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读者观照就是西方翻译理论家倡导的读者反映论,这恰是我国传统译论一个显著的特点.不论是佛经翻译,还是近现代西方社会科学的译介,译者在翻译时均考虑到了读者的文化修养、文化背景、视野期待、审美能力等诸多因素.读者的需求和反应无疑会影响译本的质量以及译者对所译作品、翻译手段的选择.解读我国传统地译论中读者关照主要目的在于科学地审视和全面地评价传统译论.  相似文献   

本文综述了影响生长猪氨基酸利用的主要因素,探讨了养猪生产中有关氨基酸营养问题。结果表明:通过测定体沉积蛋白质(PD)中氨基酸的沉积、生理氨基酸损失(主要是皮肤和毛发、肠道内源氨基酸损失)与不可避免的氨基酸的分解代谢来估测氨基酸的需要量,估测氨基酸需要量的数据必须建立在蛋白质沉积、活体量、饲喂水平、饲料原料组成和饲料原料的可利用氨基酸含量上。既然PD是氨基酸需要量的决定因素,在建立日粮最佳氨基酸水平时,必须认真考虑活体重或动物间的差异对PD的影响。因此,饲料组成与机体蛋白质中氨基酸组成的变化对用于蛋白质沉积需要的可利用氨基酸利用的影响必须进行更精确的定量。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课是对大学生进行马克思主义理论教育的主渠道,是中国特色社会主义大学的本质特征之一。进入新时期后,高等教育面临新的改革,思想政治理论课也不例外。文章就新时期高校思想政治理论课改革进行了回顾,提出了原西南师范大学新一轮思想政治理论课课程体系和内容改革的设想和试点实践经验,并对新课程体系和教学内容的实施途径进行了分析。  相似文献   

从语篇结构、句型结构和词汇运用3个层面论述了英汉两种语言表达存在的种种差异对中国学生英语写作产生的影响。只有充分了解英语和汉语的语言特色,才能避免母语思维的影响,写出好的英语作文。  相似文献   

本试验对中国西门塔尔牛开放核心群(ONBS)中31头公牛,分布于5个种畜场的151头女儿的试验期内平均体重(MLW)、日平均产奶量(MY)、日平均干物质摄入量(DMI)、日蛋白摄入量(CPI)、平均日增重(DG)、日乳蛋白产量(PY)、日乳脂产量(FY)、平均乳蛋白率(PP)及摄入蛋白对泌乳转化率(ECPM)、对体增重转化率(ECPDET)、总蛋白转化率(ECP)进行测定(其中,DMI的测定应用内  相似文献   

本文分析了368味兽用中药材11种元素含量与其法定药性、药味、归经、毒性的关系。结果表明:各类药11种元素总平含量是寒凉药〉平性药〉温热药、咸味药〉辛味药〉甘味药〉甘味药〉酸味药、肾经药〉肝经药〉大肠经药〉胆经药〉脾经药〉胃经药〉心经药〉肺经药〉小肠经药〉膀胱经药。统计发现,高Fe、高Mn、低K分别是寒凉药、温热药和平性药的元素谱征;咸味药含Fe、Zn、Na高而Li低,辛味药含Zn、Ca低,甘味药  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) of the thorax was performed in 28 dogs and five cats and findings were compared with previous thoracic radiographs. The sample population included all animals that had thoracic radiographs and a CT study within 5 days of each other, where the complete imaging studies were available for review. Thoracic radiographs were considered indeterminate in 31 patients and CT examinations were done to acquire additional information. The presence of additional information from CT relating to presence of pathology, location of pathology, extent of pathology, and involvement of mediastinal structures was recorded. Whether there was a change in diagnosis based on the CT findings was also recorded. In only 4/33 animals (all dogs) did CT fail to provide any new information for the parameters evaluated when compared with survey thoracic radiographs. Additional information about the pathology that was present was gained by CT in 5/5 cats and 21/ 28 dogs. New information on compartmental location of pathology was seen in 4/5 cats and 19/28 dogs. New information on pathology extent was noted in 5/5 cats and 20/28 dogs. Additional information regarding involvement of mediastinal structures was obtained in 2/5 cats and 10/28 dogs. A change in diagnosis was made in 3/5 cats and 13/28 dogs. In conclusion, CT is a valuable tool for evaluating intrathoracic disease. CT provides additional cross-sectional anatomic information that can aid in anatomic localization and evaluation of the extent of the pathology in question.  相似文献   

须癣毛癣菌可引起兔皮肤真菌病,也是人兽共患病的病原。本研究自制中药复方喷剂,通过体内外实验对其抑菌效果进行了研究。结果表明:分离的皮肤致病菌为万博节皮菌(Arthoderma vanbreuseghemii);中药复方Ⅱ体外抑菌效果最好,浓度为0.1 g/mL时抑菌率可达61.4%;动物试验结果显示,中药复方喷剂对患皮肤病兔的治愈率为100%,优于西药组66.7%,用药第3 d患处结痂脱落,第7 d开始新生被毛,与西药组相比,试验组起效快,皮肤患处组织切片观察显示,中药复方可减少炎性细胞浸润,提高毛囊数量,后续观察试验组无复发,西药组有复发现象。本研究自制的中药复方喷剂对患有须癣毛癣菌感染兔有较好的治疗效果,可作为一种治疗兔皮肤真菌病的新药。  相似文献   

Contrast harmonic ultrasound was used to determine macrovascular and perfusion patterns in three dogs with congenital extrahepatic solitary portosystemic shunts (PSS). With coded harmonic angiographic ultrasound, the size and tortuosity of the hepatic arteries were subjectively increased. Single pulse intermittent low-amplitude harmonic perfusion imaging provided contrast enhancement time-intensity curves from regions of interest in the liver. Mean (+/- standard deviation) peak perfusion times of dogs with PSS were significantly shorter (p = 0.01; 7.0 +/- 2.0 s) than reported in normal dogs (22.8 +/- 6.8 s). The contrast inflow slope for the dogs with PSS (14.6 +/- 3.7 pixel intensity units [PIU] was significantly (p = 0.05) larger than reported for normal dogs (3.6 +/- 1.4 PIU/s). These results indicate that combined coded harmonic angiographic and contrast harmonic perfusion sonography can be used to detect increased hepatic arterial blood flow as an indicator of PSS in dogs.  相似文献   

Seven normal koi (Cyprinus carpio) and seven koi with negative buoyancy were examined using computed tomography (CT) to assess the swim bladder. The volume of the swim bladder was calculated in all animals. In the healthy koi there was a statistical correlation (r=0.996) between body mass and swim bladder volume with volume (ml) being related to body mass according to the formula 4.9+0.054 × BM (g). In all koi with buoyancy problems, the gas volume of the swim bladder was reduced. Additionally, fluid was found within the swim bladder in three of the abnormal koi. CT proved to be a quick noninvasive technique for the examination of the swim bladder in koi.  相似文献   

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