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Prompted by developments in the agri-food industry and associated recent changes in European legislation, the responsibilities of veterinarians professionally active in veterinary public health (VPH), and particularly in food hygiene (FH), have increasingly shifted from the traditional end-product control toward longitudinally integrated safety assurance. This necessitates the restructuring of university training programs to provide starting competence in this area for veterinary graduates or a sub-population of them. To date, there are substantial differences in Europe in the way in which graduate programs in FH/VPH are structured and in the time allocated to this important curricular group of subjects. Having recognized this, the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) recently instituted a working group to analyze the current situation, with a view to produce standard operating procedures allowing fair and transparent evaluations of universities/faculties constituting its membership and in concurrence with explicit European legislation on the professional qualifications deemed necessary for this veterinary discipline. This article summarizes the main conclusions and recommendations of the working group and seeks to contribute to the international efforts to optimize veterinary training in FH/VPH.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the role of a final year program of extramural placements in the undergraduate veterinary curriculum. DESIGN: An online questionnaire was made available to all students who completed the first lecture free final year of clinical placements offered by the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney in 2004. The questionnaire collected information regarding the effectiveness of preparation for veterinary practice through: rating the usefulness of tasks and processes in achieving final year learning outcomes; collecting students' opinions on attributes vital to success as a veterinary practitioner and the value of extramural placements in developing these attributes; and rating the value of extramural placements in preparing students for veterinary practice. RESULTS: The most useful tasks or processes as evidenced by the percentage of students rating these tasks or processes as either very useful or useful were receiving feedback (80%) and completing case logs (78%). The main attribute considered vital to success as a veterinarian was communication skills and extramural placements were generally rated as very valuable in developing this competency. This program was considered to be particularly successful in facilitating the link between theory and practice, enabling the recognition and treatment of a range of diseases and developing interpersonal skills. CONCLUSION: The model for extramural placements implemented was generally regarded by students to be valuable in preparing them for veterinary practice.  相似文献   

The veterinary profession and its contribution to public health should expand in breadth, depth and flexibility to respond to the changing needs of community and society. This longstanding issue is still the subject of controversy between on the one hand those whose scientific activities contribute to our knowledge of food and environmental hygiene, enteric infections, food-borne diseases and zoonoses in general, and on the other the all too numerous traditionalists (even within the profession) who resist the venture of veterinarians into new territories and resent involvement in public health. Veterinarians are ideally suited to function in public health because of their orientation to populations, disease prevention, and the economic implications of disease.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo design a holistic audit tool to assess the effectiveness of anaesthesia teaching strategies, and thereby to study veterinary undergraduate teaching methods in different geographical areas.Study designQualitative study using interviews of university staff and students to identify common themes and differences in teaching veterinary anaesthesia.MethodsAn audit was performed using an audit tool in four veterinary universities (École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort, France; Royal Veterinary College, UK; University of Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Alma mater studiorum - Università di Bologna, Italy). First, an open-question interview of anaesthesia head of service (60–90 minutes) identified the pedagogical strategies in order to conceive a subsequent semi-directive interview formulated as a SWOT analysis (Strength/Weaknesses/Opportunity/Threats). Second, the SWOT reflection was conducted by a second staff member and focussed on: 1) general organization; 2) topics for pre-rotation teaching; 3) teaching methods for clinical rotation; and 4) assessment methods. Qualitative analysis of the interview responses was performed with semi-structured interviews. Finally, the students evaluated their teaching through a students’ questionnaire generated from the output of both interviews.ResultsA group of nine lecturers and 106 students participated in the study at four different sites. Preclinical teaching ranged from 13 to 24 hours (median 15 hours). Clinical teaching ranged from 4 to 80 hours (median 60 hours). Overall, all faculties perceived time as a limitation and attempted to design strategies to achieve the curriculum expectations and optimize teaching using more time-efficient exercises. Large animal anaesthesia teaching was found to be a common area of weakness. Internal feedback was delivered to each university, whereas generalized results were shared globally.ConclusionsThis preliminary study proved the generalizability of the protocol used. Recruiting a larger pool of universities would help to identify and promote efficient teaching strategies and innovations for training competent new graduates in an ever-expanding curriculum.  相似文献   

There are problems associated with teaching bovine rectal palpation to undergraduate veterinary students. The students need opportunities to examine enough cows to develop the required skills, but increasing student numbers and limitations on access to cows have made this more and more difficult to achieve. A virtual reality-based teaching tool, the Bovine Rectal Palpation Simulator, has been developed as a supplement to existing training methods. The student palpates computer generated virtual models of the bovine reproductive tract while interacting with a haptic (touch feedback) device. During training sessions, the instructor follows the student's actions inside the virtual cow on the computer screen and gives instruction. A trial integration of the simulator into the fourth-year bovine reproduction course was undertaken at the University of Glasgow Veterinary School during the 2003/2004 academic year. Students were offered two training sessions, and feedback was gathered using questionnaires. In the first session, all students were taught a range of basic skills using a standardized teaching protocol. The second training session was customized to each student's learning needs and included practice in dealing with a range of on-farm scenarios. Student feedback indicated that the training had been useful for learning various aspects of bovine rectal palpation and provided information that helped in the further development of the simulator as a teaching tool.  相似文献   

The development of veterinary medicine and its impact on public health are outlined in this overview. In relation to this, we speak of Veterinary Public Health. In 1865, the liberal J.R. Thorbecke initiated the institution of the later independent 'State Supervisory Public Health Inspectorate' was set up in 1920, as a consequence of the Meat Inspection Act of 1919, and became part of the State Supervisory Service. In 1925 the 'Veterinary Public Health Inspectorate', which was part of the Ministry of Public Health, and the 'Veterinary Service', which was part of the Ministry of Agriculture, formed together a so-called 'Personal Union'. This Union came to an end in 1984. During the nearly 60 years of its existence, and especially after the Second World War, the Union has contributed enormously to public health by controlling zoonoses and decreasing chemical contaminants in foodstuffs. In these achievements it has worked in collaboration with veterinary surgeons, meat inspection services, and research institutes such as the National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM), the Institute for Animal Science and Health (ID-Lelystad), and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.  相似文献   

兽医公共卫生的不可替代性社会责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1 兽医公共卫生的基本职能兽医公共卫生(veterinary public health,VPH)是通过理解和应用兽医科学对人类身体、心理和社会福祉作出的所有贡献的总和。这一学科涵盖了将动物和人类健康联系起来的大量关切,主要关注减少人类与动物、动物产品和动物栖息地相互作用带来的危害[1]。人们对兽医的认识往往局限于宠物、家畜禽等农场饲养动物疫病的诊疗和控制,但兽医医学的真正维度和社会贡献是非常广泛的,它关系到人类健康、经济发展、环境  相似文献   

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