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机械损伤对烤烟植株氮素吸收及体内烟碱含量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用砂培和营养液培养方法,研究了在营养生长阶段切除顶芽和叶片损伤对烟株生长、体内烟碱浓度、氮浓度及吸氮量的影响。结果表明,切除顶芽导致烟株体内烟碱浓度和含量显著增加。叶片损伤也能增加体内的烟碱浓度,且损伤二次比损伤一次的效果更为明显,说明叶面损伤对烟株体内烟碱合成的影响具有累积效应。但叶面损伤对烟株体内烟碱合成的影响小于打顶处理。切除顶芽和叶面损伤对烟株体内的氮浓度及吸氮量均无显著影响,但显著提高了烟株体内单位氮素产生烟碱的能力。试验结果还表明,机械损伤刺激烟株体内烟碱的合成,烟碱增加与氮素吸收无直接关系。  相似文献   


The concentrations of K+, Na+, and proline and the ratio of K+ to Na+ (K+ / Na+) were analyzed in NaCl-unadapted and NaCl-adapted tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells in suspension culture. At 3 to 5 d after inoculation, the NaCl-unadapted cells cultured in 100 mmol L?1 NaCl saline culture medium (Na100 medium) accumulated 28.7 mmol L?1 proline with a low ratio of K+ to Na+ (= 2.8) and the NaCl-adapted cells cultured in the Na100 medium contained 6.28 mmol L?1 proline with a high K+ / Na+ ratio (≧ 7.5). The contents of amino acids for the NaCl-adapted cells in the Na100 medium were similar to those for the NaCl-unadapted cells in a modified LS medium (standard medium). At 14 d after inoculation, the NaCl-unadapted cells in the Na100 medium contained 4.77 mmol L?1 proline and restored the K+ / Na+ ratio from 2.8 to 6.2. These results indicate the presence of a negative correlation between the K+ / Na+ ratio and proline accumulation and suggest that a balance between the K+ / Na+ ratio and proline accumulation may be the factor involved in determining the salt tolerance of plant cells.  相似文献   

Screening of potassium efficient genotypes will be one of the best ways to solve the low potassium content of flue-cured tobacco. The study was conducted to determine whether the potassium efficient genotypes could be screening with high K+ uptake efficiency. The K+ uptake characteristics of a high K+ content line (GK8) and the conventional cultivated variety (K326) of flue-cured tobacco were compared at the seedling stage. Km, Cmin, and Imax values were higher in young seedlings (4?~?5 versus 6?~?7 leaf stage) and cultures with high initial K+ concentration (0.35 versus 0.25?mmol?L?1). Culture solutions with a high K+ concentration (2.0 versus 0.6?mmol?L?1) showed a high Km, and Cmin, but the Imax was lower as compared with the young seedlings and the solution with high initial K+ concentration. In conclusion, the GK8?line had a stronger ability for limited K+ uptake than K.  相似文献   

In growth chambers, cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. genetic selection ‘M8') was grown in a synthetic growth medium under four light regimes: low pressure sodium (LPS), LPS + Incandescent (Inc), cool white fluorescent (CWF) and CWF + Inc lamps at 22 C under LPS lamps. Less chlorosis developed at 26 C than at 22 C and less under LPS + Inc than under LPS lamps. All plants were green under CWF and CWF + Inc light. Green and chlorotic plant tissue contained about the same concentrations of Fe. The proposed hypothesis was that chlorotic tissue’ contained less Fe2+ than green tissue. Chlorotic leaves treated with FeSO4 turned a green color. Enough CWF + Inc light passed through an intact leaf to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ in vitro. Also in vitro, Fe3+ was reduced by CWF, by Inc, but not by LPS light. The amount of Fe3+ reduced during an illumination period was directly proportional to the quantity of light used. In vitro, citrate and malate enhanced Fe3+ reduction, whereas phosphate, pyrophosphate, OH, Cu2+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, and Fall inhibited Fe3+ reduction by light. Orthophosphate was about 8 times as effective as organic P in decreasing Fe3+ reduction. Citrate largely alleviated the inhibitory effects of Pi and pH (up to pH 6). The data also provide a possible explanation of a role for many of the elements known to induce or aggravate Fe chlorosis (inhibit Fe3+ reduction). Quantity and quality of light apparently play key roles in plant growth as related to reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ in plant tops.  相似文献   

Spinach (Spinacea oleracea L. cv. ‘Banarasi’), known to be responsive to potentially toxic elements, was investigated for chromium (Cr6 +) effect on iron metabolism and water relations. After 40 days growth in sand culture, a set of plants was supplied with 100 and 400 μM Cr6 + (potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7), superimposed over the complete nutrient solution (control). Excess Cr6 + produced visual symptoms of toxicity and increased accumulation of Cr, more in roots than in leaves. Decreased concentration of chlorophylls and the activities of heme enzymes, catalase and peroxidase in excess Cr6 + may suggest interference of Cr in iron metabolism of plants. These changes associated with decrease in iron (Fe) accumulation in Cr6 + treated plants, indicate that by reducing absorption of Fe, Cr6 + impairs the Fe requiring steps of chlorophyll and heme biosynthesis. In spite of lower water saturation deficit, the leaves of Cr6 + treated plants showed a decrease in leaf water potential, associated with increase in diffusive resistance and lowering of transpiration rate along with proline accumulation indicates water stress. The changes observed in water stress parameters in Cr6 + treated plants indicate that excess supply of Cr6 + reduces the physiological availability of water.  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) ions are a major constraint for crop productivity in acidic soils. The root apex is the most sensitive plant part to Al, which inhibits root elongation and causes cell death. To elucidate the mechanisms of these toxic events, Al responses have been investigated in cultured cell lines of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), SL and BY-2. These cells at the logarithmic growth phase serve as a model system of meristematic cells at the root apex. Our research group has revealed three types of cell death mechanisms triggered by Al: (i) Enhancement of iron (Fe)-mediated lipid peroxidation leading to a loss of plasma membrane integrity (plasma membrane pathway); (ii) dysfunction of mitochondria accompanied by ROS production (mitochondria pathway); and (iii) upregulation of NtVPE1 encoding a vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE), which leads to vacuolar collapse and the loss of plasma membrane integrity (vacuole pathway). Mechanisms (ii) and (iii) have been confirmed in root systems of pea and tobacco seedlings, respectively. The inhibition of elongation (expansion) in SL cells was detected as a decrease in water content, together with decreased osmolality and soluble sugar content, which was partly due to the inhibition of sucrose uptake by Al. The inhibition of root elongation by Al due to the inhibition of the sucrose transporter (SUT) NtSUT1 localized at the plasma membrane was confirmed in tobacco seedlings, in which overexpression of NtSUT1 mitigated both the inhibition of elongation and cell death at the root apex under Al stress.  相似文献   


Methane is a greenhouse gas, mainly generated from paddy fields and lakes by methanogens using hydrogen and acetic acid as substrates. In anaerobic environments with adequate Fe3+, iron-reducing microorganisms utilize these substrates, thus suppressing methane generation. We promoted Fe2+ oxidation to Fe3+ by physically stirring paddy soil and using a chelating agent (nitrilotriacetic acid; NTA) to evaluate the feasibility of the suppression of methane generation using Fe3+-reducing bacteria. Under anaerobic conditions, Fe3+ reduction to Fe2+ began immediately in the slurry made by adding water into air-dried paddy soil. Methane generation began on the 6th day when most Fe3+ was reduced. Under anaerobic conditions for 10 days followed by aerobic conditions, Fe2+ oxidation hardly progressed under static conditions. On stirring the slurry, Fe2+ oxidation progressed over 12 h (67% Fe2+ oxidized to Fe3+). When NTA was added under anaerobic conditions followed by stirring under aerobic conditions, Fe2+ oxidation was promoted further. The idea of physical stirring of paddy soil in the actual environment was derived from the effects of paddy soil stirring by ducks in interrelated rice–duck farming. In such farming, paddy soil contains more Fe3+ in its surface water compared with normal farming, resulting in suppressed methane generation.  相似文献   

Texas bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr.) has shown potential for use as a cool‐season perennial pasture grass in the southern Great Plains, where it occurs as a natural component of rangeland plant communities, and into the western Coastal Plain. Responsiveness of this grass to nitrogen (N) fertilization appeared to be limited to the spring growing period in initial evaluations in Louisiana. A field plot experiment was conducted to assess forage production and quality responses to season of N fertilization on the Syn‐1 population of Texas bluegrass. Winter forage production responses to 50 kg N ha‐1 were obtained in the 1997–98 growing season but not in 1998–99 after stands had been depleted by summer drought. Greatest yield increases resulted from spring N application, however, fall plus winter fertilization provided the most uniform distribution of forage through the cool season. Forage fiber fractions, in vitro digestibility, and crude protein were not affected by N fertilization. Both amount and distribution of Texas bluegrass forage, but not forage quality, can be manipulated by time of N fertilization.  相似文献   

植物根际钾富集及钾分布的基因型差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant genotypic difference of potassium-enrichment capability and potassium (K) distribution at root-soil interface of different plant genotypes were studied by using seven plant species and eight varieties of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). The results indicated that K enrichment capability was: Ethiopian guizotia (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.)>feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea L.)>alligator alternanthera (Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.)> tobacco>sesbania (Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers.)>wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)>broadbean (Vicia faba L.). Ethiopian guizotia showed very high K-enrichment capability at different soil K levels, and the K content in its dry matter was over 110 mg kg-1 when soil K was fully supplied, and about 60 mg kg-1 when no K fertilizer was applied. For alligator alternanthera, the capability to accumulate K was closely related with its growth medium. When it was grown on soils, both the K content and K uptake rate of the plant were similar to those of tobacco. Evident K depletion was observed in the rhizosphere of all plant species, and the depletion rate was related to the capability of K enrichment of plant.  相似文献   

Summary In a series of short-term experiments root systems of young sorghum and millet plants inoculated with N2-fixing bacteria were exposed to 15N2-enriched atmospheres for 72 h. The plants were grown in a normal atmosphere for up to 22 days after the end of the exposure to allow them to take up the fixed N2. Environmental conditions and genotypes of sorghum and millet were selected to maximise N2-fixation in the rhizosphere. Detectable amounts of fixed N (> 16 g/plant) were rapidly incorporated into sorghum plants grown in a sand/farmyard manure medium, but measurable fixation was found on only one occasion in plants grown in soil. N2 fixation was detectable in some experiments with soil-grown millet plants but the amounts were small (2–4 g/plant) and represented less than 1 % of plant N accumulated over the same period. In many cases there was no detectable 15N2 incorporation despite measurable increases in ethylene concentration found during an acetylene reduction assay.Published as ICRISAT Journal Article No. JA 740  相似文献   

The positron emitting tracer-imaging system (PETIS) was used to determine whether it was possible to obtain on image of 13N-distribution in common bean in which a single root was fed with a liquid medium containing nitrate at different concentrations with different 13N specific activities. The distribution of the images of the 13N atoms in the root could be obtained over a wide range of nitrate concentrations and 13N specific activities in the medium. As for nitrate stress on leguminous root nodulation, the positional relationship between the nitrate uptake sites and root hair just elongating area, where rhizobia capably initiate their infection, was studied in common bean and soybean. PETIS gave direct evidence that single roots of both common bean and soybean showed one or two dense 13N-distribution areas after 2 min pulse-feeding of 13N03 -. These areas remained stable over 30 min, and the first dense site, which was common in all the examined roots, extended over ca. 1 cm above the root apex. Microscopic observation revealed that this area covered both sites of rhizobium infection and of early nodule development in a common bean and soybean single root.  相似文献   

The Foliar Uptake by Squash Plant

The radioactive ash for experimental use, hereafter referred to as “Bikini ash”, was prepared by igniting the heavily contaminated substances on board No. 5 Fukuryu Maru at about 650°C, followed by sifting through a 100 mesh sieve. On ignition some parts of the fission products, particularly iodine, ruthenium and tellurium would have possibly been lost to the air.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the comparative efficiency of urea as an N fertilizer with and without the addition of different urease inhibitors. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was used as the test plant and the N balance technique with 15N was applied. Three urease inhibitors, hydroquinone, phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA), and N-(n-butyl) phosphorothioic triamide (NBPT), were evaluated for their effects on urea-N uptake as well as on grass yield. The addition of urease inhibitors, except for hydroquinone in the later growth period, did not significantly influence the dry matter weight. Throughout the whole growth period, only NBPT significantly increased the total urea-N uptake. In the uninhibited system, the major fertilizer N loss occurred during the first period of grass growth, presumably via NH3 volatilization, since the environment did not favour the other pathways of N loss. However, an appreciable amount of urea N was lost during the later growth period in all inhibited systems, especially in the hydroquinone-treated system. This indicates that the application of urease inhibitors could not eliminate the urea N loss. The greater N loss in the hydroquinone-treated soil appears to be related to the inhibition by hydroquinone of nitrification.  相似文献   

水稻根尖边缘细胞对铁毒的形态生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水稻(Oryza sativa L.)品种Azucena(铁耐性)和IR64(铁敏感)为材料,研究了Fe2+毒胁迫下附着于根尖边缘细胞(即原位边缘细胞)的数目、存活率,根尖细胞形态结构、根尖保护酶活性的变化。结果显示,Fe2+ 毒对根边缘细胞的产生有抑制作用。相对于敏感性品种而言,一定浓度Fe2+(100~200 μmol/L)有利于耐性品种边缘细胞的产生;Fe2+ 毒对边缘细胞有致死效应,随Fe2+浓度的提升,边缘细胞的存活率呈下降趋势,根尖外围细胞壁增厚,并出现细胞程序性死亡特征(敏感性品种)。同时,Fe2+ 毒对根尖保护酶活性有一定的影响,200~400 μmol/L Fe2+处理下,耐性品种POD、CAT、SOD活性都超过对照;敏感品种只有SOD活性超过对照。说明Fe2+毒胁迫下,水稻根尖通过增加边缘细胞数目、提高细胞拒铁作用,维持较高水平的POD、CAT和SOD活性来对抗Fe2+毒,缓解铁毒害。  相似文献   

In a companion paper (10), varieties of four plant species [two monocotyledons (oats and corn) and two dicotyledons (soybeans and tomato)] were shown to differ widely in their ability to respond to Fe‐stress. The ability of the more Fe‐efficient varieties was manifested by a lowering of the pH of the ambient medium of the root and/or by loss of reductants from the root. Both effects can enhance uptake of Fe by the roots, since Fe is taken up primarily, if not entirely, as Fe2+ ions. Thus, a given stressed plant has a means, under some degree of metabolic control, for modifying the root environment and, thereby, alleviating its chlorotic condition.

The present investigation deals with environmental factors, particularly chemical inhibitors, modifying the effectiveness of the stress response. Without inhibitors, excised root samples of the four species exhibited a wide range of abilities to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+. Roots of the dicotyledonous species reduced about twice as much Fe3+ as did equal weights of the monocotyledonous species. Iron‐efficient tomato, soybean, and oat roots reduced more Fe3+ than did roots of the Fe‐inefficient varieties. The two corn varieties were about equal in their effectiveness.

Comparable samples of roots were also exposed to chemicals that induce or aggravate Fe chlorosis. Those found to be very effective inhibitors of Fe3+ reduction by the roots included: hydroxide, orthophosphate, pyrophosphate, Cu2+ and Ni2+. Other ions (includ ing Mn2+, Zn2+ and molybdate) and ethyl ammonium phosphate also inhibited Fe3+ reduction but to a lesser degree. Citrate, however, enhanced Fe3+ reduction. The degree of inhibition or enhancement differed for each of the varieties. In general, the Fe‐efficient plants were best able to reduce Fe3+ in spite of the inhibitory influence of the imposed treatments. Thus, our findings indicated that inhibition of the Fe3+ ‐reduction process at, or near, the periphery of the root is an apparent cause of Fe chlorosis.  相似文献   

The perennial legume, Winged Bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L) DC), has potential as a high protein food crop for the humid, tropical regions of the world. Edible seed pods, oil seed grain, leaves, flowers, and unique high protein tubers provide abundant nutritious components desirable for improved human diets. However, soil characteristics and fertility levels influence plant growth, yields and nitrogen fixation capability of this legume. Objectives of this study were to determine soil‐plant nutrient influences on vigorous regrowth, pod and tuber yields, nitrogenase (C2H2 red.) activity levels, and nodule cytosol components of the perennial Siempre cultivar grown on a Typic Eutrustox during three years, 1978–1980.

Available soil phosphorus was a first limiting plant nutrient during all three years of plant age. Effects of combined 100 mg P with 200 mg K/kg soil were highly significant for every parameter and plant age. Pod and seed yields more than doubled with PK addition compared to the check. Tuber growth, nodule mass and nitrogenase activity levels more than trebled with PK treatments as compared to the check. Both elemental P and K were significantly increased within the nodule cytosol of fertilized plants. Cytosol Na was significantly decreased with soil K additions. The best fit multiple regression was: nitrogenase = 1.99 nodule wt. + 6.34 tuber wt. + 0.39 tuber % N + 5.08 cytosol P + 1.55 cytosol K ‐ 0.45 cytosol Na, R2 = 95.5, C.V. = 11.2%. The dominant nodule cytosol enzymes, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and glutamine synthetase (GS), significantly increased with soil K additions regardless of P treatments. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) also contributed significantly with multiple regression for nitrogenase = 1.07 GS + 2.1 AST + 1.74 GOGAT ‐ 1.76 GDH + 12.89 Ureide, R2 = .89, C.V. = 17.3%. Highly significant increases in nodule cytosol ureide composition with K soil additions has interest because of the role as a nitrogenous nonprotein component for many legumes. Increases in growth, nodulation and nitrogenase activity levels resulted with increased K levels of 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg K/kg soil when soil P and Ca were not limiting.  相似文献   

超级早、晚稻的养分吸收和根系分布特性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为了阐明双季超级稻的高产机理和指导合理施肥,采用品种比较的方法,研究了超级早、晚稻品种的养分吸收和根系分布特性。结果表明,超级早、晚稻品种的养分吸收量平均分别为N 170.04、224.90 kg/hm2,P 21.97、39.88 kg/hm2,K 107.48、144.47 kg/hm2,均高于对照。生育中期(穗分化至抽穗)的养分吸收量与产量密切相关。生产100 kg稻谷所需要的养分较对照低10%左右。超级早、晚稻品种根系发达,根量较大。抽穗后15 d(早稻)或20 d(晚稻)的根量与产量密切相关,其中5—10 cm的根量与养分吸收总量密切相关。说明生育中期较多的养分吸收和发达的根系是超级早、晚稻高产的重要原因。  相似文献   

Corn requires high nitrogen (N) fertilizer use, but no soil N test for fertilizer N requirement is yet available in Quebec. Objectives of this research were (1) to determine the effects of soil nitrate (NO3 ?)-N, soil ammonium (NH4 +)-N, and N fertilizer rates on corn yields and (2) to determine soil sampling times and depths most highly correlated with yields and fertilizer N response under Quebec conditions. Soil samples were taken from 0- to 30-cm and 30- to 60-cm depths at seeding and postseeding (when corn height reached 20 cm) to determine soil NH4 + and NO3 ? in 44 continuous corn sites fertilized with four rates of N in two replications using a quick test (N-Trak) and a laboratory method. The N-Trak method overestimated soil NO3 ?-N in comparison with the laboratory method. Greater coefficients of determination were observed for soil NO3 ?-N analyses at postseeding compared with seeding.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of aluminum (Al3+) on a calcium‐polygalacturonate (Ca‐PG) network used as a soil‐root interface model. Calcium‐PG networks were exposed to Al3+ solutions at different concentrations (100, 200, 400, and 800 µM) at pH 3.50. In the present study, the scanning electron microscopy technique was used to evaluate morphological variations induced by Al3+sorption. Results showed how aluminum (Al) sorption induces conformational changes of the Ca‐PG complex. The Ca‐PG complex shows a regular structure with a honeycomb‐like pattern. Interlacing fibrils form a porous system, which can easily allow sorption and/or passage of nutrients as well as toxic elements. As Al becomes the predominant reticulating ion, the pores decrease in size and lose their regular shape. The scanning electron micrographs have in fact shown that Al sorption damages the Ca‐PG complex, leading to its collapse; the Ca‐Al‐PG networks exhibit an irregular uneven structure.  相似文献   

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