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The outbreak of the disease occurred in a large multiple-age farm with about 50,000 meat turkeys, where groups of 6-8000 one-day-old birds were stalled up every 14 days. All the turkey poults housed were affected mostly in the 1.-3. week of the life. The respiratory disease spread rapidly within the flocks and were characterised clinically by inclination of huddle, ruffled feathers, anorexia, stunted growth, swelling of the infraorbital sinus and nasal discharge. The clinical apparent disease lasted 3 to 4 weeks on the average in the affected flocks and were associated with a mortality from 7-20 percent. The main pathoanatomical lesions were catarrhal-fibrinopurulent rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchopneumonia and air sacculitis as well as atrophy of the thymus. Fibrinous adhesive peri- and epicarditis, perihepatitis, miliary necrotic foci in the liver and diarrhea have been found less frequently. The results of cultural and serological examinations of moribund and dead turkey poults of 6 different flocks indicate that Bordetella avium and Chlamydia psittaci are the primary inciting agents of the respiratory disease. However, the following severe course of the disease were mainly caused by concurrent infections with Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens. In some cases coccidiosis with lesions in ceca were additionally diagnosed. Campylobacter jejuni could be always isolated culturally from the liquid cecal content of diseased birds.  相似文献   

This paper reports on pathological and histopathological findings in the joints of male turkeys (B.U.T. Big 6) reared in two different housing systems. Pathological investigations were conducted on all animals which died between the 6th week of life and the end of fattening (585 birds, 1170 hip, knee and intertarsal joints) from four fattening periods with 3000 birds each. This study included 297 birds kept in a conventional housing system (barn 2) with a stocking density of 2.8 birds/m2, and 288 birds from a barn (1) from which the animals had access to an outdoor scratching area (stocking density 2.5 birds/m2). In all, 157 (26.5%) of the 585 fallen turkeys (barn 1:93; barn 2:70) showed at least one pathological joint alteration. and there were macroscopically detectable changes in 274 (7.8%) of the 3510 investigated joints: 152 (7.8%) of the 1728 joints from barn 1, and 122 (8.8%) of the 1782 from barn 2. In both housing systems the most frequent pathological alterations were in the intertarsal joint affecting 16% (188) of these 1170 joints (barn 1:106; barn 2:82); next most frequent were changes in the knee joint with 4.5% (53) of the 1170 joints affected (barn 1:26; barn 2:27). In both barns, synovial alterations occurred predominantly in the intertarsal and the knee joints. Bacteriological investigation of altered synovial fluids (83) most frequently showed an infection with Staphylococcus spp. (44) and E. coli (15). Macroscopic investigation showed alterations in 31 (2.7%) of the 1170 hip joints (barn 1:19; barn 2:12); 2% (22) of these showed cartilage degenerations of the femoral head (barn 1:15; barn 2:7). Histological investigation of these cartilage lesions showed that they were predominantly (70%) due to osteochondrosis with complete epiphyseolysis affecting 16 femoral heads (barn 1:10; barn 2:6). Partial epiphysiolysis was found in 24% (5) of the femoral heads (barn 1:4; barn 2:1). Furthermore, 43% (9) of the 22 femoral heads with cartilage degeneration also had osteomyelitis and osteochondritis, as well (barn 1:6; barn 2:3). Histological investigation of the 104 femoral heads with no macroscopic findings (barn 1:56; barn 2:48), revealed osteochondrosis in 11 cases (10.6%) (barn 1:6; barn 2:5). Osteomyelitis and osteochondritis were found in 17 (16.3%) of these femoral heads (barn 1:9; barn 2:8). There were no significant (p < 0.05) differences between the two housing systems in the incidence and frequency of joint alterations. It is to be assumed that these joint alterations were the cause of acute, chronic pain.  相似文献   

1. Four randomised block experiments were conducted to determine the role of litter moisture, excreta and alternative bedding materials on the development of footpad dermatitis in growing turkeys. 2. Adding water to the litter increased external and histopathological scores independently of the presence of excreta. Fully developed lesions were induced by the application of water to dry litter in 2 to 4 d. 3. Footpad lesions were associated with discomfort during walking in one experiment and body weight was lower in birds on wet compared with dry litter. 4. Footpad lesions had virtually healed 15 d after transfer of the turkeys from wet to dry litter although histopathology assessment showed some residual tissue repair. 5. Long barley straw was associated with high footpad scores on wet and dry treatments. The footpad scores for turkeys on reprocessed cardboard chips were similarly high whereas scores were similar on paper litter and wood shavings whether dry or wet. 6. It was concluded that high litter moisture alone was sufficient to cause footpad dermatitis in young turkeys and that footpad dermatitis should be minimised by the maintenance of dry litter.  相似文献   

The authors report on occurrence, causes and diagnostics of liver affections observed in fattening bulls in Ukrainia between 1982 and 1988. For this purpose, 2747 bulls in 10 fattening plants had been controlled clinically once during the last month of their final fattening period (lasting, according to the feeding schedule, from the 4th until the 12th, or from the 6th until the 18th month of life), and 1318 of them were controlled for eventual hepatic lesions at slaughter. The authors found an increase in liver affections during the final fattening period. The type of lesion found preferentially in the different fattening plants showed a certain correlation with feeding used in these: The prevalence of liver lesions (i.e. in 87.2% of the animals controlled) were found in fattening bulls fed cereal branstraw-pellets; among these, liver abscesses were most frequent (i.e. 55.2% of all lesions observed in this group). Steatosis of the liver was prevalent in fattening bulls receiving eating offalls (i.e. 82.7% of all lesions found in that group), whereas liver cirrhosis was prevalent in fattening bulls fed with sugar beet chips-silage. In Holstein-bulls, liver lesions were about double as frequent as in Fleckvieh-bulls (i.e. 37.3 and 16.7% of the livers controlled were found involved, respectively). Diagnostical value of several clinical parameters controlled is discussed (i.e. size and sensitivity of liver percussion field, activity of SDH, LDH, AST and ALT in serum, serum concentration of vitamin A, D3-25 and E, concentration of Vitamin A in liver, and concentration of cholic acids and of their glucoconjugates in bile).  相似文献   

Circulating monocytes and tissue macrophages were suggested to be susceptible to avian reovirus (ARV) infection. To determine if ARV infects and replicates in mononuclear phagocytes (KUL01-positive cells), we infected 3-day-old specific-pathogen-free chickens with ARV strain 2408 by inoculation of the left footpad. The left footpads and spleens were collected for analysis at 1.5 and 2.5 d after inoculation. Replication of ARV in the footpad and spleen was demonstrated by detection of the viral protein σNS using immunohistochemical testing and viral S1 RNA expression by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Furthermore, immunofluorescent double-staining assay of cytocentrifuged cells and cryosections of the footpad and spleen for the viral protein σNS and the surface marker recognized by monoclonal antibody (MAb) KUL01 indicated that KUL01-positive cells costained with MAb H1E1, which recognizes ARV protein σNS. In addition, more ARV S1 RNA was measured by qPCR in the KUL01-positive cell samples prepared from the footpad or spleen 1.5 d after inoculation compared with non-KUL01-positive cell samples. The amounts of ARV S1 RNA in the spleen were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than the amounts in the footpad 1.5 d after inoculation. The results suggest that ARV infects mononuclear phagocytes and then replicates within these cells before migrating to the spleen, where it infects and replicates in KUL01-positive cells.  相似文献   

In dried grape press cake the content of crude nutrients and ash, overall sugar, amino acids, alpha-tocopherol and gross energy was determined. In biological experiments with pigs (total of 109 animals) 10% of mixture A1 or SOL was replaced by the same amount of dried crushed grape press cake, without affecting negatively the weight gains and consumption of mixtures per unit of weight gain. Nutritional effects of grape press cake are a subject of discussion and comprise three factors: higher content of enrgy (fat and sugars) in mixtures containing press cake, anti-oxidation effect of press cake and the effect of tocopherols on the metabolism of basic nutrients.  相似文献   

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