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The covariation between diploid and triploid progenies from common breeders was investigated in various progeny-testing experiments where either dams or sires were sampled from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), stocks. Triploidiza tion was found to frequently reduce the performance in the traits studied: body length and weight, growth, coefficient of condition and pyloric caeca number. Triploidization also generated significant interactions with the parental breeding value. These interactions were caused in part by the familial variance not being the same in triploids as in diploids, but also by actual ranking differences between diploid and triploid familial performances. However, the effect of these interactions was minor as compared with the amount of variation common to both ploidy levels (genetic correlations averaged 0.7–0.9). Therefore, selection of diploid breeders appeared efficient enough for improving triploid progeny, unless family selection methods including triploid progeny testing were preferred for other reasons. Lastly, it was observed that variances from maternal origin tended to be larger in triploids, whereas variances from paternal origin tended to be smaller, as compared with diploids. This point was discussed referring to the genetic make-up of triploids and in the scope of dams and sires for selective breeding.  相似文献   

Samples of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) alevins from 17 independent families (full‐sib‐groups) were raised from the start of feeding until the age of 18 weeks post‐hatching with three diets (C, G and S) differing in protein content (fish soluble protein concentrate: 84% in C, 54% in G and 44% in S) and carbohydrates (none in C, 30% glucose in G and 40% crude corn starch in S). Fish were fed to near satiation, and their body weight and growth were measured. Diet effect was highly significant (G< C < S), as well as the familial effect. The major part of the familial variance (80–90%) was common to the three diets. However, a minor part of the familial variance was observed to be diet dependent (family × diet interaction), and was found to result mainly from relative performances with carbohydrates (G and S diets) vs. pure protein (C diet). These results indicate that genetic improvement of growth should suffer little impairment from possible changes in future feed formulations.  相似文献   

A feed budget model, which enables farmers to adapt a general model to local conditions, was tested on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). The model has two major components; component 1 is used to calculate the energy required for one unit of biomass gain (g or kg) and component 2 estimates the daily growth increment (g or kg). Both components can be adjusted in relation to prevailing environmental conditions and, together, they express the daily energetic requirement of the specific species or strain. Fish fed using the model as a guide had a high rate of growth and good feed conversion. The model accurately predicted growth over the experiment, and is presented as a means of calculating the daily feed budget in fish farming. Growth of fish fed using self-feeders is presented for comparison with the results obtained using the model.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary lactoferrin (Lf) on growth, haematology and non‐specific immune response of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Fish were fed an experimental diet containing 0 (as control), 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg Lf kg?1 diet twice daily for 8 weeks and sampled at 2, 4, 6 (immune function and growth), and 8 weeks (immune function, haematology and growth). Statistical analyses revealed no significant effects of dietary Lf on growth performance (specific growth rate, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, feed intake and condition factor) or haematological parameters (red and white blood cell count, haemoglobin, haematocrit, serum iron and total iron binding capacity [TIBC]). Among the serum non‐specific immune parameters, lysozyme activity increased significantly in fish fed 100, 200, or 400 mg Lf kg?1 feed for 8 weeks, whereas haemolytic complement activity increased in fish fed 100 and 400 mg Lf kg?1 diet after 6 weeks. The antiprotease activity increased in groups fed 100, 200 or 400 mg Lf kg?1 diet after 8 weeks. However, no significant effect was observed on serum peroxidase level. It can be concluded that feeding of rainbow trout on the diet supplemented with 100 mg kg?1 or higher for 8 weeks enhances the non‐specific immune response.  相似文献   

The efficacy of adenoviral vectors for gene delivery into fish cells, both in vitro and in vivo, was evaluated. Vectors utilized were of human adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad), which are commonly used in human clinical trials, but have not been assessed for gene delivery to fish. Because nothing is known about Ad receptors in fish, both an Ad (Ad5Luc1) with natural tropism for the coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR), as well as an infectivity enhanced Ad (Ad5LucRGD) were included within this study. Gene expression was detected in cell lines using either vector. The levels seen with Ad5LucRGD were much higher than for Ad5Luc1 in most lines except CHSE-214. Transduction of CHSE-214 cells with Ad5Luc1 could be blocked with an excess of a competitive inhibitor, suggesting that these cells possess a CAR homologue thatmediates attachment of Ad, similar to that seen in mammalian cells. In vivo gene delivery was attempted by several methods, with significant expression seen only via intramuscular injection, although infection efficiency was low. Thus it was observed that several teleost cell lines are capable of being infected and one cell line expressed a human serotype adenoviral receptor homologue that aids in Ad infection. Additionally, in vivo studies indicated that muscle tissue of rainbow trout could be infected with Ad vectors, suggesting an alternative gene delivery strategy for this animal.  相似文献   

Abstract Small amounts of radioactivity in liquid effluent are discharged under authorization into Lake Trawsfynydd in north Wales. MAFF inspectors from the Directorate of Fisheries Research (DFR) advise the Welsh Office on the terms of authorization and on the power station operators' compliance with them. DFR also has the responsibility for environmental monitoring, including fish caught for consumption. Trout angling is particularly popular in Lake Trawsfynydd, and because of angling pressure, additional brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), need to be introduced. An important factor in determining the concentration of radionuclides in these fish is the length of time that they spend at liberty. During the fishing season, samples of these stocked trout were tagged and released to assess the average residence time. This was found to be 6 days for rainbow trout and 10 days for brown trout. Less than 7% of the recaptured stocked trout of either species had a residence time of more than 20 days. Radiocaesium concentrations in recaptured trout were very low. Trout which avoided recapture and overwintered in the lake were found to have radiocaesium concentrations similar to those of indigenous trout sampled at the same time.  相似文献   

Abstract Catch-and-release angling is popular in many parts of the world and plays an increasingly important role in fish conservation efforts. Although survival rates associated with catch-and-release angling are well documented for many species, sublethal effects have been less studied. An experiment was conducted to directly assess the effects of catch-and-release angling on growth and survival of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). Catch-and-release events were simulated in laboratory tanks maintained at 15–16 °C with hooks manually placed in pre-designated locations in the mouths of the fish. There were no differences in standard length ( P  = 0.59) or wet weight ( P  = 0.81) gained between caught and uncaught fish over a 1-month angling and recovery period. Survival was 96.99 ± 0.06% for rainbow trout caught and released, and did not vary with number (one, two or four) of captures. Thus, catch-and-release angling appears to have little effect on growth and mortality of rainbow trout hooked in the mouth.  相似文献   

Genetic variation fuels selective change in natural and captive populations. In establishing a broodstock for selective improvement, the level of genetic diversity is an important consideration because it provides an indication of the scope for selective progress. Three domesticated strains of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were examined at nine polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess detectable levels of allelic diversity and heterozygosity within and differentiation among the strains. A total of 126 alleles were observed to segregate into unique multilocus genotypes for each of the 152 individuals assayed. There was an average heterozygosity of 71.5% at these nine loci, and an average of 14 alleles at a locus. Each locus was represented by alleles unique to at least two of the three strains. Deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations of genotype frequencies were detected in each strain. Subsequent analysis indicated sub‐structuring within strains leading to Wahlund effects that caused these deviations. Significant differences in genotype frequencies and pairwise FST values demonstrated that all strains were unique. The overall FST of 0.089 provides additional evidence of unique genetic diversity present in each strain, and agrees well with the degree of genetic variation found in rainbow trout across broad geographical ranges. The genetic diversity contributed by each population suggests that there is greater scope for selective improvement of numerous traits within a synthetic strain combining these three strains than within any individual strain.  相似文献   

The pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida is the causative agent of the destructive disease furunculosis in salmonids. Horizontal transmission in salmonids has been suggested to occur via the skin, gills and/or intestine. Previous reports are contradictory regarding the role of the intestine as a route of infection. The present study therefore investigates the possibility of bacterial translocation across intestinal epithelia using Ussing chamber technology, in vitro. Intestinal segments were exposed for 90 min to fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled pathogenic A. salmonicida. Sampling from the serosal side of the Ussing chambers showed that bacteria were able to translocate across the intestinal epithelium in both the proximal and distal regions. Plating and subsequent colony counting showed that the bacteria were viable after translocation. During the 90 min exposure to A. salmonicida, the intestinal segments maintained high viability as measured by electrical parameters. The distal region responded to bacterial exposure by increasing the electrical resistance, indicating an increased mucus secretion. This study thus demonstrates translocation of live A. salmonicida through the intestinal epithelium of rainbow trout, suggesting that the intestine is a possible route of infection in salmonids.  相似文献   

Photoperiod enhancement of growth is becoming an area of increasing interest as a means of enhancing rainbow trout production efficiency in commercial practice. This paper examines the possible implications of shortening periods of constant light (LL) exposure on rainbow trout growth during autumn–spring grow-out under ambient water temperatures in freshwater to portion size. Triplicate groups of juvenile all-female rainbow trout were permanently exposed to LL in October, November, December or January. Growth was monitored and compared with those maintained under a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP) until the following May. Permanent exposure to LL (all treatments) resulted in significantly greater weight gain of rainbow trout than those under SNP. Furthermore, greatest growth was achieved when fish were left permanently exposed to LL from October. These findings suggest there may be implications for fish farmers if the period of photoperiod exposure is reduced, or timing of application is not considered with regards to ambient water temperatures.  相似文献   

Severe bone resorption of the vertebral body in reared rainbow trout was thought to be a dysfunction in mineral balance induced by increased growth rate in unfavourable rearing conditions. To verify this assumption, we sampled market-sized trout ( c. 250 g) from 20 fish farms with different rearing conditions. Growth rate was also studied by sampling trout reared in three different water temperatures from fry to market-size. Transverse sections of vertebrae were microradiographed, then digitized. Total bone area (Tt-B.Ar.) and bone profiles were obtained using BONE PROFILER 3.23 software and a mathematical model was developed to statistically compare bone profiles using 12 parameters in four vertebra regions. Tt-B.Ar. and bone profiles were found to vary with rearing conditions and growing temperatures, indicating obvious influences of these factors on bone remodelling. However, vertebral resorption was found to be a general phenomenon. In trout from 190 to 235 mm in length, vertebrae underwent important remodelling resulting in large resorption of the middle area, while the transition and peripheral areas showed an increase in bone deposition. Changes in vertebra architecture seem to be a good compromise between the need to mobilize stored minerals during growth while maintaining vertebral biomechanical properties.  相似文献   

The effects of 60‐mg L?1 clove oil and 60‐mg L?1 tricaine methanesulphonate (MS‐222) on the blood chemistry of rainbow trout were compared after exposure to handling stress via caudal puncture blood sampling. Fish sampled by caudal puncture and subsequently exposed to anaesthetics showed a typical handling stress response over a 48‐h period. There were no significant differences between the responses of fish exposed to equal concentrations of clove oil and MS‐222, with the following exceptions: the blood glucose at full anaesthesia, and lactate at full recovery increased significantly in the clove oil‐exposed fish. In a subsequent experiment, the stress response observed in fish sampled by caudal puncture and exposed to clove oil and MS‐222 was compared with a non‐anaesthetized control group. The increases in plasma cortisol levels were significantly lower at recovery in fish treated with either anaesthetic compared with the control fish. Fish exposed to MS‐222 had significantly higher cortisol levels at 1 h. These findings show that few differences exist between the anaesthetic effects of clove oil and MS‐222 on the physiological response of fish to stress. However, clove oil is more effective at reducing the short‐term stress response induced by handling and blood sampling, and is recommended as an alternative fish anaesthetic.  相似文献   

The ability of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (RBT), to produce a localized mucosal immune response was investigated following intraperitoneal (i.p.) or peranal (p.a.) immunization with a protein-hapten carrier, fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated to keyhole limpet haemocyanin (FITC/KLH). Antibody levels in serum, mucus, tissue culture supernatant from blood and spleen leucocytes, and excised skin, intestine and gill tissues were determined by ELISA. Significantly, elevated antigen-specific antibodies were elicited in both serum and mucus of fish immunized i.p. Mucosal antibody responses, in general, paralleled serum responses over time. Leucocytes isolated from spleen and blood of i.p. immunized fish at week 10 produced significantly elevated antibody levels against FITC when cultured in vitro. Excised skin, intestine and gill tissues from these fish also exhibited significantly elevated antibody responses indicating localized production in the mucosa from tissue-specific B cells. A localized mucosal immune response was elicited only after i.p. and not p.a. immunization, suggesting that systemically stimulated B cells migrate to mucosal tissues where they produce antibodies locally.  相似文献   

The efficient use of feed for growth and meat production is important for all animal production industries including aquaculture. Residual feed intake (RFI) is an alternative measure of feed efficiency that has been widely used in livestock production. Residual feed intake was calculated as the difference between intake observed and intake predicted on the basis of a bioenergetics model; a low RFI indicates greater efficiency. Residual feed intake offers some advantages as a selection criterion for improving production efficiency over traditional feed efficiency statistics because it is not a ratio and it typically has a larger coefficient of variation. The RFI of individually reared rainbow trout progeny from six different genetic cross‐types was examined for genetic variation. Proximate analysis and nitrogen retention were also evaluated to determine if differences in RFI correlate to differences in body composition and nutrient retention and varied by cross‐type. Differences between cross‐types indicated a genetic component for RFI, with the most efficient fish of approximately 160 g consuming 0.99 g less and inefficient fish consuming 0.05 g more feed per day than expected. Lower RFI was associated with higher growth rates (r=?0.38, P<0.05) and greater nitrogen retention (r=?0.82 P<0.001).  相似文献   

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