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The decline of a population of A. fatua established in September 1971, and not allowed to seed thereafter, was monitored in three successive barley crops Numbers of viable seeds in the son in June fell from 159 m2 in 1972 to 1 m2 in 1974 declining by 83° in the first, and by 96° in the second year. Seedling numbers fell from 138 m2 in 1972 to 9 m2 in 1974, declining by 32° in their first and by 89° in the second year. The slower decline of seedling numbers in the first year was attributed to loss of dormancy of seed reserves giving proportionally more seedlings in the second spring. Cultivations had no major influence on the pattern of seedling emergence in the spring, but they did affect population level. Where the stubble was cultivated immediately after seeding in September 1971, twice as many seedlings and three times as many seeds in the soil were present in 1972 compared with delayed autumn cultivations in 1971. From this greater reserve of seeds in the soil more seedlings arose in 1973 and in 1974. Time cultivation in the winter of 1971 resulted in slightly more seedlings in 1972 than did ploughing; this greater population declined more rapidly with line cultivation in 1973 and 1974. It is suggested that with no herbicidal control annual line cultivation will lead to a more rapid build up than ploughing: where A. fatua is controlled, the decline should be more rapid with tne cultivation. Persistence of A. fatua as a weed in arable situations seems related more to survivors shedding seeds than to the persistence of seeds on the soil. Factors which may influence the persistence of seeds in the soil are discussed.  相似文献   

NAVIE  PANETTA  MCFADYEN  & ADKINS 《Weed Research》1998,38(5):335-341
Parthenium hysterophorus L. seeds were buried at a depth of 5 cm for periods of 2–24 months to determine their longevity. The majority (73.7%) of these seeds were still viable after 24 months of burial. The remainder could not be recovered (18.0%) or were no longer viable (8.3%). There was a log-linear decline in persistence of germinable seeds over time, which indicated a constant rate of loss and a half-life of about 6 years. Seedling emergence from surface-sown seeds was also studied. Although there was considerable rainfall (31 mm), seedlings did not emerge during the first month of this experiment. In the succeeding 3 months, there was substantial seedling emergence after rainfall, and 51.4% of seeds had germinated by the end of the fourth month. After 5 months had passed, further seedling emergence was not detected, and intact seeds could not be located. These findings suggest that seed incorporation into the soil is important to the long-term persistence of P . hysterophorus seeds. In an initial test of germination, unburied seeds from the same seed lot exhibited a degree of innate dormancy, and this may explain the delayed germination observed in the surface-sown seeds. In the seed burial and recovery experiment, innate dormancy was lost after 2 months of burial in the field, although in situ germination of buried seed remained low for at least 24 months. Therefore, it appears that more than one dormancy mechanism may contribute to the persistence of P. hysterophorus seeds.  相似文献   

Seedling establishment of Pennisetum macrourum was studied in a series of glasshouse and field experiments. Maximum germination of 88% occurred at a constant temperature of 30C. In the glasshouse, highest seedling establishment was obtained from seeds buried 1 cm deep; it was less than 25% from seeds sown on the soil surface. Dormancy was induced in seeds buried 8 cm deep but only 6.4% remained viable after 6 months. Few viable seeds of P. macrourum were found in the soil and only one seedling was observed to establish in the field over a 20 month period. Up to 98% of seedlings transplanted into the field established successfully. The results suggest that reproduction by seed would not be a major problem in the control of P. macrourum.  相似文献   

B. J. WILSON 《Weed Research》1985,25(3):213-219
Avena fatua was sown in a cultivation experiment in the autumn of 3 successive years. For each population seedling emergence and viable seeds in the soil were recorded for 4 years in crops of winter barley in which new seed production was prevented. About half of the seeds sown were recovered after 1 year. In subsequent years viable seeds in the soil declined more rapidly with tine cultivation than with ploughing. After 4 years up to 5% of the original seeds were still viable. One population exhibited greater seed dormancy than the other two populations, due it is thought to higher summer rainfall and the greater availability of moisture during seed maturation. Most seedlings emerged in the autumn and spring, between 12 and 18 months after sowing. A total of 950 seedlings emerged from 12 000 seeds sown; 21% of these seedlings came from new seeds (< 1 year old), 57% from seeds 1–2 years old, 14% from seeds 2–3 years old and 8% from seeds 3–4 years old. Autumn seedlings arose fairly evenly from all age groups while spring seedlings mostly came from the 1–2-year-old seeds. With tine cultivation total seedlings over 4 years represented 9–7% and with ploughing 6–2% of the original seeds sown. A. fatua was more persistent than in previous experiments in spring barley, which suggests that control measures would have to be applied for longer in a succession of winter cereals than spring-sown crops to reduce A. fatua to low populations.  相似文献   

Changes in the numbers of Avena fatua seed, incorporated into soil, were monitored in four successive spring barley crops which were harvested early for silage to prevent seed shedding. In the first year there were four times as many seedlings after tine cultivation compared with ploughing, but this was reversed in the second year as re-ploughing brought up dormant seeds and gave more seedlings than tine cultivation. Only 11–14% of the sown seeds produced seedlings during the 4 years. When the seeds were first buried to 25 cm by ploughing, and the barley was direct drilled without cultivation, only 0.4% emerged as seedlings. Few viable seeds remained in the soil after 4 years whether the soil was cultivated annually or not but seed numbers decreased more rapidly with tine cultivation than with ploughing. A few of the deeply buried seeds persisted where the land was direct drilled without cultivation.  相似文献   

Wild oat plants of types fA, fB and fC were grown at a constant 15 or 20°C during the period of seed maturation. Seed of the three types differed little in dormancy when grown at 15°C, but at 20°C a larger proportion of seeds of type fA were dormant compared with fB or fC. Overall, dormancy of seed produced at 15 and 20°C was 97 and 63% respectively. Plants of another collection of type fB were grown from seed at 15 or 20°C with or without water stress applied only from the time of panicle emergence. Water stress and high temperature reduced viable seed production. Seed dormancy was tested immediately after collection by planting the seed in soil, and by Petri dish tests. Further Petri dish tests were made after 6 months storage. Seedling emergence in the first autumn from seeds of plants matured without water stress at 15°C was 10% compared with 30% for seeds grown at 20°C. Seeds grown with water stress at 15°C gave 47%, and at 20°C 78% emergence. The majority of emergence from seeds formed at 15°C without water stress occurred in the second spring after burial. Petri dish tests support these findings and suggest that seeds produced in hot dry summers are less dormant than those produced in cool moist ones.  相似文献   

Emergence and persistence characteristics of Phalaris paradoxa seeds in no- and minimum-till situations and at different burial depths were studied in a sub-tropical environment. Three experiments were carried out using naturally shed seeds. In the first experiment, seedlings emerged from May through to September each year, although the majority of seedlings emerged in July. In the second experiment with greater seed density, cultivation in March of each year stimulated seedling emergence, altered the periodicity of emergence and accelerated the decline of seeds in the seedbank compared with plots that received no cultivation. The majority of seedlings in the cultivated plots emerged in May whereas the majority of seedlings in the undisturbed plots emerged in July. Emergence accounted for only 4–19% of the seedbank in both experiments over 2 years. Seed persistence was short in both field experiments, with less than 1% remaining 2 years after seed shed. In the third experiment, burial depth and soil disturbance significantly influenced seedling emergence and persistence of seed. Seedlings emerged most from seed mixed in the top 10 cm when subjected to annual soil disturbance, and from seed buried at 2.5 and 5.0 cm depths in undisturbed soil. Emergence was least from seed on the soil surface, and buried at 10 and 15 cm depths in undisturbed soil. Seeds persisted longest when shed onto the soil surface and persisted least when the soil was tilled. These results suggest that strategic cultivation may be a useful management tool, as it will alter the periodicity of emergence allowing use of more effective control options and will deplete the soil seedbank more rapidly.  相似文献   

Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) is one of the annual plants that were described recently as invasive weeds in Europe. This species is described as an invasive plant that produces seeds that are highly variable. Its production of variably sized seeds is regarded as promoting its spread in different environments. Experiments were carried out to determine the influence of the seed weight and temperature on germination and the influence of the seed weight and burial depth on seedling emergence. The seeds were divided into a number of classes of weight and the seed weight effect on germination was evaluated by Petri dish assays. In another experiment, the seeds were buried at different depths in a clay soil/sand mix to estimate the burial effect on germination and seedling emergence. The germination level of A. artemisiifolia was high overall, between 76.8% and 94.2%. The seed germination was modified by temperature but it was not influenced by the seed weight. The amounts of germination and seedling emergence were greater for the seeds on the soil surface and decreased with an increasing burial depth, from 2 to 8 cm. No germination or emergence was observed for the seeds that were buried at 10 and 12 cm. The lightest seeds were more sensitive to burial. A greater level of seedling emergence for those seeds that were placed near the soil surface could explain the success of this species in open habitats, where the probability of deeper burial is low. After high seed production, the management of A. artemisiifolia in fields could be partly achieved through soil tillage, burying seeds below 10 cm, and not carrying out deep soil tillage the following year.  相似文献   

Avena fatua L. seed of types fA (brown very hairy lemma) and fB (grey moderately hairy lemma) were collected from six locations in Britain during summer 1974. Primary and secondary seeds were planted separately at 20 and 100 mm depths. Emergence was recorded for 5 years and the number of viable seeds remaining at the end of the experiment was determined. With an increase in planting depth from 20 to 100 mm, there was a decrease in final emergence from secondary seed from 84 to 61% and from primary seed from 93 to 83%. At 20 mm there was no difference in emergence between collections, but at 100 mm there were differences between secondary seeds of some collections. There were also differences in the emergence behaviour of types fA and fB, both between and within collections. More seedlings from primary seeds than from secondary seeds emerged in the early stages, but later the reverse was true. After 5 years secondary seed had produced 16% fewer seedlings than primary seed. Seed unaccounted for at the end of the experiment was 18% for both types, twice as many seeds were unaccounted for at 100 mm than at 20 mm. Likewise, twice as many secondary than primary seeds were unaccounted for. On average the number of viable seeds remaining at the end of the 5 years was less than 1%, although 23% of secondary seeds of type fA from one collection buried at 100 mm remained viable. Flushes of emergence were correlated with prior experience of periods of temperature below 6°C in the soil. Facteurs qui influent sur la levée de plantules de différentes souches d'Avena fatua L. Des semences d'Avena fatua L. de deux sortes, fA (glumelle brune, très velue) et fB (glumelle grise, moyennement velue) ont été collectionnées pendant l'été 1974 à six endroits en Grand Bretagne. Les semences primaires et secondaires ont été plantées séparément à des profondeurs de 20 et de 100 mm. La levée a été signalée au cours de 5 ans et le nombre de semences viables qui restaient à la fin de l'essai a été déterminé. A mesure quàugmentait la profounder du semis de 20 à 100 mm. la levée définitive diminuait de 84 à 61 % pour les semences secondaires et de 93 à 83% pour les primaires. A 20 mm, aucune différence dans la levée n'a été constatée entre les différentes collections mais à 100 mm. centaines différences se sont fait voir entre les semences secondaires de certaines collections. Des différences ont été constatées aussi dans le comportement des sortes fA et fB en ce qui concerne la levée, différences entre les collections et à l'intérieur d'une collection. Au début, les plants provenant des semences primaires étaient plus nombreux que ceux des secondaires, mais plus tard on a constaté le contraire. Au bout de 5 ans, les semences secondaires avaient produit 16% moins de jeunes plants que les primaires. A la fin de l'essai, 18% des semences des deux sortes avaient disparu, deux fois plus à 100 mm qu'a 20 mm. De même deux fois plus de semences secondaires avait disparu que de semences primaires. En moyenne, moins de 1% des semences restaient aptes à germer au bout des 5 ans; néanmoions, 23% de semences secondaires de la sorte fA dans une des collections, enfouies à 100 mm, étaient toujours viables. Des levées sporadiques se trouvaient correlées à des périodes préalables où la température du sol ne dépassait pas 6°C. Ueber Faktoren, welche das Auflaufen verschiedener Linien von Avena fatua L. beeinflussen Im Laufe des Sommers 1974 wurden an sechs verschiedenen Orten in England Spelzfrüchte der Formen fA (braune, sehr stark behaarte Deckspelzen) und fB (graue, mässig behaarte Deckspelzen) von Avena fatua L. gesammelt. 1. und 2.Spelzfrüchte wurden getrennt in 20 und 100 mm Tiefe ausgesät und während 5 Jahren ihr Auflaufen beobachtet; am Ende der Beobachtungsperiode erfolgte eine Bestandesaufnahme der noch lebensfähigen Samen. Mit zunehmender Saattiefe nahm die Auflaurate für die 2.Spelzfrüchte von 84 auf 61% und für die 1. von 93 auf 83% ab. Bei 20 mm Saattiefe bestanden keine Differenzen im Auflaufen zwischen den an den verschiedenen Standorten gesammelten Mustern; bei 100 mm Tiefe wurden jedoch lokale Unterschiede bei den 2.Spclzfrüchten festgestellt. Es bestanden auch Unterschiede im Auflaufverhalten der Formen fA und fB, sowohl zwischen als auch innerhalb der verschiedenen Standortmuster. In der Anfangsphase der Beobachtungsperiode erschienen mehr Keimlinge aus 1. als aus 2. Spelzfrüchten; später war das Gegenteil der Fall. Im Vergleich zwischen 1. und 2.Spelzfrüchten hatten letztere nach 5 Jahren 16% weniger Pflanzen hervorgebracht als die 1. Für beide Formen (fA und fB) wurden am Ende der Versuchsperiode 18% nicht gekeimte, resp. nicht mehr lebensfähige Samen registriert; in 100 mm Tiefe waren es doppelt so viel als bei 20 mm. Ebenfalls doppelt so viele 2.Spelzfrüchte als 1. waren nicht keimfähig. Im Mittel waren nach 5 Jahren weniger als 1% lebensfähig, obwohl bei einem Standortmuster 23% der 2.Spelzfrüchte in 100 mm Tiefe noch lebensfähig waren. Vorange-gangene Perioden mit Bodentemperaturen unter 6°C waren für gehäuftes Auflaufen verantwortlich.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to investigate seed longevity, seedling emergence and seed production of the weed Phalaris minor in wheat in northern India. The longevity of P. minor seeds buried in bags in the field was often limited to less than 1 year, although many seeds buried at 30 cm depth in a rice–wheat rotation remained viable for longer. The application of direct seeding in wheat reduced the seedling emergence rate of P. minor , when compared with conventional ploughing and sowing. However, a larger P. minor seedbank in the upper soil layer in plots under direct seeding partly reversed this positive effect in one of the two studies. Besides differences in relative distribution of weed seeds through the soil profile, it was likely that other factors such as reduced soil disturbance and soil characteristics associated with the application of direct seeding were also involved in regulating the emergence rate. Mature P. minor plants in wheat were found to invest a stable part (27%) of their aboveground biomass in seed, so that total seed weight was strongly linearly correlated with the aboveground biomass of the mother plant. Individual seed weight, however, was little affected by the weight of the mother plant.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy and persistence in the soil seedbank play a key role in timing of germination and seedling emergence of weeds; thus, knowledge of these traits is required for effective weed management. We investigated seed dormancy and seed persistence on/in soil of Chenopodium hybridum, an annual invasive weed in north‐western China. Fresh seeds are physiologically dormant. Sulphuric acid scarification, mechanical scarification and cold stratification significantly increased germination percentages, whereas dry storage and treatments with plant growth regulators or nitrate had no effect. Dormancy was alleviated by piercing the seed coat but not the pericarp. Pre‐treatment of seeds collected in 2012 and 2013 with sulphuric acid for 30 min increased germination from 0% to 66% and 62% respectively. Effect of cold stratification on seed germination varied with soil moisture content (MC) and duration of treatment; seeds stratified in soil with 12% MC for 2 months germinated to 39%. Burial duration, burial depth and their interaction had significant effects on seed dormancy and seed viability. Dormancy in fresh seeds was released from October to February, and seeds re‐entered dormancy in April. Seed viability decreased with time for seeds on the soil surface and for those buried at a depth of 5 cm, and 39% and 10%, respectively, were viable after 22 months. Thus, C. hybridum can form at least a short‐lived persistent soil seedbank.  相似文献   

土层深度对三种麦田禾本科杂草出苗及生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确小麦田禾本科杂草在不同土层深度的出苗及生长情况,选取雀麦Bromus japonicas、节节麦Aegilops tauschii和野燕麦Avena fatua三种小麦田常见禾本科杂草,采用盆栽法系统研究不同土层深度对杂草出苗及生长的影响。结果表明,小麦田禾本科杂草雀麦、节节麦和野燕麦出苗和生长与不同土层深度密切相关,在浅土层中均有较好的出苗率,且后期生长也正常。从出苗时间来看,雀麦和野燕麦集中出苗时间在播种后5~11 d,节节麦略晚于这2种杂草;从最适出苗土层深度来看,雀麦最适出苗土层深度为0.5~3.5 cm,出苗率在76.0%~87.0%之间,节节麦的最适出苗深度为0.5~8.0 cm,出苗率在66.7%~79.3%之间,而野燕麦的最适土层深度为0.5~18.0 cm,出苗率达84.2%~94.4%;从出苗后生长影响来看,0~20 cm土层对野燕麦后期生长没有显著影响,土层深度大于10.0 cm对节节麦生长有显著抑制作用,大于6.0 cm即对雀麦有显著影响。研究表明通过深翻土地可以对雀麦和节节麦达到一定的控制作用,但对野燕麦控制效果相对略差。  相似文献   

Summary. Freshly-collected seeds of twenty species of annual weeds were uniformly mixed with 2.5, 7.5 or 15 cm of soil confined in cylinders sunk in the ground outdoors. The soil was either cultivated four times a year or left undisturbed, seedling emergence was recorded, and after 5 years the numbers of viable seeds remaining were determined.
Total seedling emergence from seeds incorporated to 2·5, 7·5 and 15 cm amounted to 75, 65 and 54% respectively of those added when the soil was cultivated, and 58, 36 and 21% where it was left undisturbed. The corresponding numbers of viable seeds remaining after 5 years were 2·3, 4·0 and 7·7% respectively for cultivated soil, and 6·8, 16·5 and 31·6% of the seeds initially added and then not disturbed. Individual species varied in their responses to increasing depth of incorporation and to cultivation; these differences are discussed in relation to the dormancy characteritics of the seeds.
Devenir des semences de quelques mauvaises herbes annuelles à différentes profondeur dans un sol cultivé et non cultivé  相似文献   

A study was made of the caryopsis weights of Avena fatua grown in the field and in pots and of the competitive ability of A. fatua from heavy seed (≥18 mg) and light reed (≤11 mg) grown at a depth of either 25 or 75 mm with spring barley sown at 25 mm. The weight of field- and pot-grown caryopses of A. fatua types fA, fB and fC ranged from 3 to 25, 5 to 23, and 5 to 25 mg respectively. With one exception, both the field- and pot-grown samples showed a double normal distribution pattern. The mean weights of pot-grown primary and secondary caryopses of fA, fB and fC were 15 and 9, 19 and 11, and 18 and 11 mg respectively. In a competition experiment, A. fatua grown from heavy seeds sown at 75 mm depth with an equal number of barley produced 47% more panicles, 54% more seed and 56% more dry weight per plant than plants from light seeds. When barley and both seed weights of A. fatua were sown at 25 mm depth these differences were smaller, being 21, 28 and 34% respectively. When the barley was at Zadoks stage 87, and when the barley and A. fatua were grown at equal densities at 25 mm depth, the dry weight of barley was reduced from 10·4 to 7·7, and to 5·8 g per plant by light- and heavy-seeded A. fatua, respectively. When the barley was grown at 25 mm and the A. fatua at 75 mm, the weight per barley plant was reduced to 9·5 and 7·2 g by A. fatua plants grown from light and heavy seeds respectively. Reductions in numbers of grain were caused mainly by a reduction in the number of fertile heads.  相似文献   

Summary. To assess the role of seed production and seedling behaviour in the biology of the perennial grass weed Agrostis gigantea Roth, seed germination and seedling emergence of the species were investigated in the glasshouse and in the laboratory. These studies showed that the species may produce a large number of seeds: panicles collected from a cereal field in 1971 and 1972 contained about a thousand viable seeds in both years. Mature seeds of the species are mostly non-dormant and germinate readily on moist soil surfaces. Freshly-harvested seeds require light and alternating tempratures for germination, but older seeds can germinate in constant temparature in the dark. Covering seeds with 0·6 cm soil halved the percentage emergence and few seedlings emerged from seeds sown deeper than 3±8 cm, but many seeds survived under enforced dormancy. A. gigantea seeds may also persist long in frequently cultivated shallow soil. The species flowers late but its seeds become viable quickly—in 1969 a third of the number that were finally viable became so within a week of flowering.
Germination des semenes d' Agrostis gigantean Roth.  相似文献   

Cyanus segetum is an iconic, colourful weed in arable fields that provides ecological and societal services. To understand better both the infestation dynamics of C. segetum as an abundant, harmful weed and maintain sustainable populations where it provides beneficial services, we compared information on seed dormancy, seed longevity and germination conditions in two populations. Persistence of seeds buried in the soil was low, with <10% viable after 3 years. Periodic dormancy cycling was observed over the 4 years in the soil, with a maximum of dormant seeds in the spring and a minimum in the autumn; however, 20% of the seeds were non‐dormant all the time. Seeds of C. segetum were positive photosensitive, but light requirement varied among populations. Base water potential for germination was ?1 MPa. Base temperature ranged from 1 to 2°C. Optimum temperature for germination was about 10 to 15°C, but the mean thermal time varied greatly between populations, from 80 to 134 day °C. Photoperiod and temperature combinations had no effect on germination percentage, but both reduced the germination rate. Burial deeper than 2 cm greatly reduced germination and seedling emergence strongly decreased at depths >0.5 cm. No seeds buried deeper than 8 cm emerged. Low seed longevity and a wide range of germination conditions could partly explain the rapid disappearance of C. segetum populations after herbicide application began in western Europe. However, yearly sowing in restoration areas does not seem to be essential.  相似文献   

The longevity of buried Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) W.D. Clayton seed represents a major survival mechanism for the weed, enabling the persistence of a continuing source of weed seeds in crop land. The pattern of seed persistence and depletion of R. cochinchinensis in cultivated maize soils was investigated by means of (1) studies on the effect of depth and duration of burial on the viability of the weed seeds, (2) quantitative estimation of the seed population and viability in cultivated fields, and (3) the periodicity of emergence and effects of cultivation on seed germination both in the field and in the greenhouse. The results indicated that the mode of persistence was innate (8.5%) and enforced (35%) dormancy after 1 year of burial, and that the persistency component of the seed population on cultivated soils ranged from 40.60%. The weed was able to remain viable at depths of 45 cm, indicating an excellent mechanism of escaping the effects of most soil-applied herbicides, and it was shown that tillage increases the depletion rate of the weed seed reserve by 32% per year.  相似文献   

Lithospermum arvense is an increasing annual weed in winter crops of the semiarid region of southern Argentina under low impact tillage systems, an agricultural practice that has become popular in recent years. Seed distribution in the soil profile under conventional tillage will change when reduced tillage is implemented, thus affecting the germination microenvironment. The effect of seed burial depth and soil water regime on field germination, enforced dormancy, innate dormancy and seed decay was studied in relation to burial time in a field experiment. In addition, the effect of burial depth on seed germination and seedling emergence was examined under laboratory controlled conditions. Field germination of buried seed ranged from 55% to 65% for shallow (2 cm) and from 5% to 30% for greater depths (20 cm). Enforced dormancy levels were significantly higher among deeper seeds. The amount of innate dormant seeds was reduced to <10% after a year of burial. Lithospermum arvense seedbanks can be classified as short-term persistent. Germination in the laboratory was unaffected by burial depth, while seedling emergence reduction was adequately described by a sigmoidal model. Results indicate that agricultural practices that accumulate L. arvense seeds near the soil surface enhance seedling recruitment.  相似文献   

Experiments to monitor weed seedling emergence from various soil depths were begun in 1989. Recently shed seeds were buried in either narrow bands at a range of depths in the soil or mixed evenly between the soil surface and each of these depths. Total emergence of Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Matricaria spp., Veronica persica Poiret, Veronica arvensis L. and Polygonum aviculare L., declined with increasing depth of burial. A similar pattern was observed for Chenopodium album L. with the exception of emergence from the surface layer. The reduction in emergence with increasing soil depth was greater for seeds in the narrow-banded treatments than for those in broad layers. A model was developed using the data from the narrow-banded treatments to predict emergence from distributions over broad layers. Predictions from the model closely agree with the data from the present broad-layer treatments and those from a similar experiment made in the 1960s. By including the effects of depth of seed burial on seedling emergence, this model could be combined with models that determine the effects of cultivation on seed distribution, and therefore improve precision of predictions of seedling emergence from the seedbank.  相似文献   

Seed populations of Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman were monitored in a naturally occurring infestation throughout its life cycle. Considering the large weed population present (298panicles m?2), total seed production was relatively low: 3838 seeds m?2. Only 68% of these seeds were recovered from the soil surface and a further 3% were removed with wheat grain and straw during harvest operations. The numbers of seeds from the stubble between mid-July and mid-September were relatively low (10%). Ploughing the stubble in October buried most of the recently produced seed rain and resulted in a relatively uniform vertical distribution of the seedbank. Maximum seed persistence in the soil ranged from 27 to 43 months (depending on the experimental technique used to do the study). Seed decline followed an exponential pattern on a yearly basis, with the greatest decline taking place between October and April (57–90% in year 1 and 10–40% in year 2), Between May and September the buried seed populations remained practically constant. Seedbank depletion was primarily due to seedling production (25%) and ‘lethal’ germination (24%). Although the depth of burial had very little effect on seed survival, the mode of seed disappearance was closely related to their depth in the soil. Seed depletion through ‘lethal’ germination increased with increasing depth in the soil, whereas depletion through seedling emergence decreased with increasing depth.  相似文献   

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