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美国林业近况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
美国森林资源丰富,不仅是当今世界林产品生产和消费大国,而且还是林产品的主要出口国,其在国际林产品市场中发挥着重要作用。美国森林特别是私有林在经营上,国家采取政策扶持、技术支持等一系列优惠政策,鼓励林业主和林业企业发展私有林。目前,从中央到地方,全国已建立了一个完善的林业管理体系,保障林业的健康发展。  相似文献   

齿小蠹属(Ips)是世界范围的森林害虫,其很多各类能直接危害活树,是先锋害虫,该文从鉴定检索、分布范围、危害寄主三方面对美国30种齿小蠹做了介绍。  相似文献   

赴美国竹业考察报告   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
全面介绍了美国竹业发展的历程和现状,对开展中美双边竹业合作及多边合作提出了一些建设性建议。  相似文献   

美国森林健康与可持续林业的引进实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对美国森林健康与森林可持续经营技术引进,并在中美合作森林健康经营示范区项目建设的基础上,提出用森林健康经营的理念指导我国开展森林健康标准研究、制定森林多目标培育技术标准和规范森林可持续经营活动的思考。  相似文献   

美国有8万多个行业协会和社会中介组织(NGO),作为政府工作的补充,在美国社会经济发展中发挥了重要的作用。本文介绍的5个组织,虽然只是美国众多林业NGO中的一小部分,但他们在美国林业管理中特别是森林可持续经营中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

美国林业税制及借鉴   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
美国税制中与林业密切相关的税种主要有财产税、收入税、遗产税以及特别分离税,对这些税种的特征、局限性、对林业的影响、以及近年来的修补措施作了较为系统的介绍。认为美国林业税制设计与修改中,坚持林业税制与国家税制演变保持一致,并在构成要素设置中竭力避免税收对林业的负面影响,利用税收工具贯彻林业政策、刺激林业投资的做法值得我们学习借鉴。并在此基础上提出了我国林业税制改革的方向性建议。  相似文献   

私有林在美国处于重要地位。全国私有林面积占全国森林面积的60%,私有林年木材产量达到全国木材产量的90%。通过立法来规范私有林主的行为是美国实施行政管理的主要手段。借鉴美国私有林发展的经验,将有助于我国非公有制林业的发展。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die forstentomologischen Probleme des Staates North Carolina resultieren vorwiegend aus den z. T. fehlerhaften Begründungs- und Bewirtschaftungsma?nahmen, einer forstlichen Animosit?t, die als Folgeerscheinung der Kolonisationszeit und der damaligen durch den Wald erschwerten Ansiedlungsbedingungen bis in den Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts eine für europ?ische Begriffe absurde Forstphilosophie pr?gte, und ferner aus Mangel an gesunden Forstgesetzen und einer für alle Waldbesitzer verbindlichen Forstschutz- und Forstverbesserungsvorschrift. Man ist sich jedoch der ?konomischen und kulturellen Bedeutung einer nachhaltigen Forstwirtschaft bewu?t und versucht durch F?rderung und Aufkl?rung, sowie durch beste Ausbildung des forstlichen Nachwuchses, mit „sanftem Druck” die gesteckten Ziele zu erreichen, wobei eine Anlehnung an die europ?ischen, resp. deutschen, Forstpraktiken und Organisationsfragen deutlich sichtbar wird.
Summary The forest entomological problems of the State of North Carolina primarily and partially result from mistakes in the establishment and management of forest stands, as well as a forest animosity which traces back to the time of colonization. During this period the early settler faced hardships which were closely related to the forest and its inhabitants. These conditions formed the American Forest Philosophy, which for a long time could not be understood by Europeans at all. The problems, furthermore, result from a lack of sound forest laws, as well as compulsory rules and regulations for forest protection and improvement for all forest owners. One is aware of the economic importance of forests and realizes the importance of sound management methods. Through education of the people, intensive training of students in forestry and increased research in the forest sciences, one attempts to attain the goal of „sound forestry”. A strong tendency towards the European, especially the German, forest practices is recognizable in the above described program.

Viscum album was introduced in about 1900 into an area north of San Francisco, California. By 1984, the gross area covered by the parasite had spread to about 114 sq. km. The average distance of spread from the point of introduction was 5.8 km. Viscum occurs on at least 22 hosts in California, the most common are Acer saccharinum, Malus sylvestris, Robinia pseudoacacia, Alnus rubra, Populus fremontii, and Salix lasiandra.  相似文献   

The general rationale for public support of research and specific reasons for support of particular research areas are of potential concern to many people. Those directly concerned with research funding and its rationale, for example, range from legislators to research administrators, scientists and graduate students. Public support of specific research areas is often defended for socio-political and economic reasons. As an example, although private-sector research in forestry is conducted by large, diversified firms, the benefits of even highly applied research can be difficult to capture. Public support is necessary in such cases, since social benefits exceed the benefits considered in private-sector funding. These and other reasons for publicly funded research are reviewed and applied to forestry and forest products.  相似文献   

张立 《四川林业科技》2010,31(4):41-41,47
在美国,“布朗”地带(Brownfields一国内学者多译为棕色地带)是美国城市规划及环境专用术语,它指因受工业严重污染而导致环境恶化的特定地域。多数的“布朗”地带是工业化和城市化带来的特殊产物。这些地带大多集中在城市的老城区。污染最严重的“布朗”地带又称为”Superfund”点,这些地带都属美国环境的“癌症”区。这些区域不仅严重地破环了生态环境,而且还危及民众的健康,因而成为美国联邦环境部重点治理的区域。据美国环境部统计,目前美国共有194个“布朗”地带,  相似文献   

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