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绿叶挥发物及其生态功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
系统总结了绿叶挥发物的释放规律、代谢途径和对不同生物群落的生态调控功能,包括能诱导植物生成相关防御基因和防御化合物,自身及其诱导生成的虫害诱导植物挥发物和花外蜜露能够在植株间传递预警信号、吸引和驱避植食性昆虫、协同或抑制昆虫信息素、招引寄生蜂,还能影响病原微生物的生长。指出了在田间条件下天敌因受到背景气味、气象条件、害虫种群分布和数量等诸多因素的影响,很难达到理想的生物防治效果。因此仍需对植食性昆虫与天敌的化学遗传学和生态学、不同植物-植食性昆虫-天敌三重营养间的互作关系,以及不同植食性昆虫虫口密度对田间防效的影响等诸多方面进行深入研究,以明确虫害诱导挥发物中关键物质的多重生态功能,并确定虫害诱导挥发物的田间应用技术。  相似文献   

0 引言 赤眼蜂属膜翅目、小蜂总科、赤眼蜂属昆虫,是许多农林害虫的重要天敌,也是世界范围内害虫生物防治中研究最多、应用最广的一类卵寄生蜂,可以寄生鳞翅目、膜翅目、双翅日、半翅目、直翅目等多种昆虫的卵,通过室内人工繁殖赤眼蜂,于棉田二代棉铃虫发生期释放可有效控制其危害.  相似文献   

释放天敌昆虫是有害生物综合治理的重要组成部分,它对害虫的控制作用以及在保护环境上的意义已为越来越多的人们所接受。但由于天敌昆虫生产中的特殊性,还不能像菌制剂或化学制剂那样由工厂大量生产,因此天敌昆虫生产数量不足是限制生物防治发展的重要原因之一。目前世界各国天敌昆虫生产的组织形式主要  相似文献   

我国天敌昆虫产业发展现状与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文总结了当前我国在生产中应用的主要天敌种类及存在的问题,如天敌昆虫产品种类单一,生产规模较小、机械化水平低,配套服务技术滞后,农户生物防治思想意识淡薄等。为此,笔者提出了应加大生物防治宣传力度和思想引导,增加天敌昆虫品种/品系、改进生产工艺和技术设备,加强对天敌的包装、运输和服务技术的研究,加强质量检测,降低天敌昆虫生产成本,加强田间应用配套技术研究等应对策略,以期为天敌昆虫的生产及应用提供参考。  相似文献   

 分瓣臀凹盾蚧(Phenacaspis kentiae Kuwana)是茶花、桂花的重要害虫。其捕食性天敌昆虫4种, 隶属于鞘翅目的瓢虫科、方头甲科和草蛉科,其中日本方头甲(Cybocephalus niponicus Endrby-Yonge)为主要捕食性天敌; 寄生性天敌昆虫有4种,隶属于膜翅目小蜂总科的跳小蜂科和蚜小蜂科,其中糠片蚧恩蚜小蜂[Encarsia inquirenda (Silvestri)]为分瓣臀凹盾蚧的主要寄生蜂,其数量占寄生蜂总数的95.3%,其数量的变化也反映了寄生蜂的整体数量的消长变化。寄生蜂对分瓣臀凹盾蚧的自然寄生率为10.1%,捕食性天敌对分瓣臀凹盾蚧的自然控制率为78%。自然条件下,天敌昆虫对分瓣臀凹盾蚧的种群数量有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   

 桔绵蜡蚧(Pulvinaria citricola Kuwana)有捕食性天敌昆虫2种, 隶属于鞘翅目的瓢虫科; 寄生性天敌昆虫有8种,隶属于膜翅目小蜂总科的跳小蜂科和蚜小蜂科,其中日本食蚧蚜小蜂(Coccophagus japonicus Compere)为桔绵蜡蚧的主要寄生蜂,其数量占寄生蜂总数的71.2%,其数量变化将影响寄生蜂的整体消长变化。寄生蜂对桔绵蜡蚧的寄生率为40%.  相似文献   

生殖行为是保障寄生蜂种群存活与繁衍的重要因素,其表现形式多种多样,不仅与寄生蜂种类和习性有关,还是应对寄主及其栖境变化的适应性行为策略之一。综述和对比了多种寄生蜂生殖行为的主要表现形式、影响因素和适应性意义,并结合寄生蜂生殖行为策略的研究现状分析,展望寄生蜂行为调控技术运用于农林害虫生物防治的前景与价值。  相似文献   

利用生命表评价天敌对松突圆蚧的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
组建松突圆蚧(Hemiberlesia pitysophila Takagi)自然种群生命表,采用种群趋势指数(I)、干扰作用控制指数(IIPC)和排除作用控制指数(EIPC)分析天敌对松突圆蚧的控制作用。生物防治区[释放花角蚜小蜂(Coccobius azumai Tachikawa)]松突圆蚧第2、3代种群趋势指数分别为3.739 3和2.109 0,对照区(未释放花角蚜小蜂)分别为8.078 6和11.371 4。生物防治区松突圆蚧第2、3代自然种群增长数量分别为对照区的46.28%和18.55%。采用EIPC分析,生物防治区寄生蜂寄生的EIPC显著大于捕食、菌类寄生及其它等因子的,说明寄生蜂的寄生是控制松突圆蚧种群动态的重要因子。  相似文献   

双翅目潜蝇科的一些种类如豌豆潜叶蝇 (Phy tomyzanigricorrisMcquart)以及美洲斑潜蝇 (LiriomyzasativaeBlanchard)等是重要的蔬菜、油料作物害虫。目前生产上防治难度大 ,大量的化学药剂的使用不但会导致害虫产生抗药性 ,而且还影响蔬菜的质量与食用安全 ,所以生物防治渐渐受到重视。有效地利用和保护天敌昆虫是一条重要途径[1 ] 。根据国内外资料记载 ,美洲斑潜蝇寄生蜂达 30多种 ,田间寄生率在不施药的条件下可达 2 0 %~ 70 % [2 ,3] 。国外在 1 980年报道应用寄生蜂防治番茄斑潜…  相似文献   

田间调查结果表明,德州市麦田天敌昆虫共有70多种,其中对麦田害虫种群影响较大的有中华草蛉、七星瓢虫、大灰食蚜蝇、黑带食蚜蝇、蚜茧蜂等;同时,对麦田主要天敌昆虫的种群动态作了系统观察,分析了影响天敌种群数量的环境因素,并对主要天敌昆虫对麦蚜的控制效应进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

以新红星苹果为试材 ,探讨苹果低氧气调新组合贮后一段时间内不发生虎皮病的生理机制。结果表明 ,气调新组合处理 4个月的苹果 ,贮藏效果好 ,果皮α -法尼烯和共轭三烯含量较低 ,在此后 2个月的冷藏期中 ,果皮α -法尼烯和共轭三烯含量较高 ,但未发现虎皮病果。气调新组合处理的苹果在贮后一段时间不发生虎皮病 ,与气调处理期间其果皮α -法尼烯和共轭三烯的形成受到显著抑制、共轭三烯的形成高峰延缓至贮后一段时间出现有关  相似文献   

新疆红枣不同处理贮藏及货架期品质变化规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]以新疆三个红枣品种灰枣、河北脆枣、骏枣为试验材料,研究直接冷藏、保鲜袋+冷藏对鲜枣保鲜效果的影响及红枣货架期期间品质.[方法]研究其贮藏期间(0~49 d)在贮藏温度0℃、相对湿度90;~95;的不同处理条件下贮藏品质(质量损失、腐烂率、外观、硬度、可溶性固形物、总酸含量、VC含量、多酚氧化酶活力、还原糖含量)的变化和货架期(1~7 d)贮藏品质(质量损失、腐烂率、外观、感官、硬度、可溶性固形物含量)的变化.[结果]在整个贮藏期间,两个不同处理方式下,三个品种枣重量、硬度、VC含量呈现缓慢下降趋势,而可溶性固形物、总酸、还原糖含量则呈现缓慢上升趋势;多酚氧化酶活力呈现不规律的趋势;而保鲜袋+冷藏处理能较好的保持鲜枣的总酸、硬度、VC、重量损失情况;在货架期期间,两个不同处理方式下,三个品种枣重量、硬度、可溶性固形物含量呈现缓慢下降趋势,且保鲜袋+冷藏处理能较好的保持鲜枣的硬度、重量损失、可溶性固形物含量情况.[结论]就三个品种而言,灰枣和河北脆枣较耐贮藏,更适于进行保鲜;就两种处理而言,保鲜袋+冷藏处理更适用于鲜枣的保鲜.  相似文献   

An important question in ecology is the extent to which populations and communities are governed by general rules. Recent developments in population dynamics theory have shown that hosts' refuges from their insect parasitoids predict parasitoid community richness patterns. Here, the refuge theory is extended to biological control, in which parasitoids are imported for the control of insect pests. Theory predicts, and data confirm, that the success of biological control is inversely related to the proportion of insects protected from parasitoid attack. Refuges therefore provide a general mechanism for interpreting ecological patterns at both the community level (their species diversity) and population level (their dynamics).  相似文献   

Dangshansuli pear is one of crisp pears and has a non-climacteric respiratory pattern.Dangshansuli pear fruits were treated with 1 000 or 2 000 μL L-1 diphenylamine (DPA) for 1 min,or with 0.5 μL L-1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) for 12 h before cold storage at (2±0.5)℃ for up to 210 d.Incidences of superficial scald and related physiological indexes were investigated during storage.The results showed that superficial scald occurred in control fruit with a rate of over 90% after 210 d at cold storage plus 10 d at room temperature.Treatments with 1 000 and 2000 μL L-1 DPA and 0.5 μL L-1 1-MCP inhibited the accumulation of αt-farnesene,conjugated trienes,total phenolic contents,and malondialdehyde (MDA) during storage.The treatments also decreased leakage of cell membrane and the activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in the peel.These results indicate that I-MCP and DPA treatments inhibit and postpone the occurrence of superficial scald of Dangshansuli pears remarkably in cold storage and post-storage shelf life,respectively,while the mechanisms were different.The results above may provide a theoretical evidence for the agriculture production.  相似文献   

氯化钙和热空气处理对水蜜桃低温贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以水蜜桃品种艳红为试验材料,研究了氯化钙、热空气处理以及两者结合处理对水蜜桃低温贮藏品质的影响,测定了水蜜桃低温贮藏过程中和货架期结束后水蜜桃果实乙烯释放量、呼吸强度、电导率、失重率、可溶性固形物含量和pH值。结果表明,采用氯化钙、热空气及两者结合处理均可缓解低温贮藏对水蜜桃的伤害,降低褐变指数,提高果肉出汁率;其中氯化钙与热空气结合处理的效果最佳。与对照相比,热空气处理后的水蜜桃果实呼吸强度增加,失重率降低;氯化钙处理及氯化钙与热空气结合处理显著降低了货架期水蜜桃果实乙烯释放量、呼吸强度、电导率和失重率(P<0.05)。因此,氯化钙与热空气结合处理后水蜜桃可获得最佳的冷藏效果。  相似文献   

The potential negative impacts of biological pest control on non-target species have become the focus of a contentious debate. In this article, we use examples from both classical and augmentative biological control of fruit fly pests in Hawaii to address several important factors in assessing non-target risks of fruit fly parasitoids. Several fruit fly parasitoids have been introduced to Hawaii and contribute substantially to the reduction of pest populations in the state's farms and forests. However, an historical lack of host-specificity testing of these parasitoids with non-target species has raised concerns about their impact on non-pest fruit flies, including some flies deliberately introduced for biological control of weeds and others that are endemic Hawaiian species. When developing protocols to assess risks of introduced fruit fly parasitoids, we need first to define an appropriate range of species against which host specificity should be tested. For assessing susceptibility of a non-target species to parasitoids, behavioral tests are as important as suitability tests. Experimental factors, such as host-exposure substrate, absence or presence of preferred hosts, and laboratory vs. natural conditions, are shown to affect the results of host-specificity tests and risk analysis. Still, assessing long-term, indirect ecological impacts of parasitoids and weighing potential risks and benefits in multiple dimensions (besides dollar values) remains a challenge to environmentalists, conservationists, applied ecologists, and biocontrol practitioners.  相似文献   

壳聚糖复合生物保鲜剂对冷藏带鱼保鲜效果的优化配比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在单一生物保鲜剂试验研究的基础上,通过3因素3水平的L9(33)正交试验,将壳聚糖、溶菌酶和茶多酚进行复配,以感官评分、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)含量、细菌总数、硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)含量和pH等作为评价指标,评定带鱼冷藏期间的品质变化,从中筛选保鲜效果最佳的复合型生物保鲜剂.结果表明:各因素对冷藏带鱼保鲜效果影响的主次顺序为壳聚糖、溶菌酶、茶多酚;10.0 g.L-1壳聚糖、0.3 g.L-1溶菌酶和3.0 g.L-1茶多酚为复合保鲜剂的最佳配比;带鱼经最佳配比的复合保鲜剂处理后,在(4±1)℃下贮藏,其TVB-N含量、细菌总数、TBA含量和pH明显低于未经处理的冷藏对照组,感官值也显著优于对照组,冷藏货架期可延长11-13 d;经后期成本核算,处理1 kg带鱼仅需0.24元,具有良好的应用推广前景.  相似文献   

● Most entomophagous arthropods consume nectar or pollen as alternative diets. ● The attractive of floral resource with different traits varies in a wide degree. ● Floral resource plays positive effects on not only entomophagous insects but also agricultural biodiversity, multiple ecosystem services and crop production. There is a growing demand for high-quality agricultural products and more countries have adopted landscape management by sowing flowering plants in agricultural fields as an important branch of conservation biological control. However, there has been less concern over the interactions and trade-offs between floral plants and entomophagous arthropods. This paper review progress in pollen/nectar feeding habits of entomophagous insects including parasitoids and predators which are important natural enemies of crop pests in agricultural fields. Factors that influence the preference of different guilds of natural enemies are reviewed to guide the selection of flowering plants in conservation biological control practices. Most studies find that floral resources have positive effects on both biological traits of natural enemies and their abundance and diversity, and this is believed to contribute greatly to pest control. Furthermore, the potential impacts of floral resources on crop yields are also discussed with an emphasis on a guild of entomophagous insects that provides both pest control and pollination services.  相似文献   

采用传感器技术、测控技术及微机技术自行设计了温度自动检测系统,采用C语言编程,可完成对冷库温度自动监测,具有实时显示、打印、报警等功能。该系统还可扩展用于其他领域完成数据采集及监控。  相似文献   

小菜蛾抗性适合度代价研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫抗药性的产生常伴有适合度代价。在叙述小菜蛾对防治其危害的大量杀虫剂产生抗性的基础上,阐述了小菜蛾抗性适合度代价的研究进展。  相似文献   

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