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张敏  韩芳 《林产工业》2020,57(3):77-79
为促进人造板产业转型升级和科学发展,国内规划建设了一批具有鲜明特色的人造板产业园区。为克服人造板生产对环境造成的一定影响,采取完善的环境保护策略,配套完整的环保设施显得尤为重要。介绍了人造板产业园区定位,阐述了人造板生产对于环境的影响,包括废水、噪声、废气等污染,基于此,提出相应环境保护策略,为人造板产业园区实现绿色环保生产提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国人造板工业生产、贸易现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过回顾近年我国人造板工业发展历程,分析了人造板用途以及生产、进出口贸易现状.针对受金融危机影响、用材资源受制约、以及非关税贸易壁垒等问题,提出应加强技术创新、质量环保意识,进一步细分市场和企业整合,增加政策扶持,在危机中实现我国从人造板大国到人造板强国的转变.  相似文献   

基于嵌套Logit模型的中国出口人造板产品质量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
不断提升产品质量是中国人造板行业面临的挑战。文中分别以美国、英国、加拿大、泰国和菲律宾5个中国人造板的主要出口对象国为基准国,基于其4位数HS编码的细分人造板数据,采用Khandewal嵌套Logit模型,测度中国出口人造板的产品质量。研究发现:中国出口人造板的产品质量呈现波动上升趋势,在2006—2010年出现大幅度下滑,其可能的主要原因是贸易政策调整;中国对美、英、加3个发达国家出口人造板的产品质量较为平稳,近年来对泰国和菲律宾2个发展中国家出口人造板的产品质量明显提升。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand the innovation diffusion of new wood-based materials, “from lab to market,” to identify the success factors and barriers to market introduction, and to reveal important factors for the success of commercialization. Examples are given from target markets in the furniture, appliance, and automotive sectors. This study is based on three qualitative interview studies in Sweden from 2010 to 2012. The analysis showed that the diffusion process of a new bio-based material normally takes up to 10 years or even more. There are only a few companies along the supply chain whose specialized function is finding new materials. However, the automotive industry regularly monitors the development of new materials. Industrial customers of materials generally obtain information about biobased materials from suppliers, exhibitions, conferences, professional contacts, industry magazines, digital media, customers, and partners in development projects. Different industry sectors apply specific material requirements. Regulations regarding safety issues have a high priority, and the interviewees believed that environmental considerations will increase with time. If the materials are equal in other quality dimensions, environmental performance may cast the deciding vote. Recommendations for a faster diffusion cover the right mix of competences, financing, regulations, creativity, and support from the leadership.  相似文献   

国外人造板生产装备的发展态势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
80年代以来,世界人造板生产装备的技术水平不断提高,尤以西欧和北美最为显着。从总体上讲,这些国家的人造板生产装备具有以下特点:①生产规模大型化;②生产过程自动化;③生产质量最佳化;④生产运行安全化;⑤生产设备标准化和系列化;⑥设备外观美学化;⑦严格遵守环保要求。  相似文献   

国内浸渍胶膜纸及饰面人造板行业前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着板式家具的发展,浸渍胶膜纸和饰面人造板行业发展迅猛。文中通过分析国内浸渍胶膜纸及饰面人造板行业的发展现状以及与国外的差距,从浸渍胶膜纸、饰面人造板、产品加工工艺和板式家具等方面对该行业发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

山东省是我国三大板材生产基地之一,并已显露出集群发展的态势.以山东省临沂市、菏泽市为例,对其人造板产业集群进行了深入的SWOT分析,辨析出山东省人造板产业的集群优势、劣势、机会和威胁,并提出相应的发展策略,以期对管理者和建设者有所帮助.  相似文献   

世界各国、地区森林数据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
联合国粮农组织(FAO)2001年3月发表了“2000年世界森林资源评价:概要报告书(FRA2000 Summary Report)”。该报告书中的一些数据是上次FRA1990年所没有的。此表介绍了各国和各地区的森林面积、森林覆盖率、1990~2000森林面积的年变化率及森林蓄积。  相似文献   

尹平 《四川林勘设计》2005,(3):36-39,46
四川省在我国最早实施天然林保护工程。1998年开始,随着天然林采伐的停止。四川省的人造板产业遭受了全面的原料危机,绝大部分人造板企业纷纷停产、关闭。禁伐近六年来,通过实施退耕还林工程和大力发展以速生丰产工业原料林为主的林业产业基地建设工程,四川省的人工林和速生丰产工业原料林建设得到了快速发展,形成以非规格小径材为主体的木质原料供应来源,极大地促进了四川省人造板产业的发展。事实证明:禁伐区人造板产业发展的根本出路首先在于发展原料生产。增加原料供应,开发新的原料种类和来源。  相似文献   

黑龙江省人造板行业2011年发展状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了2011年黑龙江省人造板产品的产量、价格及质量情况,对黑龙江省人造板行业现状以及产品质量问题进行分析,并对今后行业发展提出一些建议。  相似文献   

在概述江苏人造板工业发展状况和发展环境的基础上。建立了江苏人造板生产量的因果预测模型,对江苏人造板工业的生产产量和产品结构进行了预测和分析,并就实现江苏人造板工业的稳步发展提出了切实可行的建议。  相似文献   

如何应对世界低碳经济模式的发展已经成为我国人造板产业实现可持续发展需要面对的关键问题。文中通过总结低碳经济模式下我国人造板产业的特征,分析我国人造板产业应对国际低碳经济模式面临的挑战和问题,提出我国人造板产业实现低碳发展的技术途径和管理途径,以期为尽快实现国际低碳经济模式下我国人造板产业的转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   

沈文星 《木材工业》2003,17(6):27-30
人造板工业发展过程中对环境污染的控制非常重要。本文通过对人造板企业经济行为的负外部性、政府管制的重要性和适度排污点的经济分析,提出了国家制定标准、环境收费和政府补助等对策措施,以控制污染。  相似文献   

合理利用资源促进我国人造板工业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵仁杰  赵明 《林产工业》2005,32(5):16-19
为了构建资源节约型人造板工业,必须加强科技创新,努力开发资源节约型新产品;加强体制创新,强化废弃资源的加工利用;推广新技术,降低人造板生产的耗能与用水量;提高生产的机械化程度,节约人力资源。在有限的资源条件下,生产出更多更好的人造板。  相似文献   

总结我国人造板行业近10年的发展状况,解析我国现行林业产业发展相关国家政策,特别是人造板生产、进出口、原料林基地建设投融资等政策,指出:当前我国人造板行业正处于稳步发展的关键时期,国家为林业产业的发展制定了扶持政策,企业应抓住机遇,改变单纯重视加工制造的思维定势,坚持技术创新,加快结构调整、装备升级和营销网络建设,提高品牌创建能力,加快在全球价值链上的升级,从人造板生产大国转变为人造板增值产品制造强国.  相似文献   


Forest-based manufacturing firms are currently under pressure to achieve higher margins and increased profits. Many firms have tried to maintain profits by cutting costs, however, the effects of this, in markets suffering from overcapacity and declining demand, are temporary. Instead, innovation is seen as being the key to firm growth and sustained profit. This article presents a study of nine large Nordic (Swedish and Norwegian) forest-based manufacturing firms, with operations ranging from pulp and paper chemicals, pulp production, packaging boards, packaging paper, and specialty paper to food processing and packaging solutions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prerequisites for innovation at firm level in terms of firms’ organizational climate and capabilities for innovation, and how these firms could improve their innovation processes. The paper draws on data from a collaborative research project that includes these nine firms, derived from interviews and questionnaires. The results show that forest-based firms are creative and have the potential to be innovative. However, the capabilities for innovation, that is the capabilities to do things differently and to exploit ideas, differ among firms. The study highlights two capabilities that may be obvious but are critical for innovation – management willingness and awareness, and the implementation of a strategy for innovation – and that the potential exists for increased output through appropriate managerial action.  相似文献   

Corporate responsibility reporting by large pulp and paper companies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The forest-based industry has a crucial role in global sustainable development because of its unique raw material basis and increasing internationalisation. Using institutional organisation theory as a background this paper analyses corporate responsibility reporting in the world's ten largest pulp and paper companies, representing 25% of global production capacity. The studied companies have their headquarters in Japan, the Nordic countries or North America, and have very different geographical and cultural bases and variable company product portfolios ranging from wood-based products and printing papers to packaging boards and consumer goods. Both quantitative and qualitative economic, environmental and social metrics from the annual and social responsibility reports of the companies were analysed regarding institutionalised, culture-specific and company-specific characteristics. The results showed that regulated financial and environmental reporting leaves little flexibility for company-specific diversification in reporting. Only a few regional characteristics were identified, mainly in social responsibility reporting, while the reporting largely reflected a general North American–Nordic type of corporate responsibility and the globalisation trend of the studied companies. Regardless of the many challenges in the assessment of corporate responsibility, the concepts discussed in this paper are potentially useful tools for helping to achieve sustainable development in the pulp and paper industry.  相似文献   

浅议我国从人造板大国迈向人造板强国的途径   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
人造板是木材工业中技术最密集、用途最广泛、最具发展潜力的产品,是衡量一个国家木材工业、木材科技水平和综合国力的重要标志。改革开放20多年后的今天,中国人造板已进入大规模工业化生产,成为有自己特色和优势的新型产业,步入世界人造板大国行列。但是,与世界人造板强国相比,中国人造板生产还存在明显的差距,表现在企业规模偏小、技术水平与国外差距较大、扩大再生产投入资金不足和技术开发研究重视不够等。为使中国迈向人造板生产强国,必须制订好中长期发展规划,在优化人造板的产品结构,实现人造板生产过程自动化,大力开发有自主知识产权的创新技术和产品,开发废旧木材和废弃人造板资源的再利用技术,加强人造板工业的标准化管理和产品质量监督检验,重视人造板工业的人才培养等多方面进行努力。  相似文献   

吕斌 《木材工业》2006,20(2):38-40
分析了2005年我国木地板行业的现状及其在产品质量、技术创新、品牌效应、销售模式、市场开拓等方面取得的进展,指出在我国成为木地板生产大国后,受原材料供应、贸易和非贸易关税技术壁垒、市场竞争等影响,整个行业将面临新的问题和挑战。文章对我国木地板业今后的进一步发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

As a low-tech, labour intensive and supplier-dominated industry, the wooden furniture industry's pattern of innovation is widely acknowledged as business driven. This paper's main objective is to ascertain the roles played by the various innovation actors and their linkages to the process of technological innovations in the wooden furniture industry. Empirical evidence is derived from a narrative case study of the Muar furniture cluster in Malaysia. The main findings from this study indicate that the dynamics of innovation in Malaysia's wooden furniture industry are mainly business-led and are characterised as collective innovation. In this regard, the roles played by the immediate business environment such as suppliers, customers, competitors, and retailers are of paramount importance. These innovation actors have been linked closely to firms in their surge for technological advancement. Universities and government organisations do not feature in the operations of these firms.  相似文献   

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