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Eighty spontaneously occurring feline vaccine-associated sarcomas (VAS) were evaluated to determine the immunohistochemical expression of the tumor suppressor gene p53. Sixty-five of 80 VAS (81%) exhibited positive immunoreactivity with Mab240, a murine monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes mutated p53. Only 44 of 81 tumors (55%) were positive with rabbit polyclonal antibody CM-1. CM-1 often yielded nonspecific staining of nonneoplastic tissues. Nonspecific staining was greatly reduced or absent with Mab240. Cytoplasmic staining for p53 was a consistent pattern of VAS, occurring in 44% of tumors evaluated. Cats with tumors that exhibited cytoplasmic p53 had significantly shorter time to tumor recurrence compared to those cats with tumors that exhibited nuclear p53 staining (P = 0.0284), but no significant difference in survival outcome was observed. Immunohistochemical detection of p53 offers a prognostic tool for VAS, and, because abnormal p53 expression appears to be a common feature of feline VAS, molecular targeting of mutant p53, may offer a promising new therapeutic opportunity for this cancer.  相似文献   

Sarcomas associated with injection sites are a rare but important problem in cats. Immunohistochemical detection of p53 protein may correlate to mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, a gene known to be important in oncogenesis. The expression of nuclear p53 protein in 40 feline injection site-assocated sarcomas was examined by immunohistochemical staining. In 42.5% (17/40), tumor cell nuclei were stained darkly; in 20% (8/40), tumor cell nuclei were stained palely; and in 37.5% (15/40), tumor cell nuclei were unstained. Immunohistochemical detection of p53 protein in a proportion of injection site-associated sarcomas suggests that mutation of the p53 gene may play a role in the pathogenesis of these tumors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine somatic alterations in p53 in vaccine-associated feline sarcoma (VAFS). Animals-27 domestic shorthair cats undergoing first surgical treatment for primary VAFS with no history of chemotherapy or gamma radiation. PROCEDURES: Sequence analysis was performed on the genomic sequence of p53 (between exons 5 through 9) from tumor and blood samples obtained from the cats. Cats were monitored for 3 years and disease-free intervals and survival times calculated. RESULTS: Eight single nucleotide polymorphisms were detected within the genomic sequence of p53, with 20 of 27 cats (74%) having heterozygosity at > or = 1 polymorphic site. Somatic loss of heterozygosity at p53 was detected in the primary tumors of 12 of these 20 (60%) cats. Such allelic deletion was significantly associated with rapid tumor recurrence and reduced overall survival. Point mutations were rare, occurring in 3 of 27 primary tumors. The finding of malignant cells in the surgical margins was significantly associated with disease recurrence, but clear margins (with no detectable malignant cells) were not predictive of positive outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: p53 status is an indicator of postsurgical recurrence and overall survival in cats with VAFS. Careful follow-up is important in treating vaccine-site tumors containing allelic deletion of p53, whereas aggressive surgical treatment may be sufficient to control primary vaccination site tumors without the allelic loss.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the role of tumor suppressor gene p53 mutation in feline vaccine site-associated sarcoma (VSS) development and to evaluate the relationship between p53 nucleotide sequence and protein expression. SAMPLE POPULATION: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of 8 feline VSS with dark p53 immunostaining (high p53 expression) and 13 feline VSS with faint or no staining (normal p53 expression). PROCEDURE: DNA was extracted from neoplastic and normal tissue from each paraffin block. The following 3 regions of the p53 gene were amplified by polymerase chain reaction: 379 base pair (bp) region of exon 5, intron 5, and exon 6, 108 bp region of exon 7, and 140 bp region of exon 8. Amplified p53 products were sequenced and compared with published feline p53. The p53 mutations identified were correlated with p53 mutations predicted by immunostaining. RESULTS: Neoplastic cells of 5 of 8 (62.5%) VSS that had high p53 expression harbored single missense mutations within the p53 gene regions examined.The p53 gene mutations were not detected in the 13 tumors with normal p53 immunostaining. Nonneoplastic tissues adjacent to all 21 VSS lacked mutations of these p53 gene regions. CONCLUSIONS: The p53 gene mutations were restricted to neoplastic tissue and, therefore, were unlikely to predispose to VSS. However, p53 mutations may have contributed to cancer progression in 5 of the 21 VSS. There was very good (kappa quotient = 0.67 with a confidence limit of 0.3 to 1.0), although not complete, agreement between prediction of mutation by p53 immunostaining and identification of mutations by sequencing of key p53 gene regions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate nuclear reactivity of Mdm2 and p53 proteins by immunohistochemical means in feline mammary gland tumors; 12 adenomas which included 6 adenomatous lesions obtained from the tissue adjacent to adenocarcinomas, and 22 adenocarcinomas. Seven adenomas and 18 adenocarcinomas showed moderate or marked Mdm2 reactivity. Sixteen adenocarcinomas showed moderate to marked p53 reactivity, but 9 adenomas showed none. Discordant Mdm2 overexpression was found in 5 adenomas and 3 adenocarcinomas, although co-overexpression of Mdm2 and p53 was found in 15 adenocarcinomas. These results suggest that nuclear overexpression of Mdm2 is present in the tumors of early stage without p53 overexpression and related to feline mammary gland tumorigenesis. Nuclear overexpression of p53 is more frequent in adenocarcinomas, but not in adenomas.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical expression of topoisomerase IIbeta binding protein 1 (TopBP1) was examined in 123 feline mammary lesions (18 non-neoplastic lesions including six fibroadenomatous hyperplasia and 12 duct ectasia, 17 adenomas and 88 carcinomas) in relation to histological grade, oestrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) status, proliferation index (Ki67) and p53 expression. There was positive staining for TopBP1 in 122 of 123 feline mammary lesions, although nine samples had fewer than 20% positive cells. The percentage of cells positive for TopBP1 increased with histological grade. Most staining was nuclear but both nuclear and cytoplasmic staining was observed as the degree of malignancy increased. TopBP1 is expressed in feline mammary tumours and its expression is correlated with histological grade. Many neoplasms which over-express p53 or are ERalpha negative show TopBP1 immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical expression, tissue-specific and cell-specific distribution patterns of progesterone receptors (PR), growth hormone (GH) and insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I) have been studied in 22 cases of feline fibroadenomatous change (FFAC). PR and GH were detected in all cases and were distributed homogeneously throughout the lesion, while IGF-I was detected in 77% of the cases at the site of ductal budding. The simultaneous expression of PR, GH and IGF-I was detected in epithelial cells in 14 of 22 cases while PR and GH expression only was detected in epithelial cells in 11 cases. Cases that expressed GH and IGF-I without PR expression in the stroma were the most numerous. Double immunohistochemical staining showed the co-localisation of PR and GH in a subset of ductal epithelial cells located between basal/myoepithelial and luminal cells (probably undifferentiated stem cells). These results suggest that ligand-activated progesterone receptors may induce the local synthesis of GH which in turn may exert its proliferative action directly and also indirectly through the production of other growth factors, such as IGF-I, in an autocrine/paracrine manner.  相似文献   

A region from exon 4 to 8 of the tumour suppressor gene p53 was analysed in 60 feline tumours (30 fibrosarcomas, seven malignant histiocytomas, three lymphosarcomas, five basal cell tumours, five squamous cell carcinomas, two adenocarcinomas of tubular skin glands, one undifferentiated carcinoma of the skin, seven mammary carcinomas). Missense mutations were detected in two fibrosarcomas, one malignant fibrous histiocytoma, the undifferentiated carcinoma of the skin and one mammary carcinoma. One nonsense mutation was detected in one fibrosarcoma and one deletion/frameshift-mutation was observed in one squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of p53 overexpression in feline oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and to determine, if any, the association between p53 overexpression and lifestyle factors and environmental exposures, including exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Questionnaires concerning exposure to ETS and other environmental factors were sent to owners of cats presenting to the Harrington Oncology Program with a diagnosis of oral SCC between 1991 and 2000. Additionally, 23 formalin-fixed biopsy samples from these cats, with information regarding ETS, were evaluated immunohistochemically for p53 expression using the CM-1 clone and the avidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase method. Of the 23 samples evaluated, 15 (65%) showed positive nuclear staining for the CM-1 clone. Tumor biopsy samples from cats exposed to any ETS were 4.5 times more likely to overexpress p53 than were tumors from unexposed cats (P = 0.19). Among cats with any ETS exposure, those with 5 years or longer of exposure were 7.0 times more likely to overexpress p53 (P = 0.38). Longhaired cats (P = 0.18) and female cats (P = 0.35) were also more likely to show p53 expression in their tumors. These results provide additional support for a relationship between oral SCC development and exposure to household ETS and may implicate p53 as a potential site for carcinogen-related mutation in this tumor.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate by immunohistochemical means nuclear reactivity for Mdm2 and p53 proteins in 71 canine cutaneous mast cell tumours. Detectable reactivity for Mdm2 was observed in 17 of 23 grade I tumours, 19 of 27 grade II tumours, and 14 of 21 grade III tumours, the grading method used was that by Patnaik et al. [Vet. Pathol., vol. 21, 1984, p. 469]. Increased reactivity for Mdm2 was detected in grade III tumours compared with grade I tumours. In contrast to Mdm2, detectable reactivity for p53 was observed in 17 tumours. Of 39 cases with moderate or marked Mdm2, 34 showed mild or no detectable p53, although only five showed moderate or marked p53. The results suggest that Mdm2 overexpression plays a crucial role in canine mast cell tumorigenesis and is consistent with the histologic grade, and its expression may be induced without p53 overexpression.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the immunohistochemical expression of canine TERT in canine testicular tumours comparing two different antibodies for TERT, and to correlate them with well established markers specific to dividing cells such as PCNA and ki67, and with expression of the p53 tumour suppressor gene. The study included 36 cases of canine testicular tumours, which were categorized as 12 Sertoli Cell Tumours (SCT), 20 seminomas, 3 interstitial cell tumours and 1 mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumour (MT). Two antibodies for hTERT were examined; a highly specific TERT antibody, RCK-hTERT, was evaluated for the first time. Immunodetection of RCK-hTERT was observed in 31% of tumours examined (6/20 Seminomas, 4/12 SCT, 1/3 interstitial cell tumour and 0/1 mixed germ cell-sex cord stromal tumour), while the NCL-hTERT in 67% of them (15/20 Seminomas, 6/12 SCT, 3/3 interstitial cell tumour and 0/1 ΜΤ). PCNA immunoreactivity was detected in all cases. Regarding ki67, 3 SCT, 12 seminomas and all interstitial cell tumours showed clear immunoreaction. p53 immunoreactivity was detected in 6 SCT, 15 seminomas and all interstitial cell tumours. The immunohistochemical expression of both TERT antibodies are discussed and compared in order to clarify their potential usefulness in canine testicular malignancies in relation to the expression of well known cell cycle markers. Our results indicate that TERT and PCNA are useful proliferation markers but not helpful to evaluate prognosis. Instead of that ki67 and p53 could be used for predicting aggressiveness in this group of tumours  相似文献   

This article reviews the background information about vaccine-associated sarcomas followed by diagnostic procedures essential to understand how to determine the extent of the primary and metastatic tumor as well as to understand the general health of the patient. It also addresses the importance of understanding the nonmedical needs of the client who is faced with this perplexing problem.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies and a polyclonal antibody (CM1) were used to investigate the overexpression of p53 protein by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in six sarcomas and 21 mammary carcinomas from 27 dogs. IHC was compared with p53 gene mutation analysis performed on the same samples. Only the monoclonal PAb240, PAb421 and the CM1 antibodies were able to detect expression of canine p53 protein. CM1 was found to give the highest concordance (8/11) between positive expression of the p53 protein by IHC and the presence of a gene mutation. In the samples that were negative for p53 expression by IHC, but contained a p53 gene mutation according to DNA analysis, the mutation often affected the epitopes that could have been recognized by these antibodies. Only one out of 16 tumours without a p53 gene mutation had a weakly positive IHC result. These findings indicate that in these two types of canine tumours, IHC – particularly with CM1 – can detect many alterations in p53 expression owing to a gene mutation. False‐positive results were very infrequent.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of protein p53 in correlation with other tumor traits: histological type, tumor grade and proliferative activity. Material for the investigation comprised mammary gland tumours collected from dogs, the patients of veterinary clinics, during surgical procedures, and archival samples. Alltogether 21 adenomas, 31 complex carcinomas, 35 simple carcinomas and 12 solid carcinomas were qualified for further investigation. No protein p53 expression was found in adenomas. Cancers show positive reaction in 32.5%. The highest percent of p53 positive neoplasms was observed in solid carcinomas and neoplasms with the highest degree of histological malignancy. The smallest number showing this expression was observed in adenomas and the highest was characteristic for solid carcinomas. Considering the tumour grading, it was found that an increase in neoplasm malignancy was positively correlated with the number of the cells showing the expression of protein p53. The differences were statistically significant. Statistically significant positive correlations were observed between the proliferative activity and protein p53 expression. Higher accumulation of protein p53 in more malignant neoplasms suggests that mutations of protein p53 can be responsible for higher proliferation in neoplasms with advanced progression of malignancy.  相似文献   

Specimens of neoplastic tissues from 19 dogs and 4 cats were examined immunohistochemically for intermediate filament expression, using commercially available antibodies. Staining was observed in a wide range of tumor tissues and in normal internal controls by use of antibodies to vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and low and high molecular weight cytokeratins. Intermediate filament expression was found to be consistent with light and/or electron microscopic findings, and hence believed to be an accurate indicator of tumor histogenesis in cats and dogs. Three fixatives were evaluated for their relative abilities to preserve antigenicity. Absolute alcohol was superior to B5 fixative and both were superior to formalin. Some tissues that clearly displayed intermediate filament antigens with alcohol and B5 fixative failed to stain when fixed in formalin.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), an inflammatory cytokine, plays a role in tissue fibrosis, such as glomerular sclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis of the kidneys. In the present study, the urinary TGF-beta1 level of cats diagnosed with chronic renal failure (CRF) was measured to investigate its relationship to the pathogenesis of feline CRF. Urinary TGF-beta1 levels (TGF-beta1/creatinine ratio) were significantly increased compared with healthy controls, whereas serum levels of TGF-beta1 were not. These results indicate that TGF-beta1 is expressed in the kidneys of CRF cats, and that it was reflected in the urinary TGF-beta1 level. Therefore, TGF-beta1 may play a role in feline CRF, and urinary TGF-beta1 could be used as a clinical marker for renal fibrosis.  相似文献   

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