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For precision agriculture to provide both economic and environmental benefits over conventional farm practice, management strategies must be developed to accommodate the spatial variability in crop performance that occurs within fields. Experiments were established in crops of wheat (Triticum aestivum) over three seasons in two fields. The aim was to evaluate a set of variable rate nitrogen strategies and examining the spatial variation in crop response to applied N. The optimum N application rate in the field with three different soil series (predominantly calcareous silty clay loam over oolitic limestone) was uniform across the field. In contrast the other field with uniform soil type (slightly calcareous brown clay loam), provided a more variable response. Estimates of yield potential, produced from either historic yield data or shoot density maps derived from airborne digital photographic images, were used to divide experimental strips into management zones. These zones were then managed according to two N application strategies. The results from the historic yield approach, which is currently the most practical commercial system, based on 3 yr of yield data, were variable with no overall yield or economic advantages. It was concluded that that this approach may not provide a suitable basis for varying N rates. The shoot density approach, however, offered considerably greater potential as it takes account of variation in the current crop. Using this approach, it was found that there was insufficient variation in the shoot density in the field with diverse soil types. However, in the field with the uniform soil type, applying additional N to areas with a low shoot population and maintaining the standard N rate to areas with an average shoot population resulted in an average strategy benefit of up to 0·46 t ha−1 compared with standard farm practice. It is necessary to combine the ‘real-time’ data on relative crop structure, obtained by remote sensing with ground truth assessments and absolute benchmark values to successfully adjust N input levels to maximise yield.  相似文献   

Manipulation of starch composition in cereals and particularly in wheat is receiving increasing attention due to recognition of its important role in food and nonfood applications. The amylose/ amylopectin ratio influences the physicochemical properties of starches and nutritional value of derived end products. Identification of the key enzymes involved in the starch biosynthetic pathway has opened new avenues for altering the amylose and amylopectin content in durum and bread wheat. The granule bound starch synthases (GBSSI), or waxy proteins, are the enzymes responsible for amylose synthesis in storage tissues; amylopectin is produced by the concerted action of different enzymes, including starch synthases (SS), branching (SBE), and debranching enzymes (DBE). By altering the level of key enzymes involved in the regulation of starch synthesis, it is possible to generate novel starches with unique functional properties. In this respect, both low and high amylose starches are particularly interesting because they are associated with industrial and processing properties as well as with human health and nutrition. So far, major attention has addressed the manipulation of starch composition in bread wheat, whereas durum wheat has been investigated to a much lesser extent. Approaches currently available to alter amylose/amylopectin ratio and tailor starch composition in durum wheat are presented.  相似文献   

A biochemical study of the main durum wheat milling fractions (bran, embryo, and semolina) showed that peroxidases (POD) were present in multiple forms in the kernel and appeared to be tissue specific: one form for the embryo, one for the endosperm, one for the subaleuronic layer, and one for the outer layers. Large varietal differences were found regarding both the composition and the POD activity. POD activity, detected by diaminobenzidine, was found mainly in the cell wall of the subaleurone layer and inside some specific, differentiated cells of the embryo. Immuno‐localization with antibodies of durum wheat POD showed the presence of POD in several layers of the pericarp (epidermis) and the seed coat (testa), in the embryo, and also in the endosperm. In this latter tissue, the staining intensity decreased gradually from the outer layers toward the center of the kernel. The localization of POD in durum wheat kernel suggests specific functions for different forms.  相似文献   

《Cereal Chemistry》2017,94(5):857-865
This research was conducted to determine if genotypes selected for their superior traditional semolina pasta quality would also make the best whole wheat pasta. Results from 19 durum wheat cultivars and 17 breeding lines grown at 19 different environments in North Dakota showed that physical and cooking qualities varied differently for whole wheat and traditional spaghettis, respectively. Ward's clustering segregated the 36 genotypes into five groups based on whole wheat spaghetti quality. Groups 1 and 2 (21 genotypes) produced good to high‐quality whole wheat pasta that displayed high mean values for cooked firmness (4.3 and 4.1 g·cm), mechanical strength (31.3 and 31.0 g), and color (brightness, 34.92 and 34.54), respectively. Groups 4 and 5 produced poor quality whole wheat pasta that had low cooked firmness (both 3.5 g·cm) and high cooking loss (10.1 and 10.4%). Grain protein content (≥13.9%) was found with high quality of whole wheat spaghetti. Of the 36 genotypes evaluated, 21 and 3 genotypes produced good and poor qualities, respectively, of whole wheat and traditional spaghettis, and 12 other genotypes produced good traditional spaghetti but produced poor quality whole wheat spaghetti. These data indicate the need to select genotypes specifically for their whole wheat pasta quality.  相似文献   

An imaging method that detects nonvitreous regions in sound kernels of durum wheat at high speed is described. Kernels are analyzed simultaneously for individual vitreousness and individual kernel size and shape are measured concurrently. The measurement of 500 kernels per sample is adequate for highly reproducible results. Significant agreement was found between inspector‐determined hard vitreous kernel percentages (HVK) and machine‐determined HVK scores for export cargo samples of Canadian Western Amber Durum (CWAD), with differences between the two methods of typically ±3%. For railcar samples of CWAD taken on delivery to the terminal, agreement between inspector‐determined and machine‐determined HVK scores were more variable. The variability between the two methods generally increased as the HVK score of the sample became lower. For inspector‐determined HVK scores of <50%, difference between inspector and machine HVK scores for some samples was substantial. Such large differences are partially attributable to the way in which weathered kernels are assessed. Weather‐damaged kernels were frequently classified as nonvitreous by the machine system due to disruption of the enveloping tissues, whereas inspector evaluations often classify weather‐damaged kernels as vitreous. The speed, accuracy, and reproducibility of the machine methodology gives it enormous potential as a replacement for visual inspection of CWAD for HVK in Canadian grain terminals.  相似文献   

对来源于美、中、俄及埃塞阿比亚等22个国家的142份硬粒小麦材料的种子贮藏蛋白位点及遗传变异进行了研究。供试的硬粒小麦(Triticum durum Desf )材料共检测出37条醇溶蛋白条带,无1条带纹为所有材料共有,多态性达到100%,说明硬粒小麦具有丰富的醇溶蛋白等位变异。聚类分析将142份供试材料分为3个大类,材料间遗传差异大小在不同的国家有所不同,表明醇溶蛋白带型与地理来源有一定关系。高分子量谷蛋白电泳共分离出14种亚基和15种亚基组合,但是优质亚基所占比例不高,这可能是因为硬粒小麦加工用途的特殊性,使得多年的育种并未太多改变硬粒小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基等位变异的频率,促成优质亚基的累计。  相似文献   

This work aimed to assess the influences of soil salinity and drought stresses on grain quality characteristics of selected salt-tolerant genotypes differing in salinity tolerance in durum wheat. This study was conducted under control, drought, and saline field conditions in separate experiments during 2 years. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used for each experiment. The results showed significant effects of genotype and environmental conditions on all grain-quality related traits. Salt and drought stress caused the significant increment of grain protein content, wet and dry gluten contents, and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation volume. Thousand-grain weight, grain protein yield, and test weight reduced significantly under both salinity and drought stress conditions. Protein content showed positive correlation with wet gluten, dry gluten, SDS sedimentation, and volume and strong negative correlation with other traits. It is concluded that influence of salinity stress was greater than drought stress on grain protein yield and some other grain-quality-related traits.  相似文献   

For precision agriculture to provide both economic and environmental benefits over conventional farm practice, management strategies must be developed to accommodate the spatial variability in crop performance that occurs within fields. Experiments were established in crops of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) over three seasons. The aim of which was to evaluate a set of variable rate nitrogen strategies and examining the spatial variation in crop response to applied N. The optimum N application rate varied from 90 to in excess of 160 kg [N] ha−1 in different parts of the field, which supports the case for applying spatially variable rates of N. This, however, is highly dependent on seasonal variations, e.g. the quantity and distribution of rainfall and the effect that this has on soil moisture deficits and crop growth. Estimates of yield potential, produced from either historic yield data or shoot density maps derived from airborne digital photographic images, were used to divide experimental strips into management zones. These zones were then managed according to two N application strategies. The results from the historic yield approach, based on 3 yr of yield data, were inconsistent, and it was concluded that that this approach, which is currently the most practical commercial system, does not provide a suitable basis for varying N rates. The shoot density approach, however, offered considerably greater potential as it takes account of variation in the current crop. Using this approach, it was found that applying additional N to areas with a low shoot population and reducing N to areas with a high shoot population resulted in an average strategy benefit of up to 0·36 t ha−1 compared with standard farm practice.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the major diseases of wheat (both common and durum wheat) caused by various fungi including Microdochium nivale and different Fusarium species. Most of the Fusarium species associated with FHB (mainly F. graminearum, F. culmorum and F. sporotrichioides), under favourable environmental conditions, can produce various toxic secondary metabolites (mycotoxins) that can contaminate grains. The major Fusarium mycotoxins that can occur in wheat and derived products are deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, T‐2 and HT‐2 toxins, and zearalenone. Processing has generally significant effects on the levels of mycotoxins in the final products. Deoxynivalenol is typically concentrated in the bran coat which is removed in the production of semolina; consequently, a consistent reduction of deoxynivalenol levels has been observed during each of the processing steps, from raw durum wheat to pasta production. To allow monitoring programs and protect consumers' health, several analytical methods have been developed for Fusarium mycotoxins, based on chromatographic or immunometric techniques. The European Union has established maximum permitted levels for some Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals and cereal‐based products (including unprocessed durum wheat, bran, wheat flour, and pasta). Recommendations for the prevention and reduction of Fusarium mycotoxins contamination in cereals based on identification of critical risk factors and crop management strategies have been published by the Codex Alimentarius and the European Commission.  相似文献   

The Single Kernel Characterization System (SKCS 4100) measures single kernel weight, width, moisture content, and hardness in wheat grain with greater speed than existing methods and can be calibrated to predict flour starch damage and milling yield. The SKCS 4100 is potentially useful for testing applications in a durum improvement program. The mean SKCS 4100 kernel weight and moisture values from the analysis of 300 individual kernels gave good correlations with 1,000 kernel weight (r2 = 0.956) and oven moisture (r2 = 0.987), respectively. Although significant correlations were obtained between semolina mill yield and SKCS 4100 weight, diameter, and peak force, they were all very low and would be of little use for prediction purposes. Similarly, although there were significant correlations between some SKCS 4100 parameters and test weight and farinograph parameters, they too were small. The SKCS 4100 has been calibrated using either the single kernel hardness index or crush force profile to objectively measure the percentage vitreous grains in a sample with reasonable accuracy, and it correlates well with visual determination. The speed and accuracy of the test would be of interest to grain traders. An imprecise but potentially useful calibration was obtained for the prediction of semolina mill yield using the SKCS 4100 measurements on durum wheat. The SKCS 4100 is useful for some traits such as hardness, grain size and moisture for early‐generation (F3) selection in a durum improvement program.  相似文献   

In a three-year field experiment in Toulouse (in Southwest France), two indicators of plant nitrogen (N) status were compared on five durum wheat cultivars: the normalized SPAD index and the nitrogen nutrition index (NNI). SPAD value is a non-destructive measurement of chlorophyll content from the last expanded leaf. The normalized SPAD index is expressed relative to SPAD reading on a fully fertilized crop. The NNI is calculated from the crop biomass and total plant N content using a universal N-dilution curve for wheat. The normalized SPAD index and NNI were closely related irrespective of year, cultivar, and growth stage. When N was a limiting factor, the SPAD index measured at anthesis predicted grain yield and protein content accurately. Unlike NNI, SPAD index cannot be used to predict these variables when wheat is over-fertilized.  相似文献   

Worldwide, nearly 20 times more common wheat (Triticum aestivum) is produced than durum wheat (T. turgidum subsp. durum). Durum wheat is predominately milled into coarse semolina owing to the extreme hardness of the kernels. Semolina, lacking the versatility of traditional flour, is used primarily in the production of pasta. The puroindoline genes, responsible for kernel softness in wheat, have been introduced into durum via homoeologous recombination. The objective of this study was to determine what impact the introgression of the puroindoline genes, and subsequent expression of the soft kernel phenotype, had on the milling properties and flour characteristics of durum wheat. Three grain lots of Soft Svevo and one of Soft Alzada, two soft‐kernel back‐cross derived durum varieties, were milled into flour on the modified Quadrumat Senior laboratory mill at 13, 14, and 16% temper levels. Samples of Svevo (a durum wheat and recurrent parent of Soft Svevo), Xerpha (a soft white winter wheat), and Expresso (a hard red spring wheat) were included as comparisons. Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada exhibited dramatically lower single‐kernel characterization system kernel hardness than the other samples. Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada had high break flour yields, similar to the common wheat samples, especially the soft hexaploid wheat, and markedly greater than the durum samples. Overall, Soft Svevo and Soft Alzada exhibited milling properties and flour quality comparable, if not superior, to those of common wheat.  相似文献   

The application of conservative agricultural practices such as crop rotation, shallow tillage, and organic fertilizer could usefully sustain crop yield and increase soil fertility, thus playing an important role in the sustainable agriculture. This study was conducted to determine the effects of conservative agronomic practices on yield and quality of wheat. The effects of these practices on soil fertility were further investigated in this four-year study (2005–2008). Two cropping systems, durum wheat in continuous cropping, and in two-year rotation with leguminous crops, were investigated at Foggia (Southern Italy) in rain-fed conditions. Within each cropping system, two levels of crop management were compared: i) conventional, characterized by a higher soil tillage management and mineral fertilizers application; ii) conservative, with a lower soil tillage management and organic-mineral fertilizers. The seasonal weather greatly affected the wheat yield and quality, inducing lower production in years that were characterized by unfavorable climatic conditions. This trend was found when the conventional treatment was applied, both in continuous cropping and rotations. The effects of cropping systems and crop management pointed out the positive role played by the leguminous crops (common vetch and chickpea) in crop rotation. This introduction improved wheat yield in rotation (6.47% compared to the continuous cropping), improved grain protein content (5.88%), and reduced the productive gap between conventional and conservative treatments (9.24 and 14.14% of the wheat in rotation and continuous cropping, respectively). Conversely, the effects of cropping systems and crop management on soil fertility were not very high, since the differences found at the end of the study in total nitrogen values were poor. However, total organic carbon (16.04 and 17.58% for cropping system and crop management, respectively) and available phosphorus values (11.30 and 7.43%) depend on root organic matter contribution, plant biomass residues, and fertilizations. The suitable crop rotation and the sustainable crop management appear important agronomical practices to improve yield and quality of wheat, and may reduce the environmental risks resulting from conventional intensive cropping systems.  相似文献   

A small increase in amylose content may impact end‐product quality of wheat. The effect of elevated amylose content in durum wheat is not known. We surveyed 255 durum wheat accessions and found two genotypes that lacked the SGP‐A1 protein. These genotypes were crossed to Mountrail, an adapted durum genotype, to create populations segregating for the SSIIa‐Ab null allele. Our goal was to determine the influence of allelic variation at the SSIIa‐A locus on semolina properties and end‐product quality with noodles as a test product. Amylose content increased 3% and cooked noodle firmness increased 2.8 g·cm for the SSIIa‐Ab class compared with the SSIIa‐Aa class for the PI 330546 source, but no change in either trait was detected between classes for the IG 86304 source. The SSIIa‐Ab class had a 10% reduction in flour swelling compared with the SSIIa‐Aa class for both crosses. Grain protein and semolina yield did not differ between SSIIa‐A classes. The relationship between flour swelling power and noodle firmness did not differ between SSIIa‐A allelic classes within a cross. The different results for amylose content and noodle firmness between these sources may be because the two sources of the SSIIa‐Ab null mutation contributed different linkages to the segregating populations. Results show that the SSIIa‐Ab allele could be used to produce durum‐based products that are slightly more firm in texture. However, the effect of the SSIIa‐Ab allele may depend on the source.  相似文献   

Data on the quality of durum wheat genotypes grown under eight environments (site-year combinations) were evaluated to determine the relative effects of genotype and environment on quality characteristics associated with gluten strength, protein content, and pasta texture. The 10 durum wheat genotypes assessed in this study represented a range of gluten strength types from the very strong U.S. desert durum genotype, Durex, to the medium strength Canadian genotype, Plenty. Considerable genetic variability was detected for all quality characteristics studied. Genotype-environment interaction was significant for all quality parameters evaluated, with the exception of mixograph development time. Genotypeenvironment interaction was most important in determining protein content and least important in determining gluten index, gluten viscoelasticity, and SDS sedimentation volume. The nature of the genotype-environment interaction was evaluated by determining the number of significant crossover (rank change) interactions. There was at least one significant crossover interaction between pairs of genotypes and environments for five of eight quality traits tested. Of 45 genotype pairs, eight and six showed significant crossover interactions for protein content and pasta disk viscoelasticity, respectively. Significant crossover interactions were at least partially due to the differential response of Canadian genotypes as compared with U.S. genotypes. With the exception of protein content and pasta disk viscoelasticity, our results suggest that among the selected sample of 10 genotypes, genotype-environment interactions were minor and due primarily to changes in magnitude rather than changes in rank.  相似文献   

Ten durum wheat cultivars harvested in Manitoba in 1995, which were downgraded primarily because of fusarium-damaged (FD) kernels, were subjected to mycological tests and evaluated for semolina milling and pasta-making quality. Fusarium graminearum was the primary fungus infecting kernels. The ratio of FD to deoxynivlaenol (DON) level varied slightly among cultivars but was generally near unity. Retention of DON in semolina was about 50%. FD had a negative impact on kernel weight and test weight, resulting in lower semolina yield. Semolina ash content and bran specks were not affected by FD, but semolina became duller and redder. FD had no effect on protein content, but gluten strength was weaker probably due to a lower proportion of glutenins as shown by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of sequentially extracted gluten proteins. The influence of FD on gluten strength was not sufficient to alter pasta texture. FD had a strong adverse effect on pasta color. Even for the least damaged cultivars, which had FD levels near the limit of 2% established for the No. 3 and No. 4 Canadian Western Amber Durum (CWAD) grades, the deterioration in pasta color was readily discernible by eye, confirming that the strict FD tolerances for premium No. 1 CWAD (0.25%) and No. 2 CWAD (0.5%) grades are warranted.  相似文献   

Canada Western Amber Durum wheat cultivars (4), Canada Western Red Spring (1), and Canada Western Hard White Spring (1) wheat were grown at three sites in 2007 to evaluate the effect of genotype (G) and environment (E) on the quality of yellow alkaline noodles (YAN). YAN were evaluated for color, appearance, and cooked texture. Brightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) of YAN made from durum cultivars were significantly higher than common wheat. Durum flour yellow pigment content was approximately fourfold greater than common wheat while noodle speckiness was approximately half of CWRS at 2 hr with environment accounting for >75% of the variance for each parameter. Resistance to compression (RTC) and recovery (REC) of cooked durum alkaline noodles were equivalent or superior to common wheat noodles even when lower grade durum wheat flour was used. In conclusion, cooked durum noodle texture parameters were all significantly influenced by genotype and environment, with environment accounting for 66–71% of their variance.  相似文献   

Breadmaking properties were determined for formulations that included durum, soft, and spring wheat flour, using a pound-loaf sponge-dough baking procedure. Up to 60% durum or soft wheat flour plus 10% spring wheat flour could be incorporated at the sponge stage for optimum dough-handling properties. At remix, the dough stage required 30% spring wheat flour. Bread made with 100% spring wheat flour was used as a standard for comparison. Bread made with 60% durum flour exhibited internal crumb color that was slightly yellow. When storing pound bread loaves for 72 hr, crumb moisture content remained unchanged. Crumb firmness and enthalpy increased the most in bread made with 60% soft wheat flour. Crumb firmness increased the least in bread made with 100% spring wheat flour. Enthalpy changed the least in bread made with 60% durum flour. Crumb moisture content was significantly correlated with crumb firmness (r = -0.82) and enthalpy (r = -0.65). However, crumb moisture content was specific for each type of flour and a function of flour water absorption; therefore, these correlations should be interpreted with caution. Crumb firmness and enthalpy were significantly correlated (r = 0.65). Ball-milling flour resulted in an increase in water absorption of ≈2% and in crumb moisture content of ≈0.5% but had no effect on either crumb firmness or enthalpy.  相似文献   

In cereals, phenolic acid (PA) content and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) may have a wide range of variability, probably because of several factors influencing the occurrence of grain antioxidants, which include genotype, environment, and their possible interactions. However, only a few studies have investigated the influence of these factors on durum wheat. In the present study, we investigated the impact of the genetic and environmental factors on the profile and content of PAs occurring as soluble free, soluble conjugated, and insoluble bound compounds, as well as on the TAC level, in three genotypes of durum wheat grown in three different Italian agroclimatic areas during two crop years. The results show that genotype, environment, and crop year have highly significant effects on TAC levels and on PA contents. In particular, TAC and free PAs are most influenced by year, whereas conjugated and bound PAs are most influenced by environment × year and genotype, respectively. Therefore, it is evidenced that genetic and environmental factors affect the antioxidant activity and the content of the three forms of PAs in durum wheat to different extents.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted over three years at two locations in Saskatchewan, Canada, to determine the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on protein quantity and protein strength in 10 cultivars of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) representing a range of gluten strength. Increasing nitrogen fertilizer resulted in increased protein content in all cultivars across environments. Cultivars were clearly differentiated on the basis of gluten strength using a gluten index (GI), SDS sedimentation (SDSS), alveograph indices of overpressure (P) and deformation energy (W), mixograph energy to peak (ETP), and mixograph bandwidth energy (BWE) at all fertilizer levels. Variable cultivar response to nitrogen fertilizer was observed only for protein content, GI, and alveograph W. The nature of the cultivar‐by‐fertilizer interaction for GI suggested that the conventional strength cultivars would benefit more from nitrogen fertilizer than the extra‐strong types, which showed no change or slight decreases in GI with nitrogen fertilizer despite an increase in total gluten. SDSS increased with nitrogen fertilizer, following similar trends as protein. Gluten strength rankings of the cultivars by SDSS were maintained with increased fertilizer. Fertilizer had little effect on alveograph P, mixograph ETP, and mixograph BWE. Overall, GI values were more stable across increasing levels of nitrogen fertilizer and resultant increased protein content compared with SDSS, mixograph development time, and alveograph W and L, suggesting it is a good test for estimating intrinsic gluten strength for cultivars with a wide range of protein content.  相似文献   

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