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To investigate the population dynamics of naturally recruited wild Japanese eels, fisheries data of wild individuals in Okayama Prefecture were investigated as a case study. Wild and stocked eels were discriminated using a recently developed method based on otolith stable isotopes. Of the 161 eels captured in freshwater areas where eels had been stocked, 98.1% were discriminated as stocked. In contrast, 82.8% of 128 eels captured in coastal areas where eels are not stocked were discriminated as wild. There was a significant decrease in longline and set-net catch per unit effort between 2003 and 2016 in the coastal areas where most eels were discriminated as wild, indicating ongoing depletion of wild Japanese eels in these waters.  相似文献   

To test the effect of Vibrio anguillarum extracellular products (ECP) on Japanese eels, test fish were injected intramuscularly with ECP at a dose of 1 mg protein/100 g body weight of fish. At 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 h post-injection, blood samples were collected for haematocrit, haemoglobin, and serum protein determinations and tissues were fixed in Bouin's solution. Histopathological observations 24 h post-injection revealed that the ECP caused severe damage to muscle tissue, characterized by extensive muscle liquefaction and haemorrhaging. In addition, extensive haemosiderin deposits were observed in the spleen, with lesser deposits occurring in the kidney and liver. Haematocrit, haemoglobin, and serum protein values were lower in ECP-treated fish than in the untreated controls.  相似文献   

This study compares two alternative indices for quantifying the gross pathology of the swimbladder of eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), infected with the nematode Anguillicoloides crassus. Two observers recorded twice the scores obtained by the two indices on the same set of 71 wild caught eels (from elver to silver eels, French Mediterranean lagoons). The Length Ratio Index (LRI), performed better than the Swimbladder Degenerative Index (SDI), in three of four predefined criteria of decision. First, the LRI better correlated with an estimate of the swimbladder volume reduction, a functional consequence of the infection (representativeness). Also, the LRI was less prone to subjectivity (inter-observer variability) and more precise (intra-observer variability), although less easy to generate (time needed for measurement/assessment). Using a sub-sample of 32 unaffected eels (showing minor if any swimbladder damage and no living worms at autopsy), we ascertained a linear relationship between the swimbladder length and the total body length, a prerequisite of isometric growth, to definitively accept the new ratio index as a valid alternative to the SDI. Also, because the LRI can be recorded on live specimens with radio-imagery (non-invasive method), we recommend its use, and provide a graph of correspondence between the SDI scores, the LRI scores and the estimated proportion of gas loss in the swimbladder.  相似文献   

Adult Japanese eels, Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel, (200–250 g, 45–55 cm) were immunized by intramuscular injection with goat IgG. After 5 weeks, eel immunoglobulin (Ig) was purified using affinity chromatography. The purified eel Ig was used to immunize rabbits to produce anti-eel Ig antibody. The highest antibody ELISA value in eels was reached 3 weeks after initial immunization with goat IgG, and then gradually decreased. The antibody could still be detected at 140 days post-immunization. The optimal temperature for antibody production was 30°C. Freund's complete adjuvant and secondary immunization both increased antibody production in eels.  相似文献   

Construction of annual indices of stock abundance based on catch and effort data remains central to many fisheries’ assessments. While the use of more advanced statistical methods has helped catch rates to be standardised against many explanatory variables, the changing spatial characteristics of most fisheries data sets provide additional challenges for constructing reliable indices of stock abundance. After reviewing the use of general linear models to construct indices of annual stock abundance, potential biases which can arise due to the unequal and changing nature of the spatial distribution of fishing effort are examined and illustrated through the analysis of simulated data. Finally, some options are suggested for modelling catch rates in unfished strata and for accounting for the uncertainties in the stock and fishery dynamics which arise in the interpretation of spatially varying catch rate data.  相似文献   

To understand the ecology of the exotic silver European eel Anguilla anguilla introduced into Japanese waters, the migratory behavior of 106 specimens captured in the coastal waters of Japan between April 1997 and March 2002 was analyzed. Their migratory behavior was apparently correlated with various environmental factors, particularly photoperiod, water temperature, lunar phase, and passage of atmospheric depressions, and was similar to the behavior of the species in European waters. These findings suggest that transplanted European eels retain their ability to respond to environmental cues for seaward migration in similar temperate habitats. The timing of the migration of silver European eels coincided with that of the native Japanese eels A. japonica, suggesting that the silver European eel was synchronized physiologically with the native eel by the same environmental factors.  相似文献   

1. This paper describes a straightforward method for introducing species weightings into the calculation of a similarity matrix using the Bray–Curtis coefficient. Weighting may be required in order to provide differential emphasis in abundances on the basis of species' size, ecological importance, abundance or in mixing different data types. The similarity matrix can then be used for a range of multivariate analytical procedures, such as cluster analysis or ordination using non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS). Such techniques are widely used for the identification of species' assemblages and habitats in marine resource and conservation assessment. 2. The weighting procedure was used to examine the effect of variable accuracy in species identification by trained volunteer divers conducting baseline surveys of reefal habitats in Belize. The accuracy of identification was found to vary asymmetrically between species. 3. The modified Bray–Curtis similarity coefficient was used to incorporate individual species weightings which are proportional to the frequency at which each species is correctly identified. The results of the study demonstrate the fundamental robustness of the Bray–Curtis similarity coefficient/multivariate approach which together, are insensitive to the asymmetric accuracy levels present in the data.  相似文献   

根据1950―2016年的渔获量数据及1955―2016年的单位捕捞努力量(Catch Per Unit Effort,CPUE)数据,采用贝叶斯状态空间剩余产量模型框架JABBA(Just Another Bayesian Biomass Assessment)对印度洋大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)的资源状况进行评估,分析了渔船效应、CPUE数据尺度对评估结果的影响。结果表明,模型拟合效果对于不同时间跨度下CPUE数据的选择比较敏感。当选用时间跨度为1979―2016年的CPUE数据且考虑渔船效应时,模型拟合效果最好。2016年大眼金枪鱼的资源量为812 kt,最大可持续产量(Maximum Sustainable Yield,MSY)为163 kt,远高于同年渔获量86.81 kt,其资源量具有82.50%的概率处于"健康"状态。当总允许可捕量为69.45~104.17 kt时(2016年渔获量的80%~120%),未来10年大眼金枪鱼的资源量仍高于B_(MSY)(达到MSY所需的生物量)。回顾性分析结果表明,该资源评估结果存在一定程度的回顾性问题,捕捞死亡率和资源量分别存在被低估和高估的现象。将来需要在模型结构设定、CPUE数据选择及模型参数的先验分布设置等方面进一步优化。  相似文献   

为了解日本鲭(Scomber japonicus)的资源状况,利用北太平洋渔业委员会(NPFC)统计的1995—2019年渔获量数据和生活史信息,基于Catch-MSY模型估算了西北太平洋日本鲭最大可持续产量(maximum sustainable yield, MSY),评价了渔业管理策略,同时对该模型开展了敏感性分析研究。根据不同模型参数先验分布、不同时间序列渔获量数据及过程误差设立了16个情景进行敏感性分析,考虑各因素对模型评估结果的影响。结果表明:1)基准方案情景S1A中,日本鲭MSY估计值为49.62×104 t (38.72×104 t~60.52×104 t);情景S1B中,日本鲭MSY估计值为49.47×104 t (38.51×104 t~60.43×104 t); 2)与参数内禀增长率r相比,环境容纳量K具有相对较窄的后验分布,lnK随着lnr的增加呈逐渐减小的趋势,MSY的值与r先验分布的下限呈正相关关系;3) MSY值的估算结果对渔...  相似文献   

To test whether gonadal development of female eels could be promoted without any exogenous hormone treatments, we observed the effect of water temperature manipulation. After 3–5 months of water temperature treatments, three silver eels showed higher gonadosomatic indices (GSI). In particular, one eel in the 5–15°C fluctuating temperature treatment group (5°C daytime and 15°C night‐time) had the highest GSI of 8.5 with secondary yolk globule stage oocytes of large diameter (OD; 412 μm) after 3 months, which indicated definite gonadal development compared with those in the initial states (mean GSI, 2.4; OD, 226.7 μm). The 5–15°C fluctuating temperature and constant 5°C groups had low oocyte breakdown (atretic) rates. Because daily temperature fluctuations and cold daytime water are experienced by vertically migrating silver eels in the ocean, these temperature conditions may be key maturation process components that could be useful for hormone‐free artificial maturation.  相似文献   

经济高效的渔业资源调查采样有利于保证调查数据的质量,提高调查效率,从而为渔业科学研究提供可靠数据.根据2016-2017年山东近海渔业资源底拖网季度调查数据,以小黄鱼、矛尾虾虎鱼、方氏云鳚和星康吉鳗作为目标鱼种,使用Kriging插值法模拟了目标鱼种在4个季节的相对资源量分布,设置简单随机抽样(SRS)、常规系统抽样(...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Stock structure of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus has been inferred mainly from either morphological or genetic analyses. However, because the results of both analyses did not always agree with each other, an inclusive conclusion has never been obtained. In this study, the stock structure has been inferred from both morphological and genetic analyses using 722 wild Japanese flounder collected from nine locations along the Japanese coast. The dorsal and anal fin ray counts were larger in the southern than in the northern populations. In total, 1041 bp of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit-2 ( ND2 ) and 1830 bp of ND5 sequences were aligned. There are 578 variable sites in the concatenated sequence from the two genes, which defined a total of 490 haplotypes. Both results of morphological and genetic analyses indicated that the western Kyushu group, which included the Nagasaki and Kagoshima populations, was divided from the other seven populations. This is the first report to reveal the heterogeneity of the western Kyushu group based on statistical analysis.  相似文献   

The current procedures for slaughtering European eels (Anguilla anguilla) for food are very slow and cause suffering. Although there is little legislation for protecting the welfare of fish at slaughter, the legislation covering farmed mammals and birds at slaughter is well defined, requiring that these animals be rendered insensible immediately or without fear or pain prior to being killed. For many mammals and birds this can be achieved using an electrical stun, which is then followed by a procedure that actually kills them, such as exsanguination. This paper reports the investigation of the possibility of using electricity to stun eels, rendering them insensible to pain. Using 1 s duration alternating currents at 50 Hz applied directly across the head of the fish, it was shown that it was possible to stun the fish with currents of 0.1 A and above. Increasing the applied current increased the length of the period of the stun. When the duration of the application of the current was increased to 30 s it was found that the fish could be killed using currents between 0.50 A and 0.95 A. These results show that it is possible to use electricity to instantly stun eels and also to kill them by using longer duration currents. The use of preslaughter electrical stunning at slaughter could allow the welfare of these fish at slaughter to be improved greatly.  相似文献   

We review the stock assessment strategies and management procedures for walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma in Japan. In Japan, walleye pollock is classified into 4 stocks. Because biological data, fishing conditions, etc. are different for each stock, the stocks are assessed by different methods. Harvest strategies aiming at stock recovery are proposed for the Northern Japan Sea stock and the Nemuro Strait stock, which are currently in poor condition. For the Japanese Pacific stock and the Southern Okhotsk Sea stock, which are in good condition, harvest strategies for current fishery operations are proposed. In Japan, fisheries co-management has traditionally been carried out, and in recent years a total catch limitation system called the total allowable catch, a resource recovery plan, and a resource management plan have also been implemented. Although a plan is devised that accounts for the stock conditions of walleye pollock, it is also necessary to consider socioeconomic factors, ecosystem factors, and so on. However, we consider that the main focus of stock management for walleye pollock will still be maintaining fishing pressure at an appropriate level, which includes regulating fish size and price during the fishing season.  相似文献   

Long-term fluctuations of chlorophyll a concentration, and abundance of herbivorous or omnivorous small copepods during the spawning season of the Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanosticta , were examined in relation to the types of Kuroshio meander. The purpose was to clarify the influence of the meander on the production of food organisms for the sardine larvae and their survival in the Pacific coastal region of central Japan. During an A-type meander of the Kuroshio, when the offshore and inshore movements of the Kuroshio path were small except at the beginning of the meander, the surface chlorophyll a concentration in the coastal region was lower than that during a non-A-type meander with frequent and prompt fluctuations of the Kuroshio path. The abundance of small copepods was also low during the A-type meander except in the subsequent spring just after the beginning of an A-type meander, but often high during the non-A-type meander. Prompt fluctuations of the Kuroshio path during the non-A-type meander probably cause local upwellings which stimulate primary and secondary production near the Kuroshio, and may enhance the survival of the sardine larvae. On the contrary, the quasi-stationary state of an A-type meander may be unfavourable for the production of phytoplankton and nauplii of herbivorous or omnivorous small copepods, and therefore the survival of the sardine larvae becomes poor.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the possible interspecific interactions between the freshwater eel Anguilla japonica and the marine conger eel Conger myriaster. Spatial distribution, foraging time, and diet were compared between 380 A. japonica and 221 C. myriaster juveniles in a large brackish water bay and a tributary river estuary. Almost no C. myriaster were caught in the estuary, but both species coexisted in the bay at similar densities. For both species, percentages of eels with stomach contents were greater in the morning than in the afternoon, indicating they forage at night. Both species mainly fed on benthic crustaceans in the bay, but the size of the main prey species, mud shrimp Upogebia major, was significantly larger in A. japonica. The difference in prey size appears to be related to the eel body size (A. japonica: 559.5 ± 88.0 mm, C. myriaster: 356.4 ± 56.0 mm), which probably reflects the differences in the life history-related movements of these eels, with A. japonica using the bay at large sizes and C. myriaster using the bay as a nursery area before moving to deeper water. The differences in their migratory and movement patterns may result in niche segregation in the brackish bay where both species coexist.  相似文献   

Although 63 and 55 species of helminths have been reported from each species of Atlantic eel and from 29 to 19 for each species of Pacific eel only the monogeneans Pseudodactylogyrus bini and P. anguillae and the nematode Anguillicola crassus, originally specific to species of Pacific eels, can be considered serious pathogens. None of the three are normally pathogenic to their preferred natural eel host species in the wild. Pseudodactylogyrus spp. only cause serious local gill damage when present on a host in large numbers under optimal conditions that facilitate transmission. This is the case in eel aquaculture, where infections can be controlled by drugs. Anguillicola crassus is only pathogenic to Anguilla anguilla and A. rostrata when Atlantic eels are introduced to the far east or when the parasites have been introduced to Europe. Here the parasite life cycle differs in that A. crassus can infect a wide range of intermediate hosts, employ paratenic hosts and survive as larvae for months in the swimbladder wall. This makes it an excellent colonizer. Its major pathogenic effects on eels result from haemorrhaging in, and thickening of, the swimbladder wall. It reduces the oxygen concentration in the swimbladder, reducing its ability to function as a hydrostatic organ, and increases the stress response of eels. In shallow lakes at warm temperatures this can result in mass mortalities. It is also feared that the parasite affects the ability of eels to migrate to the Sargasso Sea and so contributes to the decline in eel populations. Control by drug treatment is possible in culture, but not in the wild.  相似文献   

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