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《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):77-88
Estimating tree volume and biomass constitutes an essential part of the forest resources assessment and the evaluation of the climate change mitigation potential of forests through biomass accumulation and carbon sequestration. This research article provides stem volume and biomass equations applicable to five tree species, namely Afzelia africana Sm. (Caesalpiniaceae), Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC.) Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae), Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (Bombacaceae), Dialium guineense Willd. (Caesalpiniaceae), Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A.DC. (Ebenaceae) in natural protected tropical forests and, in addition, Tectona grandis L.f. (Verbenaceae) in plantations. In addition to the tree species specific equations, basic wood density, as well as carbon, nitrogen, organic matter and ash content were determined for these tree species in tropical conditions in West Africa. One hundred and sixty-two sample trees were measured through non-destructive sampling and analysed for volume and biomass. Stem biomass and stem volume were modelled as a function of diameter (at breast height; Dbh) and stem height (height to the crown base). Logarithmic models are presented that utilise Dbh and height data to predict tree component biomass and stem volumes. Alternative models are given that afford prediction based on Dbh data alone, assuming height data to be unavailable. Models that include height are preferred, having better predictive capabilities. Ranges in carbon, nitrogen and ash contents are given as well. The successful development of predictive models through the use of non-destructive methods in this study provide valuable data and tools for use in determining the contribution of these major African rainforest tree species to global carbon stocks, while ensuring the preservation of this valued African resource. This study needs to be expanded to further regions and tree species to complete a full inventory of all tree species, emphasising the relevance of African trees to carbon stocks at a global scale.  相似文献   

Three production systems (robusta coffee, cattle pastures and swidden agriculture), all associated with trees, have provided a strategy for regional development in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Feedback from more than 250 on-farm demonstrations, project evaluations and visitors have all contributed to strengthening the ability of the Ecuadorean Ministry of Agriculture's Forestry Directorate to provide colonists and indigenous groups with management guidelines for low-input sustainable agroforestry production. The existing market for 20 fastgrowing native tree species presents an opportunity for the diversification of farm income (currently dependent on robusta coffee) and for the development of a forest industrial base.The collective area of land owned and operated by these small holders constitutes a national resource and a Collective Forest Estate that can be individually managed. Commercial timber production in these extensive secondary forests can help alleviate conversion of primary forest without taking agricultural land out of production.  相似文献   

The selection of suitable tree species is a prerequisite for successful forestry, and the use of exotic species as an alternative to native species is often a relevant option. In this paper, we discuss this option in relation to the present and future wood production in Nordic forestry. We revisit the vegetation and forest history and its implications for the interest in using exotic species. We review to what extent exotic species can contribute to increased economic returns from forest plantings and the potential negative ecological effects associated with introduction of new species. Considering the expected climate changes, we discuss whether and how the increased use of exotic species can contribute to sustained and increased health and productivity of Nordic forests without jeopardising ecological and social values.  相似文献   

Decades of deforestation and unsustainable land use have created large expanses of degraded lands across Central America. Reforestation may offer one means of mitigating these processes of degradation while sustaining resident human communities. However, a lack of information regarding tree species performance has been identified as an important limitation on the success and adoption of diversified reforestation strategies. We analyzed the initial growth of 22 native and 2 exotic tree species planted at three sites across a precipitation gradient in the Republic of Panama (1100–2200 mm year−1), and identify promising species for use in forest restoration, timber production and on-farm systems.  相似文献   

Lopez OR  Kursar TA 《Tree physiology》1999,19(14):925-932
Many seasonally flooded habitats in the tropics are dominated by one or a few tree species. We tested the hypothesis that the inability to tolerate flooding restricts most species from becoming established in flood-prone habitats. We compared morphological and physiological responses to flooding in seedlings of Prioria copaifera Griseb., a species that forms monodominant stands in seasonally flooded habitats, and in three species confined to flood-free sites; namely, Calophyllum longifolium Willd., Virola surinamensis Aubl. and Gustavia superba (H.B.K.) Berg. Flooding reduced photosynthesis at Day 45 in all species by 10-30%. By Day 90, photosynthesis returned to the control rate in Prioria, but not in the other species. Flooding reduced stomatal conductance by 25-35% in all species except Calophyllum, and it reduced leaf area growth by 44% in Virola, but not in the other species. All species survived 90 days of flooding without mortality, leaf chlorosis, leaf necrosis, or leaf abscission. Flooding reduced root:shoot ratio significantly in Gustavia and Calophyllum, but not in the other species, and it reduced maximum root depth by 29% in Prioria, but by 61% or more in the species from flood-free habitats.  相似文献   

New Forests - Eriobotrya japonica is a non-native tree expanding in secondary forests and threatening the tropical montane cloud forest of central Veracruz, Mexico. Our objective was to investigate...  相似文献   

Tropical montane cloud forest has been undergoing a drastic reduction because of its widespread conversion to pastures. Once these forests have been cleared exotic grasses are deliberately introduced for forage production. Exotic grass species commonly form monodominant stands and produce more biomass than native grass species, resulting in the inhibition of secondary succession and tree regeneration. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of native vs. exotic grass species on the early establishment of two native tree seedlings (Mexican alder, Alnus acuminata and Jalapa oak, Quercus xalapensis) on an abandoned farm in central Veracruz, Mexico. Seedling survival and growth were monitored (over 46 weeks) in relation to grass cover and height, and available photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). More seedlings survived in the presence of the native grass Panicum glutinosum than those growing with the exotic grass Cynodon plectostachyus (92% vs. 48%). The causes of seedling mortality varied between species; Q. xalapensis was affected by herbivory by voles but mainly in the exotic grass-dominated stands, whereas A. acuminata seedlings died due to competition with the exotic grass. A. acuminata seedlings increased more in height in the exotic grass-dominated stands (102 ± 7.8 cm) compared to native grass-dominated stands (51 ± 4.7 cm). Grass layer height, cover and available PAR were correlated (Pearson; p < 0.05). In the exotic grass dominated plots, grass layer height was correlated with the relative height growth rates of Q. xalapensis (Pearson; p < 0.05). These results indicate that the exotic grass may be affecting tree regeneration directly (grass competition) and indirectly (higher herbivory). Passive restoration may occur once P. glutinosum dominated pastures are abandoned. However, when C. plectostachyus dominates, introduction of early and mid successional tree seedlings protected against vole damage is needed.  相似文献   

Although many reforestation projects have attempted to mitigate deforestation in the Philippines, most have focused on planting introduced trees, often with low success rates. A smallholder-based project in the Visayas region planted native species instead. This study assessed the growth performance of forty-four native and sixteen introduced species in 25 sites established by this project between 1995 and 2000. Diameter at breast height and total height were measured for 2,789 trees. Mean annual increments for diameter (MAID) at breast height and height (MAIH) were significantly higher for trees planted on limestone-influenced soils (MAID = 1.19 cm/year; MAIH = 1.05 m/year) than on purely volcanic soils (MAID = 0.81 cm/year; MAIH = 0.78 m/year). Growth of two native species, Melia dubia and Terminalia microcarpa, was higher than that of the widely planted exotic Swietenia macrophylla. The height increment for the highest-performing dipterocarp species, Shorea guiso, Shorea contorta, and Parashorea malaanonan, was not statistically different from the MAIH of S. macrophylla. A range of soil characteristics predicted performance, with organic matter predicting growth for six species, and percent nitrogen and percent clay predicting performance of five species. These findings show that certain native species can perform better than some exotic species when planted in open areas. They also disprove the widely held belief in the Philippines that Dipterocarpaceae cannot be planted in grasslands, and suggest that dipterocarps can be used successfully in reforestation. Finally, the findings show that more research is needed on species-site matching and on silvicultural management of native species plantations.  相似文献   

We investigated acclimation responses of seedlings and saplings of the pioneer species Cecropia schreberiana Miq. and three non-pioneer species, Dacryodes excelsa Vahl, Prestoea acuminata (Willdenow) H.E. Moore var. montana (Graham) Henderson and Galeano, and Sloanea berteriana Choisy ex DC, following a hurricane disturbance in a lower montane wet forest in Puerto Rico. Measurements were made, shortly after passage of the hurricane, on leaves expanded before the hurricane (pre-hurricane leaves) and, at a later time, on recently matured leaves that developed after the hurricane (post-hurricane leaves) from both seedlings and saplings at sites that were severely damaged by the hurricane (disturbed sites) and at sites with little disturbance (undisturbed sites). Pre-hurricane leaves of the non-pioneer species had relatively low light-saturated photosynthetic rates (A(max)) and stomatal conductance (g(s)); neither A(max) nor g(s) responded greatly to the increase in irradiance that resulted from the disturbance, and there were few significant differences between seedlings and saplings. Pre-hurricane leaves of plants at undisturbed sites had low dark respiration rates per unit area (R(d)) and light compensation points (LCP), whereas pre-hurricane leaves of plants at disturbed sites had significantly higher R(d) and LCP. Post-hurricane leaves of plants at disturbed sites had significantly higher A(max) and R(d) than plants at undisturbed sites. Compared with seedlings, saplings had higher A(max) and R(d) and showed greater acclimation to the increase in irradiance that followed the disturbance. Post-hurricane leaves of the non-pioneer species had significantly lower A(max) and were less responsive to changes in irradiance than the pioneer species C. schreberiana. Variation in A(max) across light environments and stages was strongly related to differences in leaf mass per unit area (LMA), especially in the non-pioneer species. As indicated by V(cmax) or J(max) per unit nitrogen, light acclimation of A(max) was determined by leaf morphology (LMA) for the non-pioneer species and by both leaf morphology and leaf biochemistry for C. schreberiana. Ontogenetic changes in A(max) were attributable to changes in leaf morphology. The ontogenetic component of variation in A(max) across light environments and stages differed among species, ranging from 36 to 59% for the non-pioneer species (D. excelsa, 59.3%; P. acuminata var. montana, 44.7%; and S. berteriana, 36.3%) compared with only 17% in the pioneer species C. schreberiana.  相似文献   

To estimate the potential bonding performance of bonded wood products from tropical fast-growing tree species, a study on the bondability of Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen, Pinus merkusii Jungh et. De. Vriese, and Acacia mangium Willd from Indonesia was conducted. Two-ply laminations were produced using polyvinyl acetate emulsion (PVAc), urea formaldehyde (UF), resorcinol formaldehyde (RF), and water-based polymer isocyanate (API) adhesives. In order to determine the bonding performance, the block-shear test was applied according to the Japanese Agricultural Standard for structural glued laminated timber under normal conditions and after accelerated-aging treatments. To support this study, the wettability of each wood species was also investigated through contact-angle measurement. The results showed that the bonding performance of low-density P. falcataria was better than that of medium-density P. merkusii and medium-density A. mangium, while the bonding performance of medium-density P. merkusii was better than that of medium-density A. mangium. Furthermore, compared with A. mangium, the small contact angle and good wettability in P. falcataria and P. merkusii result in better adhesion and more intimate contact between the wood surfaces and adhesive.  相似文献   

Kunert  Norbert  Zailaa  Joseph 《New Forests》2019,50(6):873-890
New Forests - Leaf traits have been shown to explain a great fraction of differences in growth rates in trees. With this study, we evaluate if differences in growth performance of different species...  相似文献   

Most tree species in tropical mountain rain forests are naturally associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Previous studies in southern Ecuador of 115 tree species revealed that only three species were not associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Seedlings of tropical tree species raised in the nursery may need to be associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to survive transplantation shock in higher numbers. Methods for establishing plantations with native tree species are not yet established for Ecuador. Thus, we investigated the feasibility of using mycorrhizal roots of seedlings of Inga acreana, Tabebuia chrysantha, Cedrela montana and Heliocarpus americanus that had trapped mycorrhizal fungi from forest humus in the nursery to inoculate C. montana and H. americanus with native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Inoculation with either a mixture of mycorrhizal roots from the four species or only with mycorrhizal roots from the same tree species were compared with effects of moderate fertilization. Assessment of plant growth and mycorrhizal status of 6-months-old Cedrela montana and Heliocarpus americanus revealed an improvement in growth and diverse associated fungi through mycorrhizal root inoculation in comparison with moderate fertilization. Moderate fertilization did not suppress mycorrhization.  相似文献   

In tropical moist forests, seasonal drought limits plant survival, productivity and diversity. Drought-tolerance mechanisms of tropical species should reflect the maximum seasonal water deficits experienced in a particular habitat. We investigated stem xylem vulnerability to cavitation in nine tropical species with different life histories and habitat associations. Stem xylem vulnerability was scored as the xylem water potential causing 50 and 75% loss of hydraulic conductivity (P50 and P75, respectively). Four shade-tolerant shrubs ranged from moderately resistant (P50=-1.9 MPa for Ouratea lucens Kunth. Engl.) to highly resistant to cavitation (P50=-4.1 MPa for Psychotria horizontalis Sw.), with shallow-rooted species being the most resistant. Among the tree species, those characteristic of waterlogged soils, Carapa guianensis Aubl., Prioria copaifera Griseb. and Ficus citrifolia Mill., were the most vulnerable to cavitation (P50=-0.8 to -1.6 MPa). The wet-season, deciduous tree, Cordia alliodora (Ruiz and Pav.) Oken., had resistant xylem (P50=-3.2 MPa), whereas the dry-season, deciduous tree, Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. was among the most vulnerable to cavitation (P50=-0.8 MPa) of the species studied. For eight out of the nine study species, previously reported minimum seasonal leaf water potentials measured in the field during periods of drought correlated with our P50 and P75 values. Rooting depth, deciduousness, soil type and growth habit might also contribute to desiccation tolerance. Our results support the functional dependence of drought tolerance on xylem resistance to cavitation.  相似文献   

通过铺设米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)等12个阔叶树种的对比试验和调查其生长指标,评价6 a生多树种混交林分中各树种的生长表现。结果表明:除了土沉香(Aquilaria sinensis)的保存率仅为32.3%外,试验林其它11个树种6 a生时的保存率均在90%以上,表明了绝大多数树种对当地环境具有良好的适应性;不同树种的胸径和树高生长差异显著,其中西南桦(Betula alnoides)和米老排生长表现最好,胸径年均生长量为2.49和2.36 cm,树高年均生长量为1.79和1.47 m;而油楠(Sindora glabra)、土沉香和格木(Erythrophleum fordii)等珍贵树种,其胸径和树高的年均生长量均最低;通过聚类分析可知,西南桦和米老排属于速生型,红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)、山桂花(Paramichelia baillonii)、山杜英(Elaeocarpus sylvestris)以及灰木莲(Magnoliaceae glanca)属于较速生型,火力楠(Michelia macclurei)、红苞木(Rhodoleia championii)以及乐昌含笑(M. chapensis)属于中生型,油楠、土沉香和格木属于慢生型。基于上述分析,推荐米老排、西南桦、红椎、山桂花和灰木莲等5个较速生、适应性强且病虫害少的树种用于营建粤西地区的生态公益林。  相似文献   

Seedling growth response of two tropical tree species (Schima superba and Cryptocarya concinna) to simulated N deposition was studied during a period of 11 months. One-year-old seedlings were grown in forest soil treated with N as NH4NO3 at Control–no N addition, N5–5, N10–10, N15–15, and N30–30 g N m−2 year−1. The objective was to examine the effects of N addition on seedling growth and compare this effect between the two tropical tree species of different species-N-requirement. Results showed that both species responded significantly to N addition and exhibited positive effect to lower rate of N addition and negative effect to higher rate of N addition on growth parameters (height and stem base diameter, biomass production, and net photosynthetic rate). The highest values were observed in the N10 plots for S. superba and in the N15 plots for C. concinna, but the lowest values were observed in the N30 plots for both species. However, the reduction in the N30 plots was more pronounced for S. superba than for C. concinna relative to the control plots. Our findings suggest that response of seedling growth of tropical tree species to atmospheric N deposition may vary depending on rate of N deposition and species-N-requirement.  相似文献   

Sampling strategies to provide unbiased estimates of individual tree characteristics have received increased attention in the past decade. Sampling-based estimation is appealing for many tropical species owing to the dearth of appropriately fitted models from which one can obtain an accurate prediction of these characteristics. Two methods, namely randomized branch sampling and importance sampling, are described in this paper. Their application to estimate surface (bark) area and average stem length is elucidated. Extensions to a stratified design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Testing techniques to reduce weed infestation is a crucial step in developing direct tree seeding systems. The use of pre-emergence herbicides may be an alternative to manual weeding techniques, but so far, information on how they affect the seeds of native tree species is scarce. We established a greenhouse experiment to evaluate the effects of four pre-emergence herbicides (atrazine, diuron, isoxaflutole and oxyfluorfen) on weed suppression and seedling emergence and early growth of seven tropical forest tree species (Annona coriacea Mart., Citharexylum myrianthum Cham., Cordia ecalyculata Vell., Peltophorum dubium (Spreng.) Taub., Psidium guajava L., Pterogyne nitens Tul. and Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi). The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with five treatments and five replicates. The treatments consisted of a single dose of each pre-emergence herbicide and a control. Throughout the 60 days after sowing we evaluated weed cover and seedling emergence and early growth of tree species. Overall, our results suggest that all tested herbicides reduced weed cover; however, they also negatively affected tree species seedling emergence. Of the four herbicides tested, atrazine and diuron showed the greatest effects on tree seedling emergence, oxyfluorfen was least aggressive towards native species and isoxaflutole was most effective in weed control. Native tree species varied in their responses to herbicides, indicating that future experiments should increase the number of species tested as well as investigate how seed traits can affect the species responses to different herbicides.  相似文献   

Senbeta  Feyera  Teketay  Demel  Näslund  Bert-Åke 《New Forests》2002,24(2):131-145
Regeneration of native woody species was studied in the plantations and the adjacent natural forest at Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area, Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that tree plantations foster regeneration of native woody species. A total of 60 plots, having 10 × 10 m area each, were studied in monoculture plantations of 4 exotic species (Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalyptus globulus, E. saligna, Pinus patula) and an adjacent natural forest. Ages of the plantations ranged between 9 and 28 years. Soil seed bank analysis was also undertaken from soil samples collected in each of the 60 plots to examine the similarity between the soil seed flora and aboveground vegetation. A total of 56 naturally regenerated woody species were recorded beneath all plantation stands with densities ranging between 2300 and 18650 individuals / ha in different stands. There was a significant difference among plantation stands with regard to understorey density (standard deviation: 4836 ± 1341). Vegetation diversity was assessed through analyses of floristic composition, species richness and abundance. Generally, seedling populations were the most abundant components of the regeneration in most of the plantation stands, forming 68 % of the total regeneration count in all stands. A total of 77 plant species represented by 44 herbs, 13 woody species, 8 grasses and 12 unidentified species were recorded in the soil seed bank from all stands. Similarity between the soil seed bank and aboveground flora was very low implying that the role of soil seed banks is negligible rather dispersal plays an important role in the process of regeneration. These results support the concept that forest plantations can foster the regeneration of native woody species, thereby increasing biological diversity, provided that there are seed sources in the vicinity of the plantations.  相似文献   

The fuelwood potential of indigenous (Acacia nilotica, Azadirachta indica, Casuarina equisetifolia, Dalbergia sissoo, Prosopis cineraria andZizyphus mauritiana) and exotics (Acacia auriculiformis, A. tortilis, Eucalyptus camaldulensis andE. tereticornis) trees were studied. Calorific value variations for components, such as, stump, main stem, treetop, branches, foliage and bark, were determined. Tree components differed highly significantly (P<0.01) among groups (indigenous and exotics) and within species. The calorific means ranged from 18.7 to 20.8 MJ/kg for indigenous tree species and 17.3 to 19.3 MJ/kg for exotics. Besides calorific values, other fuelwood characteristics, such as, density, ash, biomass/ash ratio, moisture and nitrogen content were also studied. It was observed that indigenous tree species are better suited as fuelwood species as they contain high density wood, low ash content and low N percentage. The fuelwood value index (FVI) was found to be high of indigenous tree species and was maximum forCasuarina equisetifolia (2815). The most promising tree species were in the order ofC. equisetifolia, A. nilotica andZ. mauritiana.  相似文献   

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