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The gene (Cbg) encoding cortisol-binding globulin (CBG) has been proposed as a candidate gene to explain genetic variation in cortisol secretion and carcass composition in pigs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between CBG and pork quality in 5 European breeding lines, Piétrain, Large White (LW), and Landrace purebred lines, a Duroc synthetic line, and a Meishan (MS) x LW advanced intercross. Cortisol-binding globulin maximum binding capacity (CBG-Bmax) was twice as high (P < 0.05) in MS x LW pigs compared with the other lines. There was no (P > or = 0.364) association between CBG-Bmax and carcass quality traits in Piétrain gilts, but CBG-Bmax was associated with increased loin yields in LW (P = 0.010) and Landrace (P = 0.103) gilts, decreased ham yields (P = 0.082) in Duroc gilts, and increased fat depth (P = 0.064) and leaf fat (P = 0.001) in MS x LW gilts. There was no association between CBG-Bmax and pork quality traits in Piétrain (P > or = 0.269) and Duroc (P > or = 0.114) gilts. Conversely, CBG-Bmax was associated with lighter (higher L* values; P < 0.05) pork in Land-race gilts, as well as lower (P < or = 0.055) ultimate pH in the LM and semimembranosus, and a tendency for lower (P = 0.095) L* values of pork from LW gilts. Within MS x LW pigs, CBG-Bmax was associated with increased drip loss (P = 0.001) and decreased i.m. fat in the semimembranosus (P = 0.005). Because drip loss is an economically important pork quality trait, results of this study could be used in the selection of improved water-holding capacity of pork from synthetic lines involving the MS breed.  相似文献   

Eco-tourism depending on wildlife is becoming increasingly profitable and landowners are beginning to favor game farming and ecotourism. In these areas, large-scale translocation of wildlife involves a diversity of species and large populations. The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is one of the major tourist attractions in Zambia. It accounts for 8.7% and 12.4% of the total animal species hunted in the Game Management Areas and the total hunting revenue earned in Zambia, respectively. It is ecologically an important animal species essential for the purpose of habitat control and facilitating the provision of suitable grazing pastures. However, the rearing of the African buffalo on game ranches has been hampered by its carrier state of the Southern Africa Terroritory (SAT) serotypes of foot and mouth disease virus (FMD). The African buffalo is also known to be a carrier of Theileria parva lawrencei, the causative agent of corridor disease (CD) that continues to have devastating effects on the livestock industry in Zambia. In addition, the importation of buffaloes from countries with populations endemic to bovine tuberculosis is highly restricted. Veterinary regulations in Zambia, strongly advocate against the translocation of buffaloes from protected areas to private ranches for disease control purposes thereby mounting a considerable constraint on the economic and ecological viability of the industry. It is hoped that this review will motivate the relevant government authorities in exploiting ways in which this animal species play a central role in eco-tourism.  相似文献   

维生素E调控肉品质的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄光菊  俞颂东 《饲料工业》2005,26(19):27-30
猪肉的品质受很多因素的影响,其中起主导作用的是猪的品种,例如:杜洛克、皮特兰等猪的肉质差别很大。然而,现在越来越多的动物营养学家认识到日粮的组成对肉质也有很重要的影响,尤其是添加维生素E的日粮。维生素E是有效的抗氧化剂,能够抑制肌肉组织中脂肪的氧化。饲粮中添加维生素E能够减少脂肪的氧化(酸败速度下降)和水分的损失(烹任前和烹任过程中水分的损失),同时改善肉的颜色和风味。提高保质期。  相似文献   

Ivermectin treatment of all cattle on a badly infected farm failed to interrupt the transmission of P. bovicola, even though ovipositional blood spots were drastically reduced in numbers for an entire summer season following treatment. Regular weekly to fortnightly dipping of all cattle in 50 ppm deltamethrin immediately reduced vector fly numbers to less than 1 fly per cow face. Sustained dipping for 9 months effectively reduced P. bovicola transmission from approximately 50% to less than 2%. However, cessation of fly control led to a return to predipping P. bovicola infection levels. Ovipositional blood spot counts and the ELISA technique for evaluating P. bovicola infection in a herd were compared and were both effective methods. Best results for the blood spot method, however, are obtained in spring at the peak of the bleeding season whereas the ELISA method does not have this limitation.  相似文献   

微营养素调控肉品质的研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们不仅要求肉品营养丰富,而且有较好的口味和感观性状。然而,为提高生产性能而进行的遗传选育及常规管理产生的应激,降低了肉品质量。肉品含有较高的不饱和脂肪酸,极易发生脂肪氧化,加速肉品失色,增加滴水损失,形成异味物质。因此改善畜禽肉品品质便成为动物营养研究的又一热点。本文综述了维生素与矿物质元素调控肉品质的研究概况。1肉品质1.1肉品质的评定肉质在不同部门有着不同的含义。食品加工部门把肌肉的坚实性、颜色和系水率等直接关系到产品率高低的性状视为重要品质指标。销售部门(批发和零售)则把运输、…  相似文献   

日粮营养水平对猪胴体品质调控的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景绍红 《饲料工业》2005,26(13):21-24
随着人们生活水平的提高,对瘦肉的需求量越来越大,对养猪生产者而言就需要提高猪的胴体瘦肉率。但如何在提高猪胴体瘦肉率的同时又保持良好的肉质是养猪生产者面临的一个重要问题。影响猪胴体品质的因素除遗传和环境因素外,主要受营养因素影响。日粮能量浓度、蛋白质水平是调控  相似文献   

Annual medic (Medicago spp.) pastures are widely used as the forage component of crop rotation systems in the Mediterranean region of South Africa. Reliable establishment of medics can be challenging. This may be related to poor soil quality, an inherent problem of soils in the region often aggravated by poor management. The aim of this study was to determine the underlying soil quality factors that result in classifying soils as having low, medium and high medic pasture production potential. The study was carried out on two farms that have followed crop/pasture rotation systems for the past 20 years. Two growing seasons (2015 and 2016) were evaluated on areas within fields that were identified to have poor, medium and high production potential. Soil samples were taken to evaluate soil quality and to determine the medic seed density in soil. Above-ground seed production and herbage production were monitored during the growing season. The low productivity soils had the lowest below-and above-ground seed density, medic seedlings establishment and medic herbage yield. Soil sodicity was one of the main factors decreasing pasture productivity. In a production system where medics need to regenerate effectively following good seed production, soil sodicity may be especially detrimental.  相似文献   

食品安全是西欧消费者担心的主要问题,并且在世界各地得到越来越多的重视。饲料工业,包括其供应商,是食物链的一部分,因此必须对其产品的安全性负责。在这种情况下,可见和透明的质量保证措施就是“生产许可证”。H ACCP系统是用一个通过预料未来问题而提前采取行动来管理整个饲  相似文献   

随着国民经济发展和人民生活水平不断提高 ,人们对畜产品质量的要求也越来越高 ,对优质无公害放心肉的需求量越来越大 ,这种趋势将会持续增长。随着我国规模化养猪业的发展 ,在高产、高效的同时 ,如何生产符合国家有关标准和确保消费者健康安全的优质猪肉是养猪者所面临的重要问题。各科研单位开发研制的肉质改良剂 ,正是在国家安全生产猪肉的有关政策法规基础上生产出的高科技产品 ,对发展安全、高效、优质的放心肉和促进养猪业可持续发展都具有重要的现实意义。肉质改良剂具有促进生长、降低料耗、提高肉的持水性和改善肉色、提高饲料利用…  相似文献   

Information on the effect of road transportation conditions and lairage times on the meat quality of pork under South African conditions is very sparse. In this investigation, the effects of 2 road conditions (rough road with frequent stops - A; smooth road, few stops - B) and 2 lairage holding periods (2 h and 24 h) on the physical meat quality attributes of commercially produced pigs during summer (ambient temperatures > 30 degrees C) in the Western Cape (South Africa) were investigated. Pig meat from pigs transported on a road that caused more stress (A), had lower pH 45 (measured 45 min post mortem) values after 2 h lairage than pigs transported over a smoother road. Pigs B had a lower muscle pH 24 (measured 24 h post mortem) than group A, indicating that they had more glycogen reserves available for post mortem glycolysis. Road conditions A were more stressful resulting in a higher incidence of PSE pork, as shown by the percentage drip loss and the L* values. When the lairage period was increased to 24 h prior to slaughter, pigs transported under road conditions A had time to replenish their energy reserves and the pH 45, drip loss and L* values were within an acceptable range. However, pigs transported under road conditions B had lower pH 45 and higher pH 24 values, indicating that the lairage period was too long and that energy reserves were depleted in order to adapt to the stressful conditions. Results from this investigation indicate that improvement of the transport/road conditions will result in better pork quality.  相似文献   

Implementation of methods to control inspection for Trichinella in meat recommended by International Commission on Trichinellosis (ICT), particularly the introduction of the quality assurance standards and proficiency panels for certified analysts is extremely important in Serbia and other countries where Trichinellosis is endemic. In spite of existing regulations, including the inspection of 0.5 g samples of diaphragm by the compression method or by artificial digestion of 1g samples, in Serbia 280 people were diagnosed with clinical trichinellosis after consumption of inspected meat during the period 2001--2002. These outbreaks, which occurred in the municipalities of Kumane, Surcin and Bogatic, were a consequence of inadequate application of inspection methods and insufficient education of some veterinary inspectors. The problem of inadequate veterinary inspection in Serbia can be overcome by strict application of the ICT recommendations for the control of Trichinella with specific emphasis on implementing the quality assurance system (QAS) and proficiency sampling (PS/--PP/panel).  相似文献   

The medical, veterinary and economic importance of blackflies in South Africa, and the historical development of blackfly control programmes in various South African rivers, are reviewed in this paper. In 1996 it was estimated that blackflies can cause more than R 88 million damages per annum along the middle and lower Orange River where Simulium chutteri is considered the main pest species. A clear link between the construction of dams and the spread of the blackfly problem was shown. Four phases characterize the development of blackfly control in South Africa: (1) during the 1960s blackflies in the Vaal River were controlled with DDT; (2), during the 1970s and into the 1980s blackflies were controlled using water-flow manipulation; (3) when used at strategic times, water-flow manipulation could be used to enhance the effect of natural predator populations; and (4) during the 1990s the organophosphate temephos and toxins produced by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were tested for their efficacy against blackflies. The larvicides temephos and B. thuringiensis proved to be effective and are still used in several control programmes. The latest research focuses on the factors that influence adult blackfly survival and annoyance, as well as the development of methods that can be used to protect sheep from blackfly attacks.  相似文献   

<正>α-硫辛酸(Lipoic Acid,LA)又称为1,2-二硫戊环-3-戊酸,是1951年由Reed首次从猪肝中分离出来的广泛分布于动植物体内的一种天然产物,最初  相似文献   

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