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Recreation benefits constitute a substantial part of the total economic value of forests, and are important for the choice of multi-functional forest policies. The application of methods valuing such benefits is in its infancy in transition economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), so value estimates for policy use are sometimes transferred from Western Europe proportionally scaled down by GDP. However, little is known about how recreation values vary with income, and one risks underestimating benefits in CEE. This paper reports the findings of the first comprehensive, national-level study in any CEE country estimating annual and per trip forest recreation values in Poland using the Travel Cost (TC) and Contingent Valuation (CV) methods. Two in-person interview surveys of forest recreation behaviour were carried out. The first was administered on-site in ten representative forest areas, and the other in the homes of a national sample of adult Poles. Results show that forest recreation is highly valued in Poland, at Euros 0.64–6.93 per trip per person, depending on the valuation method. Both trip frequency and per trip values are higher than the average in Western Europe, despite a lower income level. Thus, a simple GDP-adjusted transfer from Western Europe would substantially undervalue forest recreation in Poland. Further, a comparison of TC consumer surplus estimates and GDP/capita in Europe shows no clear relationship, indicating that a range of cultural, institutional and other factors may be important.  相似文献   

首先介绍了黑龙江省鹤北林业局的发展现状,继而从多角度提出了发展鹤北经济,促进地区发展的建议。  相似文献   

新林业——美国林业一场潜在的革命   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对美国学者J. F. Franklin提出的新林业的产生背景、概念和理论及其对美国林业可能产生的深远影响作了详细介绍,还分析了新林业与我国学者提出的生态林业间的关系,并指出生态林业是我国林业的发展方向。  相似文献   

主要介绍了土耳其的林业概况、林业所有制形式和林业机构的设置情况.土耳其地处欧亚大陆之间,其特殊的地理条件及气候和文化的特殊性,决定了土耳其丰富的植物多样性和适合本国特征的林业管理机构和管理模式.鉴于土耳其东部地区的干旱气候和荒漠地理特征与我国西北地区的相似性,建议引进耐旱植物试种.  相似文献   

This paper examines how local forestry management has evolved in the Aït Bougmez Valley (Central High Atlas, Morocco) in the last three decades and how this evolution has affected forest ecosystem conditions. It focuses on the impact of the forestry administration on ‘traditional forestry management’ since its introduction in 1985, and of recent innovation in forestry policy. The relatively new Strategic Environmental Management Analysis (SEMA) framework is applied, rather than a more ‘classical’ new institutional framework. This approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of both strategic interactions between various actors and ecological consequences of these interactions. An interesting empirical findings is that instead of a quite simple opposition between the forestry administration and local populations, negotiation opportunities exist that are taken by the actors. This leads to specific actor configurations and sometimes unexpected environmental outcomes, even if from a global point of view, forest stands have been seriously depleted over the last 40 years mainly due to exploitation by local population and the absence of economic alternative to forest exploitation. On the other hand, the implementation of a new policy tool in such a context has to be understood as an opportunity for new actors to take part in forest management rules definition.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and learning orientation (LO) in the financial success of forest contracting firms. Both EO and LO have previously been understood to positively affect a firm's financial performance, but extant literature has not considered those links in a transition economy. Partially addressing this gap, we execute this study in a Polish context. Using data obtained through a mail survey of 101 owners of forest contracting firms (34% response rate), we found that both EO and LO have a positive and significant effect on financial performance.  相似文献   

2007中国国际林业博览会12月20日在北京全国农业展览馆举行,这是新中国成立以来我国林业产业的一次盛会和全面的检阅与展示,是林业面向全社会面向世界的又一重要窗口。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理回良玉出席开幕式并宣布博览会开幕。全国政协副主席、中国林业产业协会名誉会长王忠禹出席开幕式并致辞。  相似文献   

意大利是当代西方经济强国,林业和森林工业都较为发达。文中概括介绍了意大利的自然和社会经济状况,森林资源和发达的森林工业,林业教育的教学特点、课程设置以及20世纪90年代林业研究的主要动向。  相似文献   

社区林业:林业发展与生态良好的完美结合   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
文中对社区林业的概念及其产生和发展的过程进行了概述,并从生态系统的角度对生态良好的概念进行了界定,在此基础上,从社区林业的参与主体、实践内容、科研与管理、发展目标等方面阐述了其与生态良好之间的密切联系,指出社区林业提供了一条确保林业发展与生态良好完善结合的途径。  相似文献   

位于非洲东部的乌干达是初级林产品生产国, 原木是其主要林产品。文中通过查阅相关文献资料, 对乌干达的林业管理体系进行了梳理和分析, 概述了乌干达森林资源和林产品贸易状况, 重点介绍了乌干达林业管理机构与林业相关政策法规; 在此基础上, 对我国林业企业参与乌干达森林资源合作开发与利用提出建议。  相似文献   

在回顾德国有关近自然森林经营思想相关文献的基础上, 对于100年来近自然森林经营思想的发展历程进行回顾, 揭示了从对法正林反思到连续森林运动再到近自然森林经营思想提出、被政治化以及遭到冷遇和后来受到民间重视的过程。  相似文献   

蒙古森林资源匮乏, 但却在防止土地退化、保持水土、提供野生动物栖息地等方面发挥着重要作用。蒙古制定了森林法规、政策和规划体系,但林业政策优先领域主要集中在防治森林火灾和病虫害及鼓励木材加工等方面。林业发展战略则偏重技术,缺乏对林业根本问题的关键性分析。林业立法将大部分森林管理职责下放至地方政府,但因其缺乏资金和技术人员,各项林业政策和规划难以得到有效执行,森林资源被迅速开发。文中介绍了蒙古林业资源和管理现状、林业政策规划及林业发展面临的问题,提出了我国与蒙古开展林业合作的领域和方式,以期为两国林业合作提供重要信息支撑。  相似文献   

按照服务国家外交、外贸2个大局,我国正在加强实施林业“走出去”战略,寻求多元化的林业国际合作。洪都拉斯位于中美洲北部,水热条件良好,森林资源丰富,是我国在拉美地区开展林业双边合作的潜在国家。文中介绍了洪都拉斯森林资源状况、林业法规政策、林业管理体制、森林经营管理和林产品贸易等现状,归纳了洪都拉斯林业存在的问题,展望了我国林业未来与之在天然林可持续经营、发展人工林、林产品加工和林业扶贫减贫等重点领域的合作前景,以期为我国未来与之开展林业双边合作提供参考,有利于我国在拉美地区树立林业双边合作的样板,提升我国在该地区的形象与影响力。  相似文献   

新世纪的城市林业:回顾与展望   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
文中回顾了城市林业的发展历史,阐述了城市林业的基本概念与内涵,提出了城市林业的研究内容,以及新世纪城市林业的发展趋势。  相似文献   

林业机械装备是林业高质量发展的基础和保障。学习借鉴其他国家的林业机械装备发展思路,有助于推动我国林业机械装备业的高速发展。文中以芬兰为研究对象,介绍其林业机械装备发展现状与趋势,分析林机装备发展的动因,并在此基础上提出对促进我国林业机械装备发展的几点启示,包括发挥政府引导作用、健全社会服务体系、加强产学研用结合、加大财政支持力度、加强应用服务和技术培训、鼓励林机装备企业转型升级以及深化国际交流合作。  相似文献   

Community-based forest management, such as Community Forest Enterprises (CFEs), has the potential to generate positive socioenvironmental and economic outcomes. We performed a detailed survey of financial and production parameters for 30 of the approximately 992 CFEs in Mexico in order to estimate costs, income, profits, and sustainability of harvest levels for forest management, harvest, and sawmilling. Fourteen of the 30 CFEs harvested more timber than they grew in 2011, suggesting issues with sustainability, but only two of these had harvest far above annual growth, and five of those were only a fraction more than annual growth. All of the 30 CFEs except one made profits in forest management and timber growing. For timber harvesting, 22 of 30 CFEs made profits, but the losses were small for the other CFEs. For the 23 CFEs with sawmills, 18 made profits and five had losses; the greatest returns for the CFEs accrued to those with sawmills for lumber production. On average, the CFEs surveyed had high costs of production relative to other countries, but the CFEs were still profitable in national lumber markets. If Mexico were to begin importing large amounts of lumber from lower cost countries, this could pose a threat to CFE profitability.  相似文献   

中国村社林业发展现状与展望(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的村社林业已有悠久的历史 ,其特点表现在 :乡村林业的这种组织管理方式适合于我国社会主义初级阶段的社会结构 ;乡村林业把乡村综合发展与生态建设、技术革新和社会改革紧密结合起来 ;正确发挥政府与非政府组织的作用 ;中国乡村林业的发展以体制改革为前提 ;具有多元化的发展模式和多种经营形式 ;中国的民族、家族、宗族意识中共同制定农村的乡规民约、封禁林、封山育林等爱林、护林思想 ,是一种生态伦理道德观念的反映 .文章介绍了中国开展社区林业的成功经验和模式 ,并讨论了中国社区林业的发展方向  相似文献   

从林业生产特殊性的角度, 针对林业风险管理中存在的问题, 通过对林业经济运行中的林业风险、林业风险管理与林业可持续发展的关系以及可持续发展背景下林权抵押贷款中林业风险管理有关文献进行梳理, 提出在林业可持续发展背景下更好地进行林业风险管理研究的新思路。  相似文献   

多功能森林经营:理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开展森林经营是提高中国森林质量的根本举措。阐述了森林经营的定义、意义、基本原则、分类和森林作业法,介绍了近自然林业的基本理论和森林抚育的主要措施。  相似文献   

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