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The effects of continuous stocking by sheep at sward surface heights (SSH) of 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm in grass/clover (GC) and nitrogen-fertilized grass (GN) swards were examined in relation to herbage mass and quality, clover content, tiller density and rates of herbage production and senescence in two periods in each of three grazing seasons (1987-89). The GN swards received a total of 300 kg N ha?1 each year in six equal dressings from March; GC swards received a single dressing of 50 kg N ha?1 in March each year. Herbage mass measured from ground level increased linearly with SSH with overall mean herbage masses of 0·89, 1·38, 1·78 and 2·12 t OM ha?1 (s.e.m.0·024, P < 0·001) at SSH of 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm respectively. GN and GC swards had mean herbage masses of 1·58 and 1·51 t OM ha?1 (s.e.m. 0·051, NS) respectively. Mean N content of herbage on GN swards was greater than that on GC swards and declined with increasing SSH. Crude, fibre (CF) content of herbage was similar for both sward types and increased with increasing SSH. Clover content of GC swards remained low throughout the experiment, ranging from 0·002 to 0·074 of herbage mass. However, from tissue turnover rates it was estimated that its contribution to herbage production was in the range of 0·049–0·219 of net herbage growth. Total growth increased with increasing SSH in both sward types, with maximum growth rates in GN swards of 143 and 130 kg DM ha?1 d?1 and in GC swards of 88·2 and 85·4 kg DM ha?1 d?1 in Periods 1 (up to early July) and 2 (after July) respectively. Senescence rates ranged between 13·3 and 50·1 kg DM ha?1 d?1 and tended to be higher in Period 2 than in Period 1. Net production increased with increasing SSH in Period 1, while in Period 2 net production declined at SSH above 6·5 cm. The increased net herbage production in taller swards was not associated with greater utilized metabolizable energy production at sward heights above 5 cm.  相似文献   

The effect of blending small- and medium-leaved white clovers together in a mixture of varieties was examined under continuous sheep stocking over a period of three years. Four varieties were used, S184 and Gwenda, small-leaved varieties suitable for intensive sheep grazing, together with medium leaved varieties Menna and Donna, which are mainly used in general purpose seed mixtures for medium term leys. The small-leaved varieties were blended with Menna or Donna, sown with a commercial grass mixture and managed as near as possible to farm practice. Although the leaf size of Gwenda is only slightly greater than that of S184, blends based on these two small-leaved varieties behaved differently. In spring of the first harvest year the yield of Gwenda and of the clover in mixtures containing Gwenda was 27% greater than the yield of the same mixtures which contained S184. As the season progressed this difference decreased. In terms of total annual yields and saving in fertilizer N, the benefits of including white clover in a seed mixture were more pronounced when Menna was mixed with S184 and Gwenda, rather than when Donna was used, although both varieties are in the medium-leaf category. It was concluded that the slower establishment and the lower clover yield of S184, when compared with larger leaved varieties, can be overcome by blending with a variety that is slightly larger in leaf size, such as Menna, although the choice of variety may depend on sward management and its persistency under grazing.  相似文献   

White clover was slot-seeded into a low-fertility permanent pasture in May 1979. The effects of cutting interval (1, 2 and 4 weeks) and cutting height (3 and 7 cm), in the presence and absence of above-ground partitions, were recorded in terms of clover establishment and growth up to 15 weeks. The partitions resulted in a considerable increase in growth, stolon production and survival of clover plants, especially from 6 weeks after sowing, indicating a large effect of shoot competition from the surrounding sward. However, the effectiveness of defoliation in reducing grass competition appeared limited; close cutting did give some benefit to establishing clover but cutting frequency had little effect. In view of the limited success in reducing grass competition by cutting, further attempts at alleviating root competition are needed, possibly involving fertilizer placement and the use of grass-suppressing herbicides.  相似文献   

For the 2 years 1977 and 1978 Masham ewes grazed a perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne cv. S24) pasture from the beginning of April until the end of September each year. Twelve ewes were allocated to each of the three stocking rate treatments, 12 (L), 16 (M) and 20 (H) ewes per ha. Each treatment was rotationally grazed around six paddocks with a forward creep for the lambs. Conservation cuts were taken from each treatment in late May and were generally sufficient to cover a 3-month winter feeding period for treatments L and M but were always insufficient for treatment H. Lambing took place at pasture during the second half of May. No concentrates were fed to the ewes during late pregnancy or lactation but lamb birth weights (4–8 kg) and lamb growth rates over the first 4 weeks (240 g d−l) were satisfactory. Organic matter intakes (OMI)of grass by the pregnant ewes(1816,1844 g OMI ewe−1) were not affected by the stocking rate. Intake of grass by the lactating ewes was affected by year and by stocking rate. The overall growth rate of lambs was higher on treatment L than either M or H but decreased on all treatments during the latter half of the grazing season, resulting in 43% of L and only 3% of M and H lambs being fit for slaughter by the end of September. The main features of this time of lambing are low costs and the production of predominantly store lambs.  相似文献   

Five binary perennial grass/white clover (Trifolium repens, cv. Menna) mixtures were evaluated over a 3-year period under continuous sheep stocking together with the imposition of a rest period for either an early or a late conservation cut; the experiment with plot sizes of 0·16 ha was replicated three times. The grass species and cultivars used were Merlinda tetraploid and Magella diploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), Prairial cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata), Rossa meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) and Goliath timothy (Phleum pratense). The greatest total lengths of white clover stolon developed in the meadow fescue (171·6 m m?2) and timothy (151·9 m m?2) associations compared with those in tetraploid perennial ryegrass (98·6 m m?2), diploid perennial ryegrass (91·9 m m?2) and cocksfoot (74·6 m m?2) (s.e.d. 16·4, P < 0·001). On average, the proportion of white clover stolon that was buried was between 0·86 and 0·89 and this was more abundant in late than early season. Whereas timothy persisted, the persistence of meadow fescue was low under any of the managements tested and this was markedly reduced by the third grazing season. In the diploid perennial ryegrass sward, a late June to early August rest period for conservation enhanced white clover stolon length. An early April to late May rest period greatly reduced total white clover stolon length in both diploid perennial ryegrass and tetraploid perennial ryegrass associations (diploid perennial ryegrass-unrested 89 m m?2, early rest 56·1 m m?2, late rest 130·7 m m?2; tetraploid perennial ryegrass - unrested 125·1 m m?2, early rest 71 m m?2, late rest 99·7 m m?2; s.e.d. 19·19, P < 0·001). The numbers of white clover stolon growing points per unit stolon length were greatest when the sward was rested during late June to early August ?55·9 m?1 stolon length compared with 45·7 m?1 for an April to late May rest and 46 m?1 in the absence of a rest (s.e.d. 2·59, P < 0·001). Likewise, the percentage of stolon above ground was greatest with the late June to early August rest ?15·78% compared with 10·61% for the April to late May rest and 7·69% for no rest (s.e.d. 1·569, P < 0·001). The complementary percentages of buried stolon indicate the important role this fraction has and the need to study stolon behaviour in grazing studies generally. It is concluded that, in relation to perennial ryegrass as a companion grass, meadow fescue and timothy allow better white clover development and cocksfoot less. However, other attributes have to be considered, for example the poor persistence of meadow fescue and the slower regrowth of timothy, both of which allow the invasion of weed grasses, or the lower acceptability of cocksfoot to livestock. The timing of the rest period before the conservation cut can influence white clover development considerably, but the effects differed with different companion grasses.  相似文献   

In 1988 and 1989, swards of grass (G0), while clover (C0) and grass/white clover (GC0) receiving no N fertilizer, and a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha?1 (G420), were grazed by non-lactating sheep to maintain a sward surface height of 6 cm. Herbage organic matter (OM) intakes averaged between 1200 and 1700 g OM ewe?1 d?1. For treatments G0, C0, GC0 and G420 respectively, the ewes' live weight gain was 102, 112, 100 and 110 g d?1 and changes in body condition scores were +0·28, +0·52, +0·36 and +0·44 units season?1. However, the effect of treatment was not significant for either variable. There were similar levels of output of faecal N ewe?1 but significantly more urinary N ewe?1 was excreted on treatments C0 and G420, where the concentrations of N in herbage laminae were also higher. For example, in 1989, total daily N excreted was 39·7, 64·4, 44·0 and 63·3 g N ewe?1 for G0, C0, GC0 and G420 respectively. Taking into account the mean daily stocking rates, which were 19·4, 26·6, 27·2 and 36·5 ewe ha?1, the total faeces and urine returns over the season were 161, 358, 249 and 484 kg N ha?1 for each treatment respectively. The herbage OM intakes ewes?1 d?1 measured in September and October were similar for C0 and G420, and so the intake of herbage OM ha?1 d?1 was related to stocking rate, i. e. the estimated herbage intake ha?1 over the growing season for the white clover monoculture was 73% of that for N-fertilized grass. Excretal nitrogen returns to the pasture from grazed mono-cultures of clover were high, and similar to those from a grass sward receiving 420 kg fertilizer N ha?1. Consequently potential losses of N to the environment are high under these management systems.  相似文献   

The effects on the production from dairy cows of two annual stocking rates (2.5 and 3.0 cows ha?1) and two systems (grass and maize+rye) were examined. The experiement included three treatments: Treatment A was a grass system with an annual stocking rate of 2.5 cows ha?1 and Treatments B and C were maize+rye systems with a stocking rate of 2.5 and 3.0 cows ha?1 respectively. There were twenty cows per treatment and the total area of the system was 22 ha. Treatment A had 4.05 ha of grass silage area, Treatment B had 0.8 ha of grass silage area and 3.2 ha designated to silage crops (maize+rye), whereas Treatment C had 0.4 ha of grass silage area and 2.7 ha of silage crops. Maize silage had a higher nutritive value that the rye or grass silage. The greter production from the maize+rye crops allowed the silage needs of the cows to be met in systems with a seasonal herbage production when stocking rates are higher than for grass-only systems. Rye plus maize system allowed higher stocking rates (2.7 cows per ha) than grass-only system (2.1 cows per ha) because of more efficident use of land resources. Lower stocking rates and grass-only systems increased milk production per cow but not per hectare in comparison with rye plus maize systems.  相似文献   

An established sward of binary mixtures of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) and white clover (Trifolium repens) (either AberHerald, Grasslands Huia or Sandra) was subjected to (A) no further defoliation, (B) a defoliation in late September or (C) a defoliation in late October after four harvests had been taken during the grazing season. About a tonne of dry matter (DM) was removed by the autumn defoliations. There were two levels of nitrogen application in spring, either 0 or 90 kg ha?1. The development of grass and clover morphology and population sizes from early autumn until the first harvest the following year was followed by regular sampling of the above-ground material. Stolons were analysed for total non-structural carbohydrates (TNCs), and the temperature at stolon level was continuously recorded. There were no interactions between autumn defoliation, clover cultivar or nitrogen treatments on any of the parameters studied. White clover growing-point numbers and stolon morphological characteristics were reduced in size during the winter and did not recover during the spring. A defoliation in late September resulted in the greatest reduction, whereas there were no differences between the other two treatments. The grass tiller population increased from early autumn until the last sampling occasion in May, but both autumn defoliations resulted in a smaller increase. Defoliation in late September had the greatest impact. The TNC content of white clover stolons fell from about 350 g kg?1 to 150 g kg?1 DM from late autumn until late April. There were small differences between the treatments, but a defoliation in late September resulted in a significantly lower level in late autumn. The temperature amplitude at stolon level was consistently greater in plots defoliated in late September. Total DM harvested in spring was 4367, 2564 and 3536 kg ha?1, of which 388, 352 and 460 kg ha?1 was white clover, from treatments A, B and C respectively. It is concluded that an autumn defoliation may affect the overwintering of white clover negatively, but that the effect on the grass may be even more detrimental.  相似文献   

White clover seedlings were defoliated when either two, four or six leaves had opened. There were four defoliation treatments, involving removal of younger laminae, older laminae, all laminae or all laminae and petioles, plus a control (no defoliation).
Leaf removal reduced area of subsequently emerging leaves when measured as they became fully opened, though some compensatory expansion occurred after this. Petiole length was also reduced considerably. The magnitude of these effects varied according to severity of the treatment: removal or older laminae had little effect, removal of younger laminae had a similar effect to removing all laminae, but the effect was considerably increased by removing petioles in addition to laminae. The youngest plants showed the greatest reductions in leaf size following leaf removal. Defoliation had little effect on the rate of development of subsequent leaves.
The most severe defoliation treatments reduced plant dry matter but younger seedlings appeared to have a capacity for recovery equal to or greater than that of older seedlings.
It is concluded that white clover seedlings have a considerable ability to recover from leaf removal, especially if only laminae of old leaves are removed, but the growth reduction following removal of petioles as well as laminae appears to be especially severe.  相似文献   

Comparative sheep production from Aurora (very early-flowering), Meltra (late-flowering tetraploid) and Aberystwyth S23 (late-flowering) perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) varieties was assessed as both grass-only (200 kg N ha−1) and grass-white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) (75 kg N ha−1) swards under continuous stocking management. Beulah Speckled Face ewes and their Suffolk cross lambs were used from late April to mid-July. From late July to early November only lambs grazed the pastures.
Mean (1985–87) total annual lamb production per hectare from Aurora and Meltra was 16% and 13% more than that from S23. The magnitude of the differences between these varieties and S23 declined from the first to the third year. Aurora gave 29% more lamb output per hectare than S23 in 1985 but only 10% more in 1987, while the advantage of Meltra over S23 fell from 19% in 1985 to 6% in 1987. Seasonal lamb production per hectare varied between the grasses, especially during spring when lamb output from Aurora was 43% and 22% more than that from S23 and Meltra respectively, with that from the tetraploid being 17% higher than that from S23.
It is concluded that the superior spring output from Aurora offers the farmer the opportunity to reduce his dependence on bought-in feedstuffs, hence improving the efficiency and profitability of lamb production from grassland.  相似文献   

A primary limitation to the use of red clover ( Trifolium pratense L. ) in the temperate zones is poor persistence. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of defoliation and fungicide application on the yield and persistence responses of twelve diverse red clover germplasms. Treatments consisted of reduced defoliation with the application of the systemic fungicide, propiconazole (RDF), reduced defoliation (RD) and a full-season defoliation control. Dry-matter yields were recorded for 3 years and stand density was determined during the third harvest year and again 2 years later. By the third harvest season, stand densities were 52% and 13·5% greater for treatments RDF and RD than the control. After 5 years, stand density on these two treatments was on average 68% greater than the control. RDF plots outyielded RD plots for the second and third harvest years, but both had lower forage yields than the control. Germplasm by treatment interactions were significant for stand density and yield by the third year. RD treatments out-yielded the control by the third year for only two germplasms, the experimental lines FL-MTC and FL6-EF. The treatments affected yield and persistence and enabled the identification of significant differences in germplasm response.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described in which the effect of grazing or defoliating mixed swards at different times over winter and spring on clover content and development was investigated. In the first experiment swards were grazed with sheep (to about 3 cm) for a short period in (a) November, (b) November, January and March, (c) March or (d) not at all, in three consecutive years. All swards were grazed intermittently during the grazing season with cattle and cut for silage once each year. Each plot received either 0 or 50 kg N ha?1 in March. The effect of N fertilizer was to reduce clover content in each summer and clover growing point density in the third year. In two of the three years, treatments involving grazing in March had lower subsequent net annual herbage accumulation compared with the other two treatments and higher clover content in summer of the third year. Reduction in growing point density in all plots during the grazing season was associated with cattle grazing when conditions were wet, suggesting that stolon burial was implicated. Grazing with sheep in November, January and March resulted in significantly more visible (when counted in situ) clover growing points in April in year 2 and more total growing points (counted after dissection of turves) in the third year than the November grazed and ungrazed treatments which had, on occasions, higher grass tiller density. In a microplot experiment, high herbage mass standing over winter was associated with lower potential photosynthesis per unit clover lamina area and lower growing point density in March. Cutting herbage in March to 2-3 cm resulted in higher clover content and higher growing point number per unit stolon length. The latter was significantly correlated with total irradiance and red: far red at the canopy base. Potential photosynthesis of clover was not affected by cutting in March. It is concluded that growing point density can be increased by grazing or cutting during winter or spring. However, in order for these new stolons to contribute to clover yield during the summer, they have to be maintained until then by ensuring that competition from grass is minimized by keeping the sward short in winter and spring and avoiding the burial of stolons during grazing.  相似文献   

A previously described model of grass growth was used to analyse the effect of the severity of defoliation and the duration of the subsequent regrowth on the overall balance between photosynthesis, gross tissue production and leaf death and so on the amount that could be harvested/consumed per hectare under intermittent defoliation. Maximum yield per hectare was shown to be achieved whenever the fluctuations in LAI during regrowth and defoliation led lo the same low average LAI that was previously shown to give maximum yield (amount harvested/consumed per hectare) under continuous grazing. Thus, it is suggested that production under both continuous and intermittent defoliation may best be characterized, and diverse managements may be rationalized, on the basis of the average sward state, the average achieved. The analysis leads us to reconsider some widely held concepts of the growth and utilization of grass applied in both agronomic and ecological theory, and the provision of practical guidelines for management.  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens) were subjected either to two intensities of overall defoliation or to severe defoliation of different parts of the plant. Measurements were made of growth in terms of leaf size, petiole length, internode length and other parameters, and compared with those of undefoliated plants. The results show that, while growth of all parts of the plant was reduced by severe overall defoliation, partial defoliation affected various parts of the plant differently according to which leaves were removed. The results are interpreted in terms of the acropetal movement of assimilates from alternative sources in response to defoliation. The probable effects of this on yield and its relevance to grazing management of newly seeded clover are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of extensive sward management and patch size on the persistence and colonization of gaps in sown swards was examined by creating gaps of five different sizes (2·3, 7, 10, 14 and 19 cm in diameter) in four different sward treatments: a fertilized sward grazed to 4 cm, i.e. relatively intensive management, and three extensively managed unfertilized swards, which were not grazed or grazed to 4 cm or 8 cm. The swards were originally sown with ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.), but had developed differences in species composition as a result of the management treatments imposed 2 years before and during the experiment. Light quality measurements, i.e. red-far red (R/FR) ratio, were used to determine when the light environment in the gaps no longer differed from that in control, uncut patches and this was used as an estimate of gap persistence. Persistence of gaps depended on both sward management and gap size. Gaps disappeared most rapidly in the ungrazed sward and fertilized 4-cm sward, and most slowly in the unfertilized 8-cm sward. Small gaps persisted for up to 2 weeks in all but 8-cm swards, whereas larger gaps were estimated to persist for up to 20–25 weeks in unfertilized, grazed swards. There was no evidence that the number of grass or dicotyledonous species increased in the gaps compared with the control areas. There were significant positive linear relationships between the vegetation that developed in gaps and that in the control, uncut patches, reflecting the different species composition of the established sward of the grazed (grass-dominant) and ungrazed (Ranunculus repens-dominant) treatments. For total grass dry matter and tiller numbers, as well as L. perenne tiller numbers, there was a small, but significant, effect of both patch size and sward management on the slopes of the regressions between the controls and gaps. The results are discussed in relation to the potential for species composition of sown swards to change as a result of gap creation.  相似文献   

An examination was made of the effects of different spring treatments on the growth of white clover in a ryegrass/white clover sward. Plots were either cut once (in February, March or April) or twice (in February and April) or left uncut. Nitrogen was applied to half of the plots in each instance. The clover was sampled at intervals of approximately 3 weeks from February to June to determine numbers of leaves and growing points and weights of plant parts. Rates of leaf appearance were also observed and estimates were made of total herbage mass from ground-level cuts.
Percentages of white clover in the herbage were higher in unfertilized than in fertilized plots and in defoliated than in undefoliated plots. The percentage increases that followed defoliation were usually maintained into later regrowth, showing that clover content was not automatically reduced as herbage mass increased. Increases in growing points were recorded after the beginning of April in defoliated unfertilized plots but not in undefoliated fertilized plots or in plots fertilized and defoliated twice during the spring period, in which numbers fell substantially.
Inverse relationships were found between rates of leaf appearance, or the number of green leaves retained per stolon, and herbage mass, whereas heights of clover and grass leaves and the percentage of dry matter allocated to petiole rather than leaf in the clover increased with increasing herbage mass.
We suggest that the observed differences between spring treatments in clover percentage result primarily from their differential effects on the formation and death of tillers and growing points in the early stages of regrowth.  相似文献   

Performance of continuously stocked Mule ewes nursing Suffolk-cross twin lambs over three grazing seasons, between April and August, was compared on swards of N-fertilized diploid perennial ryegrass (D), tetraploid perennial ryegrass (T) and tetraploid perennial ryegrass with white clover (TC), the latter receiving no fertilizer N. Sward height was maintained by variable stocking rate close to a target of 4–6 cm (constant treatment) from turnout and compared in July and August with a rising sward height treatment (target 6–8 cm). Lambs on TC swards had significantly higher (P <0·001) liveweight gains compared with lambs on T swards by 41 gd-1 in April–June and by 68gd-1 in July-August. Live weight and body condition score of ewes in August were significantly higher (P<0·001) on TC compared with T swards, by 11·3 kg and 0·75 respectively. Rising sward heights in July–August increased live-weight gain of lambs compared with constant sward heights by 102, 39 and 54gd-1 in consecutive years, associated with sward height increases of 0·9, 0·5 and 0·6cm respectively. Rising sward height increased ewe live weight and body condition score by 5·1 kg and 0·3 respectively, compared with results from constant sward heights. Effects of sward height and sward type were additive. T swards had a significantly (P<0·01) 16% greater overall lamb output than the D swards due mainly to a 10% higher achieved stocking rate. Stocking rates of ewes on TC vs T swards were 40, 13 and 12% lower in April-August in successive years. The higher liveweight gain of lambs on the TC swards resulted in lamb outputs of 76, 105 and 101% of the T swards in successive years, showing that grass/clover swards containing over 20% clover could produce similar lamb output ha-1 to grass swards given 150–180 kg N ha-1.  相似文献   

The potential productivity of perennial ryegrass/ white clover swards (GC) under continuous stocking management was assessed by comparing their performance, when grazed by sheep at sward surface heights of 3, 6 and 9 cm, with that of an all–grass sward (G) maintained at 6 cm and fertilized with 420 kg N ha–1 The grass/clover swards received no nitrogen fertilizer. The different grazing treatments had a marked effect on animal performance. In the first year for example, for treatments GC3, GC6, GC9 and G6–420 respectively, mean stocking rates to weaning were 19–7, 14–3, 8–9 and 18–4 ewes ha–1 (plus twin lambs); lamb growth rates were 223, 268, 295 and 260 g d–1and so total lamb live weight gain was 1054, 920, 630 and 1148 kg h a–1. The relative performance of the treatments was similar in all three years. All three grazing treatments had a similar effect on the composition of the grass/clover swards. Clover content increased in 1985, and was sustained in 1986 and 1987 during the main grazing season, although a marked decline in clover content during the winter led to a progressive long–term decline in both the proportion and the amount of clover.
It is suggested that a management based on maintaining a sward surface height close to 6 cm (as in all–grass swards) leads to optimum performance in grass/white clover swards grazed using continuous stocking with sheep. Despite the presence of a small and declining clover content, the output of the mixed grass/clover sward managed in this way was 80%, 80% and 82% of that of a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha–1 in 1985, 1986, and 1987 respectively and, similarly, 83% of the output in 1987 of a grass sward receiving 210 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   

Three white clover cultivars, S184 (small-leaved), Menna (medium-leaved) and Olwen (large-leaved), were sown at a seed rate of 3 kg ha-1 under spring wheat cv. Tonic. In the spring of the two following years, there were three pre-bud emergence mechanical defoliation treatments on which were superimposed four post-bud emergence treatments giving a total of twelve cutting treatments. Pre-bud emergence, plots were either cut twice (at approximately two weeks before bud emergence and at bud emergence), cut once at bud emergence or not cut. To each treatment were applied four post-bud emergence treatments: plots were not cut or cut once (one, two or three weeks after bud emergence). Counts of the total number of inflorescences and of the proportions in various ripeness categories were made throughout the period of seed crop development to determine the pattern of inflorescence development and optimum harvest date. Overall, inflorescence numbers were greatest in cv. S184and least in cv. Olwen. Defoliation before bud emergence had no effect on inflorescence production; however, it was significantly influenced by defoliation after bud emergence. Although delaying the initial development of the crop, inflorescence numbers of all cultivars were highest in both years following cuts two and three weeks after bud emergence. Optimum harvest date was not affected by defoliation or cultivar, numbers of ripe inflorescences in both years reaching a peak at the end of August. The number of brown inflorescences, which may also contribute to seed yield, reached a peak in both years in late July. Seasonal differences in inflorescence production were again observed, emphasizing the difference between first and second year crops and importance of climate in while clover seed production. The implications of these differences in numbers and proportions of inflorescences in various ripeness categories under different defoliation regimes are discussed in relation to seed crop management in the UK.  相似文献   

Flowering behaviour of plants of six cultivars of Trifolium repens (Kent Wild White, Grasslands Huia, S100, Blanca, Olwen and Milkanova) growing in field plots at the Grassland Research Institute, Hurley, was recorded in mid-July. Half of each plot had been defoliated in early May, the other half in mid-June. In all cultivars defoliated in May, inflorescence initiation had stopped even though the natural photoperiod at that time was well above the critical daylength for initiation Defoliation in mid-June had led to a renewal of inflorescence initiation in all cultivars.
The results confirm that the stimulatory effect of defoliation on inflorescence initiation in plants that have stopped initiation in long days, which has previously been observed in Grasslands Huia in controlled environments, also occurs in the field and in other cultivars.  相似文献   

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