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The changes of soluble sugar and total nitrogen content of vegetative organs in faba bean, sugar-nitrogen ratio, abscission of reproductive organs and the relationship between sugar-nitrogen ratio and abscission probability were studied using the faba bean cultivar Xichang Dabai . Plants were field grown in 1986, 1988 and 1990. The lands were separated into high yield land, middling yield land and low yield land according to grain yield at maturing stage. The soluble sugar content in vegetative organs (leaf + stem) was greatest from branching to floral initiation stages and pod-set to filling grain stages, and distinctly decreased at the onset of bloom and maturing stages. The total N content was greatest at branching stage, and gradually decreased with growth. In general, the sugar and total N contents in high yield lands were greatest, followed by that in middling yield and low yield lands. The sugar-nitrogen ratio varied depending on the soluble sugar content.
Average yield on high yield lands, middling yield land and low yield land across 3 years were 5048.77 kg/ha, 3744.01 kg/ha and 2378.22 kg/ha, respectively. The total reproductive organs abscission exceeded 90 % of total flower buds. Abscission probability averaged across 3 yield lands and 3 years were 21.6 %, 84.0 % and 32.8 % in flower buds, flowers, and pods, respectively. Node 7–12 of canopy produced more flowers, and fewer flowers and pods were produced in the upper and lower regions. Photosynthate supply has been implicated in control of abscission. Faba bean reproductive organs abscission probability increased with the sugar-nitrogen ratio of vegetative organs decreasing. It seemed that the soluble sugar content influenced significantly the shedding rate during flowering and pod-growing stages.  相似文献   

为了解临夏蚕豆生产、加工与销售情况,找出制约临夏地区蚕豆产业发展的制约因素,对甘肃临夏州、江苏南通市蚕豆生产与加工现状,以及上海江桥农产品批发市场蚕豆销售情况进行了实地调研,对比分析了甘肃省蚕豆种植与加工企业的生产、销售现状,并对临夏州蚕豆生产下滑原因、产业科研及政府导向存在的问题进行了阐述,提出了以政府为导向、树立品牌意识、加强新品种选育和蚕豆产品研发、大力发展鲜食蚕豆产业的建议,为西北地区蚕豆产业化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

刘洋  李洁  熊国富  闫殿海 《种子》2015,34(1):87-89
蚕豆是青海的地方优势作物之一,也是青海唯一的出口农产品。蚕豆新品种选育的主要途径仍是有性杂交育种,但蚕豆有性杂交中存在的主要问题是杂交结荚率偏低,增大了杂交工作量,并在一定程度上影响了育种成效。本文旨在揭示各种生态因子对蚕豆有性杂交结荚的具体影响,总结其规律,并探讨更有效的杂交技术。  相似文献   

侯万伟 《种子》2013,32(1):53-55
分子标记反映了DNA分子的多态性,可以作为研究生物遗传变异和进化关系的重要手段。介绍了常用分子标记技术的原理、方法、特点及其在蚕豆上的应用现状,同时展望了分子标记技术在蚕豆上的应用前景。  相似文献   

施肥对蚕豆根瘤及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对冀北蚕豆主产区,研究了不同施肥处理对蚕豆根瘤及产量的影响。研究表明,磷钾肥可以促进根瘤的形成;在盛花期,根瘤的数量和干重随着施氮水平的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,且N60施氮水平时根瘤的数量(56.0个/株)和干重(0.121g/株)值最高,分别比对照增加了46.6%和49.4%;在成熟期,根瘤数量和干重均随着氮肥的增加整体呈降低趋势,氮肥抑制根瘤的形成。施用磷钾肥和氮磷钾肥处理干物质积累量均高于对照处理。适量的氮肥与磷钾肥配施可促进蚕豆根、茎、叶、子粒的生长,过多的氮肥则会抑制植株  相似文献   

王佩芝 《作物学报》1996,22(2):254-256
蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)是我国主要食用豆类之一,蚕豆的生产分布全中国,我国的栽培面积和产量均居世界首位。蚕豆根据播种期不同分为北方春播区的春蚕豆和南方秋播区的冬蚕豆。本文论述的春蚕豆生产主要分布在甘肃,青海,新疆,河北,山西,内蒙古及宁夏等省(自治区)。仅甘肃省1990年统计,全省蚕豆种植面积114万亩,占该省总播种面积的2.9%,全省除庄阳地区外,均种植春蚕豆。 本文从全国2148份蚕豆品种资源中选出11个高产,抗病等综合性状优异的春蚕豆品种(系),于1992和1993年在青海省农科院、甘肃临夏州农科所和河北张家口坝上农科所进行了多点产量鉴定,以进一步确定其高产,稳产及适应性能,便于育种单位应用和生产部门推广。  相似文献   

 基于山东省17个气象站1961—2012年的逐日气象资料,利用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith公式及作物系数对棉花各生育阶段的作物需水量进行估算,并利用同期降水量计算了各生育阶段的降水与作物需水耦合度,最后采用反距离插值法生成山东省棉花各生育阶段耦合度的分布图,并对耦合度的时间序列进行趋势分析。结果表明:山东植棉区棉花全生育期降水与作物需水耦合度多年平均值在0.692~0.847之间,全生育期耦合度的空间变化趋势为西部、北部低,由此向东、向南递增;播种期和吐絮成熟期耦合度普遍较低,而蕾期和花铃期的耦合度明显高于其他生育季节;东营、惠民、德州等棉花种植面积最集中的北部和西北部站点全生育期、吐絮成熟期耦合度大于0.6和0.8的保证率明显低于其他地区。播种期、苗期和吐絮成熟期耦合度在多数站点趋于减少趋势,而苗期则有76.5%站点耦合度趋于增大趋势。  相似文献   

小麦/玉米和蚕豆/玉米间作对水分利用的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以甘肃河西灌区为试验地点,在0、300、450kg/hm^2氮水平下,探讨了小麦/玉米和蚕豆/玉米两种间作对水分利用的影响。结果表明:在小麦扬花期,与小麦和蚕豆间作的玉米在3个氮水平下都低于单作,而间作小麦和间作蚕豆在不施氮条件下,0-140cm土层土壤含水量高于单作,在300kg/hm2和450kg/hm^2氮水平下则表现不一样;玉米收获后,在3个氮水平下,小麦、蚕豆间作都低于单作,而与小麦和蚕豆间作的玉米都高于单作。小麦/玉米间作相对于单作WU在0和300kg/hm^2氮水平下减少11%,在450kg/hm^2氮水平下增加1.29%;WUE在3个氮水平下都高于单作,间作相对于单作WUE增加27.91%-39.17%。蚕豆/玉米间作相对于单作WU在0和300kg/hm^2氮水平下分别减少12.98%、2.98%,在450kg/hm^2氮水平下增加5.83%;WUE在3个氮水平下都高于单作,间作相对于单作WUE增加22.62%-62.37%。表明小麦/玉米和蚕豆/玉米间作可以提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

为研究蚕豆的遗传多样性,选用50对引物,对41份非洲和湖北蚕豆种质资源进行SSR遗传多样性分析。引物的PIC值介于0.28~0.91之间,平均值为0.68,50对引物共获得扩增DNA条带249条,多态性条带(等位基因)为246条。利用NTSYS软件对41份非洲和湖北蚕豆种质SSR数据进行聚类分析。在D-0.6957处将41份种质资源分为三大类群。第Ⅰ类(13个品种)为埃及和埃塞尔比亚的材料;第Ⅱ类(12个品种)主要为苏丹的材料;第Ⅲ类(16个品种)包括所有湖北地区的材料。通过Structure群体结构分析结果与聚类分析结果高度吻合。本研究结果可为蚕豆种质资源的收集和利用以及进一步开发利用SSR标记提供参考。  相似文献   

在胶泥土和沙壤土两种土壤条件下,研究了5种氮肥用量和3种种植密度对蚕豆结瘤和生长的影响。结果表明:蚕豆在不同土壤条件下结瘤能力差异较大,在氮肥施用量低于240kg/hm2的情况下,适当提高氮肥施用量有助于提高蚕豆的结瘤能力。蚕豆的行距从25cm增加到50cm,降低了种植在胶泥土上蚕豆的结瘤能力,却提高了种植在沙壤土上蚕豆的结瘤能力。同样,适量提高氮肥的施用量,蚕豆的生物量、有效荚数、子粒产量和株高均得到提高。增加蚕豆的行距,促进蚕豆的生物量、有效荚数、子粒产量,降低了蚕豆的株高。  相似文献   

不同密肥条件对蚕豆农艺性状和产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了明确优良品种的高产栽培技术,实现良种良法配套应用推广,更好地发挥优良品种的增产潜力,以‘成胡14’为材料,研究密度、肥料水平对蚕豆农艺性状和产量的影响。结果表明,密度和肥料对大部分农艺性状和产量均表现极显著影响,且农艺性状的密度效应大于肥料效应,产量的肥料效应大于密度效应。在5个密度梯度和4个肥料梯度中,以15.0万株/hm2和375 kg/hm2时‘成胡14’的各农艺性状和产量均表现较好。主成分分析结果表明,第一和第四主成分偏重不利于产量的提高,第三主成分对产量影响较小。在合理的栽培技术调控下,‘成胡14’可实现突出相应农艺性状和高产的协调。  相似文献   

In a field experiment in the winter seasons of 1985/86 and 1988/89 at Xichang, China, the effects of defoliation on seed yield of Vicia faba and its photosynthetic compensation were investigated by removing all leaves, some leaves from different plant positions at the beginning of flowering and the beginning of pod formation. Seed yield decreased by 37.3–52.3 % in plants with upper leaves removed at the beginning of flowering. Removal of middle leaves at the beginning of pod formation had the most significant effect, followed by the of upper and lower leaves removed, causing yield decreases of 43.4–64.3 %, 18.6–24.7 % and 8.9–12.3 %, respectively. Removal of leaves at the beginning of pod formation resulted in a greater reduction in seed yield, total dry weight, harvest index, and number of pods and seeds per plant than leaf removal at the beginning of flowering.
The photosynthetic rate and export rate of photosynthate of upper leaves at the beginning of flowering, and middle leaves at the beginning of pod formation were the greatest during both years of the experiment. Photosynthetic rate increased and reached its maximum at 4–5 days after leaf removal, then decreased, but, yet greater than the control leaves at 9–11 days after leaf removal. In the meantime, transport of photosynthetic products was accelerated. In general, removal of leaves from the upper and middle third of the plant increased the export rate of photosynthate by ca. 20 %. Photosynthetic compensation could not fully make up the loss caused by leaf removal, so grain yield was decreased by all treatments. The full defoliation decreased yield by > 70 %.  相似文献   

为探究不同施氮水平下小麦蚕豆间作对蚕豆根瘤形成及氮素吸收累积的影响,明确氮肥施用与豆科作物结瘤固氮、氮素吸收累积和产量的关系,通过2年田间试验,分析了N0、N1、N2和N3 4个施氮水平(蚕豆:0、45、90、135kg/hm2;小麦:0、90、180、270kg/hm2)下,单作、间作蚕豆各关键生育期根瘤鲜重、氮素吸收关键参数、地上部氮素累积量和产量的特征。结果表明,N0、N1和N2水平下,间作蚕豆根瘤鲜重比单作分别提高40.9%、27.2%和34.1%;高氮(N3)水平下,单作、间作蚕豆根瘤鲜重无显著差异。与单作相比,4个施氮水平下间作蚕豆的最大氮素累积量(A)和最大氮素吸收速率(Rmax)降幅分别为8.01%~13.93%和10.27%~12.98%,表明氮素吸收累积特点与根瘤鲜重相反。在蚕豆营养生长阶段(出苗后90d内),单作、间作蚕豆氮素累积量无差异;进入结荚期后(出苗90d后),间作显著降低了蚕豆的氮素累积量。同时,蚕豆产量也受施氮量和种植模式的调控,与单作相比,4个施氮水平下,间作降低蚕豆产量平均达20.66%。整体而言,在N1水平下,蚕豆根瘤鲜重和产量达最大值,随着施氮量增加,蚕豆根瘤鲜重、氮素累积量和产量均随之降低,间作促进根瘤形成的优势减弱甚至消失。因此,间作体系中蚕豆氮肥的运筹与间作优势的形成密切相关。  相似文献   

Three pot experiments were earned our to investigate the variation among geographic accessions of Orobanche crenata Forsk. in their ability to attack different stocks of Vicia faba L. Orobanche accessions were quite different in their influence on the performance of genetic lines of the host. However, host parasite relationships appeared to be dependent upon environmental conditions. The usefulness or host genotypes for differentiating between parasite accessions was rather limited. The number of Orobanche shoots per host plant does not appear 10 be a precise indicator of host tolerance although it has been frequently used for this purpose.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is increasingly exposed to periodic floods and shallow water tables on Histosols in Florida’s Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). In the past, when these soils were usually well drained, they provided excess N for sugarcane through microbial oxidation. It is not known if supplemental N would now improve yields because microbial oxidation is reduced by shallow water tables and periodic floods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of N fertilizer rates on two sugarcane cultivars exposed to a 25-cm water-table depth with and without repeated 2-day floods. Two studies were planted in containers in 2001 and 2002 with two sugarcane cultivars and five equally spaced rates of N fertilizer from 0 to 200 kg ha−1. Leaf, stalk and root weights were reduced by periodic flooding and the magnitude of the reduction sometimes differed between cultivars. Plant weights, leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD) and leaf N content were often highest near an N rate of 100 kg ha−1. Usually, N fertilizer rate did not interact with water treatment. Nitrogen fertilization may be useful for sugarcane exposed to water-table depths of 25 cm with and without 2-day repeated floods on EAA Histosols.  相似文献   

The faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) is an important grain legume world wide, yet the relationship between light intensity and nodule development and N2 fixation has received minimal attention. An experiment was conducted to study the effects of shading on faba bean growth, seed yield, nodule development, and the distribution of total N and total sugar among plant parts. Seeds of the V. faba cultivar Xichang Dabai were sown in pots at Xichang. China, in 1986–90. The plants subjected to 50 % and 20 % shading for 145 d had thinner and taller main stem than the control, and fewer flowers, pods, and seeds. Poor dry weight of organs and less developed underground parts were recognized. Shading caused the deficiency of photosynthate (supply), subsequently less nodules formed poorer fresh weight of nodules was produced and nodule senescing advanced. Total N and total sugar contents per plant and in roots, stems and leaves were consistently lower under shading regimes, but the contents in nodules did not change significantly. It seems that the insufficient photosynthate supply limited both N and C metabolism in shading plants by first limiting growth of the whole plant and nodule, and that the lower total N content in faba bean plant under shading regime was attributed to an decreased effective nodule mass and advanced nodule senescing.  相似文献   

袁名宜  刘玉皎 《种子》1998,(2):27-29
本文采用方差分析法,估计了春蚕豆新品种青海9号原始群体中主要性状的遗传参数。结果表明:青海9号原始群体中仍有一定程度的遗传变异。单株实荚数、粒数、有效分枝和单株粒重的遗传变异系数较大,达10%以上;百粒重和株高的遗传力较高;在5%的选择强度下,主要产量性状可获得10%以上的相对遗传进度。对1995~1997年青海9号蚕豆原种繁育的考种资料进行分析,探讨了主要性状的选择效果和方法。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of heterogeneity and heterozygosity on yield stability in faba beans, genotypes were generated with contrasting population structures, differing only in their levels of heterogeneity and heterozygosity. All entries were based on either eight or 36 inbred lines, respectively. The population structures tested consisted of pure stands of the inbred lines (1) and of their F1,-hybrids (2), blends of the inbred lines (3) and of their F1 hybrids (4), four-component synthetics in different Syngenerations (5), the open-pollinated source varieties (6) and 36 polycross progenies (7). Five different entry sets (= data sets), each covering several of the seven population structures listed, were grown during 1986 to 1991 in at least four different environments in Western Germany and tested for yield. Stability parameters, i.e., the regression coefficient and deviation from regression (EBERHART and RUSSELL 1966), and the ecovalence (WRICKE 1962), revealed that yield stability of the different population structures was improved by increasing heterozygosity as well as heterogeneity. But the impact of both factors of diversity on yield stability varied between the different data sets. Positive effects of both factors on yield stability seemed to be additively combined in the hybrid blends (data set I). The same proved to be partly true for the four different Syn-generations of the nine synthetics tested. Yield advantage of the different heterozygous variety structures over the homozygous ones in creased with increasing yield level at test sites, as indicated by regression coefficients larger than 1.  相似文献   

Water use efficiencies for the whole plant (WUE1) and single leaves (WUE1) were studied in a greenhouse as a function of soil moisture during four phenological stages of bush bean growth. WUE1 increased significantly with soil moisture stress and attained its maximum value before the flowering stage. WUE1 and WUE1 were linearly related ( r = 0.92), and WUE1 was correlated with the transpiration rate ( r = -0.87), stomatal conductance ( r = -0.80) and photosynthetic rate ( r = 0.81). Carbon isotope discrimination.), decreased as soil moisture decreased, and) was negatively correlated with both WUE1 ( r = -0.92) and WUE1 ( r = -0.88). There were significant differences in leaf N among water regimes.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了单作马铃薯、马铃薯/蚕豆间作和单作蚕豆对干物质积累以及氮、磷积累量的影响。结果表明,在马铃薯和蚕豆共生期内,马铃薯植株和各器官干物质累积受到明显的抑制作用,蚕豆收获后,马铃薯各器官干物质累积促进,间作处理马铃薯植株干物质累积为304.03g/株,大于单作处理的298.29g/株。在苗期,间作处理较单作处理对马铃薯根和叶的全氮累积分别提高了36.52%和17.41%,间作对茎全氮累积具有抑制作用,在生长后期间作处理较单作对马铃薯根、茎和叶全氮累积分别提高了68.68%、42.98%和109.48%,促进作用很明显。在苗期间作处理较单作处理对马铃薯各器官全磷累积具有促进作用而在块茎形成期只对根和叶全磷累积有促进作用,但随着生育期推进反而对不同器官全磷累积都起到抑制作用。  相似文献   

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