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The value of an analytical approach to the assessment of the advantages resulting from the use of controlled release granular formulations of pesticides is discussed. The methods are illustrated by considering the concentration-time profiles resulting from the application of such formulations to water and to soils. The importance of the particular environment in which these formulations are used and of the dynamic nature of the pest population is emphasised. It is concluded that relatively simple controlled release granular formulations could give improvements in the performance of pesticides compared with conventional formulations but that the practicality of producing such formulations with a sufficiently large range of release rate constants is uncertain. Equally their use under field conditions might be subject to practical difficulties.  相似文献   

S. Andersson 《EPPO Bulletin》1982,12(4):463-475
Control of Heterodera avenae should largely aim to keep densities below tolerance limits at sowing-time (in spring oats < 1 egg/g soil, in susceptible barley < 3 eggs/g soil; spring wheat is only slightly less sensitive than oats, autumn-sown cereals are more tolerant than spring-sown ones). To obtain this, knowledge of population dynamics is important. Essential items in population dynamics are the host properties of different plants (characterized by two factors which do not always covary: maximum rate of multiplication and equilibrium density of the nematode), population decline of the nematode under fallow and non-hosts and the external factors influencing these characteristics. For cereals the following host efficiency order is found: winter oats (best), spring oats, spring wheat, spring barley, winter wheat, rye. Winter barley may be close to spring barley, and maize is a bad host. Grasses are generally less good hosts than cereals and usually cause high and moderate densities of H. avenae to decline. However, especially in first-year leys, rather high equilibrium densities may sometimes be maintained. Host properties of plants vary between sites and years and also relations between hosts may change. Populations decline under fallow, non-hosts and resistant cereals, usually in the order of 70–85 96 annually. H. avenae populations are favoured by lighter soils and heavier soils with a proper structure and also by good plant nutrient conditions. Soil moisture in interaction with temperature influences population dynamics in a complex way, in which natural enemies of the nematodes may also be involved, not least certain fungi. In many fields these may keep nematode populations at harmless levels. Traditional control measures like proper crop rotations can only be used to a limited extent. The most promising approach for controlling H. avenae is an appropriate use of resistant cultivars, of which barley cultivars are also tolerant, while oat cultivars are usually very sensitive. Biological control has hitherto not been used actively. Chemical control is profitable in Australia but not under European conditions. Farmers should check the need for control through soil sample investigations or by other means.  相似文献   

A controlled–release formulation of chlorsulfuron (DT26B) and a conventional granular formulation were compared for their initial bioefficacy and leaching in laboratory and field experiments. Three alkaline soil types, representative of farm soils in SE Australia, were used for these experiments. Laboratory tests of initial bioefficacy using a Mallee sand (pH 7.2) were able to detect, within ED05–95 limits, that approximately 50% of active ingredient remained as a non–available reserve in DT26B immediately after spraying, when compared with the granular formation. There was also an indication that the bioavailable component of active ingredient in DT26B would be sufficient for weed control. This was confirmed at field sites on a Kattyoong sand (pH 7.9) and a Wimmera Grey clay (pH 8.4), after using recommended application rates of chlorsulfuron during the 1994 winter growing season. The formulations produced only marginal differences in control of Lolium rigidum Gaud. The field leaching trials at these sites showed that there can be rapid leaching of chlorsulfuron with only small amounts of rainfall. Under these conditions, there was an overall trend of reduced leaching by DT26B at both trial sites, although these reductions were not significant when compared with the granular formation, A laboratory system designed to measure the mobility of herbicides is described. It was used to impose upon each formulation a greater level of leaching than in the field trials, using Mallee sand columns irrigated with 50 mm day–1 under –50 kPa suction. This test revealed a negligible reduction in leaching of chlorsulfuron by DT26B as compared with the granular formulation. Therefore, although the controlled–release formulation DT26B demonstrated that it could provide a viable alternative for weed control under conventional spraying conditions in arable farming, the agricultural usage of DT26B for the purpose of reducing leaching could not be warranted at its current stage of development.  相似文献   

Knockdown in insects following application of an insecticide may be defined as the state of intoxication and partial paralysis which usually precedes death. Pyrethroid insecticides cause knockdown within a few minutes in contrast to the slower action of other groups of compounds. Users throughout the world have varying interpretations of knockdown and may apply different emphasis depending upon the species involved and local application techniques. To obtain valid assessments it is necessary to carry out tests under the most realistic conditions possible and to see that the effects of variations in procedure are taken into full account. Some factors which influence knockdown are: single rapid dosing or continuous pick-up during the observation period; size and distribution of spray-droplets; size of test chamber; interaction in mixtures of synergist and insecticides; use of organic solvents or water-based formulations. Examples of these are given.  相似文献   

过去多采用常量喷雾法喷洒水溶性杀菌剂。本试验采用低量弥雾法喷洒水溶性氟硅脲杀菌剂防治小麦条锈病,药效好,工效高,很适合小麦后期用药的要求,小麦千粒重和亩产量明显增加,经济效益显著。10%氟硅脲膏剂最适剂量是1斤/亩,37%氟硅脲晶粉是0.3斤/亩,最适喷液量是5~10斤/亩。根据试验所拟定的技术操作规程,经两年大面积试用,证明是可行的。试验表明,低量喷施水溶性杀菌剂后,了解掌握雾滴在后期小麦田株冠层中的运动分布规律对科学用药具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The management of crop fertilization may be an important component of integrated weed management systems. A field study was conducted to determine the effect of various application methods of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on weed growth and winter wheat yield in a zero-tillage production system. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at 50 kg ha−1 at the time of planting winter wheat over four consecutive years to determine the annual and cumulative effects. The nitrogen treatments consisted of granular ammonium nitrate applied broadcast on the soil surface, banded 10 cm deep between every crop row, banded 10 cm deep between every second crop row, and point-injected liquid ammonium nitrate placed between every second crop row at 20 cm intervals and 10 cm depth. An unfertilized control was also included. Density, shoot N concentration and the biomass of weeds was often lower with subsurface banded or point-injected N than with broadcast N. The winter wheat density was similar with all N fertilizer application methods but wheat shoot N concentration and yield were consistently higher with banded or point-injected N compared with broadcast N. In several instances, the surface broadcast N did not increase the weed-infested wheat yield above that of the unfertilized control, indicating that it was the least preferred N application method. Depending on the weed species, the weed seedbank at the conclusion of the 4 year study was reduced by 29–62% with point-injected N compared with broadcast N. Information gained from this study will be used to develop more integrated weed management programs for winter wheat.  相似文献   

Shaw MW 《Phytopathology》2000,90(4):333-339
ABSTRACT Models of the intensity of selection for resistance resulting from the application of heterogeneous doses of pesticide are developed. Dose heterogeneity is assumed to arise from two factors. First, a proportion of the population completely escapes treatment. Second, the rest of the population receives a distribution of doses that can be described by a probability distribution that is approximately logistic on a logarithmic scale. Various assumptions about the biology of the target population are explored, including both sexual and asexual reproduction of haploid and diploid organisms with either polygenic or monogenic inheritance of resistance. There are two major conclusions. (i) The presence of escape produces a maximum in the graph of selection intensity against dose or control; below the dose corresponding to the maximum, selection is reduced if dose is reduced, but above the maximum, selection is reduced if dose is increased. Informal arguments suggest it is unlikely that field doses would often be above the maximum dose, so selection would usually be decreased by decreasing dose. (ii) For the same control, selection for resistance is reduced by greater heterogeneity of pesticide dose, even though larger average doses may be needed.  相似文献   

Various granular formulations based on a non-disintegrating granular carrier of the aphicide, pirimicarb, were tested for release rate under natural conditions by placing the granules in small bags made of a non-woven fabric in various soils and analysing the contents at monthly periods. There was complete release from the control formulation within 1 month. The other formulations contained slow release additives. These slowed down the release rate but half of the active ingredient was still released in the first month from the formulation with the slowest release rate. It appears that if very slow rates of release are required than a different type of granule is needed. Laboratory release rates bear some relationship to field results justifying the use of laboratory tests as a method for selecting a short list of formulations for testing in the field.  相似文献   

Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) occur in all temperate agroecosystems, and have been implicated as predators of many pests, including aphids, lepidopterous larvae, and slugs. Most are polyphagous, and some are primarily spermophagous. The species assemblage present in any particular crop is determined by multiple factors, but usually comprises a limited number of abundantly active species, which may be common to many crop types. Abiotic soil factors, especially soil type and moisture status are important in determining the species present. Crop type affects the carabid assemblage indirectly through cultivation practices and microclimatic changes. Any soil cultivation affects the carabid assemblage, but studies comparing ploughing with reduced tillage have shown varying results, according to local conditions. Pesticides, especially insecticides have a localised and short-term effect, as many carabids rapidly re-invade sprayed crops. The long-term effect of pesticide usage at a landscape scale is, however, more difficult to predict, and may have contributed to the observed decline in carabid diversity in the wider countryside. Whilst fertiliser application is generally beneficial to carabids, comparisons of conventional and organic farming systems suggest that localised short-term variations in species abundances are more important than the overall farming system used. Non-crop habitats are very important to Carabidae, as many use adjacent hedges and field margins for shelter, breeding or dispersal. But other features such as roads may act as barriers to dispersal. It is concluded that further measures need to be taken if Carabidae are to realise their potential in integrated pest management systems.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the performance of various granular formulations of disulfoton and phorate after foliar application to field beans were investigated by bioassay in controlled environment rooms. Frequent rainfall and high temperature increased activity considerably but humidity had little effect. With disulfoton formulation on pumice rather than fuller's earth, and toxicant concentrations of 7.5% rather than 10% increased toxicity, but effects of formulation were small with phorate. The influence of rainfall and formulation were confirmed in a field experiment. There was evidence for an initial fumigant effect, particularly for phorate, in both laboratory and field experiments. The detailed effects of the various factors at different intervals after applying the granules are discussed in relation to the physical properties of the insecticides and granular carriers. It is suggested that the possibilities of controlling performance by influencing release rates from granules are limited for chemicals such as phorate and disulfoton which are appreciably adsorbed by soil.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments, residues of diazinon applied to turfgrass, Poa pratensis L., that could be dislodged by rubbing with cheese-cloth, declined from c. 10% of the total applied when the grass was vigorously rubbed immediately after application to 0.3% after 1 day. Sunlight did not influence the rate of decline in dislodgeable residues or residues remaining on or within the leaf blades. In field experiments where 4.5 kg ha?1 of diazinon was applied in liquid or granular form, about 20 times more diazinon was dislodged from the liquid formulation immediately after application than from the granular. By 1 day after application the percentage of the total applied diazinon that could be dislodged was equal for both formulations. Rainfall had a significant effect on the amount dislodged from grass blades, but mowing did not. Similar rates of decline in the dislodgeable fraction of diazinon, chlorpyrifos and isofenphos were observed in field experiments. Recovery of the dislodgeable fraction declined to 0.25% or less of the total amount of any of these insecticides by 1 day after application. However, residues in the thatch remained sufficiently high for control of insects for up to 7 days after application for diazinon and 14 days for chlorpyrifos and isofenphos.  相似文献   

A newly isolated Fusarium oxysporum strain was investigated for its biocontrol potential against the root parasitic weed Orobanche ramosa (branched broomrape). The fungus was found to affect all developmental stages of the parasite. Orobanche seed germination was reduced by 40% in the presence of fungal conidia in vitro . The number of underground tubercles and shoots of the weed was reduced by the fungus by 55% compared with the control and 92% of tubercles were recorded as diseased in root chambers. In pot experiments, soil application of a granular formulation of the fungus resulted in a reduction of number and dry matter of Orobanche shoots by more than 90%. Spraying of a conidial suspension on aboveground Orobanche shoots caused the death of 75% of them within 2 weeks. Data from initial host-range experiments indicate that the isolate is very host-specific, not even attacking shoots of other Orobanche species. Because of these promising results, we conclude that the fungal isolate should be investigated under field conditions and be compared with other Fusarium isolates proposed for biocontrol of O. ramosa .  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, in water without particulate matter, pyrethroid insecticides have a high toxicity to fish and some aquatic invertebrates. The pyrethroids are of very low water solubility/high lipophilicity, and therefore are rapidly and strongly adsorbed to particulate material. In the adsorbed state their bioavailability to aquatic organisms is greatly reduced. Consequently, under field conditions the aquatic impact of these insecticides is likely to be much less than might be predicted by laboratory acute or chronic toxicity test data. Over the past 10 years a large number of aquatic field studies have been carried out with pyrethroids, in natural farm ponds, streams and lakes and also in mesocosms (experimental ponds and enclosures). Recent investigations, to meet the requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, have been most extensive. These studies, done in replicated experimental ponds of at least 0-04 ha, each require at least 20 man-years of effort. Following agricultural applications of the pyrethroid insecticides, spray-drift or run-off may cause minor effects upon some aquatic organisms. Algae, microorganisms, annelids, gastropods and fish are all unaffected, but some impact may occur upon certain zoo-plankton and on aquatic stages of insects. However, with products for which realistic field studies have been reported, the effects are mostly transient and are unlikely to cause adverse changes in the populations or productivity of aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

A procedure for examining the distribution of ethirimol in soil is described. Soil samples containing ethirimol are initially freeze-dried at ?5 to ?10°C, impregnated with Araldite resin and hardeners under vacuum and then maintained for 16 h at room temperature followed by 24 h at 100°C, to complete curing. The impregnated soils may then be sectioned and the radiolabelled pesticide located by autoradiography. The distribution of ethirimol within the soil was found to be unaffected by either freeze-drying or impregnation. The method enables the distribution to be determined on a small scale directly in undisturbed soil sections from both the laboratory and the field. It was used to investigate the effects of soil type on the movement of ethirimol. Structural and textural factors appear to have an important influence on the redistribution of this fungicide and may override the effects of adsorption.  相似文献   

三种粉锈宁络合物,即保丰宁、植保宁和粉锈铜对小麦锈病防病保产效果显著,用药量低、持效期长,使用安全,而且在田间试验与粉锈宁用药量相同的情况下,其效果接近。据室内测定,植保宁具有较强的内吸传导性能,但基本上是向上传导;具有较强的治疗和铲除作用,但对夏孢子萌发的影响很弱。据田间试验,用药量与品种感病性关系密切,随着小麦品种感病性提高,用药量应适当增加,才能控制锈病为害;施药次数主要取决于施药时小麦所处的生育期,施药1次的适期在病叶率5%—10%时、小麦处于旗叶伸长至抽穗期。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Target‐site‐based resistance to acetyl‐CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors in Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. is essentially due to five substitutions (Isoleucine‐1781‐Leucine, Tryptophan‐2027‐Cysteine, Isoleucine‐2041‐Asparagine, Aspartate‐2078‐Glycine, Glycine‐2096‐Alanine). Recent studies suggested that cross‐resistance patterns associated with each mutation using a seed‐based bioassay may not accurately reflect field resistance. The authors aimed to connect the presence of mutant ACCase isoform(s) in A. myosuroides with resistance to five ACCase inhibitors (fenoxaprop, clodinafop, haloxyfop, cycloxydim, clethodim) sprayed at the recommended field rate. RESULTS: Results from spraying experiments and from seed‐based bioassays were consistent for all mutant isoforms except the most widespread, Leucine‐1781. In spraying experiments, Leucine‐1781 ACCase conferred resistance to clodinafop and haloxyfop. Some plants containing Leucine‐1781 or Alanine‐2096 ACCase, but not all, were also resistant to clethodim. CONCLUSION: Leucine‐1781, Cysteine‐2027, Asparagine‐2041 and Alanine‐2096 ACCases confer resistance to fenoxaprop, clodinafop and haloxyfop at field rates. Leucine‐1781 ACCase also confers resistance to cycloxydim at field rate. Glycine‐2078 ACCase confers resistance to all five herbicides at field rates. Only Glycine‐2078 ACCase confers clethodim resistance under optimal application conditions. It may be that Leucine‐1781 and Alanine‐2096 ACCases may also confer resistance to clethodim in the field if the conditions are not optimal for herbicide efficacy, or at reduced clethodim field rates. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Observational evidence is scarce concerning the distribution of plant pathogen population sizes or densities as a function of time-scale or spatial scale. For wild pathosystems we can only get indirect evidence from evolutionary patterns and the consequences of biological invasions. We have little or no evidence bearing on extermination of hosts by pathogens, or successful escape of a host from a pathogen. Evidence over the last couple of centuries from crops suggest that the abundance of particular pathogens in the spectrum affecting a given host can vary hugely on decadal time-scales. However, this may be an artefact of domestication and intensive cultivation. Host-pathogen dynamics can be formulated mathematically fairly easily–for example as SIR-type differential equation or difference equation models, and this has been the (successful) focus of recent work in crops. “Long-term” is then discussed in terms of the time taken to relax from a perturbation to the asymptotic state. However, both host and pathogen dynamics are driven by environmental factors as well as their mutual interactions, and both host and pathogen co-evolve, and evolve in response to external factors. We have virtually no information about the importance and natural role of higher trophic levels (hyperpathogens) and competitors, but they could also induce long-scale fluctuations in the abundance of pathogens on particular hosts. In wild pathosystems the host distribution cannot be modelled as either a uniform density or even a uniform distribution of fields (which could then be treated as individuals). Patterns of short-term density-dependence and the detail of host distribution are therefore critical to long-term dynamics. Host density distributions are not usually scale-free, but are rarely uniform or clearly structured on a single scale. In a (multiply structured) metapopulation with co-evolution and external disturbances it could well be the case that the time required to attain equilibrium (if it exists) based on conditions stable over a specified time-scale is longer than that time-scale. Alternatively, local equilibria may be reached fairly rapidly following perturbations but the meta-population equilibrium be attained very slowly. In either case, meta-stability on various time-scales is a more relevant than equilibrium concepts in explaining observed patterns.  相似文献   

Under the changing agro-climatic conditions of western Europe, the parasitic weed Phelipanche ramosa infests host crops such as tomato, hemp, tobacco and oilseed rape at an increasing rate. A Fusarium oxysporum isolate (FOG), that had effectively reduced the parasite's incidence under controlled environmental conditions, was tested in different granular formulations (pesta granules, alginate pellets) on P. ramosa parasitising tobacco under field-grown conditions. FOG reduced number and biomass of P. ramosa shoots by between 50% and 70% in three consecutive years (2006–2008). A single pesta application did not show consistent results throughout seasons; 50% reduction of P. ramosa biomass (DM) in the first year could not be repeated in the following years (20–30%). An alginate formulation applied alone performed better. However, a combination of pesta granules with alginate pellets had the highest reliable control efficacy (60–70%) of all treatments in two seasons, compared with the untreated control. Fungal population counts in soil samples did not show a close correlation to biocontrol efficacy. To understand field performance of this biocontrol agent, additional glasshouse and laboratory studies were conducted using soil from the experimental site. The glasshouse study revealed some fungistatic effects of the field soil that partly explain the reduced efficacy (-40%) in the field compared with results obtained under controlled conditions. Results show the potential of FOG for P. ramosa control. Because formulation affected the biocontrol efficacy, it may be worthwhile to test how the delivery system can be changed in order to achieve increased disease development in the field.  相似文献   

在较低温度下,茶蚕颗粒体病毒防治茶蚕的效果不甚理想。试验证明与低剂量杀虫双混用,能增强病毒侵染力。经较大面积示范,亩施颗粒体病毒100毫克加杀虫双10毫升,防效可达83.2~93.5%,显著高于单用。  相似文献   



The proportionality principle has been broadly used for over 10 years in regulatory assessments of pesticide residues. It allows extrapolation of supervised field trial data conducted at lower or higher application rates compared to the use pattern under evaluation by adjustment of measured concentrations, assuming direct proportionality between the rates applied and the resulting residues. This work revisits the principle idea by using supervised residue trials sets conducted under identical conditions but with deviating application rates. Four different statistical methods were used to investigate the relationship between application rates and residue concentrations and to draw conclusions on the statistical significance of the direct proportionality assumed.


Based on over 5000 individual trial results, the assumption of direct proportionality was not confirmed to be statistically significant (P > 0.05) using three models: direct comparison of application rates and residue concentrations ratios and two linear log-log regression models correlating application rate and residue concentration or only residue concentrations per se. In addition, a fourth model analysed deviations between expected concentrations following direct proportional adjustment and measured residue values from corresponding field trials. In 56% of all cases, the deviation was larger than ±25%, which represents the tolerance usually accepted for the selection of supervised field trials in regulatory assessments.


Overall, the assumption of direct proportionality between application rates and resulting residue concentrations of pesticides was not statistically significant. Although the proportionality approach is highly pragmatic in regulatory practice, its use should be considered carefully on a case-by-case basis. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

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