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The correct diagnosis of boron deficiency is not yet completely resolved for species where boron is phloem immobile. As some deficiency reactions in the extension zone of young roots cannot be reversed after only one hour of deficiency, boron should be supplied continuously. Several early deficiency reactions are shown to be related to the concentration of ”︁free” boron. It is suggested that there is a ”︁minimum” or ”︁critical level” of soluble boron (i.e. not tightly bound to rhamno‐galacturonan II) which is needed in the most boron requiring tissues to avoid deficiency reactions. Determination of this ”︁soluble” or ”︁exchangeable” boron fraction might improve the diagnosis of boron deficiency.  相似文献   

Application of ultrasound to disperse soil aggregates has been critical in enabling researchers to separate and analyze aggregate building blocks that include organic and mineral particles as well as mineral associated organic matter. But the forces generated in the process may also alter the dispersion products and, thus, potentially interfere with the interpretation of experimental results. This review summarizes present knowledge on experimental conditions that may lead to physical damage and chemical modifications of aggregate building blocks. The energy level at which physical disintegration of organic particles could be detected was as low as 60 J mL–1. Physical damage of sand‐ and silt‐sized mineral particles was observed to commence at energy levels exceeding 700 J cm–3. No evidence was found for the disintegration of particles within the clay‐size fraction of soils even though studies analyzing pure minerals such as kaolinite revealed particle breakage after application of energy amounts > 12,000 J cm–3. Here we outline a strategy to minimize artifacts such as physical damage of mineral or organic particles resulting from ultrasonication by adopting a stepwise dispersion protocol involving successively higher energy levels, accompanied by a sequential separation of organic and mineral compounds.  相似文献   

Background: The phosphate concentration of the soil solution is generally low, allowing sufficient plant nutrition only for a few days. Therefore, supply from various fractions of bound phosphate is essential to meet plant demand. It is known that plants have developed strategies to acquire phosphorus (P) from phosphates adsorbed on clay minerals or oxides, from organically bound phosphates, and from calcium phosphates. However, it is generally assumed that occluded phosphate is not plant‐available. Results: In a pot experiment, two plant species, namely maize (Zea mays L.) and white lupin (Lupinus albus L.), differing in acquisition efficiency, were used to investigate whether Al oxide‐occluded and Fe oxide‐occluded phosphates can be acquired. Artificially prepared Al oxide‐occluded phosphate or Fe oxide‐occluded phosphate, respectively, was added to a subsoil low in available phosphates. It is shown that both plant species were not able to acquire P from Al oxide‐occluded phosphate. Also, maize was incapable of using Fe oxide‐occluded phosphate. In contrast, white lupin took up significant amounts of P from Fe oxide‐occluded phosphate. Conclusion: It is concluded that the strategy to form cluster roots together with their reducing power may allow white lupin to destabilize Fe oxides that occlude phosphates and to mine the soil for this additional phosphate fraction.  相似文献   

The concept of soil health has been extensively reviewed in the scientific literature, but there is only patchy and inconsistent information available to farmers and growers who are concerned about the declining condition of their soils and are looking for appropriate test methods and management interventions to help reverse it. Although there are well‐established laboratory methods for soil chemical analysis, and a range of laboratory and field methods for measuring soil physical properties, only now are methods starting to emerge for soil biological analysis. This study provides an overview of the methods that are currently available commercially (or are close to commercialization) for farmers and growers in the UK. We examine the science underpinning the methods, the value of the information provided and how farmers and advisors can use results from such assessments for informed decision‐making in relation to soil management.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) tracing in natural environments is challenging, lacking stable P isotopes Oxygen isotope ratios in phosphate (δ18OP) represent a novel tool for tracing the biological cycling of P from the global scale down to hotspots at the micro‐scale and within particular soil compartments such as aggregates or pores. Despite the small number of studies available so far, existing data indicate that δ18OP values point to where, at what extent and how efficiently P is recycled in soils.  相似文献   

The paper gives an overview of ecological theories and hypotheses that have been raised in order to predict diversity‐function relationships. In particular, those reasons are discussed that may explain the discrepancy between the theoretical expectation for widespread effects of diversity on functioning and the ambiguous empirical evidence for such effects. Structural differences in the ecology of plants, invertebrates, and micro‐organisms are considered which lead to differences in diversity‐function relationships among these groups of organisms. Four criteria are derived that determine diversity‐function relationships: (1) motility of the organisms under consideration, (2) decoupling of population persistence and functional activity in these organisms, (3) species richness of the organisms' community, and (4) equilibrium stability of the considered ecological process. From these criteria the authors predict that measurable effects of diversity on functioning are (a) likely to be found in plants and in micro‐organisms while they are (b) unlikely to be found in the soil fauna. They predict that diversity is (c) likely to affect primary production, soil energy turnover, and nutrient losses from the system, while it is (d) unlikely to durably influence litter decomposition rate. It is shown that these predictions are largely corroborated by empirical evidence compiled from the literature. The issue of spatial and temporal scale is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Mixtures of peat and substrate clays are commonly used as growth media for horticultural plant production. A quality protocol for substrate clays defines a threshold value of active manganese (Mnact = sum of exchangeable and easily reducible Mn) in substrate clays of < 500 mg kg–1 to prevent toxic reactions of plants. This threshold value was tested in experiments with peat‐clay blends under various growth conditions, and nutrient solution experiments were additionally conducted to investigate the effects of silicic acid and dissolved organic matter on the occurrence of Mn toxicity. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) plants were cultivated in different peat‐clay substrates and in peat under different moisture and pH levels. The clays varied in their Mnact content from 4–2354 mg kg–1. The results of the substrate experiments reveal that a threshold value for Mn in substrate clays is not justified, as plants grown in all peat‐clay substrates did not develop any Mn toxicity even at high substrate moisture or low pH conditions which are known to increase the Mn availability. The extraction of active Mn did not well reflect the Mn concentrations in plant dry matter and substrate solution. As plants tolerated high Mn concentrations in the substrate solution compared to the nutrient solution without toxicity symptoms, the influence of silicic acid and dissolved organic matter (DOM) on Mn toxicity was characterized in a nutrient‐solution experiment. Manganese toxicity was clearly diminished by silicic acid application, but not by DOM. The former effect probably explains the tolerance of bean plants in peat substrates where high silicon concentrations in the substrate solution were observed. Peat‐clay blends even provided up to five times more silicon to plants than pure peat.  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(2):177-186
Biochar application to soil is suggested as a way of enhancing soil fertility by increasing the availability of nutrients and water. The former is perhaps better documented while the latter has less experimental support. This review critically investigates the recent literature which focuses on determining whether biochar induces increases in plant available water and that this provides part of the explanation for possible increases in crop yield. A number of studies suggest that biochar increases crop yields, and this is linked to the enhancement of soil water content and increased crop growth. However, many of these studies fail to fully consider if the measured biochar increases of 10–30% in soil water content were actually responsible for an increase in plant available water for crop growth. There is also limited evidence of increased crop yields when biochar is used in field experiments. While biochar soil application may increase soil water content, this appears to most likely occur with free draining coarsely textured sandy soils. As yet there is limited evidence that biochar improves soil water content in temperate soils and even less that it facilitates plant tolerance to drought stress. More recent literature shows the use of methods which quantify soil biochar changes with respect to plant water availability. However, despite some advances in our understanding of biochar's mode of action, there are still only a few studies which link increases in plant available water with increased crop yields, and particularly with respect to the longer term use and functionality of soil‐applied biochar.  相似文献   

Is UK biofuel supply from Miscanthus water‐limited?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sustainable Miscanthus plantings encouraged under publicly funded schemes should be based on sound economic and environmental assessments. We developed an empirical yield model for Miscanthus from harvestable dry matter yields at 14 field trials in the UK to estimate site-specific and regional yields derived from meteorological variables and soil available water. Harvestable yields of crops established for at least 3 years at 14 arable sites across the UK ranged from 5 to 18 t/ha, averaging at 12.8 (±2.9) t/ha. Variables considered to affect yield were number of years after planting, length of season ( T air > 9 °C), temperature, global solar radiation, precipitation and potential evapotranspiration during the season, and soil available water capacity ( AWC ). At a single site (Rothamsted), AWC and the relative average potential soil moisture deficit during the main growing season explained 70% of annual yield variation (RMSE = 1.38 t/ha, P  < 0.001). For the complete UK data set ( n  = 67), yield variation was related to AWC , air temperature and precipitation (RMSE = 2.1 t/ha, P  < 0.01). Linking soil survey and spatially interpolated weather data we calculated an overall national average dry matter yield of 9.6 t/ha. As shown for two counties (Oxfordshire and North Yorkshire), estimated yield may decrease by 1 t/ha, and its uncertainty may rise from 15 to >20%, when soil survey instead of local soil data are used. Using data from a single weather station can introduce a bias (<1 t/ha) because of differences in elevation and local temperature and precipitation. Overall, it seems most important for bioenergy plantings to assure sufficient water supply from the soil ( AWC  > 150 mm) during the main growing season.  相似文献   

Acidification of manure, digestate and their processed derivatives has been proposed as a technique to, amongst others, mitigate ammonia emissions related to application in the field. The current study investigated whether acidification of (1) pig slurry (PS), (2) liquid fraction of pig slurry (LFPS), (3) digestate (DIG), and (4) liquid fraction of digestate (LFDIG) increases their nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) as compared to non‐acidified counterparts, a synthetic N fertilizer (calcium ammonium nitrate; CAN) and an unfertilized control. Product performance was evaluated from the perspective of (1) crop development (yield, nutrient uptake, and crop quality assessment) via a pot experiment with Lactuca sativa L. and (2) soil N dynamics [net N release (Nrel,net) and net N mineralization] via a soil incubation experiment. Crop yield of pots receiving bio‐based fertilizers performed ‘on par' with CAN as compared to unfertilized control, implying that bio‐based fertilizers derived from digestate or manure could potentially play a role in replacing synthetic N fertilizers. However, our findings also suggest that acidification did not result in an increased use efficiency of applied N. NFRVs of acidified products were below those of non‐acidified products and CAN, with crop yield on average 6–13% and 11–18% lower compared to non‐acidified products and the CAN treatment, respectively. A possible explanation for lower performance as compared to non‐acidified products could be an inhibitory delay in the Nrel,net, which in our experimental design proved to be negative for crops with short production cycles. This pattern was revealed in the incubation experiments in which Nrel,net in acidified products remained below that of non‐acidified, in this study tentatively attributed to immobilization of mineral N. However, this negative effect on N availability should be reaffirmed in crops with longer production cycles. Finally, some interesting findings with regard to plant composition also warrant further in‐depth investigation, e.g ., Zn uptake by lettuce in acidified treatments was significantly higher than that of non‐acidified treatments. This implies that product pre‐treatment may play a future role in biofortification and amelioration of (trace) element composition of crops (arguably for crops with longer production cycles). Improving crop nutritional value by increased uptake of micronutrients is receiving increasing attention.  相似文献   

Soil water repellency (SWR) is an intrinsic and dynamic soil property that can influence soil hydrology and crop production. Although several land use systems have been shown to induce water repellency in soil, the specific effects of no‐till cropping on SWR are poorly understood. This article reviews the impacts of no‐till on SWR and identifies research needs. No‐till cropping generally induces 1.5 to 40 times more SWR than conventional tillage, depending on soil type. This may result from near‐surface accumulation of hydrophobic organic C compounds derived from crop residues, microbial activity and reduced soil disturbance. While large SWR may have adverse impacts on soil hydrology and crop production, the level of SWR under no‐till relative to conventional tillage may contribute to aggregate stabilization and intra‐aggregate C sequestration. More research is needed to discern the extent and relevance of no‐till induced SWR. This includes: (1) further assessment of SWR under different tillage systems across a wide range of soil textures and climates, (2) comparison of the various methods for measuring SWR over a range of water contents, (3) inclusion of SWR in routine soil analysis and its use as a parameter to evaluate management impacts, (4) assessment of the temporal and spatial changes in SWR under field conditions, (5) further assessment of the impacts of the small differences in SWR between no‐till and conventionally tilled soils on crop production, soil hydrology and soil C sequestration, and (6) development of models to predict SWR for different tillage systems and soils.  相似文献   

Urban waste disposal occurred on fenland to the west of Manchester, England, between 1900 and 1964. The reclaimed fenland, Chat Moss, is now used for mixed arable farming. A total of 1.92 Mt of waste including privy midden, street sweepings, clinkers and slaughterhouse refuse was incorporated into the moss resulting in a modified topsoil with raised pH and reduced organic matter content compared with the subsoil. Elevated levels of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) are observed in the topsoil beyond the typical depth of atmospheric contamination; Cd and As concentrations exceed soil guideline values (SGVs) at 1.8 and 43 mg/kg, respectively. Sequential extraction indicates that waste‐derived Pb, Zn and Ni remain predominantly in the residual fraction, whereas Cu was mainly organically bound. Arsenic was predominately found in oxide and organic matter fractions with Cd in carbonate, oxide, organic matter and residual fractions. Pot trials indicated limited uptake of PTEs by vegetables grown on the waste‐amended soil, with the exception of Cd uptake by lettuce (0.22 mg/kg FW) and Pb uptake by radish (0.16 mg/kg FW), which exceeded current EU limits of 0.2 and 0.1 mg/kg FW, respectively. Hazard quotients (HQs) identified no risks to adults from consumption of vegetables grown in these soils with the exception of lettuce consumption with a HQ of 1.4. Risks to children were slightly greater with HQs >1 for Cd in lettuce, spinach, carrots and onion, As in lettuce, parsley and onion and for Zn in spinach.  相似文献   

To determine the degradability of PAHs and PCBs for soil remediation or ecotoxicological risk assessment, a simple method is needed. We tested the suitability of photocatalytic oxidation for this purpose. We determined the concentrations of 20 PAHs and 12 PCBs in four mineral topsoil horizons, six organic horizons, and four particle‐size fractions of each of three soils before and after UV irradiation with TiO2 as a catalyst in suspension. Preliminary experiments showed that in dry soil no photooxidation occurred, but after 48 h of irradiation in suspension the PCB concentrations decreased by up to 40—50 %, while the PAH concentrations did not change significantly. In contrast to this, 95—100 % of PAH and PCB standards spiked on quartz sand were degraded within 8 h, indicating that sorption to organic matter limited degradation of PAHs and PCBs in soil suspensions. There was no difference in the degradation among different individual PAHs and PCBs, respectively, indicating that the degradation did not occur in dissolved state, but in association with soil organic matter. In all samples except one, the degradation of PCBs (10—80 % loss of initial concentrations) was higher than those of the PAHs (0—40 % loss). This suggests that the accessibility of PCBs for OH· radicals generated during irradiation was higher, or the oxidation of PAHs was limited by the properties of the sorbing organic matter. Thus, the tested method was not suitable to predict biodegradability, because it did not reflect the differences in degradability of individual compounds.  相似文献   

The formation of soil organic matter (SOM) has been proposed to depend on fragmentation of biomass after cell death. However, this is hard to mimic in laboratory experiments showing the process directly. We used heavy metal contamination in order to provide an environment in which one Streptomyces strain, the heavy metal resistant S. mirabilis P16B‐1, could survive while the sensitive strain S. lividans TK24 was expected to die and disintegrate; the necromass fragments would then contribute to SOM formation. Both strains were grown for 30 d in sterile mesocosms containing either highly metal‐contaminated soil from a former uranium‐mining site in Ronneburg, Germany, or control soil from a municipal park, Jena, Germany. The fate and morphology of living and dead bacterial biomass (necromass) was observed using scanning electron microscopy. Attachment of soil particles to the intact mycelium as well as decay of dead biomass was observed. Dead bacterial biomass was identified in form of patchy fragments while the superordinate filamentous structure of the hyphae was still visible and obviously stabilized in soil. The fate of cytosolic compounds was followed using the example of a nickel‐containing superoxide dismutase (NiSOD) which was found to be released after death of cells grown in liquid soil‐extract medium. Activity of the enzyme was proven for concentrated media supernatant by a gel‐based qualitative activity assay. This indicates that NiSOD remains active in soil after cell death. Hence, bacterial cell death results in the release of cytosolic compounds, e.g., intact proteins, as well as the formation of residual cell‐envelope fragments contributing to SOM formation.  相似文献   

Ammonium‐N concentrations were frequently observed to exceed nitrate‐N concentrations in an intermittently flowing stream draining acid grassland in North Yorkshire. This prompted the design of a soil microcosm experiment to investigate the role of litter in the leaching of ammonium and nitrate from soil profiles during winter. Drainage water was analysed weekly for N species, pH, mineral acid anions and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) for a period of 11 weeks, while extractable mineral‐N was determined after 5 and 11 weeks. The results demonstrate that litter plays an important role in reducing mineral‐N leaching in winter months. They also suggest that DOC from the litter participates in mineral‐N retention in the soil profiles in winter. Ammonium‐N and nitrate‐N concentrations measured in the microcosm drainage water are similar to those of the stream.  相似文献   

李润妍  潘琳  柳家鹏  邢福国 《核农学报》2021,35(8):1883-1892
欧盟是世界第一大经济联合体,也是我国食品出口的主要市场之一。本文就 2010—2019年欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统(RASFF)对我国食品通报信息进行统计分析和总结,重点分析了真菌毒素污染类食品通报近十年的发展变化趋势,发现真菌毒素污染在所有危害类型中排第一位,是我国食品出口欧盟的最大阻碍;进一步分析了欧盟RASFF对华通报食品真菌毒素污染数量居高不下的原因,并就如何减少相关通报提出了一些应对策略和建议。研究数据将为我国食品出口提供参考,为我国食品安全体系建设尤其是真菌毒素防控体系建设提供科学依据和重要借鉴。  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass starts growing when soil temperatures reach 5.5°C for five consecutive days; applying N fertilizer before this risks environmental losses. To test whether daffodil flowering signified when to apply N fertilizer, farmers volunteered to take part in a citizen science study. The PROSOIL project used a “citizen science”, participatory approach to create farmer‐informed science, aiming to increase awareness of the importance of soil health. In 2014, over 300 farmers completed a “How do you manage your soil” survey. The survey included a question on the use of daffodils (Narcissus spp.) to indicate the best time to apply the first nitrogen fertilizer of the season, based on anecdotal feedback from farmers involved in the PROSOIL project. The survey recorded 7% of farmers based their first fertilizer application on when daffodils flowered. To increase farmer awareness of soil temperatures, we provided them with soil thermometers, held workshops and hosted interactive stands at agricultural events in 2014. In autumn 2014, farmers planted daffodil bulbs of the same variety, across Wales, and monitored soil temperatures. Farmers returned postcards once their daffodils were in flower, noting the soil temperature. An assessment of whether daffodil flowering date could indicate when to apply N fertilizer was made. Overall, in spring 2015, daffodils flowered when soil temperature was 6.4(±0.35)°C, suggesting daffodil flowering date is a more reliable indicator for fertilizer application, than first hypothesized. Findings show a scientific validation of local knowledge, regarding the use of daffodils to indicate the “not‐before” date for the first N fertilizer application.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a key issue in Europe, and strategies to protect soil need to be developed. Hence, eroding soils or those at risk of erosion need to be identified. Much model‐derived information on rates of erosion and on erosion risk of cultivated land may be of dubious value, and thus, there is need for other ways to assess erosion. Field‐based assessment is one approach for assessing and monitoring erosion and gives information that can be used at a variety of scales. In this review paper, the continuing use of models that predict potential erosion is questioned, and it is argued that there is a need for more field‐based assessment and monitoring of water erosion with monitoring at frequent intervals. Such monitoring allows the magnitude of the erosion problem to be assessed properly, and thus, the physical, social and economic factors that drive erosion can be better analysed and addressed. Field‐based erosion monitoring should be undertaken in all global environments, and then the results can be used to validate those from models of potential erosion.  相似文献   

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