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盾壳霉控制油菜菌核病菌再侵染及其叶面存活动态的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
 本文评估了施于油菜(Brassica napus)叶片上的盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)控制油菜菌核病菌再侵染能力,探讨了其作用机理,并测定了盾壳霉分生孢子在油菜叶面上的存活动态。结果如下:叶面上的盾壳霉对油菜菌核病菌的初侵染影响较小,但在高剂量(> 106孢子/ml)时可以控制病斑的扩展。所有供试剂量的盾壳霉均可不同程度地控制再侵染。盾壳霉分生孢子可在叶面病部迅速萌发,48 h和72 h时孢子萌发率分别为51%和95%,而在健康叶面上6 d未能检测到萌发的孢子。自携带盾壳霉的叶面病部不能分离到核盘菌,表明叶面上的盾壳霉已寄生并破坏了核盘菌再侵染菌丝。自油菜叶面上分离到的盾壳霉菌落数随时间延长而降低,但其分生孢子至少可以在叶面上存活28 d。这即表明,在叶面上适时适量地添加盾壳霉可以控制油菜菌核病的为害。  相似文献   

Near‐isogenic lines (NILs) of apetalous (AP) and fully petalled (FP) winter oilseed rape were used to investigate infection by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which occurs mainly via infected petals adhering to leaves in FP oilseed rape. AP1 flowers had an average of 1·4 and 0·8 petals per flower in field and polytunnel experiments, respectively. In field experiments there were no significant differences between counts of FP1 petals, FP1 stamens and AP1 stamens adhered to leaves during flowering. At any one sample time, significantly more stamens tested positive for S. sclerotiorum on AP1 than FP1 NILs, e.g. in 2004, at early flowering 37·5% and 24·2% of stamens tested positive on AP1 and FP1 NILs, respectively. In polytunnel experiments, there were significantly more sclerotinia lesions per plant in the FP1 than in the AP1 NIL. The AP1 NIL did not avoid infection completely, probably because it produced some petals, and lesions were initiated from adhered stamens as well as petals. However, while 8·5% and 16·3% of petals initiated lesions in FP1 and AP1 NILs, respectively, only 2·5% and 1·0% of stamens initiated lesions in FP1 and AP1 NILs, which suggests stamens may be less infective than petals. In field experiments the AP1 NIL had significantly less incidence of sclerotinia stem rot than the FP1 NIL in 2004 (4·9% and 7·0%, respectively). However, there was no significant difference in stem rot incidence between AP and FP lines in 2005 (3·6% and 4·3%, respectively) or 2006 (5·5% and 3·9%, respectively).  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot of spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus) is caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In Sweden, the disease leads to severe crop damage that varies from year to year. A real‐time PCR assay was developed and used to determine the incidence of S. sclerotiorum DNA on petals and leaves of spring oilseed rape as well as in air samples, with the aim of finding tools to improve precision in disease risk assessment. Five field experiments were conducted from 2008 to 2010 to detect and study pathogen development. Assessments of stem rot showed significant differences between experimental sites. The real‐time PCR assay proved fast and sensitive and the relationship between percentage of infected petals determined using a conventional agar test and the PCR assay was linear (R> 0·76). There were significant differences in S. sclerotiorum incidence at different stages of flowering. The incidence of S. sclerotiorum DNA on the leaves varied (0–100%), with significantly higher incidence on leaves at lower levels. In one field experiment, S. sclerotiorum DNA was not detected on petals during flowering, whereas the pathogen was detected on leaves, with a corresponding stem rot incidence of 7%. The amount of S. sclerotiorum DNA in sampled air revealed that spore release did not coincide with flowering on that experimental site. Thus, using a real‐time PCR assay to determine the incidence of S. sclerotiorum on oilseed rape leaves, rather than on petals, could potentially improve disease risk assessment.  相似文献   

 从油菜植株体内分离出的内生细菌BY-2,经过生物学鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。用BY-2回接油菜,重新分离到具有BY-2相同形态特征和抑制病原真菌能力的内生菌株。油菜接种后的第10 d,体内的BY-2菌数达(2.24~9.02)×103 cfu/g鲜植株,25 d仍然保持在(3.13~8.59)×103 cfu/g鲜植株。BY-2与油菜核盘菌[Sclerotinia sclerotiorum(Lib.) de Bary]对峙培养可以形成直径为3.1 cm的抑菌圈;可使油菜核盘菌菌丝细胞浓缩变短,细胞壁破裂,原生质外溢,从而抑制真菌生长发育;同时还能抑制菌核的萌发,抑制率达60%~70%;在油菜离体叶片试验中,BY-2对菌核病的防治效果达100%。  相似文献   

利用SRAP分析油菜品种对核盘菌遗传分化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文采用茎秆牙签接种法将单一核盘菌菌株接种至不同油菜品种茎秆,再从46个油菜品种茎秆内收集接种后形成的菌核进行分离纯化和培养,并采用SRAP技术对46株核盘菌菌株进行了遗传分化分析。从12对检测引物中共获得357个位点,其中多态性位点273个,占76.47%;UPGMA聚类分析显示,在相似系数为0.77时,46株核盘菌菌株能够分为7组。当以寄主的抗(耐)病程度、寄主品种类型和品种选育地来源为标准将菌株分为不同群体时,AMOVA(analysis of molecular variance)结果表明核盘菌菌株在各群体内变异率分别为98.50%、105.16%和95.36%,均达到极显著水平(P<0.001),而寄主品种选育地群体间的遗传变异达到极显著,变异率为4.64%。结果表明:核盘菌菌株接种不同油菜品种后,菌株间存在明显的遗传分化,这种分化与油菜品种的选育地来源有密切关系。  相似文献   

The pollen beetle is the most important pest in Danish oilseed rape fields. In 2001, we screened a broad range of pollen beetle populations for pyrethroid and dimethoate resistance. A standard dip-test was used to test insecticide resistance in 18 populations collected from oilseed winter and spring rape fields. The beetles were treated with four different insecticides: the pyrethroids tau-fluvalinate, lambda-cyhalothrin and esfenvalerate, and the organophosphate dimethoate. The results show that up to 99% of the pollen beetles survived Danish standard doses of pyrethroids and up to 36% of the beetles survived standard doses of dimethoate.  相似文献   

The phenotype of the R gene‐mediated resistance derived from oilseed rape (Brassica napus) cv. Imola against the light leaf spot plant pathogen, Pyrenopeziza brassicae, was characterized. Using a doubled haploid B. napus mapping population that segregated for resistance against P. brassicae, development of visual symptoms was characterized and symptomless growth was followed using quantitative PCR and scanning electron microscopy on leaves of resistant/susceptible lines inoculated with suspensions of P. brassicae conidia. Initially, in controlled‐environment experiments, growth of P. brassicae was unaffected; then from 8 days post‐inoculation (dpi) some epidermal cells collapsed (‘black flecking’) in green living tissue of cv. Imola and from 13 to 36 dpi there was no increase in the amount of P. brassicae DNA and no asexual sporulation (acervuli/pustules). By contrast, during this period there was a 300‐fold increase in P. brassicae DNA and extensive asexual sporulation in leaves of the susceptible cv. Apex. However, when leaf tissue senesced, the amount of P. brassicae DNA increased rapidly in the resistant but not in the susceptible cultivar and sexual sporulation (apothecia) was abundant on senescent tissues of both. These results were consistent with observations from both controlled condition and field experiments with lines from the mapping population that segregated for this resistance. Analysis of results of both controlled‐environment and field experiments suggested that the resistance was mediated by a single R gene located on chromosome A1.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a major disease of soybean in Canada. Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate potential effectiveness of cell suspensions, cell‐free culture filtrates and broth cultures of Bacillus subtilis strain SB24 for suppression of SSR. The SB24 cell suspensions and cell‐free culture filtrates significantly reduced mycelial growth of S. sclerotiorum by 50 to 75% and suppressed sclerotial formation by > 90%. The severity on soybean was negatively correlated (r < ?0·84, P < 0·01) to the concentrations of cell suspension, cell‐free culture filtrate and broth culture applied. The cell suspension and broth culture preparations significantly (P < 0·01) reduced SSR severity by 45 to 90% at concentrations ranging from 5 × 106 to 109 CFU mL?1. The most effective concentration was 5 × 108 CFU mL?1 for all three preparations, reducing the severity by 60 to 90%. The B. subtilis SB24 was most effective in reducing disease severity when applied ≤ 24 h before plant inoculation with S. sclerotiorum and a significant effectiveness was observed up to 15 days after plant inoculation. The population density of B. subtilis on soybean leaves decreased by 1·5 to 2·5 log units over 15 days under field conditions, and by 0·8 log units over 5 weeks under control conditions. The decrease in population density was significantly correlated with rainfall in the field (r < ?0·93, P < 0·01), suggesting that the biocontrol bacteria may be washed away by rain.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) of oilseed rape (OSR, Brassica napus), caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is a serious problem in the UK and worldwide. As fungicide‐based control approaches are not always reliable, identifying host resistance is a desirable and sustainable approach to disease management. This research initially examined the aggressiveness of 18 Sclerotinia isolates (17 S. sclerotiorum, one S. subarctica) on cultivated representatives of B. rapa, B. oleracea and B. napus using a young plant test. Significant differences were observed between isolates and susceptibility of the brassica crop types, with B. rapa being the most susceptible. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates from crop hosts were more aggressive than those from wild buttercup (Ranunculus acris). Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates P7 (pea) and DG4 (buttercup), identified as ‘aggressive’ and ‘weakly aggressive’, respectively, were used to screen 96 B. napus lines for SSR resistance in a young plant test. A subset of 20 lines was further evaluated using the same test and also in a stem inoculation test on flowering plants. A high level of SSR resistance was observed for five lines and, although there was some variability between tests, one winter OSR (line 3, Czech Republic) and one rape kale (line 83, UK) demonstrated consistent resistance. Additionally, one swede (line 69, Norway) showed an outstanding level of resistance in the stem test. Resistant lines also had fewer sclerotia forming in stems. New pre‐breeding material for the production of SSR resistant OSR cultivars relevant to conditions in the UK and Europe has therefore been identified.  相似文献   

Fresh seeds of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) are reported to be nondormant and nonphotoblastic. However, a portion of the seeds can be induced into a light‐requiring state (secondary dormancy) for germination and also exhibit dormancy cycling. Thus, if seeds become buried in the soil they can form a persistent seedbank and become a serious volunteer weed in succeeding crops. The capacity of nondormant seeds of B. napus to be induced into secondary dormancy is contrary to results of studies on fresh nondormant seeds of some other species. A reanalysis of published and unpublished data shows that fresh seeds of this species have some degree of primary dormancy and that there is a significant relationship between primary dormancy and the capacity to enter secondary dormancy. However, most germination tests on B. napus have not been done in enough detail to detect primary dormancy (or not) in fresh seeds of this species. The usefulness of information on the relationship between primary dormancy and the capacity of the seeds to enter secondary dormancy is discussed in relation to management of weedy volunteers of this species.  相似文献   

甘薯双生病毒(sweepoviruses)是侵染甘薯的一类重要病毒,通过烟粉虱以持久方式传播,我国甘薯上至少存在8种甘薯双生病毒.本研究根据我国已报道的8种甘薯双生病毒基因组保守区设计了一组引物,建立了单头烟粉虱中甘薯双生病毒的半巢式PCR快速检测方法.特异性和灵敏性分析结果表明,半巢式PCR具有较高的特异性和灵敏性,...  相似文献   

Methods to assess light leaf spot ( Pyrenopeziza brassicae ) on winter oilseed rape cultivars were compared in laboratory, controlled-environment and field experiments. In controlled-environment experiments with seedling leaves inoculated at GS 1,4, the greatest differences in percentage area affected by P. brassicae sporulation were observed with inoculum concentrations of 4 × 103 or 4 × 104 spores mL−1, rather than 4 × 102 or 4 × 105 spores mL−1, but older leaves had begun to senesce before assessment, particularly where they were severely affected by P. brassicae . In winter oilseed rape field experiments, a severe light leaf spot epidemic developed in 2002/03 (inoculated, September/October rainfall 127·2 mm) but not in 2003/04 (uninoculated, September/October rainfall 40·7 mm). In-plot assessments discriminated between cultivars best in February/March in 2003 and June in 2004, but sometimes failed to detect plots with many infected plants (e.g. March/April 2004). Ranking of cultivar resistance differed between seedling experiments done under controlled-environment conditions and field experiments. The sensitivity of detection of P. brassicae DNA extracted from culture was greater using the PCR primer pair PbITSF/PbITSR than using primers Pb1/Pb2. P. brassicae was detected by PCR (PbITS primers) in leaves from controlled-environment experiments immediately and up to 14 days after inoculation, and in leaves sampled from field experiments 2 months before detection by visual assessment.  相似文献   

In controlled environment experiments, sporulation of Pyrenopeziza brassicae was observed on leaves of oilseed rape inoculated with ascospores or conidia at temperatures from 8 to 20°C at all leaf wetness durations from 6 to 72 h, except after 6 h leaf wetness duration at 8°C. The shortest times from inoculation to first observed sporulation ( l 0), for both ascospore and conidial inoculum, were 11–12 days at 16°C after 48 h wetness duration. For both ascospore and conidial inoculum (48 h wetness duration), the number of conidia produced per cm2 leaf area with sporulation was seven to eight times less at 20°C than at 8, 12 or 16°C. Values of Gompertz parameters c (maximum percentage leaf area with sporulation), r (maximum rate of increase in percentage leaf area with sporulation) and l 37 (days from inoculation to 37% of maximum sporulation), estimated by fitting the equation to the observed data, were linearly related to values predicted by inserting temperature and wetness duration treatment values into existing equations. The observed data were fitted better by logistic equations than by Gompertz equations (which overestimated at low temperatures). For both ascospore and conidial inoculum, the latent period derived from the logistic equation (days from inoculation to 50% of maximum sporulation, l 50) of P. brassicae was generally shortest at 16°C, and increased as temperature increased to 20°C or decreased to 8°C. Minimum numbers of spores needed to produce sporulation on leaves were ≈25 ascospores per leaf and ≈700 conidia per leaf, at 16°C after 48 h leaf wetness duration.  相似文献   

Phoma stem canker is a damaging disease of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) that causes annual yield losses to UK oilseed rape growers worth approximately £100 million, despite the use of fungicides. In the UK, oilseed rape is sown in August/September and harvested in the following July. The disease epidemics are initiated by ascospores released from Leptosphaeria spp. pseudothecia (ascocarps) on stem stubble in the autumn/winter. Control of this disease is reliant on the use of cultivars with “field resistance” and azole fungicides. This study investigated the effects of cultivar resistance and application of the fungicide prothioconazole on the severity of stem canker before harvest and the subsequent production of pseudothecia on the infected stubble under natural conditions in the 2017/2018, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020 cropping seasons. The application of prothioconazole and cultivar resistance decreased the severity of phoma stem canker before harvest, and the subsequent production of Leptosphaeria spp. pseudothecia on stubble in terms of pseudothecial density. Results showed that stems with less severe stem cankers produced fewer mature pseudothecia of Leptosphaeria spp. on the infected stubble. This investigation suggests that the most sustainable and effective integrated control strategy for phoma stem canker in seasons with low quantities of inoculum is to use cultivars with medium or good field resistance and apply only one spray of prothioconazole when required.  相似文献   

Williams  & Fitt 《Plant pathology》1999,48(2):161-175
Stem canker or blackleg of brassicas, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans , is one of the most damaging diseases of winter oilseed rape in the UK. Airborne ascospores, released in autumn and winter, initiate leaf infections which may lead to colonization of the petiole and, later in the season, formation of stem lesions and cankers. Although isolates of the pathogen differ in ability to cause damaging stem cankers, this is not readily apparent from leaf spotting or stem lesion symptoms. However, several cultural, biochemical and genetic characteristics appear to be associated with the ability to form damaging stem cankers and isolates can be assigned to one of two groups, termed A and B, on the basis of differences in these characteristics. To investigate the relationship between leaf spotting symptoms and subsequent stem canker formation, and to improve understanding of the epidemiology of this pathogen, it is desirable to differentiate between the stem canker forming A group and the less damaging B group of L. maculans . Characterization of isolate type is also important in seed testing and crop breeding programs, particularly in countries such as Canada and Poland where the A type is not ubiquitous. This article reviews methods, including plant assays, assessments of growth characteristics in vitro , isozyme analyses, secondary metabolite profiling, serology, and nucleic acid analyses, that can be used to differentiate the A and B groups.  相似文献   

Sclerotinia stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most important diseases of oilseed rape worldwide and leads to considerable yield losses. In this study, a non-specific lipid transfer protein-like antimicrobial protein gene (LJAMP2) from motherwort (Leonurus japonicus) was introduced into oilseed rape (Zhongyou 821) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. In vitro experiments revealed that the mycelial growth of S. sclerotiorum was significantly inhibited when supplied with crude leaf extracts from transgenic oilseed rape plants overexpressing LJAMP2. Furthermore, in vivo studies showed that transgenic LJAMP2 plants had enhanced resistance to S. sclerotiorum. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the LJAMP2 gene was transcribed in all transformed plants. In addition, we also found that overexpression of LJAMP2 in transgenic plants caused constitutive activation of the defense-related gene PR-1 and an increase of H2O2 production, but did not enhance PDF1.2 expression. Our results suggest that constitutive expression of the LJAMP2 gene from motherwort seeds might be exploited to improve the resistance of oilseed rape against S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

油菜黑胫病菌和茎基溃疡病菌的LAMP检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油菜黑胫病和油菜茎基溃疡病分别由子囊菌Leptosphaeria biglobosa和L.maculans引起.我国油菜产区仅发现L.biglobosa,未发现L.maculans.因而,L.maculans是我国的对外检疫性对象.这两种真菌形态相似,引起的病害症状相似,给田间快速准确鉴定带来难度.本研究基于环介导等温...  相似文献   

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