when both hydroxylamine and 15N‐nitrate were applied (mol ratio 10:1) to an anaerobically incubated soil suspension from a Haplic Chernozem. The presence of hybrid N2O was also indicated by a novel characteristic factor (Rbinom) developed for a hybrid‐N‐N‐gas detection. By contrast, no hybrid N2O was found when either an autoclaved soil suspension, only nitrate or only hydroxylamine was used. Thus, it appears that hybrid‐N2O formation occurred due to co‐denitrification of hydroxylamine. Hence, this is the first study which demonstrates hybrid‐N2O production by co‐denitrification beyond a microbial species level. The 15N‐tracer model revealed that under the given experimental conditions N2O production by co‐denitrification prevailed against N2O from denitrification and abiotic hydroxylamine decomposition. In addition, a formation of hybrid N2 was also calculated by the model. However, the experimental results lead to the conclusion that it was most likely caused by a reduction of hybrid N2O due to conventional denitrification.  相似文献   

闽南农业小流域土壤反硝化作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤反硝化是流域土壤氮损失的重要途径之一。利用乙炔抑制培养法对五川流域内表层土壤的反硝化进行测定,研究发现,闽南农业小流域土壤具有较强的反硝化作用强度,在种植季节土壤平均反硝化作用强度为N 0.1 kg/(hm2.d),最高达到N 0.6 kg/(hm2.d),其中蔬菜地反硝化作用强于其他土地利用类型。反硝化作用同土壤的含水量、温度以及NO3-含量都存在有正相关关系,温度是流域土壤反硝化作用的最主要影响因子。五川流域土壤经由反硝化作用氮损失量占流域施肥量的16%,稍高于国内其他地区。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grazed pastures constitute approximately 28% of total global anthropogenic N2O emissions. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of inorganic N fertilizer application on fluxes of N2O, quantify the emission factors (EFs) for a sandy loam soil which is typical of large areas in Ireland and to investigate denitrification sensitivity to temperature. Nitrous oxide flux measurements from a cut and grazed pasture field for 1 year and denitrification laboratory incubation were carried out. The soil pH was 7.3 and had a mean organic C and N content at 0–20 cm of 44.1 and 4.4 g/kg dry weight, respectively. The highest observed peaks of N2O fluxes of 67 and 38.7 g N2O‐N per hectare per day were associated with times of application of inorganic N fertilizer. Annual fluxes of N2O from control and fertilized treatments were 1 and 2.4 kg N2O‐N per hectare, respectively. Approximately 63% of the annual flux was associated with N fertilizer application. Multiple regression analysis revealed that soil nitrate and the interaction between soil nitrate and soil water content were the main factors controlling N2O flux from the soil. The derived EF of 0.83% was approximately 66% of the IPCC default EF value of 1.25% as used by the Irish EPA to estimate greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Ireland. The IPCC‐revised EF value is 0.9%. A highly significant exponential regression (r2 = 0.98) was found between denitrification and incubation temperature. The calculated Q10 ranged from 4.4 to 6.2 for a temperature range of 10–25 °C and the activation energy was 47 kJ/mol. Our results show that denitrification is very sensitive to increasing temperature, suggesting that future global warming could lead to a significant increase in soil denitrification and consequently N2O fluxes from soils.  相似文献   


We studied the effect of lime-nitrogen (calcium cyanamide, CaCN2) application on the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from a vegetable field with imperfectly-drained sandy clay-loam soil. Lime-nitrogen acts as both a pesticide and a fertilizer. During the decomposition of lime-nitrogen in the soil, dicyandiamide (DCD), a nitrification inhibitor, is formed, and as a result lime-nitrogen application may mitigate N2O emission from the soil. The study design consisted of three different nitrogen-application treatments in field plots with a randomized block design. The nitrogen application treatments were: CF (chemical fertilizer), LN (all nitrogen fertilizer applied as lime-nitrogen), and CFD (chemical fertilizer containing DCD). Soil nitrification activity was lower in the LN and CFD plots than in the CF plots, and nitrification was inhibited for a longer period in the LN plots than in the CFD plots. In the LN plots, N2O emission was lower than those of other treatments from 20 to 40 days after fertilization, a period when large peaks of N2O emission were observed after rainfall in the CF and CFD plots. Cumulative N2O emission over 63 days in the CF plots (mean ± standard deviation: 30.2 ± 14.4 mg N2O m?2) and CFD plots (24.3 ± 10.8 mg N2O m?2) was significantly higher than that in the LN plots (10.7 ± 1.2 mg N2O m?2; P < 0.05). Our results suggested that lime-nitrogen application decreased N2O emission by inhibiting both nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

The amounts of N2O released in freeze‐thaw events depend on site and freezing conditions and contribute considerably to the annual N2O emissions. However, quantitative information on the N transformation rates in freeze‐thaw events is scarce. Our objectives were (1) to quantify gross nitrification in a Luvisol during a freeze‐thaw event, (2) to analyze the dynamics of the emissions of N2O and N2, (3) to quantify the contribution of nitrification and denitrification to the emission of N2O, and (4) to determine whether the length of freezing and of thawing affects the C availability for the denitrification. 15NO was added to undisturbed soil columns, and the columns were subjected to 7 d of freezing and 5 d of thawing. N2O emissions were determined in 3 h intervals, and the concentrations of 15N2O and 15N2 were determined at different times during thawing. During the 12 d experiment, 5.67 mg NO ‐N (kg soil)–1 was produced, and 2.67 mg NO ‐N (kg soil)–1 was lost. By assuming as a first approximation that production and loss occurred exclusively during thawing, the average nitrate‐production rate, denitrification rate, and immobilization rate were 1.13, 0.05, and 0.48 mg NO ‐N (kg soil)–1 d–1, respectively. Immediately after the beginning of the thawing, denitrification contributed by 83% to the N2O production. The ratios of 15N2 to 15N2O during thawing were narrow and ranged from 1.5 to 0.6. For objective (4), homogenized soil samples were incubated under anaerobic conditions after different periods of freezing and thawing. The different periods did not affect the amounts of N2 and N2O produced in the incubation experiments. Further, addition of labile substrates gave either increases in the amounts of N2O and N2 produced or no changes which suggested that changes in nutrient availability due to freezing and thawing are only small.  相似文献   

NaCl浓度对SBBR同步脱氮及N2O释放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐度是影响生物脱氮过程的重要因素。盐度增加会导致生物硝化和反硝化过程中N_2O的产生并释放。该文以添加NaCl的生活污水为研究对象,采用固定填料序批式生物膜反应器(sequencing batch biofilm reactor,SBBR),考察了不同NaCl浓度(0、5、10、15和20g/L)对SBBR脱氮性能及N_2O释放的影响。结果表明,试验NaCl浓度范围内,SBBR出水COD稳定在40~60mg/L。硝化过程NO_2~-/NO_3~-随NaCl浓度增加而增加。NaCl浓度≤10g/L时,NH_4~+-N去除率大于95%,N_2O产率由4.08%(NaCl浓度为0)增至6.72%(NaCl浓度为10 g/L)。NaCl浓度为20 g/L时,驯化后SBBR内平均NH_4~+-N去除率为70%,平均N_2O产率为13.60%。无添加NaCl时,N_2O主要产生于硝化阶段的AOB好氧反硝化过程,SBBR内缺氧区有助于减少N_2O释放;高NaCl浓度条件下,N_2O主要产生于AOB好氧反硝化过程和内源同步反硝化过程,高盐度加剧内源反硝化阶段NO_2~-和N_2O之间电子竞争,抑制N_2O还原,其活性抑制性能与电子受体和初始C/N有关。与硝态氮还原速率和亚硝态氮还原速率相比,氧化亚氮还原速率受NaCl抑制最为明显,是导致高盐度条件下N_2O释放量增加的重要因素。  相似文献   


An incubation experiment was conducted to examine the effects of the phosphorus (P) application on nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) emissions from soils of an Acacia mangium plantation in Indonesia. The soils were incubated with and without the addition of P (Ca[H2PO4]2; 2 mg P g soil)?1) after adjusting the water-filled pore space (WFPS) to 75% or 100%. The P addition increased N2O emissions under both WFPS conditions and NO emissions at 75% WFPS. Some possible mechanisms are considered. First, the P addition stimulated nitrogen (N) cycling, and N used for nitrification and/or denitrification also increased. Second, the P addition could have relieved the P shortage for nitrifying and/or denitrifying bacteria, producing N2O and NO. Our results suggest that the application of P fertilizer has the potential to stimulate N2O and NO emissions from Acacia mangium plantations, at least when soils are under relatively wet conditions.  相似文献   

The availability of O2 is one of the most important factors controlling the chemical and biological reactions in soils. In this study, the effects of different aeration conditions on the dynamics of the emission of trace gases (CO2, N2O, CH4) and the leachate composition (NO3, DOC, Mn, Fe) were determined. The experiment was conducted with naturally structured soil columns (silty clay, Vertisol) from a well aerated forest site. The soil monoliths were incubated in a microcosm system at different O2 concentrations (0, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, and 0.205 m3 m‐3 in the air flow through the headspace of the microcosms) for 85 days. Reduced O2 availability resulted in a decreased CO2 release but in increased N2O emission rates. The greatest cumulative N2O emissions (= 1.6 g N2O‐N m‐2) were observed at intermediate O2 concentrations (0.005 and 0.01 m3 m‐3) when both nitrification and denitrification occurred simultaneously in the soil. Cumulative N2O emissions were smallest (= 0.05 g N2O‐N m‐2) for the aeration with ambient air (O2 concentration: 0.205 m3 m‐3), although nitrate availability was greatest in this treatment. The emission of CH4 and leaching of Mn and Fe were restricted to the soil columns incubated under completely anoxic conditions. The sequence of the reduction processes under completely anoxic conditions complied with the thermodynamic theory: soil nitrate was reduced first, followed by the reduction of Mn(IV) and Fe(III) and finally CO2 was reduced to CH4. The re‐aeration of the soil columns after 85 days of anoxic incubation terminated the production of CH4 and dissolved Fe and Mn in the soil but strongly increased the emission rates of CO2 and N2O and the leaching of NO3 probably because of the accumulation of DOC and NH4+ during the previous anoxic period.  相似文献   

【目的】N2O 是重要的温室气体之一,主要来源于农田土壤。华北平原是我国的粮食主产区,秸秆还田是该地区主要的农田管理措施,明确不同秸秆还田量对小麦玉米农田周年土壤温度和含水量的影响以及与 N2O 排放之间的量化关系,对发挥秸秆还田的生态效应,明确硝化和反硝化作用机制具有重要意义。【方法】以冬小麦、夏玉米为研究对象,设置 5 种不同秸秆还田量处理:小麦、玉米秸秆均不还田 (T0);小麦秸秆 1875 kg/hm2 + 玉米秸秆 2000 kg/hm2 还田 (T1);小麦秸秆 3750 kg/hm2 + 玉米秸秆 4000 kg/hm2 还田 (T2);小麦秸秆 5625 kg/hm2 + 玉米秸秆 6000 kg/hm2 还田 (T3);小麦秸秆 7500 kg/hm2 + 玉米秸秆 8000 kg/hm2 还田 (T4)。于 2014 年 10 月~2015 年 10 月,采用静态箱–气相色谱法对农田 N2O 排放进行测定,探究不同秸秆还田量下小麦玉米农田 N2O 排放的周年变化,并量化分析土壤温度、含水量与 N2O 排放的关系。【结果】秸秆还田量显著影响 N2O 的排放,随着秸秆还田量的增加,周年内 N2O 排放总量呈增加的趋势,增加量为 1.33~3.50 kg/hm2,增加率为 32.3%~85.0%;通量增加量为 15.52~40.87 μg/(m2·h),增加率为 32.3%~85.1%。玉米季 N2O 排放通量和总量分别是小麦季的 2.42~2.62 和 1.05~1.14 倍。秸秆还田可提高 0—10 cm 土壤温度和 0—20 cm 土壤含水量,增加范围分别为 0.63~2.14℃ 和 0.6%~1.8%。相关性分析表明,各处理土壤温度和 N2O 排放通量无相关关系(P > 0.05)。T0、T1、T2 处理土壤含水量与 N2O 排放通量呈显著正相关(P < 0.05),而 T3、T4 处理与 N2O 排放通量之间不相关(P > 0.05)。【结论】随着秸秆还田量的增加,N2O 排放通量和总量均呈现增加趋势,且玉米季高于小麦季。秸秆还田显著促进 N2O 排放并可提高 0—20 cm 土壤含水量和 0—10 cm 土壤温度,周年秸秆还田量在 7750 kg/hm2 及以下时,N2O 排放通量与土壤含水量之间呈显著正相关,而与土壤温度之间不相关。  相似文献   

An increasing area of oilseed rape cultivation in Europe is used to produce biodiesel. However, a large amount of straw residue is often left in the field in autumn. Straw mineralization provides both carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) sources for emission of soil nitrous oxide (N2O), which is an important greenhouse gas with a high warming potential. Some studies have focused on soil N2O emissions immediately post-harvest; however, straw mineralization could possibly last over winter. Most field studies in winter have focused on freeze-thaw cycles. It is still not clear how straw mineralization affects soil N2O emissions in unfrozen wintertime conditions. We carried out a field experiment in northern Germany in winter 2014, adding straw and glucose as a source of C with three rates of N fertilizer (0, 30, and 60 kg N ha−1). During the 26 days of observation, cumulative N2O emission in treatments without C addition was negative at all N fertilizer levels. Straw addition produced –3.2, 11.2, and 5.0 mg N2O-N m−2 at 0, 30, and 60 kg N ha−1, respectively. Addition of glucose surprisingly caused –1.5, 74.6, and 165 mg N2O–N m−2 at 0, 30, and 60 kg N ha−1, respectively. This study demonstrates that oilseed rape straw does not cause high N2O emissions in wintertime when no extreme precipitation or freeze-thaw cycles are involved, and soil organic C content is low. However, N2O emission could be intensively stimulated, when both easily available organic C and nitrate are not limited and the soil temperature between 0 and 10°C. These results provide useful information on potential changes to N2O emissions that may occur due to the increased use of oilseed rape for biodiesel combined with less severe winters in the northern hemisphere driven by global warming.  相似文献   

To quantify the spatial variation and spatial structure of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) emission from forest soils, we measured N2O and NO emission rates from surface soil cores taken at 1 m intervals on a cross-line transect (65 m × 20 m) on a slope of Japanese cedar ( Cryptomeria japonica ) forest in a temperate region of central Japan and analyzed the spatial dependency of N oxide gas emissions using geostatistics. We divided N2O emission into N2O from denitrification and N2O from nitrification using the acetylene inhibition method. According to the geostatistical analysis, N2O emission rates on the slope had large spatial variation and weak spatial dependency. This weak spatial dependency was caused by the inordinately high N2O emissions on the slope, which were derived mainly from denitrification. In contrast, NO emission rate on the slope had large spatial variation, but strong spatial dependency and a distinct spatial distribution related to slope position, that is, high in the middle of the slope and low in the shoulder and the foot of the slope. The CN ratio and water-filled pore space were the dominant factors controlling NO emission rate on a slope. Our results suggest that spatial information about topographic factors helps to improve the estimation of both N2O emission and NO emission from forest soils.  相似文献   


We measured nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from the soil surface and in the soil through to a depth of 0.3?m, and their concentration profiles through to a depth of 0.6?m in both a Gray Lowland soil with macropores and cracks and an Andosol with undeveloped soil structure in central Hokkaido, Japan. The objective of the present study was to elucidate any differences in N2O production and flux in the soil profile between these two soil types. In the Gray Lowland soil, the N2O concentration above 0.4?m increased with an increase in soil depth. In the Andosol, there were no distinctive N2O concentration gradients in the topsoil when the N2O flux did not increase. However, the N2O concentration at a depth of 0.1?m significantly increased and this concentration was higher than the concentration below 0.2?m when the N2O flux greatly increased. Thus, the N2O concentration profiles were different between these two soils. The contribution ratios of the N2O produced in the top soil (0–0.3?m depth) to the total N2O emitted from the soil to the atmosphere in the Gray Lowland soil and the Andosol were 0.86 and 1.00, respectively, indicating that the N2O emitted from the soil to the atmosphere was mainly produced in the top soil. However, the contribution ratio of the subsoil to the N2O emitted from the Gray Lowland soil was higher than that of the Andosol. There was a significant positive correlation between the N2O flux through to a 0.3?m depth and the flux from the soil to the atmosphere in the Gray Lowland soil only. These results suggest that N2O production in the subsoil of the Gray Lowland soil could have been activated by NO3 ? leaching through macropores and cracks, and subsequently the N2O produced in the subsoil could have been rapidly emitted to the atmosphere through the macropores and cracks.  相似文献   

设施菜田土壤pH和初始C/NO3– 对反硝化产物比的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】设施菜田土壤反硝化作用是N2O排放和氮素损失的重要途径。本研究通过室内厌氧培养试验,在不同pH和初始C/NO3–条件下,比较设施菜田土壤反硝化氮素气体排放及产物比的变化特征。【方法】以设施菜田土壤为研究对象,通过添加一定量低浓度的酸碱溶液调节土壤pH分别为酸性、中性和碱性条件,调节后的实测pH分别为5.63、6.65和7.83;同时以谷氨酸钠作为有效性碳,除未添加有效性碳作为对照处理 (CK) 外,其他有效性碳与硝酸盐 (C/NO3–) 的比值分别调节为5∶1、15∶1和30∶1,三种pH条件下均设置 4 个 C/NO3– 水平,每个水平3次重复。利用自动连续在线培养系统 (Robot系统),在厌氧条件下监测不同处理土壤产生的 N2O、NO、N2和CO2浓度的动态变化,通过计算N2O/(N2O + NO + N2)指数估算反硝化过程N2O的产物比。【结果】增加土壤的pH能显著减少设施菜田土壤N2O和NO的产生量,酸性 (pH 5.63) 土壤的N2O、NO产生量峰值在不同初始C/NO3– 比下均显著高于中性 (pH 6.65) 和碱性 (pH 7.83) 土壤 (P < 0.05)。中性和碱性土壤在高C/NO3– 下有利于减少反硝化过程N2O的产生,而酸性土壤条件下差异并不显著。中性土壤条件下增加有机碳含量会降低NO产生量,而在酸性和碱性土壤上有机碳的添加对NO产生量没有显著影响。土壤pH和初始C/NO3– 比对土壤N2O的产生有极显著的交互效应 (P < 0.001)。酸性和中性土壤上添加有机碳能够显著增加土壤N2的产生速率 (P < 0.05),且与对照相比,不同pH的土壤添加有机碳后均显著促进反硝化过程中N2O向N2的转化。在不同初始C/NO3– 下碱性土壤的CO2产生量显著高于酸性和中性土壤,同时与对照相比,添加有机碳显著增加了土壤的CO2产生量 (P < 0.05)。酸性土壤的N2O产物比在不同初始C/NO3– 下均极显著高于碱性土壤 (P < 0.01),且不同初始C/NO3– 下的土壤N2O产物比随pH的增加显著下降,二者呈极显著线性负相关关系 (P < 0.01)。【结论】土壤pH降低是设施菜田土壤N2O和NO排放量较高的重要原因。而且,增加初始土壤有效碳含量促进了土壤的反硝化损失,并在中性和碱性土壤中N2O的产生量减少。土壤pH升高和初始C/NO3– 增加均降低了产物比,但增加了土壤反硝化作用速率。在利用N2O排放通量和产物比估算土壤反硝化氮素损失时,土壤pH和有效碳含量是必须考虑的两个重要因素。  相似文献   


Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the inhibitory effects of 2-chloro-6 (trichloromethyl) pyridine (nitrapyrin) and dicyandiamide on nitrous oxide (N2O), a greenhouse gas, emission from soils amended with ammonium sulfate. In the two experiments, samples of an Andosol and a Gray Lowland soil were kept in glass vessels sealed with a butyl rubber cap and incubated at 25°C. In the first experiment, nitrapyrin (1 µg g?1 dry soil) and dicyandiamide (10 µg g?1 dry soil) were applied to samples of a water-saturated Andosol and a Gray Lowland soil to which ammonium sulfate had been applied at a rate of 0.1 mg N g?1 dry soil. Nitrapyrin decreased N2O emissions from the Andosol and the Gray Lowland soil by 71% and 24%, respectively. Dicyandiamide decreased N2O emissions from the Andosol and Gray Lowland soil by 31% and 18%, respectively. In the second experiment, nitrapyrin (1 µg g?1 dry soil) was applied to samples of an Andosol at 51% water-filled pore space to which ammonium sulfate had been applied at rates of 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5 mg N g?1 dry soil. Nitrapyrin decreased N2O emissions by 62%, 83% and 74%, respectively. Changes in the NH+ 4 and NO? 2 + NO? 3 concentrations in soil showed that nitrapyrin and dicyandiamide slowed down the nitrification process, but did not completely stop the process at any time. The results reveal the potential of nitrification inhibitors to decrease N2O emission from fertilized soil in a wide range of moisture conditions and nitrogen levels.  相似文献   

以华北平原农田土壤为对象,通过室内静态培养系统研究NO_3~--N与不同碳源组合对土壤N_2O和CO_2排放的影响。结果表明,NO_3~--N作为氮源和不同碳源施入土壤,除NO_3~-+纤维素,其余土壤N_2O排放通量均高于对照组和只添加氮源土壤;NO_3~--N和不同碳源组合的CO_2累积排放量均高于对照和只添加氮源土壤。NO_3~-+果胶的N_2O排放量在第1 d达到最大值1 383.42μg N·kg~(-1)·d~(-1);NO_3~-+葡萄糖的CO_2排放量在第1 d达到最大值370.13 mg C·kg~(-1)·d~(-1),CO_2累积排放量顺序为:葡萄糖果胶秸秆纤维素淀粉木质素。土壤NO_3~--N含量与N_2O排放呈极显著正相关。总之,添加纤维素可以抑制N_2O的排放,促进CO_2排放,并增加土壤中NO_3~--N含量,添加其余碳源均会促进土壤N_2O和CO_2排放。  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO) emission rates and soil properties in forest soils, N2O and NO emission rates in soils were measured in incubation experiments under standardized temperature and water conditions (water content at a water-holding capacity of 60%) using soils packed into a cylindrical core, and variations in the soil properties were also determined. The N2O emission rates from nitrification and from denitrification were determined separately using a nitrification inhibitor (10 Pa acetylene). Soil samples were taken from 25 forest stands in a central temperate area of Japan. The N2O and NO emission rates were highly variable, even under the standardized temperature and water-holding capacity (60%) conditions. According to a partial least squared regression model analysis, the C:N ratio and pH strongly affected the N2O emission rate, whereas     , water-soluble Al and the C:N ratio strongly affected the NO emission rate. The C:N ratio negatively affected the emission rate of both N oxide gases, suggesting that N mineralization is an important factor in the rates of N oxide gas emission. The acetylene inhibition experiment showed that N2O emission from denitrification was positively affected by pH, water-filled pore space and filling density, and negatively affected by the C:N ratio, total carbon and total nitrogen.  相似文献   

不同氮水平下黄瓜-番茄日光温室栽培土壤N_2O排放特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
为探讨日光温室黄瓜—番茄种植体系内N2O排放动态变化及其对不同氮水平的响应规律,采用密闭静态箱法,研究了常规氮量(黄瓜季1 200 kg/hm2,番茄季900 kg/hm2)、比常规氮量减25%(黄瓜季900 kg/hm2,番茄季675 kg/hm2)、减50%(黄瓜季600 kg/hm2,番茄季450 kg/hm2)以及不施氮对日光温室土壤N2O排放的影响。结果表明,温度是影响日光温室土壤N2O排放强度的重要因素,4-10月(平均气温为27.4℃)的N2O排放通量最高达818.4μg/(m2·h);而2-3月(平均气温15.1℃)以及11-12月(平均气温14.7℃)期间的N2O排放通量最高仅为464.5μg/(m2·h),比4-10月的N2O排放峰值降低了43.2%。N2O排放峰值在氮肥追施后5 d内出现,N2O排放量集中在氮肥施用后7 d内,可占整个监测期(271 d)排放量的64.7%~67.8%。施氮因增加了土壤硝态氮含量而引起N2O排放爆发式增长,0~10 cm土壤硝态氮含量与N2O排放量呈指数函数关系(P0.01)。日光温室黄瓜—番茄种植体系内的N2O排放量为0.99~9.92 kg/hm2,其中75.6%~90.0%由施氮造成。与常规氮用量相比,氮减量25%和50%处理的N2O排放量分别降低了40.4%和59.3%,总产量却增加4.9%和7.4%。综上所述,合理减少氮用量不仅可显著降低日光温室土壤N2O排放,而且不会引起产量的降低。该研究为日光温室蔬菜生产构建科学合理的施氮技术及估算中国设施农田温室气体排放量提供参考。  相似文献   

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