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The sensitivity of Venturia inaequalis field isolates to inhibitors of the cytochrome bc1 complex at the Qo site (QoIs) was characterised at the molecular, biochemical and physiological level, and compared to other respiration inhibitors. Comparison of a sensitive and a QoI-resistant isolate revealed very high resistance factors both in mycelium growth and spore germination assays. Cross-resistance was observed among QoIs such as trifloxystrobin, azoxystrobin, famoxadone, strobilurin B and myxothiazol. In the mycelium growth assay, antimycin A, an inhibitor of the cytochrome bc1 complex at the Qi site, was less active against the QoI-resistant than against the sensitive isolate. The mixture of QoIs with salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM), an inhibitor of the alternative oxidase, exerted synergistic effects in the spore germination but not in the mycelium growth assay. Thus, the cytochrome and the alternative respiration pathways are assumed to play different roles, depending on the developmental stage of the fungus. Induction of alternative oxidase (AOX) by trifloxystrobin was observed in mycelium cells at the molecular level for the sensitive but not the resistant isolate. Following QoI treatment, respiration parameters such as oxygen consumption, ATP level, membrane potential and succinate dehydrogenase activity were only slightly reduced in Qo-resistant mycelium cells, and remained at much higher levels than in sensitive cells. In contrast, no difference was observed between sensitive and resistant isolates when NADH consumption was measured. Comparison of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of the sensitive and resistant isolates did not reveal any point mutations as is known to occur in resistant isolates of other plant pathogens. It is assumed that QoI resistance in V inaequalis may be based on a compensation of the energy deficiency following QoI application upstream of the NADH dehydrogenase of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet causes black sigatoka, the most important disease in bananas and plantains. Disease control is mainly through the application of systemic fungicides, including sterol demethylation inhibitors (DMIs). Their intensive use has favoured the appearance of resistant strains. However, no studies have been published on the possible resistance mechanisms. RESULTS: In this work, the CYP51 gene was isolated and sequenced in 11 M. fijiensis strains that had shown different degrees of in vitro sensitivity to propiconazole, one of the most widely used DMI fungicides. Six mutations that could be related to the loss in sensitivity to this fungicide were found: Y136F, A313G, Y461D, Y463D, Y463H and Y463N. The mutations were analysed using a homology model of the protein that was constructed from the crystallographic structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Zoff.) Lehmann & Neumann. Additionally, gene expression was determined in 13 M. fijiensis strains through quantitative analysis of products obtained by RT‐PCR. CONCLUSION: Several changes in the sequence of the gene encoding sterol 14α‐demethylase were found that have been described in other fungi as being correlated with resistance to azole fungicides. No correlation was found between gene expression and propiconazole resistance. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The molecular profile and the biological response of isolates of Pyricularia oryzae Cavara obtained from ctenanthe to two strobilurins (azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl) and the phenylpyridinamine fungicide fluazinam were characterized, and compared with isolates from rice plants. Five different isozymes (alpha-esterase, lactate, malate, isocitrate and sorbitol dehydrogenases) and five random decamer primers for RAPD-PCR were used to generate molecular markers. Using unweighted pair-group with arithmetic average analysis, ctenanthe isolates were found to form a separate group distinct from that of the rice isolates for both sets of markers. Amplified polymorphic sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b that were digested with Fnu4HI or StyI revealed no differences among Pyricularia isolates at amino acid positions 143 or 129 which confer resistance to strobilurins in several fungi. In absence of the alternative respiration inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) the three fungicides showed inferior and variable efficacy, with a trend toward the rice isolate being less sensitive. The addition of SHAM enhanced the effectiveness of all fungicides against isolates regardless of their origin. Appressorium formation was the most vulnerable target of action of the respiration inhibitors and azoxystrobin the most effective. This is the first report of a comparison between the molecular profiles and sensitivities to respiration inhibitors for Pyricularia oryzae isolates from a non-gramineous host and from rice.  相似文献   

Forty-six (1.5%) of nearly 3000 isolates of Mycosphaerella graminicola assayed in vitro were resistant to the QOI fungicide azoxystrobin, but on sub-culturing only ten remained resistant. Cross-resistance extended to other QOIs, but varied between different isolates. In planta the resistant isolates were not well controlled, especially at lower azoxystrobin dose rates. Propyl gallate, an inhibitor of alternative oxidase, potentiated the activity of azoxystrobin in vitro so that resistance was no longer observed. The growth of resistant strains in the presence of azoxystrobin led to alternative oxidase activation. This increased flexibility in respiration allows resistant strains to survive in the presence of a QOI fungicide. Under these conditions, selection for target-site mutations can occur. Using QOIs preventatively reduces the risk of resistance since the alternative oxidase cannot by itself generate all the energy needed for germination and early infection.  相似文献   

The effect of fungicide spray droplet density (droplet cm-2), droplet size, and proximity of the spray droplet deposit to fungal spores was investigated with Mycosphaerella fijiensis ascospores on the banana (Musa AAA) leaf surface for two contact fungicides: chlorothalonil and mancozeb. When droplet size was maintained at a volume median diameter (VMD) of 250 μm while total spray volume per hectare changed, M. fijiensis ascospore germination on the leaf surface fell below 1% for both fungicides at a droplet deposit density of 30 droplet cm-2. At a droplet deposit density of 50 droplet cm-2, no ascospores germinated in either fungicide treatment. When both droplet size and droplet cm-2 varied while spray volume was fixed at 20 litre ha-1, ascospore germination reached 0% at 10 droplet cm-2 (VMD=602 μm) for both fungicides. At lower droplet densities (2–5 droplet cm-2 VMD=989 μm and 804 μm respectively), ascospore germination on the mancozeb-treated leaves was significantly lower than on the chlorothalonil-treated leaves. The zone of inhibition surrounding a fungicide droplet deposit (VMD=250 μm) on the leaf surface was estimated to extend 1·02 mm beyond the visible edge of the spray droplet deposit for chlorothalonil and 1·29 mm for mancozeb. The efficacy of fungicide spray droplet deposit densities which are lower than currently recommended for low-volume, aerial applications of protectant fungicides was confirmed in an analysis of leaf samples recovered after commercial applications in a banana plantation. Calibrating agricultural spray aircraft to deliver fungicide spray droplets with a mean droplet deposit density of 30 droplet cm-2 and a VMD between 300 and 400 μm will probably reduce spray drift, increase deposition efficiency on crop foliage, and enhance disease control compared to aircraft calibrated to spray finer droplets. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

Single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to determine the genetic structure of Mycosphaerella fijiensis , the cause of black leaf streak (black Sigatoka) disease of banana and plantain, in the Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the Pacific Islands. A moderate level of genetic variation was observed in all populations with genotypic diversity values of 60–78% of the theoretical maximum, and gene diversity ( H ) values between 0·269 and 0·336. All populations were at gametic equilibrium, and with the high level of genotypic diversity observed this indicated that sexual reproduction has a major role in the genetic structure of the M. fijiensis populations examined. Population differentiation was tested on several hierarchical scales. No evidence of population differentiation was observed between sites on Mer Island. A moderate level of population differentiation was observed within the Torres Strait, between Badu and Mer Islands ( F ST = 0·097). On a regional scale, the greatest differentiation was found between the populations of the Torres Strait and the Pacific. Populations from these regions were more closely related to the PNG population than to each other, suggesting they were founded in separate events from the same population.  相似文献   

In France, as in many other European countries, Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel) Schr?ter in Cohn (anamorph Septoria tritici), the causal agent of wheat leaf blotch, is controlled by foliar applications of fungicides. With the recent generalization of resistance to strobilurins (QoIs), reliable control is mainly dependent upon inhibitors of sterol 14 alpha-demethylation (DMIs). To date, strains with reduced sensitivity to DMIs are widespread, but disease control using members of this class of sterol biosynthesis inhibitors has not been compromised. In this study, sensitivity assays based on in vitro effects of fungicides towards germ-tube elongation allowed the characterization of seven DMI-resistant phenotypes. In four of them, cross-resistance was not observed between all tested DMIs; this characteristic concerned prochloraz, triflumizole, fluquinconazole and tebuconazole. Moreover, the highest resistant factors to most DMIs were found only in recent isolates; according to their response towards prochloraz, they were classified into two categories. Molecular studies showed that DMI resistance was associated with mutations in the CYP51 gene encoding the sterol 14 alpha-demethylase. Alterations at codons 459, 460 and 461 were related to low resistance levels, whereas, at position 381, a valine instead of an isoleucine, in combination with the previous changes, determined the highest resistance levels to all DMIs except prochloraz. Mutations in codons 316 and 317 were also found in some isolates exhibiting low resistance factors towards most DMIs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 2004, field isolates of Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., resistant to strobilurin fungicides (QoIs), were first found in commercial citrus orchards in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Subsequently, QoI‐resistant isolates of this fungus were also detected in plastic strawberry greenhouses in Saga, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures, Japan. Biological and molecular characterisation of resistant isolates was conducted in this study. RESULTS: QoI‐resistant isolates of B. cinerea grew well on PDA plates containing kresoxim‐methyl or azoxystrobin at 1 mg L?1, supplemented with 1 mM of n‐propyl gallate, an inhibitor of alternative oxidase, whereas the growth of sensitive isolates was strongly suppressed. Results from this in vitro test were in good agreement with those of fungus inoculation tests in vivo. In resistant isolates, the mutation at amino acid position 143 of the cytochrome b gene, known to be the cause of high QoI resistance in various fungal pathogens, was found, but only occasionally. The heteroplasmy of cytochrome b gene was confirmed, and the wild‐type sequence often present in the majority of resistant isolates, indicating that the proportion of mutated cytochrome b gene was very low. CONCLUSION: The conventional RFLP and sequence analyses of PCR‐amplified cytochrome b gene are insufficient for molecular identification of QoI resistance in B. cinerea. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: QoI fungicides or quinone outside inhibitors (also called strobilurins) have been widely used to control agriculturally important fungal pathogens since their introduction in 1996. Strobilurins block the respiration pathway by inhibiting the cytochrome bc1 complex in mitochondria. Several plant pathogenic fungi have developed field resistance. The first QoI resistance in Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel) Schroter was detected retrospectively in UK in 2001 at a low frequency in QoI-treated plots. During the following seasons, resistance reached high frequencies across northern Europe. The aim of this study was to identify the main evolutionary forces driving the rapid emergence and spread of QoI resistance in M. graminicola populations.RESULTS: The G143A mutation causing QoI resistance was first detected during 2002 in all tested populations and in eight distinct mtDNA sequence haplotypes. By 2004, 24 different mtDNA haplotypes contained the G143A mutation. Phylogenetic analysis showed that strobilurin resistance was acquired independently through at least four recurrent mutations at the same site of cytochrome b. Estimates of directional migration rates showed that the majority of gene flow in Europe had occurred in a west-to-east direction.CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that recurring mutations independently introduced the QoI resistance allele into different genetic and geographic backgrounds. The resistant haplotypes then increased in frequency owing to the strong fungicide selection and spread eastward through wind dispersal of ascospores.  相似文献   

Isolate-specific resistance of 71 cultivars and breeding lines of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) to septoria tritici blotch was evaluated in six field trials in the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK between 1995 and 1997. Each plot was inoculated with one of six single-pycnidium isolates of the pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola . There were strong interactions between wheat lines and M. graminicola and the line-by-isolate interactions were stable over the six trials. Lines with specific resistance or specific susceptibility to each of the isolates were identified. Specific resistance to isolate IPO323 was especially common, being carried by 22 lines from 10 countries. The results confirm that line-by-isolate interactions in septoria tritici blotch of wheat are effective in adult plants in field conditions, and are not simply confined to seedlings. Wheat lines with good, quantitative resistance to all or most isolates were identified, including lines from Brazil, the USA and seven European countries. These may be useful as sources of resistance in wheat breeding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) drug transporter MgMfs1 of the wheat pathogen Mycosphaerella graminicola (Fuckel) J Schroeter is a potent multidrug transporter with high capacity to transport strobilurin fungicides in vitro. The data presented in this paper indicate that, in addition to the predominant cause of strobilurin resistance, cytochrome b G143A subsititution, MgMfs1 can play a role in sensitivity of field strains of this pathogen to trifloxystrobin. RESULTS: In a major part of field strains of M. graminicola (collected in the Netherlands in 2004) containing the cytochrome b G143A substitution, the basal level of expression of MgMfs1 was elevated as compared with sensitive strains lacking the G143A substitution. Induction of MgMfs1 expression in wild-type isolates upon treatment with trifloxystrobin at sublethal concentrations proceeded rapidly. Furthermore, in disease control experiments on wheat seedlings, disruption mutants of MgMfs1 displayed an increased sensitivity to trifloxystrobin. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the drug transporter MgMfs1 is a determinant of strobilurin sensitivity of field strains of M. graminicola.  相似文献   

Experiments with intact cells and submitochondrial fractions of Pythium aphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz. indicated an interference of benzimidazole-N-sulfonamides with the NADH- or succinate-driven electron transport system between cytochromes b and c. Comparison with Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda and Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. revealed that this effect is Oomycetes specific. The molecular interaction between benzimidazole-N-sulfonamides and the mitochondrial cytochrome b/c1 complex from P. aphanidermatum has been investigated. Binding assays with [14C]52232 RP (dimefluazole) indicated a time- and dose-dependent labelling of two proteins. The molecular mass of one labelled protein and the competition of the binding with antimycin A suggest that benzimidazole-N-sulfonamides interact with the Q1-centre of cytochrome b. Furthermore, experiments with doubly labelled [3H][14C]CGA 323103 revealed a possible irreversible inactivation of the b/c1 complex leading to covalent linkage of the dimethylsulfonamoyl moiety to the target site.  相似文献   

Fifty-two wheat cultivars and breeding lines, most of which have been used in breeding programmes worldwide, were tested for isolate-specific resistance to Mycosphaerella graminicola isolate IPO323, which interacts with the Stb6 gene of wheat (first identified in cvs Flame and Hereward) via a gene-for-gene relationship. Twenty-three lines were specifically resistant to this isolate. Sixteen resistant lines were crossed with Flame for a test of allelism. All progeny lines were resistant, suggesting that the 16 parental lines had Stb6 , a gene allelic to it or a gene closely linked to it. In 14 lines, resistance to IPO323 was controlled by Stb6 only. An exception was Kavkaz-K4500 L6.A.4., which has two genes for resistance to IPO323, one of which is Stb6 . The microsatellite marker Xgwm369 was used to examine genetic diversity in the region of the genome containing Stb6 , to which it is closely linked. Eleven alleles of Xgwm369 , with amplified fragments of 10 different sizes, as well as apparent nonamplification of this marker in Bulgaria 88, were detected. Through the use of information about lines' ancestry, combined with Xgwm369 alleles, it was shown that Stb6 entered world wheat-breeding programmes on a minimum of six occasions, and possibly from as many as 11 sources. The presence of Stb6 in both European and Chinese landraces suggests that this gene has been present in cultivated wheat since the earliest times of agriculture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Isolates of Didymella bryoniae (Auersw.) Rehm, causal agent of gummy stem blight on cucurbits, developed insensitivity to azoxystrobin in the eastern United States 2 years after first commercial use in 1998. Baseline sensitivity of this fungus to azoxystrobin has never been reported. The objectives were to compare baseline sensitivities of D. bryoniae from South Carolina and other locations to sensitivities of isolates exposed to azoxystrobin for one or more seasons, and to compare sensitivity in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: Sixty‐one isolates of D. bryoniae collected before 1998 were sensitive. Median EC50 was 0.055 mg L?1 azoxystrobin (range 0.005 to 0.81). Forty isolates collected after exposure during 1998 also were sensitive. Fifty‐three of 64 isolates collected in South and North Carolina between 2000 and 2006 were insensitive to 10 mg L?1 azoxystrobin. Sensitive and insensitive isolates were distinguished by disease severity on Cucumis melo L. seedlings treated with azoxystrobin (20 or 200 mg L?1). CONCLUSIONS: An azoxystrobin baseline sensitivity distribution was established in vitro for isolates of D. bryoniae never exposed to strobilurins. Baseline values were comparable with those of other ascomycetes. Insensitive isolates were found in fields with a history of strobilurin applications. An in vivo method distinguished sensitive and insensitive isolates. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Cytochrome b from yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae Meyer ex Hansen) provides a convenient model system for the study of Qo-site inhibitor (QoI) resistance mutations from a variety of organisms. QoI resistance mutations from fungal plant pathogens (G143A and F129L), malaria agent Plasmodium sp (Y279C/S), and Pneumocystis carinii (L275F), an opportunistic pathogenic fungus of man, were introduced into yeast cytochrome b and their effect on the binding of a variety of natural (myxothiazol and stigmatellin) and synthetic (atovaquone, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin) inhibitors to the bc1 complex monitored. L275S (from a myxothiazol-resistant yeast) was also re-examined. Stigmatellin binding was relatively unaffected by the introduction of these mutations. Significant increases in resistance were observed for the strobilurin-class inhibitors myxothiazol, azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin, with the largest increase in resistance conferred by G143A. In contrast, atovaquone binding was most effected by Y279C/S and L275S. Notably, F129L, G143A and L275S had a minor effect on bc1 activity, and so are unlikely to confer significant fitness penalties in vivo. These data are discussed in the light of the atomic structures for myxothiazol- and azoxystrobin-inhibited bovine bc1 which have recently become available. We propose that QoI resistance due to G143A arises from steric hindrance between the inhibitor and cytochrome b, whereas the mechanism of resistance for the other mutations is due to an increase in binding energy between the protein and inhibitor molecule. Site-directed mutagenesis was also used to model selected regions of the mammalian Qo site in yeast cytochrome b in order to further understand the differential efficacy of these QoI in the mammalian and pathogen bc1 complexes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial respiration conserves energy by linking NADH oxidation and electron-coupled proton translocation with ATP synthesis, through a core pathway involving three large protein complexes. Strobilurin fungicides block electron flow through one of these complexes (III), and disrupt energy supply. Despite an essential need for ATP throughout fungal disease development, strobilurins are largely preventative; indeed some diseases are not controlled at all, and several pathogens have quickly developed resistance. Target-site variation is not the only cause of these performance difficulties. Alternative oxidase (AOX) is a strobilurin-insensitive terminal oxidase that allows electrons from ubiquinol to bypass Complex III. Its synthesis is constitutive in some fungi but in many others is induced by inhibition of the main pathway. AOX provides a strobilurin-insensitive pathway for oxidation of NADH. Protons are pumped as electrons flow through Complex I, but energy conservation is less efficient than for the full respiratory chain. Salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) is a characteristic inhibitor of AOX, and several studies have explored the potentiation of strobilurin activity by SHAM. We present a kinetic-based model which relates changes in the extent of potentiation during different phases of disease development to a changing importance of energy efficiency. The model provides a framework for understanding the varying efficacy of strobilurin fungicides. In many cases, AOX can limit strobilurin effectiveness once an infection is established, but is unable to interfere significantly with strobilurin action during germination. A less stringent demand for energy efficiency during early disease development could lead to insensitivity towards this class of fungicides. This is discussed in relation to Botrytis cinerea, which is often poorly controlled by strobilurins. Mutations with a similar effect may explain evidence implicating AOX in resistance development in normally well-controlled plant pathogens, such as Venturia inaequalis.  相似文献   

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