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Restricted feeding time and the behaviour of caged laying hens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Layers housed as pairs in cages were denied access to food from 07.30 to 15.30 h each day. Analyses of video records of daily activity patterns showed several behaviour changes compared with the patterns shown by similar birds allowed ad libitum (AL) access to food. 2. Birds given restricted access (RA) to food spent more time sitting and cage pecking while unable to feed than those feeding ad libitum during the same period. They also engaged in less agonistic pecking and the lengths of bouts of drinking were reduced during the period of food denial compared with the AL treatment. 3. After the food troughs were uncovered birds on the RA treatment showed fewer bouts of feather pecking but more bouts of drinking than the AL treatment. 4. Improvements previously reported in the efficiency of food utilisation of birds on the RA treatment may have been the result of additional sitting, although other activities requiring energy expenditure were performed. 5. It is concluded that restricting access to food on a time basis has both positive and negative effects on the welfare of caged layers.  相似文献   

1. Behaviours associated with a high or low tendency to feather peck could be used as predictors of feather pecking behaviour in selective breeding programmes. This study investigated how strain and age at testing influenced responses in behavioural tests. 2. Four layer-type strains (ISA Brown, Columbian Blacktail, Ixworth and a high feather pecking (HP) and a low feather pecking (LP) line of White Leghorn) were reared in 6 same-strain/line pens of 8 birds from one day old. Birds in half the pens were given an open field test, a novel object test and a test with loose feather bundles between 4 and 12 weeks of age and a tonic immobility (TI) test at 13 weeks of age. All pens were tested with fixed feather bundles at 26 weeks, and undisturbed behaviour in the home pens was videoed at 1 and 27 weeks of age. Daily records of plumage damage were used as an indicator of feather pecking activity in the home pens. 3. Strain did not influence novel object test, open field test or loose feather test behaviour, although age effects in all three tests indicated a reduction in fearfulness and/or an increase in exploratory behaviour with increasing age. 4. White Leghorns showed longer TI durations than the other strains but less pecking at fixed feather bundles than ISA Browns and Columbian Blacktails. 5. There were few associations between behaviour in the 5 different tests, indicating that birds did not have overall behavioural traits that were consistent across different contexts. This suggests hens cannot easily be categorised into different behavioural 'types', based on their test responses and casts doubt on the usefulness of tests as predictors of feather pecking.  相似文献   

In each of five sequential trials, laying hens (56-72 wk of age) were challenged with Salmonella and Campylobacter, and 1 wk postinoculation, the challenged hens (n = 3) were commingled with nonchallenged hens (n = 12) in conventional wire cages, on all-wire slats, or on all-shavings floor housing systems. After 12 days, challenged and nonchallenged hens were euthanatized for sample collection. Ceca were aseptically collected from all hens, and the spleen, liver/gallbladder (LGB), lower (LRT) and upper (URT) reproductive tracts, and ovarian follicles (mature and immature) were collected from only the challenged hens after commingling. Samples were divided equally and cultured separately for Salmonella and Campylobacter. Differences in the horizontal transmission of the challenge Salmonella to nonchallenged hens housed in cages (12%), on slats (15%), and on shavings (14%) were not significantly different (P > 0.05) from the challenged pen-mate hens over the five trials. However, with the inclusion of residual environmental Salmonella, the recovery of Salmonella from nonchallenged hens housed in cages was lowest at 15%, intermediate for hens on slats at 20%, and highest for hens on shavings at 38%. Among challenged hens housed in cages, Salmonella was recovered from only 27% of the cecum and LRT samples. From challenged hens housed on slats, Salmonella was recovered from 38% of the cecum, 12% of the spleen, 19% of the LGB, 44% of the LRT, and 19% of the URT samples. From challenged hens housed on shavings, Salmonella was recovered from 31% of the cecum; 15% of the spleen, LGB, and URT; and 31% of the LRT samples. Horizontal transmission of Campylobacter among nonchallenged pen-mate hens was significantly lower for hens housed in cages at 28% than for hens on shavings at 47%, with hens on slats being intermediate at 36%. For challenged hens housed in cages, Campylobacter was recovered from 27% of the cecum, 13% of the LRT, 7% of the URT, and 17% of the follicle samples. Among the challenged hens housed on slats, Campylobacter was recovered from 44% of the cecum, 6% of the spleen, 19% of the LGB, 12% of the LRT, 6% of the URT, and 14% of the follicle samples. Among challenged hens housed on shavings, Campylobacter was recovered from 46% of the cecum, 8% of the LRT and URT, and 40% of the follicle samples. The overall results of this study indicate that the caged housing system provided the lowest horizontal transmission level of Salmonella and Campylobacter among egg-laying hens.  相似文献   

1. This trial studied the effects of strain and age on tonic immobility (TI) duration, emergence time (ET) and social reinstatement time (SRT) in laying hens and investigated the consistency of individual behavioural characteristics over rearing and laying periods and the correlations between these behavioural traits. 2. One hundred chicks from each of ISA Brown (ISA) and Lohmann Tradition (LT) laying hens were reared from one day old in pens. At 3 weeks, birds of each line were divided into 4 groups. Twenty birds in one group of each line were marked individually for repeated testing and the other groups were assigned for single testing to test the habituation effect and possible age effects at a group level. 3. ISA birds had higher overall means for TI duration and latency to leave the start box. ISA also showed longer latency in SRT at week 28 than Lohmanns. TI duration increased from weeks 3 to 10 and then decreased to week 35 in both lines. The latency to explore the test area and to reinstate decreased from weeks 10 to 35. 4. Tonic immobility, exploratory and social reinstatement behaviours were consistent over time in both lines, as revealed by Kendall's W coefficient of concordance. 5. In social test situations, an inter-situational consistency was found, that is, birds emerged quickly from the start box and reinstated quickly with their companion. TI (non-social test) was negatively correlated with ET and SRT. Thus the two lines of laying hens respond differently in social and non-social tests.  相似文献   

Recent research on methods for controlling the northern fowl mite (NFM) on caged laying hens is reviewed. On inanimate objects, NFM may be controlled by fumigation with methyl bromide, increased temperature (49 degrees C for 1 h), or decreased temperature (-20 degrees C for 5 days). dipping chickens in aqueous suspensions of carbaryl or stirofos controlled NFM for 6 weeks without exceeding current egg tolerance residues. Feeding chickens reasonable concentrations of systemic pesticides registered for use on dairy cattle in the U.S.A., registered anticoccidials, zinc bacitracin, avermectins, and diflubenzuron did not produce systemic control of NFM. Chickens do develop immunity to NFM. The potential for further development and adoption of these techniques should provide the poultry industry with effective alternatives to existing chemical sprays and dusts.  相似文献   

To improve the welfare of caged laying hens, a pecking device made of stones was introduced on the cage floor. Twenty‐four White Leghorn hens aged 15 months were divided into four groups: single‐housed hens with device, single‐housed control hens, pair‐housed hens with device and pair‐housed control hens. Hens housed with the device pecked at various pecking objects less often than control hens. Agonistic behavior was also lower in hens with the device than in hens without the device, implied a possibility of improvement in quality of pecking stimuli with the device. Not only time spent pecking, but also quality of pecking might be important to fill their need for stimulation. Both single‐ and pair‐housed hens more often pecked at the device in the evening. Response to various pecking objects also showed that pecking behaviors were most frequently expressed in the evening. Increased foraging at dusk is a well‐known habit; therefore, the increase in pecking behavior in the evening might reflect the hens' general circadian rhythm. These results indicate that the device made of stones could promote some instinctive behavior. Enhancement of behavioral repertories and reduced agonistic behavior with the pecking device might improve the welfare of caged laying hens.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of chlordimeform (N′-(4-chloro-o-tolyl)-(N,N-dimethylformamidine)) in controlling northern fowl mites on commercial caged laying hens. Chlordimeform (0.03% active ingredient (A.I.)) applied as a high pressure spray was as effective (P < 0.05) as stirofos (2-chloro-1-(2,4,5-tri-chlorophenyl) vinyl dimethyl phosphate) (0.5% A.I.) for 63 days post-treatment. Twenty-one days after treatment, chlordimeform (0.06% A.I.) was shown to be more effective (P < 0.05) than stirofos when applied as a low pressure spray.  相似文献   

1. The individual egg production of two strains of laying hen in colony battery cages was recorded from 20 to 72 weeks of age by feeding a different fat‐soluble dyestuff to each bird and then breaking open the eggs to determine the yolk colour and hence the identity of the hen that laid the egg.

2. Observations of agonistic behaviour and other pecking were made and the combs were examined for pecking damage on two occasions; each group of hens was hierarchically arranged in terms of these three measures, which were then taken as an indication of each hen's dominance.

3. The three measures of dominance correlated fairly well with each other, but none showed any relationship with egg production.  相似文献   

1. A study was conducted to investigate the effect of environment on ranging in 33 flocks reared with (16) or without (17) range access. Ranging was observed at 8, 16 and 35 weeks. Information on house layout, weather conditions and range characteristics was used to create models predicting the percentage of the flock out on the range and the percentage of ranging birds observed away from the house.

2. Three flocks had range access at 8 weeks. The percentage of birds ranging averaged 28%, with 22% of these ranging away from the house. For the 13 flocks with range access at 16 weeks, the percentage of pullets on the range was 12%, with 29% of these ranging away from the house. At 35 weeks, all flocks had range access and the average percentage of birds out on the range was 13%, with 42% of these ranging away from the house.

3. The percentage of birds seen using the range was higher with reduced flock size and stocking density, increased pop hole availability (cm/bird) and light intensity inside the house. More birds ranged on cooler days and on farms located in areas with fewer days of rain per year and lower average rainfall. The percentage of birds ranging varied with season and was lowest in May. More birds ranged away from the house when cover and more artificial structures were present on the range. The proportion of ranging birds located away from the house increased with lower outdoor humidity levels, higher air pressure, and on warmer days. Lastly, birds ranged away from the house more as they got older.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the behaviors and feather conditions of caged laying hens fed by two different types of feeders. Seven tennis balls were placed on the feed trough to hide the feed for each of 6 experimental cages (treatment B). The same feed troughs without balls were used for 6 control cages (treatment NB). Forty-eight commercial white leghorn type hens were housed as 4 birds per cage (474 cm2 per bird). The experimental period was from 22 to 32 weeks of age. At 28 weeks of age, the hens spent more time feeding in treatment NB (35%) than in B (27%). On the other hand, prefeeding behavior (extension of the neck over the trough or pecking at the balls) occupied more time in B (14%) than in NB (6%). The birds in B spent more time thrusting (thrusting other birds aside and trying to eat) than did the birds in NB (2 vs 0%). At 32 weeks of age, the mean proportion of hens feeding and prefeeding behavior in both treatments was similar to those at 28 weeks of age; however, differences of the behavior between the B and NB were relatively small. Feather damage on a scale of 0 (no damage) to 15 (denuded) increased with age, and the scores in B were less than those in NB at 27 weeks (0.75 vs 1.37), although not at 32 weeks. Egg production in the two treatments was the same, and the type of feeder used did not affect body weight. This device might provide hens with a more attractive environment than the conventional feeders; however, the enrichment feeder might need more improvement for the welfare of caged laying hens.  相似文献   

1. Single Comb White Leghorn hens were used to determine the effects of adaptation to handling on circulating corticosterone concentrations.

2. Blood samples were collected either by brachial venipuncture (BVP) or by brachial vein cannula (BVC). Half of the birds in each group were first adapted for 1 week to the handling procedure.

3. Adaptation to handling resulted in reduced plasma corticosterone concentrations.


Observations on the laying behaviour of hens in battery cages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Observations were made on the laying behaviour of hens from each of two commercial strains kept in a Thornber battery cage system. Attention was paid to the following behavioural components of oviposition: the position of the hen in the cage; the stance of the hen; the height through which the egg fell; the orientation of the egg; the time taken to oviposit; the time taken for the egg to roll out of the cage and the incidence of pecking at the egg.

Less detailed observations were made on the pre‐laying behaviour of the hens.  相似文献   

This literature review gives information about important behaviour categories of laying hens kept in aviary systems. Based on current knowledge, the differences in behaviour of hens in aviaries compared to the behaviour of hens living under "close to natural" conditions are assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. The focus of this first review is put on resting and particularly on social behaviour. So far "optimal" group size for laying hens and consequences of oversized groups for the well-being of laying hens are unknown, thus, rendering further research necessary. Referring to the resting and social behaviour of laying hens, proposals for the design of the housing system aviary are given. A second part will deal with feeding, reproductive and dustbathing behaviour.  相似文献   

1. The productivity and behavioural responses of laying hens to humans were examined in relation to the effects of tier, row and position of the cage along the row over three consecutive 4-week periods. 2. Birds from the top tier had lower hen-day production, lower egg mass output and poorer efficiency of food utilisation than birds from the bottom tier in the third period. 3. Birds from the top tier showed greater avoidance of an approaching experimenter when in their cage or when on a table. 4. The production variables were significantly correlated with a number of behavioural responses to humans and a novel object, and with the corticosteroid response to handling/blood sampling. 5. The data suggest that birds from the top tier were more fearful of humans and that this higher level of fear may have been responsible for their lower productivity.  相似文献   

The fear responses of adult laying hens of two lines, flighty and docile, were assessed in each of three commonly employed and widely differing test situations. These were the pen with cone, novel rod and tonic immobility tests. Each hen was ranked for fearfulness on each behaviour pattern recorded and was then assigned an overall 'fear rank' in each of the three tests. Significant intra-individual correlations were found in both lines between the ranked responses within tests and between the overall fear ranks assigned in each of the three test situations. The findings support the use of these tests as methods of assessing fear in adult laying hens and are considered to reflect the estimation of general underlying states of fear rather than stimulus-specific responses.  相似文献   

1. The effects of taking a blood sample from one bird in a caged group on plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose in birds from its own group and birds from other groups were investigated. 2. Two blood sampling protocols were used: successive (all birds within a group were sampled one immediately after another) and alternative (birds from different groups were sampled one after another until all birds in all groups had been sampled). 3. Neither sampling protocol nor between or within group sampling rank was related to plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose. 4. The time taken to remove a blood sample (generally more than 45 s but less than 2 min) did not influence circulating corticosterone and glucose. 5. In individual birds plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose were poorly correlated with one another. 6. It is concluded that it is possible to take blood samples from a bird, kept in a group, without affecting plasma concentrations of corticosterone and glucose in other birds from that group or in birds from other groups in other cages.  相似文献   

1. Sixty-three laying hens were collected from 5 commercial farms experiencing outbreaks of cannibalism. It is known that cannibalistic behaviour varies strongly between hybrids and between individuals of the same hybrid. The aim of this study was to test specific hypotheses about the causation of cannibalism by comparing matched individuals varying in their cannibalistic behaviour. 2. To investigate feed efficiency, egg production and feed consumption, data were collected over 30 d. Nutrient deficiencies have been associated with outbreaks of cannibalism and we hypothesised that cannibals are more feed efficient than their flock mates and, therefore, more susceptible to transient nutrient deficiencies or imbalances that trigger cannibalistic behaviour. 3. Video recordings were made of victims of cloacal cannibalism and their matched controls during oviposition. Victims were expected to have longer oviposition durations and a higher incidence of short-term cloacal prolapses than controls, because the starting point for cannibalism is often suggested to be pecking at the red mucosa of the victim during, or just after, oviposition. 4. Oviduct swab samples were taken from surviving victims of cloacal cannibalism and their matched controls 4 weeks after the cannibalistic attack. If peck wounds provide a route for subsequent bacterial invasion of the reproductive tract, victims would be expected to have greater bacterial colonisation of the oviduct. 5. Mortality within each matched trio was recorded over a 23-month period after the cannibalistic attack. Victims that survived a cannibalistic attack were expected to have reduced longevity compared to controls and cannibals. This could occur if they developed secondary infections as a result of the cannibalistic attack, or if they had poorer health even before the attack. 6. No significant differences were found between cannibals, victims and controls in feed efficiency or any of the production variables measured. Victims of cloacal cannibalism did not expose their cloacal mucosa more, or for longer, than matched control hens during oviposition, and had no more bacteria in their oviduct. Victims tended to die sooner than their matched cannibals or cannibals during a 23-month period after a cannibalistic attack.  相似文献   

1. The plumage of hens housed singly in cages was generally in good condition after one year. There was slightly more feather loss where hens could peck their neighbours’ plumage (adjacent cages) than where this was not possible (spaced cages).

2. It was concluded that most, though not all, of the feather damage seen in the individually‐caged birds was due to abrasion, but that abrasion was likely to be relatively unimportant in multi‐bird cages.

3. There were no significant differences in egg production or food intake associated with the two kinds of housing.

4. In the adjacent cages there was an increase in maintenance requirement related to increased feather damage, which amounted to about 7% for an increase of about one unit in feather‐loss score. In the spaced cages the increase was less.

5. Hens with increased feather damage also showed increased egg production.  相似文献   

1. The objective of the present study was to examine the behaviour of laying hens in single-tiered aviaries with and without outdoor areas with particular reference to the proportion of each behaviour and the ways it changed. 2. In all, 144 interbred cross layers (WL/RIR cross-breed) were used. At the age of 16 weeks, the hens were divided at random into two groups and moved to single-tiered aviary (SA) and free-range systems (FR, SA with in addition an outdoor range area covered with clover) with 18 hens per pen. Behavioural observations were conducted before, during and after access to the range. 3. All behaviours using the beak (eating, grazing, drinking, preening, aggressive pecking, feather pecking, litter pecking, object pecking and mate pecking) were recorded as pecking behaviour. 4. While most of the FR hens spent their time outside foraging, the proportion of hens eating, preening, litter pecking, object pecking, aggressive pecking and feather pecking was higher in SA than in FR hens. 5. The proportion of hens performing pecking behaviour of all types was very similar in SA (61.7 +/- 2.0%) and in FR (64.0 +/- 0.8%). The proportion of hens performing overall pecking behaviour increased as pre-laying sitting decreased. 6. The proportion of hens feather pecking decreased in FR during access to range and a similar tendency was found for aggressive pecking. 7. In conclusion, the total proportion of hens pecking was almost the same regardless of whether an outdoor area was provided or not, but the incidence of different types of pecking behaviour differed between SA and FR. The risk of feather pecking in FR may be lower when an outdoor grazing area is provided, although further testing on a larger scale would be essential.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were twofold: to develop and test an animal-based protocol for the assessment of the physical and emotional elements of the welfare of laying hens on free-range units and to investigate the effects of different approaches to housing and management on the welfare of the birds. The protocol was tested on 25 free-range units for laying hens, each of which was visited on four occasions by one of five trained observers; further information about husbandry, health and productivity was gathered from interviews with the farmers. Measures of the birds' attitude included arousal, noise, flight distance and response to a novel object, measures of their activity included feather pecking, aggression and use of range, and measures of their physical welfare included mortality, body condition and egg quality. Increased arousal was associated with increased flight distance, greater reluctance to approach a novel object and higher levels of feather pecking and feather loss, but the correlation between pecking and feather loss was low. The birds maintained body condition throughout the period of lay. Neither body condition, feather pecking nor feather loss was affected by the extent of beak trimming. Estimated losses (deaths and culls) ranged from 1.8 to 21.4 per cent (median 6.95 per cent). Few birds showed signs of ill health, limb lesions or red mite infestation. No feature of building design had a significant effect on mortality, but there were consistent differences in the birds' attitude, behaviour and performance attributable to the type of floor and the presence or absence of perches, which suggested that the welfare of the hens was inferior when they were housed on plastic floors with no perches.  相似文献   

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