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The preliminary assessment of progeny test in a seed orchard of Eucalyptus globulus Labill.ssp.globulus at Yipinglang State Farm of Yunnan Province in China was conducted.The trial was composed of 21 replications,with 2 trees on each plot,15 plots in each incomplete block,and 18 incomplete blocks in each replication,laid out in a α-design of 270 open-pollinated families.The families were of three categories (natural populations,local land race and seed orchard).They were further subdivided into 11 regions.The data from an assessment of growth,stem form and other characteristics of the young trees after being planted 2 years were analyzed.Results are as follows:the different categories differed significantly in their growth,with the families from seed orchards being the best.Regions also differed significantly in their growth.The families from the regions of Westem Victoria,Eastern Victoria and all three seed orchards were better than others.The tamilies from Yunnan had the best frost tolerant and its survival was the highest.For growth,stem form and fungal tolerance,the families from Yunnan were similar to that from Southern Tasmania and Eastem Tasmania.Two-tree plots were strongly recommended over singletree plot designs for large-scale progeny trials.  相似文献   

Genetic improvement of Eucalyptus genotypes for drought and frost resistance is essential for successful intensive management of commercial plantations. Understanding the physiological mechanisms that relate water use and frost resistance for highly deployed genotypes may allow for better prediction of their future performance, genetic selection and seedling management for site specific purposes. We studied whether instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE i ) may serve as drought, freezing and photoinhibition tolerance predictor by studying its response on six E. globulus clones (Eg1–Eg6) and four E. globulus × E. nitens hybrid seedlings (Egn1–Egn4) under drought and irrigated (control) treatments. Net photosynthesis (A) and transpiration (E) were studied using a gas exchange system in order to calculate WUE i (A/E). Simultaneous chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements were performed to assess the non photochemical quenching components. Frost tolerance of plants under control and drought treatments were evaluated by measuring temperatures that exert 50% photoinactivation of photosystem II. Finally, drought tolerance was evaluated by plant survival within each genotype after rehydration. Our results showed significant genotype variability in the rate of soil and xylem water potential decrease during drought. While most of the genotypes reached ?4.0 MPa in about 35 days of drought, genotypes Eg6 and Egn4 required 56 days of drought to reach this xylem water potential. WUE i exhibited significant differences among genotypes and irrigation treatments. Genotypes Eg5 and Egn4 increased their WUE i between 70 and 80% after drought. This was associated with a more conservative control of water loss at the stomatal level combined with maintenance of relatively higher rates of net photosynthesis than the other genotypes under drought conditions. Plants exposed to drought were more freezing tolerant than control plants, having in average 3°C lower LT50 than well irrigated ones. There was no a clear correlation between WUE i and drought tolerance or drought-induced photoinhibition, however WUE i was inversely correlated with LT50. Our results suggest that WUE i is not suitable by itself to select drought tolerant genotypes, but may provide evidence for discarding drought sensitive genotypes. In addition, it could provide valuable information to select for freezing tolerance.  相似文献   

Recovery following defoliation can be modified by co-occurring site resource limitations. The growth response of young Eucalyptus globulus saplings to two defoliation events was examined in an experimental plantation with combinations of low (-) or high (+) water (W) and nitrogen (N) resources. Artificial defoliation was applied at 3 and 9 months of age to remove ~40 and 55% of leaf area in the upper crown, respectively. At 18 months of age, height, stem diameter and leaf area were not significantly different between control and defoliated saplings, across all resource treatments. However, stem volume, bark volume and branch number were significantly increased in defoliated saplings, including a significant interaction with resource treatment. Total above-ground biomass of saplings in response to defoliation was significantly higher (almost double) than controls for the low water (N?+?W-) treatment only. Significantly increased foliar starch content (and a trend for increased soluble sugars) in the upper crown zone was found in the defoliated saplings of the N?+?W- treatment compared with the upper zone of control saplings. Foliar total non-structural carbohydrates were significantly correlated to stem biomass regardless of resource treatment or defoliation, and we suggest that foliar resources are most important for stem growth in E. globulus rather than stored carbon (C) from other tissues. After repeated defoliation and several months recovery, E. globulus saplings were generally not C limited in this study.  相似文献   

Warren CR 《Tree physiology》2011,31(7):727-739
Phosphorus (P) has multiple effects on plant metabolism, but there are many unresolved questions especially for evergreen trees. For example, we do not know the general effects of P on metabolism, or if P affects photosynthesis via the internal conductance to CO(2) transfer from sub-stomatal cavities to chloroplast or amounts of Rubisco. This study investigates how P?deficiency affects seedlings of the evergreen tree Eucalyptus globulus grown for 2.5 months with four nutrient solutions differing in P concentration. To determine why photosynthesis was affected by P supply, Rubisco was quantified by capillary electrophoresis, internal conductance was quantified from gas exchange and carbon isotope discrimination, and biochemical parameters of photosynthesis were estimated from A/C(c) responses. Additional insights into the effect of P on metabolism were provided by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) metabolite profiling. Larger concentrations of P in the nutrient solution led to significantly faster rates of photosynthesis. There was no evidence that stomatal or internal conductances contributed to the effect of P supply on photosynthesis. The increase in photosynthesis with P supply was correlated with V(cmax), and amounts of P, phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate (6-P). Phosphorous supply affected approximately one-third of the 90 aqueous metabolites quantified by GC-MS, but the effect size was generally smaller than reported for experiments on herbaceous species. Phosphorus deficiency decreased concentrations of phosphate, glucose 6-P and fructose 6-P more than it decreased photosynthesis, suggesting faster turnover of smaller pools of phosphate and phosphorylated intermediates. The effect of P supply on most amino acids was small, with the exception of arginine and glutamine, which increased dramatically under P deficiency. P deficiency had small or non-significant effects on carbohydrates and organic acids of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The small effect of P on carbohydrates, organic acids and (most) amino acids likely reflects a functional homeostasis among C metabolism (glycolysis, TCA and pentose P cycles), rates of photosynthesis and growth. The strong functional homeostasis in E. globulus may reflect a conservative, long-term growth and metabolic strategy of evergreen trees.  相似文献   

In order to examine the causes of degradation of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations on sandy land, the foliar concentrations of N, P, K and C were analyzed and compared between the field grown P. sylvestris var. mongolica trees from two provenances (natural forests and plantations). The results indicated that natural tree needles had lower N, P and C concentrations, and higher K concentrations than those of plantation tree needles. For plantation tree needles, ratios of N: P, P. K and N: K increased with tree age before 45 years old; but they were not clear for the natural tree needles. Compared with the conclusions reported on Pinus spp., we found that the foliar N and P concentrations were in the optimal range for both natural and plantation tree needles. This result suggested that N or P might not be the absolute limit factors in plant nutrient for P sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy land. However, foliar K concentrations in both natural and plantation tree needles were much lower than those reported on Pinus spp. (〉4.80 g kg-1).The N: P ratio of natural needles was in the adequate ranges, but N: P ratio of plantation needles was out of the adequate ranges. These results indicated that there was a better balanced nutrition status in the natural forest than in the plantations. If only considering the foliar nutrient concentrations of P sylvestris var. mongolica from different provenances, it might be concluded that the degradation phenomenon of P. sylvestris var. mongolica plantations was not induced by nutrition deficiency of absolute nutrients of N and P, but might be induced by other mineral nutrients or by the effectiveness of N and P nutrients. The unbalanced nutrition status and relatively quick decomposition of needles in the plantations might also contribute to the degradation.  相似文献   

Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestiris Linnaeus var. mongolica Litvinov) as a valuable conifer tree species has been broadly introduced to the sandy land areas in “Three North” regions (North, northwest and northeast of China), but many prob-lems occurred in the earliest Mongolian pine plantations in 7hanggutai, 7hangwu County, Liaoning Province (ZZL). In order to clarify the reason, comprehensive investigations were carried out on differences in structure characteristics, growth processes and ecological factors between artificial stands (the first plantation established in ZZL in 1950s) and natural stands (the origin forests of the tree species in Honghuaerji, Inner Mongolia) on sandy land. The results showed that variation of diameter-class distributions in artificial stands and natural stands could be described by Weibull and Normal distribution models, respectively.Chapman-Richards growth model was employed to reconstruct the growth process of Mongolian pine based on the data from field investigation and stem analysis. The ages of maximum of relative growth rate and average growth rate of DBH, height, and volume of planted trees were 11,22 years, 8, 15 years and 35, 59 years earlier than those of natural stand trees, respectively. In respect of the incremental acceleration of volume, the artificial and natural stands reached their maximum values at 14 years and 33 years respectively. The quantitative maturity ages of artificial stands and natural stands were 43 years and 102 years respectively. It was concluded that the life span of the Mongolian pine trees in natural stands was about 60 years longer than those in artificial stands. The differences mentioned above between artificial and natural Mongolian pine forests on sandy land were partially attributed to the drastic variations of ecological conditions such as latitude, temperature, precipitation, evaporation and height above sea level. Human beings‘‘ disturbances and higher density in plantation forest may be ascribed as additional reasons. Those results may be potentially useful for the management and afforestation of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWith the structural change of China’s timber resources,the wood supply is mainly from plantation instead ofnatural forests. So it became more and more importantfor development and utilization of plantation wood.Eucalyptus trees are planted in more than 600 countiesor cities of 17 regions and provinces in China and itsarea is over 1.5 million ha, the stock volume has reached60 million m3 (Yin Yafang et al. 2001). Eucalyptusurophylla × E. grandis, a mainly fast-growing speci…  相似文献   

Roots of 1‐year‐old containerized seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were experimentally frozen in December. The seedlings were then grown for 3 weeks in a growth chamber and evaluated with regard to root growth capacity (RGC) and shoot elongation. The subsequent RGC of Scots pine declined as root zone temperatures were lowered from ‐6°C to ‐11°C and from ‐11°C to ‐16°C. Almost no root growth was observed after exposure to ‐20°C. Shoot growth was also negatively affected by low root temperatures but less than root growth. Low root temperatures did not affect Norway spruce as much as Scots pine, although root and shoot growth of Norway spruce were reduced after exposure to the lowest test temperatures (‐16°C and ‐20°C). The length of exposure, ranging between 1 and 8 hours had no effect on subsequent growth.  相似文献   

以巨细桉无性系DH201-2叶片为材料进行植株再生研究,揭示叶片位置和切除方式对愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的影响,结果表明:叶片位置对叶片培养死亡率与叶片植株再生率、叶片植株再生芽数影响显著,对愈伤产生率基本没影响.以组培生根苗第1~6片叶作外植体进行愈伤培养与植株再生培养效果较好,以第1~2片叶作外植体效果最佳,第7~8片叶不宜作为外植体培养;拉下或剪下全叶两种方式,植株再生率与再生芽数较高,全叶剪除1/3叶尖方式效果最佳,能有效加速叶片的愈伤生长及植株分化,提高叶片植株再生率及再生芽数.全叶剪除叶柄及1/3叶尖方式效果最差,植株再生率、再生芽数效果最低.培养50d,愈伤植株再生率及再生芽数达到高峰期.  相似文献   

Effects of harrowing and fertilisation on tree growth, understory vegetation, forest floor litter and soil properties were studied in a field experiment installed in a 5-year-old first rotation eucalypt plantation. The treatments were harrowing (H), fertilisation (F), harrowing and fertilisation (HF) and a control without any treatments (C), with four replicates. Tree growth, root mass, tree nutrition status, understory vegetation, mass of forest floor litter and soil physical and chemical properties were monitored till the end of the rotation (stand was 14-year old). Effects of treatments on tree growth, root mass and timber production were not significant. Root nutrient concentration differed between treatments only few months after the beginning of the experiment, while differences regarding specific root length and area were observed during the first year. Harrowing (H and HF) led to significantly smaller biomass of understory vegetation (<13.4 g m−2) than other treatments (33−61 g m−2) during the first 3 years, but at the end of the experiment differences were less important. Forest floor litter mass after 3 years and at the end of the experiment were similar among treatments. Soil bulk density significantly decreased by harrowing (H and HF treatments), but 16 months after treatments were similar. Although soil chemical properties were not significantly affected by treatments, a decrease in base cations occurred during the rotation period. Fertiliser application is a questionable practice under the economic point of view, whereas harrowing can reduce the fuel load only during a short period, without negative effects on productivity and soil quality.  相似文献   

Warren CR  Tausz M  Adams MA 《Tree physiology》2005,25(11):1369-1378
We investigated adaptation of leaf morphology and physiology of red ironbark (Eucalyptus sideroxylon Cunn. Ex. Wools subsp. tricarpa L.A.S. Johnson) in a common garden experiment. Fifteen populations, representing a rainfall range of 500 to 1055 mm per annum at the sites of seed collection, were grown at the same site. Because environmental variables other than rainfall did not vary significantly among populations, we were able to test if leaf morphology and physiology were related to seed-source rainfall. There were large differences among and within populations in all measured variables. Most univariate relationships with seed-source rainfall were not significant. Notable exceptions were the weak positive correlation of specific leaf area with seed-source rainfall-consistent with expectations-and the weak negative correlation of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance with seed-source rainfall-the opposite of what we predicted. In many cases, populations collected from sites of similar rainfall differed greatly in leaf morphology and physiology. Principal component analysis (PCA) reduced the 13 input variables to five principal components (PC) explaining 73.0% of the total variance in the original data. Some of the PC axes could be interpreted in terms of adaptation to drought (i.e., to seed-source rainfall), but relationships of accumulated variables (the PC axes) with seed-source rainfall were significant for only one PC axis. Hence, among red ironbark populations grown in a common garden, there was significant genetic variation in leaf morphology and physiology, but for most traits, this variation was unrelated to rainfall at the site of seed collection. This study adds to a growing body of common garden literature showing weak within-species relationships of leaf morphology and physiology with seed-source rainfall, in contrast to the consistently stronger relationships among species growing at different points along broad environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Hybrid combinations of Eucalyptus have increased due to expansion of plantations into unconventional areas and to the search for higher quality timber.However,most of these species have difficulties surviving in vitro cultivation.Active chlorine and sealing systems are often used to reduce contamination and increase gas exchange.The aim of the present study is to evaluate the establishment,multiplication,elongation and adventitious rooting of E.grandis × E.urophylla.Two clones(C1 and C2) and four active chlorine concentrations(0.000%,0.001%,0.003%,and 0.005%) were tested in the establishment and multiplication phases.Three sealing forms(W/M,1/M and 3/M) and the same four active chlorine concentrations were applied to the elongation phase.Two luminosities(dark and light)and three sealings(W/M,1/M and 3/M) were tested during adventitious rooting.Active chlorine concentration of0.005% led to the lowest fungal contamination rate and to the highest in vitro establishment.Active chlorine concentration of 0.003% resulted in the greatest length and highest number of shoots per explant in the multiplication phase.There were no phytotoxicity problems and the quality of plants grown in an environment with active chlorine was maintained in comparison with those grown in an autoclave.The increase in gas exchange in ventilation systems had a positive impact on the in vitro growth and development of plants.  相似文献   

1 MATERIALSAND METHODS 1.1 Materials The test specimens were made according to ASTM whose dimension was 20.0 mm×127.0 mm×1.20 m (thickness×width×length). The size and number for individual test’s smaller samples are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Smaller samples for individual test 1.2 Methods 1.2.1 Shaping A single spindle shaper was used to test shaping properties, which was equipped with a moulding- Individual test Size (T × W × L)(mm) Number Shaping 19.0×76.0×305.0 29 B…  相似文献   

Eucalyptus is the most valuable cultivated forest genus in the tropical and subtropical areas nowadays. It has been a challenge for foresters to model growth due to the genetic variations, management regimes, and multiple products generated from the plantations. In this paper, Logistic equation was used to study the stock growth process of E. urophylla × E. grandis plantation at age of 14 with 6 spacing treatments. And the biological interpretation of the parameters of Logistic equation was analyzed. The re...  相似文献   

Wood drying is one of the most important process links in wood products processing.However, the existing drying methods mainly depend on heat to desiccate wood, which makes wooddrying consume roughly 40% - 70% of the total energy in the entire wood process. Using solar energyfor drying is greatly significant in two aspects of energy conservation and environment protection. Themoisture content (MC) of lumber affects not only the target value of wood drying, but also the heattransfer properties, moisture rate of expansion, etc., affecting dried lumber quality and drying rate.Eucalyptus grandis × E.urophylla lumbers were collected from Guangdong as test materials and dried inthe solar dryer with low temperature schedule and the effect of initial moisture content were primarystudied on drying rate. Experiments showed that solar drying was suitable for timber with high MC. Interms of drying rate and dried lumber quality, solar drying was as good as traditional steam drying withthe same schedule. And the solar dryer had distinct energy-saving effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study and describe fungal communities in different habitats in dry Mediterranean areas. The objective was to determine whether artificial reforestations can develop fungal communities as productive and diverse as those found in natural stands. The results could provide ecological and economical implications for forest management in marginal areas, in order to recover the original forest dominated by Quercus, establishing as intermediate stage new forest stands dominated by Pinus which might play an essential role in restoring some type of degraded or marginal areas.  相似文献   

Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests in parts of northern Lower Michigan have been managed with 30 years of extensive clearcut harvesting followed by planted stand establishment in order to maintain habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii). We used two, parallel chronosequences to study how this management has affected the structural development of jack pine stands relative to the historically dominant disturbance regime of stand-replacing wildfire. Each chronosequence consisted of three young stands (age range 3–6 years), three intermediate-aged stands (age range of 12–17 years) and three mature stands (age range of 39–69 years). Average stem density in young plantations (2300 stems/ha) was lower than the average for young, fire-origin stands (11,000) and varied over a much narrower range among stands (1403–2667 for plantations and 1552–24,192 in fire stands). In addition, within-stand patchiness of stem density was also much higher in the wildfire sites for young and intermediate ages. Plantation sites possessed very little dead wood at young ages (averaging 3 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD) compared to young fire-origin stands (averaging 252 snags/ha and 49 m3/ha CWD). In contrast, mature plantations had similar levels of dead wood (averaging 269 snags/ha and 22 m3/ha CWD) as mature fire-origin stands (averaging 557 snags/ha and 12 m3/ha CWD). Differences between the plantation and fire-origin chronosequences were driven mainly by young- and intermediate-aged stands, whereas mature stands were typically quite similar in all structural features. Our results show clearly that forest management aimed at preserving and enhancing the population of a single endangered species results in greatly simplified habitat structure at the stand level, and suggest that this simplification is perpetuated across the landscape as well. Of particular concern are the effects of extensive harvesting and planting on the availability of snags and CWD.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen content [N1(no fertilizer), N2(0.15 g?kg–1), and N3(0.3 g?kg–1)] on the growth and the hydraulic characteristics of peach seedlings under different soil moisture conditions(W1, W2 and W3, in which the soil water content was 45% to 55%, 60% to 70%, and 75% to 80% of the field water capacity, respectively) by using a specialized high pressure flow meter with a root chamber and a coupling, which was connected to plant organs. Leaf area and leaf hydraulic conductivity(KL) increased significantly in the seedlings because of increased soil moisture and N content. KL increased with leaf area. A linear correlation was documented between KL and leaf area. KL was higher in the morning and began to decline sharply after 16:00, at which KL declined after an initial increase. Soil moisture and N content enhanced shoot(Ks) and root(Kr) hydraulic conductivities, thereby improving the low soil moisture condition to a large extent. Ks and Kr of the seedlings were reduced by 32% and 27% respectively in N1, and by 14.7% and 9.4%, respectively in N2, and both in W1, compared with the control treatment. N3 had no significant effect on Ks and Kr under similar conditions. Linear negative correlations were observed between Kr and the excised root diameter as well as between Ks and the shoot stem diameter. The shoot-to-root ratio increased with increase in N content. The shoot-to-root ratio in N3 was increased by 14.37%, compared with N1 in W1 as well as by 12% and 4.39% in W2 and W3, respectively. Knowledge of the effects of soil moisture and N fertilizer on hydraulic characteristics and growth is important. Our results provide basic guidelines for the implementation of water-saving irrigation and fertilization management of nursery stock.  相似文献   

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