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In many situations, information on stem diameters inside bark (dib) are more desirable than on diameters outside bark (dob). However, obtaining dib measurements is usually expensive, time-consuming, and prone to significant measurement errors when done on standing trees. Many bark thickness equations have been proposed to estimate the dibs of standing trees. In this study, we compared several commonly used bark thickness equations for seven conifer species in the Acadian Region of North America. Mixed-effects modeling techniques were employed to fit linear and non-linear bark thickness equations. We found the equation proposed by Cao and Pepper (South J Appl Forestry 10:220?C224, 1986; Eq. 5) performed significantly better than other equations for most of our study species. The Cao and Pepper (South J Appl Forestry 10:220?C224, 1986) equation is a function of dob, relative height in the stem, tree height, and the ratio of dib to dob at breast height. The mean absolute bias was found to be reduced up to 74% compared with using a fixed ratio approach employed in the widely used Northeastern variant of the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS-NE) growth and yield model. Leave-one-out cross validation was further performed to determine the location of suitable prior measurements in the prediction process for three of the most well-behaved equations. Results show that no unified prior measurement can provide best predictive abilities across all species as the choice of prior dib measurements depends on both species and bark thickness equations.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopl11entofecono111yandoPeninghn1berInarket.thehlnbersizeiscaredaboutmorea11dl11ol'e.otl1ermse,l11uIhpleproductinventonesrequlresaccurateeshmatesofproductsizes(dial11eteral1dlengths)andvolume.Koreanpine(PinIisko1nIensisSib.etZucc.)isararehn1bersPeciesil1Heilol1roial1gProvince.ItisnecessarynotonlytopredicttI1evolumebasedonvolumetablebutalsotoas-sesstheassotheent.Accordingtothenahol1alhmbercritenonandthewoodqt1ality,thestandqualityisdetenl1i11ed.ThemainPOintofco…  相似文献   


• Introduction  

The accurate estimation of stem taper and volume are crucial for the efficient management of the forest resources. Compatible segmented polynomial taper and volume equations were developed for Brutian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.), Lebanon cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.), Cilicica fir (Abies cilicica Carr.), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and Black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.).  相似文献   

A model that describes the relationship between the form-factors for stem volume and those for stem surface area in coniferous species is proposed. The model is derived assuming that the stem form of a tree can be expressed by Kunze's equation. The model indicated that the form-factor for stem surface area was directly proportional to the square root of the form-factor for stem surface volume, independent of the stem position. The proposed model expressed the relationship of the form-factors for Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) trees well. Therefore, the form-factors for stem surface area could be estimated from those for stem volume. No significant difference in the coefficient was found between Japanese cedar and Japanese cypress trees, indicating that the proportional coefficient would be common between the two species. Many studies have shown that the form-factors for stem volume at 0.7 and 0.5 in relative height were, respectively, almost steady at 0.7 and 1.0, independent of species, district, density control, and growth stage. Substituting these universal values into the proposed model, the form-factors for stem surface area at 0.7 and 0.5 in relative height were estimated to be 0.730 and 0.873, respectively. The estimated values of the form-factors for stem surface area would be universal for coniferous species. The proposed model also showed that the breast height form-factor for stem surface area decreased sharply with the increase in total tree height, when the height was less than 10 m. However, after the tree attained the total height of 10 m, the breast height form-factor gradually decreased with the total tree height approaching its asymptotic value of 0.605. In conclusion, the model proposed here can be used to describe the relationship between form-factors for stem volume and those for stem surface area successfully.  相似文献   

Taper equation was developed to predict diameters at specific height for Larix kaempferi species in the Central Region of South Korea. The sampled trees that were collected through destructive sampling ranged from 0.60 to 47.90 cm DBH with total height ranging from 2.00 to 33.00 m. The dataset was randomly split into two: 80% for initial model fitting and 20% for model validation. The combined that means 100% dataset was used for final model fitting. Statistics of fit were used as criteria, including the coefficient of determination (R2), standard error of the estimate (SEE), bias (ē), the absolute mean difference (AMD), and the Akaike information criterion (AIC) values and weight (AICw), with a rank analysis being applied. Initial model fitting utilized a total of nine taper equations, with the three segmented taper equations and another three non-segmented determined for model validation and final model fitting. Kozak02 equation, which had not yet been evaluated for L. kaempferi species, indicated the best performance for the species in the Central Region of South Korea. Upon comparison, the ability of this study to predict diameters at specific height and stem volume was better than the existing taper equation for L. kaempferi in South Korea.  相似文献   

Quantitative models of crown structure have been developed for several conifer species, but these studies have rarely simultaneously fit the models across multiple species. This study used extensive crown structure data for the five primary conifer species in Maine to test for species differences in maximum branch diameter profile, branch density, and relative branch diameter distribution. The species included balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill], northern white-cedar [Thuja occidentalis (L.)], eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.], eastern white pine [Pinus strobus (L.)], and red spruce [Picea rubens (Sarg.)]. After accounting for key covariates, significant species differences were found in all crown structural attributes examined in this study. Profiles for the mean tree indicated that northern white-cedar had the smallest maximum branch diameters throughout the crown and white pine had the largest, except near the base of the crown where the species switched in rank. The density of live branches in a crown had the widest range of variation of the examined crown structural attributes. Red spruce had a significantly higher density of primary branches than the other conifers, particularly in the upper crown. The relative branch diameter distribution indicated that balsam fir had a distribution more skewed towards larger relative branch sizes, while eastern hemlock and red spruce had distributions shifted towards smaller relative branches. This study highlights the range of variability in key crown structural attributes due to inherent species differences, but indicates that models fit across multiple species can perform quite well as the amount of explained variation was relatively high.  相似文献   

The incidence of longitudinal drought cracks in coniferous trees may increase as a consequence of climate change. While larger diameter trees are more prone to splitting, it is unclear why only some of the larger trees within the same stand typically suffer damage. Matched pairs of trees of the same size with and without cracks were studied in two adjacent pole-stage mixed stands of Sitka spruce/grand fir (Picea sitchensis/Abies grandis) and Sitka spruce/noble fir (Picea sitchensis/Abies procera) located in North-East Scotland. A range of attributes were measured on 15 damaged and undamaged trees of each species. Length and position of cracks on stems were also recorded, and annual ring width and latewood percentage measured on cores. Noble fir had significantly longer cracks and these were located higher in the stem than the other species. Fewer cracks formed on east-facing side of stems in all species suggesting that prevailing westerly winds may place greater tensile forces on the damaged sides of stems. A higher proportion of latewood (associated with higher tangential shrinkage) was found in the firs and may explain the greater incidence of cracking on grand and noble fir stems (13% and 16%, respectively) in comparison with Sitka spruce (3%).  相似文献   

Compatible segmented taper and volume functions were developed for Brutian pine, Cedar of Lebanon, and Cilicica fir in Turkey. The proposed models generally performed better for the whole tree, especially for Cilicica fir. Average diameter prediction error was less than 2.2 cm and average volume error was less than 0.009 m3. The proposed models provide needed merchantable stem volume and diameter estimates to any point in the bole based on the 10 relative height classes examined for the three species. Model estimates compared well to existing volume tables currently employed for these three important commercial species.  相似文献   

Accurately and non-destructively quantifying the volume, mass or nutrient content of tree components is fundamental for assessing the impact of site, treatment, and climate on biomass, carbon sequestration, and nutrient uptake of a growing plantation. Typically, this has involved the application of allometric equations utilising diameter and height, but for accurate results, these equations are often specific to species, site, and silvicultural treatment. In this study, we assessed the value of incorporating a third piece of information: the height of diameter measurement. We derived a more general volume equation, based on the conical approximation, using a diameter projected to the base of the tree. Common equations were developed which allowed an accurate estimate of stem volume, dry weight and nutrient content across two key plantation grown eucalypt species, Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden and Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.). The conical model was developed with plantation-grown E. grandis trees ranging from 0.28 to 15.85 m in height (1.05 g to 80.3 kg stem wood dry weight), and E. globulus trees ranging from 0.10 to 34.4 m in height (stem wood dry weight from 0.48 g to 652 kg), grown under a range of contrasting cultural treatments, including spacing (E. grandis), site (E. globulus) and fertilization (nitrogen and phosphorus) for both species. With log transformed data the conical function (Vcon) was closely related to stem sectional volume over bark and stem weight (R2 = 0.996 and 0.990, respectively) for both E. grandis and E. globulus, and the same regressions can be applied to both species. Back transformed data compared with the original data yielded modelling efficiencies of 0.99 and 0.97, respectively. Relationships between Vcon and bark dry weight differed for the two species, reflecting differing bark characteristics. Young trees with juvenile foliage had a different form of relationship to older trees with intermediate or adult foliage, the change of slope corresponding to heights about 1.5 m for E. grandis and age 1 year for E. globulus. The Vcon model proved to be robust, and unlike conventional models, does not need additional parameters for estimating biomass under different cultural treatments. More than 99% of the statistical variance of the logarithm of biomass was accounted for in the model. Vcon captures most of the change in stem taper associated with cultural treatments and some of the change in stem form that occurs after the crown base has lifted appreciably. Fertilization increased N and P concentrations in stem wood and bark, and regressions to estimate N and P contents (the products of biomass and concentration) were dependent on treatment. For instance, there was a large growth response to N fertilization in E. globulus corresponding with a change (P < 0.05) in the intercept of the regression to estimate N content.  相似文献   

The long term effects of superphosphate fertilization on stem form, taper and stem volume estimation of Pinus radiata on a phosphorus-deficient site was examined using data from a fertilizer experiment which had been maintained for 30 years. The application of superphosphate resulted in long term and statistically significant changes in stem form. Mean cylindrical form factor ranged from 0.33 for the control trees up to 0.40 for trees fertilized with 100 kg P ha−1. Stem form was also examined through taper curves which provided detailed depiction of average relative stem profiles. The increase in cylindrical form factor of fertilized trees was largely attributed to a significantly broader profile of the lower third of the stem. In comparison with the control trees, the fertilized trees also had a broader, although not statistically significant, profile of upper and middle stem which could also contribute to the increase in their cylindrical form factor. With increased form factor a greater proportion of the stem became merchantable because of increased log length to tree height ratio. Mean average taper of trees did not show a consistent trend with increasing lelevels of superphosphate application. It largely reflected the differential response of DBH and height growth to the treatments. The volume equation based on control trees underestimated the underbark stem volume of fertilized trees by 5–12% on average. Developing separate volume equations for the fertilized trees is warranted.  相似文献   

  • ? Boundary line release criteria are increasingly applied to evaluate forest disturbance histories from tree-ring data. However, a number of important properties central to the technique have not been evaluated, including: (i) the ability of boundary line release criteria to standardize releases across various sites, species, and tree life stages (ii) the minimum sample sizes necessary for developing boundary lines, and (iii) the degree to which the criteria can resolve the degree of crown exposure following a disturbance event.
  • ? In an analysis of eleven North American tree species, boundary line release criteria do not fully compensate for declines in release response a tree experiences with increasing age and size, with the exception Tsuga canadensis.
  • ? A bootstrapping analysis indicates that approximately 50 000 ring width measurements are necessary to develop boundary line release criteria for a given species.
  • ? In a Quercus prinus stand, boundary line release criteria better predict the degree of crown exposure following a disturbance than an earlier running mean technique.
  • ? Despite certain limitations, boundary line release criteria have the potential to standardize release calculation across most life stages of a tree, and possibly among sites and species.
  •   相似文献   

    Vertical distribution of leaf area largely governs both tree structure and function. Models of this important tree attribute have been constructed for several commercially important conifers. However, a limited number of studies have compared alternative modeling techniques and inherent species differences. This study used several existing datasets for the five primary conifer species in Maine, namely balsam fir [Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.], northern white-cedar [Thuja occidentalis (L.)], eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.], eastern white pine [Pinus strobus (L.)], and red spruce [Picea rubens (Sarg.)] to examine species variation in total and vertical distribution of projected leaf area at the individual branch- and tree-levels. In addition, multiple methods for modeling the vertical distribution of leaf area were examined across the species. For a given branch diameter and location within the crown, eastern hemlock branches held the greatest amount of leaf area, followed by balsam fir, northern white-cedar, white pine, and red spruce. At the tree-level, eastern white pine held the greatest amount of leaf area followed by eastern hemlock, balsam fir, red spruce, and northern white-cedar for a given tree size. Across species, the two-parameter, right-truncated Weibull distribution performed the best for predicting vertical distribution of leaf area when compared to the four-parameter beta and Johnson's SB distributions (reduction of root mean square error of 1.7–21.1%). Northern white-cedar had a relative distribution of leaf area distinctly different than other species in this study with a mode shifted towards the upper crown. In contrast to red spruce and white pine, the mode of the relative distribution of leaf area for balsam fir and eastern hemlock occurred lower in the crown. Results of this study suggest that differences in total and vertical distribution of leaf area exist between species, but significant amounts of their variation are largely accounted for by bole and crown size.  相似文献   

    应用遥感技术、地理信息系统和野外观测数据,评估了热带森林环境下地上生物量和木材蓄积量。用于模拟森林属性的这些数据具有地理特异性和高度的不确定性,因此,这方面需要开展更多的研究工作。选取了16个试样地带1460个样地,测定树木胸径及其他用于评估生物量的其他森林属性。本实验在印尼加里曼丹东部的热带雨林开展。应用现有的胸径-生物量公式来评估地上生物量密度。估测值在研究区修正的GIS地图上重叠显示,计算各种地被物的生物量密度。用样品数据子集表达遥感方法来形成地上生物量和材积线性方程模型。皮尔森相关统计检验采用ETM条带反射率、植被指数、图像变化图层、主成分分析条带、缨帽变换、灰度共生矩阵纹理特征和DEM数据作为预报值。在显著的遥感数据中形成了两个线性模型。为了分析每块地被物总的生物量和材积量,对2000年到2003年卫星ETM图进行了预处理、最大似然估计法分类和主体分析过滤。遥感方法获得的结果表明:材积量为(158±16)m3·hm-2,地上生物量为(168±15)t·hm-2;而野外测定和地理信息系统估计的结果分别是材积量为(157±92)m3·hm-2、地上生物量为(167±94)t·hm-2。用多个瞬间ETM数据评估了从2000年到2003年间的生物量丰富度动态,结果发现这一时期总生物量呈略微的下降趋势。遥感技术评估的生物量丰富度低于地理信息系统和野外测定的结果。前一种测定方法估计2000年和2003年总生物量分别是10.47Gt和10.3Gt,而后一种则估计11.9Gt和11.6Gt。还发现,灰度共生矩阵纹理特征与材积量和生物量之间存在较强的相关性。图7表9参43。  相似文献   

    One main task of forestry is a reliable estimation of the stem form and its development applied in calculating total and log volume. As long as process-oriented models are not available for this practical use, empirical models must serve instead. Taper curve data of trees within stands normally show a rank maintenance,i.e., a tree which has a greater diameter than another one at a certain height, is most probably bigger at any other height, too. This property also applies to the analysed tree species, sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa), and will be well-represented by a linear model formulation. As model parameter sets of single stands have a very limited time validity, two approaches for future stem form prediction are discussed. The one, the centroaffine transformation of a linear taper curve function, is not suitable for representing the time-depending change of the stem form. However, this can be done by a linear unit taper curve model, the parameters of which are based on sample trees of stands of several age classes. Temporary unit parameter sets are derived for sugi and hinoki and the estimated stand volumes are compared to the real ones to evaluate the model performance, which turned out to be very good. We would like to express our gratitude to the Japan Science and Technology Corporation for the financial promotion, which enabled this research work.  相似文献   

    Various methods for predicting annual tree height increment (?ht) and height-to-crown base increment (?hcb) were developed and evaluated using remeasured data from permanent sample plots compiled across the Acadian Forest of northeastern North America. Across these plots, 25 species were represented upon which total height (ht) measurements were collected from mixed-species stands displaying both single- and multi-cohort structures. For modeling ?ht, development of a unified equation form was found to result in higher accuracy and less bias compared to a maximum-modifier approach. Incorporating species as a random effect resulted in predictions that were not significantly different compared to predictions from species-specific equations for nine of the ten most abundant species examined. For ?hcb, equations that modeled changes in hcb over two time periods (i.e., an incremental approach) were either not significantly different from or significantly closer to zero compared to predictions that estimated hcb at two time periods (i.e., a static approach). Results highlight the advantages of incorporating species as a random effect in individual-tree models and demonstrate the effectiveness of modeling tree crown recession directly for application in mixed-species forest growth and yield models.  相似文献   

    为了丰富本地区的树种资源,满足园林绿化对树种多样性的需求,从物候期、生长节律及光合特性等几个方面对美洲朴、毛核木、银水牛果、西部沙樱这4个北美树种在辽西地区的引种适应性进行了研究。结果表明,4个树种的萌芽、展叶期均较北京地区有所延后,花期则提前;美洲朴未见开花坐果,银水牛果秋季叶片不变色;4个树种株高、地径、枝条的快速生长期为5—7月份,美洲朴和毛核木具有明显的越冬枯梢现象,翌年生长多以萌蘖条为主;西部沙樱和银水牛果具有较强的光合作用和较高的水分利用效率,是辽西地区园林绿化可尝试引入的优良观赏树种。  相似文献   


    • Introduction   

    Multi-varietal forestry (MVF) is the deployment of tested tree varieties in plantation forestry. Computer simulation using POPSIM Simulator identified optimal combination of numbers of families, varieties per family and ramets per variety (nf, nc and nr, respectively) yielding the largest genetic gain for a specific status number (NS) in a varietal test (VT) intended for MVF of conifers.  相似文献   

    Five conifer species grown in the Great Lakes region of North America were examined for their susceptibility to Fusarium circinatum, (syns. Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. pini and F. moniliforme var. subglutinans), the causal agent of pitch canker. Three‐year‐old (3‐0) seedlings of red (Pinus resinosa), jack (P. banksiana) eastern white (P. strobus), Scots (P. sylvestris) and Austrian (P. nigra) pine were planted in 4 l pots in a greenhouse at Auburn University in November 1998. In April and June 1999, seedlings were inoculated by removing a needle fascicle approximately 5 cm from the terminal bud and placing a drop containing F. circinatum conidia on the wound. Resin production, canker length and seedling mortality were recorded 12 weeks later. Jack, Scots and eastern white pine were the most susceptible with Austrian and red pine more resistant to the fungus. F. circinatum was re‐isolated from 37% to 96% of inoculated seedlings. The susceptibility of jack, Scots and eastern white pine indicates a potential risk to these important species of the region if F. circinatum were to be introduced into the area.  相似文献   

    Comparisons between empirical and theoretical allometric modelsfor estimating tree biomass and the statistical caveats attachedto empirical stem volume equations are presented in this paper.First, the elastic and stress similarity models, derived fromfirst biomechanical principles, as well as predictions obtainedfrom geometric similitude, were validated against allometricequations that relate dry above-ground tree biomass M to stemdiameter D. In addition, a recent geometric model which predictsthat M D8/3 was also validated against a pooled dataset whichconsisted of 764 M-D pairs compiled from empirical studies conductedthroughout the globe and for several tree species. Moreover,59 empirical equations which relate M to D were selected froma European database to validate the aforementioned theoreticalmodels. The analysis indicated that the biomechanical and thegeometric models failed to describe the shape in M-D allometryfor the empirical datasets. Finally, the multicollinearity problem,which is directly related to the reliability of the predictions,was analysed for stem volume equations (V). In total, 23 empiricalmodels based on the six-parameter formula V = a + bD + cD2 +dD3 + eH + fD2H were used in order to pinpoint the dependencybetween the parameters. It is illustrated that parameters a,b and c are highly related to each other, and parameter e isalso related to parameter f. It is concluded that the interrelationshipbetween D and stem height (H) could be one of the reasons forthis dependency and scepticism should be placed in the reliabilityof V estimates derived from these models.  相似文献   

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