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The association of the polymorphism of bovine leukocyte antigen ( BoLA-DRB3 ) genes, identified by the polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing (PCR-SBT) method, with resistance and susceptibility to mastitis caused by Streptococci , coagulase-negative Staphylococci, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. Blood samples for DNA extraction were collected from 170 Holstein cows (129 mastitis and 41 healthy cows) from 5 districts in Chiba prefecture, Japan. Susceptibility or resistance to the mastitis-causing pathogens was thought to vary by the presence of amino acid substitutions at the 9, 11, 13, and 30 positions. DRB3*0101 and DRB3*1501 had amino acid motifs of Glu9, Ser11, Ser13, and Tyr30, and they were considered to have susceptibility to all 4 mastitis pathogens. In contrast, DRB3*1101 and DRB3*1401 had amino acid motifs of Gln9, His11, Gly13, and His30 in these positions, and they also had Val86, so these alleles were considered to have resistance to Streptococcal and coagulase-negative Staphylococcal mastitis. However, in the case of Escherichia coli mastitis, amino acid substitutions at the 9, 11, 13, and 30 positions had little effect, but rather substitutions at the 47, 67 positions of pocket 7, and at the 71, 74 positions of pocket 4, Tyr47, Ile67, Ala71, and Ala74, were associated with resistance. This motif was present in DRB3*1201 .  相似文献   

In this study, 714 cows from 26 dairy herds were reclassified as healthy or mastitic cows on the basis of long‐term somatic cell count (SCC) in milk. Cows with more than three consecutive lactation records of SCC from the first or second to fifth lactation, were selected, and their BoLA‐DRB3 (DRB3) alleles were identified using polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) method. Cows with an SCC of < 200 000 cells/mL in all monthly records were classified as healthy (n = 91). Cows with an SCC of > 300 000 cells/mL in two consecutive tests or four non‐consecutive tests or cows with an SCC of > 500 000 cells/mL in any one test during lactation, regardless of parity, were classified as mastitic (n = 201). Mastitic cows (n = 153) from another 40 herds were considered to be infected if bacteriological testing revealed mastitis pathogens in milk. Their DRB3 alleles were identified using PCR‐sequence‐based typing (PCR‐SBT). The differences in DRB3 allelic frequencies between healthy cows and cows with various degrees of mastitis were re‐investigated. Moreover, the associations of various amino acid motifs in DRB3 alleles with resistance or susceptibility to mastitis pathogens were re‐examined. DRB3.2*8(DRB3*1201) and DRB3.2*16(DRB3*1501) alleles were found to be associated with susceptibility, while DRB3.2*22(DRB3*1101), DRB3.2*23(DRB3*2703), and DRB3.2*24(DRB3*0101) alleles were found to be associated with resistance.  相似文献   

Holstein Cows ( n  = 702) from 26 dairy herds in the Tama area of Tokyo, Japan were examined for polymorphisms of the BoLA-DRB3 allele using a PCR-RFLP method. Twenty alleles were observed and allelic frequencies ranged from < 1% to 20.3%. Nine alleles ( DRB3.2 * 24, * 16, * 8, * 23, * 22, * 3, * 11 , * 10 and * 7 in order) constituted 90.0% of all alleles. Somatic cell counts (SCC) were used to classify healthy (group 1), mastitis (group 2) and suspected (group 3) cows. Frequencies of DRB3.2 * 11 and DRB3.2 * 23 were slightly higher in group 1 than in group 2, whereas, frequencies of DRB3.2 * 8 and DRB3.2 * 16 were slightly higher in group 2 than in group 1. However, none of the differences in frequencies between the two groups were statistically significant. For combinations of alleles, frequencies of DRB3.2 * 8/ * 23 ( P  < 0.1) and DRB3.2 * 16/ * 24 ( P  < 0.05) were significantly higher in group 2 than in group 1, and their odds ratios were 2.1, 2.5, respectively. However, there were no significant differences between genotypes in their effects for SCC. On the other hand, frequency of DRB3.2 * 23/ * 23 including combinations of DRB3.2 * 23 with minor alleles was significantly higher in group 1 than in group 2 ( P  < 0.01), and the odds ratio was 0.3. Therefore, it was considered that mastitis resistance or susceptibility of cows may vary with the combination of BoLA-DRB3 alleles.  相似文献   

本研究采用HaeⅢ和EstY Ⅰ内切酶,以PCR-RFLP方法分别检测了新疆地区引进的澳大利亚荷斯坦奶牛BoLA-DRB3基因的多态性及其与乳房炎的相关性.结果共检测到9种基因型5种等位基因.其中基因型HaeⅢAB和Bsty ⅠAA为优势基因型.等位基因HaeⅡA和Bsty Ⅰ A为优势基因;在高于健康牛的分布频率中,基因型HaeⅢAB和Bsty ⅠAB,基因HaeⅢB和BstY Ⅰ A基因频率在感染牛中分布频率最高:在高于感染牛的分布频率中.基因型HaeⅢAA和BstY Ⅰ AA,基因HaeⅢA和BstY Ⅰ A在健康牛中分布频率最高.经X2适合性检验,HaeⅢ酶切位点的碱基突变偏离平衡状态(P<0.01),而BstY Ⅰ酶切位点碱基突变达到平衡状态(P>0.05);HaeⅢ酶切基因型和基因频率在感染牛和健康牛中分布差异均极显著(P<0.01);BstYⅠ酶切基因型和基因频率在感染牛和健康牛中的分布差异均不显著(P>0.05).  相似文献   

荷斯坦牛BoLA-DRB3基因多态性及其与乳房炎抗性关系分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以PCR-RFLP方法检测了BoLA-DRB3基因在荷斯坦奶牛中的多态性,并统计分析了产犊年季和BoLA-DRB3基因分别被RsaⅠ和HaeⅢ酶切后的不同基因型对SCS及其它产乳性状的影响。结果表明:RsaⅠAD型的SCS显著高于RsaⅠEG型(P〈0.05)。另外,年季和BoLA-DRB3被RsaⅠ酶切后的不同基因型对蛋白率和乳脂率的影响均达到了显著水平(P〈0.05)。HaeⅢAB型个体的蛋白率显著高于HaeⅢAA型(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

Genotyping of bovine leucocyte antigen DRB3.2 (BoLA-DRB3.2) in a total of 523 Norwegian Red (NR) cows from two groups selected for high protein yield and low clinical mastitis, respectively, identified 27 previously reported BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles across the groups. Significant differences in BoLA-DRB3.2 allele frequencies were found between the selection groups. Alleles *13, *18, *22 and *27 had a significantly higher frequency in cows selected for low clinical mastitis, while alleles *3, *9, *11 and *26 had a higher frequency in cows selected for high protein yield. Associations between BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles and clinical mastitis were analysed based on mastitis data from 741,072 first-lactation NR cows, of which 452 were genotyped. Alleles *22 and *26 were found to be associated with increased clinical mastitis, while alleles *7, *11, *18 and *24 had a favourable effect on mastitis resistance. Contradictory results from different studies investigating associations between BoLA-DRB3.2 alleles and mastitis indicate that future studies should focus on associations of mastitis with BoLA haplotypes rather than with single BoLA genes.  相似文献   

主要组织复合体(Major Histocompatibility Complex,MHC)基因在动物机体免疫系统中具有重要作用,并与多种疾病的抗性或易感性存在相关性。利用限制性内切酶HaeⅢ和RsaⅠ通过FCR-RFLP技术分析了112头中国荷斯坦牛BoLA-DRB3.2基因的多态性。结果表明:所检测牛群中BoLA-DRB3.2基因在两个酶切位点均存在多态性,HaeⅢ酶切位点存在4种等位基因,有4种基因型;RsaⅠ酶切位点存在3种等位基因,有4种基因型。经χ~2适合性检验,所检测牛群中BoLA-DRB3.2基因在两个酶切位点均未达到Hardy-weinberg平衡状态。  相似文献   

主要组织复合体(Major Histocompatibility Complex,MHC)基因在动物机体免疫系统中具有重要作用,并与多种疾病的抗性或易感性存在相关性.利用限制性内切酶HaeⅢ和RsaⅠ通过PCR-RFLP技术分析了112头中国荷斯坦牛BoLA-DRB3.2基因的多态性.结果表明:所检测牛群中BoLA-DRB3.2基因在两个酶切位点均存在多态性,HaeⅢ酶切位点存在4种等位基因,有4种基因型;RsaⅠ酶切位点存在3种等位基因,有4种基因型.经x2适合性检验,所检测牛群中BoLA-DRB3.2基因在两个酶切位点均未达到Hardy-weinberg平衡状态.  相似文献   

牛抗病基因BoLA-DRB3的新等位基因的发现   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
BoLA-DRB3基因是主要组织相容性复合物(Major Histocompatibility Complex,MHC)基因家族中的Ⅱ类基因,它是该基因家族中最主要的功能基因,所编码的MHC抗原与免疫应答、抗病性密切相关。其第2外显子是编码抗原的主要功能区。本试验以地方良种鲁西牛、秦川牛、晋南牛和南阳牛为研究对象,采用PCR—RFLP方法对DRB3基因307bp的扩增产物进行多态性分析,结果表明DRB3基因第2外显子的第154位C→A,从而产生新的等位基因。经x^2适合性检验,鲁西牛在MHC-DRB3基因第2外显子的Msp I酶切位点未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

用PCR-RFLP方法检测中国南方地区奶牛BoLA-DRB3.2的RFLP多态性。选用RsaI、HaeIII和Bst YI酶切PCR扩增产物,14%PAGE分离酶切片段。HaeIII位点检测到6种等位基因,RsaI位点检测到11种等位基因,而在BstYI位点仅检测到4种等位基因。结果表明BoLA-DRB3.2的多态性极其丰富。PCR-RFLP是BoLA-DRB3分型的一种快速而有效的方法。  相似文献   

To study pathway specific gene expression within the immune-endocrine axis of dairy cows with Staphylococcus aureus mastitis, mRNA was collected from blood mononuclear cells (BMCs) and milk somatic cells (MSCs) of cows (n = 7) identified as culture positive for S. aureus and their matched negative control cows (n = 7) with no evidence of S. aureus mastitis. Labeled cDNA probes derived from BMCs and MSCs of infected and healthy cows were applied to a bovine immune-endocrine cDNA array containing 167 genes. Genes with a log2 ratio ≥ 0.5 were considered to be up-regulated and genes with a log2 ratio ≤ −0.5 to be down-regulated. In total, 22 genes were differentially displayed in BMCs and 16 genes in MSCs of case versus controls. Expression of selected genes in BMCs and MSCs were confirmed by real-time PCR. The RT-PCR results were highly correlated with microarray measurements. Some of these genes, such as interleukin (IL)-8 have been previously implicated in other bacterial diseases, and are known to regulate immune responses; whereas, others may reflect novel pathways or genes involved in progressive mammary gland disease. For example, IL-18 was up-regulated in BMCs but not MSCs of mastitic quarters, while IL-17 was more highly expressed in MSCs compared to BMCs. This study identified a number of differentially expressed genes associated with bovine S. aureus mastitis and demonstrates the intricacy of the patterns of gene expression that influence host response to a complex pathogen of significant relevance to both human and veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

The occurrence of multiple metabolic and inflammatory diseases in dairy cows is higher during the periparturient period, which may be triggered by bacterial components, but not a viable bacterium. This study aimed to determine the association of endometritis and ovarian follicular cyst (OFC) with mastitis in dairy cows. Ninety-eight Holstein dairy cows were clinically examined for endometritis and OFC approximately 30–50 days after calving. Blood and milk samples were collected for the determination of milk somatic cell count (SCC); milk interleukin-1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), and interleukin-8 (IL-8) concentrations; and plasma haptoglobin (Hp) and lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) concentrations. Of the 98 dairy cows included in this study, 12 were diagnosed with endometritis and 37 cows were identified as OFC-positive, whereas the remaining 49 cows were healthy (without endometritis or OFC). The average and maximum SCCs and plasma Hp and LBP concentrations were not significantly different between the healthy cows and those with endometritis or OFC. However, when the maximum SCC was classified as <300, 300–1,000, or >1,000 × 103 cells/ml, the percentage of cows with the maximum SCC <300 × 103 cells/ml was significantly lower in the endometritis and OFC-positive groups than in the healthy group. These results suggested that cows with endometritis and OFC during the postpartum period exhibit high SCC, indicating that some bacterial components can be transferred between organs.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient DNA extraction method was developed for detecting mastitis pathogens in milk. The first critical step involved cell wall disruption by bead-beating, as physical disruption using beads was more effective for DNA extraction from Gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, than enzymatic disruption using proteinase K. The second critical step involves the use of acetic acid and ammonium sulfate in the purification process, as these reagents effectively and efficiently remove the lipids and proteins in milk. Using these methods, DNA suitable for loop-mediated isothermal amplification was obtained within 30 min. Also, the rapid and sensitive detection of S. aureus in milk was possible at levels as low as 200 cfu/ml.  相似文献   

本研究旨在调查天津市原料奶细菌总数、体细胞数及乳房炎病原菌、耐药基因,了解全市原料奶的质量状况及引起奶牛乳房炎发生的主要原因。采集天津市5家乳品加工企业奶罐车的原料奶样品,用于检测体细胞数和菌落总数;采集天津市奶牛养殖场储奶罐奶样品,用于检测体细胞数;采集奶牛场临床型乳房炎发病乳区的牛奶样品,用于检测乳房炎病原菌及耐药基因。结果显示:2018年天津市乳品加工企业原料奶体细胞数平均值为44.65万/mL,标准差42.41万/mL,变异系数94.97%,最大值为225.50万/mL,最小值为1.20万/mL,SCC≤50万/mL的样品占74.37%,50万/mL200万/mL的样品占3.13%;细菌总数平均值11.54万CFU/mL,标准差26.28万CFU/mL,变异系数227.66%,最大值190.00万CFU/mL,最小值0.095万CFU/mL,细菌总数≤10万CFU/mL的样品占74.37%,10万CFU<细菌总数≤50万CFU/mL的样品占21.25%,50万CFU<细菌总数≤100万CFU/mL的样品占1.88%,100万CFU/mL<细菌总数≤200万CFU/mL的样品占2.50%。2018年天津市奶牛养殖场原料奶体细胞数平均值为38.81万/mL,标准差36.49万/mL,变异系数94.03%,最大值为210.00万/mL,最小值为0.80万/mL,SCC≤50万/mL的样品占79.17%,50万/mL200万/mL的样品占0.83%。乳房炎病原菌检测结果显示:36个样品检出病原菌,总检出率为94.74%;共检出8种病原菌,检出率最高的是乳房链球菌,检出率为73.68%,其他病原体检出率依次为:牛支原体34.21%,牛棒状杆菌13.16%,无乳链球菌10.53%,大肠杆菌5.26%,白色念球菌5.26%,停乳链球菌2.63%,铜绿假单胞菌2.63%。14个样品检出耐药基因,总检出率为36.84%;2种耐药基因的检出率分别为β-内酰胺耐药基因CTX-M934.21%,耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌耐药基因MecA 2.63%。研究表明,2018年天津市原料奶SCC及细菌总数大部分接近欧盟标准,但仍有待进一步提高;引起天津地区临床型乳房炎的3种主要致病菌为乳房链球菌、牛支原体和牛棒状杆菌。  相似文献   

为准确检测奶牛乳房炎乳中结合珠蛋白(Hp)含量,本研究采用牛血红蛋白(Hb)包被酶标板捕获乳清中Hp,利用特异性抗血清和酶标抗体建立夹心ELISA方法,并对建立的方法进行优化,用于检测牛奶中Hp含量.结果表明,ELISA方法检测下限为0.08μg/mL,与其他几种常见乳房炎乳中急性期蛋白质无交叉反应,批内试验和批间试验变异系数分别为3.27%~4.98%和5.46%~8.31%.应用本实验建立的夹心ELISA方法和商品化试剂盒分别检测50份已知患乳房炎牛乳清中Hp含量,同时对检测结果做相关性分析.结果表明,夹心ELSIA方法与商品化试剂盒具有很好的相关性(R2=0.996 2),同时验证了乳清中体细胞数与Hp含量呈正相关.夹心ELISA方法可准确测定牛奶中Hp含量,并可为奶牛乳房炎的诊断提供一种简易有效的辅助手段.  相似文献   

采用细菌分离鉴定和高通量测序技术,比较分析了头孢噻呋治疗隐性乳房炎对乳汁中主要致病菌区系的影响。结果:经5~10 d的乳头灌注头孢噻呋治疗,有效率为68. 75%(11/16),治愈率仅为18. 75%(3/16)。无乳链球菌、酵母菌和金黄色葡萄球菌是治疗前乳汁中的主要致病菌,分别占分离菌株总数的33. 33%(6/18)、27. 78 (5/18)%和16. 67%(3/18);治疗后乳汁中主要致病菌是酵母菌,比例为58. 33%(7/12),其次是大肠杆菌(16. 67%)和其他链球菌(16. 67%)。治疗前后乳汁中主要真菌组成差异不显著,且假丝酵母属(Candida,63. 01%)、Meyerozyma属(25. 15%)和德巴利酵母属(Debaryomyces,5. 73%)是主要的3种真菌属。因此,在该奶牛场使用头孢噻呋治疗慢性隐性乳房炎效果并不理想,原因可能是抗菌治疗后真菌特别是酵母菌的大量繁殖。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate heritability and genetic correlations between the liabilities of clinical mastitis (CM), milk fever (MF), metritis (MET), and retained placenta (RP) within the first three lactations of Holstein dairy cows. The records of 57,301 dairy cows from 20 large dairy herds in Iran between January 2005 and June 2009 were analysed with univariate and bivariate threshold animal models, using Gibbs sampling methodology. The final model included the fixed class effects of herd-year, season of calving, parity of dam, the linear covariate effect of age at calving, and the random direct genetic effect of animal. Posterior means of heritability for liabilities in first, second, and third lactations were 0.06, 0.08, and 0.09, respectively, for CM; 0.10, 0.12, and 0.11, respectively, for MF; 0.09, 0.07, and 0.10, respectively, for MET, and 0.07, 0.08, and 0.08, respectively, for RP. Posterior means of genetic correlations between disease liabilities were low or moderate (from −0.01 to 0.26). The results of this study indicated the importance of health traits for considering in the selection index of Iranian Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

选用400头中国荷斯坦奶牛取血样400份,每份各2管。根据奶牛CRP基因序列设计2对引物,利用PCR-SSCP技术检测CRP基因的多态性,并用透射免疫比浊法测定奶牛血清CRP水平,然后运用SPSS等统计学软件对其与乳房炎及乳质、乳量的关系进行统计分析。结果显示,在第1对引物的扩增片段中检测到多态位点,出现3种基因型(AA、AB、BB),第2对引物的扩增片段中并未检测到多态位点。将第1对引物所扩片段的不同基因型与奶牛乳腺炎的相关性作关联分析,结果3种不同基因型奶牛的体细胞数、乳质率、蛋白率、305d产奶量均无显著差异,但患乳房炎奶牛个体全为AA型。而CRP含量检测结果可知患乳房炎的奶牛与正常个体之间的血清CRP含量并无显著差异。  相似文献   

多重PCR快速检测奶牛乳房炎3种主要病原体   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
奶牛乳房炎是引起奶牛业经济损失的一种重要疫病,目前还没有快速、特异检测奶牛乳房炎主要致病原的方法。本试验根据金黄色葡萄球菌、无乳链球菌、大肠杆菌各自保守的16S或23S rRNA基因序列,合成了3对特异性引物,建立了三重PCR检测方法。特异性试验表明,该方法对所有参与测试的金黄色葡萄球菌、无乳链球菌和大肠杆菌都能扩增出各自的阳性条带,而对所有参与测试的对照菌株则不能扩增出任何条带。敏感性试验表明该方法能检测到4个菌的金黄色葡萄球菌、无乳链球菌和2个菌的大肠杆菌。对送检的乳房炎奶样36份直接进行PCR检测,金黄色葡萄球菌阳性7份,无乳链球菌阳性2份,大肠杆菌阳性6份。  相似文献   

AIM: To gauge how well prior laboratory test results predict in vitro penicillin resistance of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from dairy cows with mastitis.

METHODS: Population-based data on the farm of origin (n=79), genotype based on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) results, and the penicillin-resistance status of Staph. aureus isolates (n=115) from milk samples collected from dairy cows with mastitis submitted to two diagnostic laboratories over a 6-month period were used. Data were mined stochastically using the all-possible-pairs method, binomial modelling and bootstrap simulation, to test whether prior test results enhance the accuracy of prediction of penicillin resistance on farms.

RESULTS: Of all Staph. aureus isolates tested, 38% were penicillin resistant. A significant aggregation of penicillin-resistance status was evident within farms. The probability of random pairs of isolates from the same farm having the same penicillin-resistance status was 76%, compared with 53% for random pairings of samples across all farms. Thus, the resistance status of randomly selected isolates was 1.43 times more likely to correctly predict the status of other isolates from the same farm than the random population pairwise concordance probability (p=0.011). This effect was likely due to the clonal relationship of isolates within farms, as the predictive fraction attributable to prior test results was close to nil when the effect of within-farm clonal infections was withdrawn from the model.

CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the penicillin-resistance status of a prior Staph. aureus isolate significantly enhanced the predictive capability of other isolates from the same farm. In the time and space frame of this study, clinicians using previous information from a farm would have more accurately predicted the penicillin-resistance status of an isolate than they would by chance alone on farms infected with clonal Staph. aureus isolates, but not on farms infected with highly genetically heterogeneous bacterial strains.  相似文献   

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