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郑兰 《植物医生》2016,(8):52-53
<正>二点委夜蛾,想必种玉米的农民们都不陌生,它是我国夏玉米区新发生的害虫。同时,如果没有及时地预防和有针对性的防治措施,这种害虫的传播速度极快,严重时会导致大面积玉米地绝产。今年二点委夜蛾越冬代蛾量偏高,目前二点委夜蛾已经进入全年危害的主害代-2代发生时期。目前,二点委夜蛾已经  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二点委夜蛾[Proxenus lepigone(Moschler)]是夏玉米苗上的新害虫,本研究综述二点委夜蛾的生物学习性、饲养技术、预测防治技术等方面研究现状,讨论二点委夜蛾迁飞的可能性,并为今后对二点委夜蛾的深入研究提出建议。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾是2011年在郑州市玉米田新发生的害虫。为明确二点委夜蛾在郑州市的发生规律,为其预测预报和综合防治提供科学依据,采用灯光诱捕法于2012—2014年连续3年进行了成虫发生期调查。综合3年诱蛾情况和其发育起点温度及有效积温,初步推断二点委夜蛾在郑州市每年发生4代,即越冬代成虫发生期4月上旬至5月下旬,1代成虫发生期在5月底至7月中旬,2代成虫发生期在7月中旬至8月中旬,3代成虫发生期在8月中旬至9月下旬。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾是2005年发生并被中国科学院动物研究所鉴定的玉米新害虫。由于该害虫易与黄地老虎在形态上混淆.因此目前的发生范围尚未澄清.且很易延误防治。为此,2011年冀州市各地加强了对二点委夜蛾的监测和研究.根据黑光灯诱测.6月10日各地蛾量骤增.进入第一代蛾高峰.6月下旬至7月二点委夜蛾为害玉米苗期.发生程度为中等偏重.为害程度重于2010年.为害范围扩大,对玉米造成减产,因此.要采取措施对二点委夜蛾进行防治。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾化学防治方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
二点委夜蛾是夏玉米区新发生的一种害虫.由于没有行之有效的防治方法,而使其扩展迅速,为害渐趋加重,对夏玉米生产构成严重威胁.为了探索二点委夜蛾的有效防治方法,本试验通过不同化学防治方法对二点委夜蛾的防效进行研究,结果显示:9种供试药剂在二点委夜蛾2龄期进行田间喷雾试验总体防治效果较好,其中50%辛硫磷乳油防治效果高达95.03%,明显高于其他药剂;采取不同的施药方法研究表明,选用有效农药喷雾或配成毒饵、毒土顺垄撒施均有较好的防治效果,其中毒饵、毒土效果最好,而顺垄喷淋灌根防治效果最差,仅为30.10%.  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾越冬场所调查初报   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了明确二点委夜蛾的越冬场所,为预测预报和防治提供科学依据,对玉米田、豆田、花生田、棉田、甘薯田等作物植株、地表和0~5 cm表土进行调查,记录二点委夜蛾幼虫的分布部位和数量。结果表明,在玉米植株苞叶、玉米田的麦秸和杂草下、豆田、棉田、花生田、甘薯田、冬瓜田植株下或落叶下、桃园、田边地头和废弃农田杂草下均发现有二点委夜蛾幼虫,以植株密度大、落叶多、地表覆盖程度高的棉田、豆田和花生田虫口密度高。说明二点委夜蛾食性杂,越冬场所复杂, 棉田、豆田、花生田和玉米田等多种作物田以及田间杂草均可为其越冬场所。  相似文献   

山西省二点委夜蛾发生规律   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
二点委夜蛾[Athetis lepigone(Mschler)]是中国黄淮海夏玉米区一种新的重要苗期害虫,为摸清二点委夜蛾在山西省的发生规律及动态,在山西设置了4个试验点,通过田间定点调查与随机普查、性诱和灯诱等方法对二点委夜蛾的越冬、发生世代和分布等进行了研究。结果表明:二点委夜蛾可在本地越冬;在山西南部冬小麦-夏玉米复播区1年发生4代,越冬代成虫在4月中下旬至5月上旬羽化出土,第1代成虫高峰出现在6月中下旬,第2代成虫高峰出现在7月下旬,第3代成虫高峰出现在9月中旬;根据调查和诱虫结果,绘制了二点委夜蛾在山西临汾的年生活史;二点委夜蛾的分布范围不仅在山西南部夏玉米区,在山西中北部忻州市的春玉米区也有发生,但种群数量很少,不造成危害。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾为我国夏玉米区新发生害虫,受气候和耕作制度变化的影响,2011年在黄淮海夏玉米区呈现发生范围广、虫口密度高、为害程度重等特点,对玉米生产构成较大威胁。针对近期发生的玉米田二点委夜蛾为害,日前,全国农技中心提出了玉米田二点委夜蛾防控技术指导意见,具体如下:  相似文献   

本文采用中国科学院动物研究所生产的二点委夜蛾性诱剂,于2013年在陕西杨凌对二点委夜蛾进行系统监测。7月下旬首次监测到1头成虫,随后继续监测,8月中旬出现发生高峰,证实了二点委夜蛾在陕西的分布。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾是玉米苗期害虫,近年来对玉米为害严重,造成玉米减产。介绍该虫的形态特征,为害特点,发生规律和生活习性,并提出防治方法。  相似文献   

本研究对分离自二点委夜蛾Athetis lepigone(Moschler)越冬幼虫僵虫上分离的43株球孢白僵菌菌株进行生物测定,筛选到致病力较强的4株菌株,并对这4株菌株的菌落形态、菌株生长速度、产孢量和萌发率等生物学性状进行了测定。同时以二点委夜蛾2龄幼虫为供试虫源,测定了这4株白僵菌菌株对二点委夜蛾的致病力,从中筛选出具有生长速度快、萌发率高、产孢量大等培养性状优及毒力较强的球孢白僵菌Ed-41菌株。该菌株在浓度为1×107孢子.mL-1悬浮液喷雾接种处理后,在26℃条件下,第8 d供试幼虫的死亡率达85%,显示出对靶标害虫的具有较好的毒力,在二点委夜蛾害虫生物防治中将有潜在的的应用价值。  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾越冬虫态及其在越冬场所的空间分布调查初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确二点委夜蛾越冬虫态及其空间分布,为二点委夜蛾的预测预报提供科学依据,通过对模拟大田自然环境观测区和大田环境下不同类型作物田二点委夜蛾越冬情况的系统调查,明确了二点委夜蛾是以休眠的老熟幼虫结一土茧或叶茧越冬,在空间分布上主要是在地表,占越冬幼虫的77%以上,部分叶茧在覆盖物中越冬.棉田、花生田、豆田、药材田、杂草地等多种田块的残留秸秆枝叶覆盖地为其越冬场所.棉田、豆田、杂草地的越冬存活率研究表明,棉田越冬存活率相对较大,秸秆覆盖厚度对存活率影响不显著.  相似文献   

Management of stored-grain insect pests by farmers or elevator managers should be based upon a knowledge of the grain storage environment and the ecology of insect pests. Grain storage facilities and practices, geographical location, government policies, and marketing demands for grain quality are discussed as factors influencing stored-grain insect pest management decisions in the United States. Typical practices include a small number of grain samples designed to provide grain quality information for segregation, blending and marketing. This low sampling rate results in subjective evaluation and inconsistent penalties for insect-related quality factors. Information on the efficacy of insect pest management practices in the United States, mainly for farm-stored wheat, is discussed, and stored-grain integrated pest management (IPM) is compared to field-crop IPM. The transition from traditional stored-grain insect pest control to IPM will require greater emphasis on sampling to estimate insect densities, the development of sound economic thresholds and decision-making strategies, more selective use of pesticides, and greater use of nonchemical methods such as aeration. New developments in insect monitoring, predictive computer models, grain cooling by aeration, biological control, and fumigation are reviewed, their potential for improving insect pest management is discussed, and future research needs are examined.  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾发生为害特点及暴发原因初探   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
二点委夜蛾是近年来我国夏玉米上发现的一种新害虫,自2005年在河北省首次报道以来,目前已蔓延到河北、山东、河南、山西、江苏、安徽6省。其发生为害呈现出发生范围广、蔓延速度快、暴发成灾明显、田间虫口密度高和世代重叠严重等显著特点。根据田间调查结合室内饲养观察,初步指出近年来我国黄淮海地区的“小麦 玉米”两熟种植区机收小麦秸秆还田、成虫具有较强的飞行(扩散)和生殖能力、缺乏天敌控制因子、幼虫隐蔽发生导致的监测与防治困难,以及对该害虫危害认识不足是导致其暴发成灾的主要原因。并提出二点委夜蛾的生物学、生态学基础、越冬与迁飞(扩散)行为特征以及综合防控技术是下一步亟待研究的科学问题。  相似文献   

The development of alternative pest control methods offer a number of advantages over the conventional methods of pest control, under certain circumstances. These advantages will be discussed in the light of current social and economic pressures. In addition, the method of developing these alternative methods of pest control will be discussed in relation to the development of conventional methods of pest control. The so-called area-wide insect control schemes will be compared with farmer applied methods of insect control in relation to industry, training and economics.  相似文献   

Pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola (Foerster) (Homoptera: Psyllidae), is one of the key insect pests in North American pear production. In some growing areas, more than 50% of dollars spent to control arthropod pests in commercial pear are directed specifically at controlling this species. Control measures require accurate and timely information about dispersal, onset of egg-laying in spring, densities in the orchard, and age composition of the population. To meet these ends, a number of sampling methods have been developed to monitor pear psylla, the most common being (for pest management purposes) visual inspection of spurs and foliage for nymphs and eggs, and use of beat trays to monitor adults. Action thresholds have been developed for counts obtained with either method. However, threshold estimates are fairly narrowly defined, referring to a somewhat limited group of pear cultivars, type of injury to be prevented, and pest management program being used. Further refinement has been difficult because of an incomplete understanding of psylla's spatial distribution, seasonal changes in spatial distribution, and unknown or seasonally changing action thresholds. Beat trays and visual inspection of foliage have also been used to monitor pear psylla in various types of research projects, including studies of dispersal and biological control. Other sampling tools used in research include sticky traps, suction traps, and water pan traps. Density estimates obtained by these different sampling methods tend be positively correlated, albeit with high levels of unexplained variation. For counts obtained by sticky traps, much of the unexplained variation can be attributed to flight activity of the insect, which is known to depend (at a minimum) on sex, morphotype, reproductive status, time of year, time of day, leaf fall, and weather. Thus, if sticky traps are to be used in a pest management program for pear psylla, it must be recognized that counts on traps will include both density and (potentially large) behavioral components. I conclude this review with suggestions about the type of research that would improve monitoring techniques for this pest and assist eventually in developing a more effective control program.  相似文献   

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