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对1986-2008年贵州省余庆、息烽、大方、三都、关岭5个县捕获的3059只褐家鼠(雌鼠1573只,雄鼠1486只)体重统计表明,褐家鼠平均体重为(108.30±49.00)g,雌、雄鼠之间体重差异不显著.根据体重的频次分配特征,参照繁殖状况,将褐家鼠划分为5个年龄组,制定了各年龄组的体重划分标准,幼年组(Ⅰ):体重小于或等于60.0 g;亚成年组(Ⅱ):60.1~110.0 g;成年Ⅰ组(Ⅲ):110.1~160.0 g;成年Ⅱ组(Ⅳ):160.1~210.0g;老年组(Ⅴ):210.0g以上.不同年龄组种群繁殖力存在显著差异,随着种群年龄的增长,种群繁殖力不断增加,参与种群繁殖的主要群体为成年Ⅰ组、成年Ⅱ组和老年组,平均怀孕率为46.60%,平均胎仔数为7.00只,平均睾丸下降率为91.49%.种群年龄组成具有明显的季节变化特征,不同地区之间种群年龄组成变化基本一致.  相似文献   

In the presence of gelatine, sucrose crystallizes after a relatively short time (minutes, hours) when exposed to the radiation of an x-ray tube with copper target, or of a medical microwave unit. The formation of sucrose spherulites, visible with the naked eye, was observed.  相似文献   

Direct spherical agglomeration of salicylic acid crystals during crystallization is described. The needle-like salicylic acid crystals simultaneously form and agglomerate in a mixture of three partially miscible liquids, such as water, ethanol, and chloroform, with agitation. The agglomerates can be made directly into tablets because of their excellent flowability. Spherical crystallization could eliminate the usual separate agglomeration step after crystallization and may be adaptable to other pharmaceutical and chemical systems.  相似文献   

The age of the Taklimakan Desert   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Taklimakan Desert is located in the foreland basin of the Tibetan Plateau. We report here the results of stratigraphic investigations of a 1626-meter-thick sequence with interbedded wind-blown silt from the southern marginal Taklimakan Desert. Because the studied section is located downwind of the desert, the eolian silt accumulation is closely linked to desert formation. Our new evidence indicates that shifting sand dunes prevailed in the Tarim Basin by at least 5.3 million years ago, as they do today. We attribute this event to late Cenozoic climatic deterioration, as well as to changes in atmospheric circulation induced by Tibetan Plateau uplift.  相似文献   

In the Sahara region, the age of onset of the desert condition has been uncertain until now. Here we report on the discovery of 7,000,000-year-old eolian dune deposits from the northern Chad Basin. This geological archive is the oldest known evidence for desert occurrence in the Sahara.  相似文献   

The nature of chain folding in polymers and the determination of the chain length at which folding occurs have been central questions in polymer science. The study of the formation of lamellar polymer crystals through chain folding has received a new impetus as a result of the recent synthesis of normal alkanes of strictly uniform chain lengths up to C(390) H(782). Chain folding is found in all such paraffins starting with C(150)H(302). As with polyethylenes obtained by conventional polymerization, the fold length in the normal alkanes varies with crystallization temperature, but it is always an integral reciprocal of the full chain length. This behavior indicates that the methyl end groups are located at the lamellar surface and that the fold itself must be sharp and adjacently reentrant.  相似文献   

Modern distance determinations to galaxies were reviewed and placed on a uniform and self-consistent scale. Based on eight separate but not entirely independent techniques, the distance to the Virgo cluster was found to be 15.8 +/- 1.1 megaparsec. Twelve different determinations yield a Coma/Virgo distance ratio of 5.52 +/- 0.13 and hence a Coma distance of 87 +/- 6 megaparsec. With a cosmological redshift of 7210 kilometers per second, this gives a Hubble parameter H(0) (local) of 83 +/- 6 kilometers per second per megaparsec. From the velocity-distance relation of rich clusters of galaxies, the ratio of the value of H(0) (global) to the value of H(0) (local) was determined to be 0.92 +/- 0.08. In other words, the cluster data do not show a statistically significant difference between the local and global values of the Hubble parameter. If one nevertheless adopts this relation between H(0) (global) and H(0) (local), then the value of H(0) (global) is 76 +/- 9 kilometers per second per megaparsec. This observed value differs at the approximately 3sigma level (where sigma is the standard deviation of the distribution) from values in the range 36 less, similar H(0) less, similar50 kilometers per second per megaparsec, which are derived from stellar evolutionary theory in conjunction with standard cosmological models with a density parameter (Omega) that is equal to 1 and a cosmological constant (lambda) that is equal to 0.  相似文献   

在新兴的消费主义文化写作模式中,文学创作出现了"戏拟经典"躯体写作"两大写作特征,许多古今中外的文学经典遭戏拟、拼帖或改写,呈现出肉体化、欲望化的写作特征。分析这一文学现象的内外部原因,有利于审视这一特定时代背景下文学创作转型的合理性及局限性。  相似文献   

Colloidal particles can form unexpected two-dimensional ordered colloidal crystals when they interact with surfactants of the opposite charge. Coulomb interactions lead to self-limited adsorption of the particles on the surface of vesicles formed by the surfactants. The adsorbed particles form ordered but fluid rafts on the vesicle surfaces, and these ultimately form robust two-dimensional crystals. This use of attractive Coulomb interaction between colloidal particles and surfactant structures offers a potential new route to self-assembly of ordered colloidal structures.  相似文献   

Concordia resolution of uranium-lead analyses of zircons from rocks of the Guatemalan Cordillera indicates a period of plutonism, and perhaps metamorphism, in late Paleozoic times (345 +/- 20 million years). Gneisses of the Chuacus Series yield an age of 1075 +/- 25 million years which may be either the age of a source terrain for the original sediments, or the age of principal metamorphism. Zircons from a Paleozoic granite intruding the gneisses appear to contain inherited or contaminating material acquired during the process of magma generation or emplacement, or both.  相似文献   

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