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缪宏 《绿色中国(A版)》2003,(9):10-11
今年8月,全国人造板行业捷报频传:8月5日,年产中(高)密度纤维板82万立方米的全国人造板行业领跑者——浙江丽人集团与德国迪芬巴赫公司合资3.8亿元在丽水建成投产了我国第一条20万立方米中高密度纤维板生产线;8月28日,中国包装行业和有色金属行业的优秀企业、国家高新企业——江苏大亚集团公司进军中国人造板业,总投资5.5亿元,建成又一条20万立方米的中(高)密度纤维板引进生产线,并力争在3至5年内投资50亿元,将大亚木业建成一个拥有13.3万公顷速生林基地,300万立方米人造板制造中心,5000万平方米强化地板、800万平方米实木复合地板和2亿美元出口家具的世界级森工企业集团。业内人士认为,引进先进生产线的涌入,标志着—— 相似文献
核桃作为泸水县主要经济作物树种,目前已经成为了泸水县林业产业的支柱,本文通过分析泸水县核桃产业中存在问题,提出泸水县核桃产业提质增效的技术思路,旨在建立泸水县高产优良的核桃产业。 相似文献
As a low-tech, labour intensive and supplier-dominated industry, the wooden furniture industry's pattern of innovation is widely acknowledged as business driven. This paper's main objective is to ascertain the roles played by the various innovation actors and their linkages to the process of technological innovations in the wooden furniture industry. Empirical evidence is derived from a narrative case study of the Muar furniture cluster in Malaysia. The main findings from this study indicate that the dynamics of innovation in Malaysia's wooden furniture industry are mainly business-led and are characterised as collective innovation. In this regard, the roles played by the immediate business environment such as suppliers, customers, competitors, and retailers are of paramount importance. These innovation actors have been linked closely to firms in their surge for technological advancement. Universities and government organisations do not feature in the operations of these firms. 相似文献
我国经济林产业发展的现状特点我国地域辽阔,气候类型多样,自然条件复杂,经济林资源丰富。据专家研究统计,我国已拥有各种经济林木近1000种,其中大面积主栽的树种约60个。经济林是我国森林资源的重要组成部分,按照《森林法》的定义,经济林是指以生产果品、食用油料、饮料、工业原料和药材等为主要目的的林木。按经济林产品的特性和用途可以分为八大类,干果类,如板栗、核桃等;水果类,如苹果、梨等;木本油料类,如油茶、油橄榄等;木本药材类,如杜种,黄柏等;工业原料类,如漆树、油桐等;调料香料类,如花椒、八角等;饮料类,如茶叶、咖啡等;森林食… 相似文献
Dick Sandberg Mojgan Vasiri Johann Trischler Micael Öhman 《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2014,29(4):352-359
The forest and forest products form one of the most important basis for the transfer to a bio-based economy in Sweden. About 75% of the area covered by forest in Sweden is used industrially to produce raw material for the wood-refining industries. Every year, this cluster uses 75 million m3 of roundwood and has an export value of €12 billion. This review paper is devoted to the wood mechanical industry, i.e. the industry which turns the forest into sawn timber, packaging, construction wood, furniture and interior fittings. The sawmills consume about half of the volume of softwood which is felled, and about two-thirds of the sawn timber go to export without any further refining within the country. Nevertheless, in spite of the relatively low degree of refinement in the sawmill and the fact that the sawmills in general over time have a very low profitability, they are responsible for 70–80% of the forest owners' profits on the sale of timber. An increased upgrading of the sawn timber within the country is desirable from a national economic viewpoint – increased employment opportunities, increased export income, etc. It should then in the first place be for products with a higher added value, such as furniture and fittings. Today, the refinement value is 15–20 times higher for products from joinery and furniture industries compared to that of the sawn timber, and the added value of the wood within the building industry is only about 1.5 times. 相似文献
R. W. Kennedy 《Wood Science and Technology》1995,29(5):321-338
Summary As the raw material base for forest products manufacturing shifts from old-growth to short-rotation plantation stock, the wood from these younger trees will contain larger proportions of juvenile wood. This in turn will influence the quality of forest products obtained. The pattern of specific gravity variation in these trees, which varies among the five most important Pacific Northwest species groups, is reviewed, and the nature of their differences is related to growth habit. The shade intolerance of some species is speculated to manifest itself in an early culmination of annual height inrement, after which specific gravity increases rapidly to a maximum. This is contrasted to shade-tolerant species, in which specific gravity may take several decades to attain a minimum value, followed by only moderate increases thereafter. In addition, faster growth rates in widely spaced plantation trees tend to depress specific gravity and advance the age at which these trees reach their minimum value, thereby compounding the overall wood density of deficit of short-rotation trees.Lower specific gravity, compounded with reduced lignin content in juvenile wood, negatively influences kraft pulp yield, but not pulp quality parameters such as sheet density, burst and tensile strength. Reduced wood density, coupled with larger fibril angles in juvenile wood, reduces average strength and stiffness of lumber from younger plantation trees. Mechanical stress rating needs to be adopted to segregate the strong, stiff material for engineered construction uses, because a large proportion of visually graded lumber from juvenile wood zones will not meet currently assigned stress values. Mechanical stress rating can ensure a continued stream of appropriate engineering grades from future tree supplies.I am indebted to Professor Simon Ellis of the Department of Wood Science, Faculty of Forestry, University of B.C., for providing data on mechanical tests of western hemlockAcademy Lecture presented at the 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, April, 1995, in Tokyo 相似文献
我国竹产业发展现状与对策 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了加快我国竹产业的发展,文中分析了我国竹资源与竹加工产业的现状及竹产业发展中存在的问题,提出了建立健全竹产业财政补贴制度、完善竹产业金融税收扶持政策、拓宽竹产业发展资金来源、建立完善竹产品市场体系、构建多层次竹产业标准体系、大力培育龙头企业等6项对策与建议。 相似文献
湖州市竹业现状与发展对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了湖州市竹业发展的现状,认为在笋竹结构、竹制品加工、竹林生态环境及利用、科技兴林等方面存在问题;提出了进一步发展竹业的主要对策是加快资源培育,调整笋竹结构、实行分类经营,注重竹制品加工龙头企业培育、新技术新产品开发和市场拓展,发展竹林生态旅游,发展观赏竹种苗业等. 相似文献
湖南竹产业发展的科技创新应立足于为生产服务,为竹产业产业化做文章,以新产品开发与新技术推广为主,自主研发与引进吸收相结合,提升竹产业整体技术水平和经济实力,建立完善的竹产业科技创新体系,使竹产业发展步入良性循环跨越式发展的轨道。 相似文献
金华市婺城区木材加工产业存在的问题与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对金华市婺城区木材加工产业发展现状的调查分析,婺城区木材加工产业主要存在散、乱、低、危等问题,提出促进婺城区木材加工产业健康发展的对策建议,重点采取科学规划、规范管理、培育龙头、政策扶持等措施做强婺城区木材加工产业。 相似文献
人造板具有淳朴自然、纹理美观、易于加工等优点,是室内装修、家具制造的主要材料。但在制板和使用过程中,所释放出的甲醛对室内空气造成污染,必须引起重视。作者提出了改善人造板环保性能和消除空气中甲醛污染的几点建议。 相似文献
加入WTO后我国沙棘产业面临的问题及对策 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
分析了加入WTO后我国沙棘产业的发展优势和存在的制约因素,探讨了加入WTO后我国沙棘产业面临的问题,并提出了相应的对策措施:(1)加快制订国家标准,建立产品质量保证体系;(2)实施名牌战略,促进沙棘产业化结构调整;(3)大力开发沙棘深加工产品,提高产品国际市场竞争力;(4)大力推进沙棘良种化进程,建立高标准的原料生产基地。 相似文献
云南省核桃产业发展现状及对策分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
云南省核桃产业对当地经济的发展起着重要作用,在全国核桃生产中也占有重要地位。为了促进云南省核桃产业快速、健康、有序地发展,采用2000~2009年有关全国和云南省核桃产业发展情况的统计数据,从云南省核桃产业的分布区域与产量角度对其发展现状进行了评述,同时比较分析了云南省和其他省份核桃产业的发展情况,指出了云南省核桃产业发展中亟需解决的问题,并提出了相应的对策建议。 相似文献
The role of nutrients for improving seedling quality in drylands 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Forest plantations have been extensively used to combat desertification. In drylands, harsh climate conditions and unfertile soils often preclude seedling establishment. The improvement in seedling quality by manipulating nutrient availability could contribute to increase planting success. However, morpho-functional traits defining optimum seedling quality in drylands, and the fertilization schemes to achieve them, are still under discussion. Several studies suggest that well fertilized seedlings may perform better than nutrient limited seedlings in these environments. However, recent works have shown opposite results. In this review, we discuss the concept of seedling quality in drylands based on an evaluation of the effects of nutrient manipulation on seedling morpho-functional traits and field performance. According to existing data, we hypothesize that nutrient-limited small seedlings may be better adapted to arid environments and unfavorable microsites, where access to water is uncertain and a conservative water use strategy may be advantageous. In contrast, in dry sub-humid areas, areas with deep soils, protected from excess radiation, and areas where irrigation is feasible, well-fertilized big seedlings with high root growth potential may have more chances of success. We discuss this theory in the context of the multiple objectives of dryland restoration and the environmental constrains posed by these areas, and identify knowledge gaps that should be targeted to test our hypothesis. 相似文献