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The south flank of Kilauea volcano has experienced two large [magnitude (M) 7.2 and M 6.1] earthquakes in the past two decades. Global Positioning System measurements conducted between 1990 and 1993 reveal seaward displacements of Kilauea's central south flank at rates of up to about 10 centimeters per year. In contrast, the northern side of the volcano and the distal ends of the south flank did not displace significantly. The observations can be explained by slip on a low-angle fault beneath the south flank combined with dilation deep within Kilauea's rift system, both at rates of at least 15 centimeters per year.  相似文献   

Because of its subaerial exposure the Asal rift segment provides an exceptional opportunity to quantify the deformation field of an active rift and assess the contribution of tectonics and volcanism to rifting processes. The present topography of the Asal rift results from the tectonic dismemberment during the last 100,000 years of a large central volcanic edifice that formed astride the rift zone 300,000 to 100,000 years ago. Three-dimensional deformation of this volcano has been quantified from the combined analysis of the topography and geology. The analysis indicates that spreading at 17 to 29 millimeters per year in a N40 degrees +/- 5 degrees E direction accounts for most of the separation between Arabia and Somalia. The small topographic subsidence relative to extension suggests that tectonic thinning of the crust has been balanced by injection and underplating of magmatic material of near crustal density. The methodology developed in this study could also be applied to quantify deformation in relatively inaccessible areas where the main available information is topography or bathymetry.  相似文献   

Ten magnetic profiles across the mid-Atlantic ridge near 27 degrees N show trends that are parallel to the ridge axis and symmetrical about the ridge axis. The configuration of magnetic bodies that could account for the pattern supports the Vine and Matthews hypothesis for the origin of magnetic anomalies over oceanic ridges. A polarity-reversal time scale inferred from models for sea-floor spreading in the Pacific-Antarctic ridge and radiometrically dated reversals of the geomagnetic field indicates a spreading rate of 1.25 centimeters per year during the last 6 million years and a rate of 1.65 centimeters per year between 6 and 10 million years ago. A similar analysis of more limited data over the mid-Atlantic ridge near 22 degrees N also indicates a change in the spreading rate. Here a rate of 1.4 centimeters per year appears to have been in effect during the last 5 million years; between 5 and 9 million years ago, an increased rate of 1.7 centimeters per year is indicated. The time of occurrence and relative magnitude of these changes in the spreading rate, about 5 to 6 million years ago and 18 to 27 percent, respectively, accords with the spreading rate change implied for the Juan de Fuca ridge in the northeast Pacific.  相似文献   

Four magnetic profiles across the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge reveal magnetic anomalies that show trends parallel with the ridge axis and symmetry about the ridge axis. The distribution of bodies that could cause these anomalies supports the Vine and Matthews hypothesis for the generation of patterns of magnetic anomalies associated with the midocean ridge system. The geometry of the bodies accords with the known reversals of the geomagnetic field during the last 3.4 million years, indicating a spreading rate of the ocean floor of 4.5 centimeters per year. If one assume that the spreading rate within 500 kilometers of the ridge axis has been constant, reversals of the geomagnetic field during the last 10.0 million years can be determined. This new, detailed history of field reversals accords with observed anomalies over Reykjanes Ridge in the North Atlantic if a spreading rate of 1 centimeter per year is assumed there.  相似文献   

Satellite radar interferometry observations of the Reykjanes Peninsula oblique rift in southwest Iceland show that the Reykjanes central volcano subsided at an average rate of up to 13 millimeters per year from 1992 to 1995 in response to use of its geothermal field. Interferograms spanning up to 3.12 years also include signatures of plate spreading and indicate that the plate boundary is locked at a depth of about 5 kilometers. Below that depth, the plate movements are accommodated by continuous ductile deformation, which is not fully balanced by inflow of magma from depth, causing subsidence of the plate boundary of about 6.5 millimeters per year.  相似文献   

Potassium-argon dates obtained from extrusives collected on a traverse across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45 degrees N are consistent with the hypothesis of ocean-floor spreading. The dates suggest a spreading rate in the range of 2.6 to 3.2 centimeters per year near the axis of the ridge; the rate agrees with that computed from fission-track dating of basalt glasses. Additional data for a basalt collected 62 kilometers west of the axis gives a spreading rate of 0.8 centimeter per year, which is similar to the rate inferred from magnetic anomaly patterns in the area. Reasons for the difference in calculated spreading rates are discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed examination of the topography and morphology of western Aphrodite Terra reveals numerous features that are similar to terrestrial divergent plate-boundary characteristics. Individual domains between fracturezone-like discontinuities contain a variety of bilaterally symmetrical topographic elements that suggest that topographic features have been created at rise crests, rifted and separated, and moved laterally to their present symmetrical positions. The topographic and morphologic similarities, together with strikingly similar mirror-image map patterns on both sides of the rise axis, suggest that western Aphrodite Terra shares the characteristics of oceanic divergent plate boundaries, and is the site of crustal spreading on Venus. Topographic profiles are consistent with spreading rates of the order of several centimeters per year.  相似文献   

The shell of a 19-centimeter-long vesicomyid clam, collected live at the Galápagos spreading center hydrothermal field, was sampled along growth lines and analyzed for members of the (238)U and (232)Th decay series. The growth rate, determined from the (210)Po/(210)Pb and (228)Th/(228)Ra couples, is about 4 centimeters per year along the axis of maximum growth, which is 12 centimeters long. This yields an age of 3 to 4 years for this clam.  相似文献   

Cramer CH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1970,167(3921):1123-1124
Two profiles across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were analyzed to determine viscosity values. Viscous creeping of bottom features due to gravitational stress was assumed, as was sea floor spreading at a rate of 2 centimeters per year. Values obtained agreed well with previous results obtained on the Fennoscandian Uplift, despite great differences in the horizontal dimensions of the bottom relief.  相似文献   

Ocean-floor spreading tore southern Baja California from mainland Mexico 4 million years ago and has subsequently rafted it 260 kilometers to the northwest along the Tamayo Fracture Zone. Magnetic-anomaly profiles indicate spreading at the mouth of the gulf at 3.0 centimeters per year and a rise-crest offset of 75 kilometers inside the gulf across the Tamayo Fracture Zone.  相似文献   

Seasat and Geosat satellite altimeter measurements for the Greenland ice sheet (south of 72 degreesN latitude) show that surface elevations above 2000 meters increased at an average rate of only 1. 5 +/- 0.5 centimeters per year from 1978 to 1988. In contrast, elevation changes varied regionally from -15 to +18 centimeters per year, seasonally by +/-15 centimeters, and interannually by +/-8 centimeters. The average growth rate is too small to determine if the Greenland ice sheet is undergoing a long-term change due to a warmer polar climate.  相似文献   

Measurements of radon-222 in seawater suggest the following. The radium-226 content of surface water in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans is uniformly close to about 4 x 10(-14) gram per liter. The deep Pacific has a concentration of radium-226 that is four times higher and the deep Atlantic a concentration twice as high as that of the surface. These distribution profiles can be explained by the same particle-settling rate for radium-226 from surface to depth for the two oceans and by a threefold longer residence time of water in the deep Pacific than in the deep Atlantic. The vertical distribution of the deficiency of radon-222 in the surface water of the northwest Pacific Ocean suggests a coefficient of vertical eddy diffusion as high as 120 square centimeters per second and a gas-exchange rate for carbon dioxide in surface water between 14 and 60 moles per square meter per year. Vertical profiles of the excess of radon-222 in near-bottom water of the South Atlantic give coefficients of vertical eddy diffusion ranging from 1.5 to more than 50 square centimeters per second.  相似文献   

Speeds as high as 44 centimeters per second were observed 200 meters above the ocean bottom under the Gulf Stream at 70 degrees W longitude and were associated with time-dependent motion that had a speed range of 40 centimeters per second and a time scale of about 30 days. These deep current fluctuations appear to be coupled with fluctuations in the surface position of the Stream and with surface and bottom current fluctuations 200 kilometers to the north.  相似文献   

The reduction in the steady-state rate of evaporation of water by hexadecanol monolayers depends only on the air velocity above the surface and is independent of the absolute rate of evaporation up to air velocities of 40 centimeters per second. This indicates that the monolayer does not affect the vaporization step but increases the size of the diffusion boundary layer. The mechanism (the creation of a surface pressure gradient in the monolayer which reduces the net stress on the surface by the air) is discussed.  相似文献   

Zenk W 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,213(4512):1113-1114
During an almost yearlong period of observations made with a current meter in the fracture zone between the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) and South Georgia, several overflow events were recorded at a depth of 3000 meters carrying cold bottom water from the Scotia Sea into the Argentine Basin. The outflow bursts of Scotia Sea bottom water, a mixing product of Weddell Sea and eastern Pacific bottom water, were associated with typical speeds of more than 28 centimeters per second toward the northwest and characteristic temperatures below 0.6 degrees C. The maximum 24-hour average speed of 65 centimeters per second, together with a temperature of 0.29 degrees C, was encountered on 14 November 1980 at a water depth of 2973 meters, 35 meters above the sea floor.  相似文献   

In-place measurements of the bottom currents in the Hudson Canyon reveal that the current regime is characterized by a pronounced reversal of flow up and down the canyon. Velocities are commonly of the order of 8 to 15 centimeters per second, reaching 27 centimeters per second on occasion in the upper and central portion of the canyon. Although alpha 2.5-day recording of currents showed a net transport upcanyon, a combination of 66 current measurements from the submersible Alvin, the analysis of sediment texture and organic carbon, and the determination of the benthic fauna-nutrient relationship indicate that over the long term there is a net transport of fine material through the canyon to the outer continenital rise.  相似文献   

Seasonal sedimentation, measured with the aid of artificial marker horizons, was markedly different in deteriorating as compared with stable marshes in the Mississippi River deltaic plain. Deteriorating marshes receive most sediment during storm events, whereas stable marshes receive substantial amounts of sediments during the spring river flood. The deteriorating marshes are accreting at a faster rate (1.5 centimeters per year at streamside, 0.9 centimeter per year at inland areas) than the stable marshes (1.3 centimeters per year at streamside, 0.6 centimeter per year at inland areas). However, relative to local apparent sea-level rise as measured by tide gauges in each area, the deteriorating marshes are not maintaining their intertidal elevation as well as the stable marshes. These results indicate the importance of considering accretion relative to submergence.  相似文献   

【目的】研究高纺锤形SH6矮化中间砧富士苹果幼树至结果初期树体结构和产量的形成动态,为苹果矮砧树整形修剪和早果优质高效生产提供理论和应用依据。【方法】以2005年春季栽植的矮化中间砧富士(宫藤富士/SH6/八棱海棠)苹果为试材,2006—2011年连续6年调查树体生长、枝类组成和果实产量品质的变化。【结果】4年生前,树体高度和干周粗度增加迅速,第4年树高和覆盖率分别为3.05 m和33.64%;第2—7年间总枝量随树龄的增长而增加,4年和6年生平均枝条总量分别为26.54×104条/hm2和45.74×104条/hm2;优质短枝以种植后第3和4年间增加最多,随着树龄的增长和结果,不同类型枝条的数量发生变化,30 cm以上的长枝数量逐渐减少;优质短枝比例第2—4年间随树龄增长而增加,第4年后其比例稳定在30%以上,而30—60 cm长枝的比例降至10%以下;种植后第3年结果,第4—6年的产量分别为10.8、22.9 和39.6 t•hm-2;第7年时树冠果实平均单果质量为299.79 g,着色面积达97.56%,可溶性固形物含量为14.60%。【结论】4年生前树冠总枝量少、覆盖率低是导致早期产量低的主要因素;通过增加栽植密度和改进修剪方法(多留枝)等使第4年的树体高度达到3 m以上、覆盖率60%、总枝量50×104—80×104条/hm2、优质短枝比例稳定在30%—35%,大于30 cm的长枝比例为5%—10%是高纺锤形矮砧富士苹果早果优质丰产的关键技术措施。  相似文献   

In sediments west of the East Pacific Rise between the equator and 20 degrees N, Eocene microfossils are recorded no farther east than 134 degrees W; Oligocene, no farther east than 125 degrees W; while Miocene and Pliocene occurrences extend closer to the crest of the rise. This distribution may result from post-Eocene spreading of the sea floor here averaging about 8 centimeters per year.  相似文献   

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake in 1975 caused the south flank of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, to move seaward in response to slippage along a deep fault. Since then, a large part of the volcano's edifice has been adjusting to this perturbation. The summit of Kilauea extended at a rate of 0.26 meter per year until 1983, the south flank uplifted more than 0.5 meter, and the axes of both the volcano's rift zones extended and subsided; the summit continues to subside. These ground-surface motions have been remarkably steady and much more widespread than those caused by either recurrent inflation and deflation of the summit magma chamber or the episodic propagation of dikes into the rift zones. Kilauea's magmatic system is, therefore, probably deeper and more extensive than previously thought; the summit and both rift zones may be underlain by a thick, near vertical dike-like magma system at a depth of 3 to 9 kilometers.  相似文献   

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