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Mason  E.G. 《New Forests》2001,22(1-2):133-158
New Forests - Initial ground line diameter (GLD) of Pinus radiata D.Don and the care of treesduring transport to the field growing siteaffect subsequent tree growth and survival. Anexisting model...  相似文献   

Oil palm plantations have been touted as one of the main drivers of deforestation in Indonesia. This paper aims to explain how oil palm companies accumulate power that enables them to control forestland and convert it into oil palm. Specifically, this paper identifies empirical evidence pointing to why oil palm companies emerge as powerful actors in land use conflicts. This paper uses the case of forest lands claimed by different actors – i.e. a timber plantation company, an oil palm company, and local communities – in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Before the decentralisation policy, the interests of timber plantations were principally safeguarded by coercion from the forest ministry. The timber company was also supported by local communities by promising financial incentives to them. Following the decentralisation policy, additional actors get involved in the land use conflicts leading to more complex power interplays. In fact, some forestlands licensed for timber plantations are used by the oil palm company. Oil palm interests resonate with the economic interests of local governments, who use their legal mandates on land use allocation to facilitate the establishment of oil palm. The power of the oil palm company is also enhanced by the support from local communities, to which it handed more financial incentives than those of the timber plantation. It also used dominant information of customary claims and land appropriation by the ministry of forestry, with which it persuades local communities to pressurize government institutions to support oil palm operations.  相似文献   

Within- and between-provenance variations in seed and seedling traits of Khaya senegalensis A. Juss were studied at INERA in Burkina Faso. Nursery grown seedlings from four provenances in Burkina Faso were used for the study. The studies revealed significant variability in all traits evaluated. Seed length and weight significantly varied among provenances and families within provenances, where Bopiel and Koyenga had the highest mean values. Height and root collar diameter of 1 year old seedlings significantly varied among families within provenances. Except leaf biomass ratio and carbon isotope ratio which varied significantly among provenances but not among families within provenances, all other seedling biomass traits—total plant biomass, stem biomass ratio, leaf biomass ratio, root biomass ratio, root shoot ratio, specific leaf area, and leaf area ratio were significantly affected by provenances and families within provenances. The magnitude of variation due to family effect ranged from 65 to 93 % for seed size traits, and from 4.5 to 17.8 % for seedling characters. Estimates of family heritability were moderate to high (0.67–0.95) for seed traits, but low to moderate (0.19–0.59) for seedling characters, indicating that much of the total variation in seed traits is due to the genetic effect. The two most prominent provenances, Koyenga and Bopiel, with higher seed size and greater seedling growth could be considered for an eventual K. senegalensis improvement program in Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

Herbivory may be an important factor affecting seedling survival of exotic species invading new habitats. We evaluated the effect of vertebrate herbivory on the seedling survival of two widely planted and invasive tree species (Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus globulus), in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem of central Chile. An important role of herbivory on seedling survival of these two species in their introduced ranges has previously been documented. However, this has mainly been evaluated in forest plantations where habitat and vegetation conditions differ from wild habitats in which invasion occurs. We planted seedlings with and without protection against vertebrate herbivores in different aspects (a mesic south-facing slope and a xeric north-facing slope) and vegetation cover (open sites and sites with patchy tree cover). We found that regardless of aspect or vegetation cover, herbivory, in this case mainly caused by exotic vertebrates, significantly and negatively affected seedling survival of both species. However, while the effect of herbivory on P. radiata was significant in every vegetation and habitat condition, for E. globulus, the effect of herbivory was significant only for open sites in the mesic habitat. These results suggest that, as observed in forestry plantations, vertebrate herbivory may constrain seedling establishment of these two exotic trees and potentially impede the invasion. However, the importance of herbivory in controlling exotic species may vary depending on the vegetation and habitat conditions in some species such as E. globulus.  相似文献   

In shaded environments, minimizing dark respiration during growth could be an important aspect of maintaining a positive whole-plant net carbon balance. Changes with plant size in both biomass distribution to different tissue types and mass-specific respiration rates (R(d)) of those tissues would have an impact on whole-plant respiration. In this paper, we evaluated size-related variation in R(d), biomass distribution, and nitrogen (N) and total nonstructural carbohydrate (TNC) concentrations of leaves, stems and roots of three cold-temperate tree species (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill, Acer rubrum L. and Pinus strobus L.) in a forest understory. We sampled individuals varying in age (6 to 24 years old) and in size (from 2 to 500 g dry mass), and growing across a range of irradiances (from 1 to 13% of full sun) in northern Minnesota, USA. Within each species, we found small changes in R(d), N and TNC when comparing plants growing across this range of light availability. Consistent with our hypotheses, as plants grew larger, whole-plant N and TNC concentrations in all species declined as a result of a combination of changes in tissue N and shifts in biomass distribution patterns. However, contrary to our hypotheses, whole-plant and tissue R(d) increased with plant size in the three species.  相似文献   

In the Sahel of Africa, where 90 % of the population depends on natural resources for their livelihood, a large part of the soils are structurally unstable,prone to crusting and hard setting, and have low water holding capacity, which hamper vegetation establishment.The effect of soil restoration techniques on survival and growth of seedlings of Acacia nilotica, Acacia tortilis and Jatropha curcas was tested in completely barren, degraded land in a Sahelian ecosystem in Burkina Faso. A total of522 seedlings(174 plants of each plant species) were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replicates combining three soil preparation techniques:half-moon, za¨? and standard plantation. Survival and growth rates evaluated over 20 months were significantly higher using the half-moon technique compared with the other two techniques. Survival rates of plant species planted using half-moon technique were 62.5, 28.57 and10.71 % for A. nilotica, A. tortilis and J. curcas respectively, but in za¨? and standard planting, seedling survival was zero. The low survival rate of J. curcas using the half-moon technique may indicate that J. curcas is unsuitable for barren and degraded land, whereas A. nilotica and A. tortilis appear to be promising tree species for rehabilitation of degraded land.  相似文献   

Tree competitiveness generally depends on trait plasticity in response to environmental change.The effects of nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) on leaf trait variability by species is poorly understood,especially in China’s subtropical forests.This study examined the seedling leaf traits and net primary productivity of all trees >5 cm DBH of two dominant species,Schima superba and Castanopsis carlesii,in an evergreen broadleaved forest fertilized with nitrogen(+N),phosphorus(+P),and nitrogen plus...  相似文献   

城市立体绿化中植物配置模式与培育技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以城市立体绿化的理论、意义与作用为指导,筛选了湖南省潜在价值大且胜任广泛的立体绿化植物种类,提出了城市立体绿化的植物配置模式的技术要领以及培育技术措施。  相似文献   

选择章古台地区三块典型樟子松(Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica)人工固沙林为研究对象,采用实验室好氧培养法测定了不同土壤层次和在不同水分条件下的N矿化过程。结果表明:土壤0-60cm层N净矿化速率垂直变化范围为1.06–7.52mg·kg-1·month-1;土壤层次和含水量及其交互作用对土壤N净矿化速率的影响均达到差异显著(P<0.05);净矿化速率随着土壤层次的加深而明显下降,0-15cm层占总净矿化量的60.52%;半饱和与饱和含水量处理差异不显著,但均高于不加水处理。为此,在半干旱地区必须进一步加强开展调控生态系统N矿化、循环及其收支平衡影响因素的研究。图1表4参20。  相似文献   

选择章古台地区三块典型樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica)人工固沙林为研究对象,采用实验室好氧培养法测定了不同土壤层次和在不同水分条件下的N矿化过程.结果表明:土壤0-60 cm 层N净矿化速率垂直变化范围为1.06-7.52 mg·kg-1·month-1;土壤层次和含水量及其交互作用对土壤N净矿化速率的影响均达到差异显著(P<0.05);净矿化速率随着土壤层次的加深而明显下降,0-15 cm层占总净矿化量的60.52%;半饱和与饱和含水量处理差异不显著,但均高于不加水处理.为此,在半干旱地区必须进一步加强开展调控生态系统N矿化、循环及其收支平衡影响因素的研究.  相似文献   

全球气候变化引起人们对森林碳固定作用的关注。碳存储速率依赖于生态系统流通量(光合作用和生态系统呼吸),量化为净生态系统二氧化碳交换。在没有密集采样点的情况下,我们需要采用估测森林净生态系统交换的方法准确地估计林分水平和更大尺度的碳固定量。本文通过祸合遥感估算的叶面积指数和生长过程拟合模型,估计了佛罗里达州内9 770公顷湿地松人工林一年里净生态系统交换总量。地面图神经网络模型和陆地卫星数据估计的森林叶面积指数平均值是1.06(数值范围0-3.93,包括森林边界)。输入神经网络叶面积指数值,湿地松拟合模型(SPM2)估计的森林净生态交换值在-5.52 Mg·hm-2·a-1到11.06Mg·hm-2·a-1之间,平均值是3.47 Mg·hm-2·a-1。年总的碳储量是33920t,约合3.5 t/hm2。估计的叶面积指数和森林净生态交换均对对施肥高度敏感。图3表1参30。  相似文献   

To assess the spatial distribution of photosynthetic capacity within an isolated 20-year-old walnut tree (Juglans regia L.) crown, the distribution of relevant leaf characteristics was measured. Variations in leaf dry weight per area (W(a)), and nitrogen content on a weight (N(w)) and area basis (N(a)) were studied along two horizontal and one vertical gradients of leaf irradiance, at two dates (July 30 and September 3). In addition, the content of total nonstructural carbon on a weight (TNC(w)) and area basis (TNC(a)) was measured on July 30. Concurrently, the spatial distribution of daily integrated leaf irradiance within the crown was simulated by a three-dimensional radiation transfer model over a one week period before sampling at each date. High spatial heterogeneity was observed for W(a) (from 50 to 140 g m(-2)), TNC(a) (from 4 to 17 g m(-2)) and N(a) (from 1.2 to 3.6 g m(-2)) among the foliage. Although TNC(w) and N(w) were not correlated and only weakly correlated to daily leaf irradiance, respectively, W(a), TNC(a) and N(a) were strongly correlated to daily leaf irradiance. The relationship between observed N(a) and simulated daily leaf irradiance was used to assess the spatial distribution of N(a) within the crown at each date. Total leaf nitrogen in the foliage was estimated to be 339 g in late July and 317g in early September. For the whole crown (i.e., 1729 current-year shoots), N(a) increased strongly with basal shoot diameter (an index of "shoot vigor"), highlighting the fact that large shoots were mainly located in sunlit locations and exhibited high photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   


Forest cooperatives are essentially a form of entrepreneurship. However, they are confronted by various problems and they cannot pay enough attention to value creation. The aim of this paper is twofold: (a) the identification of the structural factors supporting the function of Greek forest cooperatives and the exploration of the possibilities of applying business model innovation to them; (b) the investigation of how the development of an integrated business model can help cooperatives stay ahead in the innovation game, while securing sustainability. By applying business modeling procedures to the forest cooperatives of the Region of Thessaly (Greece) this paper presents, the implementation of innovative development strategy, within the current legislative framework. Results show that the business model approach gives them the ability to develop a shared vision for value creation and delivering through the establishment of a framework related to sustainable forest management based on creation of bonds for achieving a win-win strategy, satisfying the increasing needs for innovative forest-based products, which constitutes a challenge for the sustainable management of forests. We argue that this is the first time this approach has been made regarding forest cooperatives in Greece in relation to the emerging parameters of the general business environment.  相似文献   


Emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from wooden furniture in a child's room were investigated. A model room was set up in a 12?m3 test chamber, and in parallel, a scaled-down version was run in a 1?m3 test chamber. The latter had a steady climate of 23°C/50% relative humidity (RH), while the temperature and humidity conditions were varied in the 12?m3 chamber between 18 and 28°C, and 30 and 80% RH. Compounds found were α-pinene, β-pinene, 3-carene, limonene and hexanal. Variations in the climate showed that there is an association between temperature and room concentrations of all found VOCs. Changes in RH showed effect on hexanal concentration, and all monoterpene concentrations remained unaffected.  相似文献   

Leaf area is a key driver of growth models and leaf weight is important for studying carbon and nutrient cycling in forestry. Both can change over relatively short intervals in young plantations in response to silvicultural treatments and climatic conditions. Relationships to estimate leaf dry weight and leaf area of young Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden and Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) were developed from harvested trees ranging from 0.28 to 15.85 m and 0.12 to 34.4 m in height respectively. Trees were harvested from existing experiments in south-eastern Queensland and south-west Western Australia in order to assess the effects of spacing and application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer on early plantation growth. A range of tree measurements were taken to determine the most efficient way to monitor the performance of young plantation eucalyptus. Leaf weight (Wleaf, kg) and leaf area (m2) were related to stem cross sectional area at the height of the base of the green crown (SACB), but the slope and intercept of the relationship differed for trees with predominantly juvenile foliage and those with predominantly intermediate or adult foliage. Specific leaf area (m2 kg?2) changed as the trees aged and leaf area was more closely related to the size of the support structure, represented by the stem volume within the green crown, approximated by the volume of a cone above the base of the green crown (VC,gc). Significantly, the relationships also applied to individual branches, that is, leaf weight was related to sectional area near the base of the branch (SAb) and leaf area to the volume of the main (first order) branch (VC,br). Most of the published work has been directed at trees of commercial size or to small trees in pot experiments, much less to small trees in the establishment phase of growth of interest to experimenters and managers looking at early intervention. This study provides a mechanism to directly assess canopies of intermediate size trees which are of interest for assessing treatment effects or early intervention for managers.  相似文献   



Reliable information on tree stem diameter variation at local spatial scales and on the factors controlling it could potentially lead to improved biomass estimation over pine plantations.


This study addressed the relationship between local topography and tree diameter at breast height (DBH) within two even-aged radiata pine plantation sites in New South Wales, Australia.


A total of 85 plots were established, and 1,302 trees were sampled from the two sites. Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was used to derive slope and aspect and to link them to each individual tree.


The results showed a significant relationship between DBH and local topography factors. At both sites, trees on slopes below 20° and on southerly aspects displayed significantly larger DBHs than trees on steeper slopes and northerly aspects. Older trees with similar heights also exhibited a significant relationship between DBH and aspect factor, where greater DBHs were found on southerly aspects.


The observed correlation between tree DBH and LiDAR-derived slope and aspect could contribute to the development of improved biomass estimation approaches in pine plantations. These topographical variables are easily attained with airborne LiDAR, and they could potentially improve DBH predictions in resource inventories (e.g. stand volume or biomass) and support field sampling design.  相似文献   

Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) trees have a wide variety of subsistence and economic values across sub-Saharan Africa. Knowledge of the genetic variation within and between the species is essential for management and designing domestication, improvement and conservation strategies. Fifty-nine half-sib families were evaluated in the nursery to determine the genetic variation and control within and between the populations from four silvicultural zones. Seed germination and seven seedling growth parameters were assessed. Total phenotypic variance, family variance, within family variance, individual narrow sense heritability, and additive genetic coefficient of variation (AGCV) were derived from observed and expected mean squares. There were highly significant differences in seed germination, plant height, root collar diameter, number of leaves, shoot height and diameter, tuber diameter and weight. Provenance variation in germination ranged from 46.7?±?3.3 to 68.7?±?3.3% while tree-to-tree variation ranged from 6.3?±?8.6 to 95.5?±?8.6%. Coefficient of variation in seedling growth variables ranged from 18.6 to 43.6%. Individual narrow sense heritabilities (h2) ranged from 0.07 to 0.71. AGCV ranged from 3.21 to 14.67%. Morphological traits showed that mainland populations were genetically distant from the island one. High and moderate additive genetic control of traits and AGCV show the potential that Baobab can also respond well to tree improvement. High phenotypic variation found in the study offers an opportunity to effect selection of superior attributes at both provenance and individual tree-to-tree level.  相似文献   

We studied a Mediterranean species (Erica arborea L.) growing in a CO(2) spring in Italy that was naturally exposed for generations to a gradient of atmospheric CO(2) concentrations. The CO(2) concentration gradient to which different individual plants were exposed was determined by an indirect method based on radioisotope analysis. The stable carbon isotope ratio of sampled leaves was determined by mass spectrometry, and isotopic discrimination was then calculated. Leaf nitrogen, specific leaf area, total soil nitrogen, soil organic matter content and soil pH were also measured. In one group of plants, grown on a homogeneous soil and exposed to moderate CO(2) enrichment, isotopic discrimination was significantly reduced in response to increasing CO(2) concentrations, whereas the intercellular CO(2) concentration and leaf nitrogen content were almost unaffected. In a second group of plants, grown along a gradient of CO(2) concentration and soil nitrogen content, leaf nitrogen content was reduced when nitrogen availability was limiting. However, when soil nitrogen was available in excess, even very high CO(2) concentrations did not result in increased discrimination or reduced leaf nitrogen content in the long term. The results are discussed with respect to current theories about the long-term CO(2) response of plants based on several years of experimentation with elevated atmospheric CO(2) concentrations under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

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