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作家陈忠实创作的长篇小说《白鹿原》是男权制社会下的文学产物,因此,该部小说并没有能够摆脱当时的文化背景与男性为中心的创作视角,其所塑造的女性形象基本上都是以悲剧的命运结束,极少表现出自己的独立个性。这些女性形象的悲剧命运使小说风格厚重而沉郁,实际上体现了作家对于苦难生命的怜悯之心以及对于人类生存的重新思考。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》是真正为女性树碑立传的文学,是一部伟大的现实主义女性著作。一方面,它极力赞美女性,肯定了女性的独特才华与社会价值;另一方面,又对封建社会女性的命运和地位报以同情,对女性的摧残予以揭露和批判。  相似文献   

从阿瑟·密勒对《推销员之死》中女主人公琳达这个角色的文化身份的处理入手,分别对男权语境中的女性叙述,强权语境下的弱势者叙述和生存困境中的底层生存叙述三个方面进行分析,探讨琳达在《推销员之死》中的生存困境,以及其命运悲剧的社会内涵。进而,充分理解剧作家对琳达这一人物形象进行的类似“不作为”的处理正是琳达这一人物叙事功能的体现。  相似文献   

凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德作为一名女性小说家,将短篇小说中运用的现实主义写法发挥得淋漓尽致。描述社会底层女性的悲惨生活,关注女性命运,探索女性如何摆脱卑微地位,唤醒女性意识的觉醒,争取平等的生活成为凯瑟琳作品的灵魂。作品中体现的女权主义为在婚姻关系或者其他社会关系中,男性和女性要形成心灵上的契合,最理想的状态应该是双方都抛弃传统的性别角色,并形成一致的人生观。凯瑟琳女性主义思想的形成与逐渐成熟是其生活的年代以及个人生活痛苦经历的共同结果。凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德因语言讽刺、犀利及独特的女性主义视角而被誉为"女性主义先驱"。  相似文献   

《黑暗前的夏天》是多丽丝.莱辛对于女性命运的又一次关注。小说以主人公凯特四个多月的夏日旅程为主线展开,这次旅程既是一次实际的旅程,也是一次心理的旅程。本文从女性主义的视角阐释凯特在这一心理旅程中的沦落、退却以及最后的回归。这一艰难的旅程正是试图寻找自我的女性的必经之旅。  相似文献   

沟口健二作为日本现代女性电影大师,作品中体现出他对东方文化、女性命运的关怀和思考。主要从沟口健二电影中的镜头语言特点——长镜头美学、女性主义以及古典文化意蕴中包含的现代性三个方面简要分析其电影中展现的东方意境美。  相似文献   

王昭君是《破幽梦孤雁汉宫秋》中塑造的典型女性形象。在这部一本四折的末本戏中,冷宫怨娥、元帝宠妃及和亲美人三种角色贯穿着昭君的一生。冷宫怨娥阶段的昭君形象,折射出封建社会宫廷的黑暗,突显出昭君的美丽耿直、渴望君恩;作为元帝宠妃的昭君,昭示了古代社会女子命运多舛和帝妃爱情的无奈;和亲美人身份的昭君,是封建社会政治力量角逐的牺牲品,体现了女性难以自主的命运,描绘出昭君忠君爱国的烈女形象。这一悲剧形象的塑造透视出马致远在其创作时代特征下的士人心态、命运之思和悲剧情怀。  相似文献   

中国现代文学是在全面、广泛接受外来影响的背景下产生和发展起来的,无疑,中国现代女作家的创作也受到了外来的冲击。但相比现代男作家,女作家对外来文学的审视有着自己独特的视角。她们关注并接受了西方女性人文主义,对女性自身的命运充满了关切和同情,明显带有女性意识。这些特点鲜明地体现在中国现代女作家的创作中,并影响到当代女作家的创作。  相似文献   

简.爱和珍妮这两个虽然同样出身贫寒之家的姑娘,对待命运和爱情却有着截然不同的态度,不同的性格特征造就了两人不同的命运,正印证了那句话:性格决定命运!两人对压迫、爱情以及女性经济独立的不同态度彰显了勃朗特的先进性。  相似文献   

鲁迅的《伤逝》在"五四"个性解放和女性解放的背景下诞生,以涓生手记的形式讲述了一个由自由恋爱而始乱终弃的悲剧故事,展现了现代知识分子的爱情命运。作为五四新女性的子君,由出走到"回来"再到死亡的悲剧是谁之过?文章从社会的黑暗、礼教的束缚,人性的自私、涓生的遗弃,人格的依附、子君的怯弱等几个方面浅析子君悲剧的原因并简要谈谈女性解放如何可能。  相似文献   

《虹》中的厄秀拉是劳伦斯塑造的具有现代思想的新女性形象。童年的厄秀拉活泼要强,无拘无束,青年时代,她追求自由,独立,富于幻想,坚决走出琐碎的家庭生活,她强烈地渴望爱情,但最终还是灵与肉的分离。《虹》从一个侧面揭示了劳伦斯的女性主义观,也暗示了妇女实现真正解放所面临的困难。  相似文献   

Macklis RM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2002,295(5560):1647-1648
Although Marie Curie is known primarily for her discovery of radium, her true gift to science was her realization that radioactivity is an intrinsic atomic property of matter rather than the result of chemical processes. She was one of the few Nobel laureates to win the prize twice (physics and chemistry). During her career and as one of the first prominent women scientists, she became increasingly aware of the need for funding for research and of the scientific freedom that money can bring. By nature shy and reserved, Marie's fame, as both a scientist and as an exemplar of a liberated professional woman of the roaring twenties, grew to superstar proportions.  相似文献   

伍尔夫是西方意识流小说和女性主义文学的先驱者之一,在她的作品中充分展示女性意识。从其女性主义观点根源入手,结合其作品中塑造女性形象、提倡的男性与女性意识相融合的观点,分析其意识流小说创作表现出的伍尔夫式的女性主义意识。  相似文献   

Status of women microbiologists   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The general picture that emerges from this study is that the woman microbiologist, upon entering the professional job market, faces (i) slower advancement; (ii) restricted extramural recognition; and (iii) fewer positions of a supervisory or administrative nature, when compared to men. Most striking is the salary differential, which increases with increasing educational level, with increasing rank, and with increasing seniority. From the beginning of her professional training, the woman microbiologist feels handicapped by lack of encouragement and proper role models. She generally receives little advice regarding her professional future and rarely feels pushed to take the most challenging position. Should she be married, she feels that her mobility is severely restricted. Even though the subjective nature of these feelings may be interpreted as projections of failure, subtle inducements for women to stay at lower levels may well exist, in addition to more objective measurements, such as lower salary levels and slower professional advancement. Despite these handicaps, professional women continue to work. As a group, they work for the same reasons that men do, they work as long and as hard as men do, and they remain at their positions as long as men do. Women and men rate themselves equally as to job performance, degree of independence, and publication rate. On the basis of this study, it should not be surprising that women professionals are less visible than men and that only a small proportion of women become what is considered successful by the usual external criteria. If women were to receive continued encouragement, scientific contact, and professional recognition at each stage of their professional lives, they would undoubtedly become more visible. The lack of encouragement and selfconfidence leading to isolation, which then leads to lack of recognition, is a vicious circle that must be broken for the woman professional. This can be done most easily for the beginning student. For older women, there must be increased placement in positions of responsibility and visibility. Protective practices that discourage women from entering arenas of competition can only be viewed as discrimination on the basis of sex, since women professionals are rarely given the choice between being protected and being independent. Unexpectedly, this study illustrates the lower status of another group of individuals who are considered deviants from the expected roles of the established society-single men with doctorates, who were found in the positions predominately filled by women. In conclusion, this study of a select group of scientists probably has general applicability to all women professionals in their roles vis-à-vis men. Examination and documentation of discriminatory practices based on sex points to the areas in which women must direct their demands for equality.  相似文献   

耶利亚克,作为2004年度的诺贝尔文学奖的得主,为读者创造了大量优秀的作品。她是一位具有强烈反叛精神的作家。激扬叛逆的独特艺术风格,对政治的热衷,为女权而呐喊使耶利亚克的作品别具一格。本文从作家耶利亚克早年生活着笔,谈到了其早年的种种变故对其思想的撞击,进而对她的文学之路及后来文学风格的形成所造成的不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

嘉莉妹妹是一个从农村出来、未谙世事的小姑娘,她到大都市芝加哥追求美好生活.她的人生先后经历了三次选择,从三次选择的内在联系可以看出嘉莉妹妹的女性意识逐步增强,人生从依附走向独立.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Marilyn Holly is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Florida. Her special interests include political philosophy, ethics and ecology, Jungian thought, and Native American spirituality in its relation to the environment. She is currently at work on a monograph-length piece on the latter topic. She has taught an undergraduate course in ethics and ecology, and plans to do so again. The following essay emerged from her search for a suitable text for such a course.  相似文献   

一直以来,迟子建以别具一格的精神追求和艺术思想独步文坛,她试图从民间资源的开掘和重构中找到精神的栖息地,呈现出对芸芸众生的一往情深和悲天悯人的情怀。这种民间立场、书写底层就是迟子建小说的风格所在。  相似文献   

This study examines parents’ perspectives on their children working on their family dairy farms in Wisconsin. The objective of this focus group study is (1) to gain insights on why children work on their family farms, (2) to identify those benefits that parents perceive that they and their children gain from their children working on-farm, (3) to determine the concerns that parents have about their children working, (4) to identify ways to improve the safety of children on family farms, and (5) to understand how US agricultural policy impacts family decisions to use their children’s labor on their farms. The two focus groups reveal that fathers and mothers have different concerns and different perceptions regarding the benefits gained from having their children work on farms. The findings suggest that in response to US agricultural policy, parents are increasingly reliant upon their children’s labor. Children work the longest hours on economically stressed farms. Lydia Zepeda is a fellow of the Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy and professor of Consumer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned her MS and PhD in Agricultural Economics at the University of California at Davis. Her research interests include agricultural technology adoption, risk perceptions, household decision-making, and consumer food demand. Jongsoog Kim is a research fellow at Korea Women’s Development Institute in Seoul, Korea. She earned her PhD in Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests include gender economics, labor supply of women and children, intrahousehold resource allocation, and consumer policies.  相似文献   

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