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The effectiveness of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid was evaluated against four psocid pests of stored grain. This research was undertaken because of the growing importance of psocids in stored grain and the need to identify methods for their control. The mortality and reproduction of adults of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, L. entomophila (Enderlein), L. decolor (Pearman) and L. paeta Pearman in wheat treated with imidacloprid were determined. There were five application rates (0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10 mg AI kg(-1) grain) and an untreated control. There were significant effects of application rate on both adult mortality and reproduction for all four species, but the effect of imidacloprid was sometimes more pronounced on reproduction. Imidacloprid was most effective against L. bostrychophila, with 100% adult mortality after 7 d at 5 mg AI kg(-1), 14 d at 2 mg AI kg(-1) and 28 d at 0.5 and 1 mg AI kg(-1). No live progeny were produced at 2 mg AI kg(-1). For L. decolor, there was 100% adult mortality after 28 d at 10 mg AI kg(-1) and no live progeny were produced at 2 mg AI kg(-1). For L. entomophila, there was 100% adult mortality after 14 d at 10 mg AI kg(-1) and 28 d at 2 and 5 mg AI kg(-1). No live progeny were produced at 10 mg AI kg(-1). At 10 mg AI kg(-1) there was 100% mortality of L. paeta adults after 28 d exposure and no live progeny developed. Because reproduction at some application rates occurred only in the first 14 d of exposure, it is concluded that the application rate leading to population extinction was 1 mg AI kg(-1) for L. bostrychophila, 2 mg AI kg(-1) for L. decolor and L. entomophila and 5 mg AI kg(-1) for L. paeta. This study shows that imidacloprid has potential as a grain protectant to control all four Liposcelis species in stored grain.  相似文献   

Numerous strains of the psocid pest, Liposcelis decolor (Pearman) were collected from farms and central storages and interbred to form three representative strains from three major grain-growing states of Australia: Queensland, South Australia and New South Wales. These were tested against the grain protectants and structural treatments currently registered for use in Australia. Recently, L decolor has become an important pest of stored grain in Australia, particularly in the eastern and southern parts. There is no published information available on management of this pest and the current pest-management strategy, based predominantly on phosphine fumigation, has failed to control infestations of this pest in numerous grain storages in Australia. Alternative methods of control such as use of contact insecticides were explored in the present work to supplement phosphine fumigation to manage this new pest. From eight grain protectants tested as admixtures, only chlorpyrifos-methyl, bioresmethrin plus piperonyl butoxide, and fenitrothion were found to provide long term (3-9 months) protection against all three strains of L decolor. Chlorpyrifos-methyl gave the best protection, providing a minimum of 7.5 to a maximum of 9 months protection, depending on the strains tested. Three structural treatments, azamethiphos, azamethiphos plus carbaryl and permethrin provided long-term control (8-9 months) of all three strains of L decolor on galvanised steel surfaces, with permethrin delivering 9 months protection against all strains. However, all of these treatments failed to provide long-term control of any strains on concrete surfaces. We conclude that chlorpyrifos-methyl as a grain admixture can be incorporated into fumigation strategies to optimise the control of L decolor infestations. Structural treatments, such as permethrin can be used to support a fumigation strategy in storages made of galvanised steel.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The presence of insects in stored grain is a significant problem for grain farmers, bulk grain handlers and distributors worldwide. Inspection of bulk grain commodities is essential to detect pests and thereby to reduce the risk of their presence in exported goods. It has been well documented that insect pests cluster in response to factors such as microclimatic conditions within bulk grain. Statistical sampling methodologies for grain, however, have typically considered pests and pathogens to be homogeneously distributed throughout grain commodities. In this paper, a sampling methodology is demonstrated that accounts for the heterogeneous distribution of insects in bulk grain. RESULTS: It is shown that failure to account for the heterogeneous distribution of pests may lead to overestimates of the capacity for a sampling programme to detect insects in bulk grain. The results indicate the importance of the proportion of grain that is infested in addition to the density of pests within the infested grain. It is also demonstrated that the probability of detecting pests in bulk grain increases as the number of subsamples increases, even when the total volume or mass of grain sampled remains constant. CONCLUSION: This study underlines the importance of considering an appropriate biological model when developing sampling methodologies for insect pests. Accounting for a heterogeneous distribution of pests leads to a considerable improvement in the detection of pests over traditional sampling models. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Phosphine-induced delay in development of eggs was investigated as a mechanism of resistance to this fumigant in Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel. One-day-old eggs of a susceptible and a strongly resistant strain of L bostrychophila were exposed to a range of phosphine concentrations for 6days at 30 (+/- 1) degrees C and 70 (+/- 2)% RH. Delay in mean hatching period occurred in both susceptible and resistant eggs, although it was more pronounced in the latter. A maximum delay of 2.65 days was recorded for eggs of the susceptible strain at 0.01 mg litre(-1) (the highest concentration at which eggs survived) and 13.39 days for the resistant strain at 1 mg litre(-1) (the highest concentration tested). Delay in egg development time was positively correlated with increasing phosphine concentration. Our results reveal that the most successful strategy to control resistant L bostrychophila is to apply relatively low concentrations of phosphine for extended exposure times (eg 0.05 mg litre(-1) for 16 days) that allow all eggs to hatch to the much less tolerant nymph stage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Piperonyl butoxide (PB)‐synergised natural pyrethrins (pyrethrin:PB ratio 1:4) were evaluated both as a grain protectant and a disinfestant against four Liposcelidid psocids: Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, L. entomophila (Enderlein), L. decolor (Pearman) and L. paeta Pearman. These are key storage pests in Australia that are difficult to control with the registered grain protectants and are increasingly being reported as pests of stored products in other countries. Firstly, mortality and reproduction of adults were determined in wheat freshly treated at 0.0, 0.75, 1.5, 3 and 6 mg kg?1 of pyrethrins + PB (1:4) at 30 ± 1 °C and 70 ± 2% RH. Next, wheat treated at 0.0, 1.5, 3 and 6 mg kg?1 of pyrethrins + PB (1:4) was stored at 30 ± 1 °C and 70 ± 2% RH and mortality and reproduction of psocids were assessed after 0, 1.5, 3 and 4.5 months of storage. Finally, the potential of synergised pyrethrins as a disinfestant was assessed by establishing time to endpoint mortality for adult psocids exposed to wheat treated at 3 and 6 mg kg?1 of synergised pyrethrins after 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 h of exposure. RESULTS: Synergised pyrethrins at 6 mg kg?1 provided 3 months of protection against all four Liposcelis spp., and at this rate complete adult mortality of these psocids can be achieved within 6 h of exposure. CONCLUSION: Piperonyl butoxide‐synergised pyrethrins have excellent potential both as a grain protectant and as a disinfestant against Liposcelidid psocids. Copyright © State of Queensland, Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, 2010. Published by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Insect growth regulators are promising alternatives to traditional pesticides in stored grain. The efficacy of the juvenile hormone analogue methoprene was evaluated as a layer treatment in a laboratory experiment for control of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae) in wheat, rice and maize. RESULTS: Adults of R. dominica were placed in vials containing 33, 26 and 29 g (to a depth of 6.5 cm) of wheat, rice and maize, respectively, that was entirely or partially treated with 1, 5 or 10 mg kg?1 methoprene. In wheat and rice, the layer treatments were not as effective as the whole‐grain treatment, but there was decreased progeny production as the application rate increased. However, on maize the partial treatments were as effective as the whole‐grain treatment at 5 and 10 mg kg?1. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that partial layer treatments with methoprene can be used to control R. dominica on maize but may not be effective for control of this species on wheat and rice. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

为初步了解硅藻土对储粮害虫的防治效果以及与害虫磷化氢抗性发生发展的关系, 本研究采用直接拌粮法(设置剂量梯度为0?0.2?0.4?0.6 g/kg和 0.8 g/kg)测定硅藻土对赤拟谷盗?杂拟谷盗?锈赤扁谷盗?谷蠹?玉米象的防治效果, 以及磷化氢抗性杂拟谷盗(抗性倍数为 2.3~144.7)对硅藻土的敏感性差异; 除此之外, 本研究还分析了0.4 g/kg硅藻土在 4 种粮食(小麦?玉米?大豆?稻谷)中对赤拟谷盗的杀虫效果?研究结果表明:一定剂量(0.2~0.8 g/kg)的硅藻土均能够在一定时间内有效杀死上述 5种储粮害虫, 不同储粮害虫对硅藻土的敏感性存在显著差异(P<0.05), 其中杂拟谷盗对硅藻土的耐受性最强, 玉米象对硅藻土最为敏感?除个别品系外, 不同磷化氢抗性品系的杂拟谷盗对硅藻土的敏感性不存在显著差异(P>0.05), 且与磷化氢抗性无关; 硅藻土在不同粮食中对害虫的作用效果存在显著性差异(P<0.05)(处理 7 d后, 死亡率为 13%~98%), 其中在大豆中对赤拟谷盗的杀虫效果最强, 在玉米中对其作用效果不明显?因此本研究得出结论:硅藻土对主要储粮害虫均具有一定的防治作用, 且对抗磷化氢的杂拟谷盗具有良好的致死效果?因此, 硅藻土具备成为储粮害虫防治及其磷化氢抗性治理药剂的潜力?  相似文献   

Hard red winter wheat was treated with pirimiphos-methyl at 4, 6 and 8 mg kg(-1), synergized pyrethrins at 0.38, 0.75, 1.13 and 1.5 mg kg(-1), and combinations of the two insecticides, to conduct laboratory bioassays against four beetle pests of stored grain, red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), rusty grain beetle Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens), lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica (F), and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L), and one moth pest, Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella (Hubner). Beetle adults and P interpunctella larvae survived well on control wheat, producing a large number of progeny (65-1037 insects per container). Kernel damage in control wheat among the insect species ranged from 9 to 99%. On pirimiphos-methyl-treated wheat, mortality of R dominica adults was > or =72%, but that of the other beetle species and P interpunctella larvae was 100%. Progeny were not produced on pirimiphos-methyl-treated wheat, and the kernel damage was negligible (< or =1%). Synergized pyrethrins were ineffective against the five insect pests. Pirimiphos-methyl combined with synergized pyrethrins was not superior to pirimiphos-methyl alone against the five insect pests. Pirimiphos-methyl is not registered in the USA for use on wheat, but our results suggest that it could be a viable grain protectant at rates of 4-8 mg kg(-1).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Methyl bromide is being phased out for use on stored commodities, as it is listed as an ozone‐depleting substance, and phosphine is the fumigant widely used on grains. However, phosphine resistance occurs worldwide, and phosphine fumigation requires a long exposure period and temperatures of > 15 °C. There is an urgent requirement for the development of a fumigant that kills insects quickly and for phosphine resistance management. This paper reports on a new fumigant formulation of 95% ethyl formate plus 5% methyl isothiocyanate as an alternative fumigant for stored grains. RESULTS: The formulation is stable for at least 4 months of storage at 45 °C. A laboratory bioassay with the formulation showed that it controlled all stages of Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Sitophilus granarius (L.), Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.), Trogoderma variabile Ballion and Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) in infested wheat, barley, oats and peas at 80 mg L?1 for 5 days, and in canola at both 40 mg L?1 for 5 days and 80 mg L?1 for 2 days at 25 ± 2 °C. After an 8–14 day holding period, residues of ethyl formate and methyl isothiocyanate in wheat, barley, peas and canola were below the experimental permit levels of 1.0 and 0.1 mg kg?1. However, fumigated oats needed an 18 day holding period. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the ethyl formate plus methyl isothiocyanate formulation has potential as a fumigant for the control of stored‐grain insect pests in various commodities. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

储藏物害虫生物性防治技术研究现状和展望   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
有效的杀虫剂和熏蒸剂种类的减少,以及它们对环境的污染和对人畜健康的影响,使得生物性的防治技术在储藏物害虫的控制上显得越来越重要。近年来,有关储藏物害虫生物性防治技术的研究报道越来越多。根据过去20年的文献,特别是根据刚出版的第七届国际储藏物保护会议的有关论文,评述了储藏物害虫生物性防治技术的研究现状,展望了将来的发展。内容涉及到天敌昆虫、昆虫信息素、病原微生物、抗虫品种和遗传防治等领域,着重于它们在实践中的应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, is a widespread, significant pest of stored commodities, has developed strong resistance to phosphine, the major grain disinfestant. The aim was to develop effective fumigation protocols to control this resistant pest. RESULTS: Time to population extinction of all life stages (TPE) in days was evaluated at a series of phosphine concentrations and temperatures at two relative humidities. Regression analysis showed that temperature, concentration and relative humidity all contributed significantly to describing TPE (P<0.001, R(2)=0.95), with temperature being the dominant variable, accounting for 74.4% of the variation. Irrespective of phosphine concentration, TPE was longer at lower temperatures and high humidity (70% RH) and shorter at higher temperatures and low humidity (55% RH). At any concentration of phosphine, a combination of higher temperature and lower humidity provides the shortest fumigation period to control resistant L. bostrychophila. For example, 19 and 11 days of fumigation are required at 15 degrees C and 70% RH at 0.1 and 1.0 mg L(-1) of phosphine respectively, whereas only 4 and 2 days are required at 35 degrees C and 55% RH for the same respective concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: The developed fumigation protocols will provide industry with flexibility in application of phosphine.  相似文献   

The Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), has developed resistance to many insecticides used for its control, recently including imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid compound. Other neonicotinoids are now being deployed to control this pest. A key point in the strategies of resistance management is the monitoring of resistance and cross-resistance. In the summer of 2003, imidacloprid-resistant adult Colorado potato beetles collected from Long Island, New York, USA were bioassayed using topical applications of imidacloprid and nine other neonicotinoids. Compared to a standard susceptible strain, the Long Island beetles showed 309-fold resistance to imidacloprid, and lower levels of cross-resistance to all other neonicotinoids, despite these never having been used in the field, i.e., 59-fold to dinotefuran, 33-fold to clothianidin, 29-fold to acetamiprid, 28-fold to N-methylimidacloprid, 25-fold to thiacloprid, 15-fold to thiamethoxam, 10-fold to nitenpyram, but less than 2-fold to nicotine. In injection bioassays, high resistance to imidacloprid was also found (116-fold). Piperonyl butoxide partially suppressed resistance to imidacloprid, but the resistance level was still over 100-fold, indicating that other mechanisms were primarily responsible for resistance. Low levels of resistance (8- to 10-fold) were found to the nicotinic activator, spinosad, in an imidacloprid-resistant strain collected from the same field in 2004. The cross-resistance seen with all the neonicotinoids tested suggests that the rotation of imidacloprid with other neonicotinoids may not be an effective long-term resistance management strategy. Rotation with spinosad also carries some risk, but it is unlikely that spinosad resistance in this case is mechanistically related to that for the neonicotinoids.  相似文献   

除危害各种储藏物 ,虱属昆虫也可随活体植物、木材、木质包装、废纸、土壤等进行远距离传播。为便于口岸检疫人员及时、准确鉴定所截获的虱属昆虫 ,本文记述了该属 2种中国新记录 ,即鲍氏虱liposcelisbouilloniBadonnel和地虱L .edaphicaLienhard ,并对其进行了再描述  相似文献   

仓储虱在我国口岸检疫中常有截获。本文针对两种世界性仓储虱 ,即中国新记录虚伪虱LiposcelismendaxPearman和红虱L .rufaBroadhead ,进行了重新描述。 2种虱均可危害室内储藏物 ,分别属ⅡC种团和ⅠB种团 ,世界分布较广 ,我国仅发现于河南省  相似文献   

吡丙醚和烯虫酯对嗜卷书虱控制作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用饲料混毒法系统测定了吡丙醚和烯虫酯两种昆虫生长调节剂(IGRs)对重要的储藏物害虫嗜卷书虱Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel若虫和成虫的致死作用,对若虫发育情况、成虫繁殖力和卵孵化率的影响。结果表明,以吡丙醚和烯虫酯10 mg/kg的混毒饲料饲喂嗜卷书虱2龄幼虫49 d后,若虫的死亡率分别为80.00%和31.11%;取食20、10和5 mg/kg吡丙醚的若虫最长存活天数分别为71.0、98.2和116.4 d,而对照仅11.3 d即全部羽化为成虫;取食20 mg/kg以下烯虫酯混毒饲料的若虫一部分仍可羽化成成虫,而且成虫仍可繁殖后代;取食吡丙醚混毒饲料的若虫,60 d后存活下来的若虫大多以超龄若虫的形式存在,而取食烯虫酯的若虫则很少出现超龄若虫。成虫取食烯虫酯(200 mg/kg)和吡丙醚(40 mg/kg)混毒饲料后7 d,死亡率分别为26.67%和23.33%,成虫产卵量分别是对照的39.77%和26.13%,产卵后15 d,卵的孵化率分别是65.71%和8.69%,而对照仅为93.18%。该项研究表明,采用40 mg/kg吡丙醚和200 mg/kg的烯虫酯对嗜卷书虱虫口数量有明显的控制作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a major pest on onion, Allium cepa L., worldwide. In 2010, research was conducted in a commercial onion field in north‐western Italy in order (i) to evaluate the efficacy of different insecticides and of the SAR activator acibenzolar‐S‐methyl, (ii) to correlate thrips infestation levels with bulb size and weight at harvest and (iii) to implement a reliable thrips sampling method. Efficacy of the three active ingredients spinosad, lambda‐cyhalothrin and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl on local thrips populations were also evaluated in laboratory bioassays. RESULTS: During field surveys, the highest and the lowest thrips infestations were observed in plots treated with lambda‐cyhalothrin and with spinosad and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl respectively. The effectiveness of spinosad was also confirmed in laboratory bioassays. At harvest, bulb size and weight did not significantly differ between treatments. A high correlation with visual inspection made plant beating a suitable sampling method for routine practice, enabling a good estimate of thrips infestation. CONCLUSION: Damage caused by thrips is often not severe enough to warrant the frequent pesticide applications the crops receive in north‐western Italy. The use of spinosad and acibenzolar‐S‐methyl is suggested as an alternative to conventional insecticides for the preservation of natural enemies. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Recent developments of new families of pesticides and growing awareness of the importance of wild pollinators for crop pollination have stimulated interest in potential effects of novel pesticides on wild bees. Yet pesticide toxicity studies on wild bees remain rare, and few studies have included long-term monitoring of bumble bee colonies or testing of foraging ability after pesticide exposure. Larval bees feeding on exogenous pollen and exposed to pesticides during development may result in lethal or sub-lethal effects during the adult stage. We tested the effects of a naturally derived biopesticide, spinosad, on bumble bee (Bombus impatiens Cresson) colony health, including adult mortality, brood development, weights of emerging bees and foraging efficiency of adults that underwent larval development during exposure to spinosad. We monitored colonies from an early stage, over a 10-week period, and fed spinosad to colonies in pollen at four levels: control, 0.2, 0.8 and 8.0 mg kg(-1), during weeks 2 through 5 of the experiment. At concentrations that bees would likely encounter in pollen in the wild (0.2-0.8 mg kg(-1)) we detected minimal negative effects to bumble bee colonies. Brood and adult mortality was high at 8.0 mg kg(-1) spinosad, about twice the level that bees would be exposed to in a 'worst case' field scenario, resulting in colony death two to four weeks after initial pesticide exposure. At more realistic concentrations there were potentially important sub-lethal effects. Adult worker bees exposed to spinosad during larval development at 0.8 mg kg(-1) were slower foragers on artificial complex flower arrays than bees from low or no spinosad treated colonies. Inclusion of similar sub-lethal assays to detect effects of pesticides on pollinators would aid in development of environmentally responsible pest management strategies.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was undertaken to determine the persistence and efficacy of spinosad against Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in wheat stored for 9 months at 30 degrees C and 55 and 70% relative humidity. The aim was to investigate the potential of spinosad for protecting wheat from R. dominica during long-term storage in warm climates. Wheat was treated with spinosad at 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg kg(-1) grain and sampled after 0, 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5 and 9 months of storage for bioassays and residue analyses. Residues were estimated to have declined by 30% during 9 months of storage at 30 degrees C and there was no effect of relative humidity. Spinosad applied at 0.5 or 1 mg kg(-1) was completely effective for 9 months, with 100% adult mortality after 14 days of exposure and no live F1 adults produced. Adult mortality was <100% in some samples of wheat treated with 0.1 mg kg(-1) of spinosad, and live progeny were produced in all samples treated at this level. The results show that spinosad is likely to be an effective grain protectant against R. dominica in wheat stored in warm climates.  相似文献   

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