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The Barents Sea is the north‐eastern fringe of the distribution of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou). Fluctuations in distribution and abundance of blue whiting in the area have been marked. Two hypotheses are put forward to explain these fluctuations. First, rich year classes in the main Atlantic stock of blue whiting may contribute to increased abundance in the Barents Sea. Second, variations in hydrography, such as influx of warm Atlantic water, may be particularly important in this fringe area. We investigated these hypotheses using data from bottom trawl surveys conducted during the period 1981–2006. Variations in abundance (measured either as incidence or density) and distribution were correlated with recruitment in the Atlantic stock of blue whiting as well as hydrographic conditions. Regression analyses indicated that the abundance fluctuations are primarily determined by variations in recruitment of Atlantic blue whiting, a strong year class leading to high abundance in the Barents Sea the year after spawning. However, salinity anomaly in the Fugløya–Bear Island transect during the previous year, an indicator of high inflow of Atlantic water, had also a significant, positive effect. Thus, the data suggested a climatic modulation of dynamics that were primarily determined by recruitment of blue whiting in the main Atlantic stock. Analyses of size structure as well as earlier studies on population genetics supported this conclusion.  相似文献   

Identification of potential juvenile grounds of short‐lived species such as European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in relation to the environment is a crucial issue for effective management. In the current work, habitat suitability modelling was applied to acoustic data derived from both the western and eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea. Early summer acoustic data of sardine juveniles were modelled using generalized additive models along with satellite environmental and bathymetry data. Selected models were used to construct maps that exhibit the probability of presence in the study areas, as well as throughout the entire Mediterranean basin, as a measure of habitat adequacy. Areas with high probability of supporting sardine juvenile presence persistently within the study period were identified throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, within the study period, a positive relationship was found between suitable habitat extent and the changes in abundance of sardine juveniles in each study area.  相似文献   

Spawning habitats of two eastern Mediterranean sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792), stocks (coastal waters of central Aegean and Ionian Seas) are characterized from daily egg production method (DEPM) surveys conducted during the peak of the spawning period. The latter occurs earlier in the Aegean Sea (December) than in the less‐productive Ionian Sea (February). Single‐parameter quotient analysis showed that the preferred bottom depth for spawning was 40–90 m in both areas but sardine selected sites of increased zooplankton in the Aegean Sea during December and increased fluorescence in the Ionian Sea during February. Estimates of daily egg production (P) and spawning stock biomass (B) were about four times lower for the Ionian Sea (P = 7.81 eggs m?2, B = 3652 tonnes) than the Aegean Sea (P = 27.52 eggs m?2, B = 16 174 tonnes). We suggest that zooplankton biomass might not be sufficient to support sardine reproduction in the highly oligotrophic Ionian Sea where the very small sardine stock may rely on the late‐winter phytoplankton bloom. Actively selecting sites with increased zooplankton or phytoplankton and feeding plasticity (the well‐known switching from selective particle feeding to non‐selective filter feeding in sardines) are interpreted as adaptations to grow and reproduce optimally at varying prey conditions. Despite differences in temperature and productivity regimes, reproductive performance of sardine in the Ionian Sea was very similar to that in the Aegean Sea during the peak of the spawning period. In comparing adult parameters from DEPM applications to Sardina and Sardinops stocks around the world, a highly significant linear relation emerged between mean batch fecundity (F) and mean weight of mature female (W, g) (F = 0.364W, r2 = 0.98). The latter implies that, during the peak of the spawning period, mean relative batch fecundity (eggs g?1) of sardine is fairly constant in contrasting ecosystems around the world.  相似文献   

In the northwestern Mediterranean, most fish species reproduce in early summer and fewer in the autumn mixing period. This study analyses and compares larval fish assemblages (LFA) in both seasons, and is the first attempt to characterize LFA structure for the autumn period. We analyze horizontal and vertical distribution of fish larvae and the micro- and mesozooplankton biomass and abundance of the main zooplankton groups. The oceanographic situation was analyzed through the study of data from CTD, Nν-Shuttle and ADCP surveys. LFA were determined by ordination analyses based on larval abundance, and the relationships between larval assemblages and environmental variables were investigated through canonical correspondence analysis. The importance of some hydrographic variables (temperature, salinity and stability of the water column), current fields (along-shelf and across-shelf transport) and the abundance of zooplankton are discussed as important factors shaping the structure of larval assemblages. In early summer, LFA were mainly structured by a combination of bathymetry and trophic components, although sea surface temperature also played a role in shaping the horizontal larval distributions. In autumn, trophic variables were the main factors influencing the shelf-dwelling species assemblage. Larvae of oceanic species, on the other hand, were not related to trophic variables but were more affected by current fields.  相似文献   

为了解当前东海生态系统中鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成和数量分布的现状及其变化与物理环境因素的关系,根据2006年11月—2008年6月5个航次的鱼卵、仔稚鱼和物理环境调查资料,对鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成、数量分布与产卵场物理环境进行分析,探讨不同季节、不同年份鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成和数量分布的变化及其与物理环境的关系。结果显示,5个航次采集到74 813粒鱼卵、16 826尾仔稚鱼,共有135个种类。其中,鉴定到种的有109种,隶属于15目67科99属,还有17个种类仅能鉴定到属、6个种类仅能鉴定到科和3个种类仅能鉴定到目。2006年—2007年秋季、冬季和春季鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类和数量随着季节变化逐渐增多;2008年春季的种类和数量较2007年春季明显偏少;2008年初夏种类的数量与2008年春季基本相近,但鱼卵的数量明显增多,仔稚鱼的数量基本相近。42种优势种类、重要种类和主要种类构成当前东海生态系统中鱼卵、仔稚鱼种类组成的主要成分。东海表层水温和盐度分布有显著的季节变化。秋、冬季表层水温锋面强度最强,春季次之,初夏最弱;锋面的位置秋季离岸最近,冬季次之,春季和初夏离岸最远,冬季偏南,初夏季节北移。表层盐度锋面主要分布在近岸区域,与岸线大致平行,其强度冬季最强,春、秋季次之,初夏季节最弱。秋、冬季节陆架深水海域的水温较沿岸海域高,鱼类生殖群体在陆架深水高温区产卵;春季和初夏季节沿岸海域明显升温,鱼类生殖群体由深水区向近岸海域进行生殖洄游,产卵场分布由陆架中部向近岸海域扩展,并在近岸海域形成了中心产卵场。鱼卵和仔稚鱼的分布与温、盐锋面和种类的温、盐属性的关系密切,主要分布在温度锋面暖水一侧,并有各自最适宜的温度和盐度范围。水温、盐度与种类的繁殖生物学特性是导致鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成与数量发生变化的主要因素;适宜的温度和盐度范围、锋区的辐聚和卷夹作用以及种类的生物学属性是影响鱼卵和仔稚鱼数量分布以及密集分布区形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and vertical migrations of fish larvae and implications for their cross‐shelf distribution were investigated in the northern limit of the NE Atlantic upwelling region during the late winter mixing period of 2012. The average positive values of the upwelling index for February and March of this year were far from normal, although the average hydrographic conditions during the period of study were of downwelling and the water column was completely mixed. Fish larvae, most in the preflexion stage, were concentrated in the upper layers of the water column and their distribution was depth stratified, both day and night. However, the larval fish community was not structured in the vertical plane and fish larvae did not show significant diel vertical migration (DVM), although five species showed ontogenetic vertical migration. In regions of coastal upwelling and in the absence of DVM, the location of fish larvae in the water column is crucial for their cross‐shelf distribution. Thus, the cross‐shelf distribution of the six most abundant species collected in this study can be explained by the surface onshore flow associated with coastal downwelling, retaining larvae of the coastal spawning species with a relatively shallow distribution in the shelf region and transporting larvae of slope spawning species onto the shelf. The wide vertical distribution shown by larvae of the offshore spawning species could be an adaptation of these species to ensure that some larvae reach the inshore nursery areas.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical distribution of myctophid fish larvae is described based on discrete depth sampling from the surface down to 200 m at seven stations on a transect crossing the Kuroshio Current on 6–9 July 1977. A total of 7819 larvae was collected. Myctophid larvae accounted for 72% of the total fish larvae and included 18 species or types belonging to 12 genera. Based on horizontal distribution patterns these species (or types) were categorized into three groups, i.e. Kuroshio-axis group ( Myctophum asperum , M. orientale , Lampadena luminosa and Symbolophorus evermanni ), Kuroshio east group ( Hygophum reinhardtii , Lampanyctus alatus , Diogenichthys atlanticus , Lobianchia gemellarii , M. nitidulum , Benthosema suborbitale , Lampadena sp. and Ceratoscopelus warmingii ) and Pan- Kuroshio group [ Diaphus stubby type (mostly D. garmani ) and D. kuroshio ]. Larvae of the subfamily Lampanyctinae were distributed in shallower (0–30 m) waters than those of the subfamily Myctophinae (50–150 m), while this relationship was opposite of the night-time depth distribution of adults of the two subfamilies.  相似文献   

Time series of European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) landings from 1962 and environmental variables from 1978 in the northern Alboran Sea are analysed. European sardine spawns in the northern Alboran Sea from mid‐autumn to late winter at a temperature range slightly higher than the one observed in the nearby Eastern North Atlantic and the North Western Mediterranean. Individuals hatched during autumn and winter are incorporated to the fishery during the following summer and autumn producing the maximum annual landings. These landings show both a decreasing long‐term trend and a strong inter‐annual variability. Although further research is needed, the warming trend of sea surface temperature and the decrease in upwelling intensity inferred from empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses could have some influence on the negative trends of sardine landings. The inter‐annual variability of sardine abundance seems to be related to the wind intensity at a local scale, the second principal component of the chlorophyll concentration and the sardine abundance during the preceding year. If the inter‐annual variability is considered, a linear model including these three variables with a one‐year time lag allows to explain 79% of the sardine landings variance. If the negative linear trend is also considered, the model explains 86% of the variance. These results indicate that the body condition of spawners, linked to the food availability during the preceding year, is the main factor controlling the recruitment success. The possibility of predicting sardine landings 1 year in advance could have important implications for fishery management.  相似文献   

南极磷虾是南极海洋生态系统中的关键物种,具有重要的商业开发潜力,但其集群的类型与分布存在较大时空异质性,这增加了南极磷虾资源评估的难度,也对南极磷虾渔业的海上作业与企业生产安排带来了较大的挑战.为了探究布兰斯菲尔德海峡渔场内南极磷虾的集群分布和结构特征,提高渔船作业效率,基于渔船采集的声学数据,分析其时空分布特征,昼夜...  相似文献   

Light traps were deployed to describe vertical and cross‐shelf distributions of late‐stage larval fishes during five cruises in each of the 1997/98 and 1998/99 summers in the region of the Gulf of Exmouth on the southern North West Shelf of Western Australia. At each light trap station on a cross‐shelf transect we measured water temperature, salinity and chlorophyll a and used vertical plankton tows to estimate zooplankton biomass and copepod abundance. Current meters were deployed on moorings near the transect and the data used to model flows and mixing on the NW Shelf and in the Gulf. The majority of reef, pelagic and baitfish larvae (81, 83 and 66% respectively) were collected at only two stations that marked the boundary between stratified waters offshore and well‐mixed water within the Gulf. Most baitfishes (primarily Spratelloides spp.) were captured by traps deployed near the seabed, while reef fishes (mostly pomacentrids, lethrinids and siganids) and pelagic species (mostly scombrids and carangids) were captured in traps deployed near surface. Catch composition varied between summers with 64% of baitfishes collected in the first summer, while the majority of reef and pelagic fishes (81 and 80% respectively) were captured in the second summer. Modelling of circulation showed that the velocity of tidal currents was enhanced by constriction of flow between NW Cape and South Muiron Island and by shallowing of the shelf. Flood‐tide intrusions of water allowed the thermocline to move up the continental shelf, upwelling cool nutrient‐rich water that was then mixed throughout the entire water column at stations in the mouth of the Gulf. This upwelling and mixing resulted in higher chlorophyll a concentrations and copepod abundances either as a result of local in situ growth or advection/aggregation processes, and may account for the great abundances of late‐stage fish larvae in the mouth of the Gulf.  相似文献   

Time series analyses (Box–Jenkins models) were used to study the influence of river runoff and wind mixing index on the productivity of the two most abundant species of small pelagic fish exploited in waters surrounding the Ebre (Ebro) River continental shelf (north‐western Mediterranean): anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus). River flow and wind were selected because they are known to enhance fertilization and local planktonic production, thus being crucial for the survival of fish larvae. Time series of the two environmental variables and landings of the two species were analysed to extract the trend and seasonality. All series displayed important seasonal and interannual fluctuations. In the long term, landings of anchovy declined while those of sardine increased. At the seasonal scale, landings of anchovy peaked during spring/summer while those of sardine peaked during spring and autumn. Seasonality in landings of anchovy was stronger than in sardine. Concerning the environmental series, monthly average Ebre runoff showed a progressive decline from 1960 until the late 1980s, and the wind mixing index was highest during 1994–96. Within the annual cycle, the minimum river flow occurs from July to October and the wind mixing peaks in winter (December–April, excluding January). The results of the analyses showed a significant correlation between monthly landings of anchovy and freshwater input of the Ebre River during the spawning season of this species (April–August), with a time lag of 12 months. In contrast, monthly landings of sardine were significantly positively correlated with the wind mixing index during the spawning season of this species (November–March), with a lag of 18 months. The results provide evidence of the influence of riverine inputs and wind mixing on the productivity of small pelagic fish in the north‐western Mediterranean. The time lags obtained in the relationships stress the importance of river runoff and wind mixing for the early stages of anchovy and sardine, respectively, and their impact on recruitment.  相似文献   

鱼类早期资源特征对鱼类种群的研究和渔业资源的评估管理具有极大的价值.实验于2019年3月—2020年1月在黄海南部近岸水域设置47个站点,每月大潮期间使用仔稚鱼网采集仔稚鱼,揭示了棘头梅童鱼仔稚鱼丰度的时空分布特征和漂移趋势,采用广义相加模型分析环境因子与之关联.调查共采集到棘头梅童鱼仔稚鱼2385尾,出现在6—10月...  相似文献   

2003年春季东海区浮性鱼卵和仔稚鱼种类组成及数量分布   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
胡芬 《海洋渔业》2004,26(2):79-85
本文分析研究了2003年春季东海区(27°00′~34°00′N)150m以浅海域浮性鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成及数量分布。共鉴定49种鱼类的鱼卵、仔稚鱼,其中31种鉴定到种,隶属于26科、29属。优势种类为日本鳀、方氏云鳚、太平洋鲱。带鱼、小黄鱼等经济鱼类鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量少,鲱形目鱼类鱼卵、仔稚鱼数量较多。鱼卵、仔稚鱼分布主要在近海禁渔线附近海域。  相似文献   

Multiyear periods of relatively cold temperatures (2007–2013) and warm temperatures (2001–2005 and 2014–2018) altered the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem, affecting ocean currents and wind patterns, plankton community, and spatial distribution of fishes. Yellowfin sole Limanda aspera larvae were collected from the inner domain (≤50 m depth) of the eastern Bering Sea among four warm years (2002, 2004, 2005, 2016), an average year (2006), and three cold years (2007, 2010, 2012). Spatial distribution and density of larvae among those years was analyzed using generalized additive models that included timing of sea-ice retreat, areal coverage of water ≤0°C, and water temperature as covariates. Analyses indicated a combination of temperature effects on the location and timing of spawning, and on egg and larval survival, may explain the variation in larval density and distribution among years. During warm years, higher density and wider spatial distribution of larvae may be due to earlier spawning, an expansion of the spawning area, and higher egg and larvae survival due to favorable temperatures. Larval distribution contracted shoreward, and density was lower during cold conditions and was likely due to fish spawning closer to shore to remain in preferred temperatures, later spawning, and increased mortality. Predicted drift trajectories from spawning areas showed that larvae would reach nursery grounds in most years. Years when the drift period was longer than the pelagic phase of the larvae occurred during both warm and cold conditions indicating that settlement outside of nursery areas could happen during either temperature condition.  相似文献   

Coupled three-dimensional (3-D) physical oceanographic modelling and field sampling programmes were carried out in May 1988 and August 1991 to investigate the potential drift of larval cod ( Gadus morhua L.) in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea. The goals were to predict the transport of cod larvae, thus aiding the identification of physical processes influencing larval retention/dispersal. Numerical simulations were performed using a 3-D eddy-resolving baroclinic model based on the Bryan–Cox–Semtner code adapted for the Baltic Sea. Within the Bornholm Basin, the model was initialized with ground truth data of physical parameters obtained on the research cruises, and all simulations were forced with actual wind data. Outside the basin, generalized hydrographic features of the Baltic Sea were utilized by incorporation of simulated hydrographic fields from previous model runs typical for the time periods considered. Larval drift was simulated either by incorporation of passive drifters, or as the initial horizontal distribution of larvae implemented into the model. Drift model simulations of larval transport agreed relatively well with field observations. The influence of variations in the vertical distribution on a smaller scale, i.e. vertical deviations of ± 6 m from the observed mean centre of mass, on the drift was examined, revealing no significant differences in the drift of larvae depending on their vertical distribution. The different wind forcing during the investigated time periods was linked to a retention situation in May 1988 and to a dispersal situation in August 1991. Finally, observed spatial distribution patterns of 1-group cod based on Baltic Young Fish Surveys (BYFS) were compared with their predicted transport in the larval phase and examined with respect to recruitment.  相似文献   

We describe the spatial distribution and dispersal pathways of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) early life stages based on historical field data from the eastern Bering Sea and adjacent water along the eastern Aleutian Islands. Our results indicate that Greenland halibut from preflexion larvae to newly settled juveniles have a long pelagic duration and are subject to extended drift pathways. Hatching may occur in deep water, below 530 m, and larvae rise in the water column as they grow. Flexion/postflexion larvae are mostly found around the Pribilof Islands over the middle shelf (50–100‐m isobaths) in July, and settling occurs during late summer on the middle shelf near St. Matthew Island. However, given that age‐1 individuals were primarily found on the outer shelf, it appears that Greenland halibut actively move to deeper water with age (or size). The mechanisms of slope–shelf connectivity in preflexion larvae may be related to the Bering Slope Current in the vicinity of both Bering and Pribilof Canyons. This study shows that Greenland halibut early life stages have extensive horizontal ontogenetic migrations in the Bering Sea, and utilize a range of geographic areas over the basin and slope along the Aleutian Islands and in the eastern Bering Sea. Based on these results, it is hypothesized that settlement success and recruitment of Greenland halibut may be influenced by variability in currents and flows of the Bering Sea slope and shelf during their transport.  相似文献   

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