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During a 2 1/2-year period 209 dogs with 218 malignant tumours were examined for skeletal metastases. There were 77 malignant tumours without visceral or skeletal metastases. Twenty-four (17%) of the 141 tumours with visceral metastases also had skeletal metastases. Ninety-eight of these tumours were of epithelial origin, and of these 21 (21.4%) had skeletal metastases. In 14 dogs, more than one bone had a metastatic tumour. The humerus, femur and vertebral column were most frequently involved. The lung was the most frequent site of metastatic tumours; then, in order, the liver, kidney and skeleton. The incidence of primary and secondary bone tumours was similar. Metastatic bone disease in the dog is far more common than is generally realized.  相似文献   

Acceleration of wound healing and improvement of scarring at skin graft donor sites and trauma or surgical lesions are important clinical goals in human and veterinary medicine. It has been discovered that wounds made on early mouse embryos heal quickly and perfectly, with no scars. The cellular and molecular differences between scar-free embryonic healing and scar-forming adult healing have been investigated. As a result, molecules have been identified which can be experimentally manipulated during adult healing, both to accelerate the process and to improve scarring. Some of these molecules represent pharmaceutical targets to which novel therapeutic agents have been developed. For example, embryonic wounds have high levels of TGFβ3 from endogenous keratinocytes and fibroblasts, but relatively low levels of TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 derived from degranulating platelets and inflammatory cells, by comparison to adult wounds. Therapeutically elevating the level of TGFβ3 allows adult rodent and porcine wounds to heal significantly faster and with improved scarring. These experimental findings have progressed into further studies in humans. A number of clinical trials with novel pharmaceuticals designed to accelerate healing and prevent scarring have been successfully completed, and further large patient-based trials are ongoing. These studies indicate that pharmaceutical treatment of healing wounds to accelerate the process (e.g. accelerated re-epithelialization of graft sites) or improve scarring may soon supplement the current surgical and device approaches to wound management.  相似文献   

Adequate radiographic evaluation of the horse relevant to purchase examination requires the successful integration of technique, interpretation, and reporting. A thorough knowledge of lameness and disease can be masked by incorrect interpretation resulting from poor-quality films or an incomplete examination. Thus, care must be taken to produce an adequate number of high-quality films on which to base a report, which allows you to describe changes that are present. This information, coupled with your physical examination, other laboratory data, and the knowledge of the expressed use of the horse will allow you to advise prospective owners on the decision that they will ultimately make.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old male crossbred dog developed a non-painful unilateral testicular swelling; the other gonad was reduced in size. Both gonads were removed surgically; the larger contained a diffuse seminoma, the smaller atrophic testis contained an interstitial cell adenoma and several intratubular seminomas. Six months after being castrated the dog developed palpable intraabdominal masses. Necropsy revealed gross metastatic malignant seminoma in para-aortic lymph nodes. No histological features were identified to correlate with the malignant behaviour of this usually benign tumour.  相似文献   

In Greyhounds, 2 plantar sesamoid bones were identified in radiographs taken of the intact tarsus and also of the tarsometatarsal fibrocartilage, that had been dissected free from the joints. Anatomic dissections defined the precise position of each sesamoid. A prominent sesamoid was present on the lateral side of the tarsometatarsal articulation in 50% of the tarsi; it is proposed that this bone be named the lateral plantar tarsometatarsal sesamoid bone. A smaller bone was detected on the medial side of the tarsometatarsal articulation in 27% of the tarsi; it is proposed that this bone be named the intra-articular tarsometatarsal sesamoid bone.  相似文献   

The goal of any method of fracture repair should be the early return to function of the patient with minimum postoperative morbidity. This is accomplished most optimally by having a basic understanding of the biology of bone healing and by being familiar with the musculoskeletal system of the species before attempting fracture repair. Applying the fundamental principles of mammalian bone anatomy and physiology to the bird ensures the best prognosis possible and minimizes postoperative complications in the avian patient.  相似文献   

There have been few studies on the process of fracture repair in avian species. Most of the information shows similarities between avian and mammalian bone growth and fracture repair, but there are differences. The main finding confirms that fractures must be reduced properly, stabilized, and immobilized with an adequate blood supply to the bone fragments for optimal healing. The return to function of extremities, particularly the legs and wings, is an important consideration when internal fixation methods are used. Causing little or no collateral damage to soft tissue and joint when implanting internal hardware is ideal and reduces the likelihood of impaired function. Whether internal or external fixation methods are used for fracture reduction, the knowledge of avian bone growth and fracture repair is essential for veterinarian understanding and when discussing the healing process with clients.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the incidence and to describe the radiographic appearance of ankylosis capsularis ossea at the canine sacroiliac joint, as well as to determine factors, which might cause radiographic misinterpretation of this finding. Bone specimens of 646 pelves of pure-bred dogs were assessed for morphological evidence of ankylosis capsularis ossea. The lesion was most commonly present at the cranioventral aspects of the sacroiliac joint. More than 50% of adult dogs had signs of being at least mildly affected. Among these, large and giant breeds were most commonly involved. Unlike moderate and severe degrees of this disease, smaller osteophytes had not been visualised on radiographs. For radiographic diagnosis, angled views of the sacrum are recommended. In central views of the sacrum, the presence of increased sacral concavity consistent with increased ilial convexity of the caudal aspect of the sacroiliac contact area might simulate the presence of ankylosis capsularis ossea. The clinical importance of the present findings is discussed in context with human literature.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies provide powerful tools for detection of lineage-specific markers on hematopoietic cells. We used the combination of cell morphology, cytochemistry, flow cytometric scatter plot analysis, and labeling of cells with 6 monoclonal antibodies to detect and subclassify lymphocytic leukemia in bone marrow from 5 dogs. Antibodies included anti-CD18 (a panleukocyte marker), anti-MHC class II (detects most B and T lymphocytes and monocyte/macrophages), anti-Thy-1 (a pan-T-lymphocyte and monocyte/macrophage marker), anti-CD3 (a pan-T-lymphocyte marker), anti-CD21 (a B-lymphocyte marker), and anti-CD14 (a monocyte/macrophage marker). Of the 5 dogs evaluated, 2 were categorized as acute T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia, 2 as acute non-T, non-B lymphoblastic leukemia, and 1 as acute B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. Results of this study indicate marked variation in the morphology and immunophenotype of canine lymphocytic leukemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To obtain the anatomic and morphometric data required for biomechanical analysis of the hind limb in dogs. ANIMALS: A healthy adult mixed-breed 23-kg male dog. PROCEDURE: Following euthanasia of the dog, all muscles of the right hind limb were identified and meticulously removed. Physiologic cross-sectional areas (PCSA) and architectural indices (AI) were calculated. The coordinates for the origin and insertion of each muscle were determined, using orthogonal right-handed coordinate systems embedded in the pelvis, femur, and tibia. RESULTS: PCSA and AI were calculated for 29 muscles, and coordinates for the origins and insertions of these muscles were determined. CONCLUSIONS: Results provide the morphometric and anatomic data necessary for 3-dimensional biomechanical studies of the hind limb in dogs.  相似文献   

Haemangiosarcoma of bone in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Twenty-two dogs with osseous haemangiosarcoma were examined in the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine from July 1952 to September 1972. A detailed case report of a primary haemangiosarcoma of the proximal humerus in a 21/2-year old spayed Irish Setter is given along with the salient features of twenty-one other cases. The three breeds most commonly involved were Boxers, Great Danes and German Shepherd Dogs. The ages ranged from 2–11 years with a median age of 6 years. The male to female ratio was 1·6:1·0. The proximal humerus and ribs were the bones most commonly affected. The long bone to flat bone ratio was 1·0:1·33. In some cases it was difficult or impossible to ascertain whether the haemangiosarcoma in bone was primary or metastatic. Histological grading appeared of little or no prognostic value. Résumé. De juillet 1952 à septembre 1972, on a examiné à l'Ecole de Médicine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Pennsylvanie, vingt-deux chiens atteints d'hémangiosarcome osseux. On donne un protocole détaillé d'observation d'un cas d'hémangiosarcome primaire de l'humérus proximal chez un setter irlandais châtré avec les traits caractéristiques saillants de vingt et un autres cas. Les trois races les plus communes dont il s'agissait, étaient les Boxers, les Grands Danois et les Bergers Allemands. Les âges variaient de deux à onze ans avec une moyenne d'âge de six ans. La proportion mâle à femelle était de 1·6:1·0. L'humérus proximal et les côtes étaient les os lesplus communément affectés La proportion de l'os long à l'os plat était de 1·0:1·33. Dans certains cas, il était difficile ou impossible de constater si l'hémangiosarcome de l'os était primaire ou métastatique. Une gradation histologique a semblé n'avoir que peu ou pas de valeur prognostique. Zusammenfassung. Zweiundzwanzig Hunde mit ossalen Hämangiosarkomen wurden in der Universität der Pennsylvanischen Schule für Veterinäre Medizin in der Zeit von Juli 1952 bis September 1972 untersucht. Ein in Einzelheit gehender Krankenbefund von einem primären Hämangiosarkom des Humerus proximalis in einem zweiundhalbjährigen irischen Setter (dem die Eierstöcke entfernt waren) wurde, zusammen mit den hervorstechenden Merkmalen von zweiundzwanzig anderen Fällen, veröffentlicht. Die drei Rassen, am Meisten einbegriffen, waren Boxer, dänische Doggen und deutsche Schäferhunde. Ihr Alter belief sich von zwei bis elf Jahren mit einem Durchschnittsalter von sechs Jahren. Das männliche zum weibliche Verhältnis stand bei 1·6:1·0. Der Humerus proximalis und die Rippen waren die Knochen, welche am Meisten befallen waren. Die Röhrenknochen standen zu den Plattenknochen im Verhältnis von 1·0:1·33. In einigen Fällen war es schwierig oder unmöglich zu ermitteln ob das Hämangiosarkom in Knochen primär oder metastatisch war. Histologische Einstufung schien von wenig oder keinem prognostischem Wert.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old female Yorkshire Terrier was examined because of acute left forelimb lameness secondary to a Salter-Harris type IV fracture of the lateral condyle of the humerus. Radiography revealed an eccentric, osteolytic lesion in the distal humeral metaphysis associated with a pathologic fracture. The limb was amputated, and the dog recovered. Microscopic examination revealed an extensive zone of hemorrhage and dilated coalescent spaces, which were filled with blood. Hemosiderin-laden macrophages and multinucleated giant cells were observed throughout the stroma. On the basis of clinical, radiographic, and histologic examinations, a diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst was made. Aneurysmal bone cysts generally have been detected in 11- to 13-year-old, medium- to large-sized dogs. They can develop secondary to malignant processes.  相似文献   

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