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Compelling archaeological evidence of an occupation older than Clovis (~12.8 to 13.1 thousand years ago) in North America is present at only a few sites, and the stone tool assemblages from these sites are small and varied. The Debra L. Friedkin site, Texas, contains an assemblage of 15,528 artifacts that define the Buttermilk Creek Complex, which stratigraphically underlies a Clovis assemblage and dates between ~13.2 and 15.5 thousand years ago. The Buttermilk Creek Complex confirms the emerging view that people occupied the Americas before Clovis and provides a large artifact assemblage to explore Clovis origins.  相似文献   

The Clovis complex is considered to be the oldest unequivocal evidence of humans in the Americas, dating between 11,500 and 10,900 radiocarbon years before the present (14C yr B.P.). Adjusted 14C dates and a reevaluation of the existing Clovis date record revise the Clovis time range to 11,050 to 10,800 14C yr B.P. In as few as 200 calendar years, Clovis technology originated and spread throughout North America. The revised age range for Clovis overlaps non-Clovis sites in North and South America. This and other evidence imply that humans already lived in the Americas before Clovis.  相似文献   

Stone tools characteristic of the Clovis culture have been found in direct association with bones of the American mastodon at Kimmswick, Missouri. The vertebrate fauna from Clovis components suggests a deciduous woodland and meadow habitat. Such an environmental reconstruction provides a new perspective for Clovis adaptations and the ecological tolerances of Mammut americanum.  相似文献   

Waters and Stafford (Reports, 23 February 2007, p. 1122) provided useful information about the age of some Clovis sites but have not definitively established the temporal span of this cultural complex in the Americas. Only a continuing program of radiometric dating and careful stratigraphic correlations can address the lingering ambiguity about the emergence and spread of Clovis culture.  相似文献   

The tip of a projectile point made of mastodon bone is embedded in a rib of a single disarticulated mastodon at the Manis site in the state of Washington. Radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis show that the rib is associated with the other remains and dates to 13,800 years ago. Thus, osseous projectile points, common to the Beringian Upper Paleolithic and Clovis, were made and used during pre-Clovis times in North America. The Manis site, combined with evidence of mammoth hunting at sites in Wisconsin, provides evidence that people were hunting proboscideans at least two millennia before Clovis.  相似文献   

The Ushki Paleolithic sites of Kamchatka, Russia, have long been thought to contain information critical to the peopling of the Americas, especially the origins of Clovis. New radiocarbon dates indicate that human occupation of Ushki began only 13,000 calendar years ago-nearly 4000 years later than previously thought. Although biface industries were widespread across Beringia contemporaneous to the time of Clovis in western North America, these data suggest that late-glacial Siberians did not spread into Beringia until the end of the Pleistocene, perhaps too recently to have been ancestral to proposed pre-Clovis populations in the Americas.  相似文献   

The timing of the first human migration into the Americas and its relation to the appearance of the Clovis technological complex in North America at about 11,000 to 10,800 radiocarbon years before the present (14C years B.P.) remains contentious. We establish that humans were present at Paisley 5 Mile Point Caves, in south-central Oregon, by 12,300 14C years B.P., through the recovery of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from coprolites, directly dated by accelerator mass spectrometry. The mtDNA corresponds to Native American founding haplogroups A2 and B2. The dates of the coprolites are >1000 14C years earlier than currently accepted dates for the Clovis complex.  相似文献   

Formal and functional analyses of bone artifacts from a Clovis burial in southwestern Montana suggest that they were constructed to serve as (detachable or nondetachable) foreshafts for attaching fluted projectile points to lance shafts.  相似文献   

The Paisley Caves in Oregon record the oldest directly dated human remains (DNA) in the Western Hemisphere. More than 100 high-precision radiocarbon dates show that deposits containing artifacts and coprolites ranging in age from 12,450 to 2295 (14)C years ago are well stratified. Western Stemmed projectile points were recovered in deposits dated to 11,070 to 11,340 (14)C years ago, a time contemporaneous with or preceding the Clovis technology. There is no evidence of diagnostic Clovis technology at the site. These two distinct technologies were parallel developments, not the product of a unilinear technological evolution. "Blind testing" analysis of coprolites by an independent laboratory confirms the presence of human DNA in specimens of pre-Clovis age. The colonization of the Americas involved multiple technologically divergent, and possibly genetically divergent, founding groups.  相似文献   

Excavation at Taima-taima in 1976 recovered artifacts of the El Jobo complex in direct association with the butchered remains of a juvenile mastodon. Radiocarbon dates on associated wood twigs indicate a minimum age of 13,000 years before the present for the mastodon kill, a dating significantly older than that of the Clovis complex in North America. The El Jobo complex must have evolved independently in northern South America.  相似文献   

Organic remains, especially dung, of extinct ground sloths provide ideal material for radiocarbon dating. Rampart Cave, Arizona, revealed periodic occupation at intervals by the Shasta ground sloth from before 40,000 years ago until 11,000 years ago. Dates from other caves in the arid Southwest indicate that the Shasta ground sloth disappeared at very soon after the time of Clovis big game hunters. Ground sloth remains in South America are slightly younger. The timing of ground sloth extinction is in accord with the model of explosive overkill.  相似文献   

Two of the seven Palliaike points show better quality workmanship than the other five. The better workmanship seems to result from use of a material superior to basalt rather than from greater skill. All seven examples show surface smoothing to a varying degree. The bifacial smoothing could be either intentional abrading by the worker or unintentional smoothing by function. Without the aid of considerable magnification and further experiment, it is difficult to pass final judgment. If these points were hafted, it would seem that the bifacial basal smoothing could not be the result of function. Hafting could be accomplished by using resins and adhesives to affix the base of the point to a wooden shaft, as was done by the Kimberley aborigines. Many Clovis points from western North America are smoothed to an even greater degree-for example, those found at the Simon Site in Idaho. Some points show the detachment of short flakes terminating in step fractures. But this may be a result of the Palliaike points being made of basalt, a very difficult material to work, of the worker being less skilled, or of the wooden flaker being inadequate to overcome the coarse-grained material. All the Palliaike points are thick in relation to their width, which makes them resistant to breakage. However, since only one point in the collection (Fig. 1a) shows an attempt at basal thinning, the worker may have been unable to control the coarse-grained basalt, which is difficult to thin with a wooden flaker, or he may simply have wanted the point thick for a particular function.  相似文献   

研究了5坐标数控加工中刀轴矢量规划问题,分析了现有刀轴矢量生成方法的缺点,借鉴动画制作中设置关键帧的思想,提出了一种新的全局过渡光滑的刀轴矢量生成方法.首先根据加工零件的几何特征,在满足不发生碰撞干涉的前提下,设置一些关键刀轴矢量,然后采用样条函数对这些刀轴矢量进行插值.在生成刀位文件的过程中,通过将曲面上的参数与样条函数的自变量进行某种映射,从而得到样条函数值,并以此值作为刀位点的刀轴矢量.加工实例表明,该方法实现了全局刀轴矢量的光滑过渡,实现了转动速度以及加速度的连续.该方法能够避免因刀轴矢量突变而引起的机床震动,提高了零件的加工质量.  相似文献   

在铣削型腔尖角加工过程中,当环切法加工的行间距离比较大时,型腔尖角处将会出现加工残余.由于刀具与工件的接触线增加,使得尖角处铣削力增大.因此,采用了双圆弧过渡来处理型腔中的尖角,该方法能保证以尽可能大的行距走刀,缩短了加工时问,提高了加工效率,同时还可以清除尖角处的残余留量.尖角处刀具轨迹进行合理优化后,刀具沿着改进的轨迹快速运行,满足了高速铣削型腔的加工要求.最后,实验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本研究于窄幅铺膜机具的设计中采用摩擦同步放膜原理,理论分析和试验表明,这种铺膜原理在窄幅铺膜中不仅能使膜铺得平、展得紧、压得实、无漏覆,而且地膜宽度利用率、地膜拉伸率、地膜采光利用率等铺膜质量指标都能达到较高水平。  相似文献   

分析氟涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板的切削性能,为氟涂层刀具在木材切削加工领域应用提供理论指导。利用CNC加工中心分别进行未涂层刀具和氟涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板试验,采用工具显微镜和扫描电镜拍摄刀具前后刀面的磨损形貌,采用超景深三维显微镜对饰面刨花板的切削加工表面进行粗糙度测量,研究氟涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板的切削性能。结果表明,在相同的铣削长度条件下,氟涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板的后刀面磨损带宽度显著低于未涂层刀具的后刀面磨损带宽度,且随着铣削长度的逐渐增加,未涂层刀具磨损带宽度增加急剧,而涂层刀具磨损带宽度增大缓慢;氟涂层刀具主要为磨料磨损,可以有效减少胶黏剂和刨花颗粒产生的黏结磨损,且降低崩刃现象;在相同的铣削长度条件下,氟涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板的切削表面粗糙度值明显低于未涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板的切削表面粗糙度值,且铣削饰面刨花板的刨花层可显著减少表面毛刺和凹坑,且饰面耐磨层崩边较少。因此,氟涂层刀具铣削饰面刨花板可以有效降低刀具磨损,提高饰面刨花板切削表面质量。  相似文献   

Google学术搜索是一个重要的检索工具。在谷歌学术不断改进其功能的过程中,也提供了个人文献管理功能。结合其强大的文献搜索能力,这一功能可以为用户提供便捷个人文献收藏管理功能。作者从应用角度介绍了这一功能的具体使用方法及注意事项。  相似文献   

针对大型不锈钢筒件内环面的车削加工条件要求,设计了相匹配的硬质合金可转位车刀结构;基于有限元仿真分析平台,对刀具三维总体结构进行了稳态变形和应力分析,为评价刀具静态强度提供理论依据;通过对刀具进行动力学模态分析,获得刀具装配体的固有频率和模态振型,为评价刀具体的动态特性,尤其是共振特征,提供了依据;通过静动态分析,理论评估刀具设计的合理性。  相似文献   

为有效清除地面起伏湿气集输管路中的积液,设计加工了一种涡流工具。通过Fluent数值模拟与环道试验分析不同气液相折算速度入口条件对涡流工具排液效果的影响,并对涡流工具的工作效果进行评价。结果表明:安装涡流工具后,上倾管内液相回流及底部积液现象有所缓解,上倾管内维持环状流流型,持液率有所下降。涡流工具的排液降压能力与气液相折算速度、管路倾角有关。在倾角一定的情况下,气相折算速度越大,涡流工具的排液降压能力越强;在相同气、液相折算速度入口条件下,管路倾角(0°~45°)越小,涡流工具的排液降压效果越好。研究成果可为指导涡流排液技术的现场应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在切削淬硬模具钢SKD11中,为开发和选用与生产条件相匹配的具备优化几何角度的高性能铣刀,对专用于高硬度模具钢SKD11铣刀的几何角度进行了优化及试验分析.设计了4类不同几何结构的TiAlN复合涂层铣刀.从切削力、切削振动、切削变形、铣刀耐用度以及铣刀磨损机理等方面对这4类铣刀高速铣削SKD11过程进行了研究,综合评价其铣削性能,确定了在常用的高速加工生产条件下的优化铣刀.所选择的优化槽形铣刀具的寿命比之其他刀具延长3倍,在切削力和切削振动方面,该刀具具有最稳定的表现,而且大小较其他刀具下降70%.  相似文献   

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