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乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物重金属含量分布及污染评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物中Cu等7种重金属为研究对象,在野外实地调查取样及重金属含量测定基础上,以中国海洋沉积物质量(GB18668-2002)一类标准值为评价标准,利用单因子指数评价法、内梅罗综合污染指数评价法和沉积物质量基准(sediment quality guideline,SQG),对单项重金属污染程度、多种重金属综合污染效应及重金属潜在生物毒性风险进行了评价。结果表明,乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物重金属含量分布差别明显,所有采样点表层沉积物均受到Cu污染,局部受到严重Hg污染;大部分养殖区表层沉积物重金属污染达到轻度等级;所有养殖区均可发生由Cu偶尔引起的不利生物毒性效应,个别养殖区可发生由Hg频繁引发的不利生物毒性效应。乐清湾养殖区表层沉积物重金属主要来源于沿岸电镀企业废水排放及农药化肥造成的农业面源污染。开展Cu、Hg污染治理修复是实现乐清湾养殖环境安全的迫切需求。  相似文献   

The occurrence and current status of butyltin and phenyltin compounds were investigated in sediments collected from the Arakawa and Sumida Rivers and Tokyo Bay in 2000. A series of butyltin and phenyltin compounds, including monobutyltin (MBT), dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT), monophenyltin (MPT), diphenyltin (DPT), and triphenyltin (TPT) was detected by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The total concentrations of the butyltin (MBT + DBT + TBT) and phenyltin (MPT + DPT + TPT) compounds ranged from 25.7 to 116 and from non-detectable levels to 22.4 ng g' (as Sn), respectively. The concentrations of the organotin (OT) compounds in sediments were relatively lower than those of the samples collected in 1984. OT compounds accounted for 124% (as Sn) of total Sn in the sediments. Among the OT compounds investigated, MBT was the most prevalent in the sediments.  相似文献   

南渡江流域新坡河塘疏浚底泥的利用方向规划为农田土地整治工程中耕作层的替代土,用来发展蔬菜种植业。为了探清该流域河塘疏浚底泥的养分水平及重金属污染状况,综合考虑河塘的形态、水域面积、断面特征、流速、底泥沉积量采取典型断面布设和网格法布点,将所调查的河塘分为上游和下游,共采集0~40 cm深的底泥样品78个。通过室内底泥样品成分检测、养分灰色关联度评价、内梅罗综合污染评价、GIS空间分析等方法,分析和评价了河塘底泥的养分特征、肥力水平、重金属的含量、污染程度及空间格局分布特征,掌握了该流域底泥的养分条件、底泥重金属污染状况及底泥农业利用的风险。结果表明:1)底泥的全氮、全磷、全钾及有机质含量呈现空间异质性,下游的全氮、全磷均值含量较上游分别高出32.45%、11.88%,而下游的全钾、有机质均值含量较上游分别低14.64%、14.62%,上游段底泥养分数据的变异系数普遍高于下游段,底泥养分异质性是由河流流速、周边的自然环境及人为耕作活动造成。底泥中的全氮、全磷、有机质等养分指标达到1级(丰)水平,统计分析全钾含量为5级(缺)水平;整个河塘底泥养分要高于对照点,为底泥的农业土地利用提供了有利条件。2)底泥重金属污染物主要为Cd和Cu,其次为和Cr和Ni,Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni样品单因素污染超标率分别为76.92%、47.44%、56.41%、23.07%,且超标幅度分别为58.45%、104.58%、6.06%、68.48%;底泥重金属污染是因基性火山岩为成土母质,背景值偏高,土壤重金属被酸雨淋溶出,并随地表径流汇集在河塘中,造成了底泥的重金属超标。内梅罗综合污染指数评价可知河塘底泥是以轻微污染和中度污染为主,分别占样品数的46.15%、28.21%;底泥污染状况具有明显的空间异质性,轻微污染水平(3级)和中度污染水平(4级)的区域面积分别为62.05%、25.80%,以中、轻微污染水平的区域为主。河塘下游水面宽阔,流速减慢,造成底泥沉积量增加,污染加重及污染空间分布异质性强。应该根据底泥的污染等级及养分条件综合决定其农业土地利用。  相似文献   

海南省南渡江新坡河塘底泥养分状况及重金属污染评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
南渡江流域新坡河塘疏浚底泥的利用方向规划为农田土地整治工程中耕作层的替代土,用来发展蔬菜种植业。为了探清该流域河塘疏浚底泥的养分水平及重金属污染状况,综合考虑河塘的形态、水域面积、断面特征、流速、底泥沉积量采取典型断面布设和网格法布点,将所调查的河塘分为上游和下游,共采集0~40cm深的底泥样品78个。通过室内底泥样品成分检测、养分灰色关联度评价、内梅罗综合污染评价、GIS空间分析等方法,分析和评价了河塘底泥的养分特征、肥力水平、重金属的含量、污染程度及空间格局分布特征,掌握了该流域底泥的养分条件、底泥重金属污染状况及底泥农业利用的风险。结果表明:1)底泥的全氮、全磷、全钾及有机质含量呈现空间异质性,下游的全氮、全磷均值含量较上游分别高出32.45%、11.88%,而下游的全钾、有机质均值含量较上游分别低14.64%、14.62%,上游段底泥养分数据的变异系数普遍高于下游段,底泥养分异质性是由河流流速、周边的自然环境及人为耕作活动造成。底泥中的全氮、全磷、有机质等养分指标达到1级(丰)水平,统计分析全钾含量为5级(缺)水平;整个河塘底泥养分要高于对照点,为底泥的农业土地利用提供了有利条件。2)底泥重金属污染物主要为Cd和Cu,其次为和Cr和Ni,Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni样品单因素污染超标率分别为76.92%、47.44%、56.41%、23.07%,且超标幅度分别为58.45%、104.58%、6.06%、68.48%;底泥重金属污染是因基性火山岩为成土母质,背景值偏高,土壤重金属被酸雨淋溶出,并随地表径流汇集在河塘中,造成了底泥的重金属超标。内梅罗综合污染指数评价可知河塘底泥是以轻微污染和中度污染为主,分别占样品数的46.15%、28.21%;底泥污染状况具有明显的空间异质性,轻微污染水平(3级)和中度污染水平(4级)的区域面积分别为62.05%、25.80%,以中、轻微污染水平的区域为主。河塘下游水面宽阔,流速减慢,造成底泥沉积量增加,污染加重及污染空间分布异质性强。应该根据底泥的污染等级及养分条件综合决定其农业土地利用。  相似文献   

Background, Aims, and Scope  More frequent occurrence of stronger floods in Europe as well as in other parts of the world in recent years raises major concern about the material damages, but also an important issue of contamination of the affected areas through flooding. The effects of major floods on levels and distribution of contamination with hydrophobic organic pollutants were examined from the continuous set of data for floodplain soils and sediments from a model industrial area in the Czech Republic where a 100-year flood occurred in 1997. The goal of this study was to evaluate the risk related to contamination associated with such extensive natural events and characterize the spatial and temporal distribution and dynamics of pollutants related to a major flooding shortly after the floods and also in the time period several years after floods. Methods  Sediments and alluvial soils from fourteen sites each were repeatedly sampled during the period from 1996 until 2005. The sampling sites represented five regions. Collected top-layer sediment and soil samples were characterized and analyzed for hydrophobic organic pollutants PCBs, OCPs and HCB using GC-ECD and PAHs using a GC-MS instrument. Spatial and temporal differences as well as the relative distribution of the pollutants were examined in detail by statistical analysis including multivariate methods with special emphases placed on the changes related to floods. Results  The organic pollutants levels in both alluvial soils and sediments exceeded the safe environmental limits at numerous sites. Pollutants concentrations and relative distribution as well as organic carbon content in both sediment and floodplain soils were significantly affected by the flooding, which resulted in a decrease of all studied contaminants in sediments and significant rise of the PAH pollution in the flooded soils. There was a unique and highly conserved PAH pattern in soils regardless of the floods and greater changes in PAH pattern in sediments related to floods. The relative distribution of individual PAHs reflected a combustion generated PAH profile. PAH levels in the river sediments rose again at the sites with continuous sources several years after floods. Discussion  The results showed different dynamics of PAHs and PCBs during the floods when PAHs were redistributed from the sediments to alluvial soils while PCBs have been washed out of the study regions. The data reveal longer contamination memory and consistent contamination pattern in soils, whereas sediments showed more dynamic changes responding strongly to the actual situation. The stable PAH pattern within the regions also indicates that a relative amount of all compounds is comparable across the samples and, thus, that the sources at different sites have similar character. Conclusions  Sediments have the potential to function as a secondary source of contamination for the aquatic ecosystem, but also for the floodplain soils and other flooded areas. The floods served as a vector of PAHs contamination from sediments to soils. The reloading of river sediments in time, namely with PAHs, due to present sources increases their risk as a potential source in the next bigger flood event both to the downstream river basin and affected alluvial soils. Recommendations and Perspectives  The results stress the importance of including the floodplain soil contamination in the risk assessment focused on flood effects. Floodplain soils have stable long-term environmental memory related to contamination levels, pattern and distribution, whereby they can provide relevant information on the overall contamination of the area. The sediments will continue to serve as a potential source of contaminants and alluvial soils as the catchment media reflecting the major flood events, especially until effective measures are taken to limit contamination sources. ESS-Submission Editor: Dr. Henner Hollert (Hollert@uni-heidelberg.de) This article is openly accessible!  相似文献   

巢湖表层沉积物重金属的分布特征及生物有效性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为分析沉积物中重金属的分布特征、相互关系及其可能来源,以安徽巢湖表层沉积物为研究对象,利用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)测定5种重金属(铅、铜、镍、锌、镉)总量和同步浸提重金属(SEM)含量,同时测定酸可挥发性硫化物、总氮、总磷、总有机碳等多种指标,利用低影响程度(ER-L)和中影响程度(ER-M)基准值,[∑SEM]/[AVS]模型和[∑SEM]-[AVS]模型,判断预测表层沉积物中重金属的生物有效性。结果显示:重金属总量在全湖的空间分布不均匀,具有入湖口大于湖心的特征,共8个指标超过ER-L基准值,西湖区各金属总量大于东湖区,两者之间具有显著性差异(P<0.05),全湖[∑SEM]/[AVS]的值在1.097~2.076之间,但[∑SEM]-[AVS]的变化范围为0.127~0.996μmol/g;表明重金属Cu、Cd污染较严重,人为输入影响大,AVS对重金属的束缚作用有重要影响,大部分表层沉积物中的重金属生物有效性低。  相似文献   

Background, Aim, and Scope  Italian lagoon environments are of great importance due either to their frequency and distribution along the coasts or to their management. Agriculture, urban and industrial activities in lagoon catchments can be sources of heavy metal (HM) pollution by direct waste dumping, atmospheric deposition of fumes or, simply, as a consequence of a lack of natural water recharge. HM concentration in lagoon sediments is a tool of HM monitoring in the surrounding environment. Application of sequential extraction procedures (SEP) to sediments makes it possible to study the HM distribution among the main geochemical phases and to assess their potential mobilization as a consequence of environmental condition variations. In the present study, the three-step SEP (0.11 m HOAc; 0.1 m NH2OH·HCl; 8.8 m H2O2 and then 1 m NH4OAc), developed by the Measurement and Testing Programme of the European Commission (BCR), was combined with information on the chemical and mineralogical properties of the sediments in order to assess the level and risk of mobility of HM (Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn) in sediments from the Fusaro volcanic coastal lagoon of southern Italy. The effect of sediment air drying and physico-chemical properties on the metal distribution in various geochemical forms and fractions was considered. Materials and Methods  Surface (5 cm depth) sediment samples were collected from twenty-one sites on the Fusaro lagoon. Moisture, pH, organic carbon, carbonates, particle-size distribution and HM total content were determined on the dried sediment samples. The mineralogy of the clay fraction was determined at room temperature on random and oriented samples. The different forms of Al, Si and Fe in the bulk sediment (< 2 mm) were analyzed after oxalate, dithionite-citrate and pyrophosphate extractions. The BCR-SEP was used to fractionate trace element chemical forms in nine selected sediment samples. Effects of sediment air-drying on HM fractionation were analyzed. Results  Middle (Cu, Cr) and low (Cd, Pb, Zn) concentrations of heavy metals in sediment samples from the deeper central part of the lagoon were observed. Cadmium resulted in mainly being associated with carbonate forms (∼60%), whereas Cr and Ni occurred primarily as residual mineral phases (>50%). Zn appeared uniformly distributed among the main geochemical forms. Considerable presence of Cr, Cu and Pb was found in the oxidizable fraction (∼50%), indicating organic matter and/or sulphides major sinks for these metals. Differences of heavy metal distribution among sediment samples were observed, depending on the total metal content and on sediment properties. Modifications in metal speciation induced by sediment air drying mainly consist of a transfer of the actual and potentially mobile fractions towards immobile fractions (mineral residue) by oxidation and formation of Fe and Mn oxides. Discussion  Both total content and sequential extraction results did not show an environmental critical situation: the only possible risk, associated with heavy element mobility, could occur in consequence of a drastic pH and redox equilibria variation at the water-sediment interface. Conclusions  Despite all limitations, the BCR-SEP combined with information on the chemical and mineralogical properties of the sediment solid matrix provides a valuable approach to describe the risks related to the potentially toxic HM occurring in sediments (in this paper the case of the Fusaro lagoon is examined). HM distribution among the sequentially extracted geochemical forms is affected by sediment properties, such as pH (Zn), clay (Cd), Fe easily reducible oxides (Pb) and organic matter (Cu) content. Recommendations  Political managers, usually facing limitations of time and resources, have to optimize the cognitive phases, selecting the most useful information to make ‘effective and correct decisions’ in the environmental field. Therefore, although conscious of the limits of the adopted quality assessment, we believe it represents a good compromise between time and resource availability (i.e. type and quality of information). Outlook  The complementary use of the simple and rapid European fractionation scheme with information on the chemical and mineralogical properties of the sediments provides more awareness about the nature of the sediment components involved and offers a more reliable way for studying HM speciation in sediments.  相似文献   

Soil and sediment reference materials were used to calibrate and evaluate an analytical method for the determination of major (Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K, Mn, P, Ti) and trace elements (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Mo, Mb, Ni, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sn, Sr, Th, U, V, Y, Zn, Zr) by sequential wavelength X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Samples were prepared as pressed pellets and analysis was done with a total measuring time of thirty minutes per sample. Special attention was given to the selection of the thirty reference materials used for calibration of the spectrometer. Another set of eleven RM (reference materials) was analyzed for the evaluation of accuracy. Detection limits for trace elements (1-2 mg kg-1) are adequate both for geochemical and environmental purposes, except for Cd and Sb. Accuracy for trace elements falls within the expected interval of certified or recommended values in most cases, but for some major elements, like SiO2, some results showed discrepancies, evidencing difficulties associated with the determination of light elements in complex matrices. But when quality criteria proposed by mapping programs are applied to the results, their requirements are fulfilled. Both instrumental precision, obtained by twelve sample replicate analyses, and analytical precision, considering also sub-sampling and pellet preparation, lie between the limits of the Horwitz expression, except at concentrations close to the detection limits.  相似文献   

为研究重金属在草海沉积物中富集污染状况,以7种毒性重金属为研究对象,从不同方位对草海沉积物中重金属进行采样测试,分析重金属含量水平及空间分布特征,同时应用潜在生态危害指数法进行评价。结果表明,草海沉积物中重金属富集特征为Zn〉Cr〉Pb〉Cu〉As〉Cd〉Hg,且在空间分布上呈现从湖心向边缘逐渐减少的趋势,重金属污染程度表现为Cd〉Hg〉Zn〉Pb〉As〉Cu〉Cr,在Cd的潜在生态风险系数高贡献下,沉积物中重金属潜在生态风险指数均大于150,多数达到严重程度。  相似文献   

快速测量土壤剖面重金属含量是评估土壤重金属污染状况并选择相应修复技术的关键。为了探讨可见光-近红外光谱法(Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy,VNIR)预测原状土壤剖面重金属含量的潜力,以江西省两个典型工矿厂周边农田土壤为研究对象,共采集了19个深度约100 cm的完整土壤剖面样品,分别测定土壤剖面样品的VNIR数据及其Cu含量。采用偏最小二乘回归法(Partial Least Squares Regression,PLSR)、Cubist混合线性回归决策树(Cubist Regression Tree,Cubist)、高斯过程回归(Gaussian Process Regression,GPR)和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine Regression,SVM)方法研究不同光谱预处理方法对土壤Cu含量预测精度的影响。结果显示,Cubist、GPR和SVM这三种机器学习算法的预测精度普遍高于PLSR,其中一阶导数(First-Order Derivative,FD)预处理的SVM模型预测精度最高(R2=0.95,均方根误差为7.94 mg/kg,相对分析误差为4.34)。这表明利用VNIR和机器学习可以对原状土壤剖面Cu含量进行有效预测,为快速监测Cu及其他重金属含量的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

As a result of convenants between the Port of Rotterdam and the German Chemical Industry, the emissions in the Rhine between Basle (Switzerland) and the Dutch boarder have fallen by more than half in the past fifteen years. Recent studies have concluded that people are nowadays polluting the Rhine more than industry. This places Rotterdam’s involvement with the quality of water and the sediment of the Rhine, port and North Sea in a different perspective. As a medium-sized European municipality, Rotterdam doesn’t want to take on too much, certainly not when cross-border issues such as the quality of the North Sea and the Rhine water are concerned. Rotterdam is now trying to get other organisations to co-operate in solving this problem. A cleaner Rhine, after the success on point sources, can be achieved primarily by reducing the contamination from diffuse sources, over which the port itself has absolutely no control. Rotterdam is the homeport of Mrs. Els Kuijper. She gave a keynote lecture during the SedNet Inaugural Conference, April 22–23, 2002, which forms the basis of this article. Mrs. Kuijper is the vice-mayor and environmental alderman of Rotterdam.  相似文献   

根据2008年对渤海湾的调查,重点研究了渤海湾湾内和湾口柱状沉积物重金属的生物地球化学特征,通过剖析不同形态重金属的特征,结合渤海湾生态环境信息的综合分析,系统探讨了渤海湾沉积物重金属的演变趋势、影响控制因素以及潜在生态风险。结果表明,湾内海河口附近沉积柱重金属含量有几次突变,20~22cm段极小值可对应1939年海河北系的洪水,10~12cm段极小值可对应1963年海河南系的洪水,1963年至今重金属含量有逐渐增加的趋势。不同形态重金属百分含量从大到小为:残渣态〉铁锰氧化物结合态〉碳酸盐结合态〉有机结合态〉可交换态,且重金属在海河口附近都表现出较高的可浸取态百分含量。风险评价结果表明,重金属总量富集因子由大到小为:Pb〉Cd〉Zn〉Cr〉V〉Co〉Cu〉Ni,其中Pb、Cd和Zn的富集因子均大于1,说明其有污染,但渤海湾沉积物总体质量良好,潜在生态风险较低。从重金属形态角度评价,V和Cr无污染,Zn、Co、Cu、Ni和Pb在湾内及湾外均有不同程度的污染,而Pb的污染最为严重。  相似文献   

国主要江河流域土壤侵蚀量测算   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 为了对我国土壤侵蚀进行评估,需要测算多年平均侵蚀量。在前人研究的基础上,收集主要江河泥沙测验资料和水土保持研究资料,采用河流泥沙输移比法和水土保持法,测算出我国黄河、长江等9大江河流域多年平均侵蚀量为53.10亿t,并与相关资料进行对比;讨论流域分区的泥沙输移比差异。结果表明:侵蚀总量以长江流域最大,黄河流域次之,淮河、珠江、辽河、松花江流域依次居后,闽江和钱塘江流域最少。  相似文献   


Calcium seems to be required by higher plants (and in parts of higher plants) in variable concentrations and much confusion exists about plant requirements of it. When most heavy metal concentrations are low, the calcium requirement in plants can also be low. Levels of calcium of 800 or less and up to 2000 ppm of dry weight are adequate under some conditions. Even though the requirement may be low, these levels are not much above critical concentrations and deficiency problems are easily encountered. Some calcium deficiency problems seem to be related to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Objective  Microbial communities are a central component of trophic dynamics and biogeochemical processes on coastal systems, since most of the processes in sediments are mediated by microorganisms and carried out by enzymes. Microorganisms play a key role in decomposition processes in salt marsh sediments, although the significance of microbial dynamics is largely unexplored. A culture-dependent (Ecoplate) and a culture-independent (extracellular enzyme activity [EEA]) approaches were evaluated in their ability to distinguish the catabolic potential among sediments from Tagus estuary salt marshes with different proximities to anthropogenic sources. Methods  Ecoplate was used to analyse the salt marsh community-level physiological profiles (CLPPs). Results were expressed as the net area under the curve for each of the 31 response wells over a 3-day incubation period in two sediment horizons. The catabolic profiles for salt marsh samples were analysed by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and hierarchic clustering methods. EEA was analysed by fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis in two sediment horizons. The FDA is catalysed by extracellular enzymes, i.e. esterases, lipases and partially by proteases. Results were expressed as μg g−1d wt h−1. Results and Discussion  In this study the CLPP and EEA data were not generally correlated. In Corroios salt marsh only in surface sediments higher net areas corresponded to higher extracellular enzymatic activity, and in Alcochete deep sediments lower net areas corresponded to lower enzymatic activity. Although EEA profiles more directly reflect the inherent activity of resident community in each salt marsh sample, the CLPP profiles provide better assessments of diversity. ESS-Submission Editor: Prof. Dr. Peter Schroeder, Institute of Soil Ecology, Department of Rhizosphere Biology, GSF — National Research Center for Environment & Health, Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1, 85758 Neuherberg, Germany (peter.schroeder@gsf.de)  相似文献   

表层沉积物(生物膜)及其各组分对自然水体中Cu,Zn的富集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用选择性萃取技术对表层沉积物(生物膜)中的锰氧化物、铁/锰氧化物及有机质进行选择性萃取分离,同时考察同步萃取下来的Cu,Zn的分离情况,并运用加和模型研究表层沉积物(生物膜)中各组分对自然水体中重金属Cu,Zn的富集能力。结果表明,生物膜对自然水体中重金属Cu,Zn的富集能力大于表层沉积物,表层沉积物(生物膜)中的金属(铁、锰)氧化物对重金属Cu,Zn的单位富集能力远远大于有机质(1~2个数量级),有机质对重金属的单位富集能力可忽略不计,金属(铁、锰)氧化物是表层沉积物(生物膜)富集自然水体中重金属的主要控制因素。  相似文献   

Cd/Cu/Pb对磺胺嘧啶在土壤中吸附迁移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张步迪  林青  徐绍辉 《土壤学报》2018,55(5):1120-1130
通过室内批平衡实验和土柱出流实验,探讨了不同浓度镉(Cd)及相同浓度的Cd、铜(Cu)、铅(Pb)对磺胺嘧啶在土壤中吸附、迁移的影响,并分别用Freundlich、Langmuir、Linear方程及Hydrus-1D中的单点和两点吸附模型模拟其在土壤中的吸附、运移过程。结果表明:当Cd浓度为10.0mg·kg~(-1)时促进磺胺嘧啶的吸附;Cd浓度为1.0、300.0mg·kg~(-1)时抑制磺胺嘧啶吸附;Cd浓度为100.0 mg·kg~(-1)时对磺胺嘧啶的吸附无影响;300 mg·kg~(-1)的Cd、Cu、Pb存在时,磺胺嘧啶吸附量大小顺序为:CdCuPb。土柱出流实验中,当Cd浓度为10.0mg·kg~(-1)时,磺胺嘧啶在土柱中的迁移速度最慢,其他浓度对迁移影响不明显;Cd、Cu、Pb相比较而言,Cu存在时磺胺嘧啶的迁移最快,Cd存在时迁移最慢。在对静态吸附特征的拟合过程中,Linear方程拟合效果最好,决定系数R~2均在0.98以上;Hydrus-1D模拟时,两点模型可更好地拟合磺胺嘧啶的运移特征,R~20.907,均方根误差RMSE0.051,瞬时吸附f所占分数较高,说明磺胺嘧啶在迁移过程中存在较大程度的瞬时吸附。  相似文献   

畜禽粪便作为农业面源污染的主要来源之一,对农田土壤质量及河源区水质安全存在严重威胁.本研究选取东辽河源区东辽县畜禽粪便为研究对象,通过分析其重金属与典型抗生素与产生特征,阐明了畜禽粪便农田施用的环境承载力及应对措施.结果表明:畜禽粪便中重金属Cu、Zn含量最高,四环素类抗生素中金霉素残留最高,猪粪中含量高于鸡粪和牛粪....  相似文献   

Background and Goal  In the Netherlands about 40 million m3 of sediment has to be dredged annually for both maintenance and environmental reasons. Temporary upland disposal is the most widely adopted alternative for dredged sediments worldwide. For good management of temporary disposal sites, knowledge is needed on the processes controlling the behavior of the sediments during disposal. Therefore, a review of the literature was made to get an integrated overview about processes that take place during temporary disposal. Ripening  After disposal of clayey sediments, the following spontaneous dewatering processes can be distinguished: sedimentation, consolidation, and ripening. Sedimentation and consolidation are relatively fast processes, whereas ripening can take up to several years. In a remediation perspective, the ripening of sediments is the most important dewatering process. Ripening, which may be subdivided into physical, chemical, and biological ripening, transforms sediment into soil. Physical ripening is the irteversible toss of water and results in the formation of soil prisms separated by shrinkage cracks. Continuing water loss causes a breaking up of the prisms into aggregates. The aggregates produced by this ongoing desiccation process usually remain quite large (>50 mm) and can only be further broken down by weathering processes like wetting and drying or by tillage. As a result of the aeration caused by physical ripening, also chemical and biological ripening take place. Chemical ripening can be defined as the changes in chemical composition due to oxidation reactions and leaching of soluble substances. Biological ripening is the result of the activity of all kinds of soil fauna and flora that develop as a result of aeration, including both the larger and the microscopic forms of life. Decomposition and mineralization of soil organic matter caused by micro-organisms can be seen as the most important aspect of biological ripening. Many interactions exist between the different ripening processes. Conclusions and Outlook  Oxygenation of the dredged sediment is improved as a result of the natural ripening processes: the air-filled porosity increases, the aggregate size decreases, and the initially high respiration rates caused by chemical and biological ripening decreases. Therefore, conditions in the disposal site become more favorable for aerobic biodegradation of organic pollutants like Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and mineral oil. It is concluded that the naturally occurring process of ripening can be used as a bioremediation technique. Ripening in an upland disposal site is an off-site technique, and therefore, the process could be enhanced by means of technological interference. However, it is concluded that the knowledge currently available about upland disposal is not sufficient to distinguish critical process steps during the ripening and bioremediation of PAH and mineral oil polluted sediments because of the complex relationships between the different ripening processes and bioremediation.  相似文献   

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