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A serologic survey has documented probable infection with reticuloendotheliosis (RE) virus in 21.0% of 101 layer flocks, 23.5% of 85 broiler and broiler-breeder flocks, 2.3% of 43 backyard chicken flocks, and 4.8% of 125 turkey production and breeder flocks. However, no infection was detected in 72 grandparent lines of chicken breeding stocks representing meat-type and layer strains. The existence of natural infection was further supported by isolation of RE virus from one experimental chicken flock and two commercial turkey flocks. This study supports earlier but subsequently discounted data by Aulisio and Shelokov that exposure to RE virus occurs commonly among commercial chickens in the United States, as has also been reported in other countries.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic diversity of parvovirus detected in commercial chicken and turkey flocks is described. Nine chicken and six turkey flocks from Croatian farms were tested for parvovirus presence. Intestinal samples from one turkey and seven chicken flocks were found positive, and were sequenced. Natural parvovirus infection was more frequently detected in chickens than in turkeys examined in this study. Sequence analysis of 400 nucleotide fragments of the nonstructural gene (NS) showed that our sequences had more similarity with chicken parvovirus (ChPV) (92.3%-99.7%) than turkey parvovirus (TuPV) (89.5%-98.9%) strains. Phylogenetic analysis grouped our sequences in two clades. Also, the higher prevalence of ChPV than TuPV in tested flocks was defined. The necropsy findings suggested a malabsorption syndrome followed by a preascitic condition. Further research of parvovirus infection, pathogenesis, and the possibility of its association with poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) and runting and stunting syndrome (RSS) is needed to clarify its significance as an agent of enteric disease.  相似文献   

Cross-neutralization tests showed that non-serotype 1 infectious bursal disease viruses originating from turkeys in the United States and the United Kingdom belong to the same serotype. It is proposed that this serotype be designated serotype 2.  相似文献   

Upper respiratory tract disease (manifesting itself in rhinitis, tracheitis and conjunctivitis) and mortality associated with Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale infection were observed in four flocks of 2- to 3-week-old turkeys. In a 15- to 16-week-old turkey flock bilateral catarrhal-croupous pneumonia was found in the dead birds. In a further 5-week-old flock and in three 16- to 20-week-old turkey flocks mortality was preceded by nervous signs (motor disturbances, recumbency, abnormal carriage of the head) and was found to be associated with fibrinopurulent inflammation of the cranial bones and meningitis. The bacterium O. rhinotracheale was isolated from the affected organs in the different disease conditions. The isolated strains did not differ markedly in cultural, morphological and biochemical properties. This is the first report of a turkey disease manifesting itself in nervous signs associated with O. rhinotracheale infection.  相似文献   

Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2006   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During 2006, 49 states and Puerto Rico reported 6,940 cases of rabies in animals and 3 cases in humans to the CDC, representing an 8.2% increase from the 6,417 cases in animals and 1 case in a human reported in 2005. Approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals. Relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,615 raccoons (37.7%), 1,692 bats (24.4%), 1,494 skunks (21.5%), 427 foxes (6.2%), 318 cats (4.6%), 82 cattle (1.2%), and 79 dogs (1.1%). Compared with numbers of reported cases in 2005, cases in 2006 increased among all groups except cattle. Increases in numbers of rabid raccoons during 2006 were reported by 11 of the 20 eastern states where raccoon rabies was enzootic, and reported cases increased by 3.2% overall, compared with 2005. On a national level, the number of rabies cases in skunks during 2006 increased by 6.1% from the number reported in 2005. Once again, Texas reported the greatest number (n = 351) of rabid skunks and the greatest overall state total of animal rabies cases (889). No cases of rabies associated with the dog/coyote rabies virus variant were reported. The last identified case of this canine rabies virus variant was identified in March 2004, along the US/Mexico border. With 2006 marking the second year of no apparent transmission of the dog/coyote variant, these findings from surveillance data support the contention that the canine rabies virus variant is no longer in circulation in the United States. Total number of cases of rabies reported nationally in foxes increased 13.6%, compared with 2005. Increases in the number of reported rabid foxes were attributable to greater numbers of foxes reported with the Arctic fox rabies virus variant in Alaska, the Texas gray fox rabies virus variant in Texas, and the raccoon rabies virus variant in Virginia. The 1,692 cases of rabies reported in bats represented a 14.5% increase, compared with numbers reported in 2005, making bats the second most reported rabid animal behind raccoons. Cases of rabies in cats, dogs, horses and mules, and sheep and goats increased 18.2%, 3.9%, 12.8%, and 22.2%, respectively, whereas cases reported in cattle decreased 11.8%. In Puerto Rico, reported cases of rabies in mongooses increased 9.2%, and rabies in domestic animals, presumably attributable to spillover infection from mongooses, increased 20%. Three cases of human rabies were reported from Texas, Indiana, and California during 2006. The cases in Indiana and Texas were attributed to bat rabies virus variants, whereas the case in California was attributed to an exposure to a dog in the Philippines.  相似文献   

During 2005, 49 states and Puerto Rico reported 6,417 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the CDC, representing a 6.2% decrease from the 6,836 cases in nonhuman animals and 8 cases in human beings reported in 2004. Approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals. Relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,534 raccoons (39.5%), 1,478 skunks (23%), 1,408 bats (21.9%), 376 foxes (5.9%), 269 cats (4.2%), 93 cattle (1.5%), and 76 dogs (1.2%). Compared with numbers of reported cases in 2004, cases in 2005 decreased among all groups, except bats, horses, and other wild animals. Decreases in numbers of rabid raccoons during 2005 were reported by 10 of the 20 eastern states in which raccoon rabies was enzootic and decreased overall by 1.2%, compared with 2004. On a national level, the number of rabies cases in skunks during 2005 decreased 20.4% from the number reported in 2004. Once again, Texas reported the greatest number (n = 392) of rabid skunks and the greatest overall state total of rabies cases (741). Texas reported no cases of rabies associated with the dog/coyote rabies virus variant and only 8 cases associated with the Texas gray fox rabies virus variant (compared with 22 cases in 2004). The total number of cases of rabies reported nationally in foxes decreased 3.3%, compared with those reported in 2004. The 1,408 cases of rabies reported in bats represented a 3.5% increase over numbers reported in 2005. Cases of rabies in cats, dogs, cattle, and sheep and goats decreased 4.3%, 19.2%, 19.1%, and 10%, respectively, whereas cases reported in horses and mules increased 9.3%. In Puerto Rico, reported cases of rabies in mongooses increased 29.8%, and rabies in domestic animals decreased 37.5%. One case of human rabies was reported from Mississippi during 2005. This case was submitted by the state to the CDC's unexplained deaths project and diagnosed as rabies retrospectively.  相似文献   

The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Small-Enterprise Chicken study was conducted to better understand bird movement and biosecurity practices of commercial poultry operations having fewer than 20,000 chickens. A stratified random sample of 2511 operations having 1000–19,999 chickens was selected from a list maintained by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), based primarily upon data from the 2002 Census of Agriculture; 1789 (72.1%) operations participated in the study. Over one-half of operations were contract operations with breeding birds, and one-fourth were contract operations without breeding birds. Only 17% of operations were independent (noncontract) operations. Independent operations were primarily table-egg producers and to a lesser extent, growers. Independent operations were more likely to have birds other than chickens, to allow outdoor access to birds, and had less stringent biosecurity requirements compared to contract operations.  相似文献   

Connectedness among animals in separate flocks reduces the risk of biased comparisons when selecting across flocks on EBV. The objective in this study was to assess levels of connectedness in the genetic evaluation of weaning weight among Targhee and Suffolk flocks participating in the US National Sheep Improvement Program (NSIP). Among flocks currently participating in the NSIP, a total of 25,404 weaning weight and 35,794 pedigree records were available for 16 Targhee flocks, and 14,017 weaning weight and 18,311 pedigree records were available for 24 Suffolk flocks. Connectedness was measured by using 2 different methods. First, numbers of progeny with recorded weaning weights from linking sires (defined as sires with progeny in multiple flocks or sires born in one flock with progeny in another flock) were counted. Second, connectedness was measured by calculating the average prediction error correlation of mean flock EBV (flock r(ij)). Benchmarks for flock r(ij) were established, with 0.10 and 0.05 representing low and moderate risk of bias associated with comparing EBV among flocks, respectively. From 1995 through 2004, 44% of Targhee lambs with weaning weights were born to linking sires; in Suffolk lambs, that value was 23%. In 1990, 1995, and 2005, average flock r(ij) were 0.10, 0.19, and 0.28, respectively, among Targhee flocks, and 0.02, 0.02, and 0.04, respectively, among Suffolk flocks that participated in NSIP in all 3 yr. Among all active flocks in 2005, flock r(ij) averaged 0.13 in Targhees and 0.03 in Suffolks. Hierarchical clustering of flocks based on flock r(ij) revealed that all active Targhee flocks connected at a level near or above 0.10. In Suffolk flocks, 2 distinct clusters had formed, in which connectedness was relatively high within each cluster (flock r(ij) near 0.10) but was near zero between clusters. Risk of bias in comparing EBV among flocks in the Targhee was low; however, caution should be exercised when comparing EBV between Suffolk flocks from different clusters.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Commercial small-scale chicken farms managed as all-in-all-out but operating with low standards of hygiene/biosecurity are increasingly common in Vietnam....  相似文献   

The National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Poultry '04 study was conducted to better describe non-commercial United States poultry populations, in particular, backyard and gamefowl breeder flocks. To estimate the density of backyard flocks in close proximity to commercial operations, a sample of 350 commercial poultry operations in 18 top poultry producing states was selected from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) list of poultry operations. A 1 mile radius circle was drawn around each operation, and door-to-door canvassing was conducted within these circles to enumerate premises with all species of birds. Premises with backyard poultry flocks completed a questionnaire focusing on bird health, bird movement, and biosecurity practices. A similar questionnaire, provided in both English and Spanish, was mailed to all members of State affiliates of the United Gamefowl Breeders Association (UGBA) as well as to members of State associations not affiliated with UGBA. An average of 29.4 residences was found within a 1 mile radius of commercial operations, of which 1.9 residences per circle had backyard poultry flocks. Gamefowl breeder flocks were larger, used more health care and biosecurity practices, and moved birds more frequently compared to backyard flocks.  相似文献   

A total of 29 breeding turkey holdings and 317 fattening turkey holdings were sampled between October 2006 and September 2007 in order to establish the baseline prevalence of Salmonella in turkeys in the UK. The weighted holding level Salmonella prevalence was found to be 20.1 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval [CI] 8.6 to 40.3 per cent) in breeding turkeys and 37.7 per cent (95 per cent CI 33.4 to 42.3 per cent) in fattening turkeys. For breeding turkeys, a weighted flock-level prevalence, as more than one flock per holding was sampled, was estimated at 7.1 per cent (95 per cent CI 3.2 to 14.8 per cent). A total of 13 different serovars were identified in the survey. The most frequent serovar in both turkey flock classes was Salmonella Kottbus, which was found on two breeding holdings and 63 of the fattening holdings giving weighted prevalences of 10.4 per cent (95 per cent CI 2.6 to 34.1 per cent) and 23.0 per cent (95 per cent CI 19.3 to 27.3 per cent), respectively. On breeding holdings, a single isolate of Salmonella Typhimurium, identified as DT12 (weighted prevalence 3.5 per cent [95 per cent CI 0.7 to 15.8 per cent] [holding], 0.7 per cent [95 per cent CI 0.1 to 3.7 per cent] [flock)], was found. On fattening holdings, there were 55 isolates of S Typhimurium from 16 holdings, giving a weighted prevalence of this serovar of 5.4 per cent (95 per cent CI 3.6 to 8.0 per cent). There were no isolates of Salmonella serovars Enteritidis, Hadar, Infantis or Virchow.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the antigenicity of turkey coronavirus (TCV) isolates from various geographic areas with antibodies to different viruses. Seventeen isolates of TCV were recovered from intestinal samples submitted to Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory, Purdue University, from turkey farms located in different geographic areas. The prototype TCV Minnesota isolate (TCV-ATCC) was obtained from the American Type Culture Collection. Intestinal sections were prepared from turkey embryos infected with different TCV isolates and reacted with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies to TCV, infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), bovine coronavirus (BCV), transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), reovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus, or enterovirus in immunofluorescent antibody staining. All 18 TCV isolates have the same antigenic reactivity pattern with the same panel of antibodies. Positive reactivity was seen with polyclonal antibodies to the TCV Indiana isolate, the TCV Virginia isolate, TCV-ATCC, and the IBV Massachusetts strain as well as monoclonal antibodies to the TCV North Carolina isolate or the membrane protein of IBV. Antibodies to BCV or TGEV were not reactive with any of the TCV isolates. Reactivity of antibodies to unrelated virus, rotavirus, reovirus, adenovirus, or enterovirus with different TCV isolates was all negative, except positive response was seen between enterovirus antibody and a TCV western North Carolina isolate, suggesting coinfection of turkeys with TCV and enterovirus in that particular case. The results indicated that the TCV isolates from these geographic locations in the U.S. shared close antigenicity and were antigenically related to IBV.  相似文献   

本研究应用RT—PCR方法扩增到我国2005年-2006年8个省市12株IBV病毒核蛋白基因,并将其进行了克隆、序列测定及分析。以疫苗株H120作为参考毒株,对12株IBV分离株核蛋白基因序列进行分析。结果发现我国分离株的N基因及其局部功能区序列存在广泛的氨基酸替代现象。同时还发现毒株CK/CH/LSD/05I与疫苗株H120同源性最高(93.4%)。与GenBank中的11个IBV参考毒株核蛋白基因序列进行比较和分析,发现本研究分离的大部分毒株(9株)分布于第1群中,可见我国主要的IBV分离株在N基因进化关系上形成了自己独立的进化群。通过与S1基因系统发育进化树比较发现,毒株CK/CH/LSD/05I存在基因重组现象。以上结果表明我国2005年-2006年IBV毒株存在基因突变和基因重组现象。  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium is an important protozoan parasite that causes diarrhea in neonates and young bovines. The objective of the present study was to determine the frequency of Cryptosporidium infection in animals of dairy farms of the Metropolitan Region (Santiago), Chile. Fecal samples of 205 newborn calves with diarrhea were studied and used for comparing the efficiency of two microscopic staining methods for diagnosis of the parasite, the auramine (AU) and a modified Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) procedure. Out of the 205 fecal samples, we detected oocysts in 115 (56.1%) with AU and 102 (49.8%) with ZN. Comparison of results obtained with the two microscopic techniques showed significant difference (p<0.05), AU being more sensitive. On the other hand, concordance between the two methods was almost perfect (kappa value of 0.83). The results with these two operator dependent methods were confirmed using an operator independent immunochromatographic (IC) method. The IC method also enabled us to determine the identity of the parasite species as that of Cryptosporidium parvum. Identification of the parasite species was further corroborated by performing a Cryptosporidium species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on few samples taken at random. Overall, the results showed a high number of infected animals suggesting the parasite C. parvum as a major parasitic disease agent of neonatal calves with diarrhea in dairy farms of the Metropolitan Region (Santiago) of Chile.  相似文献   

在美国企业中,《财富》推出了100家增长最快的企业,可在美国次贷危机和金融危机中,许多企业的股价大跌,其中也包括金融企业,信息产业企业,包括排在第24位的Google和第31位的“苹果”。可是,一个重要的信息是,到2008年11月初前,在100家企业中,有8家企业的股价涨幅10%-25%,而且还在不断上涨。如果对前5位的企业进行商业模式分析,令家禽行业人惊喜的是,其中两种商业模式与“禽”有关。  相似文献   

本研究探讨不同检测方法或样品等因素对ALV检测结果的影响,为建立我国种鸡场禽白血病净化检测和临床鉴别诊断方法提供科学依据.我们对从我国不同种禽场获得的蛋清和泄殖腔棉拭子进行ALV抗原酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)比较检测;对上述不同检测结果区间的鸡只使用细胞培养分离病毒方法进行比较检验检测;对血清、血浆和蛋清样品使用DF1细胞和CEF进行病毒分离比较检测.结果,使用泄殖腔棉拭子和蛋清检测ALV P27的ELISA之间存在高度相关性,且蛋清检测更为灵敏(线性关系方程为y(蛋清)=1.3765X(泄殖腔)+0.0363,相关系数为0.9588).ELISA直接检测值(S/P值)不小于1.5(蛋清)或2.0(泄殖腔棉拭子)的鸡只,分离外源性ALV的比例为100%;检测值不小于1.0(蛋清)或1.5(泄殖腔棉拭子)的鸡只,病毒分离比例在90%以上;检测值为0.2以上的鸡只,病毒分离比例仅为59%(蛋清)和32.4%(泄殖腔棉拭子);而且,至少10%得检测值小于0.2的鸡只仍能用细胞分离到病毒;另外,对相同鸡只,使用蛋清分离病毒的比例为21%,而血清为8.5%;从相同蛋清中使用DF1细胞分离病毒的比例为27.84%,而CEF为17.53%.结果表明,蛋清较泄殖腔棉拭子ELISA检测更敏感;90%以上检测值在1.0(蛋清)或1.5(泄殖腔棉拭子)以上的鸡只,使用DF1细胞能够分离病毒;比较发现蛋清较血清,DF1细胞较CEF分离检测病毒更敏感.该研究结果结论对在我国种鸡群实施ALV净化建立包括泄殖腔棉拭子或蛋清进行ALV P27抗原ELISA检测以及细胞分离ALV方法相结合的综合检测方法提供科学依据.  相似文献   

An observational study was conducted of chicken and turkey flocks slaughtered at federal processing plants in the province of Quebec, Canada. The objectives were to estimate prevalence of drug use at hatchery and on farm and to identify antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in cecal Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. isolates and factors associated with AMR. Eighty-two chicken flocks and 59 turkey flocks were sampled. At the hatchery, the most used antimicrobial was ceftiofur in chickens (76% of flocks) and spectinomycin in turkeys (42% of flocks). Virginiamycin was the antimicrobial most frequently added to the feed in both chicken and turkey flocks. At least 1 E. coli isolate resistant to third-generation cephalosporins was present in all chicken flocks and in a third of turkey flocks. Resistance to tetracycline, streptomycin, and sulfisoxazole was detected in > 90% of flocks for E. coli isolates. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) was observed to bacitracin, erythromycin, lincomycin, quinupristin-dalfopristin, and tetracycline in both chicken and turkey flocks for Enterococcus spp. isolates. No resistance to vancomycin was observed. The use of ceftiofur at hatchery was significantly associated with the proportion of ceftiofur-resistant E. coli isolates in chicken flocks. In turkey flocks, ceftiofur resistance was more frequent when turkeys were placed on litter previously used by chickens. Associations between drug use and resistance were observed with tetracycline (turkey) in E. coli isolates and with bacitracin (chicken and turkey), gentamicin (turkey), and tylosin (chicken) in Enterococcus spp. isolates. Further studies are needed to provide producers and veterinarians with alternative management practices and tools in order to reduce the use of antimicrobial feed additives in poultry.  相似文献   

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