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Major part of nitrogen and phosphorus in the harvested rice plants was proved to be derived from soil nutrients by our field tracer experiments using 15-N and 32-P, even under heavy dressing of ammonium sulfate and superphosphate of over 75 kg per hectare in terms of N and P2O5 respectively. It fits quite nicely to Japanese farmer's common understanding, that the upland crops grow on the basis of fertilizer, and paddy rice on soil fertility. The Japanese rice soils, particularly under waterlogged conditions in summer, liberate rich nutrients from the organic matter, and the fertility of soils presents continuous supply of nitrogen and phosphorus throughout the rice Plant life.  相似文献   

The potential for reductive dechlorination of the herbicide thiobencarb (TB) by microbes and its prevention in saturated anaerobic rice field soils was examined in laboratory microcosms. TB is effective in controlling both annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. In anoxic microcosms, TB was effectively degraded within 30 days to its dechlorinated product, deschlorothiobencarb (DTB), in two Sacramento Valley rice field soils. TB dechlorination, and subsequent degradation, followed pseudo-zero- (lag phase) and first-order (degradation phase) kinetics. Logistic regression analysis (r2 > 0.841) produced a half-life (t(1/2)) in nonsterile soils ranging from 10 to 15 days, which was also observed when microcosms were amended with low concentrations (<3 mg L(-1)) of copper (Cu2+; as the fungicides Cu(OH)2 and CuSO4.5H2O). High Cu2+ concentrations (>40 mg L(-1)) were added to the microcosms to determine if copper toxicity to dechlorinating microbes is concentration dependent within the range used. After 30 days, the low-copper-amended soils closely resembled the nonsterile experiments to which no Cu2+ was added while the high-copper-amended microcosms were similar to the sterile experiment. Microcosms were also separately amended with 5.7 g L(-1) phosphate (PO4(2-); as KH2PO4), a nutrient regularly applied to rice fields. Phosphate-amended experiments also showed TB degradation, but no DTB formation, indicating the phosphate played a role, possibly as a microbial inhibitor or an alternative electron acceptor, in limiting the dechlorination of TB. In summary, TB dechlorination was inhibited at high Cu(OH)2, CuSO4.5H2O, and KH2PO4 concentrations.  相似文献   

旱地小麦保护性果作对土壤水分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为检验保护性耕作技术在我国北方干旱地区的适应性,采用覆盖免耕、覆盖深松等方法,研究了保护性耕作对地表径流、水分蒸发、0~50cm土层贮水量、水分利用效率和小麦产量的影响。结果表明:保护性耕作比传统耕作径流强度减少57.3%,降雨入渗量提高98.6%,土壤蓄水量提高10.5%,蒸发量减少11.2%,供作物生长的有效水分增加19.7mm,小麦单产提高12.2%;因此,保护性耕作是北方干旱地区控制水土流失,提高小麦产量的有效耕作法,是宜于推广的一项技术措施。  相似文献   


An ideal state for agroecosystems to mitigate global warming should include both decreasing CO2 and CH4 emissions and increasing soil carbon storage. Two-year field experiments were carried out to examine the effects of water management (continuous flooding [CF] and Eh control [EH]) and rice straw management (application [+S] and removal [–S]) on the soil carbon budget in a single-cropping paddy field in Japan. The EH water management based on soil redox potential that the authors have proposed decreased the total CH4 emission during the rice growing period compared with CF. The +S increased CO2 emission as soil respiration during the non-flooded fallow period compared with –S, but also increased straw residues in the soil. However, there was little evidence for sequential carbon accumulation in the soil over the year by +S. The resultant annual budget of soil carbon was a loss of 32–103 g C m?2 in the EH+S treatment compared with a loss of 166–188 g C m?2 in the CF–S treatment. Taking into account the global warming potentials, the EH+S treatment also decreased the total CO2-equivalent emission compared with the CF–S treatment. Consequently, a combination of appropriate water management and straw application will be an effective option in decreasing both CO2-equivalent emission and sustaining soil carbon storage.  相似文献   

水稻种植管理过程中水分控制关系着稻米质量安全。本研究通过田间大区试验,研究了种植根部起垄(RR)、干湿交替(IF)、长期淹水(CF)和常规管理(CK)4种水分管理模式对土壤重金属Pb、Cd和As的迁移、转运特性及对水稻质量安全的影响。结果表明:RR模式可以显著降低土壤中Pb、Cd和As含量;CF模式可显著增加土壤中Pb、Cd和As的含量;IF和CK模式下土壤重金属含量变化不显著;水分管理RR、IF和CK模式对土壤As的活度影响不大,仅CF模式可以增强As的活度;重金属Cd较Pb和As易活化,CF和CK可以显著增强其的活性,RR和IF模式对Cd的活化影响较小;重金属Pb有效态活化与水分管理模式无关;RR、IF水分管理模式可显著降低水稻根部重金属Pb、Cd和As的含量;IF模式下根上茎的重金属含量均为最高,RR模式下根上茎As的含量显著低于其他水分管理模式;RR和IF水分管理模式可以显著降低糙米中重金属的含量,低于《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量标准》(GB 2762-2017)对Pb、Cd和As的限量值,保障了糙米质量安全。RR模式对土壤中重金属从根系到茎叶的转运能力较强,从根系到糙米...  相似文献   

Abstract. A two year field study was conducted to evaluate the effects of straw management and tillage on the soil profile (1.5m) water storage, nature of the moisture profile, infiltration and sorptivity as influenced by rainfall, evaporativity (E0) and soil texture. The straw mulch treatment stored more moisture under low E0 rainy conditions in three coarse to medium textured soils. Straw incorporation treatment was better under low E0 rain free conditions, as well as under high E0 rainy conditions in the two coarser textured soils. In the coarsest textured soil, tillage and straw mulching were not effective in maintaining greater soil water storage under high E0 because of the very open nature of the soil. The soil moisture profiles showed a sharper increase in water content below the tilled layer in the tillage and straw- incorporation treatments than the untreated and straw mulch treatments. Tillage and straw incorporation treatments increased the sorptivity of the soil compared with untreated and straw mulch treatments respectively. The results of this study suggest that when selecting a suitable soil water conservation practice to increase water storage in the soil profile, information on soil texture and weather (rain and evaporativity) must be considered.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa) is the staple food for half of the world's population, but the selenium (Se) concentrations in rice grain are low in many rice-growing regions. This study investigated the effects of water management on the Se speciation dynamics in the soil solution and Se uptake and speciation in rice in a pot experiment. A control containing no Se or 0.5 mg kg(-1) of soil of selenite or selenate was added to the soil, and plants were grown under aerobic or flooded conditions. Flooding soil increased soluble Se concentration when no Se or selenite was added to the soil, but decreased it markedly when selenate was added. Selenate was the main species in the +selenate treatment, whereas selenite and selenomethionine selenium oxide were detected in the flooded soil solutions of the control and +selenite treatments. Grain Se concentration was 49% higher in the flooded than in the aerobic treatments without Se addition. In contrast, when selenate or selenite was added, the aerobically grown rice contained 25- and 2-fold, respectively, more Se in grain than the anaerobically grown rice. Analysis of Se in rice grain using enzymatic hydrolysis followed by HPLC-ICP-MS and in situ X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) showed selenomethionine to be the predominant Se species. The study showed that selenate addition to aerobic soil was the most effective way to increase Se concentration in rice grain.  相似文献   


The adsorption and mobility of herbicide, metamitron, in 41 soils samples from the province of Salamanca (Spain) was studied. Thirty‐four of the samples assayed were from irrigated soils and seven were from natural, uncultivated soils with organic matter contents above 3%. The correlations between the Freundlich K constants, Kd distribution coefficients, and Rf mobility parameters and the soils parameters were determined. Considering all the soils, the soils with organic matter contents above 2% or the soils with organic matter contents below 2%, significant correlations (p<0.001 to p<0.05) were found between K and Kd and the organic matter content of the soils. There were also a significant correlations (p<0.05) of K and Kd with clay+silt and clay contents of soils with organic matter contents below 2%. The adsorption of the herbicide by isolated soil components confirmed the results obtained with the soils and point to the importance of the exchangeable cation nature of the samples in the adsorption process. Based on Rf values obtained by TLC, the herbicide was found to be moderately mobile in 74% and mobile in 26% of the soils studied. The results of metamitron leaching by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and in undisturbed soil columns indicated the influence of organic matter content and of soil texture on the mobility of this herbicide.  相似文献   

通过5年10个稻作季对灰泥田等4种土种,设置4个稻草还田土壤定位监测的结果表明,在等养分情况下,化肥配加稻草的处理比配方施肥(纯化肥)的处理,有使土壤有机质、全N、速效养分、阳离子交换量等含量提高的趋势.而肥力越低的土壤,含量提高越显著.对水稻的增产效果和经济效益显著.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the distribution, mobility, and relative effectiveness of Zn from Zn-amino acids (Zn-AA) and Zn-DTPA-HEDTA-EDTA (Zn-CH) (DTPA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetate; HEDTA, N-2-hydroxyethyl-ethylenedinitrilotriacetate; and EDTA, ethylenedinitrilotetraacetate) sources by applying different Zn levels to weakly acidic and neutral soils in laboratory (incubation and soil column studies) and greenhouse conditions. The experiments were carried out for 60 days in incubation and column experiments and for 45 days in a greenhouse experiment. The zinc soil behavior was evaluated by DTPA-TEA and Mehlich-3 extractions and sequential speciation. The incubation experiment showed that the highest concentrations of available Zn in weakly acidic soil occurred with Zn-AA treatments, whereas in the neutral soil Zn-CH treatments produced the highest quantities of available Zn. The column experiment showed that in neutral soil, with slow to moderate permeability in the Ap and Bt horizons, only Zn-CH significantly increased the mobility of Zn through the column with respect to the control and the Zn-AA source: 31% of the Zn applied as synthetic chelate was leached from the column. The greenhouse experiment showed that, at different rates of Zn application, the Zn carriers increased Zn uptake by maize (Zea mays L.). The use of applied Zn by maize, or Zn utilization, was greatest when the Zn treatments were Zn-CH (3.3%) at 20 mg kg-1 and Zn-CH (4.9%) at 10 mg kg-1, in weakly acidic and neutral soils, respectively.  相似文献   

Rice straw is a major organic material applied to rice fields. The microorganisms growing on rice-straw-derived carbon have not been well studied. Here, we applied 13C-labeled rice straw to submerged rice soil microcosms and analyzed phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) in the soil and percolating water to trace the assimilation of rice-straw-derived carbon into microorganisms. PLFAs in the soil and water were markedly enriched with 13C during the first 3 days of incubation, which indicated immediate incorporation of rice-straw-derived carbon into microbial biomass. The enrichment of PLFAs in the percolating water with 13C suggested that microorganisms other than the population colonizing rice straw also assimilated rice-straw-derived carbon or that some bacterial groups were selectively released from the straw. The microbial populations could be categorized into two communities based on the carbon isotope data of the PLFAs: those derived from rice straw and those derived from soil organic matter (SOM). The composition of the PLFAs from the two communities differed, which indicated the assimilation of rice-straw-derived carbon by a subset of microbial populations. The composition of rice-straw-derived PLFAs in the percolating water was also distinct from that in the soil.  相似文献   

Changes in land use can result in increased soil organic matter content, and decreases in Ca and pH which will affect the mobility of Cu in soil. We studied how the mobility and coagulation of dissolved organic matter and pH affected the mobility of Cu in contaminated sandy soil by batch and column experiments in the laboratory. The soil, with pH ranging from 3.8 to 5.7, had been polluted with Cu in the range 0.13–1.9 mmol kg?1 more than a decade ago. Calcium and Cu bound by dissolved organic matter (purified humic acid) was determined in the pH range 4–8; Cu2+ concentration ranged from 10?4 to 10?12M and Ca2+ concentration from 10?3 to 10?6M. Binding of Cu by dissolved organic matter as affected by Ca and pH could be predicted well with the non-ideal competitive adsorption (NICA) model. Coagulation of dissolved organic matter was affected by the amount of trivalent (Al3+) and divalent (Ca2+ and Cu2+) cations in solution. There was little effect of pH on coagulation between pH 4 and 6. The concentration of the divalent cations, Ca2+ and Cu2+, at which coagulation of dissolved organic matter appeared could be explained by differences in the binding of Ca and Cu by dissolved organic matter. Binding of Cu by dissolved organic matter as well as by solid organic matter, both affected by Ca and pH, could be described well with the NICA model. We investigated the coagulation and mobility of dissolved organic matter in column experiments and found that they enhanced Cu mobility. Three processes, Cu desorption by soil, dissolved organic matter coagulation and Cu complexation by dissolved organic matter, act simultaneously in the soil columns. All three with counteracting effects on Cu mobility are influenced by Ca and pH and could be adequately represented by the multicomponent NICA model.  相似文献   

通过探索水分优化管理对稻虾共作模式水稻产量及土壤还原性物质的影响,为该模式下水稻水分管理和土壤改良提供科学依据。在水稻直播和机插两种种植方式下,分别设置以水稻分蘖后期和成熟期两次重晒田等措施为主的水分优化管理处理、以水稻分蘖后期和成熟期两次轻晒田等措施为主的水分常规管理处理,于湖北省潜江市采用田间定位试验开展研究。结果表明,在水稻直播和机插条件下,水分优化管理相对于常规管理平均增产率分别为8.5%和9.4%,增产效果均达到显著水平。相对于常规管理,水分优化管理对水稻有效穗数和每穗粒数的正效应大于结实率和千粒质量。水稻分蘖后期,水分优化管理相对于常规管理0~10 cm土层亚铁含量下降40.8%~41.8%,0~20 cm土层还原性物质总量下降45.1%~46.4%;与分蘖后期相比,水稻收获后0~20 cm土层亚铁和还原性物质总量总体呈下降趋势。由此表明,稻虾共作模式下分蘖后期和成熟期两次重晒田等水分优化管理措施能够显著增加水稻产量,缓解土壤潜育化程度。  相似文献   

为阐明不同水氮管理模式对黑土稻作产量和土壤碳氮磷化学计量特征的影响。设置3种灌溉模式(常规淹灌、浅湿灌溉、控制灌溉)和4种氮肥梯度(0、85、110、135 kg/hm2),探究水稻产量、土壤碳氮磷含量、化学计量比及层化率对不同水氮管理模式的响应规律。结果表明:控制灌溉模式下,水稻通过形成足量大穗提高库容,小幅增加结实率,从而显著提高产量(p<0.05)。稻田土壤有机碳(SOC)、土壤总氮(STN)、土壤总磷 (STP) 含量随土层深度增加而降低,施氮处理可显著提升SOC、STN含量并降低STP含量(p<0.05)。常规淹灌模式增加SOC、STN含量,控制灌溉模式增加STP含量。土壤C/N随施氮量增加而降低,土壤C/P、N/P随施氮量增加而升高,施氮能提升不同土层平均C/N层化率,降低C/P、N/P层化率。相比常规淹灌,控制灌溉模式能提升不同土层SOC、STP含量层化率,在一定程度上说明控制灌溉配施适宜氮肥可以改善土壤质量,综合考虑CN2为最优水氮管理方式。  相似文献   

稻-萍-鱼体系对稻田土壤环境的影响   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
稻-萍-鱼体系的基本技术是在单一以水稻为主体的生物群体中加入红萍和鱼类,通过对红萍和鱼的人工调控而影响整个稻田生态体系,在综合技术作用下,稻-萍-鱼体系中可混养多种鱼类,产量达4000-9800kg/hm^2,在少用50%-60%化肥、30%-50%农药、鱼沟及鱼坑占地10%-15%情况下,水稻产量比常规种稻略增,且土壤有机质、全N、全P等上升15.6%-38.5%,水稻病虫草害发生下降40.8%-99.5%,土壤甲烷(CH4)排放量减少34.6%,显著改善了稻田生态环境。  相似文献   

A new laboratory method was proposed to establish an easily performed standard for the determination of mobile soil water close to real conditions during the infiltration and redistribution of water in a soil. It consisted of applying a water volume with a tracer ion on top of an undisturbed ring sample on a pressure plate under a known suction or pressure head. Afterwards, soil water mobility was determined by analyzing the tracer-ion concentration in the soil sample. Soil water mobility showed to be a function of the applied water volume. No relation between soil water mobility and applied pressure head could be established with data from the present cxperiment. A simple one- or two-parameter equation can be fitted to the experimental data to parameterize soil water mobility as a function of applied solute volume. Sandy soils showed higher mobility than loamy" soils at low values of applied solute volumes, and both sandy and loamy soils showed an almost complete mobility at high applied solute volumes.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the impact of long‐term soil management on the metal retention capacity of soil. We examined the sorption behaviour of Cu, Cd and Zn in soils and in the various particle‐size fractions of these soils, which had been amended with farmyard manure, mineral fertilizers or were fallow for 38 years in a long‐term field experiment. The soils investigated contained different amounts and origins of organic matter and differed in soil pH, but the mineral phase showed less response to the different soil managements. Batch adsorption and desorption experiments as well as a sequential fractionation schema, which defines seven geochemical fractions, were used to investigate the retention properties of soil. Sequential extraction was conducted with original as well as with metal‐spiked soils. Results showed that amounts of Cu, Cd and Zn retained differed by a factor of more than 3 among the treatments in the long‐term field experiment, when a massive concentration of metal was added to soil. An increased sorption on smaller particle size fractions occurred (clay ≫ silt > fine sand ≥ coarse sand) due to the larger surface area as well as the greater carbon content in the smaller fractions. Soil sorption behaviour in another long‐term field experiment was estimated based on the present particle‐sorption data. Differences in the sorption behaviour were related to differences in soil mineralogy and amounts of Fe‐ and Mn‐oxides. Fractionation of the original and the metal‐spiked soil underlined the contribution of organic matter to sorption capacity (sequence: Cu ≫ Cd > Zn). Different organic matter contents and a different soil pH considerably changed the amounts of metals in the defined geochemical fractions. Freshly added Cu, Cd and Zn ions were found mainly in more mobile fractions. In contrast, metals in non‐spiked soils appeared in less‐mobile fractions reflecting their long‐term sorption behaviour.  相似文献   

改良剂对反酸田土壤性质与水稻产量的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用盆栽试验研究了不同改良剂在反酸田土壤上的应用效果。结果表明,土壤pH在3.47~4.90范围内,pH与交换性H+和交换性Al3+呈极显著线性负相关关系,而与土壤有效铁和有效硫含量呈显著正相关。不同改良处理在提高作物产量和改良土壤性质方面较对照处理与NPK处理效果明显,且钙镁磷肥、自研改良剂、石灰及碱渣等无机改良剂改良效果显著高于添加腐植酸、精制有机肥、碱性有机肥处理。其改良效果主要体现在提高土壤pH,显著降低土壤交换性H+和交换性Al3+含量,明显增加土壤有效钙和有效镁的含量,改善根系生长环境,增加水稻地上部养分吸收和水稻籽粒产量。综上,初步认为酸害(包括活性酸和潜在酸)是反酸田土壤最主要的限制因子,钙镁磷肥、自研改良剂和石灰等偏碱性且富含有效钙或磷的无机矿物质是农业生产中改良反酸田的适宜改良剂。  相似文献   

It has been known that nitrogenous fertilizers can either stimulate or inhibit methane oxidation in soils. The mechanism, however, remains unclear. Here we conducted laboratory incubation experiments to evaluate the effects of ammonium versus nitrate amendment on CH4 oxidation in a rice field soil. The results showed that both N forms stimulated CH4 oxidation. But nitrate stimulated CH4 oxidation to a greater extent than ammonium per unit N base. The 16S rRNA genes and the pmoA genes were analyzed to determine the dynamics of total bacterial and methanotrophic populations, respectively. The methanotrophic community consisted of type I and type II methanotrophs and was dominated by type I group after two weeks of incubation. Nitrate promoted both types of methanotrophs, but ammonium promoted only type I. DNA-based stable isotope probing confirmed that ammonium stimulated the incorporation of 13CH4 into type I methanotrophs but not type II, while nitrate caused almost homogenous distribution of 13CH4 in type I and type II methanotrophs. Our study suggests that nitrate can promote CH4 oxidation more significantly than ammonium and is probably a better N source for both types of methanotrophs in rice field soil. More investigations, e.g. using 15N labeling, are necessary to elucidate this possibility.  相似文献   

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