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Soil faunal bioturbation (‘bioturbation’) is often cited as a major process influencing the vertical distribution of soil organic matter (SOM). The influence of bioturbation on vertical SOM transport is complex because it is the result of interaction between different groups of soil faunal species that redistribute SOM through the soil profile in distinct ways. We performed a semi‐quantitative micromorphological analysis of soil faunal pedofeatures and related their occurrence to the vertical distribution of SOM and high‐resolution radiocarbon dating in volcanic ash soils under montane forest and grassland (páramo) vegetation in the northern Ecuadorian Andes. The páramo soil data suggest that bioturbation was largely responsible for the vertical distribution of SOM, while illuviation and root input were of minor importance. Bioturbation was caused by endogeic species, which typically mix the soil only over short vertical distances. Short vertical distance mixing was apparently enhanced by the upward shifting of bioturbation as a result of soil thickening due to SOM accumulation. A change from páramo to forest vegetation was accompanied by a change from endogeic to epigeic species. As these latter species do not redistribute material vertically, this eventually resulted in the formation of thick ectorganic horizons in the forest.  相似文献   

The formation of soil organo-mineral complexes is a key reaction in the carbon cycle in soil, since organic materials acquire a resistance to decomposition due to the formation of the complexes. Adsorption of dissolved organic matter (DOM) onto soil minerals provides a model of this important process. Adsorption of DOM onto samples from Andisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols in batch experiments was compared in terms of the quantitative relationship between the soil properties and the adsorption behavior of DOM. Adsorption behavior was effectively described by a linear initial mass (IM) isotherm, indicating that the adsorption efficiency did not appreciably decline in the range studied even though a large amount of DOM was applied to the soil samples. Samples from Andisols showed a particularly high efficiency of adsorption compared with those from other soils which contained a comparable amount of organic carbon. Explanatory variables useful to predict the efficiency parameter were investigated in 2 steps: firstly the degree of carbon accumulation in the soil samples was examined, and next an index for the amount of ligand exchange sites was examined in combination with the former indices. As a result, an index comprising the total carbon/clay (or total carbon/specific surface area) ratio and the amount of hydroxy ions in the soil extracts with NaF solution was eventually detected. The former represents the degree of carbon occupation on the soil surface, and the latter the amount of ligand exchange sites on labile aluminum. Although the mechanisms involved in the adsorption varied among soils, the selected index was significantly correlated with the adsorption efficiency.  相似文献   

In soil carbon dynamics, the role of physicochemical interactions between organic matter and minerals is not well understood nor quantified. This paper examines the interactions between soil organic matter and poorly crystalline aluminosilicates in a volcanic ash soil on La Réunion in the southern tropics. The soil examined is a profile composed of a surface soil (L-Ao-E-Bh) overlying four buried horizons (horizons 2Bw, 3Bw, 4Bw, 5Bw) that have all developed from successive tephra deposits. Non-destructive spectroscopy (XRD, FTIR and NMR of Si and Al) showed that the mineralogical composition varies from one buried horizon to another. Further, we show that buried horizons characterized by large amounts of crystalline minerals (feldspars, gibbsite) have the least capacity to store organic matter and the fastest carbon turnover. In contrast, buried horizons containing much poorly crystalline material (proto-imogolite and proto-imogolite allophane, denoted LP-ITM) store large amounts of organic matter which turns over very slowly. To understand the mechanism of interactions between LP-ITM and organic matter better, we focused on a horizon formed exclusively of LP-ITM. We demonstrate, using Δ14C and δ13C values, that even though LP-ITM is extraordinarily effective at stabilizing organic matter, C linked to LP-ITM is still in dynamic equilibrium with its environment and cycles slowly. Based on Δ14C values, we estimated the residence time of organic C as ∼ 163 000 years for the most stabilized subhorizon, a value that is comparable to that for organic carbon stabilized in Hawaiian volcanic soils. However, this calculation is likely to be biased by the presence of microcharcoal. We characterized the organo-mineral binding between organic matter and LP-ITM by 27Al NMR, and found that the organic matter is not only chelated to LP-ITM, but it may also limit the polymerization of mineral phases to a stage between proto-imogolite and proto-imogolite allophane. Our results demonstrate the important role of poorly crystalline minerals in the storage of organic C, and show that mineral and organic compounds have to be studied simultaneously to understand the dynamics of organic C in the soil.  相似文献   


Humic acids were extracted from the surface horizon Yu 1 and buried humic horizons (Yu 2, 800-864 AD; Yu 4, ca. 4,000 years B.P.; Yu 6, 7,000 years B.P.; Yu 7, ca. 10,000 years B.P.). The humic acids were filtered with ultramembranes with 20, 10, 5, 1 or 0.1 × 10' M.W. in this order and separated into five fractions; (>20), (20-10), (10-5), (5-1) and (1-0.1) × 104 M.W. fractions. The elementary composition, functional groups, optical properties, and hydrolyzable total- and sugar-carbon contents of each humic acid fraction were determined, and the changes in properties of the humic acid with age after burial were discussed.

In horizons Yu 1 to Yu 6, the patterns of M.W. distribution of the >20 × 104 to (1- 0.1) × 104 fractions were rather similar. In contrast, Yu 7 was characterized by the predominance of (1-0.1) x 10' M.W. fraction and the presence of a small amount of <0.1 × 104 M.W. fraction.

The chemical properties of humic acid (HA) fractions of each humic horizon and their changes with age after burial were as folIows:

1) Elementary composition of HA fractions of each humic horizon was rather similar to each other. The C% and C/N ratio increased, and the H%, N% and H/C ratio decreased in all HA fractions with age.

2) Total acidity and carboxyl contents of HA fractions of Yu 1 were higher in the lower M.W. fractions. These values increased with age up to Yu 4 or Yu 6 horizons, then decreased in the Yu 6 or Yu 7 horizon. The contents of carbonyl groups in all the HA fractions which were very low in Yu 1, showed a wide range of variations in Yu 2, intermediate values from Yu 4 to Yu 6 horizons then decreased in the HA fractions of Yu 7, except for the (>20) fraction.

3) The degree of humification of the HA fractions of Yu 1 judging from the RF and \sDlogK values, tended to be higher in higher M.W. fractions, and increased in all the HA fractions with age after burial.

4) Hydrolyzable total- and sugar-carbon contents were high in the HA fractions of Yu 1 and decreased with age.

5) Changes of elementary composition, degree of humification and hydrolyzable total- and sugar-carbon contents were conspicuous from the Yu 1 to Yu 2 horizons, and less significant afterwards.

6) The 0%, C/O ratio and phenolic OH content did not show any consistent change with age after burial.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between age and the sugar composition in hydrolysates of the surface horizon and buried humic horizons with age up to 28,000 years B.P., the neutral sugars and amino sugars in soil hydrolysates were determined.

The ratios of total sugar carbon content to total carbon content of soil ranged from 2.68 to 4.13 percent. These values showed no distinct relationship with age.

Rhamnose, fucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose, galactose, glucose, g1ucosamine and galactosamine were present in the hydrolysates of all soil samples.

The polysaccharides of soil samples which have been buried for shorter periods were dominated by glucose, while those of soil samples buried for longer periods were dominated by mannose.

The proportion of hexoses showed a tendency to increase with age, while that of pentoses showed a tendency to decrease with age.  相似文献   


Underground mining has caused drastic disturbances to regional ecosystems and soil nutrients. Understanding the three-dimensional (3D) spatial distribution of soil nutrients in mining area farmland is crucial for agricultural production and environmental management. However, few studies have reported the 3D spatial distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) in coal mining subsidence area. In our study, a sequential Gaussian simulation (SGS) algorithm was used to analyse the spatial distribution of SOM based on observations of 180 soil samples in the Zhaogu mine in China. The results showed that the SOM content had considerable variation in spatial distribution at different soil depths (0–20, 20–40, 40–60?cm) and decreased with the increase in soil depth. The spatial variability of surface organic matter was the largest, and the coefficient of variation was 29.38%, which was moderately mutated. The spatial distribution of SOM also varied among slope locations. The SOM content was higher upslope and downslope than on the middle slope. In addition, given a threshold, SGS can be used to calculate the probability that the organic matter content at any position is lower or higher than the given value. The research results provide a reference for land reclamation and precision agriculture.  相似文献   

It was reported in previous papers (1, 2) that suifate-reducing bacteria were not uniformly distributed throughout a paddy-field soil. They appeared to grow in small contiguous clumps scattered throughout the soil and this suggests the heterogeneous distribution of minute loci with different growth conditions for sulfate-reducmg bacteria in the soil; i.e., the scattering of organic matter, the association of other microorganisms, the availability of soil water and air, the oxidation-reduction potential and so on. In marine sediments, the distribution and activity of suifate-reducing bactena were reported to be influenced mainly by organic matter therein (3). In a paddy-field soil, we have often observed that organic matter, such as plant debns and rotted roots, was present in the center of the dark black soil mass. In the experiment desenbed m this paper, an attempt was made to elucidate the influence of organic matter on the distribution pattern of suifate-reducing bacteria in the soil.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments in addition to physicochemical analyses of volcanic ash soils were carried out in order to identify biogeochemical factors related with soil organic C (SOC) stabilization in the long term and with the potential for C sequestration of agroecosystems. Up to 24 vineyard plots under similar subtropical conditions in Tenerife Island (Spain) were sampled. Soil samples were incubated for 30 days in laboratory conditions (27 °C and 66% water holding capacity) and the CO2 released was periodically measured to plot C mineralization curves. Soil organic matter (SOM) with special emphasis paid on the humic acid (HA) was characterized by elemental composition, spectroscopic techniques: visible, infrared (IR) and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) and analytical pyrolysis–gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The dependent variables examined were either the total mineralization coefficient (TMC, g C · kg C soil?1 day?1) in laboratory incubations, or the SOC. A very significant negative correlation was found between SOC and TMC, i.e., in our soils, the higher the biodegradation rates under laboratory conditions, the lower the soil C sequestered in the corresponding plots. In it was also observed that the concentration of amorphous minerals (Alo + ½ Feo index) and the water holding capacity at 0.033 MPa were associated with lower CO2 release; the latter could suggest microanaerobic conditions hampering biodegradation in these thixotropic soils. Conversely, no correlation was found between SOC or TMC and typical soil physical and chemical factors, such as granulometric fractions or exchangeable calcium. The molecular characteristics of the HAs showed also predictive potential as regards SOC resilience, reflecting the comparatively fast biodegradation of SOM composed mainly of biomass constituents (prominent lignin signature and O-alkyl 13C NMR region). The poor correlation between total aromaticity of the HAs and SOM resistance against biodegradation could be explained by a dual origin of aromatic structures in HAs, either consisting of methoxyl-containing non-decomposed lignin structures or condensed black carbon-like polyaromatic structures. The results suggested the possibility of predicting the vulnerability of SOC to biodegradation from laboratory incubation experiments, which results of interest for modeling global change scenarios.  相似文献   

化肥氮的残留及其分布对后季作物氮素供给和氮素损失均有重要影响。通过在田间试验中设置15N标记微区,在相同施氮量(150 kg/hm2)条件下,明确低有机质、中有机质和高有机质红壤性稻田化肥氮的残留量及其在不同粒径土壤团聚体中的分布。结果表明:与低有机质土壤相比,中有机质和高有机质土壤大团聚体(0.25~  相似文献   

Soil physical fractionation techniques may provide indicators of changing soil organic carbon (SOC) content; however, they have not been widely tested on volcanic soils (Andisols). In this study, we assessed two fractions as potential indicators in volcanic soils, using two sites in Chile converted from natural grassland to arable and mixed crop rotations, 8 and 16 yr previously. In the 8‐yr experiment, SOC had declined under all rotations, with smaller changes where the rotation included 3 or 5 yr of perennial pasture. Whereas the average SOC was only 76% of the level in the preceding natural grassland, the corresponding value after 16 yr for the second site was 98% (and 93% under continuous arable), probably reflecting its high allophane clay content. The fractionation procedure tested proved applicable to both Andisols, but the intra‐aggregate light fraction (IA‐SOM, isolated in sodium iodide solution at 1.80 g/cm3 after ultrasonic dispersion) accounted for a very small proportion of total SOC (<1%). We suggest that in Andisols, the free light fraction (FR‐SOM, isolated in sodium iodide at solution of the same density, but prior to ultrasonic dispersion) is stabilised to a greater extent than in nonvolcanic soils, and the intra‐aggregate fraction plays a more minor role as a pool of intermediate turnover. The relative value of each fraction needs to be confirmed through dynamic experiments, using more sites, and including situations where SOC content is initially low.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is a key property determining soil functions and a major form of carbon stored in soil. Understanding the spatial and temporal variability of SOM and the driving forces responsible for spatial and temporal changes is important to assess regional soil quality and carbon sequestration potential and, particularly, to establish better practices for land use and management. We evaluated the spatio‐temporal change in SOM content from 1979–1982 to 2006 and its driving forces in Jiangsu Province, East China, using geostatistics. The results showed that mean SOM content increased from 16.60 ± 8.50 to 18.31 ± 8.32 g/kg over a 26‐yr period. The maps of SOM generated by ordinary kriging represented the increasing trend from north to south across the province in the two periods. The level of SOM in 1979–1982 affected the pattern of change: the SOM increasing in areas initially with a small content while decreasing in areas having a large content. The map of SOM change showed that the rate of increase decreased from north to south within the province. Increased fertilizer application promoted crop production with more residual biomass being retained in the soil, which resulted in increased SOM content. Land use changes to paddy, upland or forest improved SOM content, whereas abandoning land reduced SOM content.  相似文献   

We examined the short-term effect of five organic amendments and compared them to plots fertilized with inorganic fertilizer and unfertilized plots on aggregate stability and hydraulic conductivity, and on the OC and ON distribution in physically separated SOM fractions. After less than 1 year, the addition of organic amendments significantly increased ( P  <   0.01) the aggregate stability and hydraulic conductivity. The stability index ranged between 0.97 and 1.76 and the hydraulic conductivity between 1.23 and 2.80 × 10−3 m/s for the plots receiving organic amendments, compared with 0.34–0.43, and 0.42–0.64 × 10−3 m/s, respectively, for the unamended plots. There were significant differences between the organic amendments (P <  0.01), although these results were not unequivocal for both soil physical parameters. The total OC and ON content were significantly increased ( P  <   0.05) by only two applications of organic fertilizers: between 1.10 and 1.51% OC for the amended plots versus 0.98–1.08% for the unamended and between 0.092 and 0.131% ON versus 0.092–0.098% respectively. The amount of OC and ON in the free particulate organic matter fraction was also significantly increased ( P  <   0.05), but there were no significant differences ( P  <   0.05) in the OC and ON content in the POM occluded in micro-aggregates and in the silt + clay-sized organic matter fraction. The results showed that even in less than 1 year pronounced effects on soil physical properties and on the distribution of OC and ON in the SOM fractions occurred.  相似文献   

Water repellency of volcanic ash soils from the Ecuadorian páramo was studied by a combination of extraction and analysis of water‐repellent products, Molarity Ethanol Droplet values, water contact‐angle measurements by capillary rise, and N2 adsorption isotherms. The undried samples studied are hydrophilic, but exhibit water repellency after moderate drying (48 hours at 30°C). The advancing water contact‐angle measured by capillary rise varies from 78° to 89°. These water contact‐angles decrease strongly after extraction of organic materials by an isopropanol–water mixture. Elemental analysis, infrared spectra and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry analyses were used to characterize the extracts. The results show that long‐chain fatty acids and more complex non‐polar alkyl components (waxes) are the main water‐repellent materials. The deposition of such extracted materials onto hydrophilic sand leads to the rapid increase of water contact‐angle until values close to those measured on the soil samples are achieved. Assuming a coating of the mineral surface by organic hydrophobic products and using Cassie's law, the water contact‐angle of extracted materials was computed. The values ranged from 100° to 157°. Nitrogen specific surface areas of the soils studied were very small, indicating a low adsorbent–adsorbate interaction on hydrophobic surfaces. These results partially validate the hypothesis of water‐repellent materials that occur as coatings at least after a drying process.  相似文献   

The mineralization of organic matter in the soils under the six main Siberian forest-forming species was studied. The nitrogen mineralization and nitrification were the most affected by the different tree species. The rate of the CO2 formation was similar in the soils under the different tree species. The factors affecting the variation of the data characterizing the microbiological processes were revealed. The nitrogen mineralization and nitrification correlated with the contents of the soil carbon, nitrogen, and NH4+ and the soil acidity, while the carbon mineralization correlated only with the NH4+ concentration and the C/N ratio.  相似文献   

Afforestation with Eucalyptus species is increasing in Brazil, but there is little information on the impacts of intensively managed short-rotation forestry on soil aggregate dynamics and labile organic matter fractions in these tropical ecosystems. This study investigated soil aggregate dynamics in a clay and sandy soil, each with a Eucalyptus plantation and an adjacent primary forest. It is shown that silviculture alters the processes of soil aggregate formation on both soil types. Micro-aggregates at 0–20 cm depth in the planted clay soil were 40% greater in mass than under native forest, and C and N were reduced by 87 and 75%, respectively. In plantations with a sandy soil, micro-aggregates had equal mass compared with native forest, but increased in C and N by 20 and 67%, respectively. The results from the sandy soil indicate that C and N increased in micro-aggregates following afforestation. Macro-organic matter fractions separated by density had lower mass, C, and N concentrations, and higher C:N ratios only in lower soil profiles, with native forest having greater values in all comparisons with light and medium fractions. The differences in micro-aggregate C and N and in the light and medium macro-organic matter fractions between the upper and lower soil profiles in both soils, indicate that silvicultural management had contrasting effects on different soil textures and at different depths. Increased micro-aggregate protection of C and N in the sandy plantation soil could negatively affect long-term nutrient cycling although the quantity and quality of light and medium macro-organic matter fractions did not change between plantation and native forest in the upper soil profile; this indicates that labile OM availability and quality had not been diminished in plantation soils at this depth.  相似文献   

基于多元地统计的土壤有机质含量空间格局反演   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为了提高土壤有机质含量的空间预测精度,该文采用了一种多元地统计方法来构建遥感定量反演模型。考虑到回归误差在空间上具有一定程度的聚类,该文提出了基于局部变化均值的普通克里金方法,然后用其构建土壤有机质含量遥感定量反演模型。对四川省西南部土壤有机质含量进行空间预测试验,并与普通克里金、普通遥感定量反演、基于回归克里金的遥感定量反演等方法相比较。结果表明:该文提出方法的空间预测结果最优,其原因为该方法通过空间统计来建立采样数据与地表反射率间的联系,充分考虑了数据间的空间相关性,因此可以更精确地获得土壤有机质含量的遥感反演模型;相比基于回归克里金的遥感定量反演方法,基于局部变化均值的普通克里金假设回归误差在局部邻域内的均值也不一定为零,更符合实际情况。该方法为农田养分管理及区域农业的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

土地利用方式影响土壤有机质平衡和周转。选取南京信息工程大学农业气象实验站长期定位试验的3种利用方式即水稻小麦(稻麦)轮作、大豆小麦(豆麦)轮作和自然植被(休闲)土壤作为研究对象。将土壤筛分团聚体和进行密度分组,测定全土有机质含量和13C丰度、各组分有机质含量,计算全土有机质周转率和半衰期,以揭示土地利用方式对土壤有机质含量及稳定性的影响。结果表明:与休闲处理相比,稻麦轮作对全土有机质含量无明显影响,而豆麦轮作降低了全土有机质含量。稻麦轮作促进了微团聚体黏结形成大团聚体,增加了土壤团聚体的平均重量直径。密度组分的结果表明,稻麦轮作中土壤游离态轻组和闭蓄态轻组有机质含量均未见明显变化,这是保持全土有机质含量无明显增加的主控因素。稻麦轮作处理土壤有机质的高周转率和较短半衰期有利于土壤有机质的更新和养分的释放。豆麦轮作破坏了大团聚体,且有机质源输入较少,土壤有机质的周转率相对较低,不利于有机质的周转和保持其含量稳定。相关分析的结果证实,粒径大于1 mm团聚体、游离态轻组和闭蓄态轻组中有机质含量都与全土有机质含量显著正相关。上述结果表明,在黄棕壤区,稻麦轮作不仅可以保持土壤有机质的含量,还会促进土壤有机质的更新周转,从而提高土壤肥力水平,是未来农业可持续发展需要的科学有效耕作方式。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥条件下黑土的有机质含量变化特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以吉林公主岭黑土有机肥化肥配施30年长期定位试验结果为材料,分析了长期不同施肥下黑土有机质的变化特征。结果表明,长期不施肥或单施化肥(M0区)土壤有机质含量呈下降趋势,30年下降幅度为2.1%~7.9%;施用常量有机肥(M2区)和高量有机肥(M4区)的土壤有机质含量呈增加趋势,30年M2区和M4区有机质累积增加幅度分别为42.2%~50.0%和81.5%~94.7%。M2区和M4区有机质增加幅度因施用有机肥中有机质含量的变化可分为两个阶段,1980~1992年增加幅度分别平均为2.4%和9.3%,12年后随着有机肥中有机质含量增加,后18年M2区和M4区有机质累积增加幅度分别平均为41.4%和71.5%。施用相同化肥条件下配施不同水平有机肥,各处理间土壤有机质含量差异达到显著水平;而在施用相同有机肥条件下配施不同化肥时,各处理间有机质含量差异不显著。由此可以得出,有机肥的数量和有机质含量是影响土壤有机质含量变化的主要因素,因此,选择合适的有机肥数量和有机质含量是提升土壤有机质的主要措施,在东北黑土上施用优质高量有机肥可迅速提高土壤有机质含量。  相似文献   

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