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甜菜含糖率与气象条件关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省三江平原的红兴隆垦区,有多年栽培甜菜的历史,每年处理甜菜在15~20万t左右。该区位于三江平原中部,北纬46~47℃之间,是典型的大陆性季风气候区,雨热同季,秋季晴好天气多,昼夜温差大,十分有利于甜菜糖分的积累。甜菜产量及含糖率的高低与其生长期的气象条件关系十分密  相似文献   

甜菜营养生长及糖分积累规律   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
研究了新疆干旱环境人工灌溉条件下甜菜营养生长规律、个体营养生长、生长中心转移及糖分积累.并对甜菜高产高糖栽培进行了探讨。一般6月上旬到8月初为叶丛快速生长期。个体生长中心在地上部.8月初叶丛达到最大,以后生长中心转移到地下。块根增长直到8月20日块根膨大期结束才基本停止。块根含糖从个体进入叶丛快速增长期就开始上升,8月后含糖增长迅速。要获得高的块根产量和舍糖。就要使个体生长中心尽早从地上转移到地下。  相似文献   

焉耆糖区气象条件与甜菜含糖相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气象条件对甜菜的含糖有很大影响。在焉耆糖区干旱、人工灌溉的条件下,甜菜营养生长期内8月和10月份的温度与甜菜最终含糖关系最密切,呈显著正相关,日照时数与含糖呈正相关关系,降雨与含糖呈负相关,尤其在8月份,降雨多,空气湿度大,含糖下降。  相似文献   

近年来,我国甜菜生产老区都存在含糖率逐年下降的问题。从栽培角度分析, 主要有以下几方面原因:1. 病虫危害导致低糖;2. 不合理施肥,如有机肥应用不普遍、化肥施用不科学,不求合理搭配,肥料投入水平低等;3. 群体结构差,保苗株数少;4. 多次灌溉,降低含糖;5 . 播期拖后,收获偏早;6 . 多次擗叶子等。应采取合理栽培措施,努力提高根中糖分,确保甜菜生产和制糖工业的发达  相似文献   

利用内蒙古乌拉特前旗甜菜含糖率资料与相应年份气象资料进行相关分析,建立影响含糖率的农业气象指标,采用逐步回归对显著因子进行了筛选,组建含糖率综合评估模式,利用细网格推算模型,在CityStar4.0平台上进行了甜菜品质的区划,为当地制糖企业选择甜菜种植基地提供参考。  相似文献   

本文探讨了甜菜含糖量与气象条件的关系,其中气温、降水、日照和气温日较差影响较大.而日照的影响最为显著.利用气象因子进行甜菜含糖量的年景预报和评估当年甜菜含糖量的高低是可行的,但由于甜菜含糖率还受耕作措施、品种、肥料等诸因素影响,其准确性会因年而异.  相似文献   

应用甜菜浸种剂试验结果表明,甜菜根产量较对照提高10.8%,产糖量提高14.2%,含糖率提高0.54个百分点,且有效地防止和控制立枯病和根腐病的发生,是目前直播甜菜提高产、质量的一项重要措施。  相似文献   

1选用高糖品种目前新疆昌吉地区主栽品种有3个,新甜七号、新甜九号和苏垦8312,含糖率16%~18%,并且具有高产(75t/hm2以上)、抗病等特点。为提高甜菜含糖率,一是每年都要选用杂交一代种子,不断提高与发挥优良品种的种性;二要采用先进的育种技术和方法,不断选育具有杂种优势的高产高糖品种,并力求做到良种良法相配套。2正确处理密度、产量与含糖率的关系根据各地土壤、气候条件以及水肥状况进行合理密植。据呼图壁县农技站近年来甜菜密度试验证明:在中等土壤肥力条件下,上述品种地膜栽培或垄栽一般为公顷保苗8…  相似文献   

低糖产区甜菜含糖率的峰值出现在8月中旬,这以后是马鞍型的动态变化;叶面积指数在3.0以上的时间较正常生长的甜菜少35~20天;总光合势少100(万m~2·d)/ha左右.8月份的平均叶面积指数或光合势可做为判断收获期含糖率的参数;低糖甜菜和正常甜菜干、鲜重冠根比的动态曲线趋于一致。  相似文献   

本文就国内外甜菜品种在宁夏引黄灌区的区域试验结果进行了分析, 计算了各参试品种含糖率对环境指数的回归系数(b) 及回归方程式,并对各参试品种的含糖率作了适应性和稳定性分析。结果表明:宁甜单优1 号、宁甜双优1 号、KWS9103、92cb18 、新单优1 号5 个品种的稳定性较好,适于广泛种植;宁甜202 、ND9530、ND9529、甜研305、吉甜301、双丰316 六个品种的含糖率性状不稳定,只适应在品种(V) ×地点(L) 互作效应较高的地区使用;96073 品种适宜种植于低糖地区。  相似文献   

通过分析2007/2008年来宾市兴宾区气象条件对甘蔗单产、含糖分等影响评估,结合实地观测的甘蔗苗情分析,得出影响2007/2008年来宾市兴宾区蔗糖生产的主要气象因素是夏旱和冬季低温霜冻,为今后蔗糖生产提供指导和决策依据。  相似文献   

右江河谷甘蔗气候生产潜力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据右江河谷四县(区)历年气候资料及甘蔗生产情况,采用层次递减法对右江河谷甘蔗气候生产潜力进行估算,通过估算分析,得出右江河谷甘蔗理论产量最高值和目标值,并找出制约甘蔗产量的气候因子,提出相应的生产对策.  相似文献   

Sucrose content is one of the main factors sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) breeders use in selecting new cultivars. To determine how growth and sugar content have been altered by six cycles of recurrent selection for sucrose, five cultivars from the first generation (released from 1924 to 1933) were compared with five cultivars from the seventh generation (released from 2003 to 2007). In July of 2006 and 2007, we flagged 20 stalks per plot and marked the top internode that was just beginning to elongate. We then sampled one stalk per plot at weekly to biweekly intervals for 12 weeks. We measured stalk length and internode number, and the length, fresh weight, dry weight, water content, and sugar content of the marked internode. Stalks from the Generation 7 cultivars were taller, and had more internodes than those from Generation 1 cultivars. The marked internodes of Generation 7 and Generation 1 cultivars had similar elongation rates during early development, but elongation ended earlier in Generation 7 cultivars so that internodes of Generation 7 cultivars were shorter when fully elongated than those of Generation 1 cultivars. These shorter internodes had lower fresh weights, but similar dry weights as the longer Generation 1 internodes. Water content also decreased faster in Generation 7 than Generation 1 internodes. Generation 7 internodes had more total sugar and more sucrose throughout development. Generation 7 internodes also maintained a higher sucrose:total sugar ratio until the end of the sampling period. We conclude that recurrent selection for sucrose content in sugarcane has altered the allocation of photosynthate from growth to storage within the internode. This is possibly due to a change in the regulation of sucrose metabolism within the internode.  相似文献   

目的为了解市售人参、西洋参制品糖分含量特性,方法采用比色法对60个人参、西洋参样品总糖和还原糖含量进行测定。结果蜜制参类制品总糖含量显著高于其它类制品,红参、生晒参、鲜参、保鲜参和活性参间总糖含量差异不显著。生晒参、鲜参、保鲜参和活性参还原糖含量小于6%,红参还原糖含量不高于16%,蜜制参还原糖含量均大于24%。结论还原糖含量应作为人参、西洋参制品质量的评价指标。  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, incubation time, callus age, and growth regulator on the reducing and nonreducing sugars of Lemhi Russet callus grown on Murashige - Skoog medium with 3% sucrose were determined. Callus grown at 25°C for approximately 4 weeks (0 time) were held at 25°C or transferred to 15°C and 5°C for 4-week periods. Callus grown at 5°C for 4 weeks was transferred back to 25°C for a 4-week period to simulate reconditioning of potatoes. The reducing sugar content decreased rapidly with time at 25°C and 15°C when either 2,4-D or picloram was used as a growth regulator. At 5°C the reducing sugar content increased or decreased slightly, depending on the original reducing sugar content of the callus. The initial reducing sugar content at 25°C and the relative effect of 5°C incubation was dependent on the age of the callus tissue. Reducing sugars in 5°C callus were rapidly lost after reconditioning at 25°C. The nonreducing sugars exhibited similar overall changes as the reducing sugars, but the nonreducing sugar concentrations were much lower. Thus, potato callus cultures are similar to whole tubers insofar as they accumulate or maintain high reducing sugars at low temperatures and lose these sugars during reconditioning.  相似文献   

Small potato tubers, less than 1 cm in diameter, responded in a manner typical of larger tubers and accumulated sucrose and reducing sugars during storage at 1°C. Prolonged soaking (50% submerged) was used as a method for introducing metabolic inhibitors into intact, small tubers. Judging from the effects on respiration, cycloheximide was absorbed within 25 h. Cycloheximide treatment inhibited the sucrose and reducing sugar accumulation associated with storage at 1°C  相似文献   

调查结果表明,甜菜收获前割擗叶子、过量施氮肥和低密度种植是影响河套地区甜菜糖分的主要因素,可降低含糖3.0~4.0锤度;其次是提前收获,可降低含糖约2.0锤度。该区有利于提高甜菜含糖的适宜保苗密度为6.7~7.5万株/hm2,种肥适宜用量为:氮30~75kg/hm2,磷60~120kg/hm2,钾22.5kg/hm2;追肥适宜用量为:氮120~180kg/hm2,磷45kg/hm2,钾60kg/hm2。同时要注意选用优良品种,它是影响甜菜含糖的内在因素。  相似文献   

对白砂糖中二氧化硫含量分析提出不同看法  相似文献   

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