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The functional potential of single soil macroaggregates may provide insights into the localized distribution of microbial activities better than traditional assays conducted on bulk quantities of soil. Thus, we scaled down enzyme assays for β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, lipase, and leucine aminopeptidase to measure of the enzyme potential of individual macroaggregates (250–1000 μm diameter). Across all enzymes, the smallest macroaggregates had the greatest activity and the range of enzyme activities observed in all macroaggregates supports the hypothesis that functional potential in soil may be distributed in a patchy fashion. Paired analyses of ATP as a surrogate for active microbial biomass and β-glucosidase on the same macroaggregates suggest the presence of both extracellular β-glucosidase functioning in macroaggregates with no detectable ATP and also of relatively active microbial communities (high ATP) that have low β-glucosidase potentials. Studying function at a scale more consistent with microbial habitat presents greater opportunity to link microbial community structure to microbial community function.  相似文献   

Soil structure is determined by the arrangement of particles in soil and the particles of sand, silt, and clay bind together into aggregates of various sizes by organic and inorganic materials. Structural stability which is the ability of the aggregates and pores to remain intact when subjected to stress, markedly affects crop production and soil erosion (Tisdall 1996). Since water, either directly as rainfall or as surface runoff is the main agent of aggregate breakdown, in the analyzes of stable soil aggregation, the term water-stable aggregation is generally used (Lynch and Bragg 1985). Water-stable aggregates have been divided into micro aggregates < 0.25 mm dia.) and macro aggregates (> 0.25 mm dia.) (Edwards and Bremner 1967; Tisdall and Oades 1982). Microaggregates show a relatively high stability against physical disruption (Edwards and Bremner 1967). On the other hand, macro aggregates are sensitive to soil management (Tisdall and Oades 1982).

There are many reports on the relationships between the aggregate stability and the soil physicochemical properties. For example, significant correlations were found between the aggregate stability and the amounts of organic C (Tisdall and Oades 1982), total N, and carbohydrates or the CEC (Chaney and Swift 1984). However, most of these studies were conducted in non-volcanic ash soils. Volcanic ash soils are widely distributed in Japan and are very important soils for crop production. The objective of this study was, therefore, to obtain more information on the relationship between the degree of macro aggregation and the soil physicochemical properties in non-volcanic and volcanic ash soils.  相似文献   


The current research was done to investigate the effect of wetting-drying cycles, time, and clay mineralogy on K fixation capacity of highly calcareous soils. In order to conduct the study, eight soil samples were collected. The samples were treated with different concentrations of K including 200 (K1), 400 (K2) and 800 mg kg?1 (K3) and 8 different incubation time including 6 h (t1), 24 h (t2), 72 h (t3), one week (t4), two weeks (t5), one month (t6), two months (t7) and three months (t8). Also, a wetting-drying treatment was done (td) in order to simulate the effect of irrigation and soil drying on K fixation. The results showed that for all K levels addition, the percentage of fixed K was increased with time. The K fixation content was increased with the increase in the added K from K1 to K3, while K fixation percentage was decreased. The results also showed that there was a significant difference between soils with wetting-drying treatment (td) and soils with three-month incubation (t8) in K fixation capacity, so that the fixation of K by the soils was increased with wetting-drying cycles.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to reduce or delay annual wintertime snow pack formation in the forests of the northeastern US. Any delay in snowpack formation could increase soil freezing in winter and, thereby, alter soil characteristics and processes. We examined the hypothesis that delayed snowpack would disrupt soil structure and change organic matter bioavailability in an experimental snow removal study at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH, USA. Pairs of reference and snow removal treatment plots were studied in four different sites at HBEF. Snow was removed from November–January of two winters, inducing soil freezing throughout both winters. Size class distribution and organic matter concentration and content of aggregates, and carbon and nitrogen mineralization potential of size fractions were quantified for surface mineral soils in the spring of both years immediately after snowmelt. In the first year of sampling, the only significant effect of snow removal was an increase in the smallest (<53 μm) size fraction of mineral soil. In the second year, snow removal increased organic matter concentrations of macroaggregate (250–2,000 μm) and microaggregate (53–250 μm) size fractions. This change corresponded to an increase in net N mineralization potential and the ratio of N to C mineralized in the macroaggregate fraction, but there were no effects of snow removal on C mineralization. We propose that soil freezing increases the movement of organic matter from organic to mineral soil horizons and increases the N content of mineralizable substrates in mineral soil following years with delayed snowpack formation.  相似文献   

干湿交替下膨胀土裂隙演化与强度衰减规律试验研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为揭示干湿循环效应下膨胀土胀缩裂隙的演化特征及土体结构强度的劣化规律,对合肥弱膨胀土试样开展不同循环幅度下的干湿循环试验,利用图像处理技术从试样表面裂隙图像中提取出裂隙参数,并进行低应力下的抗剪强度试验.试验结果表明:1)裂隙开展分为裂隙酝酿期、裂隙快速传播期和裂隙平稳发展期3个阶段,裂隙指标的增长主要集中在裂隙快速传...  相似文献   

躺滴法测量干湿循环条件下土壤固-液接触角的滞后特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
接触角滞后是使土壤的土水特征曲线产生滞后现象的主要因素之一,而土水特征曲线的滞后特性是土壤干湿循环的显著特征。该文采用混合制样法制备不同接触角的土样,通过躺滴法对干湿循环过程中土体的固-液接触角随时间的变化关系进行测量,结果表明:随着土样表面固滴的蒸发,其固-液接触角是不断减小的,且初始接触角越大,固滴完全蒸发所用的时间越长,黏土接触角随时间变化关系曲线呈线性,而砂土的则表现出一定的非线性。不论土体的初始接触角多大,临近固滴蒸发结束,接触角都会变为0,且整个蒸发过程中固-液-气三相接触线不发生移动,固-液接触面积保持不变。试验结果证实了土壤脱湿过程把固-液接触角假设为0是合理的,并且可以断定接触角滞后特性也可能是非饱和土土水特征曲线在反复干湿循环下滞回圈不断减小的原因之一。  相似文献   

Ding  Wuquan  Liu  Xinmin  Hu  Feinan  Zhu  Hualing  Luo  Yaxue  Li  Song  Tian  Rui  Bao  Bing  Li  Hang 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(10):3489-3498
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Soil infiltrability is an important topic in environmental and agricultural research and influences plant growth, soil erosion and water runoff. In this study, the...  相似文献   

干湿循环条件下重庆地区三种土壤抗剪强度的动态变化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
倪九派  高明  魏朝富  谢德体 《土壤学报》2013,50(6):1090-1101
选择广泛分布于重庆丘陵山区的黄壤、钙质紫色土和中性紫色土3种土壤,通过对室内三轴剪切试验,测定含水率和干密度交互作用对土壤抗剪强度指标的影响,在含水率和干密度对土壤抗剪强度影响分析的基础上,3土壤按各自最优含水率和干密度制作干湿循环试验土样,进行干湿循环条件下土壤抗剪强度的动态变化分析。试验结果显示:(1)在相同干密度情况下,3种土壤粘聚力c值随着含水率的增加呈现出先增加后减小的趋势,在相同土壤含水率水平下,土壤粘聚力c值随干密度增大而增大,3种土壤内摩擦角φ值在各干密度条件下均随着含水率增加呈明显减小的趋势。(2)含水率和干密度的交互作用对土壤粘聚力c值有显著影响,粘聚力c值在1.3-1.7g/cm3干密度范围内随着干密度的增大而增大,且每一个干密度都有一个含水率与之对应,在这样一个交互作用下粘聚力c值达到最大,含水率和干密度的交互作用对内摩擦角φ值影响相对较小,同一干密度下,其φ值差异不大,随干密度的增大缓慢增大。(3)3种土壤的粘聚力c值均随干湿循环次数的增加均呈减小趋势,且前两次循环c值衰减幅度都很大,从第三次干湿循环到第五次干湿循环粘聚力c值衰减幅度很小,趋于稳定。(4)3种土壤在干湿循环后内摩擦角φ值总体呈减小趋势,但不同土壤类型间存在差异,第五次循环结束后,黄壤为24.6?,中性紫色土为22.6?,钙质紫色土为19.3?。  相似文献   

The mathematical analysis of the data on the sorption of vapor moisture by the granulometric fractions of a loamy soil has for the first time indicated that an inverse linear relationship occurs: (1) Between the soil-moisture content and the logarithm of the moisture total potential (pressure) (probably as a result of the hydration of exchangeable cations that form a diffuse layer near the surface of the solid phase); (2) Between the soil-moisture content and the logarithm of the mean diameter of elementary soil particles (probably, as a result of differences in their specific surface determined by various mineralogical compositions); and (3) Between the hydration energy of elementary soil particles and the logarithm of their diameter.  相似文献   

N.J. Barrow  T.C. Shaw 《Geoderma》1976,16(4):273-283
An index of the buffering capacity for phosphate of a group of soils was obtained by measuring adsorption of phosphate from dilute solutions of calcium chloride. The effect of buffering capacity on the amount of phosphate initially displaced by solutions of sodium bicarbonate and on the amount of secondary adsorption from bicarbonate was then studied. These two effects were separated using a regression procedure in which the soil: solution ratio was the independent variable.As buffering capacity increased the amount of phosphorus initially displaced decreased and the amount of secondary adsorption increased. Both these changes resulted in a decrease in the amount of phosphate in the extract. The effect of buffering capacity was greater with the Olsen method (soil : solution ratio 1 : 20; 30 min) than with the Colwell method (soil : solution ratio 1 : 100; 16 h). The relation between phosphorus extracted and buffering capacity was of a similar shape to that between effectiveness of fertilizer and buffering capacity. However, the first relation depends on the conditions of extraction and the second on the kind of plant grown and on the conditions of growth. Hence the two relations do not necessarily coincide.The effect of buffering capacity on the proportion of added phosphate initially displaced from the soil became more marked as the period of incubation prior to extraction was increased. Bicarbonate soil tests would therefore indicate that, on soils of low buffering capacity, the decrease with time in availability of applied phosphate would be smaller than on soils of high buffering capacity. This effect differs from that observed with plants.  相似文献   

为探明干湿循环频度与强度对花岗岩红壤孔隙分布的影响,该研究通过测定不同干湿循环条件下土壤水分特征曲线计算孔隙分布,并采用孔隙分形维数量化干湿循环效应对土壤孔隙结构变异的影响。结果表明:干湿循环对<0.2 μm、>3~15 μm和>57 μm三类当量孔隙产生了显著影响。孔隙结构的再分布主要集中于前4次干湿交替之中,其后干湿交替的影响效应随着频度的增加逐渐减小并趋于稳定。随着强度增强,非活性孔隙(<0.2 μm)和中孔隙(0.2~30 μm)逐渐发育成大孔隙(>30 μm)。同时,干湿循环强度对大孔隙(>30 μm)影响显著(P<0.05),贡献率达65.2%,而干湿循环频度对非活性孔隙(<0.2 μm)影响显著(P<0.05),贡献率达91.9%。此外,土样孔隙分形维数D经干湿循环后逐渐减小,且与强度呈负相关(R2=0.868),表明孔隙结构向大孔隙均质化方向发展。研究结果说明季节性降雨干旱引发的干湿循环效应主要影响大孔隙的生成,增强了土体的均质性和导水能力,加剧了岩土体失稳崩塌的风险。  相似文献   

Two previous studies suggested that part of the cation sorption sites in soil organic matter with low exchange capacity have to be considered as “lonely”, i.e., too far from each other to allow direct cross‐linking by bivalent cations. The objective of this contribution was to understand the mechanisms controlling structural rigidity and physicochemical aging of the SOM (soil organic matter) and the role of water molecule bridges (WaMB) therein. For this, we evaluated the matrix rigidity of an organic surface layer of a Haplic Podzol on a quantitative basis, by assessing WaMB transition temperature (T*) directly after treatment with bivalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, or Ba2+) and after eight weeks of aging. Cation loading as well as cation type influenced matrix rigidity. Ba2+ induced the most rigid matrix and Mg2+ the weakest, which is in line with their binding strength in terms of Langmuir coefficient. The matrix rigidity increased with the cross‐linking activity, which is the product of loading and Langmuir constant of the respective cation. The aging process, however, was slowed down by the initial matrix rigidity, and the rigidity of the aged matrix decreased with increasing Langmuir constant. The degree of aging increased with increasing hydration enthalpy of the cation and decreased with increasing cation loading. Thus, directly after cation treatment, direct cross‐links by multivalent cations were most relevant, but WaMB increasingly gained influence on the matrix rigidity during aging. The untreated sample revealed a considerable number of WaMB, resulting in a fairly rigid and strongly cross‐linked matrix which, however, flexibly reacts on external influences like change in cation concentration or relative humidity. With these findings, the ideas on the relevance of indirect CaB‐WaMB associations between distant sorption sites for the rigidity and flexibility of the OM matrix as proposed in previous studies were confirmed on a mechanistic basis in this study.  相似文献   

The development of soil classification systems in Russia has been accompanied by certain changes in the attitude toward the factors of soil formation as criteria for separating soil units at the high taxonomic levels. The works of N.N. Rozov supported the traditional priority of the bioclimatic approach to the separation of soil types and subtypes in the classification systems of 1967 and 1977. In the new classification of Russian soils, the factors of soil formation are taken into account in a “hidden” form, through the diagnostic horizons and features reflecting the facial and zonal changes in the character of the pedogenesis and through the separation of several high-level soil taxa developing under specific combinations of lithological and geomorphic conditions. Ecological matrices illustrating the position of the soil types distinguished on the basis of substantive criteria in the field of soil-forming factors are included in the latest version of the new Russian soil classification system. The idea of these matrices fully corresponds to the logic of the factor-genetic soil classification system developed in the works of N.N. Rozov.  相似文献   

The characteristics of temperature dynamics in a solonetzic meadow-chernozemic soil of alas depression in Central Yakutia are described on the basis of long-term (2005–2014) stationary studies. Quick changes in weather conditions accompanied by changes in the soil temperature regime were observed during that period. Thus, the beginning of soil thawing in the spring shifted to earlier dates, and the beginning of soil freezing in the fall shifted to later dates. Temperature trends demonstrate an increase in the mean annual soil temperatures at all the depths. In total, the period of the frozen state of the soil became considerably shorter: in the middle-profile horizons, by 30–39 days. The obtained results attest to the high dynamism in temperature parameters of meadow soils in alas depressions of Central Yakutia under conditions of global climate changes.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of chronic soil warming on microbial biomass, functional capacity, and community structure in soil samples collected from the Soil Warming Study located at the Harvard Forest Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) site. Twelve years of chronic soil warming at 5 °C above the ambient temperature resulted in a significant reduction in microbial biomass and the utilization of a suite of C substrates which included amino acids, carbohydrates, and carboxylic acids. Heating significantly reduced the abundance of fungal biomarkers. There was also a shift in the mineral soil microbial community towards gram positive bacteria and actinomycetes.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2005,28(2):175-189
Small-scale spatial variation in N availability, substrate induced respiration (SIR) and population dynamics of nematodes in mineral soil and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) litter were studied along two transects through a newly formed gap and surrounding forest in a semi-natural mixed deciduous forest in Denmark for three years after gap formation. In the litter, C/N ratio dropped, while decomposition rates and numbers of nematodes were stimulated in the gap as compared to under closed canopy. In contrast, the number of nematodes in soil were inhibited in the gap for two years after gap formation, but gradually recovered in the third year. Recovery was most marked in the northern part of the gap centre where dense regeneration of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) occurred. Omnivorous and predatory nematodes became more prevalent one year after gap formation. Effects on trophic groups of nematodes had disappeared by the end of the study period. The maturity index for nematodes was low one year after gap formation and was still lower in the gap than in the surrounding forest at the end of the study period. SIR in soil was lowest in the gap. Results thus indicate a stimulation of decomposers in the litter layer due to formation of the gap and a contrasting inhibition followed by recovery of decomposers in the soil, possibly governed by changes in C input from living roots. Soil C/N ratio, content of soil organic matter (SOM) and monthly nitrification and net N mineralization rates were not affected by a change in forest development phases caused by gap formation. However, seasonal trends and large spatial variation in net N mineralization and nitrification rates were apparent. Soil NH4–N concentrations dropped markedly at the onset of the growing season in the second year and remained lower in the gap than in the closed forest throughout the growing season, possibly reflecting an increased N demand of the ash regeneration.  相似文献   

秸秆不同还田方式对土壤入渗特性及持水能力的影响   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
通过入渗试验及对土壤水分特征曲线的测定,对比研究了秸秆在经过粉碎、氨化及与无机土壤改良剂混合3种措施处理后加入土壤中对土壤入渗特性及持水特征的影响。结果显示:长秸秆处理加入土壤后显著降低土壤入渗能力;粉碎氨化后的秸秆较对照处理及粉碎秸秆处理能显著增加土壤稳定入渗率、土壤累积入渗量,同时在经过30 d培养后土壤体积质量较对照低7.13%;无机土壤改良剂(氢氧化铁)能显著提高土壤稳定入渗率和累积入渗量,但在减小土壤体积质量、增加土壤孔隙度作用方面不如氨化秸秆处理显著,同时当秸秆与其混合加入土壤时未对土壤改良效果起到正交互作用;各种处理土壤持水能力差异不明显,但粉碎并氨化措施处理过的秸秆在中低吸力段均表现出较高的土壤持水能力,这对于提高旱区农田蓄水保墒抗旱能力有重要意义。  相似文献   

Stability constants describing Al3+ combination with soil polycarboxylates were measured using the methods of Gregor et al. (1955) and Tanford (1961). It is suggested that the high stability of such complexes is derived largely from the electrostatic energy associated with the high surface charge of soluble humus acids. Chemically, the affinity of fulvic acids for Al3+ appeared to be no greater than that of a weak complexant such as adipic or acetic acid. A species distribution model was constructed showing the proportion of soluble Al that is bound by organic complexes. The model uses certain approximations regarding the degree of dissociation of the humus acids, but from measurements of soluble humus and Al in soil solutions it was suggested that these approximations were reasonably valid. The range of the model falls within conditions likely to occur in agricultural topsoils and demonstrates the importance of organic complexants in limiting Al3+ concentrations in natural aqueous systems.  相似文献   

Concepts concerning the origin of light-colored acid eluvial horizons within the soil profiles are considered. In Russia, the current concept is related to the polygenetic origin of these horizons indicating that their formation is affected by acidic hydrolysis, lessivage, and gleying. The acidic hydrolysis under aerobic conditions was shown not to provide the reduction of Fe (III) to Fe(II) and its transfer to soil solution. Lessivage is not an obligatory factor that controls the formation of light-colored acid eluvial horizons, since its signs are often absent in the profile of soils. The only process responsible for the eluviation of Fe, Mn, and Al; the removal of hydroxide and oxide iron coatings from mineral grains; increasing the relative Si content; and the appearance of the whitish color is gleying under conditions of a stagnant-percolative water regime. Precisely this factor is the single reason for the formation of light-colored acid eluvial (podzolic) horizons. Therefore, they are monogenetic in origin.  相似文献   

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