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Following recent changes in the Bolivian Forest Law, there has been considerable debate about the financial viability of natural forest management in Northern Bolivia. We compare the returns to timber extraction for a number of forest management regimes, finding that the cost for private parties of meeting the recently imposed sustainable forest management requirements is significant. While still profitable (i.e. earning positive rates of return), sustainable forest management is clearly less profitable than traditional logging practices. Indeed, the net present value per hectare is depressed to such low levels that forests are unlikely to earn competitive rates of return, so that future conversion or misuse of forestlands may be feared. Finally, implications of the new forest law for the distribution of the resource rent between firm and government are discussed. Our results indicate that historic patterns of incomplete rent capture by the government have effectively been reversed, and that many firms will not be able to earn ‘normal profits’ under the new regime.  相似文献   

近年来,受国内外经济形势的影响,浙江安吉县的毛竹价格逐年下降,毛竹林的经济效益受到影响,如何提高毛竹林的生产力、培育大径竹材已经成为毛竹林经营的重要内容。毛竹林的生产力与土壤养分密切相关,测定分析了安吉县主要毛竹产区笋材两用林的土壤养分,探讨了竹林经营模式、竹林产出与土壤养分状况的关系。结果表明:安吉县毛竹林土壤普遍缺乏速效钾,而土壤有机质含量较为丰富;竹林平均胸径随土壤速效磷含量的增加而增加。因此,培养大径级竹林应增施磷肥和钾肥。研究结果可为优化毛竹林经营模式、提高竹林产量以及合理制定竹林施肥策略提供依据。  相似文献   

北京开花竹林土壤主要养分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用对比分析法,研究了北京市早园竹开花竹林和正常竹林土壤主要养分含量的差异。结果表明:开花竹林土壤中氮肥和磷肥含量明显低于正常竹林,钾肥含量没有明显差异;随着土壤深度增加,土壤中氮、磷、钾肥含量明显降低,尤其是竹鞭和竹根集中分布的10~30 cm深的土层,土壤养分严重亏缺。因此,在竹林经营中,应以"补氮提磷"为土壤养分管理目标,同时将10~30 cm深的土层作为竹林施肥的"目标土层",积极探索有效的竹林施肥和土壤改良技术。  相似文献   

应用“八五”国家攻关课题“主要工业用材林施肥技术研究”及前人的研究成果,论证和确定了林木有效施肥条件和肥效目标.我国杉木施肥的有效立地指数区间为[10,18];林木施肥的最佳经济效益目标增量与立地指数和单位产出价值成正相关,与不施肥的产量、优势木的平均养分浓度及单位投入价值成反相关;在自然上壤肥力状况下,氮磷钾均为高目标肥效的限制因子.  相似文献   

间种对油茶幼林生长的影响及效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用黄豆、花生、红薯和烟叶4种农作物于油茶幼林内进行间作,研究不同间种模式对油茶幼树树体生长的影响,并对间种不同经济作物的油茶幼林林地经济效益进行分析。结果表明:间种可促进油茶幼林的生长,其中间种黄豆效果最好,树高增加了0.11 m,地径增加了0.04 cm,冠幅增加了0.21 m~2,花芽数增加了20个/枝。间种可增加油茶幼林的经济效益,其中间种烟叶效益最高,经济产出为48 960元/hm~2。综合来看,油茶幼林间种的经济作物宜选择较矮小、具根瘤固氮菌的花生、黄豆。  相似文献   

本文通过对柏木人工林林分结构时、空间变化规律的研究,发现林木株数按径级的分布在幼龄期呈倒“丁”型,在中龄前期低指数级呈倒“丁”型,高指数级近似正态分布,而中龄后期为近似正态和正态型,随年龄和指数级的增大其径级分布从倒“丁”型向正态分布里有序的过渡;分析了不同立地质量下林分(?)、(?)、(?)及生物量等生长指标的变化规律,并建立了指数级和各指标之间的函数回归式,以实现对不同立地质量林分的评价预测;分析探讨了不同经营目的下林分的合理密度,为柏木人工林经营提供了技术指标和依据。  相似文献   

林区或林业企业应从产品绝对比较优势、产品相对比较优势和资源比较优势3个层面上进行优化产业结构或资源配置的努力。政府应根据林区比较优势的动态变化制定出旨在发挥新的比较优势的产业政策,诱导林业企业进行产品结构升级。解决初级林产品价格低下的正确途径是开放市场,简单地延长产业链并不能成为开放市场的替代选择。  相似文献   


Weathering rates of forest soils are important for estimating nutrient sustainability and critical loads of acidity. Such rates can be estimated with the PROFILE model using input data about soil properties, climate, and forest species. PROFILE has been extensively tested on field data in the past, and found to perform well under a wide range of conditions. A high resolution soil geochemistry database now available in Sweden implies new possibilities for regional assessments of weathering rates as well as assistance to local assessments. Regional weathering rates are required by decision makers as inputs in forest sustainability assessments and critical load calculations, whereas calculations on a local level can provide help for the forest owners to adjust their forestry to the nutrient availability of the soil in order to inhibit long-term nutrient deficiency. In this paper weathering calculations for different scales, using the PROFILE model, are demonstrated and discussed. The high resolution geochemical database of Sweden is a good basis for PROFILE weathering calculations in different scales. The required resolution of complementing input data depends on the requested accuracy in the output, which is closely connected to the aim of the calculations.  相似文献   

杉木、马尾松、甜槠等林分下土壤养分状况研究   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
对中等立地上杉木、马尾松,甜槠等林分的土壤养分状况进行了综合比较,结果表明:不同林分对土壤有机质及矿质养分的影响不尽相同,阔叶林能增加土壤有机质积累,改善土壤养分状部;马尾松林对提高土壤有效性N、P、K含量具有一定作用,特别是对提高有效P作用很大;杉木纯林不利于改善土壤养分状况及土壤理化性质;针阔混交林能改良土壤养分状况,尤其能较好地改良土壤有效性微量元素状况,防止地方衰退,有利于林业持续发展,另  相似文献   

The forest and forest products form one of the most important basis for the transfer to a bio-based economy in Sweden. About 75% of the area covered by forest in Sweden is used industrially to produce raw material for the wood-refining industries. Every year, this cluster uses 75 million m3 of roundwood and has an export value of €12 billion. This review paper is devoted to the wood mechanical industry, i.e. the industry which turns the forest into sawn timber, packaging, construction wood, furniture and interior fittings. The sawmills consume about half of the volume of softwood which is felled, and about two-thirds of the sawn timber go to export without any further refining within the country. Nevertheless, in spite of the relatively low degree of refinement in the sawmill and the fact that the sawmills in general over time have a very low profitability, they are responsible for 70–80% of the forest owners' profits on the sale of timber. An increased upgrading of the sawn timber within the country is desirable from a national economic viewpoint – increased employment opportunities, increased export income, etc. It should then in the first place be for products with a higher added value, such as furniture and fittings. Today, the refinement value is 15–20 times higher for products from joinery and furniture industries compared to that of the sawn timber, and the added value of the wood within the building industry is only about 1.5 times.  相似文献   

森林生态系统营养元素的生物循环   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文

森林土壤养分空间异质性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
森林土壤养分的空间异质性直接关系着林地生产力、生态恢复的方向与途径,是植物群落空间格局形成的重要影响因素,对生态系统的演替有重要作用,因此近年来有关土壤养分空间异质性的研究成为国内外研究的热点。文中就海拔高度、土层深度、坡向、植被类型等环境因素对森林土壤养分空间异质性的影响进行了综述,指出目前该研究领域存在的主要问题是结合多种环境因子对土壤进行季节动态变化的研究比较缺乏,基于林分或更大尺度下对森林生态系统土壤空间异质性的形成机制、土壤空间变异规律同人为干扰、物种空间分布格局等关系的研究应该得到更多重视,并提出今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

在发展中国家减少森林砍伐和退化、增加森林碳储存和开展森林可持续经营(REDD+), 意味着各国必须周期性、系统性地开展森林清查, 以量化森林碳储量的变化。目前的遥感技术可以经济合算地监测森林砍伐, 但监测森林退化仍然比较困难, 测量森林退化成为实施REDD+的一个主要挑战。基于社区的森林清查能够帮助解决这一问题。文中概述社区型监测在REDD+背景下的作用, 比较社区型监测与专业技术人员开展森林清查的成本和数据可靠性, 分析社区型监测的优缺点, 认为需要进一步研究当地社区监测的准确性, 完善实地操作规程, 尽量利用社区型监测的优势实现REDD+。  相似文献   

林木叶片营养诊断中的取样问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了林木叶片营养诊断中的取样部位、取样时期和取样数量等问题  相似文献   

分析了桉树林现状和存在问题,从集约经营、保持土壤肥力、生物高新技术应用,培育林、浆纸一体化的主导产业结构等四方面提出了奋斗目标,阐述了以资源为基础,以市场为导向,以科技教育为保证,以林产工业为龙头,不断优化产业和产品结构,促进桉树规模经营和林、工、贸一体化建设的战略思想。同时指出:实施该战略应采取规模化集约经营,科技兴林,发展林产工业,建设社会化服务保障系统、资金投入系统和人员利益配系统等对策。并对建立桉树人工林持续发展的评价指标体系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

永安市建立林业要素市场透视   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在明晰集体林木林地产权的前提下,为了满足林权主体获得最高的收益,必须形成产权可交易性这一基础要求。永安林业要素市场的成功运作证明,产权的流通有利于巩固和发展集体林权制度改革成果。  相似文献   

森林不同组分对降水的生态效应研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
森林是一个复杂的生态系统, 森林水文学是近年来研究的热点.大气降水作为森林生态系统养分来源之一, 是目前研究森林生态系统养分循环不可或缺的因子.典型的森林生态系统一般通过乔木层、灌草层、凋落物层和土壤层等组分对降水进行分配.文中系统阐述了国内外研究者关于森林生态系统各组分对降水生态效应的研究进展, 同时对森林降水中营养物质的输入和输出研究作了简述, 指出目前相关研究中存在的问题和今后努力的方向, 旨在为今后的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

本文根据桉树速生、短轮伐期的特点,结合用材林林木资产评估方法,按立地等级差异进行桉树林地的资产评估。充分考虑桉树调查小班的林龄及生长状况,按照经营成本、利息、利润及税收等因素对林木资源价值量及其分布结构进行核算评估。通过应用案例分析,用常规的评估方法对速生桉用材林进行评估不能合理地反映林木资产价值。针对幼龄林采用重置成本法评估其林木价值,在栽植时至评估基准日期间,林木因快速生长所产生的价值不能体现。而采用“现行市价法”进行评估,是对有蓄积的幼龄林林木资产价值评估的首选方法,可真实反映其林木价值,为桉树林地林权流转提供可靠的依据,在生产实践中切实可行。  相似文献   

同龄林理想森林结构的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐小明  于政中 《林业科学》1989,25(5):439-446
本文利用多目标数学规划法提出了新的森林结构理论,克服了法正林、广义法正林和完全调整林的片面性以及目标林的模糊性等缺陷。论述了如何确定经营单位内多个树种的整体森林结构。结合江山娇林场的具体情况模拟了红松、落叶松、柞树的整体结构并求解。这种森林结构具有动态性、整体性、效益最大性、多样性等特点,同时便于森林结构在山头地块的具体落实。  相似文献   

Long-term tree and seedling growth and survivorship data from permanent sample plots established in a neotropical dry forest in Jamaica from 1998 to 2008 were used to (1) model growth (periodic annual increment) and survivorship dynamics, (2) cluster structural and functional types, and (3) estimate the age of selected tropical dry forest tree species. A statistical comparison of parameter estimates derived from a generalized linear model (GLM) of each species to a reference species was used to group individuals based on size (DBH and height), and demographic dynamics (periodic annual increment and survivorship). We identified two groups of species based on structural types (canopy and sub-canopy species), three groups of species based on periodic annual increment (fast, intermediate, and slow growing) and four groups of species based on the probability of survivorship of seedlings and trees (very low probability of seedling survivorship but high tree survivorship (two groups); high survivorship throughout the DBH classes; very low survivorship, regardless of stem size). The composition of the groups was mixed, and included individuals of both structural types, and with different periodic annual increment and survival probabilities. The dichotomy of guilds found in tropical rainforests (pioneer and climax species) was not found in this forest. Individual and group GLMs incorporating empirical relationships between periodic annual increment and survivorship, across a spectrum of ontogenies and DBH’s, were also generated. The periodic annual increment models were then used to estimate the time taken by a newly germinated seedling to reach the largest recorded DBH. The fastest growing species was the hemi-cryptophyte Clusia flava which was estimated to take 74 years to reach its maximum recorded size (12.1 cm DBH), whereas the slowest growing species, Ziziphus sarcomphalus, was estimated to take 399 years to reach its maximum size (24.4 cm DBH). These dry forest trees were estimated to reach their maximum size (which was one-half or one-third of the largest DBH recorded for tropical rainforests) in a time similar to tropical rainforest trees. Some of the tree species are ubiquitous to other neotropical dry forests; therefore, our equations for periodic annual increment and survivorship can be applied elsewhere in the region.  相似文献   

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