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Salmonella Enteritidis is a leading food-borne pathogen in the United States, with many outbreaks in humans traced back to shell eggs. As a result, the implementation of effective strategies for reducing Salmonella Enteritidis in commercial layer flocks has become a critical public health and economic objective. In this paper, we share the findings of 2 multistate USDA-National Integrated Food Safety Initiative grant teams and their work aimed at Salmonella Enteritidis reduction in shell eggs. One project, led by K. Venkitanarayanan, is using plant-derived antimicrobial molecules as dietary supplements to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis colonization of the digestive and reproductive tract of chickens. The same molecules are being evaluated for their effect on Salmonella Enteritidis in egg wash solutions. The project led by S. Kariyawasam used on-farm investigation and novel bacterial typing methods to study Salmonella Enteritidis transmission in diverse layer environments to update and optimize Egg Quality Assurance Programs that will significantly reduce Salmonella Enteritidis contamination of shell eggs. The current US Food and Drug Administration Egg Safety Rule and Egg Quality Assurance Programs are based on critical control points and best management practices developed from studies of large flocks (>50,000 hens) conducted in the 1990s, indicating that opportunities exist to improve preharvest programs to reduce Salmonella Enteritidis contamination. This paper will share the findings of these 2 projects.  相似文献   

As laying hens age, egg production and quality decreases. Egg producers can impose an induced molt on older hens that results in increased egg productivity and decreased hen mortality compared with non-molted hens of the same age. This review discusses the effect of induced molting by feed removal on immune parameters, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) invasion and subsequent production of SE-contaminated eggs. Experimental oral infections with SE show molted hens are more susceptible to SE infection and produce more SE-contaminated eggs in the first few weeks post-molt compared with pre-molt egg production. In addition, it appears that molted hens are more likely to disseminate SE into their environment. Molted hens are more susceptible to SE infection by contact exposure to experimentally infected hens; thus, transmission of SE among molted hens could be more rapid than non-molted birds. Histological examination of the gastrointestinal tracts of molted SE-infected hens revealed more frequent and severe intestinal mucosal lesions compared with non-molted SE-infected hens. These data suggest that induced molting by feed deprivation alters the normal asymptomatic host-pathogen relationship. Published data suggest the highest proportion of SE-positive eggs is produced within 1-5 weeks post-molt and decreases sharply by 6-10 weeks and dissipates to the background level for non-molted hens by 11-20 weeks. Appropriate treatment measures of eggs produced in the fist 5 weeks post-molting may decrease the risk of foodborne infections to humans.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of a probiotic culture in combination with dietary lactose as a prebiotic, 2 experiments were performed. Treated poults (Lactobacillus spp.-based probiotic culture) received dietary lactose (0.1%) continuously in the feed and probiotic culture (~106 cfu/mL) in the drinking water. Controls received no treatments. Three hundred twenty selected female poults were tagged and randomly divided in 2 treatments with 4 replicates each (n = 40). In experiment 1, poults were challenged with ~104 cfu of Salmonella Enteritidis; however, in experiment 2, no challenge was provided to poults. Body weight was evaluated on d 1, 7, and 14 (experiment 1, trial 1 and 2, experiment 2, trial 3) and on d 1, 8, and 18 (experiment 2, trial 4). Body weight and FCR were significantly (P < 0.05) improved by treatment in Salmonella-challenged poults (trials 1 and 2). In contrast, unchallenged turkey poults (trials 3 and 4) showed no difference (P > 0.05) in either BW or FCR. These data suggest that dietary lactose with appropriate probiotic organisms may enhance performance of poults following a mild pathogenic challenge.  相似文献   

Poultry transportation coops are rarely washed and have been demonstrated to be a point of cross-contamination of broiler carcasses. Foaming disinfectants and cleaners, commonly used within processing plants, may be used to clean and disinfect poultry transportation coops. In this study, homogenized fecal material was evenly applied to the floors of precleaned broiler transportation coops and allowed to dry. Treatments consisted of a water rinse, a foam additive alone, foaming cleaner, and a disinfectant plus a foam additive. All foaming treatments were applied using a compressed air foam system (2,271 L/min; 600 gal/min), similar to what firefighters would use. A high-pressure water rinse (HPWR) was added prior to or following the treatments to determine whether rinsing prior to product application or rinsing after product application would improve efficacy. Based on our data, a compressed air foam system may be used in combination with a commercially available disinfectant or foam cleaner to reduce aerobic bacteria on the surfaces of commercial broiler transportation coops. Furthermore, the addition of a HPWR did not further reduce the level of aerobic bacteria on broiler transportation coop floors.  相似文献   

Velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease (vvNCD), which is endemic in Cambodia, can be prevented in theory by a combination of biosecurity and immunization of broiler flocks. The relative contribution of appropriate biosecurity and effective vaccination was quantified at the farm level, applying realistic projections for capital investment, fixed and variable production costs and losses following infection. Non-protected broiler flocks generate a loss when the probability of vvNCD infection exceeds 0.4. Applying both biosecurity and effective vaccination would sustain profitability up to a probability of exposure of 1.0. The benefit to cost ratios for alternative strategies were evaluated for a range of probabilities of exposure to vvNCD extending from 0.1 to 1.0. The benefit-to-cost ratio for biosecurity exceeded unity at a risk of exposure exceeding 0.1, and 0.2 for vaccination and the combination of vaccination and biosecurity respectively. A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the efficiency of protection, feed cost, and financial consequences of infection markedly affected the projected benefit-to-cost ratios associated with alternative methods of prevention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine i) the prevalence of lesions at the site of vaccination with Gudair, and ii) the incidence of discounting of slaughtered sheep carcasses due to the presence of these lesions. DESIGN: A survey of the prevalence of injection lesions and actual discounts applied to 20 consignments of vaccinates slaughtered in abattoirs in New South Wales. PROCEDURE: Consignments of sheep previously vaccinated against ovine Johne's disease (OJD) were assessed on the slaughter chain for the prevalence of vaccination site lesions and any costs associated with carcass trimming were estimated. In addition a telephone survey was conducted to determine the experiences and risk attitudes of 8 abattoirs in south east New South Wales likely to have previously processed vaccinates. RESULTS: The prevalence of lesions observed was 18% for adult (mutton) and 65% for lamb carcasses. The value of the trim removed was insignificant, the labour cost of its removal was nil and no carcass was downgraded to a lower value grade. CONCLUSION: Under the market conditions existing at the time the study was conducted, in sheep vaccinated at the recommended site high on the neck, it is unlikely that OJD vaccination site lesions will be a significant cost to producers or the processing industry and will represent only a very small proportion of the total cost of OJD control by vaccination.  相似文献   

In a field study with fattening pigs, effects of feed particle size at the dietary presence of organic acids on Salmonella prevalence were measured. On two farms (f1/f2), each holding ~800 pigs, diets based on finely ground (control) or coarsely ground ingredients (experiment) were fed as crumbs. On f1 both control and experimental grower and finisher diets contained identical concentrations of formic and propionic acid (0.4% and 0.2% respectively). On f2 only finisher diet of the experimental group contained 1.2% potassium diformate. At the start of the fattening period no statistical differences were measured between Salmonella prevalence in animals fed control and experimental diets on both farms. At slaughter Salmonella prevalence in caecal contents was lower (p < 0.05) on f1 in animals fed the experimental diet. Furthermore, the number of seronegative meat juice samples taken from these animals [optical density (OD) <10] was higher (p < 0.001); seropositive as well as distinct seropositive samples (OD ≥20 and ≥40 respectively) were less frequent (p < 0.01) compared to samples from animals fed the control diet. Feeding the experimental diet on f2 resulted in a lower Salmonella detection rate in faeces before slaughter (p < 0.01). Salmonella prevalence was lower in caecal content at slaughter for pigs fed the experimental diet compared to those fed control diet (p < 0.0001). The number of distinct seropositive meat juice samples (OD ≥40) was lower (p < 0.01) for pigs fed the experimental than for those fed the control diet. In comparison to pigs in the control group, starch concentrations in the caecal content from pigs in the experimental groups on both farms were higher (p < 0.05) and the pH values lower (p < 0.05). Propionate (p < 0.0001) and butyrate (p < 0.01) concentrations were higher in the caecal content taken from pigs in the experimental group on f2.  相似文献   


1. In this study, classical and molecular microbiological methods for detection and quantification of Campylobacter spp. were used to estimate their prevalence in faecal samples and skin swabs collected from 31 broiler flocks (20 farms) in Portugal, and measure the impact of transport-related factors on the expected rising excretion rates from the farm to the slaughterhouse.

2. Data on husbandry practices and transport conditions were gathered, including time in transit, distance travelled or ante-mortem plant-holding time.

3. A generalised linear mixed model was used to evaluate the significance of a potential post-transport rise in Campylobacter spp. counts and to assess risk determinants.

4. At least one flock tested positive for Campylobacter spp. in 80% of the sampled farms. At the slaughterhouse, Campylobacter spp. were detected in all faecal samples, C. jejuni being the most commonly isolated.

5. A post-transport rise of Campylobacter spp. counts from skin swabs was observed using classical microbiological methods (from a mean of 1.43 to 2.40 log10 CFU/cm2) and molecular techniques (from a mean of 2.64 to 3.31 log10 genome copies/cm2).

6. None of the husbandry practices or transport-related factors were found to be associated with Campylobacter spp. counts.

7. This study highlights the need for more research to better understand the multi-factorial nature of Campylobacter spp., a public health threat that was found to be highly prevalent in a sample of Portuguese poultry farms.  相似文献   

Nasal papules and oral ulcers were observed in calves that were group-housed at a dairy farm. The calves were diagnosed with bovine papular stomatitis (BPS) due to parapoxvirus (PPV) infection based on virologic examinations using polymerase chain reaction to detect PPV. To prevent the spread of BPS, we isolated the affected calves, made procedural changes so that the affected herd was managed after the healthy herd, disinfected the bedding with slaked lime, disinfected the stalls and fences with invert soap, and changed the animals’ feed to soft grass which does not damage the oral cavity. As a result, we succeeded in control the infection quickly.  相似文献   

为了了解食源性病原沙门菌在肉鸡产业链中的流行情况及其耐药性现状。本研究从上海某肉鸡屠宰加工企业分别采集待宰肉鸡、屠宰胴体和市售鸡肉样品388、200、127份,并参照GB/T4789.4-2010和PCR法进行沙门菌的分离鉴定。结果显示,共获得沙门菌73株。待宰肉鸡、屠宰胴体和市售鸡肉分别获得沙门菌9、48和16株,分离率依次为2.32%、17.5%和8.66%。采用微量肉汤稀释法测定分离菌株对12种抗菌药物的敏感性。药敏结果显示,所有菌株至少耐两种药物。其中对复方新诺明和多西环素的耐药率最高,分别为100%和95.89%;头孢唑啉、阿莫西林/克拉维酸、氯霉素、氨苄西林、萘啶酸的耐药率也均超过了40%,而对头孢噻呋、头孢曲松、庆大霉素、美罗培南的耐药率相对较低。结果表明,该地区肉鸡源沙门菌的耐药情况较严重,亟需加强养禽业抗菌药物的合理应用;同时沙门菌流行情况也对改进肉鸡屠宰加工工艺,降低沙门菌的污染提出了要求。  相似文献   

Different vaccines against Escherichia coli diarrhea of piglets were applied parenterally in pregnant sows at an industrial fattening farm. The following vaccines were used: vaccine No. 1 with non-complete Freund's adjuvant. Tween 80 and Arlacel A, comprising O149:K91,K88; O139:K82; O8:K87,K88; O141:K85,K88; and O64:K? E. coli serotypes; vaccine No. 2 with paraffin oil instead of Freund's adjuvant, comprising the same E. coli serotypes as the vaccine No. 1; stable specific vaccine with 10% aluminium hydroxide, based on E. coli serotypes most frequently isolated from piglets which died at the farm (O149:K91,K88; O8:K87,K88; O20:K17; O64:K?); Gletvax K88 (Wellcome) and NOBI-VAC LT-K88 (Intervet International). The number of piglets which died up to the moment of weaning in comparison to the number of born ones was considered as an indicator of acquired protection. It was found that the most effective in conferring protection against E. coli diarrhea were: vaccine No. 1 and NOBI-VAC. The differences in the mortality rate between piglets originating from sows vaccinated with these vaccines and those from unvaccinated ones were statistically significant (P < 0.05). No significant differences were noted between controls and animals vaccinated with the remaining vaccines.  相似文献   

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