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种草养畜对于畜牧业生产结构调整、畜牧业可持续发展都具有重要的意义。但是通过近年来种草养畜的生产实践看,种草养畜存在着一些问题。一是怎样正确认识种草养畜,二是怎样选择牧草品种,三是怎样科学栽培牧草,四是怎样利用牧草饲养草食畜禽。这些问题如果不得到解决,就会使种草养畜工作失去意义,挫伤农民积极性。  相似文献   

张家川是一个少数民族自治县,地处东经105°54'~106°35'和北纬34°44'~35°10'之间,海拔1700m~2000 m,境内辖19乡(镇)269村,人口30.2万,群众素有养牛的传统习惯,养牛历史悠久。有天然草地3.01万公顷,由于人为因素和气候干旱,草地产量仅130 kg/亩(干草),载畜能力仅3.75羊单位/公顷,多年来利用飞播牧草项目改良草地近0.  相似文献   

鹅是草食家禽,其发达的消化系统,决定了其在饲养过程中可以完全用牧草饲养。因此,随着国内外市场对有“绿色健康食品”之称的鹅肉消费需求的不断增长,努力降低饲养成本,大力开展种草养鹅,正成为各地调整种植业结构和调整畜牧业结构的一项主要内容,种草养鹅技术也成为广大养鹅户欢迎和接受的一项实用新技术。  相似文献   

那坡县百南乡百南村那坡屯村民黄通原 ,从 1 994年起 ,自筹资金购母牛 ,分发给无牛户饲养 ,利益分成。到 2 0 0 2年止已由 1 994年 7头存栏量扩大发展到存栏量 3 6头的规模 ,其中黄牛 2 8头、水牛 8头 ,拉动帮扶本村“无牛”农户 1 3户 ,帮扶人口 45人。具体办法是 :按母牛分娩产仔后对半分配 ,一头自家回收 ,一头留给农户。 2 0 0 2年 ,母牛产仔 1 4头 ,其中回收 9头 ,留给农户 5头。全年出售活牛 7头 ,直接经济收入 70 0 0多元。从 1 997年到 2 0 0 2年累计出售活牛 2 3头 ,获利 3万多元。今年黄通原的打算和建议 :一是进一步扩大养牛规模…  相似文献   

产业发展是实施乡村振兴战略的核心,是打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要基础,如何围绕"八要素"深入推进贵州农村产业革命,壮大集体经济,培育好新型农业经营主体,带动贫困户增收脱贫是必须认真思考的问题。文章对印江县大院村种草养牛产业扶贫模式(公司+村集体经济+农户)的探索和发展情况及取得的成效进行了介绍,并针对存在的问题提出发展建议。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,随着农业产业结构的进一步调整优化,畜牧养殖业已成为振兴农村经济,增加农民收入和促进农民致富奔小康的重要支柱产业,尤其是作为黄河滩区绿色奶牛带项目开发区,只有大力发展种草养畜,才能适应和有力促进畜牧业快速发展。为此,特将发展种草养畜的关键措施总结如下:1要选择优良牧草种子最好到专业牧草种子经营单位购买,并详细了解牧草品种、栽培及病虫害防治技术,索要正规购种发票,同时要注意分辨品种介绍是否客观真实,有必要时可先行试种,待证实牧草品种优良后再大面积推广。目前选购牧草种子时要特别注意防止引进空心莲子…  相似文献   

养牛业是安顺市传统饲养业重要组成部分,配套种草养牛技术,促进了养牛业的飞速发展。据统计,2013年安顺市年存栏30头以上的肉牛规模饲养场达到70余户,比2010年同期增长233.3%。1肉牛和牧草品种肉牛主要选择西门塔尔、利木赞、夏洛来、安格斯二代杂交或三代杂交品种,具有生长速度快,饲料  相似文献   

广西百色市自2003年实施种草养牛工程以来,发挥各地自然资源优势,以培育规范户和龙头企业为重点,以点带面,推动了种草养牛产业发展,取得了一定成效.但由于资金投入少、牧地被占等原因,种草养牛产业没有得到快速发展,生产徘徊不前.2008年,全市牛存栏量93.74万头,与2003年相比,减少0.47万头,年均降幅0.8%;牛出栏量22.43万头,与2003年相比,增加6.43万头,年均增长7.27%.现笔者就如何推进百色市种草养牛产业又好又快发展作一阐述,供交流.  相似文献   

牛为反刍动物,消化粗纤维能力强,且采食量大.单位面积的土地若生产粮食作饲料,其产量有限,若种植牧草直接作饲料,其产量可增加数十倍.而且牧草富含维生素、矿物质、蛋白质、脂肪等,不仅有利于牛的体况改善,而且可以节省精料,降低饲养成本.因此,养牛要想效益高,种植牧草不能少.现将种草养牛应注意的几个问题介绍如下:  相似文献   

An in vitro trial was conducted to investigate the effect of different inoculum sources (buffalo vs. cattle) on rumen fermentation and degradability. Incubations were carried out using rumen fluid obtained from buffalo or cattle fed the same diet [60% grass hay and 40% concentrate; 18 kg dry matter (DM)/day]. The fermentation kinetics of eight feeds commonly used in ruminant nutrition (alfalfa hay, barley meal, beet pulp, corn meal and silage, ryegrass hay and silage and soya bean meal s.e.) were studied with the in vitro gas production technique and rumen fermentation parameters (substrate disappearance, pH and volatile fatty acids production) were determined after 120 h of incubation. The linear relationship indicates that the microbial metabolic pathways of the two inocula for all the substrates were qualitatively similar, albeit often quantitatively different. In this in vitro study, a significant influence of rumen inoculum (buffalo vs. cow) on fermentation and degradability of the examined substrates was found. The differences in buffalo and cattle rumen fermentation can be explained with a different microbial activity of the two ruminant species, because of different amount of microbial population or microbial population constituted by different species of bacteria and protozoa.  相似文献   

吴进东  佘德勇 《饲料广角》2007,(10):37-38,48
试验选择年龄、胎次、体重、体况、产奶量相近的奶牛20头,随机分为4组(即对照Ⅳ组、试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组),每组5头,进行为期40d的饲养试验,其中包括lOd的预试期。试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的饲料配方是在对照Ⅳ组的基础上,分别用WL-323紫花苜蓿、普那菊苣和特高黑麦草替代野青草。试验结果表明:几种牧草均能显著提高泌乳奶牛的产奶性能,其中WL-323紫花苜蓿、普那菊苣显著优于特高黑麦草,特高黑麦草显著优于野青草。Ⅰ-Ⅳ组的牛奶饲料成本差异显著,分别为0.83元/kg、0.84元/kg、0.87元/kg、0.93/kg。  相似文献   

Swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and Droughtmaster cattle (Bos indicus × B. taurus), fitted with gastrointestinal cannulae, were dosed intraruminally with fenbendazole at 7.5 mg/kg liveweight, together with a chromium oxide capsule and a pulse dose of NaCoEDTA, to estimate the flow dynamics of the digesta in the rumen and duodenum. The concentrations of fenbendazole (FBZ) metabolites were measured in plasma and duodenal fluid collected over 120 h. In plasma, significantly lower peak concentrations and earlier disappearance of FBZ and its sulphoxide (OFZ) metabolite were observed in buffalo, which considerably reduced systemic availability in comparison with cattle. The availability of OFZ in the duodenal fluid of buffalo was significantly lower, whereas FBZ disposition was similar to that in cattle. The turnover rate of fluid in the rumen was higher in buffalo than in cattle, while the flow parameters for other digesta were similar in the two species. It is concluded that the decreased absorption of drug in buffalo was attributable to the shorter residence time of the dose in the rumen, and probably in the entire gastrointestinal tract. This may reduce the efficacy of treatment and indicate the need for higher dose rates for benzimidazole anthelmintics in buffalo than in cattle.Abbreviations AAS atomic absorption spectroscopy - AUC area under the concentration-versus-time curve - C max maximum concentration - FBZ fenbendazole - FBZ.SO2 fenbendazole sulphone - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - OFZ fenbendazole sulphoxide  相似文献   

我国热带牧草种质资源的收集、保存与利用现状   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
介绍了牧草种质资源的作用及我国热带牧草种质资源的收集、保存与利用的现状,提出了加强我国热带牧草种质资源工作的几点建议.  相似文献   

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