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The sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) is a long‐lived species with wide distribution throughout the North Pacific Ocean. While adult sablefish are considered a deep‐water fish, diet analyses suggest that they undergo vertical migrations that could be related to prey movement and feeding. Pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were used to observe the fine‐scale depth selection behavior of adult sablefish tagged off the Washington coast during the summer from June to August. Tags were physically retrieved after they surfaced using direction‐finding equipment so that complete datasets over the entire deployment were obtained from 14 tags. PSATs that recorded depth and temperature every 4 min during the deployment confirm that sablefish inhabit depths of 750 m or greater. However, a majority of the tagged fish underwent extensive vertical migrations that averaged 254.4 m overall and occurred at a 24 hr periodicity. Variations were observed among individuals in the amount of the deployment during which vertical migrations occurred, ranging from 12.37% to 63.48% of the time. During the vertical migration, fish ascended towards the surface at night and descended prior to daylight (i.e., diel vertical migration). Sablefish generally inhabited temperatures of 5°C but during the vertical migrations were found at temperatures from 6 to 10°C. Sablefish are opportunistic feeders with a large proportion of their diet being fish, euphausiids and cephalopods. Because these prey items also exhibit diel vertical migrations, it is possible that the vertical migratory behavior displayed by the sablefish was in response to the movements or the location of their prey.  相似文献   

Electronically tagged juvenile Pacific bluefin, Thunnus orientalis, were released off Baja California in the summer of 2002. Time‐series data were analyzed for 18 fish that provided a record of 380 ± 120 days (mean ± SD) of ambient water and peritoneal cavity temperatures at 120 s intervals. Geolocations of tagged fish were estimated based on light‐based longitude and sea surface temperature‐based latitude algorithms. The horizontal and vertical movement patterns of Pacific bluefin were examined in relation to oceanographic conditions and the occurrence of feeding events inferred from thermal fluctuations in the peritoneal cavity. In summer, fish were located primarily in the Southern California Bight and over the continental shelf of Baja California, where juvenile Pacific bluefin use the top of the water column, undertaking occasional, brief forays to depths below the thermocline. In autumn, bluefin migrated north to the waters off the Central California coast when thermal fronts form as the result of weakened equatorward wind stress. An examination of ambient and peritoneal temperatures revealed that bluefin tuna fed during this period along the frontal boundaries. In mid‐winter, the bluefin returned to the Southern California Bight possibly because of strong downwelling and depletion of prey species off the Central California waters. The elevation of the mean peritoneal cavity temperature above the mean ambient water temperature increased as ambient water temperature decreased. The ability of juvenile bluefin tuna to maintain a thermal excess of 10°C occurred at ambient temperatures of 11–14°C when the fish were off the Central California coast. This suggests that the bluefin maintain peritoneal temperature by increasing heat conservation and possibly by increasing internal heat production when in cooler waters. For all of the Pacific bluefin tuna, there was a significant correlation between their mean nighttime depth and the visible disk area of the moon.  相似文献   

Swordfish are highly specialized top‐level predators that have been challenging to study. In this paper, data from 31 pop‐up satellite archival tags attached to swordfish from (i) the eastern Pacific, (ii) central Pacific, and (iii) western North Atlantic‐Caribbean were analyzed. Common across locations was a pronounced diel vertical pattern with daytime hours spent primarily below the thermocline and nighttime hours spent in warmer waters, close to the surface. One exception to this pattern was periodic daytime basking events which were most common in cooler waters off California. Maximum daytime depths were significantly correlated with light penetration as measured by the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm. Temperature did not appear to influence daytime depths, and swordfish tolerated both extremely low temperatures (4°C) and rapid and dramatic temperature changes (>20°C). Temperature did appear to influence the nighttime depths in the Pacific where fish typically remained in the surface mixed layer. In contrast, in the warm tropical Atlantic this was not the case, and nighttime depths were much deeper. In all areas, nighttime depth increased around the full moon. Given the parallels between the vertical movement patterns of swordfish and those of the deep sound scattering layer we suggest that swordfish vertical distribution patterns, especially during daytime, are influenced largely by resource availability. At night, when swordfish are typically targeted by fisheries, both ambient light and temperature influence movements. Understanding vertical movement patterns of swordfish can help evaluate gear vulnerability, improve population assessments, and potentially reduce fisheries bycatch.  相似文献   

To learn more about the movement patterns of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), we deployed archival tags on 87 fish ranging in fork length from 50 to 154 cm. Thirteen fish were recaptured, from which 11 archival tags were returned, representing in aggregate 943 days‐at‐liberty. We successfully retrieved data from 10 tags, representing 474 days in aggregate. The largest fish recaptured was 44.5 kg [131 cm fork length (FL)] and the smallest 2.8 kg (52 cm). The deepest descent recorded was 817 m, the coldest temperature visited 4.7°C, and minimum oxygen level reached ~1 mL L?1. Fish spent little time at depths where water temperatures were below 7°C and oxygen levels less than ~2 mL L?1. Five fish were recaptured near the offshore weather buoy where they were tagged. Based on vertical movement patterns, it appeared that all stayed immediately associated with the buoy for up to 34 days. During this time they remained primarily in the uniform temperature surface layer (i.e. above 100 m). In contrast, fish not associated with a floating object showed the W‐shaped vertical movement patterns during the day characteristic of bigeye tuna (i.e. descending to ~300–500 m and then returning regularly to the surface layer). Four fish were tagged and subsequently recaptured near Cross Seamount up to 76 days later. These fish exhibited vertical movement patterns similar to, but less regular than, those of fish not associated with any structure. Bigeye tuna appear to follow the diel vertical movements of the deep sound scattering layer (SSL) organisms and thus to exploit them effectively as a prey resource. Average night‐time depth was correlated with lunar illumination, a behaviour which mimics movements of the SSL.  相似文献   

This study reports on the horizontal movements of swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) tagged during deep‐set fishery trials off the California coastline. Position estimates from several electronic tag types were used to better understand swordfish stock structure and regional affiliation with current boundary hypotheses used to manage swordfish in the eastern north Pacific. Swordfish were outfitted with (a) satellite‐linked mark–recapture tags (n = 66), (b) electronic data storage tags that were recaptured (n = 16), (c) fin‐mounted Argos transmitters (n = 6), and (d) satellite‐linked archival tags (n = 4). Twenty‐six percent of tagged swordfish reported close to (<225 km) their deployment location within the southern California Bight (SCB). Of the 50 swordfish that moved outside the SCB, 76% exhibited affiliation to the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) management unit, 20% moved into the Western and Central North Pacific (WCNP) and 4% spent time within both the EPO and WCNP boundaries. Mean displacement between deployment and reporting locations was 1,250 ± 1,375 km, with daily rates of movement up to 55 km/day. Seasonal migrations ranged from the equator (0.8°N.132.4°W) to the Hawaiian Islands (17.0°N/154.2°W), with multiple individuals returning to the initial tagging locations the subsequent season. Seasonal site fidelity exhibited by several individuals highlights the importance of the SCB foraging grounds. While no evidence of trans‐equatorial or trans‐Pacific crossing was documented, extensive movements validate the highly migratory nature of California swordfish and support the need for future inclusion of spatial distribution data in management. Findings suggest that SCB swordfish may exhibit a higher level of EPO connectivity than previously proposed.  相似文献   

Simultaneous trawling at surface and at depth at one location off the Columbia River, Oregon, in June 2000 identified the depth distribution of juvenile salmonids and associated fishes. Juvenile salmon off the Columbia River were distributed primarily near the surface, within the upper 12 m. Highest densities of subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) off the Columbia River were associated with high surface currents and decreasing tidal levels, with time of day possibly a co‐factor. Densities of yearling chinook salmon increased with higher turbidity. Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) was the most abundant and commonly caught forage fish, with density increasing at night, probably related to diel vertical migration. Catches of juvenile salmonids were not associated with catches of forage fishes. Daytime surface trawling appears to be an appropriate method for assessing the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmonids in marine habitats.  相似文献   

Six striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) were caught on hook and line from recreational fishing boats near northern New Zealand (34°S, 174°E) and tagged and released with pop‐off satellite archival tags. For periods ranging from 22 to 60 days over the geographical range 168°E–170°W and 13–34°S, five tags collected a total of 202 days (range of 21–60 days) of data. These data permit the investigation of striped marlin geographical and vertical movements and water temperatures occupied from February to June 2003. One hundred and one days of geoposition data showed a preliminary view of their movements in and around New Zealand waters. Transmitted temperature and depth data indicated striped marlin spent 80% (±2%) of their time in the mixed layer including 72% (±2%) of their time in the top 5 m. Temperature data indicated 75% (±10%) of the striped marlin’s time was spent in water temperatures between 20.1 and 24.0°C. Tagged striped marlin moved faster during periods of directed movement away from New Zealand versus periods of passive movements when the fish were proximal to New Zealand or not moving in any specific direction. These data support some existing hypotheses about striped marlin physiological ecology and allow preliminary suggestions about how striped marlin bycatch might be reduced.  相似文献   

Movement patterns of 17 bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) near the Azores Islands were analyzed between April and May 2001 and 2002 using pop‐up satellite archival tags. Despite short attachment durations (1 to 21 days, 8.2 days on average), their vertical movements revealed much shallower distribution of bigeye tuna in comparison with previous studies in the tropical Pacific and tropical Atlantic. Depth and temperature histograms were unimodal, although overall depth distribution during the day was deeper than during the night due to daily incursions in deeper waters. Although generalized additive models showed significant non‐linear relationships with weight of the fish and sea level anomaly (as a proxy for variability of thermocline depth), the effect of these variables on bigeye depth appeared minor, suggesting that vertical movements of bigeye in the Azores during the spring migration may be influenced by food availability in upper water layers.  相似文献   

This study reports on the movements of swordfish tagged within the Pacific Leatherback Conservation Area (PLCA), an expansive region (>500,000 km2) off the U.S. West Coast that has been seasonally restricted to drift‐gillnet fishing since 2001 to reduce leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coricea) interactions. Thirteen swordfish were outfitted with satellite‐linked archival tags scheduled for short (2–20 days, n = 11) and longer‐term (150 days, n = 2) data collection. All tags were deployed on basking swordfish using traditional harpoon‐based methods during the fall of 2012–2013, near offshore seamounts (35.6°N/122.9°W to 37.4°N/123.5°W). Depth and temperature data from 11 swordfish (~90 to 150 kg) resulted in <251 days of movement information from the PLCA region. All tagged individuals exhibited surface‐oriented nocturnal movements, spending >99% of the night above the average thermocline depth (37.5 m), with an average night depth of 8.3 ± 1.6 m. Daytime depth distribution was greater and more variable (mean 107.1 ± 21.2 m), with fish primarily displaying three behavioral patterns: (i) basking activity, 16.7% of the day, (ii) a mixed‐layer distribution between 3 m and the thermocline (26.8% of the day), and (iii) prolonged dives below the thermocline, 56.5% of the day. For seven of the tracks, daytime basking rates increased when thermocline depth was <37 m. As fish moved offshore, there was less variability in vertical movements with a reduction in both basking activity and mixed layer occupancy, as well as an increase in average daytime depth. These data are discussed with respect to the potential development of alternative fishery options for the PLCA.  相似文献   

Howell PJ, Dunham JB, Sankovich PM. Relationships between water temperatures and upstream migration, cold water refuge use, and spawning of adult bull trout from the Lostine River, Oregon, USA.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 96–106. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA Abstract – Understanding thermal habitat use by migratory fish has been limited by difficulties in matching fish locations with water temperatures. To describe spatial and temporal patterns of thermal habitat use by migratory adult bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, that spawn in the Lostine River, Oregon, we employed a combination of archival temperature tags, radio tags, and thermographs. We also compared temperatures of the tagged fish to ambient water temperatures to determine if the fish were using thermal refuges. The timing and temperatures at which fish moved upstream from overwintering areas to spawning locations varied considerably among individuals. The annual maximum 7‐day average daily maximum (7DADM) temperatures of tagged fish were 16–18 °C and potentially as high as 21 °C. Maximum 7DADM ambient water temperatures within the range of tagged fish during summer were 18–25 °C. However, there was no evidence of the tagged fish using localized cold water refuges. Tagged fish appeared to spawn at 7DADM temperatures of 7–14 °C. Maximum 7DADM temperatures of tagged fish and ambient temperatures at the onset of the spawning period in late August were 11–18 °C. Water temperatures in most of the upper Lostine River used for spawning and rearing appear to be largely natural since there has been little development, whereas downstream reaches used by migratory bull trout are heavily diverted for irrigation. Although the population effects of these temperatures are unknown, summer temperatures and the higher temperatures observed for spawning fish appear to be at or above the upper range of suitability reported for the species.  相似文献   

北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼卵巢的发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2013年10月–2014年2月在北太平洋海域(29°08′~41°08′N,163°50′~144°19′W)采集的364尾长鳍金枪鱼的卵巢样本,利用组织学分析,详细描述了长鳍金枪鱼卵巢、卵细胞的发育阶段。结果显示,北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼卵巢内同时存在不同时相的卵细胞,为分批产卵类型;组织学上,长鳍金枪鱼的卵细胞发育过程分为6个时相,卵巢发育过程分为6个时期;卵巢成熟指数在成熟期为Ⅰ~Ⅴ期时逐渐增大,在Ⅵ期时减小;北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼产卵高峰为12月中旬和1月初,其卵巢成熟指数随纬度的升高呈递减趋势,随经度变化规律不明显。研究表明,通过对北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼卵巢的发育特征的分析与探讨,可为北太平洋长鳍金枪鱼的资源状况评估及渔业可持续发展提供生物学信息。  相似文献   

In this analysis, an atypical northward shift in the distribution of age‐1 ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) recruits off Oregon in 2000 and 2002–2004 was linked to anomolously strong coastal upwelling winds off southern Oregon (42°N latitude) in April–July of the year of larval release (t?1). This is the first clear evidence that strong upwelling winds can depress local recruitment of ocean shrimp. Regression analysis confirmed a long‐term negative correlation between loge of ocean shrimp recruitment and April sea level height (SLH) at Crescent City, California, in the year of larval release, for both northern and southern Oregon waters. The regional pattern of ocean shrimp catches and seasonal upwelling winds showed that, although the timing of the spring transition as reflected in April SLH drives ocean shrimp recruitment success off Oregon generally, the strength and consistency of spring upwelling limits the distribution of large concentrations of ocean shrimp at the southern end of the northern California/Oregon/Washington area. A northward shift in 1999 and 2001–03 in the northern edge of this ‘zone of maximum upwelling’ is the likely cause of the weak southern Oregon recruitment and resulting atypical distribution of ocean shrimp observed off Oregon in 2000 and 2002–04, with a return to a more typical catch distribution as spring upwelling moderated in subsequent years. It is noted that a northward shift in the conditions that produce strong and steady spring upwelling winds is consistent with many predictions of global climate models under conditions of global warming.  相似文献   

We investigated the broad‐scale movements and pelagic habitats of large juvenile dusky sharks (Carcharhinus obscurus) off Southern Australia. Pop‐up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on three large juvenile dusky sharks (~2.2–2.6 m total length) for 6 months in Spencer Gulf during 2010. Tagged dusky sharks all migrated westward and across the Great Australian Bight (GAB) during autumn to offshore shelf waters off Western Australia. Estimated minimum distances travelled ranged from 1760 to 2736 km. Depths occupied by tagged dusky sharks ranged from the surface to 355 m. The most common thermal ranges occupied were 19–22°C. Broad‐scale movements of large juvenile dusky sharks across the continental shelves combined with periods of residency in semi‐protected gulf waters indicated that a multi‐jurisdictional management approach may be appropriate for this species.  相似文献   

Greater amberjack (Seriola dumerili) is an important fishery resource with a circumglobal distribution from tropical to temperate waters. Here, we investigated the spawning migration and habitat utilization of S. dumerili in the East China Sea (ECS). Archival tags were attached to 22 adult fish to examine their horizontal and vertical movements and estimate the spawning ground. S. dumerili were captured and released in the coastal waters of eastern Taiwan on November of 2016 and 2017. Information from seven pop-up satellite archival tags and seven depth–temperature recorders was recovered. Almost all of the fish stayed in the Taiwanese exclusive economic zone. Most individuals moved from released site to the southern edge of the ECS and showed behavior associated with the topographic features in winter (November to December). These phenomena may be related to foraging and be driven by oceanographic features such as the seasonal monsoon and the Kuroshio. The fish then migrated to the south offshore area of Taiwan in January and February. During their southward migration, the fish experienced a slowly elevated water temperature regime (SETR), which is one of the environmental factors that induce final oocyte maturation. In the spawning season (February to April), tagged females exhibited continuous diel vertical movements (DVMs) after experiencing the SETR. These continuous DVMs were observed over a wide geographic range from north to south in the Kuroshio off eastern Taiwan. Our study demonstrated that the putative spawning ground of S. dumerili must extend further in a north–south direction than predicted in a previous study.  相似文献   

The habitat use of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis; PBF) in nursery waters off the southern coast of Japan was investigated using archival tags over a 3 year study period (2012–2015), and the data were used to examine the free‐ranging habitat preferences of PBF and the relationship between their horizontal movements and the path of the Kuroshio off the Pacific coast of Japan. The path of the Kuroshio fluctuated seasonally, leading to changes in water temperature that strongly influenced the habitat use of small PBF (2–3 months after hatching). Most PBF were present in coastal waters inshore of the path of the current, and their habitat use changed in response to the distance of the current from the coast. The Kuroshio typically flowed along the coast from summer to autumn, and PBF remained in the coastal waters off Kochi Prefecture during this period. In contrast, PBF quickly moved eastward in winter when the current moved away from the coast. Throughout the winter and spring, the area of habitat use extended widely from the eastern end of the southern coast of Japan (the Boso Peninsula) to the offshore Kuroshio‐Oyashio transition region. These findings suggest that the seasonal habitat use and movement behavior of juvenile PBF are influenced by the distance of the Kuroshio axis from the coast, and the ultimate drivers are likely variations in oceanographic conditions and prey availability along the southern coast of Japan.  相似文献   

We examined 1454 juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), captured in nearshore waters off the coasts of Washington and Oregon (USA) from 1999 to 2004 for infection by Renibacterium salmoninarum, Nanophyetus salmincola Chapin and skin metacercariae. The prevalence and intensities for each of these infections were established for both yearling and subyearling Chinook salmon. Two metrics of salmon growth, weight residuals and plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor-1, were determined for salmon infected with these pathogens/parasites, both individually and in combination, with uninfected fish used for comparison. Yearling Chinook salmon infected with R. salmoninarum had significantly reduced weight residuals. Chinook salmon infected with skin metacercariae alone did not have significantly reduced growth metrics. Dual infections were not associated with significantly more severe effects on the growth metrics than single infections; the number of triple infections was very low and precluded statistical comparison. Overall, these data suggest that infections by these organisms can be associated with reduced juvenile Chinook salmon growth. Because growth in the first year at sea has been linked to survival for some stocks of Chinook salmon, the infections may therefore play a role in regulating these populations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Mesopelagic species are the principal constituents of larval fish assemblages inhabiting the southerly California Current region. Seasonal larval abundance is influenced by circulation of the California Current and subtropical Countercurrent, including regional changes of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics during the El Niño‐Southern Oscillation. This study examines the mesopelagic fish larvae distribution and abundance patterns between seasons and years, with the aim of describing the mesopelagic larval assemblages during dynamic environmental changes induced by El Niño (1997–1998) and the rapid transition to La Niña (1998–2000) along the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula (25–31°N). Despite large oceanographic variability, larval assemblages varied principally on a seasonal basis, related to reproductive periods and the north–south gradient influenced by the seasonal pattern of the California Current. An increased diversity, number of species, and abundance of tropical species was noticeable during the northward expansion of warm‐water taxa during El Niño, principally in the northern areas (Ensenada and Punta Baja). After El Niño, population adjustments and rapid recovery occurred during La Niña conditions, which reflected seasonal differences in the mesopelagic community structure that are closely related to the seasonal pattern of oceanic currents.  相似文献   

Eight temperature-recording data storage tags were recovered from three salmonids in Alaska (pink and coho salmon and steelhead trout) and five chum salmon in Japan after 21–117 days, containing the first long-term records of ambient temperature from Pacific salmonids migrating at sea. Temperature data imply diel patterns of descents to deeper, cooler water and ascents to the surface. Fish were found at higher average temperatures at night, with narrower temperature ranges and fewer descents than during the day. Fish tagged in the Gulf of Alaska were at higher temperatures on average (10–12°C) than chum salmon tagged in the Bering Sea (8–10°C). Chum salmon were also found at a wider range of temperatures (−1–22°C vs 5–15°C). This is probably related both to the different oceanographic regions through which the fish migrated, as well as species differences in thermal range and vertical movements. Proportions of time that individual fish spent at different temperatures seemed to vary among oceanographic regions. Steelhead trout may descend to moderate depths (50 m) and not be limited to the top few metres, as had been believed. Japanese chum salmon may seek deep, cold waters as they encounter warm surface temperatures on their homeward migrations. Temperature data from all fish showed an initial period (4–21 days) of day and night temperatures near those of sea surface temperatures, suggesting a period of recuperation from tagging trauma. A period of tagging recuperation suggests that vertical movement data from short-term ultrasonic telemetry studies may not represent normal behaviour of fish. The considerable diurnal and shorter-term variation in ambient temperatures suggests that offshore ocean distribution may be linked more to prey distribution and foraging than to sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   

Dolphinfish are little known migratory fish targeted by sport, artisanal and commercial fleets. In this study, we analyzed a 10 year database of incidental catches of the tuna purse seine fleet in the Pacific Ocean off Mexico with the aim to understand the environmental determinants of the spatial distribution and seasonal migration patterns of dolphinfish. We modeled the probability of occurrence of dolphinfish as a function of spatial (geographical coordinates), temporal (month/year) and environmental variables (sea surface temperature [SST], chlorophyll [CHL] and sea surface height [SSH], inferred from satellites) using logistic Generalized Additive Models. Dolphinfish preferred waters with SST values from 23 to 28°C, low (<0.2 mg/m3) CHL values, and primarily positive SSH values. Two dolphinfish hot spots were found in the study area: one in an oceanic zone (10°–15°N, 120°–125°W), which was more defined during spring, and one on the Pacific side of the Baja California Peninsula, which became important during summer. Models suggested that dolphinfish migrated through the study area following a “corridor” that ran from the Gulf of Tehuantepec along the Equatorial Upwelling zone to the oceanic hot spot zone, which in turn connected with the hot spot off the BCP. This “migratory corridor” went around the Eastern Pacific Warm Pool, which suggested that dolphinfish avoided this high temperature‐low production zone. Dolphinfish occupied zones close to certain oceanic features, such as eddies and thermal fronts. Results suggested that the primary cause of the biological hot spots was wind‐driven upwelling, because the hot spots became more important 3–4 months after the peak in upwelling activity.  相似文献   

Juvenile salmonids (< 50 cm) were sampled by purse seine off the Pacific coast from Tillamook Bay, Oregon, to Copalis Head, Washington, during the period May through September (1980). Temporal distribution and abundance of the major Columbia River species were determined. Spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshatuytscha) and steel head (Salmo gairdneri) were present only during early cruises and were distributed almost entirely in the Columbia River plume and the sample area to the north. Coho salmon (O. kisutch) and fall chinook salmon were distributed more uniformly throughout the sampling area and were relatively abundant throughout the sampling period. Concentrations of fish were found only within 28 km of the shore. A number of fish that had been marked before or during their outmigration from the Columbia River system were recaptured. It appeared possible that with concentrated sampling in areas with high fish abundances, sufficient numbers of marked juvenile salmonids could be captured to provide relative survival estimates between different stocks of Columbia River fish.  相似文献   

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